Ethics Intro

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We are about to embark on a journey of inquiry to the whole world your world.

In an effort to figure
what gives it meaning, what makes it beautiful, where evil come from and ultimately find out the nature
of reality.

You might say we have already studied about these stuff in Psychology, Chemistry, Biology and true that
science can help us understand our feelings and actions but in this journey we will exploring human
conditions that cant be explained by neuroscience, or hormones

If all my decisions are a result of how I was raised or my chemicals I have flowing in my brain, are all my
choices actually free?

Rather than just looking at the world and seeing them we will be evaluating them .

Set our assumptions aside and do our best to see the world as if we have never seen it before.

It’s gonna be hard, enlightening and frustrating and if I did my job correctly it will stay with you even if
we have parted ways because we are going to do philosophy.

Today we use the word philosophy to describe our approach about a specific topic but we will use this
as a way of approaching the world which traces its roots back to ancient Greece. This was about the
same time when an intellectual move has been happening to other parts of the world like Buddhism,
and philosophical thoughts are emerging in Greece.

Philosophers are just starting to make a distinction between Mythos and Philos.

Homer tried explaining the world through stories while earlier philosophers are using methods that are
more analytical and scientific.

They defined Philosophia and Philosophy.

So the first universities Plato’s Academy and its rival Aristotles Lyceum all sciences like biology,
astronomy, medicine so all these became science a search for answers.

So these Philosophers over time has asked big Questions that up until now marvels them. Questions like

What is the world like?

A philosophical approach is not just about observation but they are really asking, what is the nature of

Metaphysics:An effort to understand the fundamental nature of the world, the universe and being.

Epistemology: How we know the answers, this is the strand of Philiosphy that deals about knowing
about knowing. The study of knowledge. Is the world really what I think it is? Is everything I experience
true? Then if it is not then what is true? Is science the best way or are there any other ways to pursue
the truth?
Value Theory: What you should do? How should you act? How you attaché meaning?

Ethics: Isnt just a code of what is right and what is wrong? A study of how humans should live with each
other. Is there any reason if I should treat people that I love different from people I do not know? Do I
owe anything about myself what about animals, what about the earth? Where do these obligations
come from who says what I can and can’t do.

Beauty and Arts is something that we value and evaluate.

Everything may seem overwhelming but you have done Philosophy all your life. Whether arguing with
your parents, thinking about dating someone or thinking if you should eat that salad. Thinking about the
world and your place on it why you value it.

Two step method:

1. Try to understand. You don’t have to agree to all the ideas I present to you and I wont agree to
them either
2. Critical Evaluation. Knock down what you know about a particular view of the world whether
you agree or not. Why? Because only when you challenge your understanding of how others
view the world can you decide by yourself if it is view worth having.

Philosophy is not your usual body of knowledge of field of study. Success here is not about knowing a
bunch of stuff, success in this course is YOU KNOW HOW TO THINK. ALL WE HAVE ARE QUESTIONS AND
ALL YOU HAVE IS A BRAIN. The goal of Philosophy is for you to come up with answers that makes the
most sense to you. You learn how to formulate arguments to support your ideas why you think you are

For now you have learned about the origins of Philosophy

Major Divisions of Philosophy


How to understand and evaluate world views

Philosophical exercise: Philosophy of Children Warm Up Activity aout metaphysics, epistemology


Writing Activity
The Solution Seeker icebreaker activity requires all participants to sit in a circle. Each person
writes down a personal problem on a blank sheet of paper. Some possible problems may be,
“How can I get my parents to change my curfew?” or “How can I get better grades?” Each
person then passes his paper to the right. Everyone takes a few minutes to read the problem
and write the first solution that comes to mind. After 30 seconds, pass the paper to the right
again for another person’s solution. Repeat this process until everyone receives his paper back.
This activity is a quick decision-making game with some funny answers.

Moral vs Non Moral

Game the boat is sinking


1st round: Will clean the room after class

2nd: Will dance in front

3rd Will be deducted 10 points on prelims exam

Moral Dilemmas

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