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Presentation Outline:

General Purpose: To persuade the audience to believe our viewpoint.

Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to email the Office of Academic Affairs.
A. Attention Getter: “Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.” This quote by H.
Jackson Brown Jr. published by Brainy Quote in 2018 clearly shows the situation of students
at Winona State University as they are missing the opportunities to take the classes required
for their graduation and it is costing them extra time and money by requiring them to return for
another semester prior to graduation.
B. Topic Credibility: The topic of class availability is important to discuss because most of us in
the room today will be affected by the unavailability of a class.
C. Speaker Credibility: We are credible to discuss this because we are students that can be and
have been affected by classes not being offered every semester, as well as, we have done
extensive research on this topic.
D. Thesis: The research led us to the conclusion that the Winona State University Office of
Academic Affairs should make a policy requiring classes to be offered both semesters of every
E. Preview of Main Points: In this speech, we will tell you about the problem of class
unavailability, how our solution would fix the problem, the reason why people do not want
classes every semester, and the benefits of this solution.
I. Problem of having limited classes
A. (early nov, Swenson of Winonan) 20 classes and not graduating on time
B. (April 2016, Kolodner, 6 reasons) having to wait to take prerequisites, screwing up future
[Discuss a solution and benefits]
II. Solution to problem
A. Increase online classes (Farkas Citation- journalist) more online classes increase # of students
B. Decrease class sizes (Seaman Citation) smaller sizes= more attention to students (Prof
D”Amico Interview) exchange calc 1 class for a calc 3 class
[Solutions, discuss why not beneficial]
III. Refutation
A. (Peratt Citation) Less people, more cost effective
B. Entry level, numerous, every semester (English Citation)
[Opposing views, Benefits to our solution.]
II. Benefits
A. Graduate on time, online class, individual attention
B. Extra flexibility schedule, little cost
[Benefits, Audience members can do]
A. Restated Thesis: Our goal for class availability is that the WSU Office of Academic Affairs
will require classes to be offered every semester through the implementation of a new policy.
B. Summary of Main Points: This has been shown through describing the problem, showing the
solution, refuting an opposing side to this idea, and explaining the benefits of this solution.
C. Closing Remarks: Our goal is that you as an audience member will message the Office of
Academic Affairs through their email, explaining how
graduating on time is important and offering classes every semester of ever year is the
D. Final Plea: In the publication by BrainyQuote in 2018 H. Jackson Brown Jr. said, “Nothing is
more expensive than a missed opportunity”, so please do not miss the opportunity to bring
change to your college campus.
Works Cited
“H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Quotes.” BrainyQuote, BrainyMedia Inc., 2018,
Swenson, Madelyn. “The Winonan.” The Winonan, 7 Nov. 2018, pp. 1–11.
Kolodner, Meredith. “6 Reasons You May Not Graduate on Time (and What to Do About It).” The New
York Times, 6 Apr. 2017,
Farkas, Karen. “Online Education Growing as Colleges Offer More Classes to Meet Student Demand.”, 8 May 2011,
Seaman, Howard. Class Size and It's Implications For Teachers' Attention to Individual Students. Winona
State College, 1962.
D’Amico, Linda. 28 November 2018.
Peratt, Barry. 28 November 2018.
“English 111 Course Search.” Student e-Services, Winona State University, 29 Nov. 2018,

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