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Republic of the Philippines


Cantilan Campus
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur



This chapter explains thoroughly the five aspects, namely; Management

Aspect, Marketing Aspect, Technical Aspect, Financial Aspect and Socio-

Economic Aspect. Through this, the researchers will be able to learn if the

Singing Bee Videoke for Rent is feasible.

Marketing Aspects

This aspect presents the market description, demand analysis and factors

affecting the market. Moreover, the channel of distribution and promotional

activities are presented here.

Market Description

For the business to be progressive and profitable, the owners of the

business seek for strategies that would help to make an effective and efficient

management because it is difficult to handle this kind of business, that is why the

management itself needs an alert and skilled personnel that would qualify the

requirements to be assigned for the position to manage the flow of the business

like Rice Toppings. Wherein, the business organization is the proponents of the

proposed business that will include the “Cantilangnon” people. Since the priority

of the business is the customers, the business offers variant products to lead for

the satisfaction of the customers.

Republic of the Philippines
Cantilan Campus
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

Since the target market for this study are the people of who lives in

Cantilan, basically in barangay Pag-antayan, Magosilom and Linitian, the

researcher sought to identify the respondents’ demographic profile and demand


Table 4. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Frequency Percentage
10 and Below 4 1%
11-20 years old 74 20%
21-30 years old 175 47%
31-40 years old 63 17%
41-50 year old 41 11%
51 and above 15 4%
TOTAL 372 100%
Php 5,000 and 11 3%
MONTHLY 5,001 – 10,000 67 18%
INCOME 10,001 – 15,000 108 29%
15,001 and above 186 50%
TOTAL 372 100%
Government 57 15.4%
OCCUPATION Private Employee 113 30.47%
OFW 1 0.3%
Others 201 53.93%
TOTAL 372 100%

Based on the survey, there are 4 out of 372 or 1% from the respondents

ages 10 & below; 20% or 74 are 11-20 years of age; 48% or 179 respondents

ages 21-30 years old; 17% or 63 are aging 31-40 years old; 11% or 41

respondents are 41-50 years old and 4 % or 15 are 51 years and beyond. With

regards to their monthly income, 11 or 3% form the respondents have 5,000

Republic of the Philippines
Cantilan Campus
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

pesos and below income per month, 67 or 18% has an income of 5,001 to

10,000 per month, 108 or 29% has an income of 10,001-15,000 per month and

186 or 50% from the respondents has an income of 15,001 and above per

month. On the other hand, most of the occupation is in others which gather

53.93% or 201 respondents. They are farmers, students, fisherman, etc. The

OFW got 1 or 0.02%, 113 or 30.47% fall to private employee and 57 or 15.4%

are government employee.

Demand Analysis

The demand analysis of the business depends on the product offered by

the business. The table below will show the results of the researcher’s interview

to the respondents on what product is in demand.

Republic of the Philippines
Cantilan Campus
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

Table 5. Level of Demand of Respondents

Level of Demand of the Rice Topping Production

Preference Frequency (N) Percentage (%)
1. Do you buy Rice Toppings?
Yes 372 100%
No 0 0%
Total 372 100%
2. How often do you buy rice toppings?
Daily 242 65%
Weekly 85 23%
Monthly 45 12%
Annually 0 0
Total 372 100%
3. How many rice toppings do you purchased per meal?
One order 216 58%
Two orders 115 31%
Three orders 41 11%
Others 0 0%
Total 372 100%
4. What kind of toppings would you like on your rice?
Chicken Adobo 93 25%
Tuna 41 11%
Vegetables 48 13%
Pork Adobo 93 25%
Sisig 60 16%
Shrimp Special 33 9%
Others 4 1%
Total 372 100%
5. How did you get to know about the products?
In the public market 223 60%
Through friends or relatives 108 29 %
In the department stores 4 1%
During trade fairs 7 2%
Social media 30 8%
Others 0 0
Total 372 100%
Republic of the Philippines
Cantilan Campus
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

Based on the survey, 100% or 372 respondents buy rice toppings. Out of

372 respondents who buy rice toppings, there are 242 or 65% daily eat rice

toppings, 85 or 23% answered weekly and 45 or 12% monthly purchased rice

toppings. There are 216 or 58% respondents have purchased one order per

meal, 115 or 31% purchased two orders per meal and 41 or 11% have

purchased three orders per meal. There are 93 or 25% respondents who prefer

to purchased pork and chicken adobo as their rice toppings, 48 or 13% love to

eat vegetables, 41 or 11% prefer Tuna, 33 or 9% preferred Shrimp Special and

there 4 or 1% who choose others as their preferred rice toppings. There are 223

or 60% of the respondents knows the product in the public market, 108 or 29%

through friends and relatives, 4 or 1% are from the department stores, 7 or 2%

knows it during trade fairs, and 30 or 8% respondents basically know it through

social media.

Supply Analysis

It has been defined that the supply is the availability of the product. It has

to endow with what is needed by the customer. Through supply, the suppliers

can provide contentment and meet the needs of the people who are willing to

support the product. The raw materials will be purchased in Local area of this

Republic of the Philippines
Cantilan Campus
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

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