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5 . 10 . 1 ALAT MEDIK
5 . 10 . 1 . 1 Adult LaryngoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 2 Adult LaryngoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 3 Adult LaryngoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 4 Adult Resuscitator
5 . 10 . 1 . 5 Alat tes psikologi
5 . 10 . 1 . 6 Amputation Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 7 Amputation Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 8 Amputation Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 9 Abdominal Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 10 Abdominal Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 11 Agaat Spatel
5 . 10 . 1 . 12 Alginate spatel/Palstik
5 . 10 . 1 . 13 Amalgam pistol
5 . 10 . 1 . 14 Amalgam stoper
5 . 10 . 1 . 15 Angle Blade Plate Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 16 Anaesthesia Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 17 Anesthesia Machine
5 . 10 . 1 . 18 Anesthesia Machine + Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 19 Anesthesia Machine + Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 20 Anesthesia Machine with Two Vaporizer + Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 21 Anesthesia Machine with Two Vaporizer + Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 22 Anesthesia Machine with Two Vaporizer + Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 23 Anaesthesi Machine with MAHD
5 . 10 . 1 . 24 Anaesthesi Machine with MAHD
5 . 10 . 1 . 25 Anaesthesi Syringe Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 26 Anaesthesi Machine with Two Vaporizer + Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 27 Anaesthesi Machine with Two Vaporizer + Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 28 Anaesthesi ventilator touch screen
5 . 10 . 1 . 29 Anaesthesi ventilator touch screen
5 . 10 . 1 . 30 Anesthesia APP, Model FO-20S
5 . 10 . 1 . 31 Anesthesia APP, Model D-5F
5 . 10 . 1 . 32 Anesthesia PP, Model D-5F, Modified Type
5 . 10 . 1 . 33 Anesthesia APP, Model PH-3F
5 . 10 . 1 . 34 Anesthesia APP, Model PH-5F II Rail
5 . 10 . 1 . 35 Anesthesia APP, Model PH-5FII, Rail W/ Low Flow Rate Flowmeter
5 . 10 . 1 . 36 Anesthesia APP, Model PH-5FII, Block
5 . 10 . 1 . 37 Anesthesia APP, Model PH-5FII, Block W/ Low Flow Rate Flow Meter
5 . 10 . 1 . 38 Anesthesia APP, Model PRO-45 With Low Flow Rate Flowmeter
5 . 10 . 1 . 39 Anesthesia APP, Model PRO-45
5 . 10 . 1 . 40 Anesthesia APP, Model PRO-55 With Low Flow Rate Flowmeter
5 . 10 . 1 . 41 Anesthesia APP, Model VIGOR 21 DX
5 . 10 . 1 . 42 Anesthetic Ventilator, Model PRO-45 V
5 . 10 . 1 . 43 Anesthetic Ventilator, Model 'PRO-55V
5 . 10 . 1 . 44 Anesthetic Ventilator, Model PRO-V MK II
5 . 10 . 1 . 45 Anesthetic Ventilator, Model ARF-900 II
5 . 10 . 1 . 46 AnoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 47 AnoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 48 Aplanasi Tonometri non kontak
5 . 10 . 1 . 49 Aplanoplasti tonometri non contact
5 . 10 . 1 . 50 Aplanoplasti tonometri non contact
5 . 10 . 1 . 51 Aparatus Microcobra Smoker
5 . 10 . 1 . 52 Appendictomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 53 Appendictomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 54 Appendictomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 55 Appendictomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 56 Appendictomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 57 Arteri Klem Bengkok
5 . 10 . 1 . 58 Arteri Klem lurus
5 . 10 . 1 . 59 Arthoscopy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 60 Arthoscopy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 61 Arthoscopy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 62 Arthoscopy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 63 Aroma Alginate
5 . 10 . 1 . 64 Automatic Hematologi Analizer Sysmex/XT-1800 i
5 . 10 . 1 . 65 Audiometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 66 Audiometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 67 Auto Refracto-Keratometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 68 Auto Refracto-Keratometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 69 Autorefractometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 70 Autorefractometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 71 Autoclave
5 . 10 . 1 . 72 Asoseris Bragiterapi
5 . 10 . 1 . 73 Broncoscopy Portable Pentax/FB-15BS
5 . 10 . 1 . 74 Bak instrumen besar bertutup
5 . 10 . 1 . 75 Bak instrumen besar bertutup
5 . 10 . 1 . 76 Bak instrumen besar + tutup
5 . 10 . 1 . 77 Bak instrumen besar
5 . 10 . 1 . 78 Bak instrumen kecil + tutup
5 . 10 . 1 . 79 Bak instrumen kecil
5 . 10 . 1 . 80 Bak instrumen kecil
5 . 10 . 1 . 81 Bak Instrumen Sedang
5 . 10 . 1 . 82 Bak Instrumen Sedang
5 . 10 . 1 . 83 Bak Instrumen Sedang + tutup
5 . 10 . 1 . 84 Bak instrumen sedang bertutup
5 . 10 . 1 . 85 Bak instrumen sedang bertutup
5 . 10 . 1 . 86 Bak instrumen sedang tak bertutup
5 . 10 . 1 . 87 Bak instrumen sedang tak bertutup
5 . 10 . 1 . 88 Bak Instrument
5 . 10 . 1 . 89 Bak Instrumen
5 . 10 . 1 . 90 Bak Instrument 30x20x5
5 . 10 . 1 . 91 Bandage Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 92 Bandage Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 93 Bandage Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 94 Bandage Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 95 Band seater
5 . 10 . 1 . 96 Band komplit+ M Tube + Clear
5 . 10 . 1 . 97 Basic Amputation Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 98 Basic Amputation Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 99 Basic Amputation
5 . 10 . 1 . 100 Basic Cardiovascular Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 101 Basic Cardiovascular Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 102 Basic Instrumen Bedah Anak
5 . 10 . 1 . 103 Basic instrument set
5 . 10 . 1 . 104 Basic instrument set
5 . 10 . 1 . 105 Basic instrument set
5 . 10 . 1 . 106 Basic instrument set
5 . 10 . 1 . 107 Basic set
5 . 10 . 1 . 108 Basic instrument set
5 . 10 . 1 . 109 Basic Intrumen Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 110 Basic Intrumen Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 111 Basic Intrumen Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 112 Basic Intrumen Set/Mayor
5 . 10 . 1 . 113 Basic Intrumen Set/Abdominal
5 . 10 . 1 . 114 Basic Kidney Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 115 Basic Orthopedic Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 116 Basic Orthopedic Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 117 Basic Rectal Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 118 Baskom steinless
5 . 10 . 1 . 119 Baskom stainless steel ukuran besar
5 . 10 . 1 . 120 Baskom berstandard
5 . 10 . 1 . 121 Bedah mulut set/gigi set
5 . 10 . 1 . 122 Bed Pasien
5 . 10 . 1 . 123 Bed Pasien Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 124 Bed Side Monitor 4 Parameter
5 . 10 . 1 . 125 Bed Side Monitor 4 Parameter bisa Exspan
5 . 10 . 1 . 126 Bed Side Monitor 5 Parameter
5 . 10 . 1 . 127 Bed Side Monitor 5 Parameter
5 . 10 . 1 . 128 Bedside Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 129 Bedside Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 130 Bedside Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 131 Bedside Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 132 Bedside Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 133 Bedside Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 134 Bedside Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 135 Bedside Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 136 Bedside Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 137 Bedside Monitor, Model DS-7101L
5 . 10 . 1 . 138 Bedside Monitor, Model DS-7101LT / elemetri
5 . 10 . 1 . 139 Bein
5 . 10 . 1 . 140 Bein Bengkok
5 . 10 . 1 . 141 Bein Bengkok
5 . 10 . 1 . 142 Bein Bengkok
5 . 10 . 1 . 143 Bengkok besar 27 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 144 Bengkok sedang 24 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 145 Bengkok sedang 24 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 146 Bengkok kecil
5 . 10 . 1 . 147 Bengkok besar
5 . 10 . 1 . 148 Bengkok kecil
5 . 10 . 1 . 149 Bengkok sedang
5 . 10 . 1 . 150 Boor jet Fissure
5 . 10 . 1 . 151 Boor jet Inverted
5 . 10 . 1 . 152 Boor jet Round
5 . 10 . 1 . 153 Boor poles jet putih
5 . 10 . 1 . 154 Boor tulang Fissure
5 . 10 . 1 . 155 Bouginasi urethra GUYON
5 . 10 . 1 . 156 Bondable lingual bottom flat
5 . 10 . 1 . 157 Bowl Stand Dauble
5 . 10 . 1 . 158 Blood Warmer
5 . 10 . 1 . 159 Blood Warmer
5 . 10 . 1 . 160 Blood Warmer
5 . 10 . 1 . 161 Blood Warmer
5 . 10 . 1 . 162 Bone Densitometri
5 . 10 . 1 . 163 Bone Densitometri
5 . 10 . 1 . 164 BronchovideoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 165 Bracket holder + director
5 . 10 . 1 . 166 Biopsy of Cervix Fine Needles Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 167 Bur poles/polisheng mechine
5 . 10 . 1 . 168 BSM 230 IK
5 . 10 . 1 . 169 Bleparoplasti set (bedah mata)
5 . 10 . 1 . 170 Cardiac StethoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 171 Cardiac Catheterization Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 172 Carpue 30 G
5 . 10 . 1 . 173 Cataract, Phaco Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 174 Cataract, Phaco Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 175 Cavitron/Scaller
5 . 10 . 1 . 176 Cement spatel
5 . 10 . 1 . 177 Cerumen haak DN
5 . 10 . 1 . 178 Cervical collar S/M/L
5 . 10 . 1 . 179 Chalazion Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 180 Chalazion Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 181 Cheeck retractor
5 . 10 . 1 . 182 CHKM
5 . 10 . 1 . 183 Citojeck
5 . 10 . 1 . 184 Circumcission intrument set
5 . 10 . 1 . 185 Circumcission intrument set
5 . 10 . 1 . 186 Circumcission intrument set
5 . 10 . 1 . 187 Circumcission intrument set
5 . 10 . 1 . 188 Color Doppler Scanner with Cardiac Transducer
5 . 10 . 1 . 189 Comedo Extractor
5 . 10 . 1 . 190 Comedo Extractor
5 . 10 . 1 . 191 Comedo Extractor
5 . 10 . 1 . 192 Computerized Spirometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 193 Computerized Spirometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 194 Computerized Spirometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 195 Container W Lid 85 X 50 0,25 lt
5 . 10 . 1 . 196 Container W Lid 85 X 50 0,25 lt
5 . 10 . 1 . 197 Continuous and Pulsed Short Wave
5 . 10 . 1 . 198 Continuous and Pulsed Short Wave
5 . 10 . 1 . 199 Continuous suction
5 . 10 . 1 . 200 Continues Suction
5 . 10 . 1 . 201 Continues Suction
5 . 10 . 1 . 202 Contra angle handpiece
5 . 10 . 1 . 203 Coren tang/sterilizing Forcep
5 . 10 . 1 . 204 Cool Touch 3 Laser
5 . 10 . 1 . 205 Corpus Alienum set
5 . 10 . 1 . 206 Corong Sonde
5 . 10 . 1 . 207 Corong Sonde
5 . 10 . 1 . 208 Corong 10 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 209 CPAP
5 . 10 . 1 . 210 Cresophate
5 . 10 . 1 . 211 Crimpable hook
5 . 10 . 1 . 212 Crimpable hook placement pilier TD
5 . 10 . 1 . 213 Cryer
5 . 10 . 1 . 214 Crown bride GC puder &liq
5 . 10 . 1 . 215 Cresopen
5 . 10 . 1 . 216 Cresophate
5 . 10 . 1 . 217 Currete volkmann
5 . 10 . 1 . 218 Clinipette yellow tip
5 . 10 . 1 . 219 Clinipette blue tip
5 . 10 . 1 . 220 CT Injector
5 . 10 . 1 . 221 CystoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 222 Cytospin
5 . 10 . 1 . 223 Colposcopy
5 . 10 . 1 . 224 Cryo Surgery
5 . 10 . 1 . 225 Curretage Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 226 Curretage Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 227 Curretage Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 228 Curretage Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 229 Curretage Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 230 Dapen glass
5 . 10 . 1 . 231 Dappen glass alkohol kecil
5 . 10 . 1 . 232 Defibrilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 233 Defibrilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 234 Defibrillator
5 . 10 . 1 . 235 Defibrilator w/monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 236 Defibrilator w/monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 237 Defibrilator w/monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 238 Defibrilator w/monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 239 Defibrilator w/monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 240 Defibrilator w/monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 241 Dental Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 242 Dental Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 243 Dental Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 244 Dental Unit - Electric
5 . 10 . 1 . 245 Dental Unit Electro With Kompresor
5 . 10 . 1 . 246 Dentrorit biru
5 . 10 . 1 . 247 Developer Powder Manual
5 . 10 . 1 . 248 Developer
5 . 10 . 1 . 249 Diamendo
5 . 10 . 1 . 250 Dilatation and Curettage Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 251 Dilatation and Curettage Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 252 Digital Sphygmomanometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 253 Diagnostic Audiometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 254 Diamendo 21 mm for dentis
5 . 10 . 1 . 255 Diamendo
5 . 10 . 1 . 256 Direct bond bracket holder kit of 6 pcs
5 . 10 . 1 . 257 Doppler
5 . 10 . 1 . 258 Double end ligature director
5 . 10 . 1 . 259 Doeklem hegar 13 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 260 Dry Heat SteriLisator
5 . 10 . 1 . 261 Dual Temp. Steam Sterilizer 16 L Multicontrol
5 . 10 . 1 . 262 Dual Temp. Steam Sterilizer 18 L Multicontrol
5 . 10 . 1 . 263 Dynamic Hips Scew set
5 . 10 . 1 . 264 Dycal
5 . 10 . 1 . 265 Dermobeam 2000 pulse dye laser
5 . 10 . 1 . 266 Dishwasher Table
5 . 10 . 1 . 267 Dishwasher Sink w/ Scrap Hole
5 . 10 . 1 . 268 Doppler
5 . 10 . 1 . 269 Doppler
5 . 10 . 1 . 270 Doppler
5 . 10 . 1 . 271 Double bowl stand + bowl (set)
5 . 10 . 1 . 272 Double bowl stand + bowl (set)
5 . 10 . 1 . 273 Ear Forcep
5 . 10 . 1 . 274 Ear Wash System
5 . 10 . 1 . 275 ECG
5 . 10 . 1 . 276 ECG
5 . 10 . 1 . 277 ECG Denshude
5 . 10 . 1 . 278 ECG
5 . 10 . 1 . 279 ECG
5 . 10 . 1 . 280 ECG
5 . 10 . 1 . 281 ECG 1/2 Channel Manual, Automatic
5 . 10 . 1 . 282 ECG 3 chanel
5 . 10 . 1 . 283 ECG 3 chanel
5 . 10 . 1 . 284 ECG 3 chanel
5 . 10 . 1 . 285 ECG 3 chanel
5 . 10 . 1 . 286 ECG Anak
5 . 10 . 1 . 287 EGG Anak
5 . 10 . 1 . 288 ECG 1 chanel
5 . 10 . 1 . 289 ECG Monitor 1-3 chanel Type Alpha 1000
5 . 10 . 1 . 290 ECG Monitor 1-3 chanelType 310 A
5 . 10 . 1 . 291 ECG Multi Channel with Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 292 ECG Multi Channel with Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 293 ECG Multi Channel with Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 294 ECG Multi Channel with Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 295 ECG 3/6 CHANNEL, model FX-3010
5 . 10 . 1 . 296 ECG 3/6 CHANNEL, model PC-3012 fr FX-3010
5 . 10 . 1 . 297 ECG 6/12 CHANNEL, Model FX-4010
5 . 10 . 1 . 298 ECG 6/12 CHANNEL, Model PC-4011 fr FX-4010
5 . 10 . 1 . 299 ECG 1/3 ANALYZER, Model FCP-2155
5 . 10 . 1 . 300 ECG 1 CHANNEL, Model FX-7102
5 . 10 . 1 . 301 ECG ANALYZER, Model FCP-7101
5 . 10 . 1 . 302 ECT
5 . 10 . 1 . 303 ECT Monitor + 4 Printer
5 . 10 . 1 . 304 ECT Monitor tanpa printer
5 . 10 . 1 . 305 Ecthing
5 . 10 . 1 . 306 EEG Brainmapping 32 Chanel + Epilepsi Monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 307 EEG Brainmapping 32 Channel
5 . 10 . 1 . 308 EEG Elektro Encephalograph + Brain Maping
5 . 10 . 1 . 309 EEG Elektro Encephalograph/EEG + Brain Atlas and Sleep Analysis
5 . 10 . 1 . 310 Electric Traction Table with Machine
5 . 10 . 1 . 311 Electric Traction Table with Machine
5 . 10 . 1 . 312 Elektrik Operating Table
5 . 10 . 1 . 313 Electrical stimulation combinaton/Stimulator
5 . 10 . 1 . 314 Electro Surgical Unit Medium
5 . 10 . 1 . 315 Electro Surgical Unit Medium
5 . 10 . 1 . 316 Electro Surgical Unit Medium
5 . 10 . 1 . 317 Electro Surgical Unit Medium
5 . 10 . 1 . 318 Electrosurgical Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 319 Electro surgical Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 320 Electro surgical Minor
5 . 10 . 1 . 321 Electro surgical Unit Minor
5 . 10 . 1 . 322 Elevator/bein
5 . 10 . 1 . 323 Elastic ligature /power O
5 . 10 . 1 . 324 Elastic singe separator
5 . 10 . 1 . 325 Embryotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 326 Embryotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 327 Emergency Stretcher
5 . 10 . 1 . 328 Emergency Care Computer interactive Adult
5 . 10 . 1 . 329 EMG 4 Channel with Evoked Potential
5 . 10 . 1 . 330 EMG
5 . 10 . 1 . 331 EMG 2 channel
5 . 10 . 1 . 332 Endotracheal Intubation Set @ 9 buah
5 . 10 . 1 . 333 Endotracheal Intubation Set @ 9 buah
5 . 10 . 1 . 334 Endotracheal Intubation Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 335 Intubation Set Adult
5 . 10 . 1 . 336 ENT Basic Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 337 ENT Chair
5 . 10 . 1 . 338 ENT Treatment Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 339 ENT Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 340 ENT Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 341 ENT set
5 . 10 . 1 . 342 Enucleation Eviceration Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 343 Episotomy Suturing Simulator, set 3
5 . 10 . 1 . 344 Ergometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 345 EKB 3/6 W auto arrtyhmia and interpretive
5 . 10 . 1 . 346 EKB portable sciler 3 chanel
5 . 10 . 1 . 347 Extracting Forceps for Adult
5 . 10 . 1 . 348 Exacavator
5 . 10 . 1 . 349 Exaflex hydrophilic aditiv
5 . 10 . 1 . 350 Exaflex putty
5 . 10 . 1 . 351 Exaflex catalis GC
5 . 10 . 1 . 352 Exaflex base 100g
5 . 10 . 1 . 353 Examination table
5 . 10 . 1 . 354 Examination table
5 . 10 . 1 . 355 Examination table
5 . 10 . 1 . 356 Examination Table
5 . 10 . 1 . 357 Food trolly cabinet
5 . 10 . 1 . 358 Excavator
5 . 10 . 1 . 359 Excavator Double Ended for dentis
5 . 10 . 1 . 360 Exavator 384
5 . 10 . 1 . 361 Explorer
5 . 10 . 1 . 362 Extention tube 75 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 363 Extention tube 150 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 364 Extention suction connection tube 3 m
5 . 10 . 1 . 365 Extention tube yankuer
5 . 10 . 1 . 366 Extention tube closed sysytem bag
5 . 10 . 1 . 367 Ezcura distal and cutter with safety hold
5 . 10 . 1 . 368 Manometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 369 Flow meter (manometer)
5 . 10 . 1 . 370 Flow meter central
5 . 10 . 1 . 371 Feeding pump K324
5 . 10 . 1 . 372 Fetal doppler colour
5 . 10 . 1 . 373 Fetal doppler colour/USG Colour Doppler
5 . 10 . 1 . 374 Fetal doppler colour
5 . 10 . 1 . 375 Fetal doppler colour
5 . 10 . 1 . 376 Fetal doppler colour
5 . 10 . 1 . 377 Fergusan canula
5 . 10 . 1 . 378 Fetal monitor CTG
5 . 10 . 1 . 379 Fixer Powder Manual
5 . 10 . 1 . 380 Finger protector
5 . 10 . 1 . 381 Fissura bur
5 . 10 . 1 . 382 Fissure boor
5 . 10 . 1 . 383 Freegenol/temporay cement temp band
5 . 10 . 1 . 384 Freeser bur/tungstan carbide cutter
5 . 10 . 1 . 385 Forceps Delivery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 386 Forceps Delivery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 387 Functional Endoscopy for Sinus Surgery
5 . 10 . 1 . 388 Fiberoptic Examination Lamp
5 . 10 . 1 . 389 Gates glidden drill
5 . 10 . 1 . 390 Gall Bladder Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 391 Gall Bladder Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 392 Gastrointestinal Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 393 GC fujirock
5 . 10 . 1 . 394 GC Fuji II puder& liquid
5 . 10 . 1 . 395 Gergaji tulang tengkorak
5 . 10 . 1 . 396 Gilles
5 . 10 . 1 . 397 Glaucoma Trabeculectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 398 Glaucoma Trabeculectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 399 Glaucoma Trabeculectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 400 Glucometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 401 Glass beat sterilisator
5 . 10 . 1 . 402 Gudel besar/sedang/kecil
5 . 10 . 1 . 403 Gudel Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 404 Gunting bedah ujung tajam tumpul
5 . 10 . 1 . 405 Gunting bengkok 18 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 406 Gunting bengkok 18 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 407 Gunting bengkok 11 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 408 Gunting bengkok 11 cm s/s
5 . 10 . 1 . 409 Gunting Epis
5 . 10 . 1 . 410 Gunting Hecting Up
5 . 10 . 1 . 411 Gunting Hecting Up
5 . 10 . 1 . 412 Gunting Hecting Up 14 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 413 Gunting Kecil
5 . 10 . 1 . 414 Gunting Lancip
5 . 10 . 1 . 415 Gunting Lurus
5 . 10 . 1 . 416 Gunting Lurus 18 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 417 Gunting Lurus 18 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 418 Gunting Lurus 11 cm s/s
5 . 10 . 1 . 419 Gunting Perban
5 . 10 . 1 . 420 Gunting plester
5 . 10 . 1 . 421 Gunting verban
5 . 10 . 1 . 422 Gunting verban
5 . 10 . 1 . 423 Gunting Verban
5 . 10 . 1 . 424 Gunting jaring kecil
5 . 10 . 1 . 425 Gunting Episiomi
5 . 10 . 1 . 426 Gunting Tali pusat
5 . 10 . 1 . 427 Gunting episiotomy bergigi 14 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 428 Gunting episiotomy 14 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 429 Gunting episiotomy 18 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 430 Gunting lurus 11 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 431 Gunting mayo lurus 14 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 432 Gunting mayo lurus 16 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 433 Gunting mayo lurus 18 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 434 Gunting mayo bengkok 14 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 435 Gunting mayo bengkok 16 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 436 Gunting mayo bengkok 18 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 437 Gunting runcing 18 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 438 Gunting verban 14 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 439 Gunting verban 18 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 440 Geneus thermometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 441 Gum scissor durotip
5 . 10 . 1 . 442 Gutta percha
5 . 10 . 1 . 443 Gilles
5 . 10 . 1 . 444 Gunting Verban 18 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 445 Gynecology Examination table
5 . 10 . 1 . 446 Gynecology Examination elektrik
5 . 10 . 1 . 447 Haemorrroid Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 448 Helliometolar LC
5 . 10 . 1 . 449 Hand Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 450 Hand Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 451 Hand Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 452 Hand Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 453 Hand Surgery Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 454 Halfmoon sonde
5 . 10 . 1 . 455 Hand piece
5 . 10 . 1 . 456 Hanging bur
5 . 10 . 1 . 457 Hanging engine
5 . 10 . 1 . 458 Hard wire cutter (black)
5 . 10 . 1 . 459 Haemorrhoidectomy set. I
5 . 10 . 1 . 460 Haemorrhoidectomy set. I
5 . 10 . 1 . 461 Hematologi Analizer
5 . 10 . 1 . 462 Head strom
5 . 10 . 1 . 463 Hedstroem File Colorinox for dentis
5 . 10 . 1 . 464 Heater/kasur hangat/heat blangket
5 . 10 . 1 . 465 Heat Probe Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 466 Herniotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 467 Herniotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 468 Herniotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 469 Herniotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 470 Herniotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 471 Herniotomy Set (Include Container)
5 . 10 . 1 . 472 Homajed vol 0,5-5 ml
5 . 10 . 1 . 473 Hordeolum set
5 . 10 . 1 . 474 Hospital Electric Drive
5 . 10 . 1 . 475 Hospital Electric Drive
5 . 10 . 1 . 476 Hospital Electric Drive
5 . 10 . 1 . 477 Halogen Examination Lamp
5 . 10 . 1 . 478 Halogen Examination Lamp
5 . 10 . 1 . 479 Halogen Examination Lamp
5 . 10 . 1 . 480 Halogen Examination Lamp
5 . 10 . 1 . 481 Examination Lamp Mobile
5 . 10 . 1 . 482 Examination Lamp Mobile
5 . 10 . 1 . 483 Hammer for Orthopedi
5 . 10 . 1 . 484 Head lamp
5 . 10 . 1 . 485 Head lamp
5 . 10 . 1 . 486 Head lamp
5 . 10 . 1 . 487 HSG (Hysterosalphyngography)
5 . 10 . 1 . 488 Hysterectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 489 Hysterectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 490 Hysterectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 491 Hysterectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 492 Hysterectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 493 Hysterectomy Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 494 3 in flow adaptor indoplas
5 . 10 . 1 . 495 Implant Mini Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 496 ID Camera
5 . 10 . 1 . 497 Implant Mini Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 498 Immunologi Analizer
5 . 10 . 1 . 499 Incubator transfusi set + oksigen
5 . 10 . 1 . 500 Incubator
5 . 10 . 1 . 501 Inkubator
5 . 10 . 1 . 502 Infant care warmer
5 . 10 . 1 . 503 Infant care warmer
5 . 10 . 1 . 504 Infant care warmer
5 . 10 . 1 . 505 Infant Fibrelight LaryngoScope Miler
5 . 10 . 1 . 506 Infant Incubator
5 . 10 . 1 . 507 Infant Incubator
5 . 10 . 1 . 508 Infant Incubator
5 . 10 . 1 . 509 Infant Incubator
5 . 10 . 1 . 510 Infant Incubator
5 . 10 . 1 . 511 Laryngoscope Infant
5 . 10 . 1 . 512 Infant laryngoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 513 Infant laryngoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 514 Infant Resuscitator
5 . 10 . 1 . 515 Infant Warmer
5 . 10 . 1 . 516 Infant Warmer
5 . 10 . 1 . 517 Infant Warmer
5 . 10 . 1 . 518 Infra Red Lamp
5 . 10 . 1 . 519 Infra Red Lamp
5 . 10 . 1 . 520 Infra Red Lamp for Fisiotherapy
5 . 10 . 1 . 521 Infra Red Lamp for Fisiotherapy
5 . 10 . 1 . 522 Infus Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 523 Infus Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 524 Infusion Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 525 Infution Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 526 Infusion Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 527 Infusion Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 528 Infusion Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 529 Infusion Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 530 Infusion Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 531 Infusion Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 532 Infusion Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 533 Instrumen Bedah Toraks
5 . 10 . 1 . 534 Intrument Pediatric Bladder set
5 . 10 . 1 . 535 Instrumen Set for Surg Ward
5 . 10 . 1 . 536 Instrument bak metal SH 412
5 . 10 . 1 . 537 Instrument bak metal SH 508
5 . 10 . 1 . 538 Intergrated diagnostic system
5 . 10 . 1 . 539 Intrument troly nop cat 35101
5 . 10 . 1 . 540 Troly instrumen
5 . 10 . 1 . 541 Integrated Diagnostic System
5 . 10 . 1 . 542 Introducer LMA
5 . 10 . 1 . 543 IrIciator omron
5 . 10 . 1 . 544 Irigator lengkap 1 lt ( Stainless)
5 . 10 . 1 . 545 Irigator lengkap Email, 2 ltr
5 . 10 . 1 . 546 Irigator lengkap, 1 ltr
5 . 10 . 1 . 547 Ivory brain maping
5 . 10 . 1 . 548 Kaca mulut
5 . 10 . 1 . 549 Kaca larryng
5 . 10 . 1 . 550 Keratoplasty Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 551 Kom
5 . 10 . 1 . 552 Kom Besar Bertutup
5 . 10 . 1 . 553 kom cuci tangan set
5 . 10 . 1 . 554 Kom kecil bertutup
5 . 10 . 1 . 555 Kom sedang bertutup
5 . 10 . 1 . 556 Kom sedang bertutup 12 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 557 Kom sedang bertutup 12 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 558 Kom sedang bertutup 12 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 559 Kom Kecil Tak bertutup
5 . 10 . 1 . 560 Konservasi gigi set
5 . 10 . 1 . 561 Korentang
5 . 10 . 1 . 562 Korentang
5 . 10 . 1 . 563 Korentang + tempat
5 . 10 . 1 . 564 korentang Besar
5 . 10 . 1 . 565 Klem kocher bengkok 12 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 566 Klem kocher bengkok 14 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 567 Klem kocher bengkok 16 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 568 Klem kocher bengkok 18 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 569 Klem kocher lurus 12 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 570 Klem kocher lurus 14 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 571 Klem kocher lurus 16 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 572 Krematorium
5 . 10 . 1 . 573 Lachrymal & Intubation Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 574 Laparatomy Pediatric Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 575 Laparatomy Pediatric Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 576 Laparatomy Pediatric Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 577 Laparatomy Pediatric Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 578 Laparatomy Obsgyn Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 579 Laparatomy Obsgyn Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 580 Laparatomy Obsgyn Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 581 LaparoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 582 Large Suture Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 583 Large Suture Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 584 LaryngopharyngoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 585 LaryngoScope adult
5 . 10 . 1 . 586 LaryngoScope adult
5 . 10 . 1 . 587 LaryngoScope Infant
5 . 10 . 1 . 588 Laryngoscope
5 . 10 . 1 . 589 LaryngoScope adult, Mc Intosh
5 . 10 . 1 . 590 Laringoscopy
5 . 10 . 1 . 591 Laringoscopy pediatric
5 . 10 . 1 . 592 Lavement set, email, 2 ltr
5 . 10 . 1 . 593 Le crown B porcelain madeling
5 . 10 . 1 . 594 Le crown D hylin-lecron D
5 . 10 . 1 . 595 Lentulo
5 . 10 . 1 . 596 lentulo for Dentis
5 . 10 . 1 . 597 Liposuction set
5 . 10 . 1 . 598 Light curing 10 carbon unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 599 Light pen / senter
5 . 10 . 1 . 600 Lipo Suction
5 . 10 . 1 . 601 Lister bandage set
5 . 10 . 1 . 602 Lister bandage set
5 . 10 . 1 . 603 Ligatur scissor letteraner
5 . 10 . 1 . 604 Ligature plier (mathieu style)
5 . 10 . 1 . 605 Light cure enligt bonding agent
5 . 10 . 1 . 606 Light curing unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 607 LMA (size 1,5 / 2 / 2,5 /3)
5 . 10 . 1 . 608 Lumbal Punction Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 609 Lumbal Punction Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 610 Lumbal Punction Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 611 Long handle distal end cuuter with safety
5 . 10 . 1 . 612 Largo/Peeso Reamer for dentis
5 . 10 . 1 . 613 Matrix system Complete starter Kit
5 . 10 . 1 . 614 Maksiofasial set
5 . 10 . 1 . 615 Mayor set
5 . 10 . 1 . 616 Major Coronary Bypass Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 617 Major Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 618 Major Basic Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 619 Mayor Surgery Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 620 Manual resusitasi
5 . 10 . 1 . 621 Manometer O2
5 . 10 . 1 . 622 Masker set oksigen dewasa
5 . 10 . 1 . 623 Mastoidectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 624 Mastoidectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 625 Mastoidectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 626 Mastoidectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 627 Martil
5 . 10 . 1 . 628 Matras anti decubitus
5 . 10 . 1 . 629 Medical Emergency Kit, Infant
5 . 10 . 1 . 630 Medilink Dual Frequency Ultrasound
5 . 10 . 1 . 631 Medilink Dual Frequency Ultrasound
5 . 10 . 1 . 632 Medilink Laser Module
5 . 10 . 1 . 633 Medilink Laser Module
5 . 10 . 1 . 634 Medilink Biofeedback 2 Channel Module
5 . 10 . 1 . 635 Medilink Interferential Therapy
5 . 10 . 1 . 636 Medilink Stimulation Therapy Module
5 . 10 . 1 . 637 Meja Operasi
5 . 10 . 1 . 638 Meja Operasi
5 . 10 . 1 . 639 Meja Operasi
5 . 10 . 1 . 640 Meja Operasi
5 . 10 . 1 . 641 Meja Operasi
5 . 10 . 1 . 642 Meja Operasi
5 . 10 . 1 . 643 Meja Operasi
5 . 10 . 1 . 644 Meja Operasi
5 . 10 . 1 . 645 Meja Operasi
5 . 10 . 1 . 646 Mesin Anastesi 2 Vaporisier
5 . 10 . 1 . 647 Microscop trinoculair with TV and Camera 33 mm
5 . 10 . 1 . 648 MicroScope Binoculer
5 . 10 . 1 . 649 MikroScope Binokuler CH 10
5 . 10 . 1 . 650 MikroScope Binokuler CH 20
5 . 10 . 1 . 651 Microscope surgery mata
5 . 10 . 1 . 652 Micro brush
5 . 10 . 1 . 653 Microwave diathermy
5 . 10 . 1 . 654 Microwave diathermy
5 . 10 . 1 . 655 Microwave diathermy
5 . 10 . 1 . 656 Minor surgery instrumen set
5 . 10 . 1 . 657 Minor Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 658 Minor Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 659 Minor Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 660 Minor Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 661 Minor Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 662 Minor Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 663 Minor Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 664 Minor Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 665 Minor set
5 . 10 . 1 . 666 Minor set
5 . 10 . 1 . 667 Minor Basic Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 668 Minor Surgery Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 669 Minor Surgery Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 670 Minor Surgery Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 671 Mini twiste kobayashi
5 . 10 . 1 . 672 Mini Laparatomy Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 673 Mini Endobloc for dentis
5 . 10 . 1 . 674 Miracle
5 . 10 . 1 . 675 Mixing bowl
5 . 10 . 1 . 676 Mixing slap/glass plate
5 . 10 . 1 . 677 Muller
5 . 10 . 1 . 678 Mucus extractor CH 10 unoplast
5 . 10 . 1 . 679 Mount mirror + handle
5 . 10 . 1 . 680 Mounth piece spirometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 681 Mouth GAG set (Tonsilectomy)
5 . 10 . 1 . 682 Mobile pulse oxymetri + NIBP
5 . 10 . 1 . 683 Mobile Shygmomanometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 684 Mobile Stretcher With Bracket Oxygen
5 . 10 . 1 . 685 Nail poeder
5 . 10 . 1 . 686 Nail poeder
5 . 10 . 1 . 687 Naal Poeder
5 . 10 . 1 . 688 Nd: YAG Laser
5 . 10 . 1 . 689 Nd: YAG Laser
5 . 10 . 1 . 690 Nearbeken
5 . 10 . 1 . 691 Nearbeken
5 . 10 . 1 . 692 Needle holder
5 . 10 . 1 . 693 Nearbeken
5 . 10 . 1 . 694 Nebulaizer
5 . 10 . 1 . 695 Nebulezer Fortable Ultra
5 . 10 . 1 . 696 Nebulaizer comfort kv 400
5 . 10 . 1 . 697 Nephrectomy / Urology Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 698 Nephrectomy / Urology Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 699 Nephrectomy / Urology Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 700 Needle holder
5 . 10 . 1 . 701 Neopuff infant resuscitator set
5 . 10 . 1 . 702 Nierbekken L
5 . 10 . 1 . 703 Nierbekken M
5 . 10 . 1 . 704 Occuludator
5 . 10 . 1 . 705 Occo
5 . 10 . 1 . 706 Operating microScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 707 Operating microScope (fortable)
5 . 10 . 1 . 708 Operating OtoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 709 Ophthalmic basic instrument set
5 . 10 . 1 . 710 Ophthalmic Diagnostic Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 711 Ophthalmic Diagnostic Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 712 Open Heart Surgery Instrument set
5 . 10 . 1 . 713 Open coil spring
5 . 10 . 1 . 714 Ostron
5 . 10 . 1 . 715 OtoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 716 OtoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 717 OtoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 718 Otomatic Syncronizer
5 . 10 . 1 . 719 Otorefractometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 720 Oto acustic Emission (OAE) Standart
5 . 10 . 1 . 721 Orthopedic Operating Table
5 . 10 . 1 . 722 Orthopedic Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 723 One third tubular plates 6 hole
5 . 10 . 1 . 724 Ovarian Cystectomy Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 725 Oksigen set
5 . 10 . 1 . 726 Oksigen Regulator for CIG
5 . 10 . 1 . 727 Oxygen Consentrator
5 . 10 . 1 . 728 Oxygen Therapy
5 . 10 . 1 . 729 Oxygen Therapy Set, 6 M3
5 . 10 . 1 . 730 Oxymetri
5 . 10 . 1 . 731 Peditox
5 . 10 . 1 . 732 Pad electro, short wave diatermi
5 . 10 . 1 . 733 Panoptic OphthalmoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 734 Panoramic dental kadiograph
5 . 10 . 1 . 735 Panoramic Dental
5 . 10 . 1 . 736 Partus Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 737 Partus Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 738 Partus Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 739 Partus Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 740 Partus Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 741 Partus Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 742 Patient monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 743 Patient monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 744 Patient monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 745 Patient stretcher
5 . 10 . 1 . 746 Peak Flow meter mini bell
5 . 10 . 1 . 747 Pesawat X-Ray Mobile
5 . 10 . 1 . 748 Pesawat X-Ray Stationer
5 . 10 . 1 . 749 Pediatric Abdominal Refractor
5 . 10 . 1 . 750 Pediatric LaryngoScope, Miller
5 . 10 . 1 . 751 Pentri disk + compartment
5 . 10 . 1 . 752 Pentri disk
5 . 10 . 1 . 753 Pengarah
5 . 10 . 1 . 754 Pensso reamers
5 . 10 . 1 . 755 Pemanas darah
5 . 10 . 1 . 756 Pembuka Gip Electric
5 . 10 . 1 . 757 Photometer type 5020
5 . 10 . 1 . 758 Phototherapy
5 . 10 . 1 . 759 Phototherapy Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 760 Phototherapy Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 761 Phototherapy Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 762 Phototherapy Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 763 Phototherapy with baby cot
5 . 10 . 1 . 764 Phaco Emulsivikasi
5 . 10 . 1 . 765 Pisau Humby
5 . 10 . 1 . 766 Pisau
5 . 10 . 1 . 767 Pisau pisturi kecil
5 . 10 . 1 . 768 Pisau pisturi sedang
5 . 10 . 1 . 769 Pinset
5 . 10 . 1 . 770 Pinset
5 . 10 . 1 . 771 Pinset anatomis
5 . 10 . 1 . 772 Pinset anatomis
5 . 10 . 1 . 773 Pinset anatomis
5 . 10 . 1 . 774 Pinset anatomis
5 . 10 . 1 . 775 Pinset chirurgis
5 . 10 . 1 . 776 Pinset chirurgis
5 . 10 . 1 . 777 Pinset chirurgis
5 . 10 . 1 . 778 Pinset chirurgis adson
5 . 10 . 1 . 779 Pinset endo
5 . 10 . 1 . 780 Pinset gigi/dental pinset
5 . 10 . 1 . 781 Pinset gigi siku
5 . 10 . 1 . 782 Plastic Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 783 Plastic Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 784 Pleural Biopsy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 785 Plastik instrumen
5 . 10 . 1 . 786 Polypectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 787 Polypectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 788 Polypectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 789 Portable Pulse Oxymeter
5 . 10 . 1 . 790 Portable Pulse Oxymeter
5 . 10 . 1 . 791 Portable Pulse Oxymeter
5 . 10 . 1 . 792 Portable Pulse Oxymeter
5 . 10 . 1 . 793 Portable Pulse Oxymeter
5 . 10 . 1 . 794 Portable Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 795 Portable Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 796 Portable Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 797 Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 798 Polish untuk resin komposit/pogo
5 . 10 . 1 . 799 Power chain (E-chain) medium
5 . 10 . 1 . 800 Power chain (E-chain) small
5 . 10 . 1 . 801 Preporation set
5 . 10 . 1 . 802 Prostatectomy Inst. Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 803 Protecting glasses
5 . 10 . 1 . 804 Pterigium Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 805 Pterigium Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 806 Pterigium Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 807 Purizon Ultraviolet Ozon
5 . 10 . 1 . 808 Pulperil
5 . 10 . 1 . 809 Putrex
5 . 10 . 1 . 810 Pulse oksimetri
5 . 10 . 1 . 811 Raspatorium buchs
5 . 10 . 1 . 812 Raspatorium Freer
5 . 10 . 1 . 813 Raspatorium Williger
5 . 10 . 1 . 814 Rectal KELLY specula
5 . 10 . 1 . 815 Rectal SIMS specula
5 . 10 . 1 . 816 Rectangular ASL
5 . 10 . 1 . 817 Reflex Hammer
5 . 10 . 1 . 818 Reflex Hammer
5 . 10 . 1 . 819 Reflex Hammer
5 . 10 . 1 . 820 Reflex Hammer
5 . 10 . 1 . 821 Reflex Hammer
5 . 10 . 1 . 822 Resin komposit
5 . 10 . 1 . 823 Respond
5 . 10 . 1 . 824 ResectoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 825 Resuscitation set adult
5 . 10 . 1 . 826 Resusisator Anak
5 . 10 . 1 . 827 Resusisator Bayi
5 . 10 . 1 . 828 Resusisator Dewasa
5 . 10 . 1 . 829 Resusitasi set
5 . 10 . 1 . 830 Retinal Detachment Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 831 Retinal Detachment Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 832 Reusable Hot Pack / Cold Pack
5 . 10 . 1 . 833 Rol Incot Stretcher
5 . 10 . 1 . 834 Roundboor
5 . 10 . 1 . 835 Round bur
5 . 10 . 1 . 836 Rosin luxator
5 . 10 . 1 . 837 Rhinology Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 838 Rhinology Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 839 Rhinoplasty Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 840 Rhinoplasty Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 841 Rhino surgery set with camera
5 . 10 . 1 . 842 Saliva ejector tip
5 . 10 . 1 . 843 Scaple
5 . 10 . 1 . 844 Scaller cavitron SLI 108
5 . 10 . 1 . 845 Scissor
5 . 10 . 1 . 846 Screw and Plate Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 847 Screw and Plate Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 848 Screw Cutter
5 . 10 . 1 . 849 Set Bedah Jantung
5 . 10 . 1 . 850 Sectio Caesarean Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 851 Sectio Caesarean Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 852 Sectio Caesarean Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 853 Sectio Caesarean Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 854 Sectio Caesarean Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 855 Sectio Caesarean Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 856 Sensor Pulse Oxymetri
5 . 10 . 1 . 857 Sentral monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 858 Sealent
5 . 10 . 1 . 859 Set Vena secsi
5 . 10 . 1 . 860 Set medikasi
5 . 10 . 1 . 861 Set minor lengkap
5 . 10 . 1 . 862 Servical Collar
5 . 10 . 1 . 863 SinuScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 864 SinuScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 865 Sinus Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 866 Sinus Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 867 Sinus Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 868 Sinus Surgery Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 869 Sinuscopy Observasi Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 870 Shelax transparan
5 . 10 . 1 . 871 Skin Graft Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 872 Skin Graft Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 873 Skin Graft Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 874 Sketsel Beroda
5 . 10 . 1 . 875 Slim posterior band remover plier
5 . 10 . 1 . 876 Slim weigart utility plier (long handle)
5 . 10 . 1 . 877 Sleep apnea sederhana
5 . 10 . 1 . 878 Small Operating Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 879 Small Vascular Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 880 Small Vascular Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 881 Smaha straight slim sure grip forcep
5 . 10 . 1 . 882 Snaha straight slimline sure grip forcep/mosquito
5 . 10 . 1 . 883 Soft linen
5 . 10 . 1 . 884 Sonde
5 . 10 . 1 . 885 Sonde lurus
5 . 10 . 1 . 886 Sonde lurus
5 . 10 . 1 . 887 Sonde halfmoon
5 . 10 . 1 . 888 Sonde uterus
5 . 10 . 1 . 889 Spektropotometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 890 Sphygmomanometer Infant
5 . 10 . 1 . 891 Sphygmomanometer Mobile Stand
5 . 10 . 1 . 892 Sphygmomanometer Mobile
5 . 10 . 1 . 893 Sphygmomanometer Mobile
5 . 10 . 1 . 894 Stand Lamp
5 . 10 . 1 . 895 Srynge pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 896 Surgical Suctions Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 897 Surgical Suctions Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 898 Surgical Suctions Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 899 Spot Vital Sign
5 . 10 . 1 . 900 Spot Vital Sign
5 . 10 . 1 . 901 Spot Vital Sign
5 . 10 . 1 . 902 Spot Vital Sign
5 . 10 . 1 . 903 Spot Vital Sign
5 . 10 . 1 . 904 Spot Vital Sign
5 . 10 . 1 . 905 Spot Vital Sign
5 . 10 . 1 . 906 Spot Vital Sign (NIBP/SPO2)
5 . 10 . 1 . 907 Spot Vital Sign (NIBP/SPO2)
5 . 10 . 1 . 908 Spot Vital Sign (NIBP/SPO2)
5 . 10 . 1 . 909 Spuit glicerin
5 . 10 . 1 . 910 Spreafer
5 . 10 . 1 . 911 Spongostan 10x10x10 mm
5 . 10 . 1 . 912 Sponge clisk brain mapping
5 . 10 . 1 . 913 Stainless Steel Ware Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 914 Stainless Steel Ware Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 915 SteriLisator basah
5 . 10 . 1 . 916 SteriLisator kering
5 . 10 . 1 . 917 SteriLisator
5 . 10 . 1 . 918 STEAM STERILIZER, EO-GAS
5 . 10 . 1 . 919 STEAM STERILIZER, (Auto water supply)
5 . 10 . 1 . 920 STEAM STERILIZER, (Manual water supply)
5 . 10 . 1 . 921 STEAM STERILIZER, CHS-AC250 (both)
5 . 10 . 1 . 922 STEAM STERILIZER, CHS-AC250 (with generator)
5 . 10 . 1 . 923 Stetoskop model Clasic II SE
5 . 10 . 1 . 924 Stetoskop
5 . 10 . 1 . 925 Stetoskop model Spectrum Lines
5 . 10 . 1 . 926 Stetoskop Model 120
5 . 10 . 1 . 927 StethoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 928 StethoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 929 StethoScope
5 . 10 . 1 . 930 StetoScope dewasa
5 . 10 . 1 . 931 Stethoscope anak
5 . 10 . 1 . 932 StethoScope Anak
5 . 10 . 1 . 933 StethoScope Anak
5 . 10 . 1 . 934 Stethoscope Bayi
5 . 10 . 1 . 935 Stethoscope Bayi
5 . 10 . 1 . 936 Stethoscope Bayi
5 . 10 . 1 . 937 Stethoscope dewasa
5 . 10 . 1 . 938 StetoScope Lighman
5 . 10 . 1 . 939 Strabismus Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 940 Strabismus Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 941 Stress Analyser
5 . 10 . 1 . 942 Stress Test with Treadmill
5 . 10 . 1 . 943 Stress Test with Treadmill
5 . 10 . 1 . 944 Stress Test with Treadmill
5 . 10 . 1 . 945 Stress Test with Treadmill
5 . 10 . 1 . 946 Store boor poles
5 . 10 . 1 . 947 Stop (V-Bend) piler
5 . 10 . 1 . 948 Suction duduk
5 . 10 . 1 . 949 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 950 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 951 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 952 Suction pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 953 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 954 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 955 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 956 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 957 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 958 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 959 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 960 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 961 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 962 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 963 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 964 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 965 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 966 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 967 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 968 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 969 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 970 Suction Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 971 Suction Pump Model SU-510 (portable)
5 . 10 . 1 . 972 Supra + Retropublic Prostatectomy Inst. Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 973 Swaddling Table
5 . 10 . 1 . 974 Systo Rhinostomy Surgery set (bedah mata)
5 . 10 . 1 . 975 Syringe Pump with Stand
5 . 10 . 1 . 976 Syringe Pump with Stand
5 . 10 . 1 . 977 Syringe Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 978 Syringe Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 979 Syringe Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 980 Syringe Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 981 Syringe Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 982 Syringe Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 983 Syringe Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 984 Syringe Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 985 Syringe Pump
5 . 10 . 1 . 986 SUCTION UNIT, Model SB-5
5 . 10 . 1 . 987 SUCTION UNIT, SB-5 +STAND
5 . 10 . 1 . 988 SUCTION UNIT, Model SB-6III
5 . 10 . 1 . 989 SUCTION UNIT, Model SB-10MKII
5 . 10 . 1 . 990 Tabung O2 kecil
5 . 10 . 1 . 991 Tang akar bawah
5 . 10 . 1 . 992 Tang sisa akar
5 . 10 . 1 . 993 Tang sisa akar Lokal
5 . 10 . 1 . 994 Tang anak
5 . 10 . 1 . 995 Tang C & P bawah
5 . 10 . 1 . 996 Tang ekstraksi
5 . 10 . 1 . 997 Tang klamer
5 . 10 . 1 . 998 Tang M3 atas
5 . 10 . 1 . 999 Tang molar atas
5 . 10 . 1 . 1000 Tang molar bawah
5 . 10 . 1 . 1001 Tang premolar atas
5 . 10 . 1 . 1002 Tang sisa akar atas
5 . 10 . 1 . 1003 Tang sisa akar bawah
5 . 10 . 1 . 1004 Tang upper incisors&caines
5 . 10 . 1 . 1005 Tabung O2 besar
5 . 10 . 1 . 1006 Tabung O2 kecil
5 . 10 . 1 . 1007 Tempron
5 . 10 . 1 . 1008 Tens Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 1009 Tens Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 1010 Tens Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 1011 Tens
5 . 10 . 1 . 1012 Tens Unit
5 . 10 . 1 . 1013 Tensi air raksa
5 . 10 . 1 . 1014 Tensimeter anak
5 . 10 . 1 . 1015 Tensimeter duduk
5 . 10 . 1 . 1016 Tensimeter air raksa
5 . 10 . 1 . 1017 Tensimeter berdiri
5 . 10 . 1 . 1018 Tensimeter berdiri
5 . 10 . 1 . 1019 Tensimeter beroda
5 . 10 . 1 . 1020 Tensimeter
5 . 10 . 1 . 1021 Tensimeter
5 . 10 . 1 . 1022 Termometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 1023 Termometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 1024 Termometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 1025 Termometer Digital
5 . 10 . 1 . 1026 Titanium adhesive remover plier
5 . 10 . 1 . 1027 Timbangan
5 . 10 . 1 . 1028 Timbangan bayi
5 . 10 . 1 . 1029 Timbangan sample
5 . 10 . 1 . 1030 Thermometer Digital
5 . 10 . 1 . 1031 Thoracocentesis /Paracentesis
5 . 10 . 1 . 1032 Thoracotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1033 Thoracotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1034 Thoracotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1035 Tonsilectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1036 Tonsilectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1037 Tonsilectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1038 Tonsilectomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1039 Tounge Spatel
5 . 10 . 1 . 1040 Tounge Spatula
5 . 10 . 1 . 1041 Toungue spatula
5 . 10 . 1 . 1042 Tourniquet
5 . 10 . 1 . 1043 Thorax Drainage Pump (WSD)
5 . 10 . 1 . 1044 Trantion hook
5 . 10 . 1 . 1045 TKF
5 . 10 . 1 . 1046 Trantion therapy
5 . 10 . 1 . 1047 Tranduser Intra Rectal
5 . 10 . 1 . 1048 Tranduser Intra Vaginal
5 . 10 . 1 . 1049 Tranduser Perifer (9 MHz)
5 . 10 . 1 . 1050 Transducer for Laparascopic
5 . 10 . 1 . 1051 Trans Cranial Dopler
5 . 10 . 1 . 1052 Trans Cranial Dopler
5 . 10 . 1 . 1053 Tracheotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1054 Tracheotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1055 Tracheotomy instrument set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1056 Tracheotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1057 Tracheotomy Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1058 Tracheotomy Instrument Set pediatric
5 . 10 . 1 . 1059 Traksi lumbal
5 . 10 . 1 . 1060 Tromol Kassa steril, 27 cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 1061 Tromol Ukuran Besar
5 . 10 . 1 . 1062 Tromol Ukuran Kecil
5 . 10 . 1 . 1063 Tromol Ukuran sedang
5 . 10 . 1 . 1064 Tromol Sedang
5 . 10 . 1 . 1065 Treadmill with Computer Control
5 . 10 . 1 . 1066 Treadmill with Computer Control
5 . 10 . 1 . 1067 Treadmill with Computer Control (stress test)
5 . 10 . 1 . 1068 Treedmill Strees
5 . 10 . 1 . 1069 Treatment Table Electric Three Section
5 . 10 . 1 . 1070 Try way
5 . 10 . 1 . 1071 Tong Spatel
5 . 10 . 1 . 1072 Tweed loop forming plier
5 . 10 . 1 . 1073 Tweed weingard utility plier
5 . 10 . 1 . 1074 Tympanometry
5 . 10 . 1 . 1075 Tympanometry
5 . 10 . 1 . 1076 Tympanometry
5 . 10 . 1 . 1077 Tympanoplasty Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1078 Tympanoplasty Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1079 Tympanoplasty Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1080 Tympanoplasty Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1081 Ultrasonic Nebulizer
5 . 10 . 1 . 1082 Ultrasonic Nebulizer
5 . 10 . 1 . 1083 Ultrasonic Nebulizer
5 . 10 . 1 . 1084 Ultrasonic Nebulizer
5 . 10 . 1 . 1085 Ultrasonic Nebulizer
5 . 10 . 1 . 1086 Ultrasonic Nebulizer
5 . 10 . 1 . 1087 Ultrasonic Nebulizer, Stand & Mask
5 . 10 . 1 . 1088 Ultrasonic Nebulizer, Stand & Mask
5 . 10 . 1 . 1089 Ultraviolet
5 . 10 . 1 . 1090 Ultraviolet
5 . 10 . 1 . 1091 Ultrasound terapi
5 . 10 . 1 . 1092 Urinal s/s
5 . 10 . 1 . 1093 Urinalyzer
5 . 10 . 1 . 1094 USG 3 D
5 . 10 . 1 . 1095 USG
5 . 10 . 1 . 1096 USG
5 . 10 . 1 . 1097 USG
5 . 10 . 1 . 1098 USG 3 dimensi
5 . 10 . 1 . 1099 USG Color Doppler
5 . 10 . 1 . 1100 USG Color Doppler
5 . 10 . 1 . 1101 USG Color Doppler
5 . 10 . 1 . 1102 USG Mata
5 . 10 . 1 . 1103 USG Mata
5 . 10 . 1 . 1104 USG Mata
5 . 10 . 1 . 1105 USG Mata
5 . 10 . 1 . 1106 USG Monochrome
5 . 10 . 1 . 1107 USG Monochrome
5 . 10 . 1 . 1108 USG Multi frequency
5 . 10 . 1 . 1109 USG with obstetric tranducer + vaginal trand.
5 . 10 . 1 . 1110 USG with obstetric tranducer + vaginal trand.
5 . 10 . 1 . 1111 Uterus
5 . 10 . 1 . 1112 Vacum Extractor
5 . 10 . 1 . 1113 Vacum Extractor
5 . 10 . 1 . 1114 Vacum Extractor
5 . 10 . 1 . 1115 Vacum Extractor
5 . 10 . 1 . 1116 Vacum Extractor
5 . 10 . 1 . 1117 Vacum currette no 6
5 . 10 . 1 . 1118 Vacum currette no 8
5 . 10 . 1 . 1119 Vacum currette no 10
5 . 10 . 1 . 1120 Vasculair doppler
5 . 10 . 1 . 1121 Vena Secti Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1122 Vena Secti Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1123 Vena Sectio Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1124 Vena Sectio Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1125 Vena Section Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1126 Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 1127 Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 1128 Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 1129 Ventilator
5 . 10 . 1 . 1130 Ventilator Infant-Pediatric w/Nasal CPAP
5 . 10 . 1 . 1131 Ventilator Infant-Pediatric w/Nasal CPAP
5 . 10 . 1 . 1132 Ventilator Infant-Pediatric w/Nasal CPAP
5 . 10 . 1 . 1133 Ventilator Multipurpose
5 . 10 . 1 . 1134 Ventilator with BIPAP, Autoflow & Mask
5 . 10 . 1 . 1135 Ventilator with BIPAP, Autoflow & Mask
5 . 10 . 1 . 1136 Ventilator Anak
5 . 10 . 1 . 1137 Ventilator Dewasa
5 . 10 . 1 . 1138 Ventilator non invasif
5 . 10 . 1 . 1139 Ventilator Infant-Pediatric w/nasal CPAP
5 . 10 . 1 . 1140 Ventilator, Model ART-1000
5 . 10 . 1 . 1141 Ventilator, Model ICV-60
5 . 10 . 1 . 1142 Ventilator, Model ART-21EX
5 . 10 . 1 . 1143 Vibrator
5 . 10 . 1 . 1144 Vital sign monitor
5 . 10 . 1 . 1145 Wax merah
5 . 10 . 1 . 1146 Wall Sphygmomanometer
5 . 10 . 1 . 1147 Waskom steinless steel 40cm
5 . 10 . 1 . 1148 WSD Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1149 Wick bracket height gauges
5 . 10 . 1 . 1150 Wire Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1151 Wire Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 1 . 1152 Wire cutter
5 . 10 . 1 . 1153 Wire twister
5 . 10 . 1 . 1154 Xylestesin
5 . 10 . 1 . 1155 X-Smart for Dentis
5 . 10 . 1 . 1156 X-Smart for Dentis
5 . 10 . 2 . 1 Advanced Childbirth Simulator
5 . 10 . 2 . 2 Alat permainan edukasi dan stimulasi
5 . 10 . 2 . 3 Almari instrumen
5 . 10 . 2 . 4 Almari obat kaca
5 . 10 . 2 . 5 Anti decubitus matrass
5 . 10 . 2 . 6 Anti decubitus mattress
5 . 10 . 2 . 7 Anti decubitus mattress
5 . 10 . 2 . 8 Anti decubitus mattress
5 . 10 . 2 . 9 Anti decubitus mattress
5 . 10 . 2 . 10 Anti decubitus mattress
5 . 10 . 2 . 11 Apex Locater/Propex
5 . 10 . 2 . 12 Bantal angin
5 . 10 . 2 . 13 Bantal Angin
5 . 10 . 2 . 14 Baskom 36 cm
5 . 10 . 2 . 15 Baskom 40 cm
5 . 10 . 2 . 16 Baskom berstandard
5 . 10 . 2 . 17 Bed gynekologi
5 . 10 . 2 . 18 Bed side cabinet
5 . 10 . 2 . 19 Bed side cabinet
5 . 10 . 2 . 20 Bladder Trocar 6.0 mm
5 . 10 . 2 . 21 Brancard
5 . 10 . 2 . 22 Brancard
5 . 10 . 2 . 23 Brancard
5 . 10 . 2 . 24 Brancard
5 . 10 . 2 . 25 Brancard
5 . 10 . 2 . 26 Brancard
5 . 10 . 2 . 27 Buli-buli panas
5 . 10 . 2 . 28 Children bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 29 Children bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 30 Children bed + matrass
5 . 10 . 2 . 31 Children bed + matrass
5 . 10 . 2 . 32 Children bed + matrass
5 . 10 . 2 . 33 Comprimeter
5 . 10 . 2 . 34 Curet Set
5 . 10 . 2 . 35 Dorongan oksigen kecil 1 m3
5 . 10 . 2 . 36 Dish Washing Maachine
5 . 10 . 2 . 37 Double bowl stand + bowl
5 . 10 . 2 . 38 Double bowl stand + bowl
5 . 10 . 2 . 39 Double bowl stand + bowl (set)
5 . 10 . 2 . 40 Emergency Kit
5 . 10 . 2 . 41 Emergency Lamp
5 . 10 . 2 . 42 Emergency Lamp
5 . 10 . 2 . 43 Emergency Lamp
5 . 10 . 2 . 44 Emergency troly
5 . 10 . 2 . 45 Emergency Trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 46 Emergency Trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 47 Emergency Trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 48 Endo block
5 . 10 . 2 . 49 Endo stand
5 . 10 . 2 . 50 Endo Access Bur for dentis
5 . 10 . 2 . 51 Endo stand for dentis
5 . 10 . 2 . 52 ESU 400 W
5 . 10 . 2 . 53 Foot Step
5 . 10 . 2 . 54 Foot Step
5 . 10 . 2 . 55 Generator
5 . 10 . 2 . 56 Gynaecological chair
5 . 10 . 2 . 57 Gynaecological chair
5 . 10 . 2 . 58 Gynaecology Examination table
5 . 10 . 2 . 59 Gynaecology Examination Set
5 . 10 . 2 . 60 Gynaecology Examination Set
5 . 10 . 2 . 61 Gynaecology Examination Set
5 . 10 . 2 . 62 Gynaecology Examination Set
5 . 10 . 2 . 63 Gynaecological Bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 64 Gynaecological Bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 65 Gynecolog bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 66 Gynecolog bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 67 Ganti Balut Set
5 . 10 . 2 . 68 Gastrointestinal Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 2 . 69 Gastrointestinal Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 2 . 70 Gastro Intestinal set
5 . 10 . 2 . 71 Haemorroid Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 2 . 72 Haemorroid Instrument Set
5 . 10 . 2 . 73 Hospital Bed + mattrass
5 . 10 . 2 . 74 Hospital Bed + mattrass
5 . 10 . 2 . 75 Hospital Bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 76 Hospital Bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 77 Halogen Examination Lamp
5 . 10 . 2 . 78 Halogen Examination Lamp
5 . 10 . 2 . 79 Halogen Examination Lamp
5 . 10 . 2 . 80 Halogen Penlite
5 . 10 . 2 . 81 Halogen Penlite
5 . 10 . 2 . 82 Pen Light
5 . 10 . 2 . 83 He Ne laser
5 . 10 . 2 . 84 Hospital Bed elektrik
5 . 10 . 2 . 85 Hospital Bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 86 Hospital Bed MAX
5 . 10 . 2 . 87 ICU Bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 88 ICU Bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 89 ICU Bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 90 ICU-ICCU Bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 91 Infus stand
5 . 10 . 2 . 92 Infus stand
5 . 10 . 2 . 93 Infus stand
5 . 10 . 2 . 94 Instrument cabinet
5 . 10 . 2 . 95 Instrument trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 96 Instrument trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 97 Instrument trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 98 Instrument trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 99 Instrument trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 100 Instrument trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 101 Incenerator
5 . 10 . 2 . 102 Kaca mulut
5 . 10 . 2 . 103 Kursi roda
5 . 10 . 2 . 104 Kursi roda
5 . 10 . 2 . 105 Kursi roda
5 . 10 . 2 . 106 Kursi roda
5 . 10 . 2 . 107 Kursi Roda Ban Hidup/solid
5 . 10 . 2 . 108 Kursi tindakan
5 . 10 . 2 . 109 Kursi tindakan
5 . 10 . 2 . 110 Kursi roda
5 . 10 . 2 . 111 Kursi roda ban hidup/solid
5 . 10 . 2 . 112 Kruk Alumunium
5 . 10 . 2 . 113 Kruk besi
5 . 10 . 2 . 114 Lampu Halogen 6 v / 20 watt
5 . 10 . 2 . 115 Lampu Halogen 12 v / 20 watt
5 . 10 . 2 . 116 Lampu Baca Rontgen
5 . 10 . 2 . 117 Lampu halogen
5 . 10 . 2 . 118 Lampu baca foto
5 . 10 . 2 . 119 Lampu Operasi Ceiling
5 . 10 . 2 . 120 Linen Trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 121 Linen Trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 122 Linen Trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 123 Lemari Linen
5 . 10 . 2 . 124 Lemari Pendingin
5 . 10 . 2 . 125 Loundry Troly
5 . 10 . 2 . 126 Matras 10 cm latek
5 . 10 . 2 . 127 Matras Bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 128 Matras Dewasa
5 . 10 . 2 . 129 Mattress Adult
5 . 10 . 2 . 130 Masker
5 . 10 . 2 . 131 Mayo Stand
5 . 10 . 2 . 132 Medicine Trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 133 Medicine Trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 134 Medicine Trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 135 Medicine Trolley ( 50 drawer)
5 . 10 . 2 . 136 Medicine Trolly
5 . 10 . 2 . 137 Medicine cabinet
5 . 10 . 2 . 138 Medicine cabinet
5 . 10 . 2 . 139 Medicine cabinet
5 . 10 . 2 . 140 Medicine Cabinet
5 . 10 . 2 . 141 Medical Emergency Kit, Adult
5 . 10 . 2 . 142 Mesin Anesthesi
5 . 10 . 2 . 143 Mesin Jilid Coolator
5 . 10 . 2 . 144 Meja Instrumen
5 . 10 . 2 . 145 Meja Instrumen
5 . 10 . 2 . 146 Meja Konter UGD
5 . 10 . 2 . 147 Meja Makan untuk Pasien
5 . 10 . 2 . 148 Meja Mayo
5 . 10 . 2 . 149 Meja Operasi
5 . 10 . 2 . 150 Meja Periksa
5 . 10 . 2 . 151 Meja Troli
5 . 10 . 2 . 152 Meja untuk memandikan bayi
5 . 10 . 2 . 153 Mixer Besar
5 . 10 . 2 . 154 Palpation Module for leopold manuvers
5 . 10 . 2 . 155 Patient Stretcher
5 . 10 . 2 . 156 Patient Stretcher
5 . 10 . 2 . 157 Pengait IUD
5 . 10 . 2 . 158 Pispot s/s
5 . 10 . 2 . 159 Pispot
5 . 10 . 2 . 160 Pispot
5 . 10 . 2 . 161 Pispot steinless steel
5 . 10 . 2 . 162 Phaco Emulsivikasi
5 . 10 . 2 . 163 Plaster Cast Removal
5 . 10 . 2 . 164 Plastik filling
5 . 10 . 2 . 165 Pressure Infusor
5 . 10 . 2 . 166 Recovery bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 167 Recovery bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 168 Recovery bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 169 Recovery Bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 170 Recovery Bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 171 Sikat tangan
5 . 10 . 2 . 172 Slit Lamp
5 . 10 . 2 . 173 Stand the Standar Skeleton
5 . 10 . 2 . 174 Standar infus
5 . 10 . 2 . 175 Standar infus
5 . 10 . 2 . 176 Standart Infuse
5 . 10 . 2 . 177 Standart makan
5 . 10 . 2 . 178 Strecher
5 . 10 . 2 . 179 Stretcher
5 . 10 . 2 . 180 Tas Obat besar
5 . 10 . 2 . 181 Tas Obat Kecil
5 . 10 . 2 . 182 Tas Obat Sedang
5 . 10 . 2 . 183 Tabung O2
5 . 10 . 2 . 184 Tabung O2 besar
5 . 10 . 2 . 185 Tabung O2 kecil
5 . 10 . 2 . 186 Tempat Korentang
5 . 10 . 2 . 187 Tempat tidur Mekanik
5 . 10 . 2 . 188 Ternpat tidur lansia pegangan kanan kiri
5 . 10 . 2 . 189 Tempat tidur pasien(Crank Hi Lo PA121)
5 . 10 . 2 . 190 Timbangan badan
5 . 10 . 2 . 191 Timbangan badan 120 kg
5 . 10 . 2 . 192 Timbangan badan dewasa
5 . 10 . 2 . 193 Timbangan badan dewasa
5 . 10 . 2 . 194 Timbangan badan/tinggi badan
5 . 10 . 2 . 195 Timbangan badan/tinggi badan
5 . 10 . 2 . 196 Timbangan badan/tinggi badan
5 . 10 . 2 . 197 Timbangan bayi 20 kg
5 . 10 . 2 . 198 Timbangan bayi
5 . 10 . 2 . 199 Troli Makanan
5 . 10 . 2 . 200 Trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 201 Trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 202 Trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 203 Trolley
5 . 10 . 2 . 204 Trolley Obat 25 Drower
5 . 10 . 2 . 205 Troley O2
5 . 10 . 2 . 206 Troley instrumen
5 . 10 . 2 . 207 Tranportation Patient Bed
5 . 10 . 2 . 208 UPS 30 KVA
5 . 10 . 2 . 209 Urinal Plastik
5 . 10 . 2 . 210 Stikpan Plastik
5 . 10 . 3 . 1 Alas meja OP (200X140)
5 . 10 . 3 . 2 Baju Operasi Dokter ( Cotton )
5 . 10 . 3 . 3 Baju Operasi Pasien ( Oxford )
5 . 10 . 3 . 4 Baju Operasi Pasien besar/kecil
5 . 10 . 3 . 5 Baju Operasi Perawat ( Cotton )
5 . 10 . 3 . 6 Baju dan topi pasien (b/k)
5 . 10 . 3 . 7 Baju celana dokter jaga IGD
5 . 10 . 3 . 8 Benang jahit
5 . 10 . 3 . 9 Benang obras (1 set 3 gulung)
5 . 10 . 3 . 10 Baju kerja paramedis dan perawat
5 . 10 . 3 . 11 Baju kerja dokter dan apoteker
5 . 10 . 3 . 12 Baju kerja ICPH & IPL
5 . 10 . 3 . 13 Benik hem
5 . 10 . 3 . 14 Bed Patien for HCU
5 . 10 . 3 . 15 BH
5 . 10 . 3 . 16 Blus
5 . 10 . 3 . 17 Celana Dalam
5 . 10 . 3 . 18 Celana Operasi ( Cotton ) Ukuran M, L & XL
5 . 10 . 3 . 19 Doek (VK)
5 . 10 . 3 . 20 Duk / Drape 50 x 60 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 21 Duk / Drape 60 x 90 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 22 Duk / Drape 90 x 125 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 23 Duk Besar Lubang 125 x 325 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 24 Duk Besar (250x140) IBS IGD
5 . 10 . 3 . 25 Duk Bungkus B (140X140) IBS IGD
5 . 10 . 3 . 26 Duk Bungkus intrumen (90x90)
5 . 10 . 3 . 27 Duk Bunkus S (100x100) IBS IGD
5 . 10 . 3 . 28 Duk Kecil (70x70) IBS IGD
5 . 10 . 3 . 29 Duk Kaki 50 x 100 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 30 Duk Lubang Belah 50 x 60 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 31 Duk Lubang Belah 60 x 90 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 32 Duk Lubang Belah 90 x 125 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 33 Duk Lubang Bulat 50 x 60 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 34 Duk Lubang Bulat 60 x 90 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 35 Duk Lubang Bulat 90 x 125 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 36 Duk Lubang Mata 60 x 90 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 37 Duk Lubang B (275x140) IBS IGD
5 . 10 . 3 . 38 Duk Lubang K (70x70) IBS IGD
5 . 10 . 3 . 39 Duk Lubang S (70x70) IBS IGD
5 . 10 . 3 . 40 Duk Lubang K (70x70) IBS IGD
5 . 10 . 3 . 41 Duk Lubang Obsgyn B (140x200)
5 . 10 . 3 . 42 Duk sedang (140x200) IBS IGD
5 . 10 . 3 . 43 Duk sedang (140x200) IBS IGD
5 . 10 . 3 . 44 Duk Persegi 125 x 125 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 45 Duk Persegi 50 x 50 cm Cotton
5 . 10 . 3 . 46 Handuk mandi
5 . 10 . 3 . 47 Handuk Instrumen
5 . 10 . 3 . 48 Handuk cuci tangan
5 . 10 . 3 . 49 Waslap
5 . 10 . 3 . 50 Elastik
5 . 10 . 3 . 51 Elastik
5 . 10 . 3 . 52 Gunting kain
5 . 10 . 3 . 53 Kain dril abu-abu
5 . 10 . 3 . 54 Kain gabardyn tosca
5 . 10 . 3 . 55 Kain mori
5 . 10 . 3 . 56 Kain mori
5 . 10 . 3 . 57 Kain mori (15mx30orgx12bln)
5 . 10 . 3 . 58 Kain kodryn sekat (7x3 m)
5 . 10 . 3 . 59 Kain oxfort merah dan putih
5 . 10 . 3 . 60 Kain oxfort
5 . 10 . 3 . 61 Kaos manset
5 . 10 . 3 . 62 Kereta Jenasah
5 . 10 . 3 . 63 Kereta barang
5 . 10 . 3 . 64 Klambu bayi
5 . 10 . 3 . 65 Kulot
5 . 10 . 3 . 66 Kusi tindakan
5 . 10 . 3 . 67 Lift Penumpang
5 . 10 . 3 . 68 Lift Pasien (bed lift)
5 . 10 . 3 . 69 Dumb Waiter
5 . 10 . 3 . 70 Meja periksa
5 . 10 . 3 . 71 Mesin Pengering, kapasitas 30 kg
5 . 10 . 3 . 72 Mesin cuci kap. 30 kg.
5 . 10 . 3 . 73 Masker IBS IGD
5 . 10 . 3 . 74 Masker
5 . 10 . 3 . 75 Patient Strecther
5 . 10 . 3 . 76 Sungkup Muka Dewasa
5 . 10 . 3 . 77 Topi Pasien Operasi ( Oxford )
5 . 10 . 3 . 78 Topi Tali Operasi( Cotton )
5 . 10 . 3 . 79 Topi operasi pasien besar
5 . 10 . 3 . 80 Topi operasi pasien sedang
5 . 10 . 3 . 81 Topi operasi pasien kecil
5 . 10 . 3 . 82 Baju Operasi Pasien IBS,R.Inap
5 . 10 . 3 . 83 Baju Pasien Kelas dan VIP
5 . 10 . 3 . 84 Baju Petugas IBS,IGD,VK,Laborat,Gizi
5 . 10 . 3 85 Bju Tindakan dokter
5 . 10 . 3 86 Bantal Pasir HD ( 15X15cm )
5 . 10 . 3 87 Bantal Rawat Inap, IGD
5 . 10 . 3 88 Celemek kerja ( gizi )
5 . 10 . 3 89 Cempal
5 . 10 . 3 90 Duk Lubang HD
5 . 10 . 3 91 Duk Partus
5 . 10 . 3 92 Handuk Cuci tangan R.Inap,R.Jalan,R.ICU
5 . 10 . 3 93 Handuk Instrumen VK,IRJ
5 . 10 . 3 94 Handuk Tindakan Poli Kulit
5 . 10 . 3 95 Handuk Perekat Kepala
5 . 10 . 3 96 Klambu ( 40x50x80cm ) peristi
5 . 10 . 3 97 Klambu bok bayi peristi
5 . 10 . 3 98 Perlak Besar VK,IGD,ICU
5 . 10 . 3 99 Perlak Bok Bayi Peristi
5 . 10 . 3 100 Perlak Kecil ( 30x50 cm ) Peristi
5 . 10 . 3 101 Perlak Besar VK,IGD,ICU
5 . 10 . 3 102 Perlak Rawat Inap
5 . 10 . 3 103 Perlak bancard IGD,IRJ
5 . 10 . 3 104 Sarung Bantal R.Inap,R.Jalan,R.ICU
5 . 10 . 3 105 Sarung Guling Kelas I,VIP
5 . 10 . 3 106 Sarung Inkubator IBS,Peristi
5 . 10 . 3 107 Selimut R. Inap,IGD,ICU,R.Jalan
5 . 10 . 3 108 Serbet Makan
5 . 10 . 3 109 Set Meja operasi IBS
5 . 10 . 3 110 Set Sprei ICU Bertali
5 . 10 . 3 111 Skort Perlak VK,IGD,IBS
5 . 10 . 3 112 Sprei Brandcard IGD dan IRJ
5 . 10 . 3 113 Sprei R. Inap ,R.Jalan,HD
5 . 10 . 3 114 Sprei Anak
5 . 10 . 3 115 Sprei box bayi ( 100X80 cm ) Peristi
5 . 10 . 3 116 Sprei Bok Bayi NVK
5 . 10 . 3 117 Stik Laken R.Inap,R.Jalan,ICU
5 . 10 . 3 118 Taplak Meja Prasmanan
5 . 10 . 3 119 Taplak Trolly
5 . 10 . 3 120 Topi Perawat
5 . 10 . 3 121 Tutup fototerapi peristi ( 60X70X100cm )
5 . 10 . 3 122 Tutup Inkubator ( 40X50 cm ) warna gelap
5 . 10 . 3 123 Tutup alat Laser poli kulit
5 . 10 . 3 124 Tutup kepala IBS,IGD,Rawat Inap
5 . 10 . 3 125 Tutup Meja Tamu VIP 80 X 50
5 . 10 . 3 126 Tutup Meja TV VIP 102 X 60
5 . 10 . 3 127 Tutup Sketsel / tabir VK ,R.Inap,R.Jalan
5 . 10 . 3 128 Tutup Ventilator ICU
5 . 10 . 3 129 Waslap R.Inap,IGD
5 . 10 . 3 130 Baju Kerja Petugas CSSD
5 . 10 . 3 131 Baju Kerja Petugas Gizi
5 . 10 . 3 132 Celemek + topi
5 . 10 . 3 133 Topi Gizi

Pneupac / England LSFM 4 unit 37199000

Pneupac / England unit 13101000
Riester - Germany, Mc Intosh unit 7611000
Kimura-Japan unit 21461000
set 5391000
Various Rudolf / germany set 130010000
Epos Medical - Jerman set 70121000
Fortus- Germany/Various set 99379000
Rudolf/Germany-Various set 218845000
Epos Medical - Jerman set 62697000
NN buah 8000
buah 9000
Smic/Aesculap buah 297000
Tecno buah 562000
Martin 245359000
Graseby / England G3500 unit 244423000
SL 210 Sharp Japan Two Vaporizer unit 374307000
Kimura/KSV-1 unit 620663000
Blease-England, Fronline focus Blease 6500 unit 2542167000
Blease/England-Focus + 700 unit 1241888000
Medec-Belgium/Neptune 2 Vaporizer unit 980247000
Siare-Italian/AM 5000 Major evolution unit 1065277000
Medec-Belgium unit 1397974000
Siesta w/Breasy Ventilator unit 583882000
Nakamura-Japan / SP-80RS unit 146829000
Kimura-Japan/KF-5000V unit 2274874000
Siesta w/breasy ventilator (dameca-denmark) unit 602715000
Siesta I w/ whispa ventilator (dameca-denmark) unit 1344810000
Kimura-Japan/KSV-1 unit 683705000
Acoma unit 188349000
Acoma unit 237785000
Acoma unit 320381000
Acoma unit 382080000
Acoma unit 503106000
Acoma unit 647875000
Acoma unit 555322000
Acoma unit 704832000
Acoma unit 676248000
Acoma unit 541086000
Acoma unit 761789000
Acoma unit 348854000
Acoma unit 341740000
Acoma unit 370215000
Acoma unit 398700000
Acoma unit 320381000
Pakistan buah 415000
Various Rudolf / Germany buah 46333000
unit 94175000
Canon TXF 47087000
Shinipon NCT-10 263687000
paket 59261000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 126766000
Geomed/ZA-111 set 36117000
EPOS/Germany unit 299070000
Fortus- Germany/Various set 33233000
B Braun set 118150000
Martin unit 36059000
Martin unit 37000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 885860000
Martin set 11105000
Epos/ Germany unit 36807000
Fortus- Germany/Various set 36558000
GC buah 95000
GSI/GSI 17 unit 69287000
Amlivox 240 -England unit 263013000
OF-M2 DFV / Brasil unit 253219000
Accuref-K 9001 Shin-Nippon unit 289839000
Canon 395518000
Shinipon 9001 254217000
Eschman-England, SES-2000 unit 106229000
Nihon kohden set 362205000
unit 181103000
SM 0810 Thailand buah 522000
56-411-27 buah 3825000
Rudolf-Germany-Ru 8980-06 set 7761000
Smic buah 857000
Rudolf-Germany-Ru 8980-01 set 5099000
SM 0156Thailand buah 304000
56-411-16 buah 3120000
SM0162 Thailand buah 483000
Rudolf-Germany buah 8330000
Rudolf-Germany-Ru 8980-03 set 6052000
SM0162 Thailand buah 484000
56-411-23 buah 3619000
Thailand SM0813 buah 598000
56-321-23 buah 1373000
Snaico unit 598000
Smic buah 363000
Snaico unit 956000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 34674000
Lawton - Germany set 9968000
Fortus- Germany/Various set 3623000
Geomed set 7973000
buah 355000
Ormco buah 1373000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 220130000
Epos/Germany unit 242127000
Various Rudolf / Germany bhg 242402000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 790614000
Martin Mayor Basic Inst. set 235789000
Aesculap set 132878000
Various Rudolf / Germany buah 571476000
Lawton - Germany set 6276000
Epos Medical - Jerman set 62742000
Fortus- Germany/Various set 31317000
B Braun set 228203000
Martin buah 255153000
Geomed set 201960000
Martin/Emergency set 267741000
Geomed/ZA-103 set 34897000
Martin/General set 211109000
Martin/Gynaeco set 343639000
Geomed/ZA-115 set 68860000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 740254000
Martin set 255153000
Geomed/ZM-101 set 86690000
Smic buah 188000
56-178-33 1782000
unit 3740000
Aesculap-Germany set 31779000
Paramount unit 17094000
buah 113004000
Nihon Kohden LifeScope I OPV 1500k buah 99566000
Nihon Kohden LifeScope I BSM 2301 buah 255777000
Nihon Kohden BSM 2301 unit 181103000
Nihon Kohden BSM 2301L unit 225832000
UEDA HM 2001 Look unit 164945000
Philips/Intellivue MP40 295235000
Philips/Intellivue MP20 244473000
Mindray Mec1000 unit 84220000
OPV-1500K unit 99566000
Huntleigh/England-Sc 750 unit 235564000
Datascope/Usa/Passport 2 With Recorder unit 415966000
BCI-USA/Advissor Full system unit 295877000
Ivy-USA/450 C unit 253546000
Fukuda unit 181103000
Fukuda unit 346858000
Aesculap buah 1682000
Smic pcs 231000
Plata buah 1787000
Martin buah 2072000
Thailand buah 155000
Thailand buah 104000
56-673-17 buah 476000
buah 737000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 8970-03 unit 712000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 8970-01 unit 5099000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 8970-02 unit 531000
Martin unit 156000
Martin unit 156000
Martin unit 156000
Martin unit 156000
Martin unit 156000
Aesculap - Germany buah 27200000
buah 755000
Buma type 2305 unit 5020000
Animec-Japan unit 14049000
Sthiler/Germany/Asthotermplus 260 unit 142799000
Animec/Am-25-Sa unit 28697000
Biegler-Austria/BW 585 unit 115287000
Challenger, Libis 5000, Finance unit 402380000
Chollenger buah 1017079000
Olympus buah 881929000
buah 793000
Geomed/ZG-112 100552000
buah 12517000
Nikon Kohden, Jepang buah 160096000
Precisemed/German set 48623000
Littman buah 6183000
Geomed 75735000
terumo buah 451000
Precisemed, Germany set 101030000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 341743000
buah 223000
buah 42000
buah 613000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 67251000
Martin set 27680000
buah 411000
ika farma pot 327000
buah 6114000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 13725000
Epos Medical - Jerman 43545000
Geomed/ZO 115 set 7861000
Martin/Urology set 51655000
Bidi 1 Ultrasound / England unit 220093000
Pakistan buah 268000
Geomed/IH 120 buah 699000
Rudolf/Germany RU 6286-14 unit 1490000
Minato AS505 japan unit 57122000
Fukuda Sangyo/ST 75 unit 92442000
Spirovision 3 +Futuremend / USA unit 367637000
SO 210 - 02 unit 1810000
Rudolf/Germany RU 8900-10/01 unit 58143000
SW 400S ITO Japan unit 184908000
Enraf Nonius-Netherland, Curapuls 970 unit 254267000
buah 9417000
Mitzuo unit 299000
Emerson buah 70620000
buah 1978000
buah 3706000
1320 nm unit 2779353000
Precisemed-Germany unit 10606000
250 cc 123000
500 cc 235000
pyrex buah 39000
buah 158831000
buah 462000
buah 568000
buah 1123000
buah 2184000
mollar botol 1360000
GC buah 1637000
Septodont buah 462000
buah 2356000
asisten box 1407000
asisten box 1407000
Vistron / VCT-610 unit 706305000
Various Rudolf / Germany buah 219032000
set 461396000
Dfv/Brazil-Cpm 2500 unit 182163000
Erbe/Germany/Cryo Gun unit 267755000
B Braun set 28385000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 87825000
Epos Medical - Jerman set 19165000
Fortus- Germany/Various set 34362000
Ardo/Switzerland/Senator 30 Cur unit 125518000
buah 12000
NN buah 12000
DM - 1 Primedic - Germany unit 291847000
HME - England LP 282 unit 311299000
HME / England LP 200 unit 567325000
Cardioserv Std (GE Healthcare) unit 141920000
Metrax primedix-germany (DM-10) unit 485938000
TEC-7721K (nihon kohden-Jpg) unit 182662000
Huntleigh/England-Lp 200 unit 321904000
Primedic/Germany/XD 1 unit 268004000
Primedic/Germany/XD 1 unit 271622000
Medesy / Italy unit 5366000
Marbelle unit 4267097000
Cobra unit 40412000
Titanium Marc Belle - Brasil unit 769064000
MED/INE unit 468632000
fuji botol 315000
Trovi unit 616000
fuji box 985000
Maillefer buah 76000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 115225000
Martin/Gynaecology set 53027000
A&D UA-767 2820000
set 99816000
Dentsply buah 94000
buah 75000
Ormco buah 375000
Ultra sound/UK unit 37182000
Ormco unit 549000
buah 59000
Corona - China unit 3244000
ST Francis STA 130 unit 25329000
Hanshin/Korea/Hs-2529 Vh 19 Liter) unit 262015000
DMS Martin set 237748000
Dentsply unit 426000
Deka unit 1996303000
Nayati ADWTO 12-75 L unit 8485000
Nayati ADWSO 12-75 R unit 16595000
Edan/China-Sonotrax Basic unit 7487000
Hanshin/Korea/Es-103 Mic unit 24580000
Nakamura-Japan / KD 250 unit 76110000
Gris/Lokal-922622 set 2122000
MAK 36302 set 5241000
Rudolf/Germany RU unit 10855000
Welch Allyn 29300, USA unit 14848000
Futurumed 120B, 1 channel set 117845000
DAIWHA /121 DT set 214728000
Nihon Kohden, ECG-9320K set 325273000
Camina Italy, K130D, 1 channel set 150971000
Futurumed EZ-3D, 3 channel set 175426000
Biologie 46 set 744000
C 110 Fukuda ME set 57020000
Burdick set 70245000
Camina/Italy-K 130 D unit 175925000
Btl/Uk/Btl 08 Sd 3 unit 56895000
Medigate-Korea/121 DG unit 154714000
Camina/Italy-K 130 D unit 104806000
Btl/Uk/Btl 08 Sd 3 unit 52029000
Burdick set 68124000
Fukuda Japan set 74051000
DR LEE set 68124000
C 120 Fukuda ME unit 54525000
DAIWHA/121 DG unit 246294000
Futurumed P80-Six,multi channel+interpretasi unit 311299000
Camina Italy K360D,multi channel+interpretasi unit 276987000
Fukuda unit 109049000
Fukuda unit 22708000
Fukuda unit 147103000
Fukuda unit 22808000
Fukuda unit 68249000
Fukuda unit 54583000
Fukuda unit 94825000
unit 542000
Mecta, 5000 unit 543244000
Mecta unit 547000
Cavex tube 297000
Cadwel L USA I EASY 11 unit 0
Bio-PC BM Arkonic _ Argentina unit 1014122000
Biologic-USA/Ceegraph IV unit 733392000
Biologic-USA/Ceegraph Net Link unit 856913000
TM300 - 2F ITO Japan unit 118406000
Enraf Nonius-NetherlandEltrac 47 unit 254155000
MAK-Ind/525A buah 108150000
OG Giken-Japan/8 Chanel unit 201877000
Berchold Elektrotom 621 Germany unit 250037000
ICC 80-Erbe/germany unit 190148000
Soring/Germany/Mbc-601 unit 361331000
Meditom - Korea/DT - 400P unit 158707000
Premier 2001e unit 131008000
Eschmann-England, TD-830 unit 338998000
Martin MD62 unit 78355000
Martin ME82 unit 143455000
buah 1682000
buah 712000
buah 1210000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 182662000
Martin/Gynaecology set 85405000
buah 25672000
Gaumard unit 410178000
Bio-PC EMG unit 933424000
unit 941631000
Micromed 753355000
Rusch - Germany set 5615000
Precisemed-Germany set 17967000
Rusch/Germany set 687000
Epos Medical - Jerman set 50120000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 271622000
Haesung OC-3000 buah 92000
Haesung HSE-3000M unit 126797000
Rudolf/Germany - Various set 368543000
Epos Medical - Jerman set 250649000
B Braun set 253843000
Martin set 43670000
unit 33314000
Enraf Nonius-Netherland EN-Cardi 156211000
unit 73988000
unit 70308000
buah 13594000
Smic buah 611000
buah 342000
buah 865000
cavex tube 952000
cavex tube 1012000
set 10319000
Karixa-Indonesia (KA 07-00BSS) unit 10356000
Tesena_Ind/TSN-005-B unit 8734000
MAK-Ind/34101 unit 8017000
Karixa-Lokal/KA-21-01A unit 21566000
buah 432000
Medesy buah 163000
cavex tube 132000
buah 552000
pcs 68000
pcs 78000
pcs 63000
pcs 35000
pcs 95000
buah 2246000
Sharp/Japan Ps-302 Unit 1872000
Sharp buah 1248000
Gentec - USA buah 2259000
unit 22621000
Edan/China-Sonotrax Lite unit 4866000
Aloka/Japan/Ssd-3500 Sv unit 1891871000
PD 1+Ultrasound / England buah 37616000
Nemio 17 CSSA - 550 A / E7 buah 1791183000
Toitu- Japan FD-390 buah 47087000
buah 1872000
PFM 1 Ultrasound / England buah 532764000
Trovi unit 674000
Aesculap buah 2795000
buah 75000
pak/100 246000
buah 500000
buah 72000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 359896000
Martin/Gynaecology set 18591000
Various Rudolf / Germany unit 2423262000
Skylux/Japan/39 S unit 7853000
buah 244000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 167440000
Geomed/ZA-113 set 78541000
Martin 98006000
Fuji set 1248000
buah 71306000
Median buah 1140000
Precisemed, Germany set 56396000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 231946000
Martin set 60083000
Lobect/Swiss Medismart unit 1991000
buah 1373000
Rusch Germany buah 2758000
Lokal set 598000
Smic - RRT buah 113000
Carl Weber unit 500000
unit 475000
buah 45000
buah 45000
Aesculap buah 2995000
Smic - RRT buah 1248000
Aesculap buah 2483000
buah 95000
Smic - RRT buah 171000
Aesculap buah 2738000
Smic - RRT unit 194000
Carl Weber unit 506000
unit 478000
buah 48000
Aesculap buah 1228000
Smic - RRT buah 143000
Smic - RRT buah 143000
21-155-23 buah 4661000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 2668-17 unit 4310000
buah 1390000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 2086-19 unit 7776000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 2050-14 unit 2558000
buah 53000
buah 125000
buah 155000
buah 45000
buah 156000
buah 158000
buah 181000
buah 161000
buah 175000
buah 188000
Carl Weber buah 507000
Carl Weber buah 507000
Carl Weber buah 507000
unit 12228000
Aesculap buah 7799000
buah 30000
buah 1140000
Carl Weber unit 512000
unit 16595000
unit 62697000
Martin 24954000
Mollar pak 10419000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 322902000
Martin set 213355000
Epos/ Germany set 34998000
Fortus-Germany/Various set 57020000
B Braun set 47512000
buah 24000
buah 2496000
buah 10356000
buah 10356000
buah 2152000
B Braun set 40925000
B Braun set 90520000
Bayyer Advia 1210 unit 1177170000
buah 104000
Dentsply box 129000
buah 14617000
Olympus HPU-20+CD 120 U unit 877812000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 146604000
Geomed/ZA-122 set 40862000
Geomed/ZA-110 set 181040000
Epos/ Germany unit 23744000
Fortus-Germany/Various set 37127000
B Braun 117221000
unit 19964000
Precisemed, Germany set 14536000
MAK - Indonesia Cat. 73002 buah 59890000
Acare / Taiwan HSB 8332 buah 128887000
Tesena/TSN 001 KCHLE buah 130634000
Kawe - Germany buah 1934000
922693 Gris buah 86366000
Tesena/TSN 015 FHC buah 9982000
Medical Illumination - USA 922693 buah 8610000
Medilum/Usa-Versalite unit 8048000
Skylux/Japan/39 S unit 78480000
Rudolf/Germany Ru unit 1790000
Riester Germany buah 1297000
Welch Allyn 49022 buah 32565000
17-523-06 buah 12041000
Riester - Germany buah 10107000
Aesculap - Germany set 185158000
RZ-Germany unit 266008000
Rudolf/Germany - Various set 296826000
Epos/ Germany set 256525000
Fortus-Germany/Various set 142437000
B Braun set 200000
pcs 68000
Epos/ Germany 56521000
AGFA unit 188402000
Martin 175675000
Biomeriux/Vidas unit 1214002000
Tesena/TSN 89 TR buah 110171000
unit 110171000
unit 41436000
Acroe - Indonesia Cat. 260 010 buah 97445000
Gris/Lokal-920191 unit 256151000
Nakamura-Japan / NIW 2000 unit 238683000
Riester - Germany unit 14947000
YP 100 David Ningbo unit 45292000
GINEVRI/POLYCARE 3 unit 327644000
Gris/Lokal-920193 unit 86387000
Ardo/Switzerland/Amelette unit 414857000
Tesena-Indonesia/TSN910 SC ehl unit 141738000
Pneupac/England unit 13101000
Riester - Germany buah 7611000
Pneupac/UK SFM4 buah 43907000
Blue cross - Japan buah 3993000
Acroe - Indonesia Cat. 260-010 unit 97495000
unit 63383000
Tesena/TSN 89 IW unit 218658000
Sammon Preston / USA 922306 unit 103309000
T 300 ITO Japan Desk Type unit 26202000
Ito/Japan-T 300 unit 47350000
OG Giken-Japan/El-60 unit 111594000
Teromo buah 54275000
B Braun unit 64631000
Terumo TE 112 set 64631000
Terume/TE 712 64631000
OT 701 JMS Japan unit 58390000
Arcomed-switzerland UPV 5006 unit 166929000
DAIWHA/DF 1200 unit 71618000
Graseby - England G 3000 unit 158781000
Terumo TE 712 set 54000
Arcomed-switzerland MPV 5005 unit 83097000
Argus/switzerland/707 unit 43171000
Aesculap set 339746000
Aesculap set 242405000
Carl Weber set 36183000
Martin pcs 36183000
Martin pcs 952000
Reister-Germany buah 107000
buah 3959000
unit 8983000
Riester - Germany unit 3956000
Size (1-2,5) /(3-5) buah 1872000
omron buah 1009000
Rudolf buah 5939000
RRT buah 203000
Japan buah 1049000
Cadwell botol 239000
buah 108000
buah 129000
Precisemed, Germany set 95686000
Rudolf-Germany buah 881000
Hilbro/Pakistan-81312-12 unit 1348000
Hilbro/Pakistan-81312-02 set 644000
Hilbro/Pakistan-81312-02 unit 574000
Hilbro/Pakistan-81312-06 unit 824000
Lokal buah 79000
56-235-11 buah 865000
56-224-11 buah 755000
56-240-11 buah 740000
set 122274000
Smic - RRT buah 452000
Rudolf buah 2808000
Rodolf/Germany-RU 3900-18+8984-04 unit 4367000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 3900-25 unit 1747000
buah 108000
buah 108000
buah 129000
buah 145000
buah 108000
buah 108000
buah 115000
unit 3729000
Precisemed, Germany set 68963000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 377239000
Geomed/ZA-111 set 78480000
Epos/ Germany set 109173000
Fortus-Germany/Various set 53402000
Epos/ Germany set 62747000
Fortus-Germany/Various set 65567000
Geomed/ZG-104 set 92600000
Various Rudolf / Germany buah 3844754000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 52951000
Martin/General set 35747000
Fiegert 401.1100 buah 116722000
LSFM 4 Pneupac / England buah 41798000
19-351-00 buah 25204000
19-352-00 buah 15035000
set 2995000
Riester - Germany buah 7237000
buah 41798000
buah 116722000
RRT buah 205000
buah 113000
buah 113000
buah 154000
Dentsply Box 194000
Aesculap unit 256151000
Vitadent unit 73215000
Onemed buah 117000
Well's Johnson, USA set 122149000
buah 3494000
Martin buah 288716000
buah 1311000
buah 4055000
buah 1423000
buah 13176000
Fortus-Germany/Various set 12315000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 29446000
Geomed set 6439000
buah 1997000
Dentsply Box 300000
Dentsply Set 4827000
Aesculap unit 256151000
Aesculap set 82473000
Martin 90208000
Geomed/ZA-103 135599000
B-Braun set/ (69 unit) 70370000
B-Braun set/ (50 unit) 85779000
buah 22958000
Sharp Japan buah 1672000
RRT set 66000
Precisemed, Germany set 19964000
Epos/ Germany set 52778000
Fortus-Germany/Various set 80102000
Geomed/ZH-107 set 80601000
buah 1410000
Hico Decubimet 361 Hirt buah 20463000
P 6 Sharp Japan unit 30444000
Erbosonat Erbe / Germany unit 454534000
Enraf Nonoius-Netherland Sonopuls unit 52653000
Enraf Nonius-Netherland, Unilaser201 unit 95012000
Enraf Nonoius-Netherland Unilaser unit 143110000
Enraf Nonoius-Netherland Myomed unit 90396000
Enraf Nonoius-Netherland Endomed unit 41436000
Enraf Nonoius-Netherland Endomed unit 82872000
Tesena/TSN 001 B buah 8485000
MAK-34101 buah 8853000
921542 Gris / Lokal buah 11729000
MAK - Indonesia Cat. 520 MP buah 64506000
MAK - Indonesia Cat. 525A unit 118656000
SUNGSIM/SH 710 unit 505315000
OPX 125 110 Schimtz / Germany unit 916927000
OPX Mobilis 200 G, Schimtz / Germany unit 1346756000
OPX Mobilis 300 C/G, Schimtz / Germany unit 1621996000
unit 359834000
Leicia-DME unit 323589000
Nikon - Japan YS - 100 buah 38055000
Olympus unit 32316000
Olympus unit 47038000
unit 847556000
Mailefer 404000
unit 141239000
Ito/Japan-Pm 800 S unit 200754000
Og. Giken/Japan/Me-7250 unit 164384000
Rudolf set 167191000
Aesculap - Germany set 74488000
Precisemed, Germany set 13101000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 248665000
Martin/Orthopedi set 129261000
Martin/General set 155587000
Martin/Emergency set 157459000
Geomed/ZA 104 set 35123000
Fortus-Germany/Various set 41549000
unit 24830000
Aesculap set 72441000
B-Braun set/ (46 unit) 41174000
B-Braun set/ (59 unit) 51735000
Rudolf/Germany - Various set 101562000
Epos/ Germany set 23707000
Ormco buah 811000
B-Braun set/ (34unit) 58579000
Dentsply Buah 416000
GC buah 1017000
unit 23000
NN buah 4000
Median buah 799000
pcs 30000
kohler buah 4130000
buah 19000
1 set 53868000
Palco 340 49197000
buah 16220000
unit 8185000
Smic - RRT buah 144000
20-360-18 5241000
Rodolf/Germany-RU 8970-02 unit 1398000
unit 1758743000
Nidek/Japan/Yc-1600 unit 1301490000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 8970-02 unit 432000
56-673-17 476000
buah 129000
unit 9970000
Yamamoto unit 2853000
Sharp japan unit 9982000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 392773000
Epos/ Germany set 57800000
Geomed/ZU-101 set 170248000
Medicon buah 1172000
Fisher New Zealand buah 36727000
buah 24000
buah 30000
buah 79000
Cavex botol 244000
Shin Nippon OP-2 unit 232071000
buah 131819000
Riester Mini 3000 unit 2309000
Precisemed-Germany set 96634000
Martin-17-442-03 18903000
F.Bosch/Germany/ 9900.20.000 set 2122000
Geomed/ZT 124 104869000
Ormco buah 889000
buah 874000
Riester - Germany buah 2589000
Heiny / Germany buah 4742000
17-440-02 buah 13850000
unit 282523000
unit 94175000
buah 241086000
Trumpf-Germany unit 1661236000
Germany unit 296287000
buah 1457000
Geomed/ZU-104 86268000
Onemed set 2392000
Gentec - USA buah 2536000
Nidre unit 16182000
Gris / Lokal buah 5524000
buah 5825000
Mahakam botol 8000
ITO/SW 180 unit 107726000
Welch Allyn buah 28521000
Asahi-Jepang/Auto 3E unit 888541000
Expert CP unit 659221000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 49894000
Epos/ Germany set 9043000
Fortus-Germany/Various set 18201000
B Braun set 21743000
Martin/Gynaecology set 25966000
Geomed/ZG-116 set 95311000
Data Scope-Lisa/T Rio unit 538519000
Huntleigh/England-Sc 750 unit 235617000
Data Scope/Usa/Trio With Recorder unit 205932000
Gris/lokal buah 17665000
unit 1045000
Philips - German Pratic 400 (400mA) unit 1358285000
Philips-German Bucky Diagnostic FSC 500 mA unit 1792935000
Aesculap set 36065000
Riester - Germany buah 14234000
NN buah 150000
Pyrex buah 59000
unit 848000
Mailefer buah 244000
Animex Am 2S 5A Japan buah 14617000
Otho Medical unit 37669000
Bio Sistem-Spain/BTR 830 unit 538519000
921634 Gris / Lokal unit 23909000
Gris / Lokal 921634 unit 8083000
Gris/lokal-920195 unit 66829000
Ardo/Switzerland/Amelux unit 21763000
Tesena / TLC 1 H unit 30952000
Acroe - Indonesia Cat. 261 010 unit 66778000
Galaxy CVI Peristaltic Phaco System 725142000
Aesculap buah 36221000
buah 2825000
Martin box/100 656000
Martin box/100 656000
Martin buah 447000
buah 141000
Smic - RRT buah 57000
12-100-16 buah 538000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 4000-14 buah 574000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 4000-15 buah 614000
Smic - RRT buah 57000
12-301-16 buah 715000
buah 1150000
aesculap buah 799000
buah 1000
buah 65000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 171957000
Geomed/ZP 102 set 69613000
Geomed/ZA-116 buah 8905000
buah 740000
Precisemed, Germany set 22552000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 51186000
Geomed/ZH-104 18489000
Novametrix 520 USA buah 124243000
Palco 340 buah 44733000
Huntleigh/England-Mini Pulse unit 33481000
Mediana/Korea/Ym-500 St unit 37605000
BCI-USA/AUTOCORR PLUS 3404 unit 98146000
SLE / England SLE T 801 unit 60412000
HT50-H unit 395532000
Kimura-Japan /KV1+1 unit 570012000
unit 1076000
buah 104000
buah 1066000
buah 1066000
SHOFU set 1896000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 225830000
Korea/diadent buah 54945000
Precisemed, Germany set 16173000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 64754000
MARTIN set 25617000
Hilman - Indonesia unit 32603000
Cavex pot 476000
unit 33505000
buah 1419000
buah 1731000
buah 1419000
Aesculap - Germany buah 9071000
Aesculap - Germany buah 9071000
Ormco buah 462000
rudolf/germany-RU-5000-18 buah 1790000
ABN Taylor buah 60000
buah 191000
C 7469 buah 1233000
23-254-22 buah 7000000
buah 254000
Ormco buah 703000
Various Rudolf / Germany buah 845030000
Blue Cross japan buah 3832000
Blue cross japan buah 7428000
Blue cross japan buah 3832000
Blue cross japan buah 3685000
Kimura set 30999000
Precisemed, Germany set 65567000
MARTIN set 47022000
Accurate unit 53000
My Life - RRT buah 29209000
Meisingger pak/10 291000
Meisingger buah 57000
buah 3104000
Geomed/ZH-114 92893000
Rudolf/Germany-Various set 132025000
Epos/ Germany set 65898000
MARTIN 179157000
Roeko buah 57000
Smic - RRT buah 57000
Dentsply buah 15368000
Medicon buah 2052000
Aesculap - Germany set 402994000
MARTIN set 255209000
Syntes/OL 590-47 32117000
Pilling set 597882000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 296831000
Lawton/Grmany set 139865000
Epos/ Germany set 36701000
Fortus-Germany/Various set 135000
B Braun set 188519000
MARTIN set 140711000
Probe PALCO340 10824000
Lohmeier buah 786243000
buah 980000
Aesculap buah 19577000
Bob set 13373000
set 32190000
unit 752000
Mega Medical Korea set 293679000
Fiegert Germany set 602669000
Fiegert Germany 59771000
Rudolf/Germany/Various set 1730907000
Fortus-Germany/Various set 70495000
B Braun set 49775000
Fiegert Germany 347343000
buah 30000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 116360000
Epos/ Germany set 157775000
Geomed/ZP 105 set 73840000
MAK 36202 unit 7691000
buah 2067000
buah 2067000
buah 35787000
set 10880000
Geomed/ZT 107 set 109009000
Epos/ Germany set 895991000
buah 961000
buah 961000
GC buah 753000
Martin buah 239000
Martin buah 125000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 4900-14 buah 287000
buah 120000
buah 134000
DTN.410 K unit 135829000
Riester - Germany unit 1321000
Riester 5650000
spirit/China unit 3623000
spirit/China unit 2173000
unit 19595000
Terumo buah 32599000
MGElectric-England/SAM-35 unit 96907000
Hirtz/Germany-Hocovac 700 CH/A unit 170329000
Ardo-Switzerland/Master 45 Sur unit 149801000
Welch Allyn 42NTB-E2 unit 81718000
Escort M8 Invivo / USA unit 480242000
BCI / Advissor unit 489629000
Welch Allyn 42NOB-E2 unit 75201000
Invivo / USA Escort M8 unit 480242000
Huntleigh/England-SC-1000 unit 439178000
Datascope/Usa/Passport 2 With Recorder unit 415966000
BCI / Minitorr Plus unit 226319000
Escort M8 Invivo / USA unit 480242000
Novametrix 520 USA unit 124243000
RRT buah 180000
Cavex box 744000
Jerman box 1407000
SM0162 Thailand set 483000
Thailand SM0162 set 483000
SMIC unit 55088000
SMIC unit 57006000
buah 55088000
Choongwae set 304937000
Choongwae set 264075000
Choongwae set 1105842000
Choongwae set 1062813000
Choongwae set 973763000
Littmann buah 996000
Riester buah 452000
ABN buah 150000
Kenz buah 65000
Duplex Riester / Germany buah 795000
17-260-00 buah 933000
Reister/Germany-Duplex buah 779000
Riester - Germany buah 1000
Reister buah 795000
17-262-00 buah 1347000
Riester/Germany-Duplex Baby buah 652000
Riester/Germany-Duplex Baby buah 652000
17-260-00 buah 933000
buah 336000
buah 336000
Lighman unit 2043000
Precisemed, Germany set 49691000
MARTIN set 75879000
Medicore/SA3000 P unit 444281000
PCE 200 WelchAllyn - USA buah 1660586000
Burdick Quinton - USA Q-STress buah 678056000
Welch Allyn/USA-PCE 210 Unit 1210684000
Btl/Uk/Btl 08 Ergo + 770 unit 710453000
Martin buah 149000
Ormco buah 1836000
Thomas buah 6339000
Taf Dream Sharp unit 31445000
SU 305 Gemmy Taiwan buah 18424000
Hico-Radipovac-791-16 Hirtz / Germany buah 34628000
MG.Electric/SM 12 buah 55258000
MG.Electric/SAM 18 buah 68988000
MG.Electric/SAM 35 buah 133219000
Thomas 1132 GL - USA unit 6733000
SU 305 Gemmy - Taiwan (6lt) unit 18424000
Hirtz / Germany Hico-Radipovac-791-16 unit 34628000
Rexall / Taiwan DF 300 unit 87687000
Hicovac 700 CH / GH unit 198148000
Thomas - USA unit 7762000
Hico-Radipovac-791-16 Hirtz / Germany unit 34628000
Taf Dream Sharp Japan KS 1002 unit 33016000
MG.Electric/SAM 18 unit 68988000
Hicovac 700 CH/B, 36 lt/mnt, Hirtz- Germany unit 183763000
Hico - Thermovac 760 Hirtz / Germany unit 161237000
Hico Permavac 785 Hirtz / Germany unit 51863000
Hirtz / Germany Hicovac 700 CH/A unit 170329000
Ardo-Switzerland (senator 30) unit 125522000
unit 7674000
buah 7121000
Gemmy Taiwan unit 12364000
Geomed/ZH-100 99811000
Duplex Riester / Germany buah 828000
Precisemed/German 59221000
Arcomed-Switzerland Syramed 6000 unit 80501000
Nakamura-Japan/SP 80 RS unit 164240000
SP 500 JMS Japan unit 48326000
Arcomed-Switzerland Syramed 6000 unit 120364000
Graseby - England G 3100 unit 127039000
SP 500 JMS Japan unit 48326000
Nakamura/SP-80 RS unit 126907000
B Braun unit 33679000
Terumo unit 38527000
Terume unit 32599000
Thomas - USA unit 8878000
Acoma unit 49836000
Acoma unit 59805000
Acoma unit 61565000
Acoma unit 81638000
Dr. Priyadi unit 4022000
Aesculap pcs 5181000
Aesculap pcs 4169000
Martin pcs 536000
buah 3104000
buah 3536000
buah 3868000
buah 221000
buah 3104000
buah 3259000
buah 3536000
buah 3104000
buah 3536000
buah 1682000
buah 3104000
buah 5787000
buah 3262000
buah 621000
Tens 240 Z ITO Japan unit 3651000
ITO - Japan-TRIO 300 unit 24902000
Og.Giken/Japan/Kr-7 unit 41334000
Siemens unit 480572000
Enraf Nonoius -Netherland TensMec unit 9417000
buah 1682000
Reister buah 7241000
Reister buah 1720000
Reister unit 2128000
Reister unit 7241000
Reister unit 7968000
Reister unit 6339000
Reister buah 2300000
buah 3440000
Safety - Japan unit 25000
ABN buah 35000
buah 17000
unit 569000
Smic buah 1731000
buah 724000
unit 28252000
ITO - Japan buah 178000
Aesculap - Germany unit 85215000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 596426000
MARTIN set 56854000
Epos/ Germany set 84655000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 178479000
Epos/ Germany set 70138000
Precisemed, Germany set 120934000
Geomend/ZH-100 set 92532000
s/s buah 39000
38-375-13 buah 816000
rudolf/Germany-RU 8433-17 buah 1120000
Onemed buah 65000
Ardo/Switzerland/Senator 30 Drain unit 125522000
buah 320000
Jerman botol 297000
buah 169514000
PVM-740RT unit 342794000
PVM-621VT unit 114893000
PLM-703AT unit 56505000
PVM-787LA (Thosiba-Jpg) unit 538678000
Atys/France-Waki unit 592664000
Dwl/Germany/Ez Dop 2 Freq unit 979848000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 71402000
Epos/ Germany set 19143000
Aesculap - Germany set 109904000
Precisemed, Germany set 30830000
MARTIN set 85060000
MARTIN set 50579000
Siemen unit 320381000
Sugico - Japan buah 2057000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 8922-15 unit 25487000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 8922-02 unit 8889000
Rudolf/Germany-RU 8922-08 unit 12902000
Sugico - Japan buah 1800000
Enraf Nonoius-Netherland EN-Cardi 444503000
Welch Allyn/USA-PCE 210 unit 1210684000
Btl/Uk/Btl 08 Ergo + 770 unit 710453000
Quinton Burdick/Quesress Test unit 607605000
Enraf Nonoius-Netherland Manumes unit 96058000
buah 156000
buah 24000
Ormco buah 2067000
buah 2067000
Interacoustics/Denmark unit 345360000
GSI-USA/GSI 38 unit 167424000
Ondeko Japan set 628288000
Rudolf/Germany-Various set 874916000
Epos/ Germany set 88650000
B Braun set 203444000
Nakamura/U-100 unit 44095000
Medikana Pratama unit 98246000
Liberty Clement clarke / England buah 26077000
Comfort KU 400 Sharp Japan unit 12255000
Hirzt/Germany unit 110894000
Hirzt/Germany buah 122238000
Hirzt/Germany-Hocoultrasonat 810 unit 97615000
System/Japan/Dp-100 unit 71790000
Tesena/TSN.88 unit 50493000
SH 30 ITO Japan unit 76584000
unit 39601000
Thailand SM0109 buah 651000
Urine Strits N Analizer unit 90553000
Logic 3 unit 1131904000
Logic 3 buah 1131904000
Apogee 800 Siui / China unit 851525000
Toshiba - Japan FAMIO 5 unit 700293000
GE buah 1682812000
Nemio 17 CSSA - 550 A / E7 unit 1812588000
Siui / China Apogee 800 Plus unit 4725326000
Toshiba/Nemio20A-SSA unit 1104647000
Tomey UD-6000 unit 1096934000
Tomey UD-6000 A/B Scanner unit 642270000
Tomey UD-6000 A/B Scanner unit 642270000
Nidek/Japan/Us-4000 unit 810892000
Aloka/SSD 500 unit 4435909000
Siui / China CTS 200 unit 403595000
Just Vission 200 Toshiba Japan unit 298567000
CTS 485 Siui / China unit 775010000
Toshiba -Japan FAMIO 5 unit 470872000
set 3107000
Menox - Swedia buah 18424000
Nakamura-Japan / GT-200 unit 173197000
Rexall / Taiwan RSU 586G unit 54784000
Ardo-Switzerland (senator 30) Vac unit 145100000
Ardo-Switzerland (senator 30), + mobile stan unit 204170000
pcs 64000
pcs 64000
pcs 64000
Diana KD 250 Sharp Japan buah 29209000
Rudolf-Germany set 50528000
Aesculap - Germany set 32801000
Various Rudolf / Germany set 69914000
MARTIN/GENERAL set 83125000
Geomed/ZA 108 set 8555000
GE/Galileo Clasic unit 996076000
Inter 5 Plus Intermet - Brasil unit 1016689000
Inter 5 Plus Intermet - Brasil unit 1118791000
Newport -USA E100 + Compressor unit 565046000
Event Medical, Inspiration unit 696890000
Newport -USA E 360 S unit 820858000
Siare-Italia/Siaretron 1100 unit 854533000
Event Medical, Inspiration unit 753395000
E150+Compressor unit 565046000
Kimura-Japan /KV1+1 unit 570016000
unit 1318441000
unit 1129755000
unit 113009000
Event Medical, Inspiration unit 696890000
Acoma unit 808310000
Acoma unit 836788000
Acoma unit 764169000
ITO - Japan VR 7 N unit 6973000
unit 188349000
Ruby buah 94000
Riester - Germany buah 2765000
Steinless unit 195000
Allied Healthcare-USA, 6020 59857000
Ormco buah 1724000
Shyntes buah 1222457000
MARTIN 98058000
Median buah 1425000
Median buah 3922000
Jerman kaleng 1132000
Denstply set 17069000
Dongmun/Korea DM 70 D set 181014000

unit 36932000
set 1265000
unit 4000
unit 1890000
Hico - Decubimat 361 Hirtz / Germany buah 7450000
Huntlieght - England unit 2107000
Dr. Priyadi buah 102000
Hirtz/Germany unit 21888000
Apex/Taiwan/Pm 100 A1 unit 1861000
Medema unit 3310000
Dentsply set 7728000
RRT buah 70000
buah 77000
Lokal unit 55000
Lokal unit 90000
Lokal unit 1300000
unit 735000
MAK 31817 unit 3487000
BCI-USA / advissor standard unit unit 25201000
buah 2229000
Tesena/TSN006A buah 2991000
Mak-31203 buah 4686000
Gris / Lokal 921334 buah 2204000
Mak - Indonesia Cat. 31208 buah 6193000
MAK 31208 unit 7747000
unit 9274000
RRT buah 11000
MAK-Indo/33602C buah 709000
922101Gris/Lokal buah 9163000
Gris/Lokal-922101 set 3293000
Tesena-Indonesia/TSN 007 set 3162000
MAK 33606C + 36112B set 11251000
Riester unit 2420000
unit 24996000
Lokal buah 119000
Nayati unit 155370000
MAK-Indo/36302 buah 1846000
Tesena/TSN 016 DSS buah 4053000
Tesena-Ind/TSN-016DSS set 2573000
Vitalograph/Enmgland-24530 set 8771000
Mylife/China Tla-100 Hb unit 1716000
Everlight/Tla-100 Hb unit 3420000
Lokal buah 135000
buah 4988000
Gris/Lokal-922335 unit 3369000
Tesena-Indonesia/TSN 012B unit 4700000
MAK 36603 unit 6217000
buah 124000
buah 308000
Dentsply buah 36000
Dentsply buah 385000
Meditom/Korea unit 60801000
MAK-34106 buah 531000
Gris/Lokal unit 642000
Honda GF3-50 KVA 46005000
921777 Gris / Lokal buah 6843000
MAK - Indo/34102 buah 7359000
Tesena/TSN 900 GEU buah 35399000
Rudolf/Germany-Various set 32063000
Epos Medical - Jerman set 2548000
Fortus-Germany/Various set 15852000
B Braun set 5072000
Gris/Lokal-922561 unit 3978000
Tesena-Indonesia/TSN 005 CSS unit 5128000
Tesena/TSN 005 CSS buah 7337000
MAK - Indo/34102 buah 7359000
Lokal set 135000
Rudolf/Germany-Various set 184158000
Epos Medical - Jerman set 28915000
B Braun set 36531000
Rudolf/Germany-Various set 44452000
Fortus-Germany/Various set 13579000
Gris/Lokal-921101 unit 15493000
MAK 33103 + 36113 unit 10824000
MAK - Indo/73004 buah 8780000
Tesena/TSN 001 KCHL buah 21648000
Centry 021345 buah 66777000
Choong Wae buah 7602000
Gris/Lokal-922693 unit 2060000
Riester buah 76000
buah 472000
Energizer Buah 41000
Stratek-Korea buah 78742000
MAK - Indo/73002 buah 25675000
Indonesia Cat 73004 buah 8780000
MAK -Indo/73004 buah 9660000
Chitose-Indonesia CB-2003 buah 9133000
MAK - Indo/31820 buah 11411000
HCB 8332 Acare / Taiwan buah 50012000
MAK-Ind/31820 buah 9530000
Lokal buah 214000
MAK - Indo/36101 buah 845000
Tesena/TSN 017 ASS buah 1657000
Stainless Steel buah 3806000
Gris / Lokal 922214, 2 rak buah 3604000
MAK-35101 buah 402000
Tesena/TSN 011 ADSS buah 6377000
MAK - Indonesia Cat. 35101 buah 3350000
Gris/Lokal-922240 unit 2212000
Tesena-Indonesia/TSN 009 ASS unit 2393000
buah 290226000
Pakistan buah 15000
MAK-31303 buah 1680000
Tesena/TSN021C buah 3350000
Medicare buah 923000
unit 2267000
Made in China unit 1315000
MAK -Indo/31310 buah 2014000
Tesena/TSN005B buah 3295000
buah 1315000
unit 1315000
Lokal buah 57000
Lokal buah 38000
buah 176000
buah 176000
unit 3885000
Mollar pcs 444000
buah 3885000
unit 34453000
Tesena/TSN-026 C unit 3589000
MAK-Indo/35302B unit 6591000
Karixa-Lokal/KA-306SS unit 6233000
lokal 3162000
GEA unit 2027000
MAK 35301 buah 3231000
Dunlopilo buah 1689000
MAK - Indo/31813 unit 2726000
Mak-Ind/31813 unit 2296000
unit 1523000
buah 41000
MAK-Ind/35103 unit 2011000
MAK - Indo/36601 73004 unit 7012000
Tesena/TSN 045 unit 9887000
Gris / Lokal 922336 unit 16459000
MAK-36602 unit 9532000
Gris / Lokal 921345 unit 5123000
unit 4301000
Gris/Lokal 921305 unit 5472000
MAK 32902 unit 4208000
MAK-Ind/32902 2943000
Blue Cross-Japan (EK-100) 87261000
Aestivs 5 buah 439104000
unit 55000
Gris/Lokal922221 buah 4110000
unit 3556000
unit 2197000
unit 2973000
unit 1940000
unit 25067000
unit 1315000
unit 1074000
Hilman Indonesia unit 4270000
buah 35000
unit 6112000
MAK - Indo/31203 unit 4686000
Gris/Lokal 921332 unit 6590000
W.Spencer/Pkt Buah 14000
Thailand SM0106 buah 289000
56-750-36 buah 1849000
Hilbro/Pakistan-81360-02 buah 488000
Steinless unit 692000
Galaxy CV I Peristaltic Phaco System unit 270494000
Geomed unit 19672000
buah 92000
Riester buah 772000
MAK - Indo/73004 buah 8780000
Mak-Ind/31820cme buah 24866000
HCB 8332 Acare / Taiwan buah 47632000
Tesena/TSN 006 BSS buah 9865000
Acare / Taiwan HCB 8332 buah 47632000
Eterna biji 3000
LF-M4 DFV - Brasil unit 147109000
unit 7038000
Polycare buah 209000
unit 1453000
unit 733000
unit 327000
Sungsim/Sol150 buah 9246000
MAK-Indo/34130 buah 9363000
ikat 42000
ikat 14000
ikat 23000
- unit 1380000
Dr. Priyadi unit 2269000
Dr. Priyadi unit 1265000
Smic buah 169000
unit 6789000
kayu unit 407000
Paramount unit 6638000
buah 739000
One Med unit 71000
Soehnle - Germany unit 219000
Tesena/9806WHS unit 1880000
Smic - RRT unit 672000
Tesena/980 WHS unit 1880000
unit 872000
One Med unit 299000
buah 290000
unit 9269000
MAK-Indo/36603 buah 5188000
Gris/Lokal 922345 buah 9071000
Tesena/TSN 012 buah 5610000
MAK - Indo/35101 buah 3986000
unit 7357000
unit 7283000
buah 4506000
MAK-Ind/31207 7303000
buah 202624000
buah 8000
buah 40000

Lestari Med. App. buah 450000
Lestari Med. App. buah 150000
Stel 150000
Lestari Med. App. buah 450000
buah 150000
stel 250000
Ultra lusin 40000
set 50000
stel 350000
stel 350000
stel 200000
gross 25000
Mak buah 7093000
buah 40000
potong 50000
buah 10000
Lestari Med. App. buah 170000
buah 50000
Lestari Med. App. buah 40000
Lestari Med. App. buah 55000
Lestari Med. App. buah 90000
Lestari Med. App. buah 275000
buah 60000
buah 60000
buah 50000
buah 50000
buah 25000
Lestari Med. App. buah 180000
Lestari Med. App. buah 40000
Lestari Med. App. buah 55000
Lestari Med. App. buah 90000
Lestari Med. App. buah 55000
Lestari Med. App. buah 52000
Lestari Med. App. buah 88000
Lestari Med. App. buah 46000
buah 80000
buah 11000
buah 50000
buah 9000
buah 60000
buah 90000
buah 75000
Lestari Med. App. buah 119000
Lestari Med. App. buah 50000
buah 55000
buah 10000
buah 8000
buah 6000
rol 17000
buah 22000
buah 60000
meter 35000
meter 75000
meter 75000
meter 14000
meter 11000
meter 1000000
meter 30000
meter 19000
kg 37000
GEA buah 8107000
Buatan unit 3022000
meter 70000
stel 60000
MAK - Indonesia buah 1005000
unit 715000000
unit 975000000
unit 390000000
unit 1468000
Electroluc unit 88400000
Italy unit 298239000
buah 8000
buah 3000
MAK - Indonesia unit 5178000
unit 727000
Lestari Med. App. buah 25000
Lestari Med. App. buah 27000
buah 25000
buah 25000
buah 20000
buah 110000
buah 150000
buah 165000
buah 165000
buah 50000
buah 80000
buah 88000
buah 18000
buah 35000
buah 55000
buah 7000
buah 7000
buah 10000
buah 13000
buah 71000
buah 60000
buah 55000
buah 15000
buah 16000
buah 85000
buah 35000
buah 75000
buah 27000
buah 27000
buah 55000
buah 44000
lusin 132000
buah 363000
buah 165000
buah 83000
buah 85000
buah 165000
buah 125000
buah 56000
buah 94000
buah 22000
buah 275000
buah 33000
buah 27000
buah 83000
buah 55000
buah 150000
buah 27000
buah 55000
buah 83000
buah 60000
buah 83000
buah 6000
set 330000
buah 80000
buah 50000
buah 25000

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