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Social Media Engagement Research

1. Tweet more often.
● ​According to data by CoSchedule, the “sweet spot” is anywhere between ​three
and seven tweets per day​ to maximize engagement.
● Filling up your Twitter feed with ​fresh content​ lets potential followers know that
you’re active, engaging, and well worth following.
● With the help of ​social scheduling​ software, you can regularly queue up content
without having to constantly tweet in real-time. This effectively allows you to
attract new followers around the clock.
2. Create a posting time.
● Posting when your target audience is sleep, will not help you gain followers or
● According to Sprout’s own research on the ​best times to post on social media,
brands typically see the most engagement during weekdays in the early and late
● Brands should schedule tweets to hit the times where users are more active and
tweet in real-time at intervals throughout the day as well.
3. Use more visuals.
● Tweets containing visual content receive more likes, shares and retweets than
those without them.
● Infographics are ​shared three times more often​ than any other type of image on
● Whether you’re looking to inform or entertain your audience (or both), filling your
feed with visual content can help bring new followers.
4. Use more hashtags.
● Think of hashtags as a way to make your posts searchable, almost as a form of
SEO for your Twitter account.
● Tweets with at least one hashtag receive 12.6% more engagement than those
without them.
● The only issue with hashtags is that you don’t want to go overboard. Posts with a
lot of hashtags look spammy at a glance and are distracting.
5. Tag, Retweet and Reply.
● Regularly engaging with other users via tagging, retweeting and replying
immediately lets new followers that you’re human (not a robot account) and gets
more eyes on your brand.
● Being tagged in a tweet can help you tap into new audiences by understanding
who else is sharing your content. If you want to be tagged by others, you should
do the same yourself.
● Any combination of tagging, retweeting and replying don’t have to take long but
are essential to letting those potential followers know you’re active.
1. Use your bio effectively.
● Tell about your organization in a nice short and sweet way.
● List all other social media handles.
● Have an updated link, that leads to a place that they can learn more about you/
your organization.
2. Use appealing images.
● Use top quality pictures.
● Use filters and tools to enhance images to blend in well with Instagram.
● Use a variety of images (behind the scenes, tips and advice, promotions and
discounts, celebrations, etc.) to showcase your business.
3. Use creative videos.
● Show the real side of your business and your personality through videos.
● You can use how-to videos, answer frequently asked questions, offer greetings
or show celebrations.
● Use these videos to connect with your audience and recommend they visit your
website for more details or information.
4. Use hashtags.
● The best way to generate exposure and get more engagement is to use
● Find hashtags relevant to your business or industry. Don’t use too many, 5-10
per post are recommended.
● Mix in a variety of popular hashtags as well as less popular hashtags.
5. Have exclusive content.
● You want to make sure that the images and offers you showcase on Instagram
aren’t the same things you always promote on other social media sites.
● Share images and videos that followers can only see on Instagram.
● Offer Instagram exclusive promotions and discounts.
6. Be active and engaging.
● You have to be open, engaging, and active with your audience.
● You want to like and comment on a lot of other people’s posts. You want to share
content regularly to show your commitment to your audience.
● When people respond to or comment on your posts, make sure you are engaging
with and responding to them.
● Make sure to @mention them so they see your response.
● To increase engagement, ask questions and invite conversation through your
image captions.
● Follow people! If you have hundreds or thousands of followers but only follow 10
people, you don’t look very social.
1. Post less.
● Focus on quality instead of quantity.
● Being able to share the best content every day when you post only once or twice
a day is better than posting four to five times a day, but struggle to find great
content to share.
● Finding great content takes time, and you don’t always have the time to do that.
2. Find the best time to post.
● Every brand has its own perfect time(s) to post. That’s because the best time to
post depends on several factors that are specific to each brand.
● What industry are you in? Where is your audience based? When do your
followers use Facebook?
● In your Facebook Page Insights, under the Post tab, you get data about when
your Facebook Page fans are online for each day of the week.
3. Create just for Facebook.
● What works on Instagram or Twitter might not always work on Facebook.
● For example, hashtags are great on Instagram and GIFs are great on Twitter but
both less so on Facebook.
● It’s best to create your Facebook posts specifically for your Facebook Page.
4. Upload videos.
● Videos perform best on Facebook in terms of reach and engagement.
● Videos uploaded onto Facebook have, on average, 110 percent higher
engagement rate and 478 percent higher share rate than YouTube links,
according to ​a quintly study of six million Facebook posts​.
● When ​studying over 500 Facebook Pages and 12,000 Facebook videos​,
Locowise found that 93 percent of video views happened without sound.
5. Go Live.
● People spend more than 3x more time watching a Facebook Live video on
average compared to a video that’s no longer live.
● People comment more than 10 times more on Facebook Live videos than on
regular videos.
● Here are some ideas you can try: share behind-the-scenes of an event, your
work processes, your office, host a question-and-answer or ask-me-anything
session,Interview industry experts, explain or demonstrate how to do something,
discuss breaking news, or share weekly tips.
6. Recycle top post.
● This will help you get more value out of your content. When you repost a piece of
high-quality content, it can often generate as much reach and engagement as the
original post (sometimes more), essentially doubling the value of that content.
● Instead of reposting the top-performing post as it is, change the post a little.
There are several ways you can make it look fresh again: add a video, add an
image or ask a question.
● Generally, for Facebook, you would want to wait several weeks before reposting
the same post if you are posting only once or two a day. This will prevent your
followers from seeing the same post too often and getting bored of your
Facebook posts.

1. Make sure your profile is personal.
● The presence of company pages is growing on LinkedIn but personal profiles still
dominate the platform.
● Personal profiles get more views, and greater engagement.
● People are more likely to follow a personal profile than a brand. People want to
engage with other people, not companies.
2. Update your information.
● It’s an easy thing to forget to update your LinkedIn profile when you’ve mastered
a new skill or started a new position at work. However, outdated information
doesn’t leave a good impression.
● People can easily assume you’re not active and will not be worth engaging with.
● People often search based on key criteria. If you don’t keep your information
updated, you'll be left out of relevant search results.
3. Professional photos.
● This is the image people will see every time you show up in someone’s news
feed or interact with them, so it’s important that you invest in a high-quality and
professional-looking photo.
● Of course, professional doesn’t mean formal and buttoned-down. If you’re in a
creative industry, a suit and tie could seem out of place. According to LinkedIn,
having a profile photo will result in up to 21x more views of your profile and 9x
more connection requests.
● If you’re still using the default LinkedIn background photo, you’re missing out on
an opportunity. Background images can help you communicate your brand and
showcase valuable information.Select a quality image that demonstrates your
standing within the industry, your location or your brand to maximize this
4. Compelling content.
● The most important content on your LinkedIn profile is your headline and
summary. Your headline acts as an instant elevator pitch, helping to provide
context and a “hook” to keep them on your profile.
● Your summary should clearly state what you do, and how you can help your
target market.
● Clearly communicating your brand story and value, use keywords to show up in
relevant search results, provide value for people who find it.

Ayres, S., Ayres, S., Herman, J., Herman, J., Bowersock, A., Bowersock, A., … Ray. (2014,

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Barnhart, B. (2019, October 9). 8 Steps to Get More Twitter Followers. Retrieved from

Lee, K. (2018, April 17). Research-backed Tips to Get More Followers on Twitter, Facebook.

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Lua, A. (2018, December 3). 14 Actionable Strategies for Increasing Your Facebook Page

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Smith, B. (2019, January 8). 20 LinkedIn Tips to Help Boost Engagement. Retrieved from


Taylor, L. (2019, September 13). 8 New Ways to Get More Instagram Followers in 2019.

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