International Student Services

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International Student

Grace Hymel and Noah Montague

● Centered around International Student Experience

● Three main factors that impact change
○ United States’ relationship with foreign countries
○ Number of incoming students
○ Federal regulations
● Late 1900’s to early 2000’s
○ Large influx of International students to the United States caused
departments to grow
Mission Statements

● Purpose
○ Support international students holistically and advocate for their needs

● Common Components of Mission Statements

○ Orient international students and assist with their transition to life in the
United States
○ Promote academic and personal success of international students
○ Ensure that universities and students comply with federal immigration
Common Programs

● Orientation Programs
● Educational or experiential workshops related to U.S. adjustment (Driving in
the U.S., etc).
● Academic advising and support
● University break programming (Thanksgiving Dinner and Winter Staycation)
● Meals
● Spouse or family programming
● Employment programs
● Immigration compliance
● Free legal counseling services
Staffing Models

● Staffing can differ greatly depending on the school

○ Amount of students
○ Resources needed
○ Size of institution
● Designated School Officials (DSOs)
○ Maintain relationship with Federal Government
○ Work with visas
○ Advise students
● Staffing at Miami
○ Seven Staff Members
○ Advising, programming, and administration
Staffing Models Continued

● Tillman (What all ISS offices should do regardless of

○ Advising
○ Programming
○ Academic Guidance
○ Financial aid
○ Counseling
○ Immigration requirements
Professional Associations

● NAFSA: Association of International

○ Support practitioners
○ Advance scholarship
○ Engage in advocacy for international higher education

● NASPA Knowledge Community:

International Student Services Institute
Core Competencies

● Advocacy

● Communication with stakeholders

across campus and community

● Comprehensive internationalization

● Crisis management

● Intercultural communication
International Education Professional Competencies. (n.d.).
Retrieved from

● Student Record Keeping Software

○ Sunapsis
○ Interacts with University systems as well as the government
○ Record keeping and alert system
○ Aids in making sure students stay at the credit cap
○ Centralized system for students and practitioners
○ Students can make requests through the same system
○ Federal System run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement
○ Interacts with ISS through their record keeping software
○ Tracks and ensures students maintain visa requirements
Current Challenges

● 1st decline in International students in twelve years in 2016

● Current Administration’s Policies
○ Heightened visa regulations and restrictions
○ Campus climate & US perception
● Effect on Universities
○ Financial cost of decrease of international student population
○ Decreases diversity among student population
● Shifted focus
○ Large focus on immigration than programming
○ Retaining students rather than recruiting new ones
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Study of an International Student Services Office: Assessing Satisfaction and Productivity. Retrieved from
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International Student and Scholar Services. (n.d.). Miami University. Retrieved from
International Student and Scholar Services. (n.d.). University of Iowa. Retrieved from
Mission Statement. (n.d.). Texas A&M University. Retrieved from
Mission Statement. (n.d.). Vanderbilt University. Retrieved from
Mission Statement. (n.d.). University of South Florida. Retrieved from
Mission Statement. (n.d.). University of Maryland. Retrieved from
Mission, Vision, Values. NAFSA. (n.d.). Retrieved from
NASPA International Student Services Institute. (n.d.). NASPA. Retrieved from
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