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Class 01 – Lesson 05

Make Questions

1. __________________________________________________________________________
Yes, I like to drink Milk for breakfast.

2. __________________________________________________________________________
Yes, I like to sleep at home.

3. __________________________________________________________________________
No, I study English at school.

4. __________________________________________________________________________
No, I don´t drink soda in the morning. I drink milk.

5. __________________________________________________________________________
No, I speak only English with my teacher.

6. __________________________________________________________________________
Yes, I like to work at school.

7. __________________________________________________________________________
No, I don´t like to eat fish for lunch.

Substitution Pratice

1. I like to study with my friends at school.


2. I study with my sister in the morning.


3. I don´t speak Portuguese whit my teacher.


4. I sleep at home every day.


5. Do you play chess with your daughter every day?


6. I don´t speak French with my teacher.


7. Do you speak English?


8. I don´t like your old car. / I like your big car.


Written Practice
1. Eu não estudo com meu filho. / Eu estudo sozinho.

2. Eu bebo café todos os dias.


3. Você estuda inglês com seu marido em casa?


4. Você gosta de comer queijo no café da manhã?


5. Eu estudo de manhã e durmo à tarde.


6. Você brinca com seus filhos todos os dias?


7. Você gosta de jogar futebol? / Eu não gosto deste jogo.


8. Você gosta de sua professora de iglês?



1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 06

Complete with

eat / drink / like / study / sleep / work / speak / play

1. I ______________________________ milk for breakfast.

2. I ______________________________ English at school.
3. I ______________________________ bread and cheese for dinner.
4. I ______________________________ at night.
5. I don´t ______________________________ with my father.
6. I don’t´ ______________________________ to eat fish in the afternoon.
7. I don´t ______________________________ in the afternoon.
8. Do you ______________________________ in the morning?
9. Do you ______________________________ at the bank?
10. Do you ______________________________ ham?
Substitution Pratice

1. I study English with my daughter at home.


2. I don´t speak Portuguese. / I like to speak English.


3. I work with my brother in the morning.


4. Do you like to drink a glass of milk for breakfast?


5. I don´t like to sleep here. / I like to sleep at home.


6. Do you like my new car?


7. I work at the store with my wife in the morning.


8. I like to play tennis with my friends every day.


Written Practice

1. Você fala inglês com seu professor?


2. Você gosta de comer pão com presunto no café da manhã?


3. Não tomo chá à noite, mas tomo chá de manhã.


4. Você estuda com seu amigo na escola?


5. Você trabalha com seu filho? Eu trabalho em casa.


6. Você gosta de jogar com seus irmãos todos os dias?


7. Eu não gosto de presunto, mas eu gosto de comer queijo no jantar.

8. Eu não bebo café e leite no café da manhã.


1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________
Review 1

1. I ______________________________ juice and water.

a. to drink
b. drink
c. drinks

2. I eat ______________________________ and I ______________________________ soda.

a. coffee / to drink
b. tea / drink
c. meat / drink

3. I ___________________________ speak English with ___________________________ daughter.

a. don’t / my
b. to / now
c. you / your

4. I don´t drink ___________________________ glass ___________________________ water.

a. of / of
b. an / of
c. a / of

5. You like ___________________________ Spanish with my father.

a. drink
b. speak
c. to speak.

6. I work ___________________________ store.

a. drink
b. speak
c. to speak

7. I don´t play ___________________________.

a. violin
b. the chess
c. the violin

8. I only study English ___________________________ home.

a. at the
b. at
c. on

9. I play ___________________________ with my brother ___________________________ afternoon.

a. the basketeball / at the
b. basketeball / in the
c. basketeball / in

10. I like my ___________________________ .

a. new car
b. a new car
c. car new

11. I like ___________________________ with my ___________________________ teacher.

a. study / English
b. study / an English
c. to study / English

12. I eat ___________________________ apple for breakfast.

a. a
b. the
c. an

13. I don´t ___________________________ with ___________________________ English teacher.

a. to study / a
b. study / a
c. study / an

14. ___________________________ you like my ___________________________ ?

a. --- / big car
b. do / big car
c. do / car big

15. Do you drink ______________________ cup ______________________ coffee for breakfast?

a. an / for
b. an / of
c. a / of

16. Do you like ______________________ this game?

a. to study
b. to play
c. to like

17. Do you study Spanish ______________________ home or ______________________ school?

a. at / at
b. in / at
c. at / at the

18. Do you play ______________________ guitar only ______________________ school?

a. --- / at
b. the / at
c. the / on

19. Do you ______________________ bread and cheese ______________________ lunch?

a. to eat / in
b. eat / in
c. eat / for

20. Do you work ______________________ store or ______________________ school?

a. at a / at an
b. in / at
c. at a / at a
Lesson 06

Speak Right Now

I have a small car.
I don´t have a small car.
Do you have a small car?

every day book small

child this new
friend big old


Do you speak Portuguese at home?

No, I don´t speak Portuguese at home. I speak English.

Do you work in the morning?

No, I don´t. I don´t work in the morning. I work at night.

Do you like to drink tea with your friends?

Yes, I do. I like to drink tea with my friends in the afternoon.

Do you speak English with your brother?

No, I don´t. I speak English with my sister.


Do you speak English?

Do you like to sleep in the morning?
Do you drink coffee or milk for breakfast?
Do you study English with your brother?
Do you eat meat for breakfast?
Do you drink juice at night?
Do you play with your son every day?
Do you eat bread and cheese at school?
Do you study English or Portuguese at school?
Do you drink coffee or tea for breakfast?
Do you study your English lesson alone?
Do you like to play soccer or volleyball?

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