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days, when Jerusalem was to be rebuilt, the prophet, in vision, heard one heavenly

messenger saying to another, “Run, speak to this young man.” And so, in these days,
the young men and young women of the Advent movement have been given an
important part to act in the closing drama of earth's history.
“The Lord has appointed the youth to be his helping hand.”—Testimonies for the
Church 7:64.
“With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon
the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the
whole world!”—“Education,” page 271.
Such messages as these have been coming to the young people of this movement,
through the spirit of prophecy, from the very beginning of our work. The Lord's
chosen instrument for the manifestation of this gift, Mrs. Ellen G. White, was a girl of
only seventeen when she began her work. She knew the struggles of childhood and
youth with the powers of darkness, and she knew the life of victory in Christ. Many
messages of instruction, sympathy, reproof, and encouragement have come from her
pen, addressed directly to the young people. And these messages, always directing the
minds of the youth to Christ and to his word as the only source of strength in building
noble Christian manhood and womanhood, have done much to foster the spirit of
consecration that has characterized so many of our young people.
It was in 1892 and 1893 that messages were given, suggesting that our young people
should be organized into bands and societies for Christian work. From these
suggestions has developed the Young People's Society of Missionary Volunteers,
which has proved to be such a lifting and holding power in the lives of the Advent
youth all around the world.
While much that Sister White has written for our young people has been published in
her books, many articles that appeared in the Youth's Instructor and in other places
have not been preserved in permanent form. These instructions are a precious
heritage, and should be in the hands of all our young people of today. The General
Conference Missionary Volunteer Department has, therefore, gone over all that she
has written in our periodicals from the beginning of her work, and has made selections
of matter pertaining to young people and young people's problems. While it has not
always been possible to preserve the entire article, care has been exercised to make
such selections as would give clearly the author's ideas on the subject treated. To
make a well-balanced book of instruction, we have also included much material
already in book form, but not widely distributed to the young people.

Education sets forth the unique and

challenging idea that "the work of
education and the work of redemption
are one." The ultimate goal of all
learning should be to understand more
about our Creator-Redeemer and to
reflect that understanding in our
personal lives. In her writings on this
subject, Ellen White presented the
great, guiding principles that make up
true education in its broadest sense.
The reader will find in these pages insights to guide not
only parents, students, and teachers, but all who seek true
education in the great school of life.
We Are the Pathfinders Strong

Willie Oliver, Patricia Humphrey

We Are the Pathfinders Strong is the story of the men and

women who dedicated themselves to the church?s young
people, and the young people who joined them in this
exciting program. Around the world Adventist young
people learn new skills and participate in fascinating
activities, whether it be camping in the snow, exploring
caves, witnessing to others, or serving as volunteers in
humanitarian or civic outreaches.Whether you are a
Pathfinder today, were many years ago, or would like to
be... you?ll find this book captures the joy and excitement
of being a Pathfinder.

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