Affidavit of Consent

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Municipality of Dalaguete

I, Susan Savella, Filipino, of legal age, and a resident of Mantalongon, Dalaguete, Cebu,
Philippines, having been duly sworn in accordance with law, hereby depose and state:

1. That I am one of the heirs of DAMIANO MORAN who owned a parcel of land with TD No.

2. That my niece MA. LUZ C. CALVO is applying for a Building Permit at the office of the
Engineering of Municipality of Dalaguete so she could build a residential house on a
portion of the aforementioned parcel of land;

3. That I hereby signify my written consent, freely, willingly and voluntarily to allow my niece
MA. LUZ C. CALVO to build her residential house on a portion of the said parcel of land
and, consequently , have an electric connection on her house;

4. That I am executing this affidavit to attest the truth of the foregoing facts as to my
undertaking to give consent to my niece MA. LUZ C. CALVO to support her application for
a Building Permit and Electrification Permit.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this ___th day of October 2019 at
Mantalongon, Dalaguete, Cebu, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this _____ day of October 2019

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