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Regent University CAS Student Teacher Evaluation SurveyMonkey

Collector: Web Link 1 (Web Link)
Started: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 9:17:03 PM
Last Modified: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 9:56:24 PM
Time Spent: 00:39:20
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Page 1: Placement Information

Q1 Student Teacher's Name

Victoria Sandridge

Q2 Student Teacher's Endorsement Area Elementary Education, PreK-


Q3 Grade Taught Third Grade

Q4 Internship Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)


Q5 Internship End Date (MM/DD/YYYY)


Q6 School of Student Teaching Placement

Glenwood Elementary School

Q7 School Division Virginia Beach City Public Schools

Q8 Evaluator's Name (First Last)

Lindsey Recine

Q9 Evaluator's Email. We will return a PDF copy of your report to this address.

Email Address:

Regent University CAS Student Teacher Evaluation SurveyMonkey

Q10 Evaluator's Position/Role Classroom Teacher

Q11 What time period is this evaluation for? Mid-Term

Page 2: Standard One: Professional Knowledge

Q12 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Demonstrates accurate knowledge and skills of the subject area(s) Proficient

Demonstrates an understanding of the development of the age Proficient
Integrates key content elements and facilitates students’ use of Proficient
higher level thinking skills.
Links content with other subject areas and real world applications. Superior

Q13 Please comment on the teacher candidate's overall performance in the area of professional knowledge.

Victoria incorporated the use of technology (Google Slides) and used teaching practices that were grade-level appropriate (modeling
and turn and talks). Victoria connected the reading skill to real-world examples to make the skill relatable to students.

Page 3: Standard Two: Instructional Planning

Q14 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Aligns lesson objectives to the school’s curriculum and student Superior

learning needs.
Develops appropriate plans designed to meet all learner needs; Developing
adapts plans as needed.
Plans time realistically for pacing, content mastery, and Proficient
Plans for differentiated instruction. Developing

Q15 Please comment on the teacher candidate's overall effectiveness of instructional planning.

Victoria did a wonderful job using a curriculum embedded lesson and made sure to stay on target with the learning objective throughout
the lesson. She referred to the learning target a few times throughout the lesson, which gave students a clear understanding of their
reading skill of focus. Victoria discussed some important/challenging vocabulary words before reading the text, which helped clarify
meanings that were essential for understanding during whole group instruction. For the closure/independent portion of the lesson, she
could have differentiated the activity by providing further assistance to students that need a read-aloud accommodation or repeated

Page 4: Standard Three: Instructional Delivery

Regent University CAS Student Teacher Evaluation SurveyMonkey

Q16 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Engages and maintains students in active learning. Proficient

Differentiates instruction to meet the students’ needs. Developing
Reinforces learning goals consistently throughout lessons. Superior
Uses a variety of effective instructional strategies and resources. Superior
Uses instructional technology to enhance student learning. Proficient

Q17 Please comment on the teacher candidate's overall effectiveness of instructional delivery.

Victoria engaged the students during her lesson by allowing students to think creatively and allowing peer-to-peer conversations. She
reinforced the learning target throughout the lesson and displayed it on the board in multiple locations to allow students to refer to
(which is a goal that she has improved on since her last mini observation). Although I assisted in the implementation of instructional
technology, she was able to successfully use the tools in an effective way.

Page 5: Standard Four: Assessment of and for Student Learning

Q18 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Uses student learning data to make instructional decisions. Developing

Uses a variety of appropriate assessment strategies and Proficient
Uses assessment tools for both formative and summative Proficient
Gives constructive and frequent student feedback. Proficient

Q19 Please comment on the teacher candidate's performance in the area of assessment of and for student learning.

Victoria used formative assessments such as turn and talk, whole group discussions and feedback, and a digital closing exit ticket that
reflected the learning target. I would suggest to review student responses from the exit ticket and have a group discussion based on
response to further reflect on the learning target.

Page 6: Standard Five: Learning Environment

Q20 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Establishes clear expectations for classroom rules and Superior

procedures; enforces them consistently and fairly.
Uses available resources and knowledge of students to prevent, Proficient
redirect, or reinforce behaviors.
Respects students’ diversity, including language, culture, race, Superior
gender, and special needs.
Actively listens and pays attention to students’ needs and Superior

Regent University CAS Student Teacher Evaluation SurveyMonkey

Q21 Please comment on the teacher candidate's overall effectiveness in creating an environment conducive to

Victoria has really impressed me with her ability to redirect behaviors. She has implemented a few of my personal strategies and has
built relationships with the students. Students respect her and listens as she speaks. She quickly address distracted students and give
feedback to student responses.

Page 7: Standard Six: Professionalism

Q22 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Modifies performance based on personal and professional Proficient

Demonstrates initiative in planning, management, and Developing
professional interactions.
Demonstrates effective communication and collaboration with Developing
teachers and other school personnel.
Fosters trust in all school relationships through fair and ethical Proficient

Q23 Please comment on the teacher candidate's professionalism throughout the period of observation.

Victoria strives to improve on any critiques or suggestions that I have provided.

Victoria is still a little shy and reserved when in a planning session. I would like to she her share her wonderful ideas as they come to
her. Sometimes it's hard to know if she is overwhelmed or just soaking all the information in as much as possible. She has great ideas
that I have been impressed by, but I want her to take more initiative to share them aloud or digitally.

Page 8: Standard Seven: Student Academic Progress

Q24 Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate's performance in each of the areas below.

Documents the progress of each student throughout the Developing

Provides evidence that achievement goals have been met. Developing
Uses available data to document/communicate student progress Proficient
and develop learning targets.

Q25 Please comment on the students academic progress throughout the period of observation.

We are currently assessing student understanding at this time of year and she keeps the data in a binder for a quick reference. Victoria
asks questions when she needs clarification on how we use a certain assessment and why it is beneficial. Victoria has done a great job
matching her lesson to learning targets based on the focus objective.


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