PD Log

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Template – Professional Development Activities Log – Evidence

Component 3A
DOMAIN: Evidence that Demonstrates Professional Engagement
EVIDENCE COMPONENT 3: Professional Development Activities
FOCUS: Identify how learning goals against the Standards have been addressed and how these
activities have been incorporated into classroom teaching
This log is intended to address the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers – 6, 7. Please note that cells will expand for the purposes of making more
detailed commentary

Teacher’s Name : Mackenzie Huggins Registration Number : 16258

Standards addressed in the
PD Activity

Date Professional Development Activity Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Impact and Evidence

Qualified to teach Keys for Life Program which is

17/10/2018 ASADA: Keys for Life 7 typically embedded in WA Health programs.
Resources & e-Ticket

Improved program delivery and new resources for 7-

14/11/2018 ASADA: Talking Drugs 7.5 10 Health.
Resources & Invoice

Introduction to the Schools vision, mission and

23-25/01/2019 Essington 2019 Commencement 18 Refresher on Mandatory Reporting
Mental health impact on students and creating safe
and supportive learning environments.

Current as at January 2013


Ability to log into NT Schools account and run down

13/02/2019 One Note 1 on the benefits associated with this log in
NT Schools Log In

Identify risk facts and protective factors in students at

13/03/2019 Trauma in Schools 2 risk as a result of trauma.

Basic introduction to the sport of Squash. Supporting

Intro to Squash 3 my preparation to teach the elective
Success to Squash Textbook

An extension of the Be You project that further

17/05/2019 Mental Health Risks in Secondary Schools 2 supports teachers recognise and monitor at risk
students in the school community.

PowerPoint presentation and notes. Attending this

06/06/2019 TRB Provision to Full Registration
familiarized me with the process and formalities.

20/05/2019 BE YOU: Mentally Healthy Communities 3 Certificates

BE YOU: Family Partnerships 2 The Be You Program is a Beyond Blue Initiative for
educators to develop strategies on creating safe and
BE YOU: Learning Resilience 3 supportive learning environments. Through the
progression of the program I learnt how to identify
BE YOU: Early Support 3.25 risks and assess situations as well as how to provide
support for the individual, their support network and
BE YOU: Responding Together 2.25 the wider community.

I watched the film Free Solo before showing it to the

class. Although I had seen the film before I had no
resources or activities to supplement the learning.
01/08/2019 Watched an analysed “Free Solo” 3
Whilst watching the movie I took notes and made into
a document to share with the students to help
scaffold learning.

Several mini workshops were attended where I heard

keynote speaks Steve Francis and Gabbie Stroud
24/08/2019 Festival of Teaching 8 talk about their teaching experiences and advice for
our future. I also attended workshops that provided
information about delivering sexual education in
Current as at January 2013
health programs, learnt a variety of strategies to
better support and include students with learning
difficulties in the classroom and establishing a deeper
understanding on how strong leadership provides
strong platforms for success.
Resources and Notes

Under guidance from the HoD my colleague and I

spent several afternoons planning and creating the
Stage 1 Psychology Assessment Planning Stage 1 Psych topic test. It was developed so
students could demonstrate their knowledge
according to the SACE criteria.

Enabled me to effectively deliver the Stage 1

28/06- Psychology course. In addition to the readings I
Professional Reading 20
24/07/2019 completed chapter summaries as well to use
personally and share with my students.

Covered administrative matters especially regarding

SACE paperwork and agenda, pastoral care, student
All Year Attended weekly Staff Meetings 40 PD updates. See attached document for evidence of
meeting summaries.

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (implementation January 2013)

Professional Knowledge Professional Practice Professional Engagement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Engage professionally
Plan for and Create and maintain Assess, provide
Know students and Know the content and Engage in professional with colleagues,
implement effective supportive and safe feedback and report
how they learn. how to teach it learning parents/carers and the
teaching and learning learning environments on student learning

Current as at January 2013

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