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A Guide to Landforms and Processes

Adrian Harvey

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© Adrian Harvey 2012

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Many people enjoy scenery, and see landscapes as beautiful. Landscapes have inspired painters
and photographers, even poets and composers of music. What is it about scenery that inspires
people? For some it is clearly related to a scene with a ‘natural’ vegetation cover, for others it
might relate to a mood created by the weather, or atmospheric conditions. For most, the physical
landscape (mountains, hills, rocks, rivers, the sea) is the basis of ‘scenery’. Geomorphology is the
science that deals with landforms and physical landscapes. As a study it lies between the trad-
itional disciplines of physical geography and geology, draws from both, and contributes to both.
The purpose of this book is to introduce the reader to the science of geomorphology. The
book is not intended as a textbook; there are many of these at every level. I make no bibliographic
references in the text, but in the end pages I make suggestions for further reading. In writing I
have tried to present a broad and reasonably comprehensive view of the conceptual basis of
the subject. I have tried to avoid mathematical treatments and to keep the level of physics and
chemistry to a minimum.
Geomorphology inevitably involves a great range of spatial scales, from the global scale
(continents and mountain systems) to the regional scale (individual mountain and hill ranges,
river basins) to the local scale (conventional scenery: rivers, hillslopes, beaches, glaciers) and
the micro-scale (weathering phenomena, sedimentary details). Partly related to spatial scales
are timescales (geological time – millions of years; the timescales of the ice ages – half a million
to tens of thousands of years; modern timescales – the last ten thousand years; timescales of
individual events, e.g. landslides, floods – hours or days). The form of the earth’s surface, at all
scales, results from the interplay between two sets of forces, though the relative importance of
each varies with scale. The two sets of forces are internal (essentially geologically driven) and
external (essentially climatically driven).
This book is organised from the ‘top down’, initially introducing the concepts related to
spatial and temporal scales and the two main drivers of landform evolution (internal and
external forces). Then the bulk of the material is organised by spatial scale, dealing first with
global and regional scales, then with local and (to some extent) micro-scales. There are two
final short chapters, one dealing with the integration of timescales and landscape evolution, the
other dealing with interactions between human society and geomorphology.

Note: all terms highlighted in bold are defined in the Glossary at the end of the book.



List of illustrations and tables viii

Preface xi
Acknowledgements xii
1 Introduction to geomorphology 1
1.1 What do we mean by ‘landforms’? 1
1.2 What we mean by spatial scales 2
1.3 What we mean by temporal scales 2
1.4 What we mean by the fundamental driving forces 7
1.4.1 Internal (geological) forces 7
1.4.2 External (climatic) forces 10
1.5 Different approaches to the study of geomorphology 14
2 Global-scale geomorphology 16
2.1 The plate tectonics context 16
2.1.1 The ocean floor 16
2.1.2 Global-scale continental landforms 17
2.2 The global climatic context 20
2.2.1 Climatic geomorphology 20
2.2.2 Quaternary climatic change – glaciation 22
2.2.3 Other changes to the climatic system during the Pleistocene 26
2.2.4 Quaternary sea-level change 26
2.3 Global-scale interactions between tectonic and climatic forces 28
3 Regional-scale geomorphology 31
3.1 Regional scale – structure 31
3.1.1 The regional-scale plate-tectonic setting 31
3.1.2 The direct creation of relief by internal processes 32
3.1.3 Lithology – resistance to erosion 32
3.1.4 Topographic expression of geological structures 35
3.2 Regional scale processes – the drainage network. 38
3.2.1 Drainage evolution 38

vi Contents

3.2.2 Drainage network composition 41

3.3 Regional scale – evolution 42
3.3.1 Evidence of past landscapes 43
3.4 An example – the regional scale geomorphology of Europe 44
4 Local-scale geomorphology – process systems and landforms 49
4.1 Weathering systems 49
4.1.1 Mechanical weathering 49
4.1.2 Chemical weathering 51
4.1.3 Influence of climate on weathering regimes 54
4.2 Slope systems 56
4.2.1 Slope processes 56 Rockfall and scree processes 56 Overland flow 57 Mass movement processes (excluding landslides) 60 Landslides 63
4.2.2 Climatic influence on slope processes and slope profile morphology 64
4.3 Fluvial systems 65
4.3.1 Fluvial processes 66
4.3.2 Bedrock channels 67
4.3.3 Alluvial channels 69
4.3.4 Alluvial depositional forms 74 Floodplains 74 Alluvial fans 75
4.3.5 Fluvial change 77
4.4 Aeolian systems 79
4.4.1 Aeolian processes 79
4.4.2 Aeolian depositional morphology 80
4.5 Glacial systems 82
4.5.1 Glacial and fluvio-glacial processes 82
4.5.2 Glacial and fluvio-glacial erosional forms 85
4.5.3 Glacial and fluvio-glacial depositional forms 87
4.6 Coastal systems 88
4.6.1 Coastal processes 88
4.6.2 Erosional coasts 90
Contents vii

4.6.3 Depositional coasts 91

4.6.4 Interactions with coastal biology 93
4.6.5 Coastal change 94
4.6.6 Lake shorelines 96
5 Timescales and landscape evolution 97
5.1 Landscape evolution: an example – late Quaternary landscapes
of Carlingill, Cumbria. 97
5.2 Relative dating 99
5.3 Absolute dating 102
5.4 Temporal and spatial scales – synthesis: two examples 103
5.4.1 Upland north-west England 103
5.4.2 The Sorbas basin: south-east Spain 104
6 Geomorphology and interactions with society 108
6.1 Human impact on geomorphic regimes 108
6.2 Applied geomorphology 110
6.3 Geomorphology in education and research 110

Further reading 113

Classics 113
High school texts 113
University level texts 113
Encyclopaedic works 113
Specialist fields (selected examples only) 113
Useful websites 114

Glossary 115
Introduction to geomorphology

1 Introduction to geomorphology

In this chapter I introduce some fundamental sea floor to local scales of, for example, indi-
concepts related to spatial and temporal scales vidual hillslopes or river channels.
of landforms and some basic material on the As a science, geomorphology lies between
primary forces driving landform evolution: the traditional disciplines of physical geog-
internal (geological) and external (climatic) raphy, the study of the natural environment,
forces. and geology, the study of the solid Earth. As
the Earth’s surface forms part of the natural
1.1 What do we mean by ‘landforms’? environment, geomorphology interacts with
Geomorphology is the scientific study of the other sciences that deal with environmen-
the landforms of the surface of the Earth. tal systems: climatology, hydrology, pedology
These forms encompass a range of scales (soil science) and ecology. It also interacts
from that of, for example, the Earth’s major with several subdisciplines of geology, espe-
plains, plateaux and mountain ranges to cially with tectonics and structural geology
that of small-scale forms, such as a beach or in relation to deformation of the Earth’s crust,
a river bank. Landforms of various scales are with sedimentology in relation to the proper-
nested within one another so that within a ties of sediments, the products of erosion at
mountain range, for example, there are indi- the Earth’s surface, and with stratigraphy, the
vidual mountain ridges and valley systems; account of Earth history.
within valley systems there are valley-side This interface between geology and
slopes and river channels; and within river environment influences the spatial and
channels there are gravel and sand bars. temporal scales relevant to the study of
Studying landforms and the processes that geomorphology. In the simplest terms,
create them inevitably involves study over internally driven (geological) forces generally
a range of temporal and spatial scales. The tend to operate over large spatial and long
processes that create the landforms include time scales. They create the gross or available
the creation of the relief itself and its modi- relief of the Earth’s surface by deformation
fication by erosion and deposition. The of the Earth’s crust. Externally driven forces,
temporal scales range from the short-term ultimately controlled by climate, modify this
timescales at which some erosion processes surface by erosion and deposition. These
operate, to the longer-term timescales of external processes can be described as the
Earth history. The spatial scales range from ‘sediment cascade’ and they create the more
large scales related to the global distribution detailed landforms that form the heart of the
of the relief forms of the land surface and the study of geomorphology.

2 Introducing Geomorphology

1.2 What we mean by spatial scales to the plate tectonics context (see below) of
At global and continental scales geomor- the North American continental plate, conver-
phology deals with the major features of gent with the oceanic Pacific plate. In contrast,
the surface of the Earth (e.g. continents, the Canadian Prairies present a much more
mountain systems). At a regional scale it uniform land surface, formed over a much
deals with intermediate forms (e.g. individ- more stable zone of the Earth’s crust. In addi-
ual mountain and hill ranges, river basins). tion to the geological features the vegetation
At a local scale it deals with what could be cover reflects major continental-scale climatic
described as individual features of con- contrasts. The grassland of the southern Prai-
ventional ‘scenery’ (e.g. rivers, hillslopes, ries contrasts with the forest cover further
beaches, glaciers), and at a micro-scale with north and with the forested zones within the
the detail of the surface itself and its con- Rocky Mountains. Coming down a scale to that
stituent materials (e.g. weathering phenom- of a major valley within the Rockies (Figure 1B),
ena, sedimentary details). the NNW–SSE alignments of the major moun-
This book is organised around these tain ridges and of the Saskatchewan and Bow
themes, with the main chapters devoted to river valleys are still apparent, but the moun-
global scales, regional scales, with local and tain slopes dominate the image. Coming right
micro-scales treated together. Figure 1.1 shows down to the local scale (Figure 1C), the charac-
how different features are apparent at different teristics of the braided river channel dominate
scales. On the Google Earth satellite image of the photograph.
western Canada (Figure 1A), features related
to global/continental scales are most appar- 1.3 What we mean by temporal scales
ent. The NNW–SSE alignment of the major The three spatial scales represented by the
structures of the Rocky Mountains dominate views shown in Figure 1.1 all relate to differ-
the west of the image. These structures relate ent timescales. The geological processes that

Figure 1.1 Examples of scale in

A geomorphology, illustrated by the
Canadian Rocky Mountains. A.
Continental scale, represented by
N Sasketchewan River a satellite image – ©Google Earth
image of the Rocky Mountains and
adjacent areas of the Canadian
Prairies. The timescale related to
the development of the physical
features depicted on the image is
one of millions of years. Note the
B ow

contrast between the structurally

complex mountain chain and the
R i ve

structurally stable area to the east,

where the plains are underlain by

near-horizontal bedrock. Note also

how the satellite image brings out
the vegetation contrasts between
the grasslands of the southern
Introduction to geomorphology 3

Prairies and the forested areas further north and in the mountains. B. Regional (landscape) scale photograph looking south
along the Bow Valley within the Rocky Mountains. At this scale the straight alignment of the main valley is clear, as is the
mountain morphology to the west. The westerly dip of the sedimentary rocks forming the mountains is clear, as are the
glacial erosional features on the mountains and the scree slopes at the base. The timescale related to the development of
the landforms visible in the photo is one of tens of thousands of years. C. Detailed photograph of the bed of the braided
river channel of the North Saskatchewan River within the Canadian Rockies. Note the milky colour of the water, due to
suspended sediment, released by melting glaciers within the catchment of the river. Note also the gravel bars on the bed
of the river. This river has only existed for the last 8000 years or so, and its detailed form is modified at least annually by
snowmelt floods.
4 Introducing Geomorphology

formed the structures of the Rockies have been landform patterns be recognised to any great
operating over 30–50 million years, but their extent. However, older mountain systems can
tectonic uplift to form a mountain chain has be recognised in the structural patterns and
probably occurred only over the last 10 million to a certain extent in the relief of all the con-
years or so. In the second view we are looking tinents. It is with Quaternary (see Figure 1.2B)
at a landscape that was periodically covered timescales (the last 1.6 million years) that the
by ice sheets during the last half million years, geomorphologist is most concerned.
then by huge valley glaciers that deepened the The modern basis for subdivision of the
main valleys. The small glaciers in the Rockies Quaternary is climate. Over the last 1.6 million
today are merely diminutive remnants of much years there have been numerous climatic
bigger bodies of ice that melted only 8–10 oscillations. Interglacial conditions (such as
thousand years ago. The third view shows a the present time) have alternated with global
river that has only existed for maybe 8000 years, glacial periods, when lower global tempera-
but its detailed morphology is modified follow- tures allowed large ice sheets to form over
ing every flood generated by summer storms or much of the northern continental areas, in
the annual snowmelt flood in the spring. addition to the more permanent ice sheets
To grasp this wide range of timescales we over Greenland and Antarctica. These oscil-
need to know a little about geological time, lations are caused by cyclic variations in the
and especially about the particular timescales Earth’s orbital characteristics (Milankovitch
relating to approximately the last two million cycles: named after the Yugoslav mathemati-
years. The Earth as a planet is about 4000 cian who discovered them). We shall deal with
million years old. These vast ages have been the effects in Chapter 2. Here we deal with the
determined on the basis of the decay rates modern basis for Quaternary chronology. The
of radioactive elements contained within the chronology is based on the oxygen isotope
rocks of the crust. The later 15% of geological record preserved in ocean-floor sediments
time (the Phanerozoic; see Figure 1.2A) is and in the glacial ice of Greenland and Antarc-
divided on the basis of fossil evidence into a tica. The two isotopes of oxygen (O16 and O18)
system of eras and periods, related to the evo- have different temperature-related potentials
lution of life forms on the Earth. The landforms for evaporation. Hence, atmospheric concen-
of the surface of the Earth are young in relation trations of each isotope are enhanced and
to geological time. Most of the detailed form seawater concentrations diminished, or vice
has developed only over the last 1.6 million versa, as the result of fluctuations in the global
years or so during the Quaternary (the Pleis- temperature, and particularly in the volume
tocene and the Holocene; Figure 1.2B). The of water in the oceans, which reflect global
present (Alpine) system of mountain ranges glacial/interglacial cycles. Oxygen isotope
dates largely from the mid-Cenozoic (c.25 ratios preserved within the calcium carbonate
million years) and the modern pattern of con- (CaCO3) of foraminifera shells (small marine
tinents and ocean basins dates largely from protozoans) or within ice crystals therefore
the early Cenozoic (65 million years). Only vary with the global glacial/interglacial cycles.
in parts of Australia and Africa can Mesozoic Figure 1.2B summarises the oxygen isotope
Introduction to geomorphology 5

MIS Stages

Figure 1.2 Geological timescales. A. (Above) Geological

timescale. B. (Right) Timescale for the last 300,000
years of the Quaternary: based on the oxygen isotope
record from foraminifera in marine sediments. The
nomenclature for the stages here labelled MIS (Marine
Isotope Stages) replaces the earlier OIS (Oxygen
Isotope Stages) nomenclature.

record for last 300,000 years of the middle Section 1.4 below). The oxygen isotope-based
and late Quaternary derived from the marine chronology and notation has largely replaced
record. The warm interglacial or mild inter- the Alpine, Northern European or American
stadial phases are given odd numbers increas- regional terminology previously used to define
ing in age from the modern Holocene, Marine glacial phases. The modern approach to Qua-
Isotope Stage 1 (MIS 1). MIS 3 was an intersta- ternary chronology is based on the global
dial, not as warm as the Holocene, and the last climatic sequence rather than on local and
major interglacial (MIS 5) occurred around incomplete stratigraphic sequences.
125,000–90,000 years ago. The intervening The last 10,000 years (The Holocene: MIS 1)
cold or glacial phases of the Pleistocene are have been important in modifying the effects
numbered with even numbers increasing in on the landscape of the environments of the
age from the last glaciation (MIS 2). This and last global glacial (MIS 2). They have also been
earlier glaciations during MIS 6 and MIS 8 were important for another reason. For the latter
particularly important for geomorphology (see half of the Holocene humans have had an
6 Introducing Geomorphology

increasing impact on the landscape. For the rarity. For example, a flood that occurs on
majority of this timespan the natural land- average once every 100 years (ie. with a recur-
scape was progressively modified by human rence interval of 100 years) will bring about
settlement and the development of agricul- much more erosional change than a flood
ture. The evidence for geomorphic change that occurs on average once every five years.
is intimately linked with that for vegetation However, because we might expect there to be
change and with archaeological evidence for 20 five-year floods for every 100-year flood, the
the development of human societies. Over the overall and cumulative effects of the five-year
last 200 years or so the human impact on geo- floods may be greater. This concept, referred
morphic systems has accelerated enormously, to as the magnitude and frequency concept,
both indirectly through radical changes to was developed in the 1960s in a classic paper
the properties of the Earth’s surface, espe- by Gordon Wolman and John Miller (see Figure
cially through vegetation change, and more 1.3), where they demonstrated that in active
directly through engineering interventions in landscapes the greatest cumulative amount
the sediment cascade. We will consider time- of geomorphic work done (erosion, sediment
scales of landform evolution in more detail in transport, deposition) was carried out by
Chapter 5 and human impact on geomorphol- events of moderate magnitude and frequency.
ogy in Chapter 6. Active landforms, especially in river systems,
There is still another approach to time- tend to adjust to such events by erosion and
scales that is important in understanding deposition. For example, river channels (see
geomorphic processes (Chapter 4). The effec- Chapter 4) tend to be maintained by a balance
tiveness of individual geomorphic events (e.g. between erosion and deposition at a size
floods, landslides) tends to increase with their related to such moderate events.
Two major elaborations of this
concept were developed particu-
larly in the concept of geomorphic
sensitivity by Dennis Brunsden and
John Thornes, and in the geomor-
phic threshold concept by Stanley
Schumm. A landscape or geomor-
phic system is said to be sensitive
if recovery from a major disturb-
ing event, such as a major flood, is
long-drawn-out in relation to the
frequency of the disturbing event. In
such landscapes there is a relatively

Figure 1.3 Relationships between event

magnitude and frequency and geomorphic
work done (modified from the classic work of
Wolman and Miller).
Introduction to geomorphology 7

high probability of further disturbance before 1.4.1 Internal (geological) forces

the system has recovered from the previous Huge advances in our understanding of the
event, for example if re-vegetation of eroded Earth as a planet occurred in the late 1960s
slopes is slow. On the other hand, landscapes and 1970s through the development of the
that recover quickly from disturbance are said plate tectonics concept. In this model the
to be robust. Earth’s crust is seen to be composed of a series
At a larger scale, a landscape may undergo of relatively stable rigid (lithospheric) plates
sudden and rapid changes from one state to separated from one another by less stable
another, for example from stable to gullied plate boundary zones.
hillslopes or from a meandering to a braided The crust is lighter than the underlying
river channel. Such a landscape is said to have mantle and rests on it in isostatic equilibrium;
crossed a geomorphic threshold. These thresh- in other words, at an elevation proportional
olds may be related to internal properties of to the crustal thickness and density. The crust
the geomorphic system or may be brought itself is of two sorts: lighter, thicker continental
about by external stresses; for example, by crust, composed dominantly of granitic rocks,
tectonic, climatic or human-induced changes and denser, thinner oceanic crust, composed
in the environment. One research problem is dominantly of basaltic rocks, so the contin-
to differentiate between externally and intern- ents sit at higher elevations than the ocean
ally induced thresholds, a problem exacer- floor. Most of the lithospheric plates include
bated by the common occurrence of a complex both oceanic and continental portions.
response to threshold-related changes to the There are three types of plate boundary:
geomorphic system. Robust landscapes are constructive, destructive and conserva-
better able to withstand such stresses, but tive boundaries. Below the crust the upper
sensitive landscapes may be more suscepti- mantle (the asthenosphere) is sufficiently
ble to externally induced threshold changes. near its pressure melting point to allow heat
A modern consideration would be to identify transfer by convection, and deformation by
landscapes that may be particularly vulner- slow flowage. Convection within the upper
able to change in response to global warming. mantle creates linear zones of upward heat
transfer that partially melt the upper mantle
1.4 What we mean by the fundamental driving (peridotite) rocks, releasing basalt lavas into
forces the crust. These zones of upwelling are known
The world’s landforms are the result of the as constructive plate boundaries as this is
interaction between internal (geologically- where new crust is formed by the extrusion
driven) and external (climatically-driven) of basalt lava. They form mid-oceanic ridges,
forces. The vast majority of the Earth’s surface separating two tectonic plates. The basalt lava
form is the result of climatically-driven ero- is added to the inner margin of each plate,
sional and depositional processes, operating creating new oceanic crust, and thus widening
on the surface of the planet, whose structure the ocean basin in the process known as sea-
and composition are the result of geologically- floor spreading (Figure 1.4A). This process is
driven internal processes. slow; for example, the modern North Atlantic
8 Introducing Geomorphology

Figure 1.4 Schematic

sections of plate boundaries:
A. Constructive boundary:
sea-floor spreading zone;
B. Subduction zone: island
arc setting; C. Subduction
zone: continental margin
setting; D. Continent to
continent collision zone.

Ocean has developed over the last 70 million plate boundary, because it ultimately involves
years or so. An early stage in this process the destruction of crust and its absorption
is crustal rifting. The Red Sea rift system is into the upper mantle. There are three types
beginning to separate the African and Arabian of convergent (destructive) plate boundary.
plates. Mid-oceanic ridges and rift systems are In the first case the two plates are of oceanic
zones of volcanic activity. crust, (Figure 1.4B) and the more mobile plate
At the same time as the ocean basins is forced below the other plate. In the second
develop by sea-floor spreading, the opposite case, the opposing plate is formed of thicker
plate margin undergoes compression as the continental crust (Figure 1.4C). The thinner,
plate converges with a neighbouring plate This denser oceanic plate is forced under the con-
type of plate boundary is called a destructive tinental plate. In both cases this process is
Introduction to geomorphology 9

called subduction. The descending plate Continental-margin boundaries coincide

undergoes partial melting, causing volcanic with some of the Earth’s major mountain
activity at the surface. The third case occurs chains, the ‘young fold mountains’, includ-
when two continental plates collide (Figure ing those that more or less encircle the Pacific
1.4D). Both of the latter cases involve thicker Ocean. Subduction below such mountain
continental crust and so considerable crustal chains produces volcanic activity. Contin-
thickening occurs, some due to subduction ent to continent collision zones result in the
itself, but also as a result of the compressional greatest amounts of crustal thickening, the
tectonic setting forcing bodies of rock to be greatest amounts of crustal isostatic uplift,
folded and to be thrust over one another. and therefore form the highest mountains of
Destructive plate boundaries have major all, the Himalayas.
topographic expression (Figure 1.5). Those Again, the timescales involved are enor-
involving oceanic crust are characterised by mous; for example, the evolution of the
deep marine trenches and volcanic island Western Cordillera of North America relates
arcs. Zones of crustal thickening are isostati- to westward movement of the Americas plate
cally elevated to form mountain chains. over the same timescale as the widening of the

Figure 1.5 Global plate-tectonic patterns.

10 Introducing Geomorphology

Atlantic Ocean (see above). Similarly the Eura- the location of individual volcanoes and local
sian Alpine/Himalayan mountain system has tectonic patterns.
developed over a similar period as the result of
the southern continental plates (Africa, India) 1.4.2 External (climatic) forces
encroaching on Eurasia and the closure of Gross relief (mountains, plains, etc.), can be
what was once an intervening Ocean (Tethys), related to plate tectonics, but the transform-
roughly in the position of, but much larger ation of that gross relief into landforms is
than, the modern Mediterranean Sea. the result of processes largely generated by
A third type of plate boundary is a conserv- the climate system. Surface geomorphic pro-
ative boundary, where crust is neither created cesses (see Chapter 4), which can collectively
nor destroyed, but one plate moves laterally be described as the sediment cascade, are
against the margin of another. These are major driven largely by the climate system. These
transform fault zones, and although earth- processes involve weathering, the breakdown
quakes are common on all plate boundary of rock by mechanical and chemical pro-
types, transform faults are the sites of some cesses, dependent on moisture and tempera-
of the most powerful earthquakes on Earth. ture; then erosion, transport and deposition
Classic examples include the San Andreas of rock debris by various geomorphic systems,
Fault in California and the Anatolian Fault in driven by gravity, flowing water including
Turkey. waves and currents, wind, and glacial ice.
The plate tectonics model provides a mech- Apart from gravity, all of these are dependent
anism for the much earlier continental drift on the climate system.
theory, within which, over geological time, the We will deal with the implications for
continents ‘moved’ in relation to one another. global geomorphology in Chapter 2, but here
The plate tectonics model also provides the we will focus on some of the climatic mecha-
basis for interpreting previous geological nisms important for geomorphic processes,
patterns, as well as for understanding the particularly those related to temperature and
modern patterns of gross spatial and eleva- moisture.
tional characteristics of the Earth’s surface. Temperature is important, both directly
We will deal with the topographic expres- and in relation to moisture availability. A high
sion of global-scale plate tectonics in more diurnal temperature range affects heating and
detail in Chapter 2, but there are also impli- cooling of rock surfaces and therefore mechan-
cations at the regional and local scales. At the ical weathering. Similarly, the frequency of
regional scale (Chapter 3), the distribution of freeze-thaw activity affects the mechanical
volcanic activity closely reflects the plate tec- weathering regime. Sustained high tempera-
tonics context together with the location of tures and high moisture content accelerate
‘hot spots’ above mantle plumes (Figure 1.5). chemical weathering processes. Mean annual
The intensity of structural rock deformation temperature range is also important. Mean
by folds and faults also reflects modern and annual temperatures below 0 oC may result in
past plate tectonic activity. At the local scale a permanently frozen subsoil and bring about
the plate tectonics context is expressed by a whole range of soil and slope processes
Introduction to geomorphology 11

characteristic of periglacial environments. evaporation, precipitation, glacial melt and

Sustained winter temperatures below 0 oC river flows between the major water storage
allow accumulation of an annual snowpack, zones on the planet, the sea, the atmosphere,
which on melting in spring or summer may the land surface, underground, and glacial
lead to heavy annual flooding. Sustained tem- ice. During the Pleistocene ice ages, reduced
peratures throughout the year below 0 oC allow global temperatures increased the propor-
perpetual snow accumulation and its conver- tion of the world’s water stored in glacial ice,
sion to glacial ice. reducing that stored in the oceans, thereby
Moisture availability is also fundamental. reducing global sea levels (see Chapter 2).
Important is the relation between annual pre- However, it is at the regional and local
cipitation and annual potential evapotran- scales, that of the drainage basin, that the
spiration, which differentiates humid from hydrological cycle is most relevant for consid-
sub-humid, semi-arid and arid environments. eration of geomorphic processes. In Figure 1.6
Where precipitation is in excess, soil mois- the major stores of the drainage basin hydro-
tures are maintained, groundwater recharge logical cycle are indicated by boxes, the flows
takes place and perennial rivers are sustained. by arrows, and the mechanisms controlling
In dry regions rivers are often ephemeral, but the flows by diamonds, with those processes
prone to flash floods from occasional storms. that are of particular importance for geomor-
In humid regions on free-draining sites, high phology highlighted in bold.
soil moistures promote rapid soil develop- Precipitation falls from atmospheric
ment, and the development of soil profiles storage onto the land surface. If it falls as
is dominated by downward movement of snow, it may be stored on the surface for some
moisture through the soil, whereas in dry time as a snowpack, before it melts. If seasonal
regions soil formation is slower and there is melting is rapid it can contribute significantly
much less downward movement. In humid to rapid run-off and river flooding. If it falls as
areas, both temperate and tropical, soil for- rain, the intensity of the rainfall is important
mation tends to be faster than removal by in determining its subsequent behaviour.
erosion, leading to the general condition of Vegetation will act as an umbrella, protecting
soil-mantled landscapes. In arid areas the the land surface below by interception, its
reverse is more common, with characteristi- effectiveness depending on the vegetation
cally bare, eroded landscapes. Rainfall itself type and decreasing with increasing rain
is an important geomorphic agent, especially duration and intensity. The soil will absorb
high intensity rainfall, leading to erosion by incoming rainfall at a particular rate, known
run-off, to flood conditions, and often to the as the infiltration capacity, depending on
initiation of landslides. soil properties and on the antecedent soil
Perhaps the most effective way of con- moisture. In most cases infiltration capacity
sidering the impact of the climatic system will be higher than the effective rain intensity,
on geomorphic processes is to consider the in which case almost all the incoming rain
hydrological cycle. At a global scale the hydro- will be absorbed by the soil. Only when rain
logical cycle involves transfer of water by intensity exceeds the infiltration capacity
12 Introducing Geomorphology

Figure 1.6 The regional-scale hydrological cycle,

emphasising areas of geomorphic importance.

will run-off (overland flow) take place. of the hydrograph, especially for flash floods.
Some surfaces will have very low infiltration This run-off and erosion model is most
capacities (e.g. already saturated soils, applicable in arid regions, where infiltration
frozen soils, very clayey soils, some bare rock capacities are low and storm rain intensities
surfaces, artificial concrete surfaces), in which tend to be high. In humid regions floodflows
case all incoming rain will run off. Run-off is are more commonly fed by saturation
an important geomorphic agent capable of overland flow, run-off from saturated soils.
hillslope erosion (see Chapter 4). It is also a Such soils are usually located near the channel
major contributor to the floodflow component on low-angle, well vegetated slopes, and
Introduction to geomorphology 13

Figure 1.7 Schematic representation of the sediment cascade as applied to drainage basins (Note: for simplicity
glacial and aeolian systems are excluded).

therefore yield much less sediment. soil is possible, the excess water will drain
The fate of the soil moisture depends on either laterally by what is known as interflow,
another soil property, the field capacity of the or in free-draining soils vertically by percola-
soil, the amount of soil moisture that can be tion into the underlying bedrock to the water
retained in the soil by capillarity, rather than table as groundwater. Rapid interflow may
draining downwards through the influence of be an important constituent of river flood-
gravity. If the infiltrating water does not bring flow in humid areas. Groundwater will even-
the soil moisture up to field capacity, there tually drain through springs to river systems,
will be no further movement; soil moisture sustaining the dry-weather flow (baseflow) of
will simply be used by plants or evaporate rivers.
during dry weather. If, however, soil moisture The hydrological cycle operates very dif-
exceeds field capacity, it will drain if it can, or ferently in different global climatic regions.
if drainage is impeded, the increased water In humid areas during rainy weather most of
content will lead to a saturated soil. High soil the cycle may operate. In arid areas, intercep-
moisture contents greatly reduce the stability tion is limited and soils are shallow, limiting
of the soil, and may lead to shallow landslid- infiltration capacity; hence, during storm
ing (see Chapter 4). Where drainage from the conditions run-off may be heavy. Also, soil
14 Introducing Geomorphology

moistures rarely reach field capacity, limiting to changes in inputs of energy or materials.
groundwater recharge, as well as influencing Under these conditions equilibrium concepts
pedological processes. There are therefore are less timebound. They relate to a balance
fundamental differences in geomorphic pro- between input and output and the internal
cesses between humid and arid areas. Simi- adjustment of the system that maintains
larly, temperatures have a profound effect on such a balance. For example, a river channel
the operation of the hydrological cycle, espe- undergoes both erosion (sediment output)
cially when freezing is involved. The seasonal and deposition (sediment input). If the two
presence of a snowpack or of frozen ground are in balance then the channel morphology
is of importance to geomorphology, as is the is likely to be maintained in a form of dynamic
presence of long-term water storage as glacial equilibrium. In other words, the channel mor-
ice. These processes again create major dif- phology adjusts to variations of flood magni-
ferences between global climatic regions, in tude (energy input) and sediment supplied
terms of their geomorphic regimes. (material input).
There are two ways of considering such
1.5 Different approaches to the study of process systems; the first by considering the
geomorphology passage of energy and material through the
In studying geomorphology we are trying to system (as a cascade), the second by consid-
do two things; first to explain how the land- ering the internal structure of the system (as
forms of the Earth developed (evolutionary a morphological system). A cascading system
geomorphology), and second, how landform comprises a series of flows between stores
processes operate (process geomorphology). within the system. The hydrological system
In both cases it helps to consider geomorphic (see above, Section 1.4.2; Figure 1.6) is one
phenomena as systems that respond to energy such system relevant to geomorphology. The
and material inputs, in ways first suggested sediment cascade (see above, Section 1.4.2;
in the 1970s by Dick Chorley and Barbara Figure 1.7) is another. Mechanisms within
Kennedy. Systems respond to variations in the system control the flows from store to
energy and material inputs by adjustments store. Sets of mechanisms can be viewed as
of their internal structure and morphology. In cascading subsystems. Equilibrium condi-
the first approach (evolutionary geomorphol- tions within any of the subsystems relate to
ogy) real timescales are an essential part of a balance between inputs and outputs. An
the system; the geomorphic system responds important aspect of understanding cascad-
to real events (e.g. tectonic activity, glaciation, ing systems is the awareness not only of the
climatic change). Any concept of equilibrium internal mechanisms, but also of the mag-
is timebound, for example the initial high nitude and frequency characteristics of the
rates of erosion following tectonic uplift tend inputs to the system (see above, Section 1.3).
to lessen over time. In the second approach Morphological systems define the internal
(process geomorphology) absolute time is structure of a system and are usually described
less relevant. More important are aspects of by relationships between the system compon-
time that relate to how the system responds ents. These may be expressed statistically, but
Introduction to geomorphology 15

ideally relate to underlying causal relation- erosion will deepen the cirques (see Section
ships. For example, the hydraulic geometry of 4.5.2), which form the main gathering grounds
stream channels (see Section 4.3) expresses the for snow and ice, thus increasing the erosional
relationships between flow and channel vari- potential. Ultimately only a major climatic
ables (e.g. by the response of channel width, change or complete erosional destruction
depth, water velocity, and sediment transport of the lip of the cirque can break this vicious
properties to variations in water discharge). circle, in other words by the crossing of a major
In many cases a network of causal relation- geomorphic threshold (see Section 1.3).
ships can be identified within morphological The two basic systems approaches
systems, which ‘feed back’ on one another. (cascades and morphological systems) can be
These can radically affect the equilibrium linked together in what is known as a process
tendencies of the system. Some feedback response system. Many of the cascade mech-
relationships (known as negative feedback) anisms can be treated as variables in mor-
tend to balance out the effects of disturbance. phological systems, allowing such linkages,
For example, in a river channel, bank erosion and allowing the system as a whole to evolve
will tend to widen the channel, reducing through time. Such systems are of relevance
depths, velocities and the erosional stresses not only for understanding process geomor-
on the banks, thereby reducing the likelihood phology, but also, because absolute timescales
of further erosion. On the other hand some are involved, they can be applied to questions
feedback relationships (positive feedback) are related to evolutionary geomorphology.
self-reinforcing, and therefore tend to destabi-
lise the system. For example, mountain glacial
Global-scale geomorphology

2 Global-scale geomorphology

In this chapter we consider global-scale geo- At the leading edge of a plate the ocean
morphology in relation both to the plate tec- floor is modified by subduction. In oceanic
tonics context and to global climatic patterns, subduction, a deep-ocean trench (Figures 2.1,
present and past. Though dealing with global 2.2A) is formed, beyond which lie island arcs,
phenomena, we shall necessarily come down a situation found in many areas in south-east
in scale when we consider examples of how Asia and in the Caribbean. Continental margin
these global phenomena are expressed in subduction may also produce ocean trenches.
landforms. It is at this scale that the effects On this type of continental margin, such as
of plate tectonics on the form of the Earth’s that on the west coast of the Americas, the
surface can be seen most clearly. coastline is relatively straight and there is no
significant continental shelf.
2.1 The plate tectonics context At trailing-edge continental margins such
2.1.1 The ocean floor as those around most of the Atlantic Ocean,
The form of the ocean floor is almost wholly the continental crust forms continental
determined by plate tectonics. Mid-oceanic shelves, bounded by the continental slope
ridges encircle the globe (Figure 1.5). They down to the abyssal plain. At times of low
are formed by the injection of a magma global sea levels during Pleistocene glacial
chamber into the crust below zones of phases (Section 1.4.2), much of the continen-
seafloor spreading. Away from the zone of tal shelf was exposed as dry land over which
seafloor spreading the oceanic crust forms rivers flowed. Where the larger rivers (e.g. the
extensive abyssal plains. Isolated seamounts Amazon, the Hudson) flowed over the contin-
and volcanic islands stand above the abyssal ental slope some of them incised, cutting deep
plains. These sit above stationary mantle canyons. River-fed, sediment-charged water is
plumes that form hot spots in the crust, trig- funnelled down these submarine canyons as
gering volcanic activity. The plumes them- turbidity currents, spreading their sediment
selves are geostationary, but the plates move onto the sea floor as submarine fans. Near
over them, resulting in volcanic activity to land on the continental shelf, especially
spanning a range of ages. For example, the around the North Atlantic Ocean, there may
Hawaiian islands sit over a hot spot in mid be a relict terrestrial topography submerged
Pacific. The volcanoes in the north-west- by the post-glacial rise in sea level. This may
ern islands in the chain are now extinct, be an erosional topography where the tops of
but Mauna Loa in the south-east is active, the partially submerged ridges form islands
reflecting the north-westerly movement of (e.g. the Hebrides, off western Scotland), or a
the Pacific plate over the hot spot. depositional topography, especially a glacial

Global-scale geomorphology 17

depositional topography, adding complexity boundaries (compare Figures 1.5. and 2.1), their
to the morphology of the sea floor. high elevation being the result of crustal thick-
ening and sustained crustal isostatic uplift (see
2.1.2 Global-scale continental landforms above, section 1.4.1). In many areas the detailed
At the global scale the topography of the con- structures of these mountain ranges are far
tinental areas also strongly reflects the influ- from simple. The broadly continent-to-conti-
ence of plate tectonics, but in a more complex nent collision that created the European Alpine
way than that of the ocean floors. The young, system and the changing plate tectonics setting
high mountain ranges of the Alpine/Hima- of the western United States have produced
layan system and of the Pacific rim coincide incredibly complex mountain systems at the
with active or recently active destructive plate regional scale (see Chapter 3).

Figure 2.1 Global relief patterns and structural units.

18 Introducing Geomorphology

Figure 2.2 Examples of satellite

A images of global/continental-scale
features (©Google Earth).
A. The ocean floor off Indonesia:
this is a subduction zone. Note
the absence of a continental shelf,

and the ocean trench off the west

coast of Indonesia.



B. Deserts in central Australia.

B To the east are the folded rocks
of the Flinders Ranges; in the

centre are the salt flats of dry Lake


Torrens; elsewhere are Pleistocene


dune systems.




C Ellesmere GREENLAND C. Parts of Arctic Canada and

Island western Greenland. Note the
extensive ice sheet cover, not only
over Greenland to the east but
also the smaller ice sheets on the
Canadian Arctic islands.

Baffin Island
Global-scale geomorphology 19

In addition to young mountain systems Silurian and Devonian periods (c.400–350

created by the modern plate tectonics setting, million years ago, Figure 1.2). Today their
the remnants of older mountain systems remnant rocks and structures form the Scan-
form lower, less dramatic mountains on every dinavian mountains, the upland areas of
continent. These mountain systems relate north-west Britain and much of Ireland. They
to destructive plate boundaries that are no can be traced across the Atlantic into North
longer active. They owe their present relief in America, where they have been incorporated
part to crustal isostatic uplift, related to the into the Appalachian structures. Another
original crustal thickening, but their modern fragment is present in South America. Again,
topography is purely erosional and related to their elevation relates in part to the original
the presence of older, harder, more erosionally crustal thickening, but their present relief
resistant rocks. Two systems can be identified forms are entirely erosional, related primarily
(Figure 2.1). The Hercynian/Variscan system to rock resistance.
dates from a major tectonic phase during Within each continent are zones that have
Permian times, 300–250 million years ago been far away from plate boundaries and
(Figure 1.2). At that time the Atlantic Ocean have been tectonically stable throughout the
did not exist and a major mountain system Phanerozoic. These are the cratonic ‘shield’
developed along the southern margin of a areas (Figure 2.1), composed of Precambrian,
proto-Eurasian continent with an arm extend- mostly metamorphic, rocks older than 550
ing along the Urals. It extended westwards into million years. Over extensive areas (e.g. the
what are now the Appalachians in the eastern Baltic Shield, the Canadian Shield) the Pre-
part of the United States. In the southern hemi- cambrian rocks are exposed at the surface,
sphere a similar system can be traced through but away from the core areas (under the
eastern Australia, southern Africa and into Russian platform, under the North American
southern Argentina. Today, only in a few places plains) the Precambrian rocks are mantled by
(e.g. the Appalachians, the Urals, eastern Aus- a little-deformed cover of younger sedimen-
tralia) does the Hercynian system represent tary rocks. The shield areas of the northern
more or less continuous mountain chains. continents (the Baltic Shield, the Canadian
Elsewhere, especially in Europe, the Hercyn- Shield) were heavily glaciated during the
ian structures and their constituent rocks Pleistocene (see below, Section 2.2.2), there-
have been incorporated into younger Alpine fore their detailed landforms are relatively
structures, or the remnants of the Hercynian young. However, the shield areas of the south-
mountain system have been fragmented, by ern continents escaped glaciation during the
post-Hercynian faulting, into discrete upland Pleistocene, therefore they preserve ancient
blocks (e.g. the Massif Central in France), land surfaces dating back well into the Ter-
between which areas have subsided and been tiary and possibly beyond.
buried by younger sedimentary rocks. The major lowlands of the continents
The Caledonian mountain system relates are areas of less deformed younger sedi-
to the closure of an ocean between the North mentary rocks that lie between shield areas,
American and Eurasian plates during the late remnants of old mountain chains and modern
20 Introducing Geomorphology

mountain chains. In some cases these form Box 2.1 The geomorphic
distinct Mesozoic or Cenozoic sedimentary effectiveness of global climates
basins (e.g. the Paris Basin), but elsewhere
they simply comprise relatively undeformed 1. Arctic and Antarctic (Glacial) climates
Mesozoic or Cenozoic sedimentary rocks
In these areas mean annual
burying older structures.
temperatures are well below 0 °C.
One other feature that can be related to
modern and ancient plate tectonics patterns Year by year snow accumulation
are rifts. These form over zones of mantle converts to glacial ice.
upwelling and may be the precursors of sea- Glacial processes are dominant.
floor spreading and the development of ocean
basins. The East African rift system and its 2. Sub-arctic (Periglacial) climates
extension along the Dead Sea Rift constitute
In these areas mean annual
a modern zone of rifting, which eventually
temperatures are below 0 °C.
may mean the splitting of the African plate. In
Europe an aborted discontinuous rift system, The subsoil remains frozen (permafrost)
dating from the Miocene, can be identified throughout the year, but there is sufficient
in the Auvergne (France), and in the Rhine summer warmth to cause snowmelt floods,
rift valley on the Franco-German border. The and to thaw the surface layers of the ground:
Eocene volcanic rocks of western Scotland slope processes (solifluction) are effective.
and the Inner Hebrides may represent another Frequent freeze-thaw cycles and nivation
early (Tertiary) aborted rift system that was are very effective in mechanical weathering.
replaced by the mid-Atlantic rift.
3. Humid temperate climates
2.2 The global climatic context These climates cover a wide range of
2.2.1 Climatic geomorphology actual climates, but they have several
The world’s weather and climate patterns characteristics in common. Precipitation
control the distribution of heat and exceeds potential evapotranspiration: soils
moisture, which in turn control the are commonly moist, there is recharge of
distribution of geomorphic processes. We groundwater, sustaining perennial rivers.
will deal with geomorphic processes in more
Rainfall may be all-year (e.g. Western Europe),
detail in Chapter 4, but here we identify
or seasonal with summer dominance (e.g.
how different climatic regimes favour the
continental climates; American east-coast
operation of various geomorphic regimes.
climates), or seasonal with winter dominance
Box 2.1 summarises how different climatic
(the more humid Mediterranean climates).
regimes favour the operation of different
Summer temperatures may range from
geomorphic processes.
cool (e.g. Scotland) to hot (e.g. Italy, north-
Climatic geomorphology, the basis of which
eastern USA) and winter temperatures
is outlined in Box 2.1, deals with the climati-
may range from mild (e.g. Brittany) to cold
cally controlled distribution of geomorphic
Global-scale geomorphology 21

(e.g. eastern Canada). Temperature and 5. Tropical climates

moisture conditions mean that the natural In these areas temperatures are high all year
vegetation of this zone is forest, but much round; freezing is virtually unknown, and
of this area is now used for agriculture. precipitation increases towards the Equator
Under most ‘natural’ circumstances the from the great desert areas. Precipitation may
rate of surface erosion is less than the rate be all-year as in the truly equatorial regions,
of weathering and soil formation, so most but may be strongly seasonal, especially
landscapes are soil-mantled. The most on the drier margins of the tropics (e.g.
effective geomorphic processes are slope in the Sahel), and in Monsoon regions. In
(mass movement) and fluvial processes. Monsoon regions wet-season rainfall may be
exceptionally heavy. High temperatures and
4. Dry climates high precipitation favour rapid weathering
These climates again cover a wide range of and the development of very deep soil profiles.
conditions, but the critical aspect is that Natural vegetation ranges from grassland
annual precipitation is markedly less than and dry woodland in the seasonally dry
the high potential evapotranspiration. areas to tropical rainforest. In undisturbed
This results in dry soils, little groundwater areas geomorphic activity reflects the rainfall
recharge, and usually a scant vegetation regime, with seasonally high river flows in the
cover. Summer temperatures are invariably seasonally wet/dry regions to high perennial
hot; winters may range from mild to cold. Dry flows in the true humid tropics. Because of
climates include semi-arid Mediterranean a naturally deep weathering mantle and the
climates (e.g. Spain, Israel), interior high rainfall, these regions may be prone to
continental steppe and dry grassland areas, considerable human-induced disturbance.
desert margins and the truly arid climates of
the great deserts of the world. Rainfall tends 6. Mountain climates
to occur in occasional heavy convectional Because of their elevation, high mountain
storms, resulting in rapid run-off; therefore environments may experience very different
slopes are dominated by surface erosion climates from surrounding lowlands,
rather than by mass movement processes. generally with cooler temperatures and higher
Rivers tend to be ephemeral, dry for much precipitation. Glacial conditions exist in
of the year, but responding rapidly to high mountain areas in temperate and even
heavy rainfall by flash floods. Weathering is in tropical latitudes. Mountain areas within
slow, but produces characteristic soils and deserts may well support forest vegetation.
surfaces. In truly arid areas, precipitation The geomorphology of mountain regions is
may be rare, and geomorphic processes made distinct not only by the climatic regime,
may be dominated by wind action. but also by the presence of steep slopes, which
tend to accelerate most geomorphic processes.
22 Introducing Geomorphology

processes. Although modern processes essen- of the Laurentide ice cap, scouring bedrock to
tially determine the gross landscape types (e.g. produce the intensely eroded terrain on the
Deserts, the Arctic: Figure 2.2B, C,), in most Canadian Shield. Deposition, both by glacial
regions the landforms carry a legacy of past ice and by temporary lakes during the melting
processes, especially of those processes that of the ice, took place around the margins
were active during the Pleistocene. to produce the glacial depositional terrain
of southern Canada and the Midwest of the
2.2.2 Quaternary climatic change – USA. Similarly the Cordilleran ice cap and
glaciation the smaller ice caps and glaciers in the other
Over the last half million years or more the mountain areas tended to be erosional near-
Earth’s climates have oscillated between source in the mountains and depositional in
global glacial and interglacial conditions (see the neighbouring lowlands.
Section 1.3). In addition to the semi-perma- In Europe there was a similar situation at
nent ice caps over Greenland and Antarctica, maximum glaciation (Figure 2.3). The Scan-
during the Pleistocene glaciations large con- dinavian ice sheet was coalescent with the
tinental ice sheets formed over large areas Scottish ice cap. Ice extended south to the
of the northern hemisphere, and glaciers in Bristol Channel, London, across Holland into
many mountain areas elsewhere became north Germany, Poland and around the Baltic.
much more extensive. The limits of glaciation In and near the source areas, the Scottish
are fundamentally important for geomor- Highlands, the Norwegian mountains and
phology in that they determine the spatial across the Baltic Shield, the ice was primarily
extent of past glacial and related processes. erosional. Further from the source areas of the
Two sets of limits are important; those related ice, across the English Midlands and the North
to the last glaciation (MIS 2) reaching its European Plain, deposition was dominant.
maximum limits about 20,000 years ago, and Further south, smaller ice caps and mountain
those related to the maximum Pleistocene glaciers occurred in the Alps and the Pyrenees.
glacial extent that occurred during MIS 6 or In Asia there were ice caps over the Hima-
MIS 8, >150,000 years ago. layas and in the mountains of north-east
Two huge continental-scale ice caps Asia. In the Southern Hemisphere, glaciation
were formed in North America, the Lauren- was much less extensive, but ice caps and
tide and Cordilleran ice caps (Figure 2.3). At mountain glaciers were present in the Andes,
maximum glaciation the two ice sheets met Tasmania and New Zealand.
in western Canada and their limits extended Globally, the maximum glacial limits relate
south to the latitudes of New York, the Ohio to a glaciation earlier than the last glaciation
Valley, and in the west to somewhere south (Figure 2.3). This has important implications
of the Canadian border. Separate mountain for the preservation of glacial landforms and
ice caps were present over some of the higher their modification by non-glacial processes.
mountain ranges in the west, including parts This is nowhere better illustrated than in
of the American Rocky Mountains and the Britain (Figure 2.4, Box 2.2), where four zones
Sierra Nevada. Ice spread out from the centre can be identified.
Global-scale geomorphology 23

Figure 2.3 Global extent of modern and Pleistocene

cold-climate phenomena.

Box 2.2 Zonation of British landscapes periglacial processes (hillslope processes

in relation to the glacial limits influenced by the presence of permafrost;
The first zone is southern England. With see Section 4.2) through all the glacial phases
the exception of a small area on the north of the Pleistocene. The hillslopes have
Devon coast, and possibly of the Scilly Isles, been extensively smoothed by solifluction
the area south of the Bristol Channel and of (Figure 2.5A), and great thicknesses of
the Thames valley has never been glaciated. head deposits (see Figure 4.7C) have
In this area there is a greater preservation accumulated, particularly on the valley sides.
of landscape patterns inherited from the The second zone is that between the
late Tertiary (see Section 1.3). River system maximum glacial limit and that of the
development continued throughout the last glaciation, essentially midland and
Pleistocene, without interruption from eastern England. This area was glaciated,
glaciation. However, this area experienced but more than 150,000 years ago; hence
24 Introducing Geomorphology

Figure 2.4 Zonation of British landscapes in

relation to Pleistocene glacial limits. Zone
A has never experienced glaciation. Zone
B was glaciated >150 ka ago, but was ice
free throughout the last glaciation, so was
affected by periglacial processes throughout
the last glacial period. Zone C was glaciated
at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), at
20 ka, but the ice had melted completely
by 15–13 ka. The glacial forms were then
affected by periglacial processes during the
late Pleistocene. Zone D experienced glacial
ice cover for about 500 years during the Loch
Lomond (Younger Dryas) glaciation, the ice
melting rapidly as climate warmed into the
temperate Holocene 10 ka ago.

the drainage pattern has been deranged glacial erosional landforms (see Chapter 4)
by glaciation. The predominantly glacial characterise the highest areas, with glacial
depositional topography was modified depositional landforms elsewhere. The glacial
by periglacial processes throughout landforms are relatively fresh, though they
the last glaciation and preserves little have been modified by varying durations
of the original depositional form. of periglacial processes that occurred
The third zone is most of the area within the during cold conditions after the melting
last glacial limit, including most of Wales, of the ice cap but before the end of the
everywhere north of a line from Shropshire Pleistocene 10,000 years ago (Figure 2.5B).
to the Humber area being glacial, with the There is one other limit that we need
exception of the Peak District of Derbyshire to take into account, which defines the
and the North York Moors. Glaciers reached fourth zone. This is the limit of a small ice
this limit at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) cap that developed at the very end of the
about 18,000 years ago. The ice melted last last glaciation around 10,000 years ago,
of all in the Spey valley of Scotland about and persisted for around 500 years, the
13,000 years ago. In most of this zone so-called Loch Lomond Readvance (the
Global-scale geomorphology 25

Figure 2.5 British landscapes A

(representative of the zones defined
in Figure 2.4). A. Zone A: a periglacial
landscape in an area never glaciated,
the Quantock Hills, Somerset. Note
the strongly convex hillslopes,
characteristic of periglacial solifluction
processes (see Section 4.2). Note also
the Holocene incision into the valley
floor. B. Zone C: a landscape glaciated
during the LGM, but ice free since
13 ka. Yarrow Valley, Southern Uplands
of Scotland. This landscape bears
the imprints of both glaciation (deep
scour of the valley into the upland
plateau; deposition of glacial till – see B
Section 4.5) and limited periglacial
processes during the last several
thousand years of the Pleistocene.
Note the extensive solifluction surface
in the centre of the photo, trimmed
at the base by Holocene fluvial
activity. C. Zone D: A landscape
glaciated during the Loch Lomond
stage 10 ka, with little periglacial
modification, but modification under C
paraglacial conditions by slope and
fluvial processes during the Holocene.
Glencoe, Western Highlands of

Younger Dryas period, in European

terminology). It occupied the
southern and western Grampian
Highlands, with other glaciers in
the Cairngorm Mountains and the
north-west Highlands, plus small
glaciers in the Southern Uplands,
the English Lake District and
Snowdonia in north Wales. The
Loch Lomond phase ended with a
rapid climatic warming, so there
was no periglacial modification
of the glacial topography. Within
the Loch Lomond limits the
glacial erosional and depositional
topography is fresh (Figure 2.5C).
26 Introducing Geomorphology

2.2.3 Other changes to the climatic system 2.2.4 Quaternary sea-level change
during the Pleistocene During global glacials a much higher propor-
Outside the global glacial limits there were tion of the world’s water was stored within
other climatic changes related to changes the continental ice sheets rather than in the
in atmospheric circulation. During glacial oceans, allowing world-wide sea levels to fall
periods there had been a marked reduc- by about 100 m (eustatic sea-level change).
tion of global temperatures, allowing the The continental shelves were exposed; many
development of permafrost and the opera- islands (including Britain) became continen-
tion of periglacial processes southwards into tal peninsulas; ‘land bridges’ were created (e.g.
the USA and into Europe (Figure 2.3). Even between Alaska and Siberia). Around the great
where there was no permafrost, in such areas ice sheets, the picture was complicated by the
as the American West, and Spain, freeze- crust being depressed under the weight of ice
thaw activity was much more effective than (isostatic sea-level change).
it is today. Another effect, in the periglacial On deglaciation, global eustatic sea level
regions around the margins of the contin- rose from its lowest point about 18,000 years
ental ice sheets, was deposition of windblown before present (BP), coincident with timing of
silt (loess). Loess blankets the topography the last glacial maximum, until about 6000 BP
in some parts of the American Midwest, and when the last ice melted from the Laurentian
across northern Europe in a belt through ice sheet (Figure 2.6). Hence modern coasts
Belgium and Germany, but the greatest thick- are young features – less than 6000 years old.
ness of loess deposits is in the Loess Plateau Adjacent to the glaciated areas the picture
in central China (Figure 2.3). Interbedded with was complicated by the isostatic rebound of
the Chinese loess deposits are a series of inter- the crust as the weight of the ice sheets was
glacial palaeosols, the whole sequence pre- removed (Figure 2.7). In such areas eustatic
serving a complete palaeoclimatic record for
the whole of the Pleistocene.
With the reduction in global temperature
there was also a reduction in evaporation
and a consequent reduction in precipitation.
This produced a cold, dry steppe climate
in the Western Mediterranean region, and
greater aridity in some of the world’s dry
regions, probably so in parts of Australia and
southern Africa. Elsewhere some of today’s
deserts were cooler and more humid, allowing
rivers and lakes to exist in, for example, the
American south-west and the Sahara. Indeed,
desiccation of the Sahara occurred only in
the mid-Holocene, well into the present
interglacial. Figure 2.6 Post-glacial eustatic sea-level curve.
Global-scale geomorphology 27

Figure 2.7 Europe: extent of glacio-isostatic rebound (contours in metres) since the melting of the ice sheets from
the Last Glacial Maximum.

and isostatic processes interacted. Eustatic eastern Canada. There, as the Laurentide ice
inundation was an immediate response to the sheet melted, the sea flooded the St Laurence
water released from the melting ice sheets, but Lowland at a time when eustatic sea levels
isostatic rebound is still going on today. Late- were still about 50 m below modern sea levels,
glacial beaches were formed on the west coast but the crust was depressed below that level.
of Scotland (Figure 2.8A) as sea level rose and Since then, isostatic rebound has elevated the
inundated the still depressed coastline. They saline clay sediments deposited by the ‘Cham-
became raised beaches as the rate of isostatic plain Sea’ to about 200 m above modern sea
rebound overtook the rate of sea-level rise. levels.
A most impressive sequence of such raised In summary: over the last 500,000 years
beaches is around Hudson’s Bay, depressed or so, glacials have tended to last longer than
under the centre of the Laurentide ice sheet interglacials. We live during an interglacial
(Figure 2.8B). There is a complex sequence (the Holocene) which has lasted roughly for
around the Baltic Sea and a similar one in the last 10,000 years – and in the absence of
28 Introducing Geomorphology

Figure 2.8 Glacio-isostatic

B modification of shorelines.
A. Late Pleistocene raised coastal
platforms, Loch Linnhe, western
Scotland. The flat surfaces of
the two islands in the centre
of the photo represent two
late Quaternary raised coastal
platforms. B. Satellite image (from
©Google Earth) of the shore of
Hudson’s Bay, Canada. Note the
sub-parallel beach ridges inland
from the present shoreline.

any human-induced global warming, could 2.3 Global-scale interactions between tectonic
be expected to last for maybe another 10,000 and climatic forces
years or so. In this chapter so far, we have seen how
What is important, from the point of view global plate tectonic patterns and global
of geomorphology, is that present conditions climatic patterns, past and present, have
have persisted for approximately only 10,000 influenced global geomorphology. One way
years. Most of our landscapes bear the imprint in which the interaction between global
of past conditions, either directly of glacia- tectonic and climatic forces is expressed is in
tion or of the effects of previous climates. This the relation between uplift and denudation
has a two-fold importance for geomorphol- rates. In zones of modern or past destructive
ogy. Many landforms are relict features, only plate margins considerable crustal thicken-
partially adjusted to present day conditions. ing occurs. The relatively light continental
However, the landforms and their constitu- crust rises isostatically, giving mountain
ent sediments may preserve evidence for past ranges their high elevation (see Section
climatic regimes. 1.4.1). The high elevations create steep
Global-scale geomorphology 29

gradients, stimulating rapid incision by the former mountain systems. There are other
drainage network. This in turn stimulates possible mechanisms, related to mantle pro-
high erosion rates, which reduce the mass cesses, that cause epeirogenic uplift. For
of the mountain range, stimulating further example, it is thought that some of the relief
isostatic uplift. Recent studies of crustal patterns on the African continent, a long
uplift rates, involving complex geophysical way from past or present plate boundaries,
methods, have demonstrated a general rela- are related to mantle processes. Similarly
tionship between uplift rates and estimates the sustained uplift of the Colorado Plateau
of denudation rates, derived from river in the American south-west is thought to
sediment load data (see below). Uplift con- be due to mantle processes. Indeed, epeiro-
tinues, albeit at a diminishing rate, long after genic uplift, driven isostatically by erosional
plate-tectonic activity has ceased, because offloading is now seen as a possible mecha-
the crustal thickening persists. This ‘post- nisms for the continued uplift of continen-
orogenic’ process is known as epeirogenic tal areas, not only in mountain areas with
uplift and affects large regions, particularly significant crustal thickening, but also to a

Table 2.1
The “top ten” of the worlds river systems, ranked a) in terms of drainage area, b) river dis-
charge, c) total river sediment load and d) specific sediment load (load /drainage area), the
latter set of rivers taken only from large rivers with drainage areas > 500,000 km2 (data source
– D Higgitt).


(106 km2) (km3yr-1) LOAD (106t yr-1) LOAD (t km-2 yr-1)
1. Amazon 6.15 Amazon 6307 Amazon, 1150 Yellow 1102

2. Congo 3.70 Congo 1290 Yellow 1080 Irrawaddy 888

3. Mississippi 3.34 Parana 1101 Ganges 524 Brahamaputra 852

4. Nile 2.72 Orinoco 1101 Brahamaputra 520 Magdelena 846

5. Parana 2.60 Yangtze 899 Yangtze 480 Ganges 535

6. Yenisei 2.58 Mississippi 580 Mississippi 400 Indus 260

7. Ob 2.50 Yenisei 561 Irrawaddy 364 Yangtze 247

8. Lena 2.43 Lena 511 Indus 250 Mekong 198

9. Yangtze 1.94 Mekong 470 Magdelena 220 Amazon 187

10. Amur 1.86 St. Lawrence 451 Mekong 160 Pearl 174
30 Introducing Geomorphology

Figure 2.9 World sediment yields.

lesser extent away from mountain areas. The oceans (Table 2.1). There are, however, some
uplift is compensated for by flow of material interesting anomalies that reflect the inter-
in the lower crust below the uplifted areas. play of tectonic and climatic forces. Very high
The reverse appears to take place under sediment yields are indicative of high rates of
crustal loading in subsiding sedimentary erosion. For example, the Yellow River drains
basins. the highly erosional and deeply dissected
Another way in which the interaction loess plateau of central China, a reflection of
between global tectonic and climatic forces the interplay between uplift and Pleistocene
is expressed is in the global patterns of river climatic conditions. When sediment yields are
sediment yield from the continents to the considered in relation to drainage basin areas
oceans. River sediment loads are a rather (Table 2.1; Figure 2.9), the rivers of southern
crude measure of net erosional amounts Asia stand out. These rivers drain the Hima-
within their drainage basins, disregarding layan mountain belt within a broadly mon-
within-basin sediment storage. However, soonal climate. High erosion rates here are
they do throw some light on the interactions produced by a combination of rapid tectonic
between the two sets of driving forces. Obvi- uplift with its associated deep dissection, and
ously, in general the largest rivers tend to climatically-led factors producing intense
deliver the largest amounts of sediment to the seasonal precipitation.
Regional-scale geomorphology

3 Regional-scale geomorphology

If we come down in scale from the continental specifically the influence of the underlying
to the regional, global controls still exist in the materials on surface form.
background, but their status changes to one
of context, within which local structure, local 3.1.1 The regional-scale plate-tectonic
patterns of resistance to erosion, and local setting
responses to climatic change become more The plate-tectonic setting is very obvious when
significant. we consider landscapes at the regional scale,
It is at this scale that most people become and is expressed in the differences between,
aware of geomorphology; the scale that ranges for example, mountain ranges, plateaux and
from the sub-continental (e.g. the Alps, the lowlands. Of fundamental importance is the
Scottish Highlands, the Colorado Plateau) overall relief, related to either active tecton-
to the ‘landscape’ scale of hills and valley ics, or epeirogenic uplift (see Section 2.3). The
systems. This scale has received less attention difference between the overall relief and the
in modern research than either the global/ regional base level governs the amount and
continental or the local scales. However, this is rate of incision of the drainage network and
the scale that dominated traditional geomor- hence slope steepness. Base level is the level
phological research during the first half of the below which incision cannot occur, which in
twentieth century. Much of that research was many cases would be sea level, though more
based on the ideas of a pioneering American locally it may be the elevation of a major valley
geomorphologist, W. M. Davis, working at the floor or of a zone of resistant rock. Ongoing
turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centur- or pulsed uplift may trigger renewed incision,
ies. Many of his ideas have since been dem- resulting in ‘rejuvenation’ of the landscape.
onstrated to be hopelessly simplistic, but This might be expressed by steep inner valley
some are still valid today. Davis realised that slopes, incised gorges, knick points and other
landscapes were the product of the interac- irregularities in stream long profiles (see below,
tion of three sets of factors: structure, process Section 3.2.1).
and time. We will use these headings, but in Other expressions of the regional geo-
a modern context, as the framework for this logical setting include the direct creation
chapter. of relief features by internal processes (see
Section 3.1.2 below), the structural disposition
3.1 Regional scale – structure of different rock types affecting resistance to
By structure we mean two things: (i) the erosion (Section 3.1.3), and the topographic
overall geological (plate-tectonic) setting and expression of structure (Section 3.1.4).
its influence on the landscape, and (ii) more

32 Introducing Geomorphology

3.1.2 The direct creation of relief by internal rocks), igneous rocks are mostly crystalline
processes and hard, therefore resistant to mechanical
Ongoing tectonic and volcanic activity can breakdown and erosion. Lacking the bedding
create landforms directly (e.g. fault scarps, characteristic of sedimentary rocks, their
volcanoes; see Figure 3.1), but these are rapidly only major internal weaknesses are joints and
modified by erosional processes, and are fractures, along which weathering proceeds
restricted in occurrence to areas of ongoing (Figure 3.2). Their major weakness is that many
tectonics and volcanic activity respectively of their constituent minerals may be suscep-
(see Section 1.4.1). tible to chemical change (see Section 4.1), so
that in areas of intense chemical weathering
3.1.3 Lithology – resistance to erosion (e.g. the humid tropics), these rocks may break
Different rock types have differing degrees of down rapidly. Otherwise they tend to form
resistance to erosion. Of the three rock groups, areas of higher relief than the surrounding
(igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic (weaker) rocks.
Figure 3.1 Direct relief creation by
A volcanic and tectonic processes.
A. Fresh spatter cone and lava
field, erupted less than 250 years
ago, Lanzerote, Canary Islands.
B. Active faulted mountain front,
Panamint Valley, California, USA.
Note the triangular slope facets
on the spur ends indicating
recent faulting, and the complex
of alluvial fans issuing from
the mountain catchments (see

Regional-scale geomorphology 33

Figure 3.2 Influence of lithology

A on relief. A. Granite terrain,
Central Mountain system, Spain.
Note the joint patterns in the
fractured rock and the rough
surface topography. B. Badland
terrain, cut in weak marls,
northern Provence, France. Note
the resistant caprock and the
deeply dissected gully systems
on the hillslopes.

Sedimentary rocks include a great range Although most limestones are often mechani-
from weak clays and marls (Figure 3.2B) to cally strong, they are composed of calcium
mechanically stronger sandstones and lime- carbonate (CaCO3, calcite), which is soluble
stones. They are bedded so that the bedding in weak acids (rainwater, and humic acids
planes provide zones of weakness, facilitating derived from the soil), so they are suscepti-
weathering and erosion. Quite often relatively ble to solution. Limestones are distinct in
weak and strong rocks are interbedded, so that that the geomorphic processes are domin-
the weaker layers are eroded first. ated by solution. The surface of limestone
Limestones are a particular case that have outcrops often exhibits small-scale solutional
generated a whole sub-field of study, ‘karst features, such as grooves and ridges, known as
geomorphology’, named after the classic ‘clints and grykes’. Where solution has taken
‘Karst’ area in the Dinaric Alps of Slovenia. place beneath a mat of soil or vegetation,
34 Introducing Geomorphology

Figure 3.3 Limestone terrain. A. Limestone

pavement, Malham, Yorkshire, England. C
Note the angular joints, but the rounded rill
margins on this pavement formed under
a soil cover. B. ‘Rinnenkarren’, Majorca.
Note the sharp rill edges formed by surface
run-off. C. Map of the Ingleborough karst,
Yorkshire. Note how the streams that
rise on the sandstone and shale geology
of the slopes of Ingleborough Hill sink
underground through swallow holes at
the margins of the limestone outcrop, and
reappear as springs in the valley bottom at
the base of the limestone.

Regional-scale geomorphology 35

as is common on the limestone pavements the spatial patterns of relief therefore reflect
of Britain and other humid areas, especially the underlying geological structure (see below,
those glaciated during the Pleistocene (Figure Section 3.1.4). In areas of massive rocks the
3.3A), the rock edges are usually smooth. Alter- landforms may pick out not so much the
natively sharp edged ‘rinnenkarren’ features contrast between neighbouring rock bodies,
are produced by solution from run-off over but the weaknesses within the rocks, such as
the surface (Figure 3.3B). Below the surface, faults and joint and fracture patterns.
joints within the rock are enlarged, allowing
surface water to pass underground. Rivers 3.1.4 Topographic expression of geological
and streams entering limestone terrain often structures
pass underground through ‘swallow holes’. Geological structures are the result of past
A characteristic of most limestone areas is tectonic activity, and include relatively simple
the absence of surface streams (Figure 3.3C). fault and fold structures, complex structures
Underground, cave systems develop as water related to igneous rocks, and the even more
moves laterally along bedding planes and ver- complex structures of mountain chains. The
tically along joints down to the water table. topographic expression of geological structure
River resurgences (Vauclusian springs) occur is not directly the result of the structures them-
at the base of the limestone or where the water selves, but of how they affect the disposition
table intersects the surface. Cave systems of rocks, or zones within rocks of differential
may eventually collapse to form small surface erosional resistance. The fact that the rocks
depressions (dolines) or much larger features forming Snowdon Mountain in north Wales
(polje and uvula). are a folded sequence of Ordovician volcanic
It is difficult to generalise about metamor- rocks is almost irrelevant to the geomorphol-
phic rocks (those formed from the original ogy of the mountain, which owes its form to
sedimentary or igneous rocks by intense heat glacial erosion of these volcanic rocks during
and/or pressure), because their character the Pleistocene.
varies with the grade of metamorphism. Higher Faults are fracture planes within rock,
grade metamorphic rocks are crystalline, and along which the two bodies of rock on either
therefore may be mechanically strong, but side of the fault plane have moved against one
they include minerals that may be suscepti- another. The movement may result from ten-
ble to chemical weathering. Their resistance sional stresses (a normal fault, in which case
to weathering and erosion may resemble that one body of rock moves down along a sloping
of igneous rocks, but metamorphic rocks may fault plane), compressional stresses (a reverse
have a slaty cleavage, be foliated or banded, all fault, in which case one body of rock moves
properties that may accelerate their decay. up a low to steep angle fault plane), or lateral
During the erosional development of stresses (a strike-slip fault, in which case the
the landscape, the weaker rocks tend to be movement is horizontal along a vertical or
eroded more rapidly, leaving the terrain on sub-vertical fault plane). The fault may have
the resistant rocks upstanding to form the hill a direct topographic expression (see Section
areas. In areas of contrasting rock resistance, 3.1.2), either to form a fault scarp, or in the
36 Introducing Geomorphology

case of strike-slip faults, to laterally offset top- asymmetric ridges comprising scarp and
ographic features, such as stream channels. dip slopes (Figure 3.4). The detailed form of
These features are present only in tectonically escarpments will depend on the thickness
active areas. A well-known example is the offset of the resistant bands of rock, the dip of the
drainage along the San Andreas fault in Cali- strata and the overall available relief. There
fornia. More commonly the geomorphic role are numerous examples in southern England
of faults is either as a relatively easily eroded (North and South Downs, the Chilterns,
zone of shattered rock, or to bring two rock the Cotswolds) and northern France. More
types of differing erosional resistance adjacent complex is terrain on folded sedimentary
to one another. On erosion of the weaker rock, rocks, involving outfacing and infacing escarp-
a fault-line scarp may be produced. ments on either side of synclinal or breached
Terrain on simple uniclinally dipping sedi- anticlinal structures respectively. In this type
mentary rocks may lead to scarplands, where
the more resistant rocks form escarpments, A
Figure 3.4 Escarpment morphology. A. Diagram to
illustrate escarpment geology and morphology.
B. Escarpment of the Swabian Alb, southern Germany,
an escarpment formed by Jurassic limestones, dip of
the strata is to the east (left).

Regional-scale geomorphology 37

of terrain both resequent (anticlinal ridges, The same is true of igneous intrusions. For
synclinal valleys) and inverted relief (anticli- example, in Dartmoor in southwest England,
nal valleys, synclinal ridges) are possible (see the relief patterns simply reflect the differ-
Figure 3.5) ential erosional resistance of the Dartmoor
In more complex structures, again the granite, the surrounding aureole of metamor-
form of the terrain developed generally has phic rocks and the shaly rocks of the country
little to do with the creation of the structures around. To a large extent this is also true of
themselves, but simply reflects the differing the complex structures of mountain belts,
erosional resistance of the rocks involved. although the overall relief does reflect the
In major mountain chains the rocks may be
deformed by complex overfolds, known as A
nappes, but the form of the relief owes much
less to the structural form than to uplift, dis-
section, and rock resistance to erosion.

Figure 3.5 Folded terrain. A. Diagram illustrating

relations between structure and topography in
areas of resequent and inverted relief. B. Air view
of a breached anticline in the Zagros Mountains,
Iran. Note the transverse drainage- this has been
interpreted as either antecedent drainage or
superimposed from shale horizons above the scarp-
forming resistant rocks (see Section 3.2.1).

38 Introducing Geomorphology

amount of tectonic uplift, or in the case of weaker rock running more or less orthogonal
ancient mountain systems, ongoing crustal to the main stream, these may be preferen-
isostatic uplift. tially eroded, producing a trellised drainage
pattern (Figure 3.6).
3.2 Regional scale processes – the drainage Where the subsequent streams cut back
network and intercept earlier lines of consequent
We shall deal with the details of geomorphic drainage, they may capture that drainage.
process/landform relationships in Chapter River capture has important implications.
4, but here we need to consider the overall Downstream of the point of capture the captor
erosional development of the landscape, stream will increase its discharge and there-
from tectonic uplift to the development of fore enhance its stream power; the beheaded
a drainage network and its incision into the stream will lose power. At the capture point
underlying rocks. the bed of the original consequent stream will
be lowered, creating a new lower local base
3.2.1 Drainage evolution level, which may cause a wave of incision to
Regional drainage patterns and their relation- work headwards through the system.
ships to the underlying structure reveal a great In this way adjustment of the drainage
deal about the long-term history of landscape pattern to structure takes place by river
evolution. Drainage is initiated in relation to capture (Figure 3.6), gradually replacing the
the gradients produced by the original patterns original consequent drainage pattern by a
of uplift. This drainage (consequent drainage) subsequent pattern. A small scale incipient
may exhibit a parallel or radial pattern, with capture is illustrated on Figure 3.7. A small
local convergence into a branching network to consequent drainage flowing down the dip
form a dendritic drainage pattern (Figure 3.6). of resistant strata is about to be captured by
Provided the gradient is sufficient, the streams a deeply incised subsequent stream that is
incise into the underlying bedrock. The rate aligned along the strike of underlying highly
of incision is controlled by: (i) the regional erodible marl. A major capture in the same
base level (see Section 3.1.1, above); (ii) stream area of south-east Spain is considered in more
power (related to the product of gradient and detail in Chapter 5.
flood flow volume) – this, together with the There are, however, complications to
distal base-level control, tends to produce a simple sequences. Further uplift, tectonic
concave upward longitudinal stream profile – deformation or a fall in regional base level may
and (iii) rock resistance to erosion (which may interrupt the development, triggering a new
modify the stream profile). wave of incision, rejuvenating the system.
As incision takes place, the hillslopes, espe- This is often expressed by an incised drainage
cially those facing towards the main stream, network set below a more gently sloping
are modified and steepened, promoting new former landscape.
lines of convergent drainage (subsequent There are several other ways in which a lack
drainage). In simple uniclinally dipping sedi- of adjustment between drainage pattern and
mentary terrain, where these pick out bands of structure may occur (Figure 3.8):
Regional-scale geomorphology 39

Consequent Patterns
Dendritic pattern Parallel pattern Radial pattern Centripetal pattern

Subsequent Patterns Deranged drainage

Trellis pattern (e.g. after glaciation)
Figure 3.6 Drainage
Capture site patterns. Above:
consequent patterns:

dendritic, parallel, radial,


convergent patterns.

Below left: subsequent


am en



patterns: trellis pattern.

re u
st seq


Note the river capture.


Below right: deranged




irregular drainage.

Figure 3.7 River capture:

an example of incipient
stream capture from
south-east Spain on
the flanks of Catona
Hill, Almeria. The valley
running obliquely down
the right-hand side of the
photo (the valley floor
has been modified by
agricultural terracing) is
the original northward-
flowing drainage. This
drainage is about to be
captured by the drainage
to the east (left) of the
photo, marked by the
steep gullying at the
head of the drainage.
40 Introducing Geomorphology

Figure 3.8 Non-adjusted streams: A superimposition,

B antecedance, C glacially deranged drainage: the
drainage pattern of part of the Assynt district, Scotland.

1) Consequent streams initiated on a cover rock and providing that the river maintains a rate
may cut down through a geological uncon- of incision that keeps pace with uplift rate,
formity into underlying rocks with a very dif- may result in the river crossing a fold axis.
ferent structure – this results in a superim- This results in antecedent drainage.
posed drainage pattern in which the drain- 3) Glaciation may radically disrupt the
age is transverse to the major structures. drainage pattern (deranged drainage),
2) Another cause of transverse drainage may causing river diversions, or on glacial
occur in tectonically active regions where depositional surfaces, a totally new (often
uplift takes place across the line of drainage, random) drainage pattern may develop.
Regional-scale geomorphology 41

3.2.2 Drainage network composition the components of the drainage net. Under
There is a completely different approach to the Strahler system unbranched headwater
the study of drainage networks: a functional streams are defined as first-order streams,
approach, as opposed to the evolutionary two first-order streams join to form a second-
approach outlined above. This approach, first order stream, and so on (Figure 3.9). A mature
developed by Robert Horton in the 1940s, then network accords with the first two laws of
elaborated by Arthur Strahler in the 1950s, drainage composition; first, that the number
depends on the hierarchical classification of of streams shows an inverse geometric

Figure 3.9 Drainage network composition.

Above: the ‘Strahler’ ordering system of the
drainage network. Below: relationship of
stream order to stream number, and stream
order to cumulative mean segment length.
42 Introducing Geomorphology

relationship in relation to stream order; and 3.3 Regional scale – evolution

second, that cumulative stream lengths show Implicit in the evolutionary study of landforms
a direct geometric relationship with stream is the polygenetic origin of landscapes. Land-
order (Figure 3.9). Immature or disrupted scapes change and develop through time, and
networks will depart from these idealised preserve evidence of previous conditions. The
relationships. first real attempt to systematise this concept
The classification of stream segments in was the so-called ‘cycle of erosion’ developed
this way provides a basis for the quantitative by W. M. Davis (Figure 3.10) in which, follow-
study of the morphometry of streams and ing initial uplift, landscapes went through a
their drainage basins, considering not only series of stages, termed ‘youth, maturity and
stream numbers and lengths, but also gradi- old age’. A youthful landscape would preserve
ents and drainage basin characteristics such much of the original (pre-uplift) surface, into
as area, shape and slope properties. which steep streams are deeply incised. By

Figure 3.10 Schematic

representation of the
‘Davisian’ cycle of erosion.
Regional-scale geomorphology 43

maturity, less of the original surface would

remain on the hilltops, and the valleys would
be much larger. River long profiles would tend
towards concavity, grading to a stable base
level. By old age the hill areas would have been
worn down and the landscape would be char-
acterised by extensive plains (peneplains).
Nowadays these concepts are seen as hope-
lessly simplistic, but they dominated research
in geomorphology during the first half of the
twentieth century. They are based on unre-
alistic concepts of tectonics and the effects
of climatic changes, and do not take into
account a true understanding of processes. B
However, some aspects of the concepts are
valid: base level, and the recognition of poly-
genetic landscapes.

3.3.1 Evidence of past landscapes

Landscapes preserve evidence of past condi-
tions, in patterns, surface form and sediments.
We have already seen how drainage patterns
can reflect long-term geomorphic develop-
ment. Surface form can reflect changes in
erosional regime. Unless related to local rock
resistance, a slope convexity would suggest Figure 3.11 Polycyclic landscapes. A. Erosion
(planation) surfaces cut across the rocks of the Massif
an acceleration of incision into a higher, Central, Tarn Valley, France. Note the even skyline
more gently sloping, older, more stable land- of the plateau surface, an erosion surface probably
scape. This principle is applicable to rela- formed during the Late Tertiary that cuts across the
geological structures. Note also the deeply dissected
tively active landscapes and is particularly Tarn valley (running from left to right across the centre
the case for upland dissected plateaux (Figure of the photo), which probably developed largely during
3.11A). Such gentle upland surfaces cross-cut the Pleistocene. The spur tops in the middle ground
probably represent an intermediate stage in the
the underlying structure, so cannot simply development of this landscape. B. River terraces (see
be a response to a near-horizontal resistant also Section 4.3.5), Dane valley, Cheshire, England.
bedrock. Such plateau surfaces are often cut The river terrace (at the right of the photo) represents
an earlier valley floor formed during the late Holocene.
into by steeper, younger valley systems, and It is composed of gravels at the base, overlain by
are therefore interpreted as erosion surfaces, silts. The river cut through its valley floor, leaving it as
remnants of uplifted ancient landscapes that a terrace, then, by lateral migration over the last 200
years or so, formed a new floodplain (to the left of the
pre-date the dissection. They are particularly photo, banked against the base of the terrace) below
common cross-cutting the structures of the the level of the former valley floor.
44 Introducing Geomorphology

ancient Caledonian and Hercynian mountain rejuvenation may have been the cause. In any
belts in Europe and in the Appalachians of the case they represent relict landscapes, formed
USA. during Tertiary time. During the Pleistocene
Upland erosion surfaces were the focus they have undergone dissection; the modern
of much study during the middle years of the valleys are cut into and below the plateau
twentieth century, but that study was rather landscapes of the erosion surfaces. This phe-
inconclusive. The origins of such surfaces are nomenon of Pleistocene incision into late
uncertain. Some may be exhumed unconform- Tertiary landscapes is also apparent in areas
ities where erosion has re-exposed an ancient of ‘Alpine’/Tertiary tectonics. For example,
surface from the geological record. This seems in Spain many areas of late Tertiary internal
to be the case in parts of the Appalachians drainage were dissected during the Pleistocene
and on the dip slope of some Chalk escarp- by the establishment of through drainage.
ments around the London basin, where the During the incisional development of the
weak Eocene rocks have been stripped away to landscape, traces of former valley floors may
expose the ancient sub-Eocene surface. Some be preserved as river terraces (Figure 3.11B).
surfaces might have a marine origin, but most Their form may allow the reconstruction of
are far too extensive, and perhaps too irregular, former valley floors, and their sediments can
to be former wave-cut platforms (see section yield information on the environments of
4.6.2). They appear to be former land surfaces, deposition (see Section 4.3.5). In areas affected
though their precise genesis is open to ques- by ice during the last glaciation, such terraces
tion. They have been interpreted as former date only since the melting of those ice bodies.
peneplains in the Davisian sense (see above), In areas outside the last glacial limits, and par-
as analogous to pediplains (coalesced pedi- ticularly outside the maximum glacial limits,
ments: rock surfaces, characteristic of modern river terraces may give valuable evidence for
arid environments: See Section, and geomorphic evolution through much longer
particularly as etchplains (exhumed rock sur- periods of the Pleistocene.
faces developed under a deep-weathering Other sediments, as well as river terrace
regime in a tropical or sub-tropical climate, sediments, can of course tell us a great deal
during the Tertiary). This last interpretation is about palaeo-environments. This is particu-
favoured by most German geomorphologists, larly true for glacial sediments. It is especially
substantiated by the presence in places of rem- useful when the stratigraphic relationships
nants of tropical soils. What is clear, however, is between sediments of different origins are
that such erosion surfaces do represent old land evident. We shall explore some of the implica-
surfaces into which the younger valley system tions in Chapters 4 and 5.
is incised. They are particularly well developed
on the Palaeozoic rocks of older (Caledonian 3.4 An example – the regional scale
and Hercynian) mountain systems, where in geomorphology of Europe
many cases ‘staircases’ of erosion surfaces In this chapter we have reviewed landform
have been identified. Pulsed epeirogenic development at the regional scale. In order to
uplift (see Sections 2.3, 3.1.1) leading to pulsed link the global/continental scale, dealt with
Regional-scale geomorphology 45

in Chapter 2, with the regional scale dealt processes. Most of western Europe has a
with in this chapter, we can consider how the humid temperate climate, ranging from mild
regional geomorphology of Europe reflects the maritime conditions on the Atlantic seaboard
plate tectonics context, onto which regional to continental conditions (cold winters, hot
Quaternary climatic patterns and those of the summers) in eastern Europe. Snow is import-
modern environment have been superim- ant in eastern Europe, with its associated
posed (Figure 3.12). spring snowmelt flooding. The effectiveness of
The plate tectonics context, operating since frost, snow and ice increases with altitude, so
the early Tertiary, relates first to Atlantic sea- that the Scandinavian mountains and the Alps
floor spreading. This accounts for the volcanic and Pyrenees have truly mountain climates.
activity in Iceland and in the Azores. Aborted Throughout western and central Europe rain
rift systems account for the early Tertiary is all-year with a winter maximum in the
volcanic activity in western Scotland, and west and a summer maximum in the east.
Neogene to Quaternary volcanicity in the Heavy cyclonic or convectional storms can
Auvergne (France) and the Rhine Highlands lead to slope instability, especially in upland
(Germany). The second aspect of the plate and mountain areas, and to river flooding
tectonics context relates to the convergence throughout Europe. ‘Natural’ conditions
of the African and European plates, culmi- would support deciduous forest over most
nating in the mid-Tertiary formation of the of Europe and a well-developed soil cover, so
Alpine fold and nappe system. That activity is that surface erosion would be minimal, but
ongoing today, as is evidenced by subduction mass movements can occur on steeper slopes.
and volcanic activity in Greece and southern Today much of the forest cover has been
Italy. Elsewhere within the Alpine system, neo- replaced by agricultural land, some of which is
tectonic activity operates, whereby epeiro- prone to limited soil erosion.
genic or post-orogenic uplift, and local folding A Mediterranean climate characterises
and faulting continue. most of southern Europe, with hot, dry sum-
During the Pleistocene ice ages large ice mers and autumn to winter rain. Especially
sheets formed over Scandinavia and northern in autumn, this can be torrential. In the drier
Britain, with a smaller ice cap over the Alps parts of the Mediterranean the climate is
and smaller glaciers in some of the other semi-arid, with marked soil moisture deficits.
European mountain ranges (see Box 3.1). Per- In these conditions soils are slow-forming.
iglacial climates with permafrost covered the The ‘natural’ Mediterranean scrub woodland
non-glaciated areas of southern Britain and has in many places been seriously degraded
most of western and central Europe. There was by a long history of overgrazing and land
extensive loess deposition south of the limits of abuse, so that run-off, surface erosion, and
the Scandinavian ice sheet, extending through flash flooding are common in response to tor-
Belgium and Germany into eastern Europe. rential storm rains.
Global sea levels were low, so that the continen- In Box 3.1 and on Figure 3.12 we summarise
tal shelf around southern Britain was dry land. the main regional geomorphology of Europe,
Present day climates influence geomorphic in so far as it reflects the interplay of these
46 Introducing Geomorphology

0 km 400




(L )

) X)

Continental shelf Mesozoic/Tertiary cover rocks over older structures

Last glacial maximum (LGM) Mesozoic rocks (sedimentary basins and lowlands)
Maximum glacial limit (MAX) Hercynian/Variscan fold system
Limit of Pleistocene permafrost Caledonian structures mantled by younger rocks
Plate boundary Caledonian fold system (exposed)
Tertiary volcanic rocks Stable ‘shield’ areas mantled by younger sedimentary cover
Tertiary sedimentary basins Pre-cambrian shield areas (exposed)
Tertiary (Alpine) fold system

Figure 3.12 Geomorphological regions of Europe, showing the major structural units, and the Pleistocene glacial
and permafrost limits.
Regional-scale geomorphology 47

three groups of factors.

Box 3.1 Europe: geomorphic regions (see Figure 3.12)

1. The ancient core of the continent 2. Two ancient mountain chains (related
1a) Where the ancient rocks are to ancient plate-tectonic settings,
exposed – the Baltic Shield pre-dating the Atlantic Ocean)
This area has been structurally stable 2a) The Caledonian system (Norway,
since Precambrian times. The ancient Scotland, N Ireland – continues
metamorphic rocks have been much into NE USA and Canada).
eroded down to produce subdued relief. This system includes metamorphics, igneous
This area was repeatedly heavily glaciated intrusions, volcanics and folded sedimentary
by the Scandinavian ice sheet during the rocks. They are mostly structurally
Pleistocene, with glacial erosion dominant, complex, but in some places are covered by
resulting in an irregular landscape of bare uniclinal, or gently folded Upper Palaeozoic
rock outcrops with intervening lake basins. sedimentary rocks. In W. Scotland and N.
Glacial depositional topography becomes Ireland there are also Early Tertiary volcanic
more important towards the Baltic coast. rocks. The former mountains have been
A small area in Assynt district and the Outer much eroded down to form plateaux, then
Hebrides of Scotland is another area of shield later uplifted and deeply dissected. These
terrain, a remnant of another Precambrian mountains were heavily glaciated during the
shield area with affiliations not with the Pleistocene, producing glaciated mountain
Baltic Shield but with the Canadian shield. scenery. Glaciers are still present in Norway.

1b) Where the ancient rocks are mantled 2b) The Hercynian system (central
by near flat-lying younger sedimentary Europe, central and W France, parts of
rocks – the North European Plain. Spain, SW England, S Wales, SW Ireland
To the south of the Baltic Shield the – continues into the Appalachians).
structurally stable ancient rocks are mantled This section comprises metamorphic
by near flat-bedded younger sedimentary and igneous rocks together with folded
rocks to form the North European Plain. Upper Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks.
Here the relief is very subdued. The Much eroded down to form plateaux, then
landforms are dominated by glacial and uplifted and deeply dissected. These areas
fluvio-glacial deposition. Major fluvio- currently form separate upland blocks
glacial meltwater channels and moraines rather than a continuous system. There
form the main features of the relief. are Neogene-Quaternary volcanic rocks
in the Auvergne, France and the Rhine
Plateau, Germany. A very few small areas
were glaciated during the Pleistocene, but
periglacial processes predominated.
48 Introducing Geomorphology

3. The Tertiary ‘Alpine’ mountain chains the Rif of Morocco. Neogene-Quaternary

3a) The Alps volcanics occur in some of these regions. Of
The core areas of this large mountain system these secondary ranges, the Betic Ranges
are the metamorphic rocks, including some supported tiny Pleistocene glaciers, but
incorporated from older Hercynian structures only the Pyrenees supported glaciers of
of the central area of the French, Italian, and any size. The Pyrenees are the only ranges
Swiss Pennine Alps. The rocks are deformed to support small glaciers at present.
into huge complex overfolds (nappes) which
have been thrust towards the north. Younger 4. The intervening areas: scarplands
nappes of metamorphic rocks have been and lowland basins
thrust onto the Alps of the Bernese Oberland, Between the uplifted fault blocks of
north of which are the folded Cretaceous Hercynian structures, between these and
limestones of the pre-Alps. North of these Alpine structures, and within and between
lies the detrital Swiss midland plain, then the Alpine structures are zones of the crust that
thrust-forward, folded Jurassic limestones are relatively depressed. These zones are
of the Jura Mountains. To the south-east blanketed by sedimentary rocks younger
of the Pennine Alps are the limestones of than the surrounding uplands or mountains.
the Dolomites and the Dinaric Alps, which Some of these are of relatively shallow depth,
continue south-east through the Balkans into where the younger rocks simply bury the
Greece. During the Pleistocene, repeated ice older structures (e.g. a buried platform of
caps formed over the central Alps, extending Hercynian structures that extends from the
west to the Jura and into the Rhone valley English Midlands under London, south-east-
near Lyon, and north-east onto the German wards into Belgium). Others are distinct sedi-
Alpine foreland. Small glaciers persist mentary basins of Mesozoic and Tertiary age
today within the highest mountain areas. (e.g. the Paris Basin), or of Tertiary age within
3b) Other ‘Alpine’ mountain or between Alpine structures (e.g. the Ebro
systems (The Apennines, Pyrenees, Basin; the Saone Basin; small sedimentary
Betic and Iberian systems) basins within the Betic Cordillera of southern
The Apennines extend south-east from the Spain). Those basins within the Alpine zone
French Maritime Alps, forming the backbone continue to be subject to neotectonic activity.
of Italy. In contrast to the main Alpine system These areas are generally lowlands, but where
with its arcuate alignment, the Pyrenees a stack of sedimentary rocks of differing
represent an earlier east–west compressional erosional resistance is involved, scarpland
trend that continues into the folded limestone topography is common. Most of these areas
Alps of Provence. Further south in Spain were not glaciated during the Pleistocene,
are a series of ‘Alpine’ ranges, the Iberian except the English Midlands and East Anglia,
and Central Systems of lower elevation, but and the Netherlands, where the area merges
in the far south are the high Betic Ranges. into the north European plain. However,
These comprise a metamorphic core and in western Europe these areas underwent
a northern belt of folded limestones in the periglacial processes. Only in Iberia did the
sub-Betic ranges. The Betics continue into sedimentary basins escape periglacial activity.
Local-scale geomorphology – process systems and landforms

4 Local-scale geomorphology –
process systems and landforms
The local scale is the basic scale of geomor- Weathering is an essential prerequisite for the
phology. It is the scale at which we recognise operation of the sediment cascade.
landforms, e.g.river reaches, hillslopes, cliffed
4.1.1 Mechanical weathering
coasts. It is also the scale at which we under-
Rocks are rigid elastic solids and respond (in a
stand the processes that create the landforms.
small way) to ambient pressure. Igneous rocks,
At this scale we are dealing almost exclusively
especially plutonic rocks, and metamorphic
with externally-driven geomorphic processes.
rocks are formed within the crust at pressures
These processes are parts of the ‘sediment
much higher than atmospheric pressure. Even
cascade’ (see Figure 1.7) whereby bedrock is
sedimentary rocks have been subject to loading
transformed by weathering, then transported,
by overlying rocks. Below glaciers and ice sheets,
with the aid of gravity under one of the process
rocks are also subject to loading. When exposed
regimes described below, to either temporary
to the much lower atmospheric pressure, rocks
or more permanent deposition. The resultant
expand elastically. In layered rocks this may
landforms may therefore be dominantly ero-
simply enlarge existing bedding planes, but
sional, composite or depositional.
in massive rocks (e.g. granites) this expansion
The only real exceptions to the dominance
may result in cracking parallel to the surface
of externally driven processes are the direct
of the ground (Figure 4.1A). The cracks then
results of volcanic activity – fresh volcanic
provide access for water, which may further
cones, lava flows; or of tectonic activity – fresh
weather the rock. This process is described as
fault scarps (see Section 3.1.2). Even then, in a
pressure release or offloading jointing.
relatively short time these landforms undergo
Rocks are also subject to cracking as the
modification by weathering and other surface
result of thermal expansion. The efficacy of
this mechanism was doubted when it could
4.1 Weathering systems not be duplicated in experimental ovens;
Weathering is the breakdown of raw rock by however, more recent work in deserts, by
mechanical or chemical means into material Amit, Gerson and McFadden among others,
that can be incorporated into soil or trans- has demonstrated very strong temperature
ported away by one of the geomorphic trans- gradients between the sunny and the shaded
port processes described below. Alternatively sides of rocks, sufficient to generate cracking.
the weathered rock may remain in situ as Desert surfaces composed of angular stones
‘regolith’, and may later be subject to erosion (desert pavements) are formed in this way
and fed into the sediment cascade (Figure 1.7) (Figure 4.1B). In saline environments, for

50 Introducing Geomorphology

Figure 4.1 Photos of mechanical weathering

A phenomena. A. Pressure release (offloading) joints in
granite, Yosemite Valley, California, USA. These joints
are parallel with the valley sides, reflecting offloading on
deglaciation. B. Desert pavement surface, Sinai Desert,
Egypt. Note how rocks are cracking to form the angular
clasts of the pavement. Note also the silt between the
clasts on the pavement surface. C. Frost-shattered
slates, Rocky Mountains, Canada. D. Patterned ground
(stone stripes) near the summit of Mont Ventoux,
Provence, France. These stripes were formed during
the Pleistocene when permafrost was present. E.
Involutions and other features related to the presence
of Pleistocene permafrost in alluvial gravels and silts of
an alluvial fan exposed at Doniford, Somerset, England.

Local-scale geomorphology – process systems and landforms 51

example near salt flats in deserts, the process 4.1.2 Chemical weathering
may be accentuated by salt weathering. After Chemical reactions in soil and rock depend
wetting of the rock surfaces by rain or dew, on the acidity of water passing through the
salts are precipitated within cracks in the rock, material, on temperature, on the availabil-
crystal growth further cracking the rock. ity of oxygen and on the susceptibility of the
Another important mechanism for frac- material itself to chemical change. Rainwater
turing rock is freeze-thaw weathering. Water is mildly acidic. Organic soils release humic
expands on freezing, so when water that has acids, so that water that has passed through
penetrated into cracks in rocks freezes, it exerts these soils is acidic. In arid areas soils tend to
sufficient pressure to fracture the rock. This be alkaline.
process is, of course, important in high latitude A range of chemical processes may be
and high mountain areas, subject to sufficiently involved in the weathering of rock. The sim-
low freezing temperatures and to frequent plest of these is solution. We have already seen
freeze-thaw cycles. It is one of the main mecha- how calcium carbonate (CaCO3), the main con-
nisms for supplying debris from rock surfaces stituent of limestone, is soluble in weak acids,
onto scree slopes below (Figure 4.1C). producing ‘karst’ solutional features in lime-
Another aspect of freezing and thawing stone terrain (Section 3.1.3). CaCO3 can also
is the development of patterned ground. In be a major cement binding the grains together
areas of permafrost, refreezing of the active in sandstones, which on solution renders the
layer (see Section creates stresses in sandstone into loose sand. Another import-
the soil because of the different thermal prop- ant process is the absorption of water into the
erties of stones and finer material. This results crystal lattice of some minerals (e.g. the trans-
in a sorting of the material so that on flat formation of anhydrite, CaSO4, into gypsum,
ground the stones form polygons; on gently CaSO4.2H2O) by hydration or the reverse
sloping ground these elongate into garlands, process, dehydration. Another important set
and on steep slopes form stone stripes running of reactions involves the addition or loss of
downslope. At depth within the soil these are oxygen to or from a mineral: oxidation and
represented by re-orientated stones forming reduction respectively. The simplest example
involutions. At greater depths, ice wedges may is the transformation of a metal into an oxide,
form where water from snowmelt fills large but much more important in the context of
thermal contraction cracks, then freezes as the weathering and soils are the transformations
active layer freezes. Relict patterned ground, between the two families of iron oxides: oxi-
involutions and fossil ice wedges (ice-wedge dation to ferric oxides (the red/brown iron
casts) are indications of cryoturbation or other oxides: Fe2O3) and reduction to ferrous oxides
processes associated with the former presence (the black/grey iron oxides: Fe3O4). Oxidation
of Pleistocene permafrost in temperate lati- takes place in aerated environments, whereas
tudes (Figure 4.1D,E). reduction takes place in oxygen-poor, often
There is one other important mechanism water-saturated environments. Bacterial
that forms or enlarges cracks in rocks; that is action accelerates these processes. Hydrolysis
through the action of tree roots. is a more complex chemical reaction involving
52 Introducing Geomorphology

Table 4.1
A. Primary igneous rock-forming minerals and mineral groups ranked by their chemical
stability in weathering environments.
Quartz Si O2
Muscovite Mica K Al (Al Si3) O10 (OH)2
Orthoclase Felspar K Al Si3 O8
Plagioclase Felspar Na-Ca Al Si3 O8
Biotite Mica K (Mg Fe)3 (Al Si3) O10 (OH)2
Hornblende Complex silicate of Mg Fe Ca Al
Augite Complex silicate of Mg Fe Ca Al
Olivine (Mg Fe)2 Si O4
Red indicates important constituents of acid (silicic) rocks (eg. granite); blue indicates
minerals that occur across the range of acid to intermediate to basic (mafic) rocks; purple
indicates minerals that might occur in some acid rocks, and also occur in intermediate
rocks (eg. syenite, dacite, andesite); green indicates minerals that occur in basic or
ultrabasic rocks (eg. gabbro, basalt).
Quartz is almost chemically inert, but may break down mechanically to sand. The other
minerals break down chemically to clay minerals, the ferromagnesian minerals also to metal
oxides (particularly iron oxides).
B. Minerals in sedimentary rocks, include those that have been derived directly from
igneous rocks (quartz, muscovite, some feldspar), the weathering products of primary
minerals – particularly clay minerals and iron oxides, plus chemical or biochemical
precipitates (especially calcite, Ca CO3).
C. Metamorphic rocks may include an enormous variety of minerals, derived from their
igneous or sedimentary rock parent, plus in high grade metamorphic rocks a suite of
complex silicates found only in metamorphic rocks.

the exchange of ions, usually in mildly acidic Minerals characteristic of igneous (and high-
conditions. This is the main process involved grade metamorphic) rocks were formed in
in the weathering of the primary rock-forming environments very different from those at the
minerals of igneous rocks. A final weathering Earth’s surface, so tend to be susceptible to
process that is perhaps more important in chemical change. However, their susceptibil-
soils than in rock weathering is chelation, the ity differs between mineral groups (Table 4.1).
mobilisation of metal ions from clay minerals, Quartz (SiO2) is virtually inert, except that it
allowing leaching to take place. becomes soluble in very alkaline environ-
Different rock-forming minerals have dif- ments. The feldspars (complex potassium/
fering susceptibility to chemical weathering. sodium/calcium aluminium silicates) and
Local-scale geomorphology – process systems and landforms 53

muscovite mica break down by hydrolysis into

a complex family of clay minerals (complex
platy hydrated aluminium silicates), though
muscovite is less susceptible to chemical
change. The ferromagnesian groups of min-
erals (complex ferromagnesium silicates),
biotite mica, the hornblende, augite and
olivine groups, are increasingly susceptible to
chemical change, especially by hydrolysis to
produce oxides and clay minerals. The min-
erals present in sedimentary rocks include
detrital minerals (quartz, muscovite, clay
minerals) that have already been through a
weathering cycle during their formation. The
more susceptible minerals include cements
and chemical/biochemical precipitates or
evaporites (e.g. CaCO3, iron oxides, gypsum),
which have often been formed in environ-
ments somewhat different from surface
weathering environments, and so are suscep-
tible to chemical change. B
The implication of differing mineral sus-
ceptibility to chemical change is that the vul-
nerable minerals are attacked first, weakening
the fabric of the rock, allowing an acceleration
of weathering processes as a whole. Chemical
weathering also affects the physical proper-
ties of the rock, often making it mechanically
weaker, less coherent and less dense, hence
more easily erodible. In the weathering of
granite, for example, original vertical cracking
and sub-horizontal pressure-release jointing
allow selective chemical weathering to pen-
etrate the rock along the joints, transforming
the weathered granite into grus (a mixture
of sand and clay) surrounding unweathered Figure 4.2 Granite weathering. A. Corestones,
corestones (Figure 4.2A). If the grus is washed surrounded by ‘gruss’, exposed in a roadcut, Capetown,
South Africa. B. Tors, Dartmoor, Devon, England. Note
away the corestones remain as tors (Figure
the dominance of (pressure release) joints parallel with
4.2B). Similar features in tropical Africa are the ground surface, and also the vertical joints. C. A
known as kopjes (Figure 4.2C). kopje, Northern Cape Province, South Africa.
54 Introducing Geomorphology

4.1.3 Influence of climate on weathering

Because both mechanical and chemical weath-
ering depend on temperature and moisture
conditions, there is a climatic control of weath-
ering regime. In arctic and alpine regions
mechanical weathering by freeze-thaw is
dominant and chemical weathering is weak.
In humid temperate regions all processes are
moderately effective. In arid regions weather-
ing overall is weak, but mechanical weather- B
ing is dominant. Arid regions, though, have
distinct chemical regimes (see below). In the
humid tropics chemical weathering is intense,
resulting in great thicknesses of a deep weath-
ering mantle. Many areas in the tropics and
sub-tropics, especially on ancient stable land
surfaces, such as those on shield areas (e.g. the
Yilgarn block in Western Australia), preserve
a weathering profile of great thickness (up to
50 m deep) (Figure 4.3A), that has developed
over timescales extending back into the Tertiary.
At the base of such profiles is partially weath-
ered bedrock overlain by a deep red horizon,
pallid then mottled zones, finally capped by
Figure 4.3 Soils and weathering profiles. A. Deep
weathering profile, near Cue, Western Australia. At
the base are unweathered corestones of the granitic
bedrock, above which is pale gruss of the ‘pallid’
zone; the section is capped by ferricrete (formerly
known as laterite). The deep weathering profile
developed during the Tertiary under more humid
conditions than characterise today’s arid climate.
B. Podzol, developed on a late Pleistocene gravel
terrace, Howgill Fells, Cumbria, England. Note the
bleached horizon immediately below the dark humus
horizon. Below is the iron-rich B horizon. C. Desert
soil, Dixie Valley, Nevada, USA, developed on a
Pleistocene alluvial fan surface. Note the mature
desert pavement at the ground surface. Immediately
below that is the vesicular Av horizon composed of
desert dust containing soluble salts. Below that is
the dark red-brown clay-enriched Bt horizon, below
which is the pale carbonate-rich Bk horizon.
a ferricrete or silcrete duricrust. Rarely is the A
bedrock exposed at the surface. More often
the surface relief is formed by ‘breakaways’,
outcrops of the duricrust (see below).
Weathering processes convert less stable
rock and mineral materials into more stable
products: rock fragments, quartz sands and
clay minerals. The fate of the soluble products
depends on hydrology and climate. In humid
areas in free-draining sites, leaching of the
soluble products through the soil profile takes
place. These products may be carried away as
the dissolved load of streams, eventually to
the oceans. Locally, either in the soil profile
or elsewhere, if the chemical environment is
suitable they may be precipitated. The classic
soil profile of cool humid areas with acid soils
is the podzol (Figure 4.3B), where all carbon-
ate is completely leached from the soil, but
iron leached down the profile accumulates at
depth, its status (oxidised or reduced) depend-
ing on the drainage of the soil.
In dry regions, leaching is much less B
important. Iron compounds (ferric iron)
remain in the upper part of the soil profile,
giving it a reddish colour. Carbonates tend to
be leached from the upper part of the profile
but are precipitated and accumulate lower
down (Figure 4.3C). On later wetting and
drying and exposure to the atmosphere, this
pedogenic carbonate may be transformed
into a resistant caprock, a calcrete. This is a
form of duricrust (Figure 4.4A), characteristic
Figure 4.4 Weathering-related phenomena of dry
regions. A. Calcrete developed on Pleistocene alluvial C
fan sediments, near Murcia, south-east Spain. This
pedogenic calcrete probably developed from carbonate
accumulation within a soil profile that was later
exposed and became indurated. B. A case-hardened
rock surface protecting honeycomb weathering (tafoni),
near Hatta, UAE. C. The end of a fluvial system in the
Nevada desert, USA, evaporite salt flats.
56 Introducing Geomorphology

of drylands. It is important in two ways: firstly, can be seen as zones of zero slope. However,
in the study of dryland geomorphology, the when we refer to slope processes we really
properties of calcrete may allow the relative mean hillslope processes. In most areas
dating of the age of the surface (see Chapter hillslopes are organised into drainage basins
5). Linked to the calcium ions within the (see Chapter 3). Hillslopes thus not only
calcrete may be uranium ions, which would provide the main sources of water to river
allow precise dating of the time of crystal- systems through the mechanisms of the
lisation by the uranium/thorium method (see hydrological cycle (see Chapter 2), but are
Chapter 5). Secondly, a duricrusted surface is also the main sources of sediment. Follow-
erosionally resistant and also alters the infil- ing bedrock weathering, hillslope processes
tration characteristics of the surface. Calcrete, are the first zone of the sediment cascade.
characteristic of drylands, is not the only form Sediment is mobilised on the hillslopes by a
of duricrust; gypcrete may also occur in very range of processes and moved downslope.
arid areas, while silcrete and ferricrete (see Some of this sediment may be deposited
above; formerly known as laterite), occur in further downslope, and some may reach the
the more active weathering environments of river channels. Consequently, the form of the
the seasonal wet/dry tropics. slope is the result of hillslope processes.
Another weathering phenomenon asso-
ciated with dry conditions is termed case 4.2.1 Slope processes
hardening. Salts mobilised by solution in Four groups of hillslope processes can be rec-
near-surface zones of a rock are precipitated ognised, differing according to the nature of
as the moisture is evaporated from the surface the material involved and its behaviour under
of the rock. The result is an indurated ‘case erosion or deformation: scree processes,
hardened’ outer layer of the rock, which may overland flow processes, creep and flowage
allow weathering of the softer material under- processes, and landsliding.
neath to form tafoni or honeycomb weather-
ing (Figure 4.4B). Rockfall and scree processes
The final fate of solutes in arid areas, espe- These processes involve rock fragments,
cially those entrained by overland flow, may released by mechanical weathering, falling
be deposition in an ephemeral lake, which from an exposed rock face. Large-scale rock-
on evaporation to dryness forms a salt pan or falls can be a major slope process in steep
playa (Figure 4.4C). Evaporite salts may form mountain terrain, often leading to a jumbled
concentric rings around the margins of the mass of broken rocks below. At a more limited
playa, ranging from calcite through gypsum to scale, persistent rockfalls may yield rock frag-
the most soluble, halite or rock salt (NaCl) in ments that accumulate on the slope below,
the centre. forming a scree. The scree is deposited at the
angle of rest of the material (generally around
4.2 Slope systems 30°) (Figure 4.5A). Screes often show some
Slopes of one sort or another form the vast downslope sorting of material by particle
majority of the landscape; even flat surfaces size, with the larger clasts (having more
Local-scale geomorphology – process systems and landforms 57

Figure 4.5 ‘Scree-type’ hillslope profiles. A. Diagram illustrating the development of

A scree (talus) slopes. B. Scree slope (to the left of the waterfall), Yoho, British Colombia
Rockies, Canada. C. Free face and straight bedrock slope mantled with a veneer of
scree, Musandam region, Oman.

momentum) travelling further downslope. A

scree slope is not like a ‘lean-to shed’ banked
against a vertical rock wall. Rather, the scree
is like a wedge of sediment resting on a rock
slope that is a little steeper than the scree slope
(Figure 4.5B). This angle is the angle of incipi-
ent movement, at which clasts freed by weath-
ering move downslope. Over time the cliff
recedes at this angle (the angle of incipient
B movement) and the rock slope becomes buried
by scree, which comes to rest at the slightly
less steep angle of rest. Screes are common in
hill and mountain areas, where present or past
processes have created bare rock cliffs, espe-
cially where mechanical weathering is or was
active. Screes occur in arid areas (Figure 4.5C)
but are most common in arctic and alpine
areas. In these areas the simple scree pro-
cesses may be complicated by the addition of
material from snow avalanches. Fossil screes
are also common in areas where freeze-thaw
weathering is now limited, but was active
during Pleistocene cold phases. Overland flow

A second group of hillslope processes relates
to erosion by overland flow. The simple theory,
devised by Robert Horton, envisages rain
C intensity in excess of infiltration capacity (see
Section 1.4.2) to pond water on the surface,
then for it to run off downslope. Initially flow is
by laminar flow, which exerts no stress on the
underlying surface, creating in the divide area
a belt of no erosion (Figure 4.6A). With increas-
ing distance from the divide, turbulent flow
sets in, initially entraining any loose particles
58 Introducing Geomorphology



Local-scale geomorphology – process systems and landforms 59
Figure 4.6 (Opposite) Features produced by overland infiltration capacity is zero because of soil satu-
flow erosion. A. The ‘belt of no erosion’ in the divide
area on badland slopes, Alberta, Canada. Note that
ration (saturation overland flow), and though
the rills start a little way below the divide. B. Gullied this may not be so important erosionally, it
badland terrain, northern Provence, France. Note the is important hydrologically. In many rapidly
smooth ‘belt of no erosion’ on the divides, the steep
straight slopes of the belt of rill erosion, the much
eroding areas, especially deeply dissected bare
gentler gradient of the main gully floors. C. Piped badland areas, water may penetrate into the
badlands near Sorbas, Almeria, south-east Spain. The ground through cracks and sustain subsur-
cavities on the left are entry points to an extensive
network of underground pipes. D. A complex slope
face turbulent flow capable of tunnel or pipe
profile suggesting response of geomorphic systems erosion (Figure 4.6C). In many badland areas,
to late Quaternary climatic change, Capitol Reef piping may be as important as surface erosion.
National Park, Utah, USA. The upper part of the slope
is dominated by a free face of bare rock and a (now
A second drawback of the Horton model is that
degraded) scree slope, probably active during colder it is essentially a static model and cannot take
phases in the Pleistocene. The lower part of the former into account the progressive development of
scree slope is being eroded by badland development,
related to today’s semi-arid environment. Note the
eroding slopes. The topography only holds
characteristic development of badland morphology true if the gully channels continue to incise,
and the development of mini-pediments at the base of keeping pace with erosion on the slopes. If,
the slope, caused by the recession of the steeper rilled
slopes. Note the pediment angle (see Figure 4.10C).
on the other hand, the gradient of the gully
E. Large-scale pediment development below badland channels is controlled by a local base level,
slopes, near Hanksville, Utah, USA. F. Combinations of the channels simply transport the sediment
hillslope gullying and valley-floor gullying (arroyo-type),
near Drumheller, Alberta, Canada.
supplied by the eroding hillslopes and cannot
incise. In that case, the eroding slopes undergo
parallel retreat, creating small pediments
on the surface. Then as the flow becomes at the slope base (Figure 4.6D), ultimately
concentrated into shallow rills it removes resulting in small erosional hills above exten-
weathered material. The rills are essentially sive pediments (Figure 4.6E). Pediments (see
at the same gradient as the surface itself, and below, Section 4.2.2) can also form in more
together they form zones of sheet and rill resistant rocks, and are characteristic land-
erosion (Figure 4.6A, B). As run-off further forms in dry regions. They act essentially as
increases downslope and erosional stresses surfaces of sediment transport by sheet flows.
become sufficient to incise into the underlying They may carry a veneer of sediment, but the
material, a gully channel is cut (zone of gully main process operating on the surfaces is
erosion: Figure 4.6B), and because flow is now mechanical weathering. In deserts they may
concentrated and depths are much greater, be veneered by desert pavements (see above,
the channel develops at a gradient markedly Section 4.1.1).
less steep than that of the hillslope. Despite its shortcomings, the Horton
This (Hortonian) model has shortcomings model does provide a basis for understand-
for two reasons. First, other processes operate ing erosional terrain. It is most applicable in
in rapidly eroding gullied terrain. Shallow bare areas or areas of thin vegetation on soils
mass movements (mudslides) modify the ero- with low infiltration capacities that are prone
sional processes. Run-off can be generated if to high intensity rainstorms. In the short
60 Introducing Geomorphology

term, gullying in badland areas is an unstable Mass movement processes (excluding
process, reinforced by positive feedback (see landslides)
Section 1.5). Gully channel incision tends to The third group of slope processes (exclud-
increase the drainage area to the main gullies, ing landslides; see below) are those mass
thus increasing run-off and incision rate. movement processes that involve deformation
The process only slows when a longer term of weak or unconsolidated regolith material,
negative feedback begins to operate. Compe- the weathering mantle or soil. The behaviour
tition between neighbouring gullies prevents of regolith material depends on its moisture
incision from continuing to increase drainage content. Under dry conditions and light
areas. From then on erosion simply lowers the loading it may deform by cracking/fracture,
divide areas, progressively reducing the rate of but with increased moisture content its
erosion. plastic limits are exceeded, and it will deform
Badland or gullied terrain, characterised by under loading by an internal rearrangement
a high drainage density (see also Figure 3.2B) of its shape, i.e., by plastic deformation or
is a common natural terrain in semi-arid areas. flowage. With further increased water content
Such terrain also occurs in other climatic zones the behaviour crosses another threshold,
on sea cliffs, river cliffs and landslide scars cut the liquid limit, beyond which the material
in soft materials. This type of terrain can also behaves as a fluid and drains more rapidly
be produced by human activity, by overgraz- under its own weight.
ing, compaction of the soil, or by plough lines The rate at which slope processes by mass
creating ready-made rills, and so may be an movement operate may range from the imper-
indication of past or present human-induced ceptible to the catastrophic, and may be wide-
soil erosion (see Chapter 6). spread or highly localised. There have been a
A related aspect of overland slope erosion, number of classifications of mass movements,
equally applicable to human-induced soil based on the nature of the material involved
erosion, is the down-system fate of the sedi- (rock fragments, mixed debris, soils), water
ments. Some sediment may be stored within content, and the nature and speed of the
the slope system and some fed down-system movement, but here, for simplicity’s sake, we
into the river system. A wave of hillslope will treat the most common in three groups:
erosion or soil erosion may have a dramatic creep, solifluction and debris flows.
effect on river behaviour and morphology (see The most ubiquitous, but almost imper-
below, Section 4.3.4). In extreme cases, espe- ceptible, process is soil creep. On wetting or
cially in semi-arid areas, the sediment may freezing the soil swells, expanding upwards
totally overload headwater valleys and cause orthogonal to the surface. On drying or
valley filling. Subsequently this valley fill may thawing the soil shrinks and sinks, but with a
become dissected by valley-floor gullies (e.g. gravity-driven downslope component, result-
the arroyos of the American west). Severely ing in the net downslope movement of the
eroded (badland) terrain in such environ- upper part of the soil layer. This process is
ments may show combinations of hillslope difficult to observe, except when ice needles
and valley-floor gullying (Figure 4.6F). are involved, but evidence for its operation
Local-scale geomorphology – process systems and landforms 61


Figure 4.7 Forms produced by (slow) mass movement

processes. A. Evidence for surface creep expressed by
downslope curvature of weathered bedrock fragments,
Clwydian Hills, North Wales. B. Hillslope terracettes,
B Ellen valley, Cumbria, England. C. Evidence for
sustained Pleistocene hillslope solifluction, a hillslope
blanketed by thick ‘head deposits’, north Cornwall,
England. These deposits comprise angular (local)
stone fragments, derived from higher up the hillslope
by freeze-thaw activity under permafrost conditions,
then transported downslope by solifluction, to leave a
muddy-stony deposit in which the clasts are aligned

is widespread in the form of bent trees on

hillslopes, re-orientated stones within the
upper part of a soil profile (Figure 4.7A), or
terracettes on steep grass-covered hillslopes
(Figure 4.7B). In Britain these features are
sometimes referred to as ‘sheep tracks’, but
they form in the absence of grazing animals,
and are likely to be the result of soil slip or
flowage on a microscopic scale.
62 Introducing Geomorphology

A similar, but larger-scale and faster process, A

solifluction, is characteristic of permafrost
environments. During the summer the upper
parts of the regolith profile (the active layer)
thaw out, but drainage is prevented by the
underlying impermeable frozen layer, the per-
mafrost. Shallow lobes of material move rela- B
tively slowly, but measurably, downslope, and
in some areas whole hillslopes can be blan-
keted with solifluction lobes. Eventually these
may lose their topographic expression, result-
ing in a smooth hillslope (Figure 2.5A). This is
a major process affecting arctic hillslopes. It
was the major slope process during the Pleis-
tocene cold phases, affecting hillslopes in what Figure 4.8 Debris flows. A. Debris flow on the surface
of a debris cone, Howgill Fells Cumbria, England.
are now temperate areas. Evidence is preserved
Note lobe and levee topography of the debris flow. B.
partly in hillslope form, and especially in ‘head Bouldery debris-flow deposits on alluvial fans at Zzyzx,
deposits’, which blanket many hillslopes in California, USA. Note the ‘push fabric’ of the boulders
in the upper part of the photo.
these areas (Figure 4.7C). These are deposits
of angular stones set in a finer matrix, with the clasts supported within the matrix, a concen-
major planes of the stones roughly orientated tration of large clasts at the front and on the
downslope. surface of the lobe, and a clast alignment across
A faster flowage process, and one that may the front of the flow, a compressional fabric
be more or less channelised, is debris flow (Figure 4.8B), and aligned parallel with the flow
(Figure 4.8A). The material, usually a mixture of along the levees. As water content increases,
all particle sizes, may be derived from shallow the internal strength begins to break down,
slope failures or be entrained from within-gully flow velocity accelerates, and the flow regime
debris. It is usually mobilised during heavy rain- is transitional between cohesive and fluid flow,
storms or during snowmelt. The water content known as ‘hyperconcentrated’ flow. The lobe
determines how the flow behaves. A relatively and levee topography will be less pronounced
low water content (below the liquid limit) will and the internal structure may be more diffuse.
result in a cohesive debris flow, which, espe- The internal clasts, still matrix-supported, may
cially if the clay content is high, will deform by be aligned with the flow, but on deposition
internal compression and shearing. It will have the wet matrix may drain, leaving an irregular
the strength to support large clasts, boulders, stony fabric. Though not relevant to hillslope
on the surface. It produces a distinctive lobate processes, similar processes can operate under
depositional topography (Figure 4.8A), with water, to create sub-aqueous debris flows,
levees left behind the lobe on either side of the though generally these would show sediment
flow path. Its sedimentology is also distinctive, properties related to more fluid conditions.
with an internal structure characterised by Debris flows also occur on glacial margins, and
Local-scale geomorphology – process systems and landforms 63

can involve the debris from landslides. Very B

rapid and incoherent debris flows in mountain
areas are known as debris avalanches, and the
particular type of debris flows associated with
volcanic eruptions are known as lahars. All
debris flows are potentially hazardous, particu-
larly lahars. Landslides
Landslides differ from other mass move-
ments in that they involve the development
of a failure surface on which a large mass
of material slides downslope. The failure
surface, developed internally, may be arcuate
or planar (Figure 4.9A,B,C). As the material

Figure 4.9 Landslides. A. Planar and arcuate shear

planes. B. Planar slide on the East Devon coast,
England. The rocks dip gently seawards. Marine
erosion has destabilised the slope, activating a planar
landslide surface in the Triassic marls at the base of
the cliff. The stronger Cretaceous sandstones above
have slid along this shear plane, leaving a chasm
behind. C. An arcuate landslide developed above a
rapidly incising river, Sorbas area, south-east Spain.
Note the curved landslide scar – the centre of the
failed mass has been levelled for agricultural purposes. This landslip probably occurred during thawing of the
D. Landslip on the Cotswold Escarpment at Birdlip, permafrost at the end of the Pleistocene. E. Small
Gloucestershire, England. The landslip scar is hidden landslide feeding debris flows, Southern Alps, South
in the trees to the left of the photo; the landslide debris Island, New Zealand. Note the alluvial fan to the left
forms the hummocky ground in the centre of the photo. below the debris cones.
64 Introducing Geomorphology

moves away it leaves a landslide scar behind, For example, many of the landslide zones
on which other slope processes – rilling, debris recognisable in Britain are currently inactive
flows, etc. – may develop. As the mobile mass and date from the end of the last glaciation,
settles in an accumulation zone it may remain or from the melting of Pleistocene permafrost
more or less intact or disintegrate to form (Figure 4.9D). However, landsliding is a major
ill-drained hummocky terrain (Figure 4.9D) process on coastal cliffs, and is particularly
on which other processes, (e.g. debris flows) important in young mountain areas, where it
may develop. Indeed, shallow landslides are a may pose a serious hazard to human activity
major initiation point for hillslope debris flows (see Chapter 6).
(Figure 4.9E).
Factors which influence the occurrence of 4.2.2 Climatic influence on slope processes
landslides are: and slope profile morphology
1) Excessively steep slopes, especially if they Because many of the drivers of slope processes
are undermined by erosion at the base, in are climatically controlled, the processes
situations such as river or sea cliffs (Figure themselves and the resulting morphologies
4.9B). have climatic expression. In arid landscapes
2) Geological structure: an alternation of weak erosion by overland flow is much more import-
and strong rocks is conducive to the forma- ant than mass movement, whereas the reverse
tion of shear planes within the weaker rocks. is true for humid soil-covered landscapes. In
Downslope dips to the strata may foster arctic areas the presence of permafrost influ-
landslide occurrence (Figure 4.9C). ences slope processes, and of course many of
3) Groundwater conditions. Concentrations of the present slope forms in temperate latitudes
groundwater, or steep gradients to the water are fossil forms inherited from Pleistocene
table, may foster landslides. periglacial conditions.
The triggers for landslide events include: The processes also have an influence on
1) Basal erosion and the removal of basal slope profile morphology. There have been a
support to the hillslope. number of slope profile models, some of them
2) Heavy or long duration rainstorms with quite elaborate. It is probably best here to
increased percolation to the water table, present a simple model (Figure 4.10) on which
causing saturation within the rocks, espe- four facets are recognised, each of which may
cially when concentrated along particularly be produced by a particular set of processes.
weak geological horizons. Mass movement by creep and flowage would be
3) Melting of permafrost. dominant on the upper convexity; mechanical
4) Earthquake shocks. weathering and rockfall would be dominant
Often more than one of these triggers may be on the exposed bare rock free-face segment;
involved. For example, the first typhoon to hit scree processes would be dominant on the
areas in south-east Asia after a major earth- straight slope segment; and overland flow pro-
quake may trigger an excessive number of cesses would be dominant on the basal con-
landslides. cavity. In theory, combinations of these facets
Landslide zones may be active or inactive. or emphasis on particular facets would be
Local-scale geomorphology – process systems and landforms 65

A Figure 4.10 Slope profile morphology. A. Universal slope profile model. B. Slope
profile characteristic of creep-dominated humid environments. C. Slope profile
characteristic of overland flow-dominated semi-arid environments (note the
low-angle pediment slope). Ci without caprock, Cii with caprock.

humid areas and periglacial regions,

with predominantly mass movement
B processes, often show a marked devel-
opment of the upper convexity. The
bare rock free-face segment, as well as
its importance in mountain regions, is
best developed in periglacial and semi-
Ci arid to arid regions, where mechanical
weathering is dominant over chemical
Finally, in terms of the sediment
cascade, the hillslopes function as
Cii sediment source areas to fluvial
systems, albeit inefficient sources, as
much potential sediment released by
weathering processes is stored on the
hillslopes themselves (as colluvium).
In other words, the coupling/connec-
tivity of the system is far from perfect.
produced by the dominance of particular pro-
cesses – creep and flowage emphasising con- 4.3 Fluvial systems
vexity, overland flow emphasising concavity, Fluvial systems form the core area of geo-
and scree processes emphasising the free face morphology. We have already seen how the
and the (angle of rest) straight (constant) slope. drainage basin is the fundamental unit of the
In a very general sense, these idealised profiles land surface (Section 3.2) in terms of landscape
(Figure 4.10) do accord with slopes generated by evolution at the regional scale. It is also the
particular regimes of slope processess, except fundamental functional unit in terms of the
for slope failure and mass movement by land- sediment cascade (Figure 1.7). Flowing water
sliding. Because the processes are, to a large in the channel network provides the primary
extent, climatically controlled, slope profile mechanism in the long term incisional devel-
morphology also shows a climatic impact. opment of the landscape, but also provides the
Slope profiles in dry regions, with overland primary pathway for sediment transfer, from
flow dominance, often have steep upper slopes upland to lowland areas and from the contin-
above extensive pediments (see above, Section ents to the oceans., the overall form marked by gentle con- This is also an area of study that has
cavity. Soil- or regolith-covered landscapes in advanced hugely in the last 50 years or so
66 Introducing Geomorphology

following the work of Luna Leopold and Clays, because of cohesion between clay par-
Gordon Wolman in applying hydraulic prin- ticles, require a higher velocity for entrainment,
ciples to the study of fluvial processes and but once in suspension will not settle out except
landforms. They demonstrated the depend- in what is effectively standing water. Sus-
ence of processes and morphology on river pended sediment loads travel far. Larger par-
discharge through the concept of hydraulic ticles, gravel and cobbles, also require higher
geometry, whereby the landforms adjust by velocities for entrainment. They are trans-
erosion and deposition to the flow conditions. ported as bedload, rolling, sliding or bouncing
The cumulatively most effective forces relate along the bed of the river, and there is a much
to moderate flood discharges (see Section 1.3), narrower range of velocities before deposition
which recur from several times per year to takes place. Bedload moves in fits and starts
once every few years. sporadically through the river system.
An elaboration of these ideas is embodied
4.3.1 Fluvial processes in the concept of stream power, i.e. the power
Erosion, transport and deposition of sediment available for carrying out the work of erosion
in river channels depend on the force exerted and sediment transport. The total power
by the flowing water and the size of sediment depends on the magnitude of flood discharge
involved. In classic work, more than 70 years times the gradient. The power available at
ago, F. Hjulstrom demonstrated the relation- a point on the stream bed, the unit power,
ship between the flow velocities required for the depends therefore on water depth times the
entrainment and the deposition of sediment in gradient. Note that this is closely related to
relation to sediment size (Figure 4.11). Notice the velocity of the flowing water. William Bull
how sand sizes are the first to be entrained. developed this idea further by the concept of
the ‘threshold of critical power’, that is, the
power required to transport the sediment
supplied to the stream. It is therefore sediment-
dependent. If the actual power far exceeds this
threshold then the stream will be erosional,
transporting all the sediment supplied and
cutting into the underlying bedrock. If actual
and critical power are similar, there will be a
broad balance between erosion and depos-
ition, and the morphology will be adjusted to
these conditions. If the critical power is much
greater than the actual power – in other words
if there is excess sediment supplied – then
deposition will exceed erosion and the stream
will aggrade.
Figure 4.11 The ‘Hjulstrom’ curve, relating velocity to
entrainment and deposition of sediment of a range of These three conditions (excess power,
sizes. balance, excess sediment) are expressed in
Local-scale geomorphology – process systems and landforms 67

the relationships between processes and mor-

phology in fluvial systems.

4.3.2 Bedrock channels

Channels cut into bedrock are high-energy
channels. Their existence is determined by the
longer term evolution of the fluvial network
(see Section 3.2), influenced by the factors that
produce high effective stream power. These
factors may relate either to an increase in
flood power relative to sediment supply, or to
an increase in gradient. The former case could
follow a climatic change that radically reduces
sediment supply, such as the termination of
glacial or periglacial conditions. At the end of B
the last glaciation many rivers switched from
an aggradational regime (sediment excess)
to an incisional regime (sediment deficit). A
change in gradient could relate to tectonic
uplift or to a fall in local or regional base level.
A fall in local base level could be brought about
by faulting, incision of a main river to which a
stream is a tributary, river capture, or by the
breaching of a resistant rock band. The effects
of a fall in regional base level, such as a fall in
sea level, depend on the gradient of the newly
exposed sea floor; incision will occur only if
the gradient is sufficient.
Bedrock channels result from excess
stream power, preventing the accumulation of
substantial amounts of sediment. In flood con-
ditions bedrock channels contrast with alluvial
channels (see below) in that they normally lack
any kind of flood plain. In alluvial channels,
as flood discharges exceed the bankfull dis-
charge, the water spreads onto the floodplain,

Figure 4.12 Bedrock channel morphology. A. Bedrock

channel, Yoho Canyon, Canadian Rockies. B. Waterfall
produced by a rock step, Aysgarth Falls, Yorkshire, England.
C. Hanging valley waterfall, Les Ecrins, French Alps.
68 Introducing Geomorphology

preventing much further increase in water case there is a step in the valley-floor profile
depth and therefore imposing some sort of (perhaps caused by a resistant rock bar, or by
limit on flood power. In bedrock channels the past geomorphological history, e.g. glacia-
this is not normally the case; the channel tion, producing a rock step or a hanging valley
is often constricted, especially in canyon situation: see Section 4.5). the result is a water-
settings (Figure 4.12A), and flood power con- fall (Figure 4.12B, C). At lower gradients the
tinues to increase with increased flood flows. profile may merely be rapids, or a relatively
In constricted gorges and canyons, there is smooth rock-cut profile.
enormous flood power, sufficient to erode and Where lateral erosion is important during
transport huge boulders. incision, the result may be incised bedrock
Bedrock channels are not equilibrium meanders (Figure 4.13A). Incised meanders
forms, in that they progressively evolve. The are common in zones of moderate tectonic
effects of erosion are ultimately to reduce uplift, e.g. the Colorado Plateau, the Massif
stream power. If erosion is primarily vertical Central in France, and in the Ardennes/Rhine
a knickpoint or headcut works its way uplands on the borders of France, Belgium and
upstream. As it does so it leaves behind a Germany. If the meanders were cut at times of
reduced gradient and reduced stream power. higher discharges than today, and there since
If erosion is lateral the channel widens, and has been a marked reduction of discharge to
depth is reduced, as is unit power. The long- allow sedimentation on the valley floor, the
term result is that unit power in bedrock result is a meandering valley within which a
channels is eventually reduced, allowing some misfit stream may have developed alluvial
sediment to accumulate, and the transform-
ation of the channel from a bedrock channel A
to an alluvial channel.
Bedrock channel morphology reflects the
nature of the underlying bedrock (massive,
bedded, jointed), the gross power of the
river, and the overall gradient. In the extreme

Figure 4.13 Incised meander morphology. A. Incised

meanders, Tabernas, Almeria, south-east Spain. B.
Map of a misfit stream, River Evenlode, Oxfordshire,
England. Note small modern meanders within large
valley meanders.
Local-scale geomorphology – process systems and landforms 69

meanders, related to contemporary flow char-

acteristics (see below, Section 4.3.3), of much
smaller amplitude than the valley meanders
(Figure 4.13B).

4.3.3 Alluvial channels

Alluvial channels differ from bedrock
channels in that at least one bank is cut in
floodplain sediments laid down by the river
itself. River sediments range in size from
boulders down to silt and clay. Silt and clay B
tend to be carried in suspension (Figure 4.14A)
and are only deposited in slack water. They
may be deposited by vertical accretion during
overbank flows on the floodplain surface, pro-
ducing laminated silts and clays. Alternatively
they may be deposited in ‘dead’ areas within
the channel. Sand tends to be transported
nearer the bed, but in flood conditions can
be spread onto the floodplain surface. It can
form ripples or dunes or simply provide the C
matrix in gravelly sediments. Coarser sedi-
ments (gravels, cobbles and boulders) tend to
be transported as bedload within the channel
and, on deposition, form bar features. Locally,
gravels deposited at the downstream end of a
bar may show cross bedding, but those depos-
ited on the bar surface show a characteristic
imbricate fabric, with the long axes of the Figure 4.14 Fluvial sediments and alluvial channels.
clasts lying across the flow direction and the A. Contrasts in suspended sediment loads between
major planes of the clasts dipping upstream the Fraser River (behind) and the Thompson River
(foreground) at Lytton, BC, Canada. The Thompson
(Figure 4.14B). Sections eroded into floodplain River has lost much of its sediment load by deposition
sediments often show basal bar sediments in lake basins upstream of Lytton. B. Cobble bar
(sands or gravels) overlain by floodplain-sur- alongside the South Tyne River near Haltwhistle,
Northumbria, England. Note imbrication of clasts,
face silts or sands. aligned across the flow, with a dominant upstream dip;
Alluvial channels undergo both erosion flow from left to right. C. Alluvial channel of the River
and deposition (Figure 4.14C). In most cases Dane, Cheshire, England. Note that one bank (left) is
erosional, while the other (right) is depositional. Note
the channel morphology adjusts over a period that the floodplain surface provides an effective limit to
of time through negative feedback processes the channel, in contrast with bedrock channels such as
(see Section 1.5) to the prevailing flood regime that depicted in Figure 4.12A.
70 Introducing Geomorphology

and sediment flux by erosion and/or depos- A

ition. If there is a sustained change in flood
regime or sediment supply, there may be a
period of net erosion or net aggradation before
the channel regains a new dynamic equilib-
rium. In extreme cases the equilibrium may
be destroyed and the channel undergoes sus-
tained incision or sustained aggradation.
Channel size reflects the prevailing flood
regime, with both width and depth increasing B
downstream as discharge increases, but with
width tending to increase downstream faster
than depth. This has implications for the cross-
sectional shape of the channel (expressed by
the ratio of width to depth); however, equally
important is the erosional resistance of the
banks. Alluvium deposited by rivers carrying
dominantly suspended load tends to be rich in
silt and clay, whereas that deposited by dom- C
inantly bedload rivers tends to be sandy. River
banks composed of sandy alluvium tend to
be easily eroded, resulting in wider, shallower
channels in sandy material (bedload-domi-
nated channels), whereas those composed of
silt and clay have more cohesion, resulting in
deeper, narrower channels (suspended-load
dominated channels). Wide, shallow channels
may be more effective for bedload transport,
but they offer greater flow resistance, so tend to
have steeper gradients. In mixed sediment load
streams, banks tend to be silty, but sands and
gravels are deposited as bedforms. Channel
Figure 4.15 Secondary flows, pools and riffles. A.
gradients reflect threshold gradients for Surface expression of secondary flows, Belly River,
deposition of sediment. Gradients on gravels Alberta, Canada. Note the vortices (right-hand edge
are steeper than on sands, which in turn are of the channel, and centre left) signifying descending
water and the smooth ‘boils’ in between, indicating
steeper than on silts and clays. This is one upwelling water. B. Pool and riffle sequence. River
reason for the idealised ‘classic’ concave longi- Camel, Cornwall, England. Note the flat water surface
tudinal stream profile. Not only do discharges through the pool and broken water surface over the
riffles. C. Skew shoal development, Salinas River,
increase downstream; sediments also tend to California, USA. The alternate shoals develop opposite
become finer. pools and are linked by riffle sections.
Local-scale geomorphology – process systems and landforms 71

Channel cross-sectional shape has impli- channel (Figures 4.16, 4.17) (pools on the apices
cations for channel pattern (the plan view of of the bends, shallower riffles on the crossings),
channel configuration). During flood condi- whose geometry reflects the overall size and
tions the flow does not run straight down the cross-sectional shape of the channel, and in
channel, but turns over in a series of secondary turn reflects the flood regime and the sediment
flow cells (Figure 4.15A), with descending water flux of the river. Meanders are NOT the result
scouring the bed and rising water allowing of obstructions; they are a natural mechanism
deposition. In a relatively narrow single-thread
channel there is an alternation between one A
and two such cells, but in a wide, shallow
channel there are multiple turbulent cells. The
cellular flow causes an alternation downchan-
nel of scour and deposition, resulting in what
is known as a pool and riffle sequence (Figure
4.15B), with the downstream spacing of the
pools and riffles related to channel width. In a
single-thread channel the pools tend to alter-
nate from side to side of the channel (Figure
4.15C), and are associated with zones of bank B
erosion. The result is a sinuous to meandering

Figure 4.17 Meander morphology. A. Air view of the

meanders of the Marias River, Montana, USA. Flow
is from left to right. Note the near perfect ‘double
horseshoe’ shape of the meanders. Note also the
gullied terrain adjacent to the incised valley sides.
B. Ground view of the meandering River Dane,
Cheshire, England. The valley floor here is formed
largely of a low terrace, below which are small
segments of active floodplain (centre right of the
photo). Note the erosional banks on the outside of the
meander bends and the point bar gravel deposition on
the inside of the meander bend. Note the riffle at the
Figure 4.16 Development of a meandering pattern from crossing between the two meander bends. Flow in the
a pool and riffle sequence. foreground is from left to right.
72 Introducing Geomorphology


Figure 4.18 Divided channels. A. The gravel-bed

braided channel of the Harst River, South Island, New
Zealand. B. The wandering gravel-bed channel of
Langdale Beck, Howgill Fells, Cumbria, England, after
a major flood that deposited fresh gravel. C. Air view
of an anastomosing channel, Siberia, Russia. Flow
direction is towards the north, away from the camera.

whereby the river absorbs energy in the most (Figure 4.18A). At low flows mobile sand or
efficient way, in extreme cases resulting in gravel bars become emergent, and may later
smooth ‘double horseshoe’ curves (Figure be colonised by vegetation, becoming more
4.17A). Obstructions tend to distort meanders. stable islands. There are two mechanisms
In wider, shallower, bedload-dominated characteristic of braiding; the first involving
channels the flow patterns are more complex, channel widening and the deposition of mid-
resulting in multiple patterns of scour and channel bars (primary braiding); the second
shoaling, forming sand bars or gravel bars involving spillage of the floodflows onto the
interlaced by a braided channel network floodplain and the re-occupation and scour of
Next Page

Local-scale geomorphology – process systems and landforms 73

older abandoned channels within the flood- bounded by levees, beyond which the flood-
plain (secondary braiding). In most braided plain is often in the form of backswamps and
rivers both mechanisms operate. Braiding is a at a level lower than the aggrading channel
response to large volumes of coarse sediment floor. Channel change is generally brought
input, but is not necessarily indicative of about by spillage during flood conditions
aggradation. Given that gradients in wide, (avulsion), breaching the levees and estab-
shallow channels are high, braiding is the most lishing a new channel branch through the
effective channel form for transporting large backswamp floodplain. These are known as
volumes of coarse bedload sediment. anastomosing channels (Figure 4.18C). They
There are several departures from these two are relatively low energy channels and should
idealised channel patterns. In single-thread not be confused with the much higher energy
channels, if gradients are too low or the banks braided channels. Similar channels are often
are too resistant to erosion to allow meander found in estuaries.
development, then a narrow, mildly sinuous In some classic work in the 1950s Leopold
non-meandering channel is the result. and Wolman identified threshold conditions
A transitional channel type
between meanders and braids,
common in upland bedload-dom-
inated systems, is the wandering
gravel-bed river (Figure 4.18B).
The channel is wider and shallower
than a typical meandering channel
and tends to wander in a pseudo-
meandering fashion. The bars tend
to be larger than the point bars on
the inside of meander bends, but
are dominantly side bars rather
than the mid-channel bars typical
of true braiding.
There is a second type of
multiple channel, which charac-
terises low gradient, mud-dom-
inated systems. These operate
more as several discrete channels
rather than as one braided
channel. The individual channels
may well meander, but they are
relatively stable and migration
Figure 4.19 Channel patterns. A. The classic Leopold and Wolman
rates are generally low. They tend diagram differentiating meandering and braided channels on the
to be aggrading channels, often basis of floodflows and channel gradients, with plotting position
of anastomosing channels added. B. Schematic representation of
channel pattern types.
Timescales and landscape evolution

5 Timescales and landscape evolution

When it comes to explaining landscapes, there since the decay of that ice sheet, estimated to
is more to consider than simply explaining have occurred around 15,000 years ago.
individual landforms or even landform suites. Bedrock outcrops on the upper part of
We can explain landforms by considering pro- the hillslope to the right of the photo, but
cesses and process–form relationships within the lower part of the slope is composed of
the context provided by the setting and the glacially derived boulder clay, stones set in a
geology. To explain landscapes we need to clayey matrix. Exposures at the bottom of the
consider the relationships between landform slope, where it is cut by the stream, show a very
suites and how they have changed over TIME. compact deposit at the base. This is probably
In other words we need to return to some a lodgement till deposited as the ground
of the issues raised by temporal and spatial moraine of the ice sheet. The ice overrode the
scales in Chapter 1. To do this we will start by ridge behind and above the photo scene and
considering an example. was banked up against the bedrock of the
valley side from which the photo was taken.
5.1 Landscape evolution: an example – late The upper parts of the same sections show a
Quaternary landscapes of Carlingill, Cumbria less compact deposit with a weak stratification
Figure 5.1 shows part of the Carlingill valley and stone alignment parallel with the hillslope
in the Howgill Fells of north-west England. surface above. This deposit has clearly been
The photo shows details of the landscape, emplaced by moving downslope, the product
hillslopes, gully systems both active and of solifluction, reworking the glacial till.
inactive, streams and their deposits, and a Solifluction also created the smooth, gently
large, stony fan-like feature in the centre of concave hillslope, almost certainly during the
the photo. At this scale we are dealing with a period after the decay of the ice sheet before
landscape that has evolved over a relatively the end of cold (permafrost?) conditions at the
short period of time. The longer term merely end of the Pleistocene.
provides the context. The bedrock geology is The solifluction surface can be traced
of folded Silurian mudstones, and the area is around the hillslopes. Its lower edge is ter-
tectonically stable. The hilltops are part of an minated by a steeply undercut slope, clearly
ancient dissected erosion surface. We know produced by later stream incision. On the left-
from the regional setting that during the Last hand side of the photo the equivalent surface
Glacial Maximum (about 20,000 years ago) this grades gently to a small flat area that coincides
part of northern England was under a consid- with a coarse, gravelly deposit resting on a
erable thickness of glacial ice, so we are essen- horizontal surface cut across the glacial till.
tially dealing with forms that have evolved This is a stream terrace some way above the

98 Introducing Geomorphology

B Figure 5.1 Grains Gill, Howgill

Fells, Cumbria, England. A. View
of Grains Gill catchment, tributary
to Carlingill (foreground, flow
from right to left). B. Interpretive
sketch of the scene depicted
in Figure 5.1A. Key: 1. Bedrock
hillslope; 2. Late Solifluction
surface; 3. High stream terrace
and fan surface; 4. Lower fan
surface (forms the lower terrace
above Carlingill; 5. Modern
stream sediments, forming the
Timescales and landscape evolution 99

modern stream, and probably formed during the incision of the modern stream below
the same timespan as the solifluction surface. the fan surface; v) modern gullying, but not
Its continuation can be traced as a bench on producing sufficient sediment to overload
the left-hand side of the side valley. the system; the sediment being fed into the
All the ground below this terrace is cut modern stream. Apart from suggesting a
into it, and is therefore related to incision crude timescale relating to deglaciation, and
into the terrace, and is therefore younger. later to the cessation of solifluction, what
On the hillslopes and cut into the solifluc- we have not yet done here is to date some of
tion surface are a number of now-stabilised these events, and convert our landform/sedi-
hillslope gullies. These grade below the level ment sequence into a chronology.
of the stream terrace into the stony fan feature
in the centre of the photo. On the fan we can 5.2 Relative dating
see bouldery, lobate ridges and the traces of a In the example above we have used evidence
braided channel system. The gully–fan asso- from the landforms themselves and their
ciation suggests a major period of hillslope relation to sediments to suggest a sequence
erosion and fan deposition. At the time of development. There are two other types of
sediment supply must have been greater than evidence we can use to refine such a sequence:
the stream system could have transported what we can call relative and absolute dating.
away. The modern stream system is set below Relative dating depends on recognising a
the fan surface, suggesting that as the gullies timescale that can be applied to a landform/
stabilised, sediment excess conditions were sediment sequence.
replaced by conditions under which again the The first group of relative dating tech-
stream could incise. The modern gullies and niques deals primarily with what is contained
streamside scars are active today and feed within a body of sediment that constitutes
sediment into the modern stream channel. a depositional landform, the equivalent of
By examining the landscape and consider- fossils in sedimentary rocks. Conventional
ing the relationships between landforms and fossil evidence, based on the evolution of life
sediments, we have been able to construct a forms, is of little use in late Pleistocene and
sequence of events that have produced the Holocene sediments, although fossils do have
landscape we see. In brief, that sequence was a role in dating older Pleistocene deposits. For
as follows: i) deglaciation, followed by the example, raised beach deposits in the Mediter-
formation of the solifluction surface; at the ranean contain a tropical gastropod fauna not
same time the stream terrace was formed; ii) present in the Mediterranean today. The sedi-
a period dominated by incision, during which ments containing such fauna cannot be of late
time the terrace was abandoned and a valley Pleistocene or Holocene age, and must date
was cut below the terrace and the solifluc- from the last interglacial (MIS 5) or before. The
tion surface; iii) a period of hillslope gullying most commonly used fossil evidence from late
and deposition of a large alluvial fan on the Quaternary deposits is fossil pollen. Pollen is
valley floor; iv) stabilisation of the hillslope best preserved in peaty sediments or buried
gullies, reduction of sediment supply and organic horizons, and has to be analysed in
100 Introducing Geomorphology

the laboratory. The species contained in a A

fossil pollen assemblage may help ascribe a
sediment to a known part of the late Quater-
nary vegetation sequence including, from the
mid-Holocene onwards, to known periods of
human impact on the vegetation sequence.
In the arid areas of the American southwest
pollen is preserved, cemented into packrat
nests by rat urine. Another particular type of
‘fossil’ evidence applicable to the mid-Holo-
cene onwards is archaeological evidence in
the form of human artefacts.
More important, perhaps, because the
evidence is much more widespread, is the
modification of depositional surfaces by pro-
cesses for which we have some knowledge
of the rates of development. The classic case
is soil formation. In the Howgill example
above (Section 5.1) the solifluction surface
and the high stream terrace are both charac-
terised by well-developed podzolic soils with
a red-brown B horizon, whereas the younger
surfaces at best have only a weak A–C profile
of an organic horizon over barely weathered C
parent gravels. In other words, we can identify
a soils chronosequence. Many lichens (Figure
5.2A) have known growth rates and have

Fig. 5.2 Dating of Holocene landforms in the Howgill

Fells, Cumbria, England. A. Lichen mosaic colonising
a boulder. Lichens such as these are suitable for
dating valley floor bar forms of ages back through
the last 200 years or so. B. A small alluvial fan/debris
cone, tributary to Carlingill. Note the higher stream
terrace (of late Pleistocene age), cut through by multi-
segmented fan, the upper segment of which grades
into the lower terrace of Carlingill. Note the mobile
channel of Carlingill on the main valley floor (flow from
left to right); previous courses of the stream are marked
by cobble bars on the valley floor. C. Buried organic
soils (the dark layers) interstratified with fan deposits,
suitable for radiocarbon dating of the phases of fan
sedimentation. D. Summary diagram (produced by
Richard Chiverrell), of alluvial fan sedimentation phases
Timescales and landscape evolution 101

dated by radiocarbon dating, for upland areas in northwest England and southwest Scotland. The main phases of
hillslope activity (shown on the left of the diagram by pink bars) appear to correlate primarily with human impact on
hillslope vegetation, rather than with climatic wettening periods (black bars, right hand side of the diagram).
102 Introducing Geomorphology

been used in many areas to date depositional a number of analytical techniques that can
surfaces, such as recessional moraines in areas give absolute dates to a sequence. All depend
of modern glaciation. In the Howgills we have on sophisticated laboratory procedures.
used lichenometry to correlate depositional Without getting too technical, it is necessary
surfaces within the modern stream system. here to give an outline of the applicability of
The succession of higher plants may also be some of the more important techniques used.
useful if something is known of the rates of Most involve the dating of sediments, so field
vegetational succession. Perhaps the most sampling is important to establish whether
useful form of such biological evidence would the resulting date will relate to before, during
be tree ring counts (dendrochronology) from or after the event being dated. Many of the
trees growing on depositional surfaces. Such techniques depend on the radioactive decay of
evidence (including distortion of tree ring isotopes within minerals that form the constit-
growth) has also been used to assess the fre- uents of sediments. The applicability depends
quency of debris flows in the Alps and other on the half-life of radioactive decay of the par-
mountain areas. ticular element involved; for example, potas-
Most, but not all, of the applications above sium–argon series dating is appropriate for
have been applied primarily in humid areas. timescales of millions of years and has been
There are similar techniques applicable to more important in dating rocks than more
arid environments. These include the follow- recent sediments.
ing: the degree of desert pavement develop- The most commonly used method in dating
ment (Section 4.1.1, Figure 4.1B); the degree of sediments is radiocarbon dating, measur-
desert soil development (Section 4.1.3; Figure ing the proportion of 14C to 12C isotopes in
4.3C), and the maturity of calcrete develop- organic (peat, organic soil, wood, charcoal) or
ment (Section 4.1.3; Figure 4.4A), for example formerly living carbonate sediments (marine
whether the calcrete is simple or shows shells). The standard technique is applicable
evidence of brecciation. In addition, appli- to the last 30,000 years or so, and therefore has
cable also to the exposure of rock surfaces, is been extremely useful for dating late Quater-
the degree of development of desert varnish, nary sediments. It has also been invaluable
a dark iron and manganese coating that in archaeology. The standard technique has
develops in arid environments. been in use for the last 40 years, and depended
There are far fewer techniques available for on relatively large amounts of carbon. More
relative dating exposure of rock surfaces than recently with the development of the AMS
of depositional surfaces. Lichens, weathering (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) method
rind or weathering pit development are those much smaller samples can be used, extend-
most commonly used. ing the applicability of the method, both in
general terms and in the dating timescale.
5.3 Absolute dating Another important radiometric method
The relative dating techniques outlined above that has been developed over the last 20 years
may help to refine a sequence, but in few depends on the uranium–thorium series,
cases give absolute dates. There are, however, found in trace amounts in calcium carbonate.
Timescales and landscape evolution 103

This method has an applicability of several cosmogenically derived nuclides onto exposed
hundreds of thousands of years, so has been rock surfaces, so it has the potential for dating
useful in dating carbonates (marine shells, rock exposure.
pedogenic carbonate) from the middle and
5.4 Temporal and spatial scales – synthesis:
late Pleistocene.
two examples
Two other radiometric methods deserve
We will conclude this chapter by considering
mention, both applicable to very recent
landscape evolution in two contrasting areas,
sediments – the lead 210 and caesium 137
where conventional morphostratigraphic
methods. Caesium 137 is an artificial element,
relationships, augmented by relative dating
generated by nuclear explosions. The method
methods, have been given more precision
can therefore only be used to date very young
in recent years by the application of more
sediments, deposited since the late 1940s,
advanced absolute dating methods. The two
and to estimate rates of recent soil erosion or,
examples stem from my own research, but
for example, floodplain deposition. Lead 210
have involved cooperation with colleagues,
dating is applicable to relatively young sedi-
especially in the context of dating. The two
ments, from the last hundred years or so.
examples relate to very different geomorphol-
Two other recently developed dating tech-
ogies and cover very different timescales.
niques, which do not depend on radioactive
decay, have been applied to geomorphologi- 5.4.1 Upland north-west England
cal questions: luminescence dating and cos- The first example builds on the Howgill
mogenic dating. Quartz or feldspar crystals example developed above (Section 5.1). There
within buried sediments absorb background we identified now stabilised hillslope gullies
ionising radiation, which, with stimulation, that fed sediment into an alluvial fan system.
can be released as luminescence. The lumi- Similar gully systems throughout the Howgill
nescence is bleached away by exposure to Fells and other hill areas in north-west England
sunlight. The luminescence signal, which and south-west Scotland fed sediment to
increases with burial time, can be used to date debris cones and alluvial fans (Figure 5.2B).
the last exposure of the sediment to sunlight. The first question to ask is how old are these
This method has been successfully applied systems? The morphological and soil evidence
to dating quartz- or feldspar-rich sandy sedi- suggests that they are Holocene, not late Pleis-
ments, particularly from aeolian or fluvial tocene, in age. The second question is whether
environments, environments where exposure they represent only one or several periods of
to light occurs during transport, followed slope instability, and whether they were syn-
by rapid burial on deposition. It is applica- chronous throughout the broader region. The
ble for late Quaternary timescales of the last third question is, what was or were the likely
100,000 years or so. In contrast with most of cause(s) – climatic fluctuations or human
the radiometric decay methods available over impact on the landscape? We might hope to
these timescales, it gives a date of sedimenta- make some suggestions in relation to this last
tion, rather than a before or after date. Cos- question if we knew more about the timing of
mogenic dating measures the absorption of slope instability.
104 Introducing Geomorphology

Sections cut by stream erosion into the toes 5.4.2 The Sorbas basin: south-east Spain
of some of the fans and debris cones expose The second example relates to an area very dif-
either buried soils or soil horizons within the ferent geomorphologically, and spans a much
fan/cone sediments (Figure 5.2C). The organic longer timescale than the above example from
horizons of some of these soils, initially pri- north-west England. It deals with the Sorbas
marily from sites within the Howgills, were basin, a small sedimentary basin within the
sampled and dated by standard radiocarbon Betic cordillera in south-east Spain over time-
dating. Later, particularly through coopera- scales of the last million years or so. First, we
tion with Richard Chiverrell of the University need some longer-term geological context.
of Liverpool, we extended the cover to other The region underwent mountain building as
upland areas within the region, and used a result of the collision between the African
many more samples, including some that and European tectonic plates, culminating in
involved AMS dating. the mid-Miocene. By then the major basement
The results are summarised on Figure 5.2D, structures had been emplaced, which now
and throw light on the three questions posed form the mountain ranges of the Sierra de los
above. First of all, almost all the dates relate to Filabres and Sierras Alhamilla/Cabrera (Figure
the late Holocene, and suggest that the soils 5.3) and the intervening sedimentary basins,
became buried by fan/cone deposition during of which the Sorbas basin is one.
the last 2000 years. Secondly, there appear to Since then, neotectonic activity has con-
have been several phases of slope instability. tinued, and continues to the present day,
Although there are subtle within-region dif- expressed in the development of a major strike-
ferences, there is overwhelming evidence for a slip fault system that partially determines the
major period(s) of activity between 1000 and gross relief configuration. In addition there
700 years ago. There was another less wide- has been sustained regional differential uplift,
spread period during the last 300 years. On accentuating the regional relief.
examining the bunching of dates and relat- During the late Miocene sedimentary basin
ing it to evidence of climatic fluctuations and filling occurred, initially as marine sedimen-
of human impact, the data strongly suggest tation (including the deposition of gypsum
that the main phase(s) of slope instability deposited as the Mediterranean became land-
relate primarily to human impact, through locked and desiccated). By the early Pliocene
the effects of grazing on the uplands and the the Sorbas basin became emergent and under-
associated degeneration of an earlier wood- went terrestrial sedimentation, but the Almeria
land cover. On the other hand, the last phase basin to the south (Figure 5.3) remained a
of slope instability, initiated during the last shallow marine environment. By the end of the
300 years, might have been influenced by the Pliocene/early Pleistocene a river system (the
seventeenth- to nineteenth-century climatic Aguas/Feos) had developed from the Sierra
deterioration known as the ‘Little Ice Age’. de los Filabres south across the Sorbas basin
and into the Almeria basin, across a struc-
tural low between the Sierras Alhamilla and
Cabrera. This drainage persisted for much of
Timescales and landscape evolution 105

the Pleistocene. A series of river terraces, com- The author, with colleagues Steve Wells,
posed of fluvial gravels and conglomerates, can Anne Mather, Martin Stokes and Elizabeth
be traced through the Sorbas basin and into Whitfield (Maher), identified the response to
the Almeria basin that represents stages in the the capture. The upper Aguas rapidly incised
incisional drainage development (Figure 5.4A). back into the Sorbas basin, creating canyons
Meanwhile, another river system (the and incised meanders (Figure 5.4B), trigger-
lower Aguas), draining to the east into the ing landslides and initiating slope erosion and
tectonically lower neighbouring Vera basin badland development (see also Figures 4.6C,
(Figure 5.3) was cutting back as a subsequent 4.9C). The beheaded Feos lost all its power
drainage (see Section 3.2) along the outcrop and became an underfit stream, incapable of
of a particularly weak marl within the upper further incision (Figure 5.4C, D). Downstream
Miocene marine sediments. It cut back into the Feos joins the Alias, which was trans-
the centre of the Sorbas basin and captured formed from a large to a much smaller river, by
the original Aguas/Feos drainage. This river the loss of the Aguas/Feos headwaters.
capture was to have huge implications for the To give us some idea of the rates of these
geomorphology of the Sorbas basin. geomorphic processes we need to be able to

Figure 5.3 Map of the geomorphic features of the Sorbas basin, south-east Spain.
106 Introducing Geomorphology



Figure 5.4 The Sorbas (SE Spain) river capture event. A.

The river capture site, looking south into the beheaded
and now abandoned Aguas/Feos valley. Flow was
southwards, away from the camera, through the
perched valley in the centre of the photo. That valley
floor is lined with former fluvial gravels. That drainage village is built are river terraces of the former Aguas/
was captured by the lower Aguas, which now flows Feos river. D. The effects of the capture downstream of
east, right to left, within the incised valley in the centre the capture site on the beheaded Rambla de los Feos.
of the photo. Note how the rapid incision has triggered The shrunken river has not incised below the former
slope instability by undermining the limestone slope valley floor. Instead the valley floor, where it passes
(left centre of the photo). B. Evidence for the timing through the Sierras Alhamilla/Cabrera is almost choked
of the river capture was based on an examination by small tributary alluvial fan and colluvial hillslope
of the river terraces of the former river system. Here sediments.
two gravel terraces of the former Aguas/Feos rest
unconformably on late Miocene marine sedimentary
rocks (upstream of Sorbas village). The highest terrace
date the capture event. First, using relative
forms the skyline on the right of the photo. The next dating, and working with Steve Wells and
terrace down forms the bench on the left side of the Suzanne Hunter (Miller) on the soils and
photo. C. The effects of the capture upstream from the
capture site: Incision worked its way upstream from the
calcrete development on the river terraces
capture site to cause spectacular incised menders at deposited before and after the capture, we
Sorbas village. Note: the two flat surfaces on which the estimated that the capture took place between
Timescales and landscape evolution 107

50,000 and 100,000 years ago, with the higher major geomorphic changes that followed it.
terraces being considerably older and the Using luminescence dating of the sediments
post-capture terraces in the Feos valley being within the main post-capture terrace in the
considerably younger, the youngest of which Feos/Alias valley, Andreas Lang, Barbara
we had dated by radiocarbon dating to the Mauz and Elizabeth Whitfield have confirmed
Holocene (2300 BP +/- 90 a). a date of around 20,000 years, a date that con-
More recently Ian Candy, using uranium– firms the increased sediment yields coinci-
thorium dating of calcrete and pedogenic dent with climatic changes associated with
carbonate, has confirmed a date of approx- the last global glaciation (MIS 2). This again
imately 60,000 years ago for the capture event, gives a timescale for the development of the
giving a relatively short timescale for the younger landforms in that valley.
Geomorphology and interactions with society

6 Geomorphology and interactions

with society

In this final chapter we consider interactions terraces throughout the Mediterranean world,
between geomorphology and society. This is a and to a lesser extent in many areas of Europe.
huge topic; in this short chapter we can only The evidence for the causes of these changes
scratch the surface. is inextricably linked with archaeological and
palaeovegetational evidence, but the evidence
6.1 Human impact on geomorphic regimes for the geomorphic impact is contained in the
Over the last 5000 years or so human soci- landforms and sediments themselves.
eties have modified the natural environment, Over the last 200–300 years the impact of
especially since the Neolithic revolution and agriculture has extended to the New World,
the widespread development of agriculture. In the Americas, Australasia and other areas of
many parts of the world the natural vegetation European colonisation in Africa and Asia.
has been radically altered by forest removal, Extensive agriculture has led to widespread
grazing animals and crop cultivation, modi- soil erosion throughout the world, but perhaps
fying the surface hydrology/run-off/erosion the biggest human impact has occurred in
relationships. Initially this took place in the the last 200 years with the developments of
vulnerable semi-arid environments of the mining, industry, urbanisation and tourism,
Middle East and the Mediterranean region. to mention only the most obvious changes in
Much later, over the last 2000 years, woodland land use. The effects include not only indirect
clearance in Europe also replaced the natural responses of the sediment system to land-
vegetation by grazing and cropland. The geo- cover change, but also the direct engineering
morphic impact was to accelerate slope pro- manipulation of the physical environment.
cesses, for example, leading to extensive land River systems have perhaps undergone
degradation in the Middle East and in the the most radical changes. Most of the largest
Mediterranean, to hillslope gullying in upland river systems have been dammed for various
Britain (see Section 5.4.1), and to slope insta- purposes – irrigation, water supply, hydro-
bility in some of the steeper loess terrain of electric power and river regulation. The effects
southern Germany. The impact was also felt have been to trap most of the river sediment
further down the sediment cascade, on the in an artificial reservoir behind the dam, thus
stream systems. Extensive valley-floor aggra- reducing the sediment flux downstream, and
dation, and later dissection, led to the for- ultimately to reduce the sediment yield from
mation of late Holocene, human-impact river the continents to the oceans, despite the order

Geomorphology and interactions with society 109

of magnitude increase in sediment produc- as the system adjusts to the major changes in
tion from the land surface. There are local flood power and sediment flux that will follow.
effects too. Downstream from dams the water In many parts of the world, the coastal en-
is clear, so that despite a common reduction vironment, too, has been transformed by engi-
in the magnitude of flood peaks, erosive power neering works, beach groynes, sea walls and
is enhanced. There have been many docu- other coastal defences. The effects have often
mented cases of river incision downstream been to starve parts of the coast of sediment,
from dams. Many rivers, too, have been chan- resulting in beach erosion, and in some cases
nelised as a defence against erosion and local causing renewed cliff erosion.
flooding. However, the effects have often been Today, in the early years of the twenty-first
to increase flood power and to transfer a flood century, the greatest potential human-induced
problem downstream. environmental change is global warming, with
The enormous scale of modern human the prospect of affecting all environmental
intervention is nowhere better illustrated than systems, including geomorphic systems. The
by the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze direct effects of climate change may include
River in China. The dam itself is 2.3 km changed temperature regimes, which could
wide and 180 m above the rock base (110 m affect many geomorphic processes. Already
high above the downstream river level). It sea ice and glacier retreat in high latitudes are
impounds a lake within the Three Gorges reach taking place at an alarming rate. Almost all
of the river that will extend more than 600 km mountain glaciers are also in retreat. Thawing
upstream and have a shoreline over 2000 km permafrost could affect surface and slope
long. The purpose of the project is three-fold: stability in the sub-arctic. More significant,
to generate power for the rapidly developing perhaps, could be changes in precipitation
Chinese economy; to alleviate the chronic regimes, by an increased incidence of drought
and disastrous flood problems in the densely and potentially increased storm rain intensity,
populated middle reaches of the Yangtze both of which could affect slope and fluvial
basin; and to improve navigation upstream to processes. The predicted effects of global
Chongquin. In the long run it may also allow warming include the possible increase in the
the transfer of water to areas of chronic water incidence and intensity of hurricanes. There
shortage in northern China. Whether these could also be intensification of the ‘El Niño’
aims will be fully satisfied remains to be seen. and ‘La Niña’ oscillations in ocean circula-
In addition to the human impact of moving tion in the Pacific, with its associated effects
the 1.5 million people directly affected by the on precipitation patterns in Central and South
project, the impact on the geomorphology America and the south-east Asia/ Australasia
will be severe. Sediment will be trapped in the region. On the world’s seacoasts rising sea
lake. The lake shoreline zones within the steep levels predicted as a consequence of global
slopes of the Yangtze Gorges have already had warming could be devastating. Apart from
catastrophic landslides. The whole fluvial the potential inundation of low-lying areas
system for the approximately 2000 km down- and the obvious human consequences, even
stream to the delta will be affected by change a small rise in sea level will transform many
110 Introducing Geomorphology

coasts into erosional coasts. To understand Resource and environmental management

and hopefully to mitigate the potential effects are fields where the application of geomor-
of global warming, environmental planning phological knowledge is important. Effective
will need to take into account the vulnerability coastal management depends on an under-
of all geomorphic systems. standing of coastal geomorphology. The
assessment of sand and gravel resources for
6.2 Applied geomorphology the construction industry often depends on
Geomorphology interacts with society in a understanding fluvial sedimentation history,
number of ways, particularly in relation to or in many areas of northern Europe or North
hazards, resource management and environ- America, fluvioglacial processes. It is not only
mental conservation, so that some aspects in such resource assessment that geomorpho-
of geomorphological research are directed logical knowledge has a role, but in assessing
towards these issues. In addition to geologi- the impact of extraction on the local environ-
cally induced hazards, such as earthquakes ment. Indeed, in most countries of the Western
and volcanic activity, hazards induced by world, environmental impact assessment is
geomorphological processes are significant. an essential prerequisite for resource exploit-
These include flood hazards, globally the most ation, whether it be for mining or for general
severe environmental hazard. Though primar- and urban development.
ily a hydrological hazard, mitigating its poten- Another planning field in which geo-
tial impact often depends on understanding morphology has a role is in designating and
fluvial geomorphology. The flood hazard is managing environmental conservation areas.
particularly severe on large lowland rivers Whether these are essentially wilderness
bounded by extensive floodplains, but there National Parks, as in the USA, or conservation
are also severe hazards in mountain areas sites of specific biological, geological or geo-
associated with debris-flow floods running morphological importance, understanding
out onto debris cones or alluvial fans. Over the geomorphology is important for effective
the last 20 years there have been a number of conservation of the natural environment.
such disasters in the Alps and the Pyrenees. Although many aspects of applied geo-
Mountain areas may also be prone to larger morphology are implemented by govern-
scale landslides, particularly where vegetation ment agencies, often employing engineers or
removal has increased the potential for land- planners, much of the fundamental research is
slide activity. The effects can be devastating, undertaken by geomorphologists.
especially where inappropriate land uses are
situated in landslide-prone sites. Much Italian 6.3 Geomorphology in education and research
geomorphological research has been directed Understanding geomorphology is important
to assessing landslide risk in mountain areas. not only as a science in itself but, as indicated
Although not a short-term hazard, soil erosion above, is relevant to the effective manage-
is a severe global environmental problem, and ment of the environment and its resources.
the subject of a large field of geomorphologi- Education in geomorphology therefore has
cal research. a role to play. As indicated in Chapter 1,
Geomorphology and interactions with society 111

geomorphology as an academic discipline done by government agencies, less often by

sits between the disciplines of geography and private consultancy firms. Both draw their
geology. In most European countries geo- talent from academic fields, particularly from
morphological teaching, both at school and engineering or from geology, but whose work
university levels, is primarily in the context is dependent on fundamental research in
of geography. At university level in the USA, geomorphology.
geomorphological teaching has a greater Geomorphological research is reported in a
emphasis in geology courses, but does have a wide range of scientific journals, some of them
presence in geography. subject-based, particularly in geology, some of
This pattern is also apparent at the research them interdisciplinary. Two specifically geo-
level. In Europe, especially in Britain, France, morphological international journals deserve
Germany and the Scandinavian countries, mention: Earth Processes and Landforms and
most university-based research in geomor- Geomorphology. There are also learned soci-
phology is carried out within geography or eties and professional bodies that promote
physical geography departments, mostly geomorphology. The International Associ-
funded by government grants of some sort. In ation of Geomorphologists is an umbrella
countries that inherited a system based on the organisation, linking national societies, of
British system, notably Australia, New Zealand which the British Society for Geomorphol-
and Canada, the situation is similar. There are ogy (formerly the British Geomorphological
of course variations. In Spanish universities Research Group), which is affiliated with both
there is both geography- and geology-based the Royal Geographical Society and the Geo-
geomorphological research. In Italian univer- logical Society, is the oldest and one of the
sities engineers and geologists dominate geo- largest. In the USA there are geomorphology
morphological research. In the USA geology sections within both the Geological Society
departments dominate the field, but there is of America and the Association of American
also significant research output from some Geographers. The American Geophysical
geography departments. In some countries Union is also involved with geomorphology.
government agencies undertake primary In Europe, in addition to the various national
research in geomorphology and related fields, organisations, geomorphology is a major
sometimes by scientists employed by govern- component of the recently formed European
ment, sometimes by contract with university Geophysical Union.
scientists. For example, in the USA the USGS The present picture is not static. Geomor-
(United States Geological Survey) is import- phology as a scientific discipline is continu-
ant in this area; in France the CNRS (Com- ously developing, and university organisation
mittee National de Recherches Scientifiques) also changes, as does perception of the en-
has such a role, as does the CSIRO (Com- vironment by the general public. Within the
monwealth Scientific and Industrial Research subject there is a growing need for interdisci-
Organisation) in Australia. plinarity. There are new technologies devel-
When it comes to applied research and oping that affect the training of scientists. For
environmental management, this is mainly example, there are developments in remote
112 Introducing Geomorphology

sensing and in the application of GIS (Geo- Sciences or Environmental Sciences, amal-
graphical Information Systems) and com- gamating former single subject departments,
puter-based modelling that have important should be beneficial to geomorphology.
implications for geomorphological research. Funding for research is also changing, with a
There are new technologies in environmental growing emphasis on applied research. Given
monitoring, not to mention the development the increased public awareness of the envir-
of advanced, sophisticated dating techniques onment, this may not be entirely a bad thing!
that all have implications for geomorphologi- Above all, the present picture is dynamic;
cal research. These need to be applied along- geomorphology is a healthy subject, with a
side traditional field-based research. broad international base and a growing role in
Within universities the emergence of inter- understanding our natural environment.
disciplinary schools of, for example, Earth
Further reading

Further reading

This book is not intended as a textbook; there University level texts

are a large number of textbooks available on Ahnert, F. 1996. Introduction to
geomorphology at all levels from the high school Geomorphology, Arnold, London: a
through university level textbooks to research comprehensive, university level text, with
texts. Some of them are ‘classics’ written more an emphasis on geomorphic systems.
than 50 years ago, but still useful. At university Summerfield, M A. 1991. Global
level there are numerous ‘thematic’ texts that Geomorphology, Pearson Educational, for
deal with sub-fields of geomorphology (e.g. Prentice Hall, Harlow: a comprehensive
fluvial, glacial, tropical, coastal geomorphol- text, particularly useful for its global scale
ogy, etc.). A very personal selection of those that approach.
I find most useful includes the following.
Encyclopaedic works
Classics Goudie, A.S. (ed.). 2004. The Encyclopaedia
Thornbury, W.D. 1954. Principles of of Geomorphology, Routledge, London: A
Geomorphology, Wiley, New York (2nd edn, comprehensive encyclopaedia, produced
1969): a classic American text. in association with the International
Leopold, L.B., Wolman, M.G. and Miller, J.P. Association of Geomorphologists.
1964. Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology,
Freeman, San Francisco: a classic Specialist fields (selected examples only)
advanced text in fluvial geomorphology, Benn, D.I. and Evans, D.J.A. 1998. Glaciers and
that fundamentally changed approaches Glaciation, Arnold, London.
to the subject. Bird, E.F.C. 1984. Coasts: an Introduction
Flint, R.F. 1971. Glacial and Quaternary to Coastal Geomorphology, Blackwell,
Geology, Wiley, New York: the classic Oxford.
glacial text. Bull, W.B. 1991. Geomorphic Response to
Climatic Change, Oxford University Press,
High school texts Oxford.
Hilton, K. 1979. Process and Pattern in Keller, E.A. and Pinter, N. 2002. Active
Physical Geography, University Tutorial Tectonics: Earthquakes, Uplift and
Press: a basic English school text. Landscape, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Strahler, A.N. 1975. Physical Geography (4th Knighton, D. 1984. Fluvial Forms and
edn) Wiley, New York: THE basic American Processes, Edward Arnold, London.
text! Lewin, J. (ed.). 1981. British Rivers, Allen and
Unwin, Hemel Hempstead.

114 Further reading

Schumm, S.A. 1977. The Fluvial System, Wiley, National Parks Service – includes a useful
New York. sub-site on geological resources, with
Selby, M.J. 1982. Hillslope Materials and information on the geomorphology of the
Processes, Oxford University Press, Oxford. US National Parks.
Sugden, D.E. and John, B.S. 1976. Glaciers and – A Canadian
Landscape, Edward Arnold, London. government website with information on
Thomas, D.S.G. (ed.). 2011. Arid Zone Canada’s North, climate change, natural
Geomorphology (3rd edn), Wiley- hazards (including flood geomorphology,
Blackwell, Chichester. and landslides).
Thomas, M.F. 1994. Geomorphology in the – An Australian government
Tropics, Wiley, Chichester. website with information on hazards
(including floods) and marine and coastal
Useful websites environments. – The website of the
British Society for Geomorphology. There are numerous websites that present –The website of the either photographs or satellite images of land-
Geological Society of America, plus the forms at a variety of scales. Three are sug-
useful sub-site of the American Quaternary gested below:
Association ( – A NASA – The website of the collection of satellite images
Quaternary Research Association (of the – A superb
UK): contains information on the QRA field and huge collection of landform photos
guides. organised by theme. – The official site of the US – A
Geological Survey – includes many useful good collection of photos, primarily of
sub-sites relating to such topics as: impact fluvial landforms.
of climatic and land-use change; natural Also, do not forget Google Earth, a superb
hazards; remote sensing; water. resource of satellite imagery covering the – The official site of the US whole of the Earth.
List of tables and illustrations

List of illustrations and tables

Figure 1.1 Examples of scale in geomorphology, illustrated by the Canadian
Rocky Mountains 2–3
Figure 1.2 Geological timescales 5
Figure 1.3 Relationships between event magnitude and frequency and
geomorphic work done (modified from Wolman and Miller) 6
Figure 1.4 Schematic sections of plate boundaries 8
Figure 1.5 Global plate-tectonic patterns 9
Figure 1.6 The regional-scale hydrological cycle, emphasising areas of geomorphic
importance 12
Figure 1.7 Schematic representation of the sediment cascade as applied to
drainage basins 13
Figure 2.1 Global relief patterns and structural units 17
Figure 2.2 Examples of satellite images of global/continental-scale features
(from ©Google Earth) 18
Figure 2.3 Global extent of modern and Pleistocene cold-climate phenomena 23
Figure 2.4 Zonation of British landscapes in relation to Pleistocene glacial limits 24
Figure 2.5 British landscapes (representative of the zones defined in Figure 2.4) 25
Figure 2.6 Post-glacial eustatic sea-level curve 26
Figure 2.7 Europe: extent of glacio-isostatic rebound since the melting of the
ice sheets from the Last Glacial Maximum. 27
Figure 2.8 Glacio-isostatic modification of shorelines 28
Table 2.1 Major rivers: discharge and sediment loads 29
Figure 2.9 World sediment yields 30
Figure 3.1 Direct relief creation by volcanic and tectonic processes 32
Figure 3.2 Influence of lithology on relief 33
Figure 3.3 Examples of limestone terrain 34
Figure 3.4 Escarpment morphology 36
Figure 3.5 Folded terrain 37
Figure 3.6 Drainage patterns 39
Figure 3.7 River capture: an example of incipient stream capture from south-east
Spain on the flanks of Catona Hill, Almeria 39
Figure 3.8 Non-adjusted streams 40
Figure 3.9 Drainage network composition 41

List of tables and illustrations ix

Figure 3.10 Schematic representation of the ‘Davisian’ cycle of erosion 42

Figure 3.11 Polycyclic landscapes 43
Figure 3.12 Geomorphological regions of Europe, showing the major structural units,
and the Pleistocene glacial and permafrost limits 46
Figure 4.1 Photos of mechanical weathering phenomena 50
Table 4.1 Mineral weathering 52
Figure 4.2 Examples of granite weathering 53
Figure 4.3 Soils and weathering profiles 54
Figure 4.4 Weathering-related phenomena of dry regions 55
Figure 4.5 ‘Scree-type’ hillslope profiles 57
Figure 4.6 Features produced by overland flow erosion 58
Figure 4.7 Forms produced by (slow) mass movement processes 61
Figure 4.8 Debris flows 62
Figure 4.9 Landslides 63
Figure 4.10 Slope profile morphology 65
Figure 4.11 The ‘Hjulstrom’ curve, relating velocity to entrainment and
deposition of sediment of a range of sizes 66
Figure 4.12 Bedrock channel morphology 67
Figure 4.13 Incised meander morphology 68
Figure 4.14 Fluvial sediments and alluvial channels 69
Figure 4.15 Secondary flows, pools and riffles 70
Figure 4.16 Development of a meandering pattern from a pool and riffle sequence 71
Figure 4.17 Meander morphology 71
Figure 4.18 Divided channels 72
Figure 4.19 Channel patterns 73
Figure 4.20 Floodplains 74
Figure 4.21 Alluvial fans 75
Figure 4.22 Style of alluvial fans in relation to flood power and sediment supply 76
Figure 4.23 Schematic diagram illustrating the development of river terraces 78
Figure 4.24 Dune types in relation to wind directions and sand supply 81
Figure 4.25 Desert dunes 81
Figure 4.26 Glaciers 82–3
Figure 4.27 Diagrammatic representation of glacial processes 84
Figure 4.28 Glacial erosional landforms 86
Figure 4.29 Glacial depositional landforms 87
Figure 4.30 Diagrammatic representation of breaking waves contrasting
constructive and destructive waves 88
x List of tables and illustrations

Figure 4.31 Waves 89

Figure 4.32 Diagrammatic representation of cliff form 90
Figure 4.33 Cliff forms 91
Figure 4.34 Diagrammatic representation of the mechanism of longshore drift 92
Figure 4.35 Beach morphology 93
Figure 4.36 Coastal biology–geomorphology interactions 94
Figure 4.37 Coastal change – raised beaches 95
Figure 5.1 Grains Gill, Howgill Fells, Cumbria, England 98
Figure 5.2 Dating of Holocene landforms in the Howgill Fells, Cumbria, England 100–1
Figure 5.3 Map of the geomorphic features of the Sorbas basin, south-east Spain 105
Figure 5.4 The Sorbas (SE Spain) river capture event 106


A anastomosing river channel [73]: a multi-

ablation [61]: the loss of glacial ice, primarily through channel river pattern, comprising relatively stable
melting on the glacier surface, but includes internal sub-channels separated by islands that are usually
and basal melting and sublimation of ice directly to large in relation to the channel. A low energy form
water vapour. of anabranching channels, characteristic of mud-
abyssal plain [16]: the majority of the ocean floor: dominated, sediment-rich rivers, distinct from
forming a relatively smooth plain, on average 3.5 km high-energy, coarse sediment, braided channels.
deep, away from continental shelves, ocean trenches angle of incipient movement [58]: angle of a
and volcanic hot spots. hillslope at the threshold of movement of clasts
active layer [51, 62]: the layer above permafrost derived from upslope or produced in situ by
that seasonally thaws, that becomes prone to mass mechanical weathering, somewhat steeper than the
movement processes, and on refreezing in winter angle of rest of the material.
produces the differential internal stresses responsible angle of rest [56]: depositional slope angle at which
for the formation of patterned ground. clasts of a given size come to rest.
aeolian [79]: as in aeolian processes: erosion, antecedent drainage [40]: drainage lines that cross
transport and deposition of sediment by the wind. active fold structures, most obviously anticlinal folds,
aeolianite [80]: cemented dune sand, usually such that the rate of fluvial incision keeps pace with
cemented by CaCO3, and occurring mostly in warm the rate of uplift, resulting in a drainage pattern
dry regions, often fossilising former coastal dunes. transverse to structure.
aggrade/Aggradation [66]: the net deposition of anticline [37]: a fold in bedded rocks in the form of
sediment, resulting in an increase in elevation of the an arch. The upper (younger) rocks in the centre
depositional surface. Applied particularly to river may be removed by erosion, exposing the older rocks
channels, floodplains and alluvial fans. underneath in the form of a breached anticline.
alluvial channel [69]: a river channel whose margins Arête [86]: A knife-edged ridge produced by the
comprise alluvium (i.e. previously deposited river intersection the steep back or sidewalls of two glacial
sediment). Processes in such channels usually cirques.
involve a balance between erosion and deposition. arroyo [60]: a Spanish word simply meaning ‘stream’,
alluvial fan [75]: a conical or sub-conical depositional but in geomorphology has a very specific meaning
landform, deposited where a steep stream leaves – an ephemeral entrenched channel that may be
the confinement of a mountain catchment, either discontinuous; in other words, a valley-floor linear
at a mountain-front or a tributary-junction setting. gully, characteristic of many areas in the American
Common in arid mountain areas, but occur under south-west. There is debate on the extent to which
virtually all climatic conditions. Include a range of overgrazing, climatic change, or intrinsic instability
sizes from tens of metres to tens of kilometres in may contribute to the causes of arroyo development.
length. Sedimentation processes range from debris atoll [94]: a circular (in plan view) coral reef, formed
flows to fluvial processes, either as sheetflows or as around an island or seamount, which has since been
streamflows. submerged by rising relative sea level.
alluvium [70]: sediment deposited by a stream or a avulsion [73]: river channel change by diversion and
river. Typically implies fine sediments, e.g. silts, but spillage during flood conditions into a backswamp
strictly includes all grain sizes. environment adjacent to a river channel or onto a
AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) [102]: see floodplain or alluvial fan surface, often causing the
radiocarbon dating. original channel to be abandoned. The new channel
anabranching [73]: a general term to describe may rejoin the original channel further downstream,
all types of multi-thread river channels including or, as is especially the case on alluvial fans, may
both anastomosing and braided channels, though represent a completely new direction of drainage.
sometimes used interchangeably with ‘anastomosing’ axial channel [76]: as applied to channels on alluvial
channels. fans: the channel carrying water and sediment from

116 Glossary

the feeder catchment through the alluvial fan, usually zones: surface cracking through, for example, wetting
runs down the centre or axis of the fan. Can also and drying, particle removal by wind, chemical
be applied to the ‘axial channel’ of a sedimentary processes.
basin, in which case it refers to a (main) channel boulder clay [85]: an old-fashioned term to describe
running along the axis of a linear sedimentary basin, poorly sorted glacial deposits (‘till’)comprising all
as opposed to tributary channels running from the size ranges from boulders to clay, usually with a
basin sides into the centre of the basin. bimodal distribution, which may now be referred to
as ‘diamicton’.
B braided river channel [71]: a multi-thread river
badlands [59]: intensely gullied hillslopes, especially channel in which the channel divides around sand
common in drylands on weak, easily erodible marl bars, gravel bars or vegetated islands. Characteristic
or shale bedrock, usually with little or no vegetation of high energy bedload dominated rivers. Distinct
cover. They are usually characterised by a very high in form and behaviour from lower energy, lower
drainage density of rills and gullies. In some areas gradient, mud-dominated, much more stable,
badland development is the result of intense human- anastomosing channels.
induced soil erosion. breccia [102]: a sedimentary rock composed of
barchan [80]: a crescentic sand-dune form, with a angular stone-sized particles. Brecciation refers to
smooth ‘back’ facing the prevailing wind, a steeper the in situ fracturing of a massive rock into angular
crescentic avalanche face facing downwind that fragments by weathering processes. A common
culminates in two arms. phenomenon in mature calcretes.
barrier reef [94]: an offshore coast-parallel coral reef,
separated from the shore by a lagoonal area. C
basalt [7, 52]: a common volcanic rock, dark in colour, calcite [33, 52]: a mineral, (CaCO3), soluble in
usually formed as lava flows. A basic (mafic) as weak acids (rainwater, humic acids), the primary
opposed to an acid (silicic) composition, dominated constituent of limestone, responsible for the
by ferromagnesian minerals (pyroxenes and olivine) dominance of solutional forms in limestone (karst)
together with some feldspar. May be characterised by regions.
columnar hexagonal joints, contraction cooling cracks. calcrete [55]: an indurated layer formed of calcite.
base level [31]: the lower elevational limit of subaerial Pedogenic calcrete forms by the downward
erosion processes. This may be local, as in the case of movement of CaCO3 and its precipitation some way
a resistant rock horizon or a main valley floor, or may below the surface as a Bk or K horizon in areas with a
be regional, as in the case of sea level. A base-level fall sustained soil moisture deficit, i.e. semi-arid regions.
is a major cause of drainage incision. On exposure such horizons become indurated,
baseflow [13]: as opposed to floodflow, baseflow is the undergoing a complex sequence of brecciation
dry-weather component of river flow, sustained by and recementation. They may form a duricrust or
groundwater flow. caprock. Groundwater calcrete forms in similar
beachrock [92]: CaCO3-cemented beach sands areas, but in zones of the soil profile just above the
occurring within the intertidal zone or just above on water table or where there is a reduction in vertical
tropical coasts. permeability. See also duricrusts.
bedload [66]: the component of a river’s sediment canyon [67, 105]: incised river valley or gorge,
load carried close to the bed by tractional processes characteristic of rapid incision in dryland regions.
or near the bed by saltation, distinct from the caprock [33]: a resistant layer, which may be a
suspended load that is held in suspension in the resistant rock layer or a duricrust, protecting a hilltop
water column. Bedload comprises the coarser or escarpment from erosion, underlain by a weaker
component of the total load: sand, gravel, cobbles layer more prone to erosion, the two giving a cliff face
and boulders. over a concave slope morphology.
bedrock channel [67]: a river channel cut into case hardening [56]: the concentration of minerals
bedrock, in which stream power is too high to allow in the outer layer of a rock by precipitation through
the accumulation of sediment (in contrast with desiccation. Protects the outer surface of the rock
alluvial channels). from erosion. May lead to the formation to tafoni
belt of no erosion [57]: the crestal zones on slopes (honeycomb weathering).
undergoing gully erosion (badland areas), near to the chelation [52]: a chemical weathering process
divides, so that the run-off generated from upslope involving the removal of metallic ions from clay
is insufficient to cause turbulence of the flow, and minerals. Important in pedological processes but also
therefore is incapable of generating shear stresses in the weathering of clay-rich rocks.
sufficient to cause erosion. Processes other than chronosequence [100]: a set of related soils whose
erosion by overland flow therefore dominate these main differences are due to age differences: useful in
Glossary 117

estimating the relative ages of geomorphic surfaces. secreted by colonial marine ‘polyps’ to form coral
cirque [15, 84]: a bowl-shaped depression carved by rock. The polyps live in warm carbonate-rich tropical
glacial ice at the head of a mountain glacier system. seas down to depths of tens of metres, and build
clasts [56]: rock fragments. the reef toward the surface. On exposure above sea
colluvium [65]: ill-sorted fine sediment accumulating level the coral dies, leaving coral rock. Reef forms
at the foot of hillslopes through diffuse soil erosion or include fringing reefs around the shore, barrier reefs
creep processes. somewhat offshore, and atolls – circular reefs around
complex response [7]: a term related to geomorphic now submerged islands.
systems, coined by Stanley Schumm, whereby the corestones [53]: a relatively unweathered boulder
response to a change triggers the opposite trend. e.g. surrounded by in situ weathered material, a common
a change of flow regime that results in the incision feature produced by the chemical weathering of
of a hitherto braided reach of a stream into a single- massive igneous rocks (e.g. granite).
thread channel that may release sufficient sediment cosmogenic dating [103]: rock exposed at the
to cause a hitherto single-thread reach downstream surface of the earth is bombarded by cosmic
to switch to a braided regime. rays which interact with the minerals in the rock
conglomerate [104]: a sedimentary rock composed to produce a set of cosmogenically generated
of rounded pebble- to cobble-sized clasts. nuclides (especially 10Be but others as well).
consequent drainage [38]: initial drainage pattern, These nuclides progressively accumulate within
created on a newly exposed or tectonically uplifted the rock decreasing in concentration with depth
surface, in which the drainage direction follows the below the surface. Cosmogenic dating, a specialist
original slope. laboratory procedure, measures the concentration
conservative plate boundary [10]: boundary of cosmogenically derived nuclides within rock
between two tectonic plates at which there is profiles, so has the potential for dating rock exposure,
neither creation nor destruction of the crust. The provided that aspect and exposure history are talken
two plates tend to move laterally against each other into account.
along a major fault or fault system, creating a major creep [60]: see soil creep
earthquake hazard (e.g. San Andreas fault, California; cryoturbation [51]: disturbance of the soil or regolith
Anatolian fault, Turkey). by frost action, especially important during seasonal
constant slope [65]: a straight slope, usually in mid- refreezing of the active layer above permafrost.
slope (at the angle of rest of loose material, or on
bedrock at the angle of incipient movement of loose D
clasts. dead ice topography [85, 87]: the topography
constructive plate boundary [7]: boundary produced by a mass of glacial ice that has been cut off
between two tectonic plates at which new oceanic from its source and ‘dies’ in situ; the resulting terrain
crust is created by rifting and sea-floor spreading, is a hummocky moraine, composed of ill-sorted,
coincident with mid-ocean ridges. Major zone of poorly consolidated sediments.
basaltic volcanic activity (e.g. the mid-Atlantic ridge). debris flow [62]: a mobile mass of unconsolidated
continental crust [7, 9]: thicker, lighter crust, rocks and fine sediments with variable water content
composed dominantly of silica-rich (granitic) rock, moving downslope, often within a gully. Its source
giving greater elevation to the continents than to the may be a slope failure, or may be simply within-gully
ocean basins. sediment. Movement is usually triggered by heavy
continental shelf [16]: the edge of the continents, rains. Movement ceases as slopes decrease. On
composed of continental crust, but flooded by ocean deposition may form a debris-flow lobe; important
water to depths of c.200 m. Much of the continental constituents of alluvial fans from small, steep
shelf was exposed as land during the low eustatic sea catchments. Can be very hazardous to human life
levels during Pleistocene glaciations. and settlements, especially in the case of lahars,
continental slope [16]: the edge of the continental debris flows triggered by volcanic activity.
shelf, sloping down to the abyssal plain. dendritic drainage [38]: a randomly branching
Coupling/connectivity [p. 65]: The linkage between drainage network.
different components of the sediment cascade; dendrochronology [102]: tree ring dating.
eg. hillslope-to-channel coupling expresses the deranged drainage [29, 40]: irregular drainage
efficiency of sediment transfer from the hillslopes to patterns showing little or no organisation or relation
the channel system, tributary-junction and reach- to underlying structure. Characteristic of former
to-reach coupling expresses the sediment transport glaciated depositional or erosional terrain.
connectivity between different parts of the channel desert pavement [51]: a stony desert surface
network. (also known as stone pavement, gibber – in
coral reef [94]: coral is the CaCO3 exoskeleton Australia; reg – in the Middle East), produced by
118 Glossary

the mechanical weathering of bedrock or gravel the underlying geological structure, often forming
surfaces, contemporaneously with the accumulation upland plateaux, characteristic of the ‘older’
of windblown silts, which become trapped below the mountain belts, the ‘uplands’ of western Europe.
pavement layer. There is controversy concerning their origin, whether
Desert Varnish (or rock varnish) [102]: A coating of they are uplifted former peneplains, pediplains,
rock surfaces in desert environments, with iron and marine-cut surfaces or etchplains.
manganese oxides, giving dark brown to black colour esker [88]: an irregular linear ridge of sand and gravel
to exposed surfaces (Fe and Mn compounds) and a red in glacial depositional terrain, preserving the course
colour (Fe compounds) to the undersides of stones (eg. of a former subglacial stream.
on desert pavements). Thought to be produced by bac etchplain [44]: the lowering of the land surface by
terialogical activity. Degree of development increases tropical deep-weathering processes to produce an
(varnish darkens) with age of exposure. extensive plain or plateau surface. It has been argued,
destructive plate boundary [8]: boundary between especially by German geomorphologists, that this is
two tectonic plates where crust is consumed by the main mechanism that produced the extensive
subduction. so-called erosion surfaces in western Europe during
doline [35]: a small, generally circular depression the late Tertiary.
produced by sub-surface solution of limestone eustasy [26]: as in eustatic sea-level change – variations
bedrock in karst areas. May provide a routeway for in global sea level resulting from the different
surface streams to pass underground (a swallow proportions of the world’s water stored as glacial ice.
hole). Eustatic sea levels are relatively high during global
dip [36]: the angle of inclination of sedimentary strata: interglacials (as now) and low during global glacials.
Uniclinal dip relates to dip at a constant angle in a evaporite [56]: a chemically precipitated sediment
constant direction. produce by evaporation to dryness of a saline
drainage density [60]: the length of stream channels water body, e.g. of an arid-region playa lake. Most
in relation to drainage area, usually expressed in km/ commonly composed of (in increasing order of
km2. Drainage densities are very high in badland solubility) calcium carbonate, gypsum, or halite.
areas and very low in karst areas. evapotranspiration [11]: the sum total of moisture
drumlin [87]: a smooth, elongate low hill produced by returned to the atmosphere by evaporation from
subglacial deposition and smoothed in the direction open water and moist surfaces, and that transpired
of ice movement. by the vegetation.
duricrust [55]: a resistant caprock produced by
the exposure of horizons of accumulation of salts F
within the soil profile. Includes ‘calcrete’ (CaCO3) feedback (positive, negative) [15]: internal system
accumulations in semi-arid to arid zones, ‘gypcrete’ mechanisms that either dampen the effects of an
(gypsum anhydrite – CaSO4. n H2O) in arid and externally-induced change (negative feedback), or
hyper-arid zones, silcrete (SiO2) and ferricrete, magnify and reinforce the effects of such a change
formerly known as laterite (rich in Fe2O3), in the (positive feedback).
seasonally wet/dry tropical zone. ferrirete [55, 56]: see duricrusts.
dynamic equilibrium [14]: a form of equilibrium fetch [88]: the extent of open sea facing a coast. The
whereby a persistent morphology is maintained by a greater the fetch the greater potential for high wave
balance between input (e.g. deposition) and output energy.
(e.g. erosion). field capacity [13]: the moisture content that can be
retained within a soil by capillary forces against gravity.
E Unless the soil moisture has reached field capacity,
epeirogenic (post-orogenic) uplift [29, 45]: downward percolation cannot take place. Soil moisture
regional tectonic uplift of a zone of crustal thickening content in humid areas tends to be in excess of field
produced by past plate-tectonic activity in a capacity, whereas in semi-arid and arid areas it may
mountain belt (e.g. after subduction ceased in the rarely reach field capacity (soil moisture deficit).
European Alps in the Miocene the whole region has firn [12]: the intermediate stage between snow and
been uplifted during the Pliocene and Pleistocene). glacial ice. Essentially it is glacial ice that is white in
Additionally, upwelling mantle processes may cause colour due to the presence of air bubbles. On further
regional uplift (e.g. as in the Colorado Plateau, USA). compaction and refreezing it will be transformed into
erosion surface [44]: this term has two meanings: true glacial ice.
in a sedimentological sense – a relatively small- floodflow (quickflow) [12]: the component of
scale feature, an erosional horizon cross-cutting the river flow (as opposed to the baseflow component)
sedimentary structures of an underlying deposit. generated by rapid surface run-off (overland flow),
At a larger scale – extensive surfaces that cross-cut or rapid interflow of rapid snowmelt. Forming a
Glossary 119

flood peak in the hydrograph, and responsible for on a valley floor (see arroyo).
the majority of in-channel fluvial processes (bank gully erosion [59]: downslope culmination of erosion
erosion, sediment transport, especially of coarse by overland flow, water and sediment normally
sediments, deposition of gravel bedforms, etc.). fed from rilled sideslopes. Extensive gully erosion
floodplain [74]: a flat plain adjacent to an alluvial normally termed ‘badland’ erosion.
channel, composed of alluvial sediments, and whose gypcrete: see duricrusts.
surface defines the limits of the alluvial channel.
free face [57]: an exposed rock face (a cliff), usually H
high on a slope, on which mechanical weathering hanging valley [87]: a tributary valley whose valley
and rockfall are the dominant processes. floor is ‘perched’ above that of the main valley,
freeze-thaw weathering [20]: the mechanical usually as the result of glacial over-deepening of the
weathering of rock by ice forming within cracks or main valley.
along bedding planes in the rock. On freezing, water head deposits [23, 61]: periglacial hillslope deposits,
expands as it turns into ice, thus creating stresses that comprising angular, freshly weathered clasts set in a
weaken the rock, eventually fracturing it and yielding fine matrix, fed downslope by solifluction processes.
angular clasts. Hjulstrom curve [66]: relationships derived by
Fringing reef [94]: see coral reef. Hjulstrom in the 1930s between velocity of flowing
water, particle size and entrainment, transport or
G deposition of sediment.
geomorphic sensitivity [7]: the relationship between Holocene [5, 78: the most recent period of geological
the frequency of an erosional or depositional event time, roughly the last 10,000 years; Oxygen Isotope
and the recovery time of the land surface involved. Stage 1, loosely the ‘post-glacial’ period.
For example, a sensitive landscape is one where hydration/dehydration [51]: weathering process
recovery time, perhaps through re-vegetation, is slow involving the absorption into/loss of water from the
in relation to the frequency of disturbing events. chemistry of a material.
A robust landscape is one where recovery is fast in hydraulic geometry [15, 66]: relationships, first
relation to the frequency of disturbing events. defined by Leopold and Maddock in the 1950s,
geomorphic threshold [7]: a change in the erosional between river discharge, width, depth, velocity and
or depositional status of a landform or landscape, other hydraulic and sediment transport variables in
or a change in morphology, that affects the rate or river channels.
direction of processes or the morphology itself (e.g. hydrograph [12]: graphical plot of river discharge
the switch from a non-gullied to a gullied hillslope, against time.
or the switch from a meandering to a braided river hydrolysis [51]: chemical weathering process
channel). Such thresholds may be brought about involving the exchange of ions: significant in the
‘intrinsically’ through mechanisms internal to the weathering of the minerals in igneous rocks.
system (e.g. continued deposition may increase
local channel gradients, so that the next flood I J
event triggers erosion), or ‘extrinsically’ by an ice-wedge (casts) [51]: see patterned ground.
environmental change, such as a vegetation change, igneous rocks [32, 52]: rocks formed by
a climatic change or tectonic activity. crystallisation from magma, either within the crust as
granite [52]: a coarse grained, massive, crystalline intrusive rocks or at the surface as volcanic rocks.
igneous rock, an acid (silicic) rock composed imbricate fabric [69]: when clasts (stones) are rolled
dominantly of quartz, orthoclase (potassium-rich) along a stream bed by traction as bedload, they come to
feldspars, possibly also plagioclase (sodium-rich) rest by friction with the bed, presenting a smooth face
feldspar, muscovite (white) mica, and possibly biotite upstream into the current. This usually means that their
(dark) mica mmon volcanic rock, dark in colour, long axes lie across the current, but their major planes
usually formed as lava flows. Forms at depth as a (defined by their 2nd and 3rd axes) dip into the current,
plutonic rock in large igneous intrusions. i.e. upstream. A bed of gravel deposited in this way
groundwater [13]: water stored at some depth below shows an overlapping stacked fabric, not unlike that of
the water table (as opposed to soil moisture, stored roof tiles, with the dip of the clasts upstream, at an angle
within the soil). Recharged by percolation, discharged to that of the base of the bed. Bi-directional flows, such
as springs. as those on shingle beaches, tend to produce a clast
grus [53]: products of the chemical weathering of fabric where the dip of the clasts is more nearly parallel
granite, composed of little-altered quartz grains, mica to that of the base of the bed.
flakes and abundant clay minerals. Incised meanders [105]: Meandering valleys cut into
gully [59]: two forms: (i) hillslope gully: eroding bedrock. Response to incision often generated by
channel cut into a hillslope (ii) linear incised channel epeirogenic uplift.
120 Glossary

infiltration capacity [11]: the rate at which the soil deposit (e.g. a moraine or a fluvial gravel terrace) or the
can absorb water by infiltration: varies with soil age of rock exposure from measuring the size of lichens
moisture, soil particle-size and pore space. Overland that have colonised the stones or the rock surface, and
flow (surface run-off) can only occur if rainfall applying (usually) known lichen growth rates.
intensity exceeds infiltration capacity. limestone pavement [33–5]: bare limestone rock
interception [11]: the trapping of rain or snow by the surfaces, usually coincident with the bedding planes,
vegetation cover. and from which the overlying rocks have been
interflow [13]: the lateral drainage of excess soil stripped (usually) by glacial action, and on which
moisture (i.e. in excess of the soil’s field capacity). solutional features are apparent.
Rapid interflow can contribute to the floodflow liquid limits [60]: the moisture content at which a
component of streamflow. fine-grained (usually clayey) sediment or soil drains,
inverted relief [37]: relief where high topography and flows as a liquid.
coincides with is structural lows and vice versa, e.g. lodgement till [85]: boulder clay deposited under
synclinal ridges or anticlinal valleys. compression at the base of a glacier or ice sheet,
involution [51]: contorted structures in the soil or so that it has a compact texture. It may show clast
regolith produced by cryoturbation. Produced alignment with the direction of ice flow.
during seasonal refreezing of the active layer over loess [26, 79]: windblown silts that accumulated in
permafrost. sheets around the margins of continental-scale
isostasy [7, 28]: vertical change in elevation of the Pleistocene ice sheets.
crust, due to its buoyancy. Two forms are important: longshore drift [91]: movement of sediment along
crustal and glacial isostasy. In crustal isostasy, zones the beach, produced by oblique wave approach,
of crustal thickening due to plate-tectonic activity often producing shore-parallel depositional features
are elevated, creating high mountain chains, or such as spits.
upland areas. Erosional offloading creates further luminescence dating [103]: quartz or feldspar
epeirogenic uplift. In glacial isostasy, loading by crystals within buried sediments absorb background
glacial ice depresses the crust, which on deglaciation ionising radiation, which can be released with
responds by rebounding. Similar effects may be stimulation in specially equipped laboratory settings
produced by loading from water bodies. as luminescence. The luminescence is bleached
isostatic sea-level change [26]: change in relative away by exposure to sunlight. The luminescence
sea level due to isostatic change in the level of the land signal, which increases with burial time, can be
surface; usually used in the context of relative sea-level used to date the last exposure of the sediment to
fall due to post-glacial isostatic rebound of the land. sunlight. This method has been successfully applied
to dating quartz- or feldspar-rich sandy sediments,
particularly from aeolian or fluvial environments,
kame [87]: a mound of fluvioglacial sand and gravel
environments where exposure to light occurs during
deposited by dead ice as the ice collapses on melting.
transport, followed by rapid burial on deposition. It
kame terrace [87]: a body of sand and gravel
is applicable for late Quaternary timescales of the
deposited by glacial meltwater in the space between
last 100,000 years or so. In contrast with most of the
decaying ice and the valley margin. A feature
radiometric decay methods available over these
characteristic of dead ice decay.
timescales, it gives a date of sedimentation, rather
karst [33]: a term coined from the ‘Karst’ region of
than a before or after date.
former Yugoslavia to describe the geomorphology of
solutional terrain, particularly limestone.
kettle hole [87]: a depression caused by the melting
magnitude and frequency concept [6]: the
of a block of ice, detached from the main body of
relationships between event frequency and
ice during deglaciation. May often contain a small
magnitude (expressing the total geomorphic work
circular lake, a kettle lake.
done) – a concept first introduced by Wolman and
knickpoint [68]: a step or a break in the longitudinal
Miller in the 1960s.
profile of a stream caused by incision working its way
mangrove [94]: tropical salt-tolerant shrubs that
root in seawater in low energy tropical coastal
kopje [53]: an African term for a tor, a bouldery
environments. Once established, they act to trap
isolated hill.
further fine sediments.
L mass balance (of a glacier) [84]: the relationship
Lahar [63]: a debris flow fed or augmented by volcanic between snow accumulation and glacial ice ablation.
eruption. Controls the rate of ice movement and the position of
laterite [56]: see duricrust. the ice front.
lichenometry [102]: the estimation of the age of a meandering channel [71]: single-thread alluvial
Glossary 121

channels, whose plan view comprises a series of boundary, characteristic of complex mountain chains
bends alternating from side to side. such as the Alps.
meltout till [85]: a glacial deposit composed of loose, neotectonic [45]: ongoing tectonic activity,
unsorted material (generally boulder clay) that has continuing after the main mountain-building phase.
been deposited in situ by melting of the supporting In ‘Alpine’ young fold mountains, normally implies
ice. tectonics continuing into the Neogene.
metamorphic rocks [32, 52]: rocks (originally nivation [20]: mechanical weathering by freeze-thaw
igneous or sedimentary) whose properties (physical in relation to a snowpatch.
and/or chemical) have been radically altered by heat
and/or pressure. O
mid-ocean ridge [7]: see constructive plate oceanic crust [7]: crust that is thinner and denser
boundary. than continental crust, composed primarily of
Milankovitch cycles [4]: cyclic variations in the ferromagnesian-rich (basaltic) rocks.
Earth’s orbital characteristics, including a 96,000 order, as in stream order [42]: a system first devised
year eccentricity cycle, a 40,000 year obliquity cycle by Horton, modified by Strahler, of classifying stream
and a 21,000 year precessional cycle, described segments according to their position in the hierarchy
by Milankovitch in the 1920s. Though Quaternary of branching, so that unbranched headwater streams
climatic fluctuations can be shown to bear some are 1st order streams, two 1st order streams join to
relationship with the combined effects of these form a 2nd order segment, two 2nd order segments
cycles, the exact mechanism whereby these cycles to form a 3rd order segment, and so on.
might influence global climates is still uncertain. overland flow [12, 59]: surface run-off generated by
misfit (underfit) stream [68]: (generally) a modern rainfall excess or saturation overland flow.
meandering alluvial river channel set in a much oxidation/reduction [51]: chemical processes
larger meandering valley, the implication being important in the weathering of rocks and soil formation
that as the geometry of the modern meanders is by the addition/loss of oxygen. Particularly important
adjusted to modern flow conditions, the much in iron-rich environments, involving transformations
larger valley meanders would be adjusted to much between ferric and ferrous iron compounds.
larger discharges in the past. There is a flaw to this
argument in that the modern meanders are mobile P
meanders set in an alluvial floodplain and free to palaeosol [26]: a soil formed in the past and no longer
adjust by both erosion and deposition, whereas undergoing the processes that formed it. This may
valley meanders are erosional forms, cut in bedrock be a relict soil on the surface or a ‘fossil’ soil below a
and unable to adjust. They represent the cumulative layer of younger deposits. Palaeosols may be useful
effects of (admittedly) large flow events. indicators of past environments, and can often be
moraine [84, 87]: two meanings – (i) the sediment used in the relative dating of land surfaces.
carried by a glacier on its surface (supraglacial paraglacial [25]: the period of heightened geomorphic
moraine), internally (englacial moraine), marginally activity following deglaciation. Usually involves the
(lateral moraine), (becoming, where two glaciers reworking of sediment released by deglaciation.
join, a medial moraine) or at the base of the glacier patterned ground [51]: two forms, both
(subglacial moraine); and (ii) the features produced characteristic of permafrost environments: (i)
by the deposition of moraine – at the snout of a polygons formed by ice wedges – in section, may
glacier (terminal moraine), at the limit of an ice sheet be expressed as ice-wedge casts; and (ii) sorting of
(end moraine), at stillstands during glacial retreat stones into polygons, garlands, or stripes (depending
(recessional moraines), and at the sides of a glacier on slope steepness), during active-layer seasonal
(lateral moraine). refreezing as the result of the different thermal
morphometry [42]: measurements of the relief, areal properties of stones and matrix – in section, may be
extent, size, shape, slope angle or other geometric expressed as involutions.
properties of landforms (e.g. slopes, drainage basins, pediment [59, 65]: rock surface formed by the parallel
river channels, alluvial fans, glacial features) and the retreat of slopes, common in dry regions.
numerical relationships between them. pediplain [44]: extensive coalescent pediments:
moulins [85]: circular vertical funnels in the surface forming an erosion surface produced by the parallel
of a glacier, down which supraglacial meltwater may retreat of hillslopes/escarpments.
pass into the glacier. pedogenic [55]: relating to soil processes.
peneplain [43]: supposed end product of the ‘cycle of
N erosion’, produced by the ‘downwaring’ of slopes close to
nappe [37]: a forward-thrusted overfold produced a stable base level – nowadays a disputed term.
during mountain building on a destructive plate periglacial [11, 23]: the area surrounding
122 Glossary

continental-scale ice sheets. When applied to rocks. Physically strong and almost chemically
processes, the presence of permafrost is implicit. inert, therefore persists through weathering cycles
permafrost [20, 23, 62]: permanently frozen ground to be abundant in sedimentary rocks. The primary
at depth. The surface layer (the active layer) thaws constituent of sand, and therefore of sandstone.
during summer and refreezes in autumn. Stresses Radiocarbon dating [102]: The cosmic ray flux
caused by refreezing from the surface down are into the upper atmosphere produces radioactive
responsible for many features characteristic of C atoms which are rapidly oxidised to 14CO2
permafrost (periglacial) environments (such as and become thoroughly mixed with the existing
patterned ground, involutions, ice wedges) atmospheric 12CO2, and incorporated into livig
phytokarst [93]: karstic dissolution accelerated by tissue. When atmospheric input ceases, on death
acid-secreting algae – common on tropical or sub- of an organism, the radioactive 14C atoms decay to
tropical limestone coasts or on exposed coral rock on C, emitting Beta particles as they do. With time
such coasts. the tiny proportion of 14C atoms decreases, as does
pipe erosion [59]: subsurface erosion of tunnels, the activity level. Standard radiocarbon dating
especially important in badland areas. measures the activity generated by the release of Beta
plastic limits [60]: the moisture content at which particles and calibrates this with the known curve for
a fine-grained (usually clayey) sediment or soil radioactive decay of 14C. Conventional radiocarbon
deforms under its own weight by plastic flowage. dating requires relatively large samples of organic
plate boundary [7]: see constructive, conservative, matter, and can be used for estimating ages back
destructive plate boundaries. to about 30,000 years. The AMS method uses a
playa [56]: ephemeral desert lake, normally dry and different approach. After pre-treatment the sample
forming a ‘salt pan’. is accelerated in a particle accelerator, allowing
plutonic rocks [49]: igneous rocks that crystallised individual atoms to be counted on the basis of their
slowly in large, deep-seated igneous intrusions. mass. The proportion of 14C atoms can be identified
podzol [55, 100]: characteristic acid soil of cool and a radiocarbon date derived. Much smaller
temperate environments, showing well-developed samples can be dated than by the conventional
horizon – from the surface down a dark humic method, and the reliable dating timescale can be
horizon, a pale bleached horizon from which the iron extended considerably.
compounds have been leached into a reddish broom raised beach [95]: former beach deposits, related
illuvial horizon below. to a previous higher sea level and preserved above
polje [35]: a medium to large solutional or collapse modern sea levels.
depression in karst areas. recurrence interval (return period) [6]: the
pools and riffles [70–71]: alternating deeps and average (or most probable) interval between events
shallows along (especially) a single-thread alluvial of a similar magnitude (floods, earthquakes).
stream channel, their spacing dependent on channel reef [94]: see coral reef.
width. Sustained by three-dimensional (secondary) regolith [49, 60]: superficial layer of weathered
flow cells, which themselves are instrumental in bedrock and soil.
meander formation from a pool and riffle sequence. rejuvenation [31, 38]: the response of a river system
pressure melting point (of glacial ice) [83]: to uplift or a fall in base level, involving incision and
the combination of pressure and temperature at the steepening of river profiles.
which glacial ice melts – important subglacially in relief, available relief [1]: height range within which
differentiating cold-based from temperate-based geomorphic processes may operate; lower limit
glaciers. defines by local base level.
pressure release (offloading) joints [49]: a major resequent relief [37]: relief where high topography
form of mechanical weathering. Surface-parallel coincides with structural highs and vice versa, e.g.
joints produced by the elastic response of rock to synclinal valleys or anticlinal ridges.
either erosional offloading or offloading related to the rill erosion [59]: erosion on hillslopes by overland
melting of an overlying thickness of glacial ice. flow, where sheetflow begins to winnow out shallow
proglacial [85]: the zone in front of a glacier or ice sheet. channels that have more or less the same gradient as the
prograde/progradation [75]: an extension by slope itself. These channels may be ephemeral. These
deposition of a depositional landform in the direction channels converge downslope into gullies, channels
of flow (e.g. a delta may prograde into the sea), or an that are capable of eroding the underlying substrate and
alluvial fan may extend its distal limits by deposition. have a gradient markedly less than the slope gradient.
river capture [39, 105]: aggressive drainage cuts back
Q R and intercepts an earlier line of drainage, diverting
quartz [52]: silicon dioxide (SiO2) – a common the drainage into the new course. The ‘beheaded’
rock-forming mineral, abundant in acid igneous stream loses its headwaters. The captor stream now
Glossary 123

becomes the major stream. Upstream the whole threshold-exceeding events and the time taken for
system may undergo rejuvenation and incision, due the system to recover from threshold exceedence
to a lower local base level. (recovery time). A ‘sensitive’ landscape takes a long
roche moutonnée [85]: rock outcrop smoothed by time to recover, whereas a ‘robust’ landscape recovers
glacial erosion. The up-ice face is smoothed, the rapidly.
down-ice face is usually irregular, due to ‘plucking’ by sheet erosion [59]: slope erosion by unconfined
the overriding ice. overland flow, that is capable of winnowing loose
run-off [12]: loosely, the catchment water yield or material from the surface. Winnowing may result in
average river flow; more specifically, overland flow. the flow becoming concentrated into rills.
shield [19]: ‘core’ area of a continent, formed of ancient
S (Precambrian) usually metamorphic rocks. These
sabkha [80]: an Arabic term relating to saline deposits tectonically relatively stable areas have remained
in arid environments, including coastal sabkha far from plate boundaries since throughout the
accumulating in coastal lagoons, and inland sabkha, Phanerozoic (e.g. the Canadian Shield, the Baltic Shield).
accumulating in depressions (e.g. interdune areas) silcrete [55]: see duricrust.
inland. sinuosity [71]: in a meandering river channel the
saltation [80]: an intermediate process in sediment ratio between channel distance and the straight line
transport between particles transported along the distance between two points along the channel.
bed (of a stream in fluvial processes) or surface (for Rather arbitrarily, channels with a sinuosity > 1.5 are
sand particles, transported by the wind) and those deemed to be meandering.
in suspension in the fluid (water in the case of fluvial soil creep [60]: the slow (imperceptible) downslope
processes, air in aeolian processes). In both cases movement of soils as the result of a downslope
particles tend to be sand-sized. Individual sand gravitational component affecting swelling and
particles move by a series of ‘leaps’, never far from the shrinking of the soil in response to wetting and
bed or surface, and never in true suspension. Under drying (also to freezing and thawing).
the very high energy conditions of a large, steep river solifluction [20, 62]: term loosely used to define
in flood, larger particles may move by saltation. the unconfined mass movement of unconsolidated
salt marsh [93]: a low-energy coastal zone, either material downslope by flowage processes, more
within an estuary or protected from wave action by strictly related to downslope movement of the active
a spit, within which mud is deposited to form mud layer in periglacial or permafrost environments.
flats, which are colonised by salt-tolerant vegetation. solution (of limestone, etc.) [33, 51]: the ionisation
The vegetation in turn fosters further sedimentation. of soluble materials and the removal of the separate
salt weathering [93]: mechanical weathering of rock ions in solution. Limestone is soluble in weak acids,
or stones in arid or coastal areas induced by salt such as rainwater and humic acids. Limestone
crystallisation in cracks or pore spaces in the rock or (CaCO3), gypsum (CaSO4 n H20)and halite (NaCl)
stone. are common soluble rocks or minerals (listed by
sandur [85, 88]: an Icelandic term meaning a increasing solubility).
sheet of fluvioglacial outwash gravels deposited stream power [66]: an expression of the energy
by a proglacial stream, and forming a gravel plain available for erosion and sediment transport in
interlaced by distributary braided channels. rivers and streams. Total power (expressed in watts)
scree (talus) [56]: a depositional slope formed by increases with discharge and gradient. Unit power,
angular clasts derived from mechanical weathering of the power available at a point in the channel,
exposed rock above. The scree slope accumulates at increases with depth and gradient. The threshold of
the angle of rest of the particles. critical power, outlined by Bull in the 1980s, expresses
sediment cascade (including sediment the relationship between critical power (the power
transport) [10, 13]: the sequence of events and the to transport the sediment supplied) and the actual
pathways taken from weathering of bedrock, through (unit) power.
its erosion, transport and deposition through the subduction zone [9]: the zone, occurring at a
range of geomorphic systems. destructive plate boundary, where oceanic crust is
sedimentary rocks [32, 52]: rocks formed by forced below the continental crust and is eventually
the accumulation and lithification of materials re-absorbed into the mantle.
(sediments) that have passed through a cycle of subsequent drainage [39]: drainage directions that
weathering, erosion, transport and deposition. exploit lines of weakness in the underlying rock. They
Includes clastic sedimentary rocks (e.g. sandstones), modify the initial (consequent) drainage directions,
composed of fragments, and chemical precipitates. primarily by river capture.
sensitivity (geomorphic sensitivity) [7]: superimposed drainage [40]: a river system initiated
the relationship between the frequency of as consequent drainage, which incised through the
124 Introducing Geomorphology

surface layers of rock and through an unconformity into tor [53]: an upstanding exposure of rock on a
an older, different set of rocks below the unconformity. hilltop area or on a valley side. Usually produced
The river now runs discordantly with the structures of by a combination of mechanical (pressure
the underlying rocks. release jointing, may be modified by freeze-thaw
Supra-glacial moraine [84]: see moraine. weathering) and chemical weathering (whereby the
suspended sediment load [66]: fine-grained surrounding material has rotted and been removed
sediments that are transported in suspension in by erosion, leaving corestones that form the basis of
the water column as opposed to bedload, which is the tor). Common in granite terrain, but do occur in
transported near to the river bed. other lithologies. In the tropics (especially in Africa)
syncline [37]: a downfold in bedded rocks in the form similar features are described as kopjes.
of a saucer. If the fold preserves a ridge of the upper transform fault [10]: a major lateral fault either
(younger) rocks in the centre it will be defined as a within a tectonic plate (accommodating different
synclinal ridge, a case of inverted relief. rates of plate movement) or between two tectonic
plates (at conservative plate boundaries).
T trellis(ed) drainage [39]: a rectilinear drainage
tafoni [56]: honeycomb weathering whereby the pattern produced by the development of subsequent
surface of the rock is more resistant (case-hardened) drainage along parallel outcrops of weaker rocks.
than inside, which is then easily eroded.
talus [56]: see scree. U
tectonics [4]: crustal processes involving deformation unconformity [40]: an erosion surface that truncates
of rock bodies and uplift. one set of geological structures, buried by a younger,
terrace; river terrace [44, 78]: former floodplain less deformed set of rocks.
surface, into which the river channel has since uniclinal [36]: as in uniclinal dip of a geological bed
incised. Forms a flat surface well above the modern or layer of rock, dipping consistently in one direction
flood level of the river. A series of terraces may form a (in other words, dipping but not folded – at the scale
staircase of flat surfaces. of what is being described).
terracettes [61]: small-scale (up to about 25 cm uvula [35]: a large solutional or collapse depression in
high) features characteristic of steep, grass-covered karst areas.#
hillslopes, which form small steps subparallel with
the contour of the hillslope. Sometimes erroneously V
described as ‘sheeptracks’. They are probably formed Vauclusian spring [35]: resurgence of an
by a combination of creep and micro-slip of the turf underground river in karst areas. Named after the
layer and the soil immediately underneath. Vaucluse area in southern France, a limestone
threshold (geomorphic threshold, intrinsic, plateau around whose margins several underground
extrinsic thresholds) [7]: a radical change of state rivers emerge.
of the geomorphic system or of part of it (e.g. the
switch from a single thread meandering channel to W
a multi-thread braided channel; the switch from an wave-cut platform (rock platform) [90]: a
ungullied hillslope to a gullied hillslope; the switch subhorizontal coastal erosional surface, sloping
from an aggrading or stable stream channel to an gently seawards.
incising channel). Such a change may be induced by weathering [10, 20, 49–56]: the mechanical and
the internal characteristics of the system, particularly chemical breakdown of rock, yielding rock fragments
through the operation of positive feedback (clasts), chemically altered rock, and ions that are
mechanisms (an intrinsic threshold), or by a change removed in solution. A prerequisite for the operation
in the environmental controls (an extrinsic threshold: of the sediment cascade.
e.g. a tectonic, a climatic or a land-use change).
till (glacial till) [85]: poorly sorted glacially deposited X Y Z
sediment comprising coarse clasts in a silty or clayey yardang [79]: a landform created by wind erosion
matrix (also described as boulder clay; may now be in arid regions of bedrock or of cemented surficial
referred to as ‘diamicton’). Includes lodgement till, sediments. May have an irregular, semi-streamlined
deposited subglacially, and meltout till, deposited at morphology.
the glacier margins.

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