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Learning Outcome 4 Store Salads and Dressings

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

A. Identify safety and hygienic practices in storing salad and dressing.

B. Keep appetizers in appropriate conditions to maintain its freshness, quality.

Safety and hygienic practices in storing salad and dressing Green Salads are plated in a cold plate.
Avoid plating salads more than an hour or two before service. Garnish that is tossed should be added at
serving time. Refrigerate salads before serving time. Dressing is added immediately before serving,
or serve it on the side. Refrigerate salads until serving. Do not hold more than a few hours, or the
salads will sag. Holding boxes should have high humidity. Do not add dressing to green salads until
serving, or they will sag.

Principles and Practices of Hygiene in Preparing Salads and Salad Dressing

Washing all salad vegetables is important to ensure food safety. Washing is done in the following
manner: 1. Prepare a detergent in a bowl of tap water. Dissolve very well 5g (litter) of powdered or
liquid detergent in 4L (1gallon) of water. Make sure there is no undissolved powder. 2. Soak the
vegetable in this solution for about 1 minute. Ingredients that have to be peeled should be washed too.
3. Gently wash vegetables and pay special attention to the stems and leaves. 4. Rinse the vegetables in
tap water several times to ensure that there is no remaining detergent or soap. 5. The vegetables may
further be sanitized in a mild solution of potassium permanganate or hypochlorite by soaking for about
a minute, then rinsing them. 6. Spin-dry the vegetables in a salad spinner, or dry by putting them on a
clean cloth or disposable paper. Make sure that the greens are dry when combining with the dressing
because wet greens will prevent the dressing from coating the leaves. This makes the dressing very
watery and tasteless and reduces the crispness of the salad.

6. Don’t drown every plate in sauce or gravy. It may hides colors and shapes. You may cover a part of it
or a band of sauce across the center. 7. Keep it simple. Simplicity is more attractive than complicated
designs. 8. Let the guest see the best side of everything. Angle overlapping slices and wedged-shaped
pieces toward the customer and the best side of each slice is face up.

Review of Lesson 2 (Learning Outcome 3)

A. Pose and Dispose

Let’s find out if you can arrange your prepared appetizers attractively following the fundamentals of
plating, principles of platter presentation and designing the platter.

Your output will be rated using the rubric below: SCORE CRITERIA 5 Very artistically and creatively done
4 Artistically and creatively done 3 Properly and less creatively done 2 Improperly done and
unattractive 1 No attempt

You’re amazing, you almost got it perfect. Continue with the next topic to learn how to store appetizers
Learning Outcome 4 Store Appetizer
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

A. Utilize quality trimmings; B. Select appropriate container for storing salads and appetizers; C. Keep
appetizers in appropriate conditions to maintain its freshness, quality and taste; and D. Follow
workplace safety procedures.

Storing salads and appetizers is one of the most important activities done after preparing them to
maintain freshness and avoid spoilage.

This lesson deals with storage of salads and appetizers using appropriate container to sustain quality and

Tools and Equipment 1. Chillers 2. Refrigerator 3. Containers for salad and appetizers

Storing Techniques Storing foods could be done through the following techniques: 1. Refrigerate – to
keep food cold or cool. 2. Cold storage – the process of preserving food by means of refrigeration. 3.
Chilling – to refrigerate to reduce the temperature of food.

Sanitary Practices when storing salads and appetizers

1. Handle the food properly to prevent spoilage and contamination. 2. Wash utensils and equipment
thoroughly. 3. Keep off hand to a minimum contact to ingredients and food. 4. Keep away from food
when you are ill. 5. Store food and ingredients properly. 6. Safeguard the food during distribution and
serving. Chill to refrigerate or to reduce the temperature of food. Place it to cold storage like
refrigerator to preserve perishable food.

Review of Lesson 1 (Learning Outcome 4)

A. Complete Me Completion Type. Fill the blank with a word or group of words to make the sentence
complete. Write your answer in your test notebook.

1. An Italian appetizer composed of meats, sea foods, and other relishes is _______. 2. Small food
item eaten with wine or other drinks is _______. 3. A salted roe or egg of the sturgeon is ______. 4. Hors
d’ oeuvres offered to guest that complements the chef’s cooking style and talent is ______. 5. Toasted
Italian bread flavored with garlic and olive oil is ______.

B. Prove It More Prepare varieties of appetizer. You will be observed and rated from the preparation of
materials and ingredients, actual preparation, presentation and storing of your products using the
scoring rubric below.

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