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Desirable Characteristics of Baked Products

Yeast Bread/Rolls

 Fine Grain  Crust thin, smooth, uniformly golden-brown

 Uniform texture  Bread has rounded, symmetrical top crust
 Moist, white (if made with all-purpose flour)  Rolls are uniform
 No trace of sour or yeasty odor
 Whole grains more compact; more variety in
texture, color, flavor, heavier, crumbly.


 Cell walls medium-thick

 Rounded symmetrical top with cauliflower
 Grain coarse but uniform
like surface
 Uniform texture; not tunnels
 Thin, uniformly golden-brown crust
 Tender, moist crumbs
 Well-blended flavors


 Compact uniform and grain  Symmetrical with slightly round or flat top,
 No tunnels or holes may be cracked on top surface
 Cell walls of medium thickness any nuts,  Evenly browned crusts
dried fruits, fresh fruits or seasoning well


 Drop: coarse texture, tender crumbs  Drop: irregular shape; uneven, golden-brown
 Rolled: white to creamy white, moist, tender crust
crumb, separates in flaky layers  Rolled: even, level tip; straight sides;
symmetrical; crisp, golden-brown crust
Cakes (shortened)

 Soft, velvety, elastic crumb

 Fine grain, uniform cells  Slightly rounded top
 Moist and tender, not crumbly  Thin and tender crust
 No tunnels or holes  Smooth or slightly pebbly surface
 Evenly browned
Cakes (Foam-Angel /Sponge)

 Very tender, slightly moist, springy

 Evenly brown, thin, rough crust
 Fine, small, thin walled cells
 Flat or slightly rounded top
 Angel – snow white
 Sponge – golden yellow
Desirable Characteristics of Baked Products (cont.)


 Smooth, evenly distributed
 Not runny, neatly applied

 Crisp crust, evenly and lightly browned top
 Tender, breaks easily, flaky
and bottom; golden-brown around edges
 Rough or blistered surface

Fruit, Custard, Pumpkin Pies

 Fruit filling tender, juices thick and set  Crisp crust, not soggy or doughy
 Custard or pumpkin filling firm but not

 Fine to medium-fine cells  Uniform size, shape, thickness, color
 Approximate texture
 Any spices, nuts, dried or candied fruit,
coconut, or chips evenly distributed

Rolled/Refrigerator Cookies
 Thin and crisp to thick and soft  Uniform shape
 Uniform thickness

Bar Cookies
 Tender, moist crumb  Neatly cut rectangle or square shape

Drop Cookies
 Soft, cake like crumb  Uniform mound shape

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