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Darlyn Amplayo

FA-51 (sec A)
Dec. 2, 2019
A tale of Mindanao

In this story, the woman is trying to flee away but the man follows or tries to catch her wherever she
goes. The way I understand the story is that the man wants to show the woman he loves her, but the
woman does not love him so she escapes from him. This scene shows. A lot of the movements in the
scene had a slo-mo where the characters would move, but then slows down.


This scene compare to the first scene was not serious but rather funny. There were about 5 girls who
were trying to get the attention of 1 man. One of the girl was trying so hard to get the attention of the
man that she will dance hysterically. All the other girls tries to catch up with her. As the boy looks
around to each of the girl, he finally picks the girl who gets his attention which was the girl who was
dances hysterically. He chose her by putting his dagger on her piece of cloth that she placed on the


This scene had me laughing harder than any of the other scenes. This scene shows how the monkey can
outwit a man. Also, he tries to get the attention of the female monkey. This scene also involved the
audience, and had one of audience go up on stage to be a part of the play.


This scene had many colors and was a very beautiful scene for me. There were many decorations/props
that they used but it was just simple decorations that really shows the beauty of the place they were
trying to depict. The movement of props was a way to show the movements of the nature. As someone
who lived most of my life in Mindanao, it made me appreciate the beauty of our place even more. The
music was very pleasing to my ears, and the harmony played together with the nature.

Musical Features:

 Textures: At some point of the scenes there were just one instruments playing, but most of the
scenes there was polyphonics because there were multiple instruments playing at the same
 Rhythm/Dynamics/Tempo: A lot of the beat from the play were slow. This is to show and
appreciate the beauty of each scene. Each beat that was played harmonized with the action of
the characters. It also shows the emotion when the scene gets intense as the sometimes the
beat is fast.
 The instruments that was played were the percussion instruments such as the gong, maracas,
and the triangle. I think percussion instruments are used so that
 The tone of the play were a mix of yellow-orange. It was unexpectedly a very amusing, funny,
with excitement play. There were vibrant colors that the characters wore and there were many
colors as the decorations to simply show the setting.

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