Handbook of Olfaction and Gustation Richard L Doty

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Revisedand Expanded

RichardL. Doty
Uniaersityof Pennsylaania
U. S.A.

Mancrr Drrxrn, INc. Nsw Yom. Bespr

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of OlfactoryDeficitsby StructuralMedicallmaging

Cheng[i, RichardL. Doty, and David W. Kennedy

lJniversityof Pennsylvania,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,U.S.A.

David M. Yousem
TheJohnsHopkins UniversitySchool of Medicine, Baltimore,Maryland, U.S.A.

I. INTRODUCTION 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999). In this chapter we comprehen-

sively review the pertinent medical literature on this gen-
Olfactory dysfunction can generally be classified into (1) eral topic and detail our own experience.
conductive disorders caused by interference with the
accessof odorantsto the olfactory recepto(s,(2) peripheral
sensorineuraldisorders resulting from injury to the olfac- II. IMAGING MODALITIES AND TECHNIQUES
tory receptors (within the olfactory mucosa), and (3) cen-
tral neural disordersof the olfactory bulb or tract or related Major advancesin pinpointing the anatomicaland patholog-
parts of the central nervous system such as the prefrontal ical changesof many disordersof the sinonasalcavity and
lobe, septal nuclei, amygdala, and temporal lobe. For brain have become possible as a result of the development
medical imaging and the anatomical approach,we catego- and refinement of imaging techniques(Carter and Runge,
rize olfactory dysfunction into two major groups: periph- 1988;Healy, 1992;Jagustand Eberling, 1991;Jolleset al.,
eral causes-sinonasal tract disorders-and central 1989; Reiman and Mintun, 1990; Shapiroand Som, 1989;
causes- intracranial disorders. It is important to relate vogl, 1990; Yousem er al. 1996a,199',7b,1998). Even
olfactory deficits to the appropriate anatomical and patho- though the imaging evaluationis not the diagnostic equiva-
logical changes. Unfortunately, clinical olfactory testing, lent to histological study, anatomical imaging, such as high-
whether psychophysical or electrophysiological, is rarely resolution computed tomography (CT) and magnetic
capable of localizing the source (aside from determining resonance imaging (MRI), can not only map regional
whether it is on the right or left) or identifying the specific lesions,but may also suggesta differential diagnosis(Carter
causeof decreasedsmell function. and Runge, 1988; Shapiroand Son, 1989; Som and Shapiro,
Modern medical imaging techniques offer a valuable 1988).On the other hand, functional imaging (PET, SPECT,
means for assessingthe basis of some disorders of olfac- fMRI), which is reviewed in Chapter 12, affords one the
tion. Although revolutionary changesin medical imaging potential to explore regional pathophysiologicalchangesin
techniques have occurred in the last few decades,only a the living brain (Healy, 1992; Jagtst and Eberling, l99l;
few articles have dealt with imaging studies related to Jolles et al., 1989; Reiman and Mintun, 1990;Yousemet al.,
chemosensory disorders (Doty et al., 1999: Goodspeed I997b, 1999b, c). The relevant imaging modalities which
et al., 1987:'Kimmelman, 1991; Klingmuller et al., 1987; may be helpful in the evaluation of common causesof olfac-
Li et al., 1994; Schellinger et al., 1983; Yousem et al., tory deficits are reviewedin this section.

594 Li et al.

A. Plain Radiographs C. Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Plain film radiography, i.e., the "sinus series," including MRI's multiplanar capability is especially advantageousin
the Caldwell view, the Waters view, the lateral view, and the evaluation of sinonasal tract neoplasmsand brain dis-
the base view, has long been a standard method of diag- orders. MRI, however, is less sensitivefor the detection of
nosing nasal and paranasal sinus inflammatory disease. bony cortical abnormalities and landmarks. Soft tissue dis-
Problems of overlap and nonspecific findings are impossi- crimination, on the other hand, is more clearly illustrated
ble to avoid with plain films, and thus the study has been by MRI than by CT. Most soft tissue diseaseprocessescan
largely replaced by CT. The most important deficit of the be accurately localized with a minor degree of tissue dif-
plain film is its inability to provide the road map of the ferentiation, i.e., infection vs. tumor vs. hemorrhage.The
ostiomeatal complex, which may guide endoscopic surgi- anatomical discrimination of the brain is much better using
cal intervention (Zinreich et a1., 1987). Plain radiographs MRI than CT. One can use thin sections, large matrices,
and conventional plain film tomography have virtually no and smaller fields of view to improve resolution, yet main-
role in the imaging evaluation of olfactory dysfunction. tain, high contrastto noiseusing T1-weightedscans(T1W)
or fast spin echo T2-weighted (T2W) images. T2-weighted
B. Computed Tomography scanscan better delineatethe contrastbetween normal and
inflammatory or neoplastic tissue (Shapiro and Som,
CT is well suited to the investigation of the sinonasalcav- 1989). New phase sensitive inversion recovery pulse
ities. BecauseCT scanningis as sensitiveto soft tissuedis- sequencesor standardspoiled gradient echo sequencescan
easeas to bony changes,each scancan be photographedat highlight the gray-white matter differentiation and allow
an appropriate window width and level to optimally see better assessmentof the hippocampus, parahippocampus,
insidious soft tissue differences in attenuation and fine gyrus rectus, and entorhinal cortex regions. Segmentation
bony detail. To study soft tissue, the window widths range of images to separatecortical volume from whole brain
from 150 to 400 Hounsheld units. Conversely, the bony volume is customary for volumetric studies nowadays.
detail is best observed at wide window settings-from For the evaluation of skull base invasion by sinonasal
2000 to 4000 Hounsfieldunits.The basicCT scanningpro- tumors, MRI is superior to CT (Paling et al., 1987).
tocol should include all of the nasal cavity, paranasal Gadolinium enhanced scans are particularly useful at the
sinuses, hard plate, anterior skull base, orbits, and skull base to detect dural or leptomeningeal involvement.
nasopharynx. The brain should be included if central Gadolinium-DTPA, a paramagnetic contrast agent, has
causesof olfactory dysfunction are suspected.The scans been widely utilized for distinguishing solidly enhancing
are commonly performed in both the axial and coronal tumor from rim-enhancing inflammatory processes
planes for optimal assessmentof the complex paranasal (Brasch,1992;Yogl et al., 1990).
anatomy, but coronal scans are the most valuable for the With regard to the olfactory system, CT and MRI play
anterior naso-ethmoid (ostiomeatal) region. Alternatively, complementary roles in evaluating sinonasal tract neo-
thin sectionsin one plane with multiplanar reconstructions plasms (Shapiro and Som, 1989; Som et al., 1990).
may be adequate.For practical pu{poses,slice thicknesses However, MRI is the study of choice to directly visualize
of 3-5 mm are often employed. For the evaluation of the the olfactory bulbs, olfactory tracts, and intracranial causes
ostiomeatal complex (the maxillary sinus ostium, of olfactory dysfunction (Klingmuller et aI., 1987; Suzuki
infundibulum, uncinate process, and middle meatus), et a1.,1989;Yousemet al., 1993,1998, 1999a).
3-mm-thick coronal sections are fairly standard unless
three-dimensional(3D) reconstructionsare requested.The D. Nuclear Medicine
quality of the 3D images is improved by utilizing l-mm-
thick sectioning, which is rapidly performed with the new In general, conventional radionuclide imaging plays no
spiral scanners(minutes) and multidetector scanners(sec- significant role in the diagnostic work-up of patients with
onds). Intravenous contrast enhancement is usually suspected sinonasal tract disease (peripheral causes of
reserved for the identification of vascular lesions, tumors, olfactory deficits), except in the caseof cerebrospinalfluid
meningeal or parameningealprocesses,and abscesscav- (CSF) leaks. Functional imaging studies, such as positron
ities (Carter and Runge, 1988). Intrathecal contrastmay be emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission
employed when cerebrospinal fluid leaks accompany the computed tomography (SPECT), are valuable in detecting
olfactory deficits. High-resolution CT is the most useful alterations of regional brain function and biochemistry in
and cost-effective screening tool for the evaluation of vivo (Alavi & Hirsch, 1991;Fowler et al., 1988;Jagustand
sinonasaltract infl ammatory disorders. Eberling, 1991; Jolles et al., 1989, Reman and Mintun,
Medical Imaging of Olfactory Defrcits 595

1990). Recent studieshave suggestedthat functional imag- airflow to the olfactory receptors. Besides the obstructive
ing is more sensitivethan anatomical imaging in detecting effect, lesions located in the upper nasal vault and/or crib-
abnormalities of the brain related to disorders such as riform plate region may also directly damagethe olfactory
Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease-conditions epithelium and olfactory neurons (Kern, 2000). The com-
associated with loss of olfactory function (Jagust and mon peripheral sinonasaltract causesof olfactory deficits
Eberling,1991;Jolleset a1.,1989). include infections, tumors, allergic rhinosinusitis, congen-
ital or developmentalabnormalities, etc.
A. Sinonasal Infectious Disease

Paranasalsinusitis is a relatively common disorder affecting

Since the anatomy and physiology of the olfactory system
approximately 307oof the population at some time in their
is discussedelsewherein this volume (seeChaptersl-9),
lives (Allphin et al., 1991). One of the common symptoms
we only briefly mention this topic here. The sensationof
of acute and chronic paranasalsinusitis is decreasedsmell
smell is induced by the stimulation of olfactory receptor
sensation,which is generally reversible.The prompt diag-
cells by volatile chemicals. The olfactory receptor cells,
nosis and treatment of sinusitis are important for restoring
i.e., the primary olfactory neurons,are encompassedin the
olfactory function. Though the exact causeof chemosensory
neuroepithelium, which is located at the top of the nasal
dysfunction secondaryto sinusitis is elusive, alterationsin
vault, the upper poftion of the nasal septum, the superior
nasal air flow and mucociliary clearanceor obstruction from
surface of the superior nasal turbinate, sectorsof the mid-
secretoryproducts,polyps, or retentioncystsmay contribute
dle turbinate, and the region of the cribriform plate.
to olfactory dysfunction (Loury and Kennedy, 199i).
Afferent information from the receptors is transmitted by
In the diagnosis and evaluation of paranasal sinusitis,
the olfactory nerves, which course through the cribriform
medical imaging plays an important role. At present,high-
plate of the ethmoid bone to terminate in the glomeruli of
resolution CT is the preferred imaging technique,preceded
the olfactory bulb. In the olfactory bulb, the olfactory
by nasal endoscopicexamination. Radiographicmanifesta-
neryes make synaptic contact with dendrites of mitral and
tions of sinusitis have been well documented. In general,
tufted cells. From there, the efferent neurons of the olfac-
air-fluid levels are usually indicative of acute sinusitis,
tory bulb give rise to fibers forming the olfactory tracts,
whereas mucoperiosteal thickening or sinus opacification
which lie just under the gyrus rectus region in the olfactory
can be seen in acute and chronic disease.Polyps, mucous
sulcus of the frontal lobes. Axons from mitral and tufted
retention cysts, sinus expansion, and bony thickening of
cells project to central brain limbic system components
the walls of the sinus might also indicate chronicity of dis-
including the pyriform cortex and adjacent corticomedial
ease. CT is an excellent modality for the evaluation of
amygdala (which together form the uncus), the ventral
bony abnormalities, such as osteitis or remodeling. seenin
striatum, the parahippocampusarea,and the anterior olfac-
some inflammatory lesions. CT also will identify the
tory nuclei. From these areas there are widespread inter-
infundibulum, the maxillary sinus ostium, the middle mea-
connections with many parts of the brain, including the
tus, the uncinate process, and the individual ethmoid air
mediodorsal thalamus, hypothalamus, orbitofrontal and
cells that make up the ostiomeatal complex. This will help
dorsolateral frontal cortex, temporal cortex, and other
the functional endoscopic sinus surgeon in his ability to
areasof the limbic system (seeChapters 8 and 9).
plan effective surgery to restore normal mucociliary clear-
ance. On the other hand, MRI is also highly sensitive for
IV. PERIPHERAL CAUSES OFOLFACTORY detecting mucosal thickening and other soft tissue abnor-
DISTURBANCE malities (Shapiroand Som, 1989).By and large, inflamed
mucosais usually high in signal intensity on T2-weighted
Sinonasal tract disease is one of the common causes of MR imagesand low in intensityon T1-weightedscans.The
olfactory disturbance (Deems et al., I99l; Doty and signal intensity of the sinus secretionswill vary with the
Mishra, 2001). The etiology of the olfactory deficits concentrafion of protein within the sinus (Barat, 1990;
among patients with nasal and paranasal sinus diseaseis Drutman et al. 1991; Shapiroand Som, 1989).
due, in many cases,to nasal airway obstruction. The influ-
ence of nasal obstruction on olfaction has been compre- B. Tirmors of the Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses
hensivelyreviewed (e.g., Doty and Frye, l9B9; Doty and
Mirshra, 2001) (see also Chapter 2l). Any cause of bilat- Neoplasmsof the sinonasaltract are uncommon. Malignant
eral obstruction can decreasesmell sensationsby limiting tumors ofthe nasalcavity and paranasalsinusesaccountfor
596 Li et al.

only 0.2-0.87o of all human malignancies(Som, 1991). A recently described imaging finding characteristic
Early symptoms of sinonasal tract tumors, such as nasal of olfactory neuroblastomasis the presenceof peripheral
discharge,unilateral nasal obstruction, and minor intermit- peritumoral cysts along the intracranial portion of the
tent epistaxis, may simulate low-grade chronic infection. tumor. If stippled calcifications are also seen on CT, the
Subsequentsymptoms depend on the tumor's location and diagnosisis assured.
pattern of growth. Neoplasms arising in the upper nasal
cavity and extending through the cribriform plate or into
2. Inverted Papillomas and Other SinonasalTumors
the ethmoid sinuses are often accompanied by frontal
headache,visual disturbances,and decreasedsmell sensa- The inverted papilloma is a relatively rare and locally
tion. Almost all sinonasaltract tumors and tumor-like con- aggressivesinonasal tumor. It constitutes 0.547o of pri-
ditions that grow to a large size may cause a decline in mary nasal tumors and occurs predominantly in males in
olfactory acuity by interfering with patencyof the nasal air- the fifth and sixth decadesof life (Phillips et al., 1990).
way or directly destroyingthe olfactory receptors.The most The most common presenting symptoms are nasal
common malignancies of the sinonasal system are squa- obstruction,epistaxis,and hyposmia.Subsequentsinusitis
mous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma,but lymphoma, and tumor extension into the sinusesand orbits can cause
melanoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, and chondrosarco- purulent nasal discharge,pain, and diplopia (Som, 1991).
mas also populate the nasal cavity. Two examplesof intrin- Radiographic findings of inverted papilloma can vary
sic sinonasaltract tumors relatively unique to the sinuses from a small nasal polypoid nodule to an expansile large
(the olfactory neuroblastomaand the inverted papilloma, mass, which may remodel the nasal vault and extend into
both of which often causehyposmia or anosmia)may serve the sinuses.orbits. or even the anterior skull base. CT and
as prototypes for massesin this region. MRI are very useful in defining the location and extension
of the tumor (Buchwald et al., 1990;Yousemet al., 1992)
(Fig. 1.). Calcification is not uncommon in this tumor.
1. OlfactoryNeuroblastoma
Other sinonasaltract tumors, such as squamouscell car-
Olfactory neuroblastoma, or esthesioneuroblastoma,is a cinoma, adenocarcinoma,melanoma, etc., can also cause
rare nasal tumor originating from the olfactory neuroepi- hyposmia or anosmia during their late stage. Squamous
thelium lining the roof of the nasal vault and in close prox- cell carcinoma accountsfor 8O7oof paranasalsinus malig-
imity to the cribriform plate. There have been less than nances,is most commonly seenin the maxillary sinus, and
300 reported casesin the world literature. Olfactory neu- usually demonstratesbone destruction at the time of pre-
roblastomasoccur in all age groups with a peak incidence sentation.Adenocarcinomas occur most frequently in the
in the 11-20 and 51-60 year groups. There is a slight pre- ethmoid sinus while melanomais usually seenintranasally.
ponderance of the tumor in women. The incidence of Additional benign neoplasms known to affect the
olfactory neuroblastomahas been estimated to range from sinonasalcavity include osteomas,enchondromas,schwan-
2 to 3Eoof all malignant inffanasal neoplasms.The most nomas, and juvenile angiofibromas. Osteomasare usually
common symptoms are unilateral nasal obstruction and identified in the frontal sinus and may be a sourcefor recur-
recurrent epistaxis. Hyposmia or rhinorrhea is not rent headacheand/or recurrent sinusitis. The classic story
unusual. Extension into the orbit, paranasal sinuses, or of a frontal sinus osteomanarrowing the sinus opening is a
anterior cranial fossa may cause vision disturbances and patient who has severesinus pain associatedwith takeoffs
headache(Elkon et a1.,1979;Li et al., 1993;Newhill et al., from airplane flights. This is a benign mass,which is often
1985). In the detection and staging of olfactory neuroblas- completely invisible on MRI due to the presenceof dense
toma, CT and/or MRI play an important role. Generally compact bone making up the mass.On the other hand, it is
speaking, MRI is more accurate than CT in showing the easily identified on CT as a markedly hyperdense bony
tumor's intracranial extent. MRI is also exquisitely useful mass protruding in the sinus. Occasionally, the osteoma
for differentiating neoplasm from postobstructed secre- will result in mucocele formation and./orpneumocephalus
tions because of the difference in the signal intensity as the posterior wall of the frontal sinus is breached.
(secretions are bright on T2, tumor intermediate). Enchondromas are less common neoplasms of the
Unfortunately, signal intensity characteristics of various sinonasalcavity which, on CT, often have a popcorn calci-
sinonasal tract tumors overlap each other, so MRI cannot fication appearancedifferent from the stippled calcifica-
usually predict specific tumor histology. However juvenile tion of inverted papillomas. This lesion, because of its
angiofibroma can usually be distinguished from other characteristiccalcification, is best evaluatedwith CT.
tumors on the basis of its high vascularity and marked Schwannomas of the fifth cranial nerve are the most
enhancement. common to affect the sinonasal cavity. They will typically
Medical Imaging of Olfactory Deficits 597

Figure 1 A 40-year-old woman with 3-month history of decreasingsmell sensationand left nasal obstruction. (A) Bone-targetedcoro-
nal CT shows an expanded opacified left nasal cavity with bowing of the lateral nasal wall (arrows) and opacification of the left maxil-
lary and both sphenoid sinuses. (B) Axial contrast-enhancedCT scan shows erosion through the left lamina papyracea (arrow) with
displacement of the medial rectus and globe laterally. The differentation between tumor and obstructed secretionsis not readily apparent
with CT. Histological diagnosis: nasal cavity carcinoma arising within a dysplastic inverted papilloma.

follow the course of the nerve and can expand skull base intraorbital spread. One of the advantagesof MRI is the
foramina through which they travel. The signal intensity of ability to distinguish sinus neoplasm from postobstructive
schwannomas varies according to the content of the dense secretions. This may be difficult by CT if the sectetions are
Antoni A tissue or loose Antoni B tissue, the latter being isodense to the mass and if the malignancy does not
brighter on T2W scans. Schwannomas enhance avidly, enhance dramatically. If one was forced to study the
although they may have inhomogeneity to the enhancement. patient with a single modality, the literature supportsMRI
Finally, one has the juvenile angiofibroma, a fascinating as the best study for the staging of sinonasalmalignancies
benign neoplasm, which appearsto arise in the region of (Hunink et al., 1990; Kraus et al.,1992; Paling et al.,1987;
the sphenopalatine foramen and/or the pterygopalatine Sissonet al.. 1989).
fossa The lesion accounts for O.5Voof head and neck Som et al. (1991) noted that squamouscell carcinoma
massesand is typically seenin adolescentmales who pre- (low in T2 intensity) could be distinguished from inflam-
sent with epistaxis and/or a nasal mass (Mehra, 1989). The mation (high in T2 intensity). They compared CT to MRI
lesion is highly vascular as exemplified on MRI by the sig- for mapping sinonasal tumors. They found that MRI and
nal flow voids within the lesion and its marked contrast CT were equivalent in 23 of 53 patients in defining tumor
enhancement.Becauseof its propensity for spreading via extent and that MRI was superior to CT in 26 patients. Of
the canals and foramina at the skull base,MRI is probably the 4 casesin which CT was superior, subtle bony erosion
the study of choice for the evaluation of this neoplasm. (2) andosteo(1)-cartilaginous(1) lesionsaccountedfor the
Embolization of these lesions will assist the surseon in "misses" on MRI. Of 60 inflammatory lesions, MRI was
limiting blood loss if resection is considered. superior (Bonte et al., 1993) or equivalent (Everall et al.,
1991) to CT in all cases.Inflammation (bright) and neo-
plasm (intermediate) could be distinguished in 95Vo of
3. Malignant Neoplasms
casesbased on T2W signal intensity. Even when the sinus
CT and MRI probably play complementary roles in the secretionsbecome increasingly inspissatedand the signal
evaluation of sinonasal malignancies because of CT's intensity on T2W scansdecreases,the neoplasmcan be dis-
superiority in defining bony margins and MRI's superior tinguished from the obstructed secretions by its typical
soft tissue resolution and ability to define intracranial or heterogeneity as opposed to the smooth homogenous
598 Li et al.

appearanceof sinus secretions. This is also true in the squamous cell carcinoma signal intensity characteristics
casesof mucoceles, which may occur after or in associa- on MRI, the lesion is characterizedby a low signal inten-
tion with sinus neoplasms.Additionally, MRI has shown sity on T2W scans. This is why differentiation with
that most squamouscell carcinomas of the sinonasalcav- obstructed secretionswhich are typically bright in signal
ity enhancewith gadolinium in a solid fashion as opposed intensity on T2W scansis so easy on MRI.
to a peripheral rim of enhancement in sinus secretions Becauseof Som et al.'s early work depicting sinonasal
and/or mucoceles.Unfortunately, lymphomas, undifferen- malignancies as hypointense on T2W scans, people have
tiated carcinomas, inverted papillomas, and some sarco- come to rely on this pulse sequencefor mapping cancers
mas may have identical signal intensity and enhancement (Som et al., 1990). Unfortunately, low intensity on T2W
characteristicsas squamouscell carcinoma. scansis an inconstant finding in sinonasalmalignancies in
Gadolinium is particularly useful for demonstrating general. Hunick et al. found that over 50%oof head and
epidural or meningeal invasion of neoplasms.Often, post- neck malignancies had signal intensity on T2W scansthat
contrast scans must be combined with fat suppression was brighter than muscle and isointense to brain (Hunink
techniques in order to identify enhancement amidst the et al., 1990).Approximately 25Voof benign tumors had the
abundantskull basefat. In one series,'l57o of patients with same intensity pattern. Lanzieri et al. (1991) also reported
intracranial extension of sinonasalmalignancies had addi- that the signal intensities of tumors, mucoceles, schwan-
tional information about tumor extent demonstratedwith nomas, and obstructedsecretionsmay show some overlap.
postcontrastMRI studies (van Tassel et al., l99l). Som et al. (1991) have found that minor salivary gland
Subtraction MRI of pregadolinium scans from post- massesand schwannomasmay have T2W signal intensity
gadolinium scans may improve visibility of such subtle similar to that of inflammatory lesions. Minor salivary
enhancement(Lloyd and Barker, 1991). It should be noted gland tumors and melanoma are the next most common
that meningeal enhancementneed not necessarily imply malignancies to affect the sinonasalcavity after squamous
neoplastic invasion; just as in cases of meningioma, the cell carcinoma(van Tasselet al., 1991).The minor salivary
dura may enhance because of reactive fibrovascular gland tumors representa wide variety of histological types
changesalone. including adenoid cystic carcinoma, mucoepidermoid car-
When one encountersa sinonasal mass that is eroding cinoma, adenocarcinoma,and undifferentiated carcinoma.
intracranially, one must consider carcinoma,olfactory neu- Of these tumors, adenoid cystic carcinoma is the most
roblastoma, sarcomas,lymphomas, sinonasalpolyposis, common variety. Its signal intensity may be high or low on
and inverted papillomas. Twelve percent of patients with T2W scans, possibly related to the degree of tubular or
polyposis and mucoceles eventually erode the skull base cribriform histological pattern as well as cystic spaces,
(Som et al., l99l). The pattern of bone destruction may be necrosis, and tumor cell density. Tissue specificity is not
similar between malignant and benign lesions at the readily achievablewith MRI or CT. Gadolinium is of par-
non-sinus bearing skull base. Bone remodeling in this ticular use with adenoid cystic carcinomas, which have a
location is a rarity; a permeativepattern is the norm for all propensity for perineural spread(Graamansand Slootweg,
lesions.Som et al. (1988)have suggestedthat a lesionwith 1989). With sinonasal cavity malignancies one should
homogeneous signal intensity invading intracranially is always attempt to trace back the branchesof the fifth cra-
more likely to be a malignancy, whereas heterogeneity nial nerve via the pterygopalatine fossa, foramen rotun-
suggestsan inflammatory cause. Unfortunately, necrosis, dum, foramen ovale, and orbital fissures in order to
hemorrhage,or calcification in carcinomas,olfactory neu- identify perineural neoplastic spread.
roblastomas,or sarcomasmay cause signal heterogeneity. Adenocarcinomas of the paranasal sinuses have a
Polyps generally enhancein a peripheral pattern; true neo- predilection for the ethmoid sinusesand appearmore com-
plasms enhance solidly. Malignancies have a broad flat monly in woodworkers. This tumor also tends to have low
base of skull erosion; benign conditions have a rounded signal intensity on T2W MRI images but may have high
polypoid intracranial excrescence. signal intensity in a small percentageof cases.
Squamous cell carcinomas account for 807o of Sarcomas of the sinonasal cavities are very rare, with
the malignanciesto affect the paranasalsinusesand807oin chondrosarcomabeing the most common. Again, the his-
the maxillary sinus. The hallmark of malignancies of the tological diagnosis is probably better suggested by CT
sinonasalcavity is bony destruction, seenin approximately based on the characteristic whorls of calcification.
80Voof CT scansof sinonasalsquamouscells carcinoma at However, for staging, MRI is competitive with CT, and,
initial presentation.The lesion is confined to the maxillary particularly if repeat examinations are going to be
antrum in only 25Vo of cases at presentation (Lyons and required, follow-up with MRI to avoid the radiation expo-
Donald, 1991). In most series documentins sinonasal sure of CT is recommended.
Medicat Imaging of Olfactory Deficits 599

Melanoma is a tumor that is usually identified in the odorant to the olfactory receptor area. The senseof smell
nasal cavity as opposed to the paranasalsinuses.It has is probably less than normal in many patients with cranio-
been associatedwith melanosis in which there is field facial anomalies (Crysdale, 1981). Congenital develop-
deposition of melanin along the mucosal surface of the mental abnormalities include choanal atresia, hereditary
sinonasal cavity. Therefore, multiplicity of lesions nasal septal deviation, facial hypoplasia, cleft palate, nasal
becomes a problem when dealing with melanomas' dermoids and epidermoids,cephaloceles,and gliomas, etc.
Neither CT nor MRI is particularly helpful in identifying Medical imaging techniques, especially high-resolution
the field "cancerization" of melanoma.When melanoma CT, play a key role to detect and evaluate the facial and
contains melanin there is paramagnetismwhich causes bony changes(Barkovich et a1.,7991; Klein et a1.,1987).
T1 and T2 shortening accounting for high signal intensity CT is most useful because surgical correction requires
on T1W scans and low signal intensity on T2W scans identification of and closure of the osseousabnormalities.
(Atlas et a1., 1990). However, an amelanotic melanoma MRI is most effective in defining soft tissue massessuch
may have bright signal intensity on T2W scans.The pres- as cephalocelesand nasal gliomas.
ence of hemorrhage associatedwith the melanoma, a Congenital anosmia can be associatedwith a number of
common occuruencebecauseof the coincidenceof epis- developmental and inflammatory conditions. Kallmann's
taxis, may further obfuscate the signal intensity pattern syndrome, also known as hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
( Y o u s e me t a l . . 1 9 9 6 c ) . with anosmia, is a congenital X-linked disorder in which the
Lymphoma does occur in the paranasalsinusesand may olfactory bulbs and tracts are not formed. This is not associ-
have variable signal intensity as well. It is characterizedby ated with holoprosencephaly, and the usual deficits are
homogeneous signal intensity without necrosis and the related to hormonal abnormalities in the pituitary gland with
associationwith cervical lymphadenopathy. the loss of senseof smell. Infertility often coexists.In 1993,
Metastatic diseaseto the paranasalsinusesis extremely an MR study of the olfactory system in Kallmann's disease
rare. Of the primary causesof metastasesto the sinuses, showedabsenceofthe olfactory bulbs and tracts in 17 of 18
renal cell carcinoma is probably the most common. This patients while confirming the presenceof the olfactory bulbs
tumor also has a propensity for hemorrhageand may also and tracts in all 10 studied patients with idiopathic hypo-
have a variable signal intensity depending upon the stage gonadotropichypogonadism(Yousem et al., 1993, 1996a).
of hemorrhage. Some patients have absenceof the olfactory bulbs and tracts
without Kallmann's syndrome. It is unclear whether this rep-
C. Allergic Reactions resentscongenital absenceor whether an inflammatory con-
dition early in infancy destroys the olfactory bulbs and tracts.
Allergic rhinitis is a common upper airway condition Certain viruses have a propenslty for injuring the olfactory
affecting about 30 million Americans with peak prevalence system.A recent study has noted the incomplete formation of
in the age group from 35-54 years (Baroody and Naclerio, olfactory sulci in patients with congenital anosmia as well as
1991). Hyposmia or anosmia is common with allergic a variable percentage of aplastic olfactory bulbs, ffacts, and
rhinitis, mainly caused by nasal obstruction by polyps or tubercles (Di Rienzo et al., 2002). Still others may have con-
inflamed mucosa, which limit accessof inspired air to the genital absenceof senseof smell on the basis of early head
roof of the nasal vault (Cowart et al., 1993). The diagnos- trauma where the ciliary nerves as they crossedthe cribiform
tic work-up begins with a careful history, which attempts plate may be sheared and the olfactory system is affected.
to identify offending allergens. Skin testing of specific Infectious causesmay also affect the senseof smell in early
antigens is often used to confirm the diagnosis. Medical childhood, usually secondarilyto viruses.In thesecasesone
imaging studies play a supplementaryrole in the evalua- seesthe olfactory bulbs and tracts; but they are not functional.
tion of sinonasal airway status and differential diagnosis. Holoprosencephaly is a congenital, multiple midline
CT and MRI are also important for detecting any compli- malformation disorder that has a known association with
cations such as sinusitis, mucoceles,and aggressivepolyps sensorydeficits of vision and olfaction. Although variable
in patients with allergic rhinitis. Rounded excrescences amounts of aplasia and hypoplasia of the olfactory appura-
and enlargementof ostia are seenin the airway of patients tus may be identified, the most common MR finding is
with polyposis. complete absenceof the olfactory bulbs, occurring in 92Vo
of patients. A high association with absenceof the olfac-
D. Congenital or Developmental Abnormalities tory nerves and tuberclesis also seen.There does appearto
be some, albeit poor, differentiation of the olfactory sulci
It is generally acceptedthat normal variations in the nasal and gyri recti, which were absentonly in a little over half
anatomy may play a role in preventing the access of an of the subjects (Barkovich and Quint, 1993).
600 Li et al.

E. Other Peripheral Causes measure to assessnaso-ethmoid trauma (Daly et al.,

It is estimated that 30 million Americans have used
cocaine and 5 million use it regularly (Gregler and Mark,
1986). Intranasaluse of cocaine and heroin has reached V. CENTRAL CAUSES OFOLFACTORY
epidemic proportions in the United States. Although DISEASES
hyposmia or anosmia has been suggestedto occur often
in cocaine abusers, few studies using quantitative mea- There are numerous CNS disorders that are associated
sures of olfactory function have confirmed such reports. with olfactory dysfunction. The most common types fall in
A sole study on this topic reported that of I I cocaine the categoriesof degenerativeneuropsychiatric disorders,
abusers who underwent detailed olfactory testing, only hereditary conditions, trauma, and central neoplasms. Of
one was found to be anosmic and another had mild olfac- course, in some disorders the involvement of both periph-
tory discrimination dysfunction (Gordon et al., 1990). eral and central neural processesmay occur.
These authors note that most cocaine abusers do not
develop permanent olfactory dysfunction. If, in fact, A. Alzheimer's Disease
olfactory disturbance occurs as a result of heavy cocaine
use, it could be due to associatedconductive disorders, It has been well documentedthat olfaction is significantly
nasal airway obstruction, alteration in sinonasal aerody- altered in Alzheimer's (AD). Nearly all studiesof olfactory
namics, damage to the olfactory epithelium, damage to function in patients with AD have reported decreasedsmell
the central olfactory system, or osteolysis of the cribri- relative to age-matchedcontrols (see Chapter 23). These
form plate (Kuriloff, 1989). studies demonstratemarked impairment of smell function
Concerning the conductive disorders, severalreports of in early AD, whether measuredby identification, discrim-
osteolytic sinusitis and extensiveosteocartilaginousnecro- ination, or threshold sensitivity (Doty, 1991; Doty et al.,
sis of the nasal septum in cocaine abusers have been 1987;Serbyet al., 1991).
described (Newman, 1988; Schweitzer, 1986\. Erosion of Recent neuropathological studies have correlated well
nasal septal cartilage is a known complication of cocaine with these clinical f,rndings.The anterior olfactory nuclei
abuse. Within the differential diagnosis for cartilaginous in AD patients contain senile plaques, neurofibrillary tan-
destruction, one should include Wegener'sgranulomatosis, gles, granulovascular degeneration, and cell loss
syphilis, leprosy, lymphoma, rhinoscleroma (a klebsiella (Averback, 1983; Esiri and Wilcock, 1984). The olfactory
infection), and fungal invasion. CT, preferably in the coro- bulbs also show involvement (Esiri and Wilcock, 1984:
nal plane, can provide excellent views of septal perfora- Ohm and Braak, 1987), as does nasal sensory epithelium
tion, osteolysis, and sinusitis. (Jafek et al., 1992). In addition, central olfactory struc-
To evaluate intracranial disorders associated with tures, especially the amygdala and the entorhinal, pyri-
cocaine, MRI is the study of choice. Vasculitic infarcts, form, and temporal cortices, are frequently affected by
hypertensivehemorrhages,and white matter ischemic foci Alzheimer's disease(Harrison, 1986; Pearsonand Powell,
may be seen with MRI. Recently Tumeth and colleagues 1989). Besides the above findings, devastating nerve cell
demonstrated multifocal cortical deficits with a special loss and gliosis in the region of the hippocampal formation
predilection for the frontal and temporal lobes on SPECT have been observed at autopsy in AD patients (Ball et al.,
perfusion brain scansin chronic cocaine abusers(Tumeth 1985;Hyman et al., 1984).
et al., 1990). Similar findings have been reported by others Neuroimaging has played an important role in detecting
(Holman et al., l99l1, Kolow et al., 1988). These findings some of the pathological changesof AD patients in vivo,
may suggest a central basis for some cases of cocaine- and its uses are growing, both for clinical evaluation and as
related decreased olfaction. Some studies also have a researchtool. Early CT studies in AD patients demon-
revealed that cerebral atrophy developsin chronic cocaine strated generalized enlargement of the ventricular system
abusersandthat the severity correlateswith the duration of and sulci (George et al, 1981; Naser et a1., 1980). Several
abuse(Pascual-Leoneet al., 1991). reports have noted that ventricular and sulcal enlargement
Anosmia or hyposmia is a frequent sequelaof high- correlatewith the severityof AD (Albert et al., 1984;George
level midface fractures in which the olfactory nerves et al., 1983). However, these findings are not specihc and
may be severed at the level of the cribriform plate have relatively weak conelations. de Leon and colleagues
(Kassel, 1988; Mathog, 1992). Because ethmoid com- (1989) have emphasizedthe rate of change in ventricular
plex and cribriform plate fractures are difficult to detect size with repeatedCT scansas an important index in the
on plain radiographs,thin-section coronal CT is the best diagnosisof AD. Recently,severalinvestigatorshave recog-
Medical Imaging of Olfactory Deficits 601

nized that CT andlor MRI delineation of atrophic changesin regional oxygen, and glucose metabolism, which may pro-
the temporal lobe and the hippocampus with enlargement of vide evidence supportive of the diagnosis of AD (Jagust
hippocampal-choroidalfissuresstrongly supportthe diagno- and Eberling, l99l). The above-mentioned structural
sis of AD (de Leon et al., 1988;Georgeet al., 1990;Kesslak atrophic changes by CT and MRI are also supported by
et a1.,7991;Kido et al., 1989). functional imaging studies (McDonald et al., 1991;
McDonald and colleagues(1991) reviewedMRI scansin Ohnishi et al., 1991). The major findings of functioning
22 patients with early-onset AD. The results showed that imaging studies in patients with AD are abnormal regional
patients with AD were significantly more likely than age- cerebral blood flow pattern and flow reduction. The com-
matched controls to have MR evidence of periventriculm mon sites of blood flow reduction are in the temporopari-
hyperintensities on T2W scans.This study suggestedthat the etal region and the frontal areas.In one report (Bonte et al,
increased frequency of periventricular hyperintensities may 1993), sevenpatients with possible diagnosis of AD stud-
have a relationship to the diseaseprocess.Our own experi- ied by SPECT showed only frontal flow abnormalities. Is
ence with MRI studies of AD patients is that most of the this an early imaging finding which may suggesta patho-
cases with AD have, in addition to ventriculomegaly and physiologic basis to explain the decreasingsmell sensation
sulcal widening, significantly reducedvolume of the tempo- in AD? Of course,more studies are neededfor further dis-
ral lobe and slight atrophy ofolfactory bulbs. (Fig. 2). covering the nature of AD. We believe that early and cor-
Besides CT and MRI, SPECT and PET techniques are rect diagnosis of AD in vivo by neuroimaging techniques
also useful for evaluating regional cerebral blood flow, will be possible in the near future.
There is a dose-related association between apolipopro-
tein E-4 (APOE-4) allelic frequency and the development
of AD (APOE-2 may confer protection)' Recent studies
have shown a decline in resting parietal, temporal' and pre-
frontal PET glucose metabolism in cognitively intact
patients with APOE-4. It remains to be seen whether this,
and/oran analogousfMRI study, may serve to be a predic-
tor of development of AD.
Recently some investigators have used dynamic con-
trast susceptibility contrast imaging MR to try to duplicate
the nuclear medicine flow studies.Indeed they have found
that relative values of temporoparietal regional cerebral
blood volume (as a percentageof cerebellar CBV) were
reduced by a factor of 2OVobilaterally in the patients with
Alzheimer disease compared to normals. Using left and
right temporoparietal rCBV as index measures,specificity
was 96Voand sensitivity was 95Vain moderately AD and
88/o in mild AD (Hanis, 1998).

B. Parkinson's Disease

Odor detection and identification are significantly

impaired in Parkinson's disease(PD) patients (Doty et al.,
1988, 1995; Montgomery et al., 2000) (see Chapter 23). It
is unclear whether the olfactory dehcits in PD and AD
share the sarne cause. Not surprisingly, PD research into
the causeof smell dysfunction has focused on dopaminer-
Figure 2 A 60-year-old woman with Alzheimer's disease.
gic changes.Brooks and colleagues (1991) have demon-
UPSIT scores revealed severe bilateral anosmia. (A) Normal
strated by using PET that patients with PD show
olfactory bulbs are seen (arrows) on coronal MR. Dilation of the
olfactory sulci (arrowheads) reflects generalized atrophy. (B)
significantly reduced mean uptake of l8F-dopa in the cau-
Coronal MR scan through the temporal lobes shows temporal date and putamen, especially in the posterior part of the
horn enlargement and atrophic changes, slightly worse on the putamen. Previous functional imaging studies have also
rieht side. indicated a reduction of striatal dopamine storage in PD.
Li et al.
PET technique with l8F-dopa in pD patienrs has also olfactory dysfunction, but the exact mechanismfor hypos-
demonstrated reduced basal ganglia activity (Alavi and mia in HD patients remains to be worked out.
Hirsch, 1991). However, the olfactory deficit is unrelated
to severity of motor or cognitive symptoms and is not D. Korsakoff'sPsychosis
improved by l-dopa therapy (Doty et al., 1992), so the
underlying causes of olfactory dysfunction in pD still Patientswith Korsakoff's psychosis (Kp) exhibit impaired
requires more study. odor detection, identification, and intensity estimation
CT scanning has little role in establishingthe diagnosis (Joneset a1.,1975; Mair et al., 1986).An animal model
of PD other than to exclude mass lesions in the brain. In study has shown that the behavior of rats recovedng from
general, CT shows no specific striatal abnormalities and pyrithiamine-induced thiamine deficiency share several
occasionally only mild, nonspecific ventricular and sulcal important features with KP patients, including the impair-
enlargement.The major feature of pD on MRI appearsto ments observed for smell, hearing, learning, and memory
be a trend towards a decreasedwidth of the pars compacta (Mair et al., 1991). The mechanism of hyposia and/or
of the substantianigra (Braffman et al, 1989). There is a dysosmia in patients with KP is unclear and still under
lateral to medial gradient of loss of the normal signal of the investigation. Olfactory perception may be selectively
pars compacta as well as volume loss. Moderate or marked impaired in KP by the diencephalonlesions that are char-
cortical atrophy tends to occur more frequently in pD acteristic of this disease.Degenerationin the mediodorsal
patients than in controls. MRI may occasionally show thalamic nucleus (the common neuropathologicallesion in
abnormal decreasedT2W intensity in the putamen and to a KP) and atrophy in the prefrontal areasmay also causethe
lesser degree in the caudate nuclei and substantia nigra, olfactory dysfunction (Mair et al., 1986).
suggestiveof iron deposition (Drayer et al, 1986). A quantitative neuropathological study of the human
cerebral cortex has shown that the number ofcortical neu-
C. Huntington'sDisease rons in the superior frontal lobe in chronic alcoholic
patients is significantly reduced (Happer et al., 1987).
Patients with Huntington's disease (HD) evidence olfac- Chronic alcoholism is also associatedwith smaller vol-
tory dysfunction (Doty, 1991; Moberg et al., 1987). umes of cortical white and gray matter relative to controls
Neuropathological studies in HD have demonstratedpre- (Pfefferbaum et a1.,1995). Traditional neuropsychological
mature neuronal cell death and reactive gliosis occurring tests and functional imaging studies have also demon-
most markedly in the head of the caudatenuclei bilaterally strateddisturbancesof frontal-lobe function and metabolic
(Myers et al., 1991; Vonsattel et al., 1985). A loss of deficits in patients with KP (Joyce and Robbins, l99l;
1A-807o of the striatal neurons may occur before func- Kopelman, 1991;Metter et al., 1989).
tional impairment is obvious. Similar but less extensive Brain CT scans have demonstrated that KP patients
changesalso affect the putamen.Later, atrophy of the cere- show more pronouncedthird and lateral ventricular dilata-
bral cortex occurs as well. All of theseprogressiveatrophic tion and wider interhemispheric fissures than matched
changescan be identified on CT and MRI scans,especially groups of normal controls and non-Korsakoff alcoholics
in the caudate nuclei, where the volume of the caudate (Jacobsonand Lishman, 1990; Ron, 1983; Ron et al.,
head decreases and the intercaudate distance increases 1982). Shrinkage in the frontal lobes and cerebellum
(Simmons et al., 1986; Starksteinet a1.,1989). Increased appears to be especially pronounced (Jacobson and
signal intensity in the putamen and globus pallidus has Lishman, 1990).A MRI study (Jerniganet al., 1991) has
been described in the juvenile form of Huntington's dis- revealedthat patients with KP show widespreadreductions
ease,and frontal atrophy is usually present. in gray matter volumes in addition to CSF increases,with
PET studies of patients with HD have consistently the greatestreductionsobservedin diencephalic structures.
demonstratedhypometabolism in the caudatenuclei, often The volume losses that best differentiate the KP patients
before the development of atrophy on CT (Hayden et al., from the alcoholic controls included lossesin anterior por-
1986). SPECT studies involving HD patients have also tions of the diencephalon,mesial temporal lobe structures,
revealed decreaseduptake in the caudatenuclei, including and orbitofrontal cortices (areasinvolved in olfaction per-
the caudatesof one patient with early diseaseand no evi- ception). Several other studies (Donnal et al., 1990;
dence of atrophy on MRI (Nagel et al., 1988; Reid et al., Gallucci et al., 1990; Squire et al., 1990;Victor, i990) have
1988). Thus, functional imaging with PET or SpECT may also demonstratedthat MRI is highly sensitivein detecting
contribute to the early diagnosis of HD. reversible diencephalon (medial thalamic) and mesen-
Theoretically, the input of caudate/putaminalfibers to cephalic (periaqueductal) lesions. In addition to general-
the limbic system and striatum may be altered, leading to ized cortical and cerebellar vermian atrophy seen on CT
Medical Imaging of Olfactory Deficits 603

and MR, recent reports have noted the presenceof high evaluatedthe volume of the temporal lobes in schizophre-
signal intensity areasin the periaqueductalgray matter of nias by a quantitative MRI study. The results showed that
the midbrain (40Vo),the paraventricular thalamic regions the volume of temporal lobe gray matter was 20Vosmaller
(46Vo),the mamillothalamic tract, and in tissue surround- in the patients than in the control subjects,and lateral ven-
ing the third ventricle on T2W MR scans (T2WI). tricular volume was 677olarger in the schizophreniagroup
Reversible thalamic lesions in the dorsal medial nuclei than in the control group. Schizophrenic patients tend to
have also been reported. These areas may or may not have smaller hippocampi that matched controls. schizo-
enhance(in some casesthe enhancementmay be dramatic, phrenias are also reported to have cavum septum pellu-
almost sarcoid-like) and may be associatedwith mamillary cidum more frequently than controls. In a recent study,
body atrophy. Mamillary body enhancementmay be the Turetsky et al. (2000) reported that patients with schizo-
sole manifestation of Wernicke's encephalopathy.Myelin phrenia exhibited 23%o smaller olfactory bulb volume
degeneration, mamillary body volume loss, intracellular bilaterally than comparison subjectsby a quantitative MRI
edema,and microglial proliferation are seenpathologically study.
(but may be presentin alcoholics without Wernicke's).
MRI findings in patients with KP may enable early E CongenitalAnosmia
diagnosis of the disease,which may have a positive effect
on both treatment and prognosis (Gallucci et al., 1990). Congenital anosmia, which traditionally has been defined
as anosmia present from a patient's earliest recollection,
E. Schizophrenia has been recognizedfor centuries.The most common form
of congenital anosmia is Kallmann's syndrome or olfac-
Impaired olfactory function has been reported in schizo- tory dysplasia, which is characteized by hypo-
phrenics,especially males (seeChapters23 and 24). These gonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia (Kallmann et
olfactory deficits, which are not of the samemagnitude as al., 1944; Lieblich et al., 1982). The incidence of
those seenin AD and PD, are perhapsnot unexpectedgiven Kallmann's syndrome is about 1:100,000 in men and
the occurrenceof olfactory hallucinationsas symptomsin a 1:50,000 in women. There has been increasing interest in
number of patients with schizophrenia and the evidence the pathology, pathophysiology, and genetics of this disor-
linking both to temporal lobe dysfunction (Rausch et al', der. Pathological and surgical studies of patients with
1977; Roberts, 1988). Neuropathologicalstudiesin schizo- Kallmann's syndrome have shown agenesisof the olfac-
phrenic patientshave reported neuronal loss in the entorhi- tory bulbs (DeMorsier and Gauthiet 1963; Males et al.,
nal region and prefrontal cortex, gliosis in the basal limbic 1973). Laboratory findings include decreasedserum folli-
structures of the forebrain, and atrophy in temporolimbic cle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone as well
structures (Benes et al., 1986; Falkai et al., 1988). as decreasedurinary gonadotropins(Lieblich et al., 1982).
Neurophysiological function studies (including regional In medical imaging studies,CT is a limited tool for the
cerebral blood flow, brain electrical activity mapping, and demonstration of sinonasal and intracranial abnormalities
regional metabolic activity in the brain) in patients with in patients with congenital anosmia (Klein et al., 1987;
schizophrenia have demonstrated prefrontal cortex and Moorman et a1., 1984). Surface coil MRI is the optimal
temporal lobe dysfunction (Mesulam, 1990). Functional modality to reveal the intricate details of the olfactory
imaging, such as PET or SPECT, in the study of schizo- bulbs, tracts, and rhinencephalonin vivo. Klingmuller and
phrenia is limited and inconclusive. However, functional colleagues(1987) have clearly demonstratedthe olfactory
imaging has provided some evidence that certain schizo- sulci in a normal control group by MRI, but not in the
phrenic patientshave decreasedblood flow and metabolism patients with olfactory dysplasia. More recently, the
in the frontal lobes (hypofrontality) (Alavi and Hirsch, authorshave studied two caseswith Kallmann's syndrome
r99r). by MRI. Both showed no olfactory bulb at all and flatten-
Anatomical imaging findings have basically paralleled ing of the gyrus recti (Yousem et al, 1993,1996a); frontal
the neuropathological changes in the brains of patients and temporal lobe volumes were normal (Fig. 3).
with schizophrenia. The most consistent finding on both In a mixed population of patents with congenital anos-
CT and MRI is an increase in the size of the cerebral ven- mia, we found olfactory bulb and tract absence(68-847a)
tricular system, especially in the frontal and temporal and hypoplasia (16-327o) in all 25 cases studied. Eight
horns, and corresponding decreasesin cerebral tissue, individuals had Kallmann's syndrome (hypogonadotropic
especially in the prefrontal cortex and in medial lem- hypogonadism with anosmia). Temporal andlor frontal
porolimbic structures (Mesulam, 1990; Suddath et al., lobe volume loss were noted in 5 individuals, mild in all
1989;Young et al., 1991). Suddathand colleagues(1989) but one individual. We concluded that congenital anosmia
Li et al.

G. Head Thauma

Craniofacial trauma can alter olfactory ability through one

of severalmechanisms:(1) damageto the nose,sinuses,or
both with resultant mechanical obstruction to odorants,(2)
shearing of olfactory filaments as they course through the
cribriform plate, (3) contusion to the olfactory bulb. and
(4) contusionor shearinginjury ofthe cerebralcortex.par-
ticularly the frontal and temporal lobes (see Chapter 30).
The incidence of anosmia or hyposmia after head trauma
has been reported quite variably from2 to 38Va,(Deems et
a1., l99l; Doty et al., 1997; Hagan, 1967; Leigh, 1943;
Levin et al., 1985; Schechterand Henkin, 1974; Summer,
1964; Ztsho, 1982) and increases with the severity of
injury (Levin et al., 1985; Summer, 1964). However, even
a minor injury can sometimesresult in anosmia or hypos-
mia (Schechterand Henkin,1974; Summer 1964). Recent
evidence has shown that the location of the hematoma or
contusion of the brain after head trauma is one of the most
important factors leading to olfactory dysfunction
(Costanzoand Zasler, 1991; Doty et al., 1997; Levin et al.,
1985; Yousem et al., 1996b). Specifically, diminished
olfactory discrimination has been confirmed in patients
with prefrontal lesions (Potter and Butters, 1980). Animal
studieshave shown that the prefrontal olfactory areaplays
a prominent role in the fine and specific discrimination of
odors (Tanabe et al., 1975). Besides prefrontal lesions,
temporal lobe structuresare also involved in the odor pro-
cessing of odor perception (Rausch and Serafetinides,
1975; Rauschet a1.,1977). Indeed frontal or temporal lobe
hematomasor contusionsare now believed to be one of the
most common causesof olfactory dysfunction after head
injury (Costanzoand Zaster, 1991; Doty et al., 1997; Levin
et al., 1985;Schellingeret al., 1993;Yousemer al., 1996b)
It has been established that plain skull radiography
plays only a small role in the evaluation of head trauma
(Masters et al., 1987). CT cunently is the study of choice
when diagnostic imaging is necessary after acute head
Figure 3 (A) Coronal 500/20 scan from normal volunteer trauma (Cohen, 1990; Kelly et al., 1988). CT can detecr
(64-year-old woman with normal smell function) demonstrates subarachnoid hemorrhage, fractures, and intraventricular
normal olfactory bulbs (anows). (B) Coronal 500117 scan of blood, lesions for which MRI is less sensitive acutely. CT
27-year-old woman with congenital anosmia without can be performed with close patient monitoring in a rapid
Kallmann's syndrome shows extremely atrophic olfactory fashion. However, MRI is superior to CT in the detection
bulbs (arrows). (C) Coronal 500/14 scan of 29-year-old male and characteization of subacute injuries, hemorrhage
patient with Kallmann's syndrome evidences absence of olfac- outside the subarachnoidspaceas in subdural hematomas,
tory bulbs and tracts with flattened gynrs rectus (arrow) on the cortical contusion, and shearing injuries. MRI is exquis-
right side, but with normal-appearing gyrus rectus on the left
itely sensitive to diffuse axonal injuries leading to
demyelination. MRI is also useful in the follow-up of brain
contusion and/or hemorrhage, thereby eliminating the
or hyposmia appears to be an olfactory bulb tract phenom- radiation exposure associated with CT (Cohen, 1990;
enon rather than a central process (Yousem et a1., 1996a). Zimmerman et al., 1986).
Medical Imaging of Olfactory Deficits 605

tory test scores (Doty et al., 1997b; Yousem et al.,

1996b). Abnormalities on MR in patients with posttrau-
matic olfactory dysfunction occur at a very high rate
(88Vo),predominantly in the olfactory bulbs, tracts, and
inferior frontal lobes. Qualitative and quantitative assess-
ments of damage show little correlation with olfactory
tests probably due to multifocal injury, ciliary nerve dam-
age, and the constraints of small sample size.

H. Brain Tirmors

The incidence of chemosensory changes caused by

intracranial tumors has rarely been investigated.In a study
of 750 consecutivepatients presenting with chemosensory
disorders to the University of Pennsylvania Smell and
Taste Center, only two cases (0.3%) were induced by
brain tumors (Deems et al., 1991). In one study anosmia
was reportedly present in 19 of the 26 cases of Foster-
Kennedy syndrome (retrobulbar optic neuritis, central
scotoma, optic atrophy on the side of the lesion and con-
tralateral papilledema usually occurring in tumors of the
frontal lobe of the brain which press downward) (Jarus
and Feldon, 1982).Bakay (1984) emphasizedthat loss of
smell perception is one of the first signs of olfactory
In general,tumors or other destructivelesions involving
the olfactory bulb, tract, or prefrontal lobe may cause
olfactory deficits. Temporal lobe tumors usually cause
olfactory hallucinations. It is estimatedthat approximately
20% of the tumors of the temporal lobe produce some form
of olfactory disturbance (Furstenberg et al., 1943). The
presence of olfactory deficits correlates more with the
location of tumors than the histology (Fig. 5).

I. AcquiredlmmunodeficiencySyndrome

Figure 4 A 20-year-oldwomanwith posttraumaticanosmia.

Olfactory deficits of patients with human immunodefi-
(A) A smallolfactorytractis seenon the right side(arrow),but
ciency virus (HIV) infection have been reported (Brody
noneis seenon the left. Severeinferior frontal lobe encephalo-
malacia is soon on this coronal TIW MR scan. (B) et al., 1991;Heald et al., 1998).Theseauthorssuggestthat
Encephalomalacia is well seenon the T2W MR scan where impaired olfaction might serve as a marker of early central
hyperintensesignal (S) has replacedthe inferior frontal lobes nervous system HIV involvement. The principal
(wheresmellprocessing occurs). histopathological abnormalities in the brain of acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients are in the
At at our institution, 25 patients with posttraumatic subcortical structures,predominantly in the central white
smell dysfunction were evaluatedby olfactory testing and matter, deep gray structures including the basal ganglia,
MR. Quantitative and qualitative gradings for olfactory the thalamus, and the brain stem (Petito et al., 1986; Price
bulb, tract, subfrontal region, hippocampus, and temporal et al., 1988).Everall et al., (1991) havefound that the neu-
lobe damagecomelatedwith olfactory test results.Twelve ronal numerical density in the frontal cortex is signifi-
patients were anosmic, 8 had severe impairment, and 5 cantly lower in HIV patients than in controls-a loss of
were mildly or impaired. Olfactory bulb and tract (88Vo about38Voof neuronsin the superior frontal gyrus in AIDS
of patients), subfrontal (60Vo), and temporal lobe (32Vo) patients. This may account for the olfactory deficits in
injuries were found but did not coffelate well with olfac- these patients.
606 Li et al.

Therefore, the possibility of peripheral cause of olfactory

deficits in AIDS patients also has to be taken into account
in cerlain cases.

J. Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS), a markedly debilitating

neurological disease,affects millions of Americans in the
prime of their lives. Though the influence of MS on the
sense of smell has long been controversial, recent MRI
studies (Doty et al., 1991, 1999) have demonstratedthat
the olfactory function in patients with MS is closely corre-
lated with the number of demyelinating plaques within
central olfactory processing areas of the brain, as deter-
mined by MRI (Fig. 6, 7). A strong negative relationship
(Spearmanr : -0.94) was found between scores on the
University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test
(UPSIT) and the number of plaques within the inferior
frontal and temporal lobe regions (Doty et al., 1997). A
close associationwas present, longitudinally, between the
remission and exacerbationof plaque numbers and UPSIT
scores,with lower UPSIT scoresocculring during periods
of exacerbation(Doty et al., 1999).

K. Other Central Causes

There are also reports of olfactory dysfunction in

hypochondriasis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, epilepsy,
and migraine (Doty et al., 1991b; Mott and Leopold,
1991).Although the pathogenesisof olfactory dysfunction
in these disorders is still unclear, it appearsthat a central
mechanism is involved, rather than a peripheral one.

Figure 5 Temporallobe massin a 62-year-oldwoman with
olfactoryhallucinations.(A) T2W MR scanrevealsa relatively It is apparentfrom the studiesreviewed in this chapter and
well-definedright temporallobe masswith mild masseffect.(B) the information presented elsewhere in this volume that
Contrast-enhanced T1W MR image showsperipheralenhance- olfactory dysfunction can be due to numerous causes.
ment of the tumor with a satellitenodule laterally.Sulci are Once an olfactory disorder has been recognized, the most
effacedandthe temporalhorn is obliterated. important step in the diagnostic processis to determine the
site of the lesion, i.e., anatomical localization.
Neuroradiological study has found that patients with Unfortunately, cur:rentclinical olfactory testing is unable
HIV infection show widened cortical sulci, enlarged ven- to localize the site of morphological changes(Doty et al.,
tricles, cerebral atrophy, and brain stem atrophy when 1984). Modern medical imaging techniquescan be of great
comparedwith controls(Brun et al., 1986;Elovaaraet al., value in the anatomical classification and localization of
1990;Post et al., 1988).Opportunisticinfectionsand CNS the common causes of olfactory dysfunction (Li et al.,
lymphoma may be superimposal on these changes. The 1994). The most common source of olfactory dysfunction
pathogenesis of the olfactory deficits of AIDS patients is the peripheralpathway (Goodspeedet al., 1987; Mott
needs further investigating but most likely will relate to and Leopold. 1991).In the evaluationofperipheral causes,
diseasein the prefrontal lobe. In addition to CNS changes, the "sinus series"radiographsoffer limited information. At
sinusitis in HlV-infected patients is common and severe. present, high-resolution CT, especially coronal scans, is
Medical Imaging of Olfactory Deficits 607

Figure 7 Axial TzW MRI scansfrom a severelymicrsomic

(UPSIT: 20) 50-year-old manwith an 8-yearhistoryof MS. The
placeof sectionin (A) is 6 mm belowthatof (B). Notethepromi-
Figure 6 A 55-year-oldMS patientwith no significantolfac- nent plaques(10 X 5 mm each)within the posteriorpart of the
tory dysfunction,as measuredby the UPSIT.Axial T2W MRI white matterof the gyrus rectusof the L and R subfrontallobe
scanshowsno obviousplaquesin theinferiorfrontalandtempo- regions(arrowsI and2,respectively), andtherelativelyhighsignal
ral loberegions(A). Numerousplaqueswereidentifiedin supra- intensityplaquesin the subtemporalloberegions(arrows3 and4).
regions( B).
abnormalities of the brain parenchyma revealed by neu-
roimaging studies in patients with AD, KP, or schizophre-
the study of choice to look at the bony sinonasalstructures nia involve central brain areas that contain netrons of
and the ostiomeatal complex. CT can also provide impor- olfactory projections including areasof the prefrontal lobe,
tant information as a road map, which may be neededfor temporal lobe, hippocampus,and thalamus.
surgical treatment. Recent studies have provided a clear physiological
MRI possessesspecial ability in soft tissue discrimina- explanation for decreasedolfactory function in patients
tion and offers multiplanar capabiTities.In the evaluation with MS (Doty et al., 1997, 1998, 1999). Current studies
of the central causesof olfactory disturbances,MRI has a from our laboratory suggest that MS, with its relatively
paramount role. Neuroimaging studies of patients with discrete focal regions of demyelination lesion, may be of
olfactory deficits related to neuropsychiatric problems value in studying brain regions involved in sensory per-
have revealed interesting findings and possibly clues for ception in addition to olfaction.
understandingsome of the links between olfactory deficits It is much more difficult to explain the olfactory dys-
and pathophysiological changes of the brain. The neu- function in PD patients,and presentlyimaging studieshave
roimaging findings of patients with AD, KP, or schizo- been of little use in clarifying this matter. Loss of olfaction
phrenia share some similarities. Thus, almost all of the in these patients may be related to factors with dopamine
608 Li et al.

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