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December 15, 2017– December 14, 2020


ARTICLE I – COVERAGE .................................................................................................................................................... 5

ARTICLE II – UNION SECURITY ..................................................................................................................................... 11
ARTICLE III – DUES DEDUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 12
ARTICLE IV – NON-DISCRIMINATION & AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ......................................................................... 14
ARTICLE V – HIRING ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
ARTICLE VI – INFORMATION......................................................................................................................................... 16
ARTICLE VII – MINIMUM SALARIES ............................................................................................................................ 18
ARTICLE VIII – GENERAL WAGE PROVISIONS .......................................................................................................... 21
ARTICLE IX – HOURS & OVERTIME ............................................................................................................................. 25
ARTICLE X – HOLIDAYS ................................................................................................................................................. 31
ARTICLE XI – VACATIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 34
ARTICLE XII – WELFARE ................................................................................................................................................ 36
ARTICLE XIII – SEVERANCE PAY ................................................................................................................................. 41
ARTICLE XIV – RETIREMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 43
ARTICLE XV – TRANSFER & PROMOTIONS................................................................................................................ 45
ARTICLE XVI – EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ................................................................................................................. 51
ARTICLE XVII – GRIEVANCE & ARBITRATION ......................................................................................................... 60
ARTICLE XVIII – MILITARY SERVICE .......................................................................................................................... 63
ARTICLE XIX – LEAVES OF ABSENCE ......................................................................................................................... 65
ARTICLE XX – EXPENSES & EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................... 67
ARTICLE XXI – MISCELLANEOUS ................................................................................................................................ 68
ARTICLE XXII - DURATION & RENEWAL.................................................................................................................... 71
APPENDIX A – EXCLUDED TITLES, SECRETARIES & ADMIN ................................................................................ 72
APPENDIX B – INCLUSIONS & EXCLUSIONS.............................................................................................................. 90
APPENDIX C – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ................................................................................... 92
Side letter #1 – PENSION ADVISORY GROUP ................................................................................................................ 93
Side letter #2 – BONUS GUIDLINES ................................................................................................................................. 94
Side letter #3 – SUBCONRACTING ................................................................................................................................... 95
Side letter #4 – TECHNICAL OPERATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 96
Side letter #5 – ALTERNATIVE WORK ARRANGEMENTS........................................................................................... 98
Side letter #6 – DELETED TITLES ..................................................................................................................................... 99
Side letter #7 – ONE-PERSON BUREAUS ....................................................................................................................... 101
Side letter #8 – EDITORIAL NON-BARGAINING UNIT WORK .................................................................................. 102

Side letter #9 – UNIT CHAIRPERSON TIME OFF .......................................................................................................... 103
Side letter #10 – SICK TIME ............................................................................................................................................. 105
Side letter #11 – OUTSIDE NYC DATA CENTERS ........................................................................................................ 106
Side letter #12 – ERGONOMICS TRAINING ................................................................................................................... 107
Side letter #13 – HEALTH INSURANCE ......................................................................................................................... 109
Side letter #14 – CODE OF CONDUCT ............................................................................................................................ 115
Side letter #15 – CORRECTION POLICY ........................................................................................................................ 116
Side letter #16 – WAR ZONE INSURANCE..................................................................................................................... 117
Side letter #17 – ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS CODE ....................................................................................... 119
Side letter #18 – INTERNS ................................................................................................................................................ 123
Side letter #19 – MATERNITY LEAVE HEALTH INSURANCE ................................................................................... 124
Side letter #20 – CROSS TRAINING/NEW DUTIES ....................................................................................................... 125


This AGREEMENT is made and executed December 15, 2017 (the “Execution Date”), by and between REUTERS
AMERICA LLC hereinafter known as the Employer and/or Reuters, and THE NEWSGUILD OF NEW YORK,
CWA Local 31003, a local chartered by The NewsGuild/Communications Workers of America, hereinafter known
as the Guild, for itself and on behalf of all employees of Reuters described in Article I.


Section 1 – Recognition

This Agreement covers all employees of Reuters as certified by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in
Case No. 2-RD-999, dated May 9, 1980, as amended by the job classifications included as listed in Article VII
(Minimum Salaries) and the job classifications included and/or excluded as listed in Appendices A & B of this
Agreement. The Guild was originally certified by the NLRB in Case No. 2-RC-2541, dated September 22,
1950, then recognized pursuant to a Certification of Results issued by the American Arbitration Association in
Case No. L-35192, NY-542-EL-19-62, dated August 20, 1962, and recognized pursuant to a letter dated March
16, 1966.

Section 2 - Partnership Committee

a) A Partnership Committee shall be established by the Guild and Reuters. Reuters shall name four (4)
management officials with appropriate authority to the Committee, and the Guild shall name four (4)
representatives to the Committee, which may include a representative employed by the Guild who shall
have appropriate authority.

b) The mission of the Committee shall be to communicate, on a regular basis, with at least one meeting per
calendar quarter, regarding business activities and other matters affecting Guild-represented employees.
Appropriate subjects for the Committee shall include cooperative approaches to dealing with new
technology, competitive challenges, quality, staffing levels, training needs, and other significant issues
facing the parties. Wherever possible, agreed-upon solutions shall be implemented.

c) Whenever reasonable under the circumstances, the Guild and the Partnership Committee will be
provided with a minimum of two (2) months’ written notification to address and discuss issues on
specific business activities that substantially affect the employment security of Guild represented
employees. The Partnership Committee will convene within a maximum of ten (10) business days from
notification to either party to begin discussions, unless a later date is mutually agreed. The goal of the
Committee shall be to complete its work within two (2) months.

d) Reasonable under the circumstances shall not include, among other things, situations:
1. Where Reuters has an obligation to give notice concerning the business activity or related actions
(collectively “the subject matter”) under any other provision of the Collective Bargaining
2. Where the subject matter is under discussion at the bargaining table during then current contract
3. Where a breach of confidentiality could affect Reuters share price, competitive position or the
successful consummation of a business initiative or change.
4. Where the issue is already the subject of a grievance or is being arbitrated.

e) In the event the parties agree to form any sub-committee(s) or other working groups to deal with specific
issue(s), then each party shall have the right to name its own representatives with appropriate
qualifications to such sub-committee(s) or working group(s). In all situations where the issue is strictly a
Reuters/Guild issue, the sub-committee(s) or working group(s) will be comprised of equal
representation, unless other arrangements are mutually agreed.
1. Committee and subcommittee participants shall not release to the public, or to Reuters
competitors, any confidential information obtained solely through the Partnership Committee.
Furthermore, the Guild shall not release any such advance information it receives solely through
the Committee, prior to receipt of any official notifications as provided for elsewhere in this
Agreement, unless other arrangements are mutually agreed. Where a breach of confidentiality
regarding the subject matter being discussed could have injurious effect on Reuters or the Guild,
Committee members shall sign a confidentiality agreement.
2. Failure to agree on any issue considered by the Partnership Committee shall not constitute a
waiver of either parties’ rights under this Agreement.
3. If the Guild or Reuters wishes to assert that a matter brought before the Partnership Committee is
not the appropriate forum for discussion of such matter, such assertion must be made in writing
within ten (10) days of the first Committee meeting on the matter, in which case the parties shall
discuss the matter in another forum. In the absence of such notice, Partnership Committee
discussions may be used by Reuters to satisfy any required decision and effects bargaining
concerning the matter before the Committee.

Section 3 - Management Rights

Subject to the limitations and specific terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Guild agrees that
Reuters retains all its rights to operate and manage all aspects of its business, including, but not limited to, the
rights to hire, train, transfer and promote employees, to discipline or discharge for just and sufficient cause, to
layoff and recall employees and increase or decrease the workforce, to schedule and authorize work, shifts and
overtime, to determine the starting and quitting times and number of hours to be worked, to assign employees,
including assignment to functions, shifts, operations and equipment, to rearrange, relocate or close departments
and operations, to install new equipment and to transfer equipment to other locations, to determine and change
the methods, processes and means of producing products and services, to subcontract bargaining unit work on
or off Reuters premises of the types it has subcontracted on or before January 1, 1994 (as specified in side letter
four (4) and to subcontract bargaining unit work as provided in Article XVI, to assign, on occasion, bargaining
unit work to non-bargaining unit personnel for specific business needs, primarily training, research and
development, transitory manpower shortages and emergency situations. The foregoing specifications of
particular right does not limit the general rights of Reuters to manage its business as it deems expedient.

Section 4- Temporary and Part-time Employees

a) A temporary employee is one employed for a particular project or a specified time not to exceed six (6)
months or to replace an employee on a leave of absence or disability leave for the duration of the leave.
Such an employee shall not eliminate or displace a regular or full-time employee. Within one week of
hiring of such an employee, Reuters will notify the Guild, in writing, with full details of the temporary
employment, the work they are undertaking with the Company, and the anticipated duration of the
employment, whenever possible. After full and proper consultation with the Guild, Reuters may extend
the period of employment of a temporary employee hired for a specified period of time or a particular
project for up to six (6) months, if a continuing need exists. The Guild will not unreasonably reject a
request for a subsequent extension in order to complete a particular project.

b) Before filling a temporary position for four (4) weeks or less with a new hire, Reuters may first consider
qualified employees on the rehiring list who worked in the same location and simultaneously notify
those employees and the Guild. Before filling a temporary position for more than four (4) weeks with a
new hire, Reuters shall first offer the position to qualified employees (i.e. those in the same
classification as the temporary vacancy) on the rehiring list who worked in the same location using the
following procedures: 1) all qualified employees and the Guild shall be notified simultaneously by, at
minimum, overnight delivery service; 2) employees shall have six (6) business days from the date the
notice is sent to respond; 3) Reuters shall fill vacancies based upon seniority in the classification in
which the vacancy occurs; and 4) if there are no responses within six (6) business days, Reuters may
consider an employee who responds after six (6) business days but need not offer such employee the

No employee shall be penalized for either failing to respond or for rejecting the offer of a temporary
position. Acceptance of a temporary position will not remove the employee from his or her position on
the rehiring list and will not in any way affect his or her eligibility for any vacancies which may become
available during the time period in which he or she is filling a temporary position. One rehired under this
provision shall be paid at least the applicable minimum for the temporary vacancy. Time spent in a
temporary position counts toward time the employee spends on the rehiring list.

c) A part-time employee is one who is hired to work regularly less than 80% of the work week provided
herein. A part-time employee, who has passed his trial period, shall be covered by the job security
provision of this Agreement. A part-time employee shall not be employed where in effect such

employment would eliminate or displace a regular full-time employee. If a reduction in the number of
part-time employees becomes necessary, Reuters shall give such employees first preference for any part-
time job that may become available.

d) All temporary and part-time employees employed by Reuters shall be subject to Article II (Union
Security) of this Agreement. The terms of this Agreement set out in Article VII (Minimum Salaries) will
be applied to temporary and part-time staff (on an hourly basis) from the first day of their employment
in accordance with their classification and experience, qualifications, and skills.

e) Part-time employees with one or more months’ service will receive sick leave, vacation entitlement,
overtime and holidays and severance pay. (See also Side letter #6.) Temporary employees with one or
more months’ service will receive sick leave, vacation entitlement, overtime and holiday pay for actual
time worked. Reuters reserves the right to dismiss all temporary employees without cause. In addition,
temporary employees with more than eight (8) months’ continuous service shall receive holiday pay and
temporary employees with at least one month of continuous service shall be eligible to receive hospital,
medical, dental and vision coverage for individuals at 100% of the cost for such benefits, and at least
two weeks’ notice of assignment end date or two week’s pay in lieu of notice.

f) At the Guild's request, a Company Human Resources representative and a Guild representative shall
meet to review the roster of temporary employees and such employees’ start and expected end dates of
employment. The Guild may request to have these meetings regarding temporary employees once per
calendar quarter.

g) Except as set forth herein, temporary employees who work for the Company pursuant to Article 1 (4)(a),
must after twelve months of such employment, either (a) be converted to regular bargaining unit
employees; or (b) be terminated. Temporary employees who are so terminated may not be employed by
the Company for a period of six months after their date of termination.

The twelve-month period described above may be extended one time by an additional twelve months if a
continuing business need exists based on a particular client project to which the temporary employee
was assigned during the initial twelve-month period. In addition, subject to the approval of the Guild,
the initial twelve-month period may be extended one time by an additional twelve months if a business
need exists for the temporary employee to be transferred to a different project, business unit, or manager
from which he/she was assigned during the initial twelve-month period.

The maximum period the Company may employ a temporary employee is twenty-four consecutive
months. After twenty-four consecutive months of such employment, temporary employees must either
(a) be converted to regular bargaining unit employees; or (b) be terminated. The Company may not
employ temporary employees who are so terminated for a period of six months after their date of


Section 5

a) The jurisdiction of the Guild covers any work performed at Reuters in the continental U.S.A.
provided such work is:

(i) the kind of work either normally or presently performed within the unit covered by this Agreement
at Reuters in the continental U.S.A.
(ii) new or additional work assigned to be performed within said unit at Reuters in the continental
U.S.A., and
(iii) new or additional work to be performed at Reuters in the continental U.S.A.; similar in skill, or
performing similar functions, as the kind of work either normally or presently performed in said unit
at Reuters in the continental U.S.A.

b) Performance of such work at Reuters in the continental U.S.A., as described in (a) above, whether by
presently or normally used processes or equipment or by new or modified processes or equipment, shall
be assigned to employees of Reuters within the Guild’s jurisdiction and covered by this Agreement.

c) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) and (b) above, it is expressly agreed by both Reuters and the Guild that
the jurisdiction of the Guild is limited to Reuters in the continental U.S.A. and in no way can be
extended to any other corporation, partnership or joint venture or any other entity in which Reuters may
have an interest. The parties further agree that no work presently performed within the unit covered by
this Agreement at Reuters in the continental U.S.A. will be transferred to any such entity, except that:

(i) This section in no way precludes the Guild from directly seeking representation as the bargaining
agent for any other organization.

Section 6

a) The Company shall supply the Guild with a list of up to 56 names of editorial and/or newsroom
management individuals, who as of the date of ratification, are performing bargaining unit work and
shall provide future lists of names in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 (i.e. semi-annually).
Individuals on the list described herein may perform bargaining unit work for a cumulative time per
week equivalent to the maximum hours of a workweek under this Agreement as necessary to satisfy
business needs. Such employees shall not take primary byline attribution unless they are the sole author
of the story.

During the six-month interval periods, the Company may supplement the list with new individuals only
to replace anybody who will no longer be performing journalism work for the Company during that
period (i.e. dies, departs the company, transfers out of editorial, changes to a non-journalist role, etc.).
For each new six-month interval period, the Company may add to the fifty-six person threshold one
manager for every six additional Guild represented employees.

The company may also designate an additional 10 (ten) senior level executive journalists who may
collectively perform bargaining unit work on forty-nine stories in any calendar year without counting
against the fifty-six-person limitation described above. During the six-month interval periods, the
Company may add or remove such senior level executive journalists, provided it does not exceed the ten
(10) person cap described herein.

b) “Special project” and “non-routine” bargaining unit work may be performed by non- bargaining unit
Technical Department personnel when such work occurs at off-Reuters sites. Example of such off-
Reuters site work includes conventions, sales shows, Olympics, etc.


With regard to TV Operations the Guild agrees on a non-precedent setting basis, that it will not consider
as a violation of the Agreement the occasional, non-routine performance of bargaining unit work for
transitory manpower shortages, emergency situations and as required by specific operational needs,
provided that it does not result in the elimination or direct displacement of any Guild-represented


Section 1
Except as otherwise provided by law, all employees covered by this contract are required as a condition
of employment, to be or become members of the Guild within thirty (30) days after written notice of ratification
is received by Reuters, and thereafter, to remain members of the Guild by their tender of the periodic dues
uniformly required by the Guild as a condition of acquiring or retaining membership therein.

Section 2

Employees hired after the Execution Date of this Agreement, shall, no later than thirty (30) days after
the date of hire, become members of the Guild and shall, as a condition of employment, maintain their
membership in the Guild for the term of this Agreement by the tender of periodic dues uniformly required as a
condition of acquiring or retaining membership therein.

Section 3

There shall be no interference or attempt to interfere with the operation of the Guild.

Section 4

The Guild agrees that it will admit to membership and retain in membership any employee, subject to
the Constitution of The NewsGuild and the by-laws of the Guild.


Section 1

Upon an employee’s voluntary written assignment, Reuters shall deduct bi-weekly from the earnings of
such employee and pay to the Guild not later than the 15th day of each month all Guild membership dues. Such
membership dues shall be deducted from the employee’s earnings in accordance with the Guild’s schedule of
dues rates furnished to Reuters by the Guild. Such schedule may be amended by the Guild at any time. An
employee’s voluntary written assignment shall remain effective in accordance with the terms of such

Section 2

Dues deduction assignments submitted to Reuters on and after the Execution Date of this Agreement
shall be made upon the following form, and all previous dues deduction assignments submitted to Reuters shall
be deemed to be modified to conform to the revocation rights provided in the following form:
I hereby assign to The NewsGuild of New York, and authorize you to deduct from any salary earned or to be earned by me as
your employee, an amount equal to all membership dues and assessments lawfully levied against me by the Guild for each calendar
month following the date of this assignment as certified by the Treasurer of The NewsGuild of New York.
I hereby authorize and request you to check off and deduct such amounts during the month for which such dues are levied
and the Guild so notifies you, from any salary then standing to my credit as your employee, and to remit the amount deducted to The
NewsGuild of New York not later than the fifteenth (15) day of that month.
This assignment and authorization shall remain in effect until revoked by me but shall be irrevocable for a period of one year
from the date appearing below, or until the termination of the collective bargaining agreement between yourself and the Guild,
whichever occurs soonest. I further agree and direct that this assignment and authorization shall be continued automatically and shall
be irrevocable for successive periods of one year each, or for the period of each succeeding applicable collective bargaining agreement
between yourself and the Guild, whichever period shall be shortest, unless written notice of its revocation is given by me to yourself
and to the Guild (whether by me or yourself) by certified or registered mail or not more than thirty (30) days and not less than fifteen
(15) days prior to the expiration of each period of one year from the date appearing below, or of each applicable collective bargaining
agreement between yourself and the Guild, whichever occurs soonest. Such notice of revocation shall become effective for the
calendar month following the calendar month in which you receive it.
This assignment and authorization supersedes all previous assignments and authorizations heretofore given to you by me in
relation to my Guild membership dues.
Employee’s Signature


Employee’s Name (Print)

Social Security Number
Section 3
The Guild further agrees to indemnify and save harmless Reuters from any claim by any employee with
respect to such Guild dues and assessments, which Reuters has deducted hereunder and remitted to the Guild.
The responsibility of Reuters under this Article shall terminate upon remittance to the Guild of such payment.


Section 1

a) Reuters shall continue its policy on non-discrimination against any employee(s) on the basis of
age, sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, mental or
physical disability. Such policy includes non-discrimination in hiring and promotions.
b) Reuters also shall actively recruit women and members of minority groups for all posts covered
by this Agreement. Reuters hiring standards shall not exceed those required for the job.

Section 2

Reuters undertakes that in all recruitment, transfers and promotions it will actively support all objectives
and requirements of equal opportunity legislation and regulations in force within the U.S.A.

Section 3

Reuters and the Guild shall maintain a standing human rights committee which will meet at the request
of either party and shall attempt to resolve any problems or questions pertaining to any alleged discrimination
which may occur.


Section 1

Reuters shall notify the Guild electronically of all vacancies contemporaneously with the time that the
job posting is made public and shall give full consideration to the hiring of any candidates supplied by the

Section 2

Reuters agrees not to have or enter into any agreement with any other news and information service
agency binding such other agency not to give employment to the Guild-represented employees of Reuters.

Section 3

Reuters and the Guild agree that the objective of initial probationary periods for new employees is to
ensure that the company is able to recruit high-quality staff. Accordingly, Reuters may place a new employee
who is covered under Article VII, Section 6, on trial for a period not to exceed the following:

Groups 1-3 6 weeks

Groups 4-5A 8 weeks
Groups 6 -News Anchor 12 weeks

Such trial period can be extended by Reuters up to a maximum of double the period specified for the
relevant group. At least five (5) business days before extending the probationary period, Reuters will notify the
employee of the extension and reasons for the extension with a same-day copy of the notice to the Guild. Upon
request, Reuters will consult with the Guild regarding the extension.

Section 4

During such trial periods, Reuters may dismiss without cause.


Section 1

Reuters shall supply the Guild at least once quarterly with a list containing the following information for
all Guild employees on the payroll and covered by this Agreement:
(a) Name, address, sex, date of birth and age.
(b) Date of hiring.
(c) Classification.
(d) Experience rating and experience anniversary date.
(e) Salary, including all forms of compensation.
(f) Minority Group Status.
(g) Social Security number.
(h) Marital and/or parental status.
(i) Full-time, part-time or temporary status.
(j) Regularly scheduled weekly hours of work.

Section 2

Reuters shall notify the Guild in writing of:

(a) All merit increases granted by name of the employee, individual amount, resulting new
salary and effective date.
(b) Step-up increases paid by name of the employee, individual amount, resulting new salary
and effective date.
(c) Changes in classification, any salary changes by reason thereof and effective date.
(d) Resignations, retirements, death and number of weeks of severance or other final pay,
military leave or any other long-term leave, and any other revisions in the data listed in
Section 1 and effective dates.
(e) Geographic location.
(f) Names on the rehiring list.
(g) Written warnings and final warnings of a disciplinary nature will be copied to the Guild
and the Guild Unit Chairperson.
Section 3

Within one week after hiring of a new employee, Reuters shall furnish the Guild in writing with the data
specified in Section 1 of this Article for each new Guild employee.

Section 4

The Employer shall provide the Guild with the names of all editorial newsroom management staff
performing Guild represented work, semi-annually.
The Employer shall provide the Guild with the names of the 10 senior level executive journalists
performing Guild work, semi-annually.


Section 1

The following weekly minimum salaries shall be in effect during the period of this Agreement.

GROUP January 1, 2018 March 31, 2019 March 31, 2020

1% 1% 1%
1 $583.06 ‒ $741.05 $588.89 ‒ $748.46 $594.78 ‒ $755.94
2 $641.40 ‒ $812.03 $647.81 ‒ $820.15 $654.29 ‒ $828.35
3 $704.24 ‒ $888.06 $711.29 ‒ $896.94 $718.40 ‒ $905.91
4 $776.85 ‒ $983.13 $784.62 ‒ $992.97 $792.47 ‒ $1,002.89
4A $714.37 ‒ $983.13 $721.52 ‒ $992.97 $728.73 ‒ $1,002.89
5 $858.75 ‒ $1,082.30 $867.34 ‒ $1,093.12 $876.01 ‒ $1,104.05
5A $903.85 ‒ $1,155.39 $912.89 ‒ $1,166.94 $922.02 ‒ $1,178.61
6 $943.73 ‒ $1,192.21 $953.17 ‒ $1,204.14 $962.70 ‒ $1,216.18
7 $1,038.81 ‒ $1,314.49 $1,049.19 ‒ $1,327.64 $1,059.69 ‒ $1,340.92
Level 2 $835.81 ‒ $1,353.94 $844.16 ‒ $1,367.47 $852.60 ‒ $1,381.15
8 $1,269.99 ‒ $1,727.31 $1,282.69 ‒ $1,744.59 $1,295.52 ‒ $1,762.03
9 $1,352.14 ‒ $1,819.63 $1,365.66 ‒ $1,837.82 $1,379.32 ‒ $1,856.20
10B $1,584.83 ‒ $2,001.61 $1,600.68 ‒ $2,021.62 $1,616.69 ‒ $2,041.84
10C $1,732.38 ‒ $2,156.41 $1,749.71 ‒ $2,177.97 $1,767.20 ‒ $2,199.75
Level 1 $1,315.58 ‒ $2,365.52 $1,328.73 ‒ $2,389.18 $1,342.02 ‒ $2,413.07
News $2,188.66 ‒ $2,777.64 $2,210.55 ‒ $2,805.42 $2,232.65 ‒ $2,833.47

(i) The performance management program as described in Appendix C or any substitute for it or
supplement to it shall not be used in connection with the discipline of any employee.
(ii) Salaries for employees hired after March 28, 2010 will be based on skills and experience.

Section 2

Any employee on the payroll on or before July 24, 1980 shall retain any and all above-scale salary
differential above and beyond any increases earned by the employee, or any other increases enjoyed by the
employee under this Agreement.
Section 3
a) Should Reuters create a new job classification covered by this Agreement, Reuters shall, wherever
possible in advance, prepare and furnish to the Guild a written job description and proposed job title and
job group for the new job classification. Upon request of the Guild following receipt of the job
description and proposed job title and job group, Reuters shall meet with the Guild to discuss the matter.
If the matter is not resolved, the Guild may submit the dispute to arbitration by serving and filing a
demand for arbitration with the American Arbitration Association within ninety (90) days of the Guild’s
receipt of the job description and proposed job title and job group, and the arbitration shall otherwise
proceed in accordance with Article XVII, Section 2 (b) of this Agreement, except that the arbitrator’s
authority as to remedy shall include and be limited to placement of the new job classification in a
different job group and awarding relief in accordance with subsection (b) below.

b) The minimums for the new job classification shall be effective on the date the new job classification was

Section 4

The job classifications covered by this Agreement, and their job groups for the purposes of Article VII,
are as follows:

Group 1 Office Assistant

Group 2 Clerk, Receptionist, Maintenance Person
Group 3 Senior Clerk, Steno/Typist, Shipping and Receiving Associate, Lead Maintenance
Person, Data Entry Associate, Maintenance Handyperson
Group 4 Accounting Associate, Sales Assistant
Group 4A News Apprentice
Group 5 Senior Accounting Associate, Tabulator, Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
Associate, Senior Customer Service Associate, Senior Data Entry Operator, Order
Analyst, Line Vendor Coordinator, Market Assistant, TV Production Assistant
Group 5A Secretary, Sales Administration Assistant, Payroll Associate
Group 6 Senior Secretary, Network Systems Controllers, Utility Tabulator, Communications
Order Associate, Accounting Assistant, Assistant Operations Coordinator, Senior Order
Analyst, Market Specialist, Maintenance Mechanic, HVAC Mechanic, Installation
Coordinator, Electrician, Database Operations Associate, Duty News Organizer
Group 7 Communications Operator, Technical Assistant, Senior Market Specialist, Senior TV
Production Assistant, Librarian, Junior Producer, Client Administrator, Satellite
Coordinator, Transaction Products Administrator, Inventory Control Assistant
Level 2 Journalist News Associate
Group 8 Technician, Senior Network Systems Controller, HVAC Specialist, Graphic Artist, VT
Editor, Audio Engineer, Visual Engineer, Operations Coordinator
Group 9 Master Control Room Operator/TOC, Maintenance Engineer, Satellite Engineer
Level 1 Journalist Journalist, Photographer, Producer, Assignment Editor, Cameraperson, Technical
Director, Copy Taster, Filing Editor, Correspondent, Desk Editor, Chief Photographer,
Senior Photographer, Reporter/Producer
Group 10B Assistants to Operations and Communications Managers, Inventory Control Coordinator,
Senior Technician, Operations Specialist, Studio Director
Group 10C Technician-in-Charge
News Anchor Anchor Person

A list of employees by job titles under the prior CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) shall be
maintained in order of seniority solely for purposes of employment security, transfer, and promotion and


Section 1

In the application of the schedules of minimums contained in Article VII, experience shall include all
employment in comparable work. Employees shall be classified as to job classification and according to
experience level, qualifications and skills at the time of employment, transfer or promotion, and the Guild
notified in accordance with the provisions of Article VI. An employee paid a salary above the minimum
provided for his actual experience shall receive an experience level which conforms to his salary.
In making a determination regarding experience credit for comparable work, Reuters shall consider the
following factors: the new employee’s job history, actual work experience, educational background,
professional achievements, and level of responsibility, qualifications and skills. The amount of experience credit
granted, if any, shall be communicated in writing to the employee and to the Guild at the time of hiring. Any
claim regarding experience credit for comparable work must be filed within 60 days of the completion of the
employee’s probationary period. Such grievance(s) shall be processed in accordance with the applicable
provisions of Article XVII.
In any arbitration concerning experience credit for comparable work, the arbitrator shall have authority
to overturn Reuters determination only if the arbitrator finds that it was not made in good faith, based on the
criteria set forth herein.

Section 2

The minimum wage rates established in this Agreement are minimums only. Reuters will continue its
practice of acknowledging individual merit by granting increases above the minimums.

Section 3

Employees may be awarded a bonus based on their level of performance. Such bonuses will be requested
and approved in accordance with current practice as set forth in Side Letter 3 to the prior Collective Bargaining
Agreement. This provides as follows:

(i) Bonuses paid to employees shall be over and above base pay and merit pay and shall not
diminish the size of wage or merit pay increases.
(ii) Failure to achieve objectives for a bonus shall not be grounds for disciplinary action and shall
have no adverse impact on employees.
(iii) Bonus plans shall be structured with the purpose of furthering business objectives, encouraging

teamwork, and improving morale among employees.
(iv) The amount of a bonus plan available to employees under the terms of the bonus plans covered
under this Agreement shall be determined by Reuters. The Guild shall be notified of the amount
available and the amounts paid. Bonuses shall be distributed to no fewer than 50% of the
bargaining unit members on the basis of objective criteria, and must be agreed between the
employee and his or her manager.
(v) Any employee may elect not to take part in a bonus plan. Such an election must be made in
writing within fifteen (15) days of the announcement of the bonus plan.
(vi) All payments made pursuant to this Section shall be subject to all usual deductions including
Guild dues.

Section 4

There shall be the following across the board general wage increases:
(i) 1% increase of employee’s base salary on January 1, 2018*
(ii) 1% on March 31, 2019
(iii) 1% on March 31, 2020
(iv) In addition to the above wage increases, Employees will remain eligible for merit raises in
accordance with the Performance Management Program described in Appendix C. Merit raises
will be distributed to employees by March 31, or by a date set by the Company, whichever is
later. The merit pool will be the same as for non-represented editorial staff in the U.S. From the
merit pool, the following percentage increases shall be distributed to all bargaining unit
employees across the board:
1. 2018 - 1.25%
2. 2019 - 1%
3. 2020 - 1%
*The January 1, 2018 increase shall be paid as soon as administratively practical.

The remainder of the merit pool over the above listed amounts will be distributed by the Employer
pursuant to its merit pay program.
Regardless of the size of the merit pool all employees shall receive both the general wage increases of 1
% and the guaranteed merit increases of 1.25%, 1 %, and 1 % across the board, which are set forth above.

Section 5

a) Night Shift - An employee whose majority of his/her scheduled work day falls between 3
p.m. and 11:59 p.m., will have worked the night shift. For an employee on the four (4) day workweek,
the relevant hours shall be between 2 p.m. and 11:59 p.m.
b) Lobster Shift - An employee whose majority of his/her scheduled work day falls between 11 p.m. and 8
a.m. will have worked the lobster shift.
c) Shift differential pay of $7.00 per hour shall be paid for all hours worked from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
All employees for whom the majority of the shift falls within those hours, or for whom the shift starts
anytime between those hours shall receive $7. 00 per hour for all hours of the shift.
d) Weekend differential - Where the majority of an employee's workday falls between midnight Friday and
midnight Sunday, employee shall be entitled to a weekend differential of an additional $20 per shift.

Section 6

(a) If an employee is temporarily assigned to and does work that carries a higher job classification than his
own, he shall receive at least the minimum in the higher classification next higher than his regular
salary, or 6% (six percent) differential above his regular salary, whichever is greater, for all such time
worked in the higher classification. If an employee performs work in a higher classification pursuant to
this subsection 6(a) for four (4) or more hours of his regular workday, this temporary higher salary shall
be paid for the full workday.

(b) If an employee performs work in a higher classification pursuant to subsection 6 (a) above for 50%
(fifty percent) or more of the hours paid that week, this temporary higher salary shall be paid for all
hours paid in that workweek.

(c) Regardless of the time actually worked in the higher classification during the regular workday, the
employee shall accumulate experience for a day in the higher classification, as well as in his normal
classification. This provision will not include meal-break coverage.

(d) An employee who is designated to deputize for an absent supervisor for fewer than four (4) hours
during a workday shall receive a temporary upgrade differential of $20. If such an employee deputizes
for four (4) hours or more during the workday, he or she shall receive a temporary upgrade differential
of $40. If an employee actually works four days in a workweek and is designated a deputy for at least
50% of those hours, the employee shall receive a temporary upgrade differential of $160 for the week;
if an employee actually works four days in a workweek and is designated a deputy for all of those hours,
the employee shall receive a temporary upgrade differential of $200 for the week. If an employee
actually works five days in a workweek and is designated a deputy for at least 50% of those hours, the
employee shall receive a temporary upgrade differential of $200. The weekly payments of $160 or $200
shall be instead of the daily differentials set forth above.

Section 7

Wages will be paid bi-weekly


Section 1

a) The regular work week is defined as 35 hours. The five-day work week shall prevail during the term of
this Agreement. Employees working on the World Americas Desk and at the Hauppauge Technical
Center shall maintain a four-day work week so long as the operations remain on 24-hour seven-day
b) Twenty-four hour and seven-day scheduling is defined as an operation which is not shut down for at
least one complete and continuous shift per week.
c) The 70-hour fortnight shall apply only to employees working in 24-hour seven-day scheduling.

Section 2

a) The working day for staff who work the five-day week shall consist of 7 consecutive hours (exclusive of
meal time not to exceed one (1) hour) during the term of this Agreement.
b) The working day for staff who work the four-day week shall consist of 8.75 consecutive hours (exclusive
of meal breaks not to exceed one (1) hour) during the term of this Agreement.
c) Staff who work a 70-hour fortnight schedule may work alternating four-day and three- day weeks where
the working day consists of 10 consecutive hours (exclusive of meal breaks not to exceed one (1) hour).

Section 3

Except as provided in Section 6 of this Article, hours worked between the 35th and the 40th hours in a
week shall be paid at straight-time overtime. Time worked after 40 hours shall be paid at time-and-one-half of
the employee’s base hourly rate, except where double-time overtime is specified. Overtime work shall be
defined as work beyond the unit of hours in the workday or workweek, or any work performed outside of
properly posted hours. Overtime work shall be paid at the straight-time rate and shall not trigger the payment of
time-and-one-half until after 40 hours or double-time pay as specified in this agreement.

Section 4

Work schedules shall be posted two weeks in advance of the week for which they apply, except as
unanticipated major news needs require. Any work performed at hours not scheduled shall be considered
overtime and paid for at time and one-half in cash, or paid pursuant to the provisions of Section 7 of this
Article, except in the case of an unanticipated major “news need,” which must be designated as such by Reuters

at the outset. Any employee whose schedule is changed as the result of a properly designated unanticipated
major “news need” must be provided with reasonable notice of such schedule change.

Section 5

Employees who volunteer for, or are assigned to (as provided below) “standby/on call” duty shall be
paid $12.00 per hour for all weekday hours scheduled as “standby/on call”. Employees who volunteer for or are
assigned to “standby/on call” duty shall be paid at $14.00 per hour for all weekend hours or holidays scheduled
as “standby/on call” starting on Friday at 4 p.m. and ending Sunday at midnight. If an employee on “standby/on
call” duty is required to report to work, the employee shall be paid at the time and one-half rate for all hours
worked with a minimum of two hours at the time and one-half rate (travel time inclusive). If the employee is
required to work on a Holiday listed in Article X, Section 1, or in the case of a day that would become the
seventh consecutive day for an employee working a five-day week, then the employee shall be paid at the
double time rate for all hours worked with a minimum of two hours at the double time rate (travel time
Reuters shall pay for mileage and tolls and shall pay actual travel time at the time and one-half rate (or
double time in the case of a Holiday or a day that would become a sixth or seventh consecutive day) up to a
maximum of one hour each way.
Reuters may cease using “standby/on call” in an area at any time with at least two (2) weeks advance
notice to the Guild and the employees involved.
Reuters shall distribute “standby/on call” time equitably among employees doing the same or
comparable work. This does not prevent Reuters from scheduling staff with specific expertise, where
appropriate. “Standby/on-call” offered but refused shall be considered “standby/on call” worked for the purpose
of equitable distribution. Shift differentials and weekend differentials do not apply to “standby/on call” time
regardless of whether the employee is required to report to work or not. “Standby/on call” time shall not be
considered as time worked in determining premium pay under Section 6 of this Article.
Each employee may decline the assignment of “standby/on call” duty up to three times per calendar
quarter with at least three weeks advance notice to the company. Reuters may not schedule “standby/on call”
duty without two weeks advance notice unless the employee consents. Reuters will not assign to “standby/on
call” duty, any employee who is on approved vacation, personal day or leave of absence (as defined in Article
XI and Article XIX), sick leave, or observing a religious holiday. In the event that an employee should agree to
“standby/on call” duty during a previously approved vacation, Article XI, Section 2c and Section 3 shall apply.
Only employees who are expressly scheduled for “standby/on call” duty shall be required to maintain
themselves in a state of work readiness and report for work as soon as reasonably possible. In the case of
employees who are approved to work from home, or another suitable location via computer during their
“standby/on call” shift, Reuters may, at its option, supply such employees with a laptop computer capable of
connecting with the Reuters system.
Alternate arrangements for performing work while on “standby/on call” duty may be arranged in

advance by mutual agreement of the employee and his or her supervisor.
All “standby/on call” duty required by Reuters must first be offered to regular employees.

Section 6

a) Required Overtime
(i) An employee required to work on a seventh day of a five-day work week shall be paid at the
double-time rate, with a minimum of a full day’s pay at the double-time rate, in addition to
his/her regular weekly salary.

(ii) An employee required to work on a sixth day of a five-day work week shall be paid at the time
and one-half rate, with a minimum of a full day’s pay at the time and one-half rate, in addition to
his regular weekly salary.

b) Voluntary Overtime
(i) An employee who volunteers to work on a sixth day of a five-day work week shall be paid at the
time and one-half rate, with a minimum of a full day’s pay at the straight time rate, in addition to
his regular weekly salary.

(ii) An employee who volunteers to work on the seventh day of the work week shall be paid the
double-time rate, with a minimum of a full day’s pay at the double- time rate, in addition to his
regular weekly salary.

Section 7

The following shall be exceptions to the general overtime provisions:

a) An employee formerly classified in Group O prior to January 19, 2010 and those hired as Level 1
journalist thereafter, except when on an extraordinary reporting assignment as described in subsection
(b) below, shall be compensated by time and one-half in cash or time and one-half off for work
performed in excess of the work week. In the event of a dispute, the employee shall be compensated in
time and one-half off.

b) An employee formerly classified in Group O prior to January 19, 2010 and those hired as Level 1
journalist thereafter on an extraordinary reporting assignment shall receive equal time off, straight time
pay or a combination of the two for work performed in excess of the work week. In the event of a
dispute, the employee shall be compensated in time off. An extraordinary reporting assignment for the

purposes of this subsection must be designated as such by Reuters at the outset of the assignment and
shall be defined as an assignment to report an event of significant newsworthiness whose duration could
not be reasonably anticipated by Reuters.

c) Compensatory time earned by any employee that is more than six (6) months old shall be paid in cash at
the appropriate overtime rate at the employee’s request at the end of the next calendar quarter, provided
that it was properly documented no later than 90 days from the date the overtime in question was
worked, otherwise the employee shall lose the option of having the compensatory time paid in cash.

Section 8

All overtime required by Reuters must first be offered to regular employees.

Section 9

Reuters shall cause a record of all overtime to be kept for a period of three (3) years. Such record shall
be made available to the Guild at reasonable times.

Section 10

Employees called to serve on juries shall suffer no loss of income during the period of such jury service.
Notice of such service must be given as soon as possible after it is received.

Section 11

No employee, unless he has so requested, shall be scheduled to start a shift less than twelve (12) hours
after the end of his preceding shift.

Section 12

Reuters shall so arrange schedules for staff who work the five-day week so as to guarantee at least one
Saturday/Sunday weekend off each month for all employees, wherever possible. It shall further arrange
schedules for staff who work the four-day week so as to guarantee a three-day weekend each month, wherever
Section 13

Wherever possible, no employee on a five-day work week shall be required to work more than seven
consecutive days without a day off and no employee on a four-day work week shall be required to work more
than six consecutive days without a day off. No single day off shall be less than 24 hours, wherever possible.

Section 14

Reuters shall schedule for each employee regular consecutive days off each week, wherever possible,
and every possible effort will be made to achieve this.

Section 15

An employee’s regular shift starting time, wherever possible, shall not vary from one regular shift to the
next within the work week.

Section 16

Reuters recognizes an obligation to distribute overtime equitably among employees doing the same or
comparable work. This does not prevent Reuters from scheduling staff with specific expertise, where
appropriate. Overtime offered but refused shall be considered overtime worked for the purpose of equitable
distribution. Reuters will maintain records for all overtime actually worked.

Section 17

Except for employees who volunteer for the night or lobster shifts as defined in Article VIII Section 5,
scheduling for all shifts for doing the same or comparable work shall be done on an equitable basis. This does
not prevent Reuters from scheduling staff with specific expertise where appropriate.

Section 18

a) Travel time to, from and during out-of-town assignments shall be considered working time. When such

time falls outside the employee’s working period, Reuters will compensate the employee at the
applicable overtime rate.
b) Travel time between an employee’s home and Reuters facilities in New York City or Long Island, other
than the employee’s regular place of work, shall be considered working time for only such travel time in
excess of the employee’s normal commuting time. When such time falls outside the employee’s working
period, Reuters will compensate the employee at the applicable overtime rate.
c) Overtime minimums pursuant to Sections 6 (a) and 6 (b) of this Article shall not apply to subsections 18
(a) and 18 (b) above.

Section 19

An employee required to work on Election Day during the hours polls are open shall, where necessary,
receive two (2) hours off with pay to enable him to vote.

Section 20

Within this Article, unless defined otherwise, a “work week” is defined as seven (7) days, beginning
with Sunday at midnight through Saturday at 11:59 pm. However, notwithstanding the previous sentence, an
employee who volunteers to, or is assigned to, work on a seventh consecutive day shall be paid at the double-
time rate for such day, regardless of whether the seven consecutive days are within one work week.

Section 21

Within this Article, the use of the term “wherever possible” is understood to mean that the applicable
provision shall be applied as the rule, not the exception.


Section 1

Nine (9) holidays shall be granted to all employees with full pay:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day President’s Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
9/11 if it is declared a national holiday

In the event Reuters determines, based on legitimate business reasons (e.g. the New York Stock
Exchange is open) that it will continue normal operations on either Martin Luther King, Jr. Day or Good Friday,
and so informs the Guild, in writing, at least forty-five (45) days before each of those holidays, then each such
holiday shall be deemed a regular workday, and each employee shall receive another day off in lieu of each
such converted holiday, to be taken at a mutually convenient date.

Section 2

In addition to the named holidays in Section 1 of this Article, Reuters will grant four (4) additional
personal days off with pay, such days to be taken within the calendar year at the employee’s request. During the
first year of employment, personal days will be pro-rated on a quarterly basis until the end of the calendar year,
such entitlement to take effect on the first day worked in each quarter. Staff shall not be refused such request in
an unreasonable way. These personal days are not vacation days, and may not be accumulated and carried
forward into the following calendar year. In the event the employee is recalled by Reuters to work on his
personal day off, he will be paid at the rate of straight time and receive another day off.

Section 3

In the week in which any of the named holidays as set forth in Section 1 of this Article falls, all time
worked beyond four days or eighty (80) percent of the work week in effect as provided in Article IX, Section 1,
shall be paid for at the applicable overtime rate. Employees working the four-day week shall receive the
applicable overtime rate for hours worked in excess of 28 hours.

Section 4

An employee required to work on any named holiday specified in Section 1 of this Article shall receive
an additional full day’s pay at the double-time rate.

Section 5

An employee whose regular day off or scheduled vacation time falls on a holiday shall receive another
day in lieu thereof, at a mutually convenient date. If such a holiday falls during sick leave, the employee will
receive no additional compensation.

Section 6

When an employee works overtime on a holiday, his rate of pay for the overtime shall be the same as his
rate of pay for working on the holiday, whether he elects to take equivalent time off for having worked on the
holiday, or to receive payment in cash.

Section 7

Employees shall be granted time off on request for the observance of religious holidays, such time to be
debited against any accrued time off. In addition, employees shall be granted up to two days (2) off annually on
request for unforeseeable family and other personal emergencies, such days to be debited against any accrued
time off.

Section 8

(a) Reuters will continue its present practice with respect to observing holidays which fall on a
weekend, and will follow the national government observance of all holidays which have been adjusted to
regularly fall on certain days.

(b) When Christmas, New Year’s Day or July 4th fall on Sunday and are observed as a legal holiday on
Monday, or if any of them fall on Saturday and are observed as a legal holiday on Friday, any employee
working on either the calendar day or the legal holiday shall be compensated at the holiday rate and Section 5 of
this Article shall not apply. However, when an employee works on both days, Section 4 will apply only once;
when he or she is off both days, Section 5 will apply only once. When an employee is off on the legal holiday in
addition to his regular days off, none of the above shall apply.


Section 1

Vacations shall be granted on a calendar year basis. The following vacation pay shall be granted during
the Calendar year to each employee who will have continuous and uninterrupted service with Reuters prior to
December 31 of that year as follows:

Years of Service Weeks of Vacation

One (1) year 15 days

At least 5 but less than 20 20 days
Twenty or more 25 days

Employees employed as of November 1, 2009 shall receive 25 days of vacation upon their ten (10) year

During the first calendar year of employment, vacation entitlement shall be pro-rated until the end of the
calendar year. This entitlement will be calculated on the basis of the 5/6th day vacation per calendar month’s
service rounded to the nearest full day of vacation entitlement. In no case may an employee utilize any vacation
entitlement during the employee’s probationary period.

Reuters may, at its sole discretion, grant an additional week’s vacation for staff with twenty-five (25) years
of continuous and uninterrupted service prior to December 31 of the vacation year.

Section 2

(a) Vacations shall be arranged by seniority and shall not normally be carried into the new
year. In exceptional circumstances vacation may be carried over into the new year with the approval of
management. The vacation period, insofar as possible, shall be between May 15 and September 30.

(b) Departmental management shall arrange for vacation selection to be made in writing
by March 15. For the next two weeks employees shall have the right to challenge and resolve vacation selection.
Approved changes for selections thereafter shall not be governed by seniority.

(c) An employee who agrees to change a scheduled vacation because of a written request
by Reuters may elect to reschedule such vacation during the calendar year by agreement between the employee
and Reuters. At the end of the calendar year, the employee shall receive equivalent pay for such vacation
remaining untaken unless the employee agrees to the deferral of the vacation to the following year for
rescheduling by agreement with Reuters.

Section 3

Reuters shall reimburse any employee for forfeited deposits made for vacation accommodations or
travel resulting from a change in his vacation schedule where such change has been requested by Reuters.

Section 4

Employees leaving the service of Reuters shall receive annual vacation entitlement on a pro-rated basis
from the preceding January 1 to the date of termination as well as any portion of accrued vacation not taken
from another year.

Section 5

Upon termination of employment or death, any portion of an employee’s vacation and accrued
compensatory time not taken in the year in which such termination or death occurs, as well as any vacation
accrued from another year, shall be paid to the employee or his estate.

Section 6

A full-time employee, or a part-time employee, who (if requested by management) submits satisfactory
evidence that during his vacation he was hospitalized, or otherwise confined for incapacitating illness or injury
after examination by an appropriate medical professional, shall be placed on paid sick leave as provided in
Article XII, Section 1, for the period of his disability and the lost vacation shall be rescheduled.

Section 7

Commencing subsequent to January 17, 1992, vacation time shall not accrue during sickness and/or
disability period(s) when such sickness/disability exceeds twenty (20) days in a twelve (12) month period.


Section 1

Reuters will continue its current policy of keeping employees on the payroll at full pay during sickness
for varying periods at the Company’s discretion and according to an individual’s circumstances and length of

Section 2

An employee who becomes disabled as a result of pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth and the
recovery therefrom shall receive paid sick leave and disability benefits in accordance with applicable law.

Section 3

Reuters shall provide comprehensive hospital and medical coverage, dental coverage, and vision
coverage, all of which shall be at benefit and employee contribution levels as agreed by the parties, for each
full- time employee and eligible part-time employees and his/her dependents, and/or domestic partner, except
for staff who are covered by insurance for their families through their spouses. Employees may have the option
of selecting which if any of the medical/hospital, vision, and dental plans they wish to enroll in.

Reuters will provide the same spousal eligibility benefits currently in place company-wide.

In accordance with Reuters’ policy, unmarried dependents shall be eligible up to two more years to age
25 (if a full-time student).

Guild-represented employees shall contribute 22% of the calculated monthly cost of medical and dental
insurance premiums charged to Reuters.

All out of pocket medical, dental and vision expenses for bargaining unit employees, including but not
limited to annual deductibles, co-insurance, co-pays for prescription drugs, physicians’ office visits, in patient
surgery, emergency visits, and ambulance costs, shall be fixed at the rates in effect as of April 29, 2011 as set
forth in Side letter 20.

Effective January 1, 2011, Guild-represented employees will be permitted to take part in the Wellness
program initiatives and incentive programs which are made available to similarly situated non-Guild employees.
Additionally, any enhancements to the plan’s disease management programs and online health plan tools will be
made available to Guild-represented employees.

Effective January 1, 2011, Guild-represented employees will have the same program of Dental benefit
plan options as non-Guild employees. Including the choice of a Dental PPO Plus, Dental PPO, and a Dental
Maintenance Organization to the extent that those plans are continued for similarly situated non-Guild

Effective January 1, 2011, plan determinations regarding covered services, exclusions, pre- certification
requirements, and other plan mechanics will be implemented according to the standard business practices of the
plan administrator. Guild employees will retain the rights to appeal these determinations as prescribed by plan
rules. Documentation describing the plan rules will be made readily available.

Effective January 1, 2011, Guild-represented employees will be allowed to extend benefits coverage for
Vision Plan Benefits to eligible dependents under the medical plan.

Section 4

Reuters shall continue to provide and pay the full cost of group term life insurance for each full-time
employee in an amount not less than triple the employee’s total regular annual salary paid by Reuters. Coverage
by such insurance shall include authorized assignments to war zones as provided in Side letter #26.

Effective January 1, 2011 Employees will be entitled to purchase supplemental life insurance of up to
four (4) times their base annual salary. Employees will be entitled to purchase dependent life insurance for
spouse and children.

Section 5

Qualified employees hired before January 2, 2011 will be eligible to receive short term disability
benefits at the full rate of pay. Qualified employees hired on or after the January 2, 2011 will be eligible to
receive short term disability benefits at 80% of pay during their first 5 years of employment, thereafter they
would receive 100% of pay for the first six weeks of disability and 80% of pay for the remaining period of short
term disability.

Section 6

(a) Effective January 1, 2011, Reuters shall provide and pay the full cost of long-term
disability benefits insurance in accordance with the terms of the existing insurance certificate or as such
insurance coverage may be modified in the future by Reuters, in its sole discretion, for Reuters personnel
generally. Reuters will give notice of any proposed modifications to the Guild and provide an opportunity for
the Guild to discuss them.

(b) Effective January 1, 2011, Employees will be entitled to purchase supplemental Long
Term Disability Insurance of an additional 10% of their base annual salary. Additionally, Reuters will raise the
monthly maximum of such benefit to $10,000 per month.

(c) Effective January 1, 2011, after receiving long-term disability benefits for six months,
employees will remain eligible to receive long-term disability benefits subject to applicable law, but will be
removed from Reuters’ payroll, and be ineligible for benefits pursuant to Section 3 of this Article.

(d) Effective January 1, 2011, in the event an employee with ten (10) or more years of
service is involuntarily terminated by Reuters in the circumstances defined in Article XIII, Section 2, Reuters
shall provide the benefits set forth in Section 3 above for up to 12 weeks.

(e) Effective January 1, 2011, in no event will benefits be continued under paragraph (c)
above once an individual accepts employment with another firm and becomes eligible for any contributory or
non- contributory health insurance coverage offered to the individual, whether or not the individual enrolls for
such coverage. The benefits provided pursuant to subsection (c) shall be the same as those provided to eligible
active employees until the employee is either determined not to be totally disabled or is approved for Medicare

Section 7

Retiree health benefits are provided by Reuters as follows:

After February 28, 2009, Reuters will provide Guild retirees the same retiree health benefits, at the same
premium, as similarly situated non-Guild retirees (i.e., whatever Reuters provides for non-Guild retirees Reuters
will provide for similarly situated Guild retirees). This includes any changes Reuters may make in the benefits
provided, and the premiums charged, to similarly situated non-Guild retirees.

Section 8

Seniority shall not continue to accrue for any purposes under this Agreement from the date an employee
qualifies for long-term disability benefits until the employee returns to active employment with Reuters.

Section 9

Air travel insurance shall be provided by Reuters for authorized journeys made on Reuters business.

Section 10

A 401k plan shall be provided by Reuters. Such plan shall be maintained so as to comply with all
applicable IRS regulations. Eligible employees shall be provided with quarterly account statements. The Guild
will provide two members to the Pension Advisory Group to provide meaningful input into the design and
administrative matters in relation to the plan. Any changes to the Plan must be made according to the
parameters described in Side letter #2.

Section 11

Consistent with its corporate practice, Reuters will rely on Hewett to file federal, state and local taxes
including state unemployment for Guild-represented employees. All employees will be taxed in the state in
which they work. Reuters shall provide and pay the full cost of an Employee Assistance Program for each full-
time employee. Employee Assistance Plan coverage may be modified by Reuters, at its sole discretion, provided
that such modifications are applicable for Reuters personnel generally. Reuters will give notice of any proposed
modifications to the Guild and provide an opportunity for the Guild to discuss them.

Section 12

Payroll errors should be resolved in a timely fashion.

Thomson Reuters shall designate a HR representative to assist in resolving payroll disputes. Managers
are expected to approve timesheets in a timely manner.

Section 13

Consistent with its corporate practice, Reuters will rely on Hewett to file federal, state and local taxes
including state unemployment for Guild-represented employees. All employees will be taxed in the state in

which they work.

Section 14

Guild-represented employees shall be eligible for Reuters corporate adoption program.


Section 1

Effective March 28, 2010, upon termination of employment by Reuters, an employee shall receive
severance pay as follows:

1. Severance Pay

(a) Amount: 2 weeks’ severance pay for each completed year of service with a minimum of 12
weeks of severance pay, up to a maximum of 52 weeks’ severance. The Company will
withhold from Severance Pay amounts necessary to fulfill any federal, state, or local wage or
compensation withholding requirements as well as employee contributions for continued
participation in applicable benefit plans and programs during the Severance Pay Period

(b) Calculation:

(i) Severance Pay will be based upon an employee’s base salary. Base Salary means the
gross weekly earnings from the Company in effect on the Termination Date. It
includes the employee’s total income before taxes, including any deductions made for
pre-tax contributions to a qualified retirement plan (e.g., 401(k) salary deferral
contributions), nonqualified deferred compensation plan, section 125 plan or flexible
spending account. Base salary does not include bonuses, overtime pay, shift
differential, expenses or other forms of reimbursements, or any other fringe benefit or
extra compensation.
(ii) Severance Pay is based on years and months of Completed Service. An Eligible
Employee will be credited with a Year of Completed Service for each full 12-month
period of completed service plus any additional completed months of service, as
measured from the Eligible Employee’s date of hire to the Termination Date

2. Medical, dental, vision and health care flexible spending account benefits;

(a) To the extent an employee was enrolled in the Company’s group medical, dental, or vision
plans as of the Termination Date, he or she will continue to receive group medical, dental, or
vision benefits, on the same basis that those benefits are offered to active employees, until the
last day of the month in which the Severance Pay Period ends. Recipients will continue to
share in the cost of these benefits in the same manner as active employees.

(b) Following the expiration of continued medical, dental, and vision coverage, employees can
continue to participate in such plans at their own expense to the extent required under COBRA.

Employees voluntarily accepting severance shall not be eligible for rehire rights.

Section 2

(a) In the event an employee: (a) qualifies for long-term disability benefits; (b)
subsequently is disqualified from receiving such benefits for any reason other than attaining the maximum age
to which benefits are paid under the long-term disability benefits plan; and (c) thereafter is involuntarily
terminated by Reuters because of inability to perform the duties of the employee’s prior job; such employee
shall receive severance pay in accordance with Article XIII Section 1. Before involuntarily terminating an
employee pursuant to this Section, Reuters will make every reasonable effort to place the employee in other
available jobs for which the employee is qualified.

(b) Upon voluntary parental termination, an employee shall receive cash severance pay in
a lump sum equal to one (1) week’s pay for every year of service or fraction thereof, such pay to be computed at
the highest weekly salary received by the employee during her service with Reuters, or with any enterprise of
Reuters, or with any subsidiary, predecessor, related or parent company of Reuters.

Section 3

If an employee dies, Reuters shall pay his beneficiary, or his estate if no beneficiary has been
designated, an amount equal to the amount of severance pay to which the employee would have been entitled
upon termination of employment up to a maximum of $5,000.

Section 4

Reuters need not grant severance pay in case of discharge for dishonesty, repeated
drunkenness after warning, gross neglect of duty, or gross insubordination.


Section 1

U.S.-based staff shall be covered by the Reuters Guild Retirement Plan. The Company reserves
the right to change plan vendors. Such change shall be made according to the parameters described in Side letter

Section 2

Contributions to the Reuters Guild Retirement Plan by Reuters, in accordance with the terms of the Plan,
shall consist of:

(a) Commencing on July 8, 2011, a matching contribution of up to 6% of an employee's

base (the "Safe Harbor Matching Contribution") to be made in each payroll period that the employee makes a

(b) Employees shall be 100% vested in all contributions made by the Company as well as
all employee contributions regardless of when they are made except as specified below.

Reuters shall bear the administrative costs of the Plan, but not the investment management fees of the

Section 3

Vesting in the Reuters Guild Retirement Plan for any company contributions made prior to
March 8, 2006 will be as follows:

After 1 year of credited service 20%

After 2 years of credited service 40%
After 3 years of credited service 60%
After 4 years of credited service 80%
After 5 years of credited service 100%

Section 4

Participants in the Reuters-Guild Retirement Plan shall be provided with quarterly account statements.

“True up” contributions will be paid automatically to eligible employees who contributed in 2006 and/or
in subsequent years. True-up provisions are described fully in the Summary Plan Description in the Guild
Employee Benefits Handbook.

The Guild will provide two members to the Pension Advisory Group to provide meaningful input into
the design and administrative matters in relation to the plan as set forth in Side letter #2. (The foregoing does
not intend to imply the Guild has any fiduciary responsibility).

Section 5

Employees in the bargaining unit shall be eligible to participate in the US based Employee Stock
Purchase Plan, subject to the terms of the plan applicable to Reuters employees generally, as it may be amended
or terminated in the future, in Reuters sole discretion. Without diminishing any right of Reuters set forth in the
previous sentence, Reuters will give notice of any proposed modifications to the Guild and provide an
opportunity for the Guild to discuss them.

Section 6

Employees in the bargaining unit shall be eligible to participate in all future employee stock option plans
or in vehicles to participate in Initial Public Offerings of Reuters Group companies, subject to the terms of the
plans or vehicles as they are written or as they may be amended in the future, in Reuters sole discretion, for
Reuters employees generally, except to the extent that those terms are inconsistent with the specific terms of
this Agreement.


Section 1

(a) With the exceptions of the circumstances described in subsections (i), (ii) and (iii) below,
Reuters will not transfer a member of staff from one city to another or from one job to another without his or
her consent. Reuters has the full and free right to transfer a member or members of staff for business purposes:
(i) within Manhattan; (ii) between New York City and Long Island (excluding editorial personnel); and (iii)
between its facilities in Hauppauge, Long Island.

(b) Prior to a transfer, specifically requested or required by Reuters, with the exceptions of transfers
pursuant to subsections (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) above, Reuters shall submit a written confirmation to the affected
employee specifying the job, location and duration. Reuters agrees to pay moving expenses for such a transfer
to any different location in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 3 (a) below.

(c) Reuters shall have the right to offer transfers of limited duration from one city to another or from
one job to another. At the end of a transfer of limited duration, the employee shall have the right to return to the
original point of transfer or job, unless other arrangements are mutually agreed.

(d) There shall be no reduction in salary or impairment of other benefits as a result of a transfer.

(e) Except as otherwise provided in Section 4 of this Article, any member of staff who refuses to
transfer under subsections (a) (i), (ii) or (iii) above may be terminated and shall be deemed to have resigned for
the purpose of the severance pay provisions of this Agreement.

(f) The Company undertakes that in the event a member of the staff is faced with excessive
economic or personal hardship as a result of a proposed transfer under subsection (a) (ii) above, it will meet
jointly with the Guild to review the circumstances to determine a fair and equitable solution. Such a solution
may involve, but need not involve, additional assistance to the member of staff. While payment of any
severance as a right in the event of refusal to transfer is excluded from the application of this Agreement, except
as provided in Section 4 (d) of this Article, both the Company and the Guild may consider this type of
settlement as the resolution of specific problems.

Section 2

(a) In the event of the removal of any department(s) covered by this Agreement to another location,
Reuters agrees that it shall notify the Guild where possible, six (6) months in advance of any relocation(s).
(b) Except as provided in Section 1 (e) above, employees who elect not to move to any such new
location shall receive severance pay in accordance with Article XIII, Section 1 of this Agreement.

Section 3

In the case of a transfer specifically requested or required by Reuters between New York City and Long
Island, pursuant to Section 1 (a) (ii) above, which involves more than 25 miles additional commuting one way,
or more than 50 miles total commuting one way, the employee shall have the following relocation/commutation

(a) If the employee chooses to relocate his home as a result thereof, Reuters agrees to reimburse
the employee for all moving expenses for himself and family. Employees moving under these circumstances
shall submit to Reuters three estimates of moving expenses and undertake to accept, within reason, the least
expensive of any such estimates.

(b) If the employee chooses not to relocate his home as a result thereof, Reuters agrees to pay the
additional commuting expenses for a period of five (5) months.

(c) The employee must choose either to receive the additional commuting expenses or relocation
expenses no more than 14 days after the transfer. Employees who elect to move will be eligible to receive
additional commuting expenses until the employee completes the relocation of his or her home not to exceed a
period of five months from the effective date of transfer.

Section 4

In the case of individual transfers that are not a part of a department relocation between New York City
and Hauppauge, Long Island, pursuant to Section 1 (a) (ii) above:

(a) Transfers initially will be voluntary according to seniority and subsequent involuntary
transfers will be made in the inverse order of seniority, among employees in the same job classification with
suitable skills and experience.

(b) Reuters shall give an employee a minimum of three months advance written notice if
the transfer involves either more than 25 miles additional commuting one way, or more than 50 miles total
commuting one way for the employee, and six weeks advance written notice if the transfer does not involve at
least 25 miles additional commuting one way, or at least 50 miles total commuting one way. If Reuters does not

give the necessary written notice, Reuters shall bear any additional commuting expense and shall treat the
additional commuting time as time worked for the balance of the three-month or six-week period, whichever is
applicable. If Reuters does not give the necessary written notice, the effective date of the transfer for purposes
of Section 3 of this Article shall be deemed to be the date the transfer would have been effective had Reuters
given the necessary written notice.

(c) Employees shall have three weeks from receipt of their written notice to elect whether
to accept a transfer involving more than 25 miles additional commuting one way, or more than 50 miles total
commuting one way, and two weeks from receipt of their written notice to elect whether to accept a transfer that
does not involve at least 25 miles additional commuting one way, or at least 50 miles total commuting one way.
In either case, if the employee elects to resign rather than accept the transfer, he may make the resignation
effective up to two weeks from the date of the election, and longer if agreed by Reuters. The employee shall
make his election between transfer and resignation in writing.

(d) If the employee gives timely written notice of an election to resign in lieu of accepting
a transfer which would involve more than 25 miles additional commuting one way, or more than 50 miles total
commuting one way, the employee shall have the option, exercisable in writing on or before the last day of
employment to receive severance pay in accordance with Article XIII, Section 1.

(e) Reuters shall not transfer an employee without the employees consent more than once
within 18 months if the second transfer involves more than 25 miles additional commuting one way, or more
than 50 miles total commuting one way, unless the position is being relocated and the employee will not be
replaced at the prior location.

(f) Reuters shall not transfer an employee without the employee’s consent if the transfer
will involve a salary change by reason of a salary differential based on location in effect for the position unless
the employee’s position is being relocated and the employee will not be replaced at the prior location. If the
employee is involuntarily transferred as provided herein because the position is being relocated, the employee
shall not suffer a salary reduction as a result of any salary differential based on location in effect for the
position, but the employee’s salary for the position shall be maintained until the salary for the position at the
new location reaches the employee’s salary rate.

(g) In the case of an employee whose position was relocated under the provisions of
subsections (e) or (f) above, if such position is subsequently re-established within 2 years at its former location,
the employee who was displaced shall be given the right of first refusal to such re-established position. If the
employee who was displaced is on Reuters payroll at the time the position is re-established, and the employee
exercises the right of first refusal, Reuters shall afford the employee the relocation/commutation rights specified
in Section 3 of this Article. If the employee who was displaced is no longer on Reuters payroll, and the former
employee exercises the right of first refusal, the former employee shall be reinstated and shall be treated as if
the employee had been on a rehiring list pursuant to Section 6 of Article XVI, but Reuters shall not be obligated
to afford the employee the relocation/commutation rights specified in Section 3 of this Article.

Section 5

(a) Present employees will be given first opportunity to apply for vacancies in higher
classifications, subject however, to the prior operation of the rehiring list (Article XVI, Section 6). Notice of all
vacancies shall be posted on all available bulletin boards and given to the Guild. Such notice shall provide a
reasonable outline of the requirement of such job wherever possible.

(b) Employees desiring to fill such vacancies shall submit written applications within
ten (10) days of such posting.

(c) When filling vacancies in the higher classifications, Reuters will give first
consideration to the seniority of present employees with suitable qualifications and experience.

(d) Employees will be informed in writing of the disposition of their written applications
for vacancies in a higher classification. If an employee requests an explanation or suggestions regarding ways to
improve his qualifications, the same will be provided by Reuters, either verbally or in writing at the discretion
of Reuters.

(e) Seniority as used in this Section means continuous length of service with Reuters.
Employment shall be deemed continuous unless interrupted by (i) dismissal for just and sufficient cause or (ii)
dismissal to reduce the force which lasts more than five years (but the period of such dismissal shall not be
included in computing total seniority), or (iii) refusal to accept an offer of rehire into the classification in which
he worked when dismissed.

Section 6

(a) Employees promoted under Section 5 of this Article shall be given a trial period in
accordance with Article V, Section 3. During such trial period, the employee shall receive at least the minimum
next higher than his salary in the classification from which he advanced. During such trial period, the employee
may elect to return to the job classification from which he advanced, provided that an election occurs prior to
Reuters confirming the employee in the job in writing or by the end of the employee’s next scheduled workday
following receipt of such confirmation. An employee electing to return to the job classification from which he
advanced will do so without penalty or prejudice.

(b) At the end of such trial period, the employee shall be confirmed in the classification to

which he advanced, unless he has been unable to perform the duties of the job to the satisfaction of Reuters.
Reuters may confirm the employee in the job classification to which he advanced prior to the end of the trial
period. If not so confirmed, he shall be returned to the classification from which he advanced, without penalty
or prejudice.\

(c) f the employee returns to the classification from which he advanced, he shall then
receive the salary he would be entitled to if he had never been advanced. His period of service in the higher
classification shall be counted for all purposes as service in the classification from which he advanced.

Section 7

Except as provided in Sections 1 and 4 of this Article, no employee shall in any way be penalized for
refusing to accept a promotion or transfer.

Section 8

Reuters will provide guidance, make arrangements for, and pay for the costs of all training courses
which are related to Reuters training needs, necessary for members of staff moved into a new job category or as
required for employees who may be displaced by subcontracting or the introduction of new technology (e.g.
equipment) as described in Article I, Section 5 (c) and Article XVI, Sections 9 and 10.

Section 9

Reuters will pay the costs of educational courses, approved by management, as provided in the Reuters
Educational Assistance Program effective September 1, 1998 and modified by the parties on October 13, 1998.
Such approval shall not be unreasonably denied. At the employee’s request, arrangements will be made by
Reuters to advance the employee fifty percent (50%) of covered costs of approved educational courses. Reuters
may put in place, and modify at its discretion, means for ensuring repayment should the employee subsequently
not qualify under Reuters Policy for the educational reimbursement for which an advance has been made.
Reuters may make improvements to the Educational Assistance Program during the life of this Agreement,
following consultations with and agreement by the Guild. Otherwise no changes may be made in the Program
until June 1, 2003, at which time Reuters may modify or discontinue the Program in its sole discretion provided
that such modifications or discontinuance are applicable for Reuters employees generally. Reuters will give
notice of any such proposed modifications or discontinuance to the Guild and provide an opportunity for
discussion with the Guild.

Section 10

It is jointly agreed by Reuters and the Guild that Article XV, Sections 1 and 5 of this Agreement will not
apply to international staff assigned to the United States but otherwise working under the terms of this
Agreement. Reuters will not interrupt or threaten to interrupt such a United States assignment without cause.
Such cause shall be submitted in writing to the employee with a copy to the Guild within a reasonable time prior
to reassignment.


Section 1

(a) There shall be no dismissals except for just and sufficient cause. The Guild and the
employee shall be notified in writing within one (1) day of any dismissal with the facts alleged to constitute just
and sufficient cause stated in such notice.

(b) Employees considered “employees with employment protection,” who shall not be
subject to loss of employment for any reason whatsoever except dismissal for just and sufficient cause, are those
who were hired as of March 31, 2000 and were classified as 10J and 0 as of February 28, 2009.

(c) “Employees with employment protection” who work in geographic locations with
limited numbers of employees also may be required to change geographic locations, if necessary. “Employees
with employment protection” who are required to change jobs will not lose any salary (including merit pay) as a
result of the change. Their job group and step within the group will not be reduced as a result of such job
change, should the new job be in a lower classification, and such employees shall receive all future wage
increases based on their salary in the higher group. Should they change to a non-Guild job in order to protect
their employment, their Guild status and salary (including wage increases) shall be red-circled based on their
Guild-represented job group. “Employees with employment protection” will not be asked to change location if
there are available jobs in their current location which they can be reasonably trained to perform.

(d) Employees who are not covered by the full “employment protection” (as described in
Sections 1(b) and (c), above) shall be subject to loss of employment only after Reuters has implemented the
following options prior to layoff of any such employees:
(i) Reuters shall place the affected employees in suitable available jobs, given the
employee’s skills and abilities, in their own area (e.g. Editorial, technical
operations or business operations) before resorting to layoffs. The need for
training in the functions of an available position shall not, by itself, render a
position unsuitable. In no event shall Reuters be required to provide more than
three (3) month’s training.
(ii) Reuters shall ensure that temporary, part-time and other non-regular employees
working in the same or similar job classifications (or doing work that could
reasonably be performed with training by an affected regular employee) as the
affected employees are dismissed before regular employees with similar skills
and abilities are dismissed, unless clearly impractical.
(iii) Employees without “employment protection” may be required to change jobs
and/or location and undertake training in order to maintain employment, and in
the absence of other reasonable options as described herein. Employees without
“employment protection” who are required to change jobs will not lose any salary
(including merit pay) as a result of the change. Their job group and step within
the group will not be reduced as a result of such job change, should the new job
be in a lower classification, and such employees shall receive all future step-ups
and wage increases based on their salary in the higher group. Should they change
to a non-Guild job in order to protect their employment, they will no longer be a
part of the bargaining unit. In the case of economic dismissals to reduce the force
(as described in Section 6, below) the “bumping” provisions of Section 7 shall
(iv) Reuters shall make a good-faith effort to place affected employees in available
appropriate jobs at other Reuters Group entities in the United States should there
be no available jobs within Reuters itself. Employees who agree to be placed in
such jobs shall not be red-circled or represented by the Guild once they leave
Reuters, but they shall be placed on the rehiring list.
(v) Reuters shall also consider, in good faith, other reasonable options before
dismissing any affected employees.

(e) Reuters will commit to retraining, for suitable jobs, employees displaced by the
introduction of new technology, the introduction of new or modified processes, subcontracting, or transfer of
work outside of the bargaining unit, if suitable jobs are then available. Should no suitable job be available, the
employee will be dismissed (subject to the terms of Section 1 (b) through (d) above) and receive severance in
accordance with Article XIII Section 1 except as set forth in (k), below.

(f) The Partnership Committee shall oversee all training provided in this Article. Reuters
will determine whether a job is suitable, taking into account the employee’s qualifications which shall include
ability, skills, performance, work history and educational background. In reviewing Reuters determination that a
job is not suitable, an arbitrator may only take into account the employee’s ability, skills, performance, work
history and educational background. If the Guild-covered employee’s salary is kept whole, Reuters
determination that a job is suitable may not be challenged. Training will be provided for a maximum period of
three (3) months. However, if an employee fails a training course, which may include on-the-job training, at the
end of the three (3) months the employee will be deemed dismissed for economic reasons and receive the
standard economic severance pay.

(g) In providing the employee with a replacement job, Reuters shall first ascertain whether
any appropriate openings exist within Guild jurisdiction. If so, then the employee shall be offered a replacement
job within Guild jurisdiction.

(h) If no appropriate opening exists within Guild jurisdiction, Reuters shall offer the
employee a replacement job outside of Guild jurisdiction if a suitable position is open. Reuters undertakes that
an employee thus placed into an appropriate job outside Guild jurisdiction shall be employed at a salary no less
than his or her salary in the Guild-represented job at the time of the displacement.
(a) Regardless of whether the replacement job is within Guild jurisdiction, all
employees transferred to replacement jobs under this Section shall be subject to
and covered by the terms of the Agreement, provided, however, that no
employee who accepts a replacement job in a supervisory position, as defined
under the Act, shall be deemed covered by the terms of the Agreement.
(b) Except as provided above with respect to replacement jobs in supervisory
positions, no displaced employee in a replacement job shall suffer a diminution
in salary in the replacement job. The displaced employee shall continue to
receive any contractually mandated increases in compensation, including but
not limited to salary increases, bonuses, and/or compensation for increased
work week pursuant to the Agreement.

(i) The placement of displaced Guild employees in replacement jobs outside of Guild
jurisdiction shall be of no precedential or evidentiary value and is not admissible in any proceeding except to
enforce the terms of this Article.

(j) Nothing in this agreement shall prevent Reuters from offering any employee or group
of employees a voluntary buyout after discussion with the Guild as provided by law.

(k) Notwithstanding anything herein, currently employed technical and administrative

employees shall receive, upon termination, the severance and other benefits set forth in Article XVI, Section
10& 11 of the prior CBA.

Section 2
There shall be no dismissal solely as a result of putting this Agreement into effect.

Section 3
There shall be no discharge of or discrimination against any employee because of his membership or
activity in the Guild.

Section 4
For purposes of employment security, unless contrary to other provisions of this Agreement or
applicable law, an employee on disability leave does not have any greater rights than an employee who is
actively employed and affected by a job elimination.

Section 5

(a) Economic layoffs shall be considered only for legitimate business reasons, subject to
the protections provided in Section 1, above. In the event that economic dismissals to reduce the force become
necessary, Reuters undertakes to consult fully with the Guild in accordance with applicable federal law.

(b) In order to effect economic dismissals to reduce the force through voluntary means,
Reuters shall determine whether any of the employees in the department(s) and job classifications affected (or
employees in the same city who perform the same or similar functions) are willing to resign. Offers to resign
shall be accepted in seniority order. Such volunteers shall be treated as having been terminated as a result of a
reduction in force for all purposes, including severance pay. Economic dismissals to reduce the work force, as
distinguished from dismissals for just and sufficient cause, or displacements, shall be made in the inverse order
of seniority in the department and classification(s) affected, based on length of service with Reuters.

(c) In such cases, Reuters shall notify the Guild and the employee to be affected one
month in advance of such proposed dismissals, specifying the job titles, number of employees and the facts
upon which Reuters relies to establish necessity under subsection (a) of this Section.

(d) During this one-month notice period, the employee(s) affected and so notified may
resign voluntarily and receive any severance pay to which they are entitled under Article XIII, Section 1 (except
as in Section 1(k), above) or may elect to bump into a lower classification in which they have worked, provided
in Section 6 of this Article.

Section 6

(a) Remaining dismissals, if any, or displacements, shall be made in the inverse order
of seniority.

(b) An employee dismissed may elect, within ten (10) days after his actual dismissal, to
bump into a lower classification in which he has worked. He may displace an employee in that lower
classification whose years of service in the lower classification are less than the years of the dismissed
employee in the lower and higher classification together. The employee thus bumped shall be the one with the
lowest classification seniority.

(c) An employee thus displaced may similarly elect to bump into a lower classification in
which he has worked, or he may elect to take severance pay provided in Article XIII, Section 1(except as in
Section 1(k), above)

(d) An employee who bumps into a lower classification shall be paid the top minimum of
that classification, plus whatever dollar differential above the minimum he enjoyed in the classification from
which he was displaced.

Section 7

(a) Employees displaced or dismissed to reduce the force for any reason whatsoever, or
who have changed jobs and/or location for any reason covered by this Article, and employees who have elected
to bump into a lower classification, shall be placed upon a rehiring list for a period of six (6) months. Former
employees on the list prior to July 8, 2011 shall be grandfathered on the three (3) year rehiring list. Reuters shall
first fill all vacancies with persons on the list who have worked in the classification in which the vacancy
occurs, and secondly, with persons on the list from any other classification (as long as the person can perform
the available job), in the order of seniority based upon service in the classification in which the vacancy occurs,
and then in any other classification(s). Time spent on the rehiring list by dismissed employees shall not
constitute breaks in continuity of service, but need not be counted as service time, in computing seniority.

(b) One rehired or retransferred under subsection (a) shall be paid the applicable minimum
into which he is rehired or retransferred, plus whatever dollar differential above minimum he enjoyed when
displaced or dismissed.

(c) Reuters shall notify employees on the rehiring list of vacancies for which they are
eligible by certified mail to the latest address given to Reuters. Within ten calendar days from receipt, a
response either accepting or declining employment must be received by Reuters. Failure to respond within this
time frame or to contact Reuters within 21 days of the mailing, if the letter is not received within this time
frame, shall result in removal from the rehire list. Reuters shall reasonably accommodate rehired employees
who are working elsewhere in determination of starting date based on resignation notice requirements they may
be under.

Section 8

Seniority means length of continuous employment. Employment shall be deemed continuous unless
interrupted by (a) dismissal for just and sufficient cause, or (b) resignation, or (c) refusal to accept an offer of
rehire into the classification in which he worked when dismissed, provided however, that any period of
employment for which severance pay has actually been paid, and not refunded, shall not be counted as
employment in calculating severance which may again become due after rehire.

Section 9

The Guild and all employees shall be notified at least one month in advance of dismissal by way of sale
or discontinuance of operation, or one month’s compensation shall be paid to all employees in lieu of notice.
Such notice or compensation in lieu of notice is distinct from and in addition to any accrued severance pay due
under Article XIII Section 1 (except as in Section 1(k), above).

Section 10

(a) Reuters shall give the Guild two (2) months’ notice of intent to introduce new
technology (e.g. equipment), or new or modified processes, which will create new job classifications, alter the
job content of existing job classifications, or that lead to job losses.

(b) Reuters will consult with the Partnership Committee about the introduction of new
technology, or new or modified processes that would lead to job losses and will provide a list of employees who
may be affected by such new technology or new or modified processes. The Committee shall oversee efforts to
place affected employees in new jobs that may exist within Reuters, to be offered in seniority order on a
voluntary basis.

(c) Reuters shall offer to all affected employees, a voluntary buy-out, consisting of at
least the following:
(i) severance pay in accordance with Article XIII, Section 1 (except as in Section
1(k), above).
(ii) plus outplacement assistance as may be agreed by Reuters and the Guild, which
includes vocational counseling career/life assessment, resume preparation,
networking, defining market strategy, interviewing skills, printing of resumes,
as appropriate;
(iii) Employees who accept a voluntary buyout, shall be treated for all purposes as
having been laid off, except they shall be deemed to have waived all recall

(d) Employees affected by the introduction of new technology or new or modified

processes who are offered but decline a “voluntary buyout” shall be covered by the provisions of Section 1
according to their respective level of “employment protection,” and all other employment security provisions of
this Agreement, which shall be applied to them prior to displacement.
(e) Except as specified, the provisions of this new technology/new or modified processes
section do not apply to temporary employees.

Section 11

Reuters has the right to continue its present practice of subcontracting work of the same types that it has
subcontracted on or before January 1, 1994 as previously agreed upon and to subcontract work in the following
specific circumstances:
(i) During the specified time period necessary to train regular Reuters employees
to operate and/or maintain newly-installed equipment.
(ii) During specified time periods not to exceed three (3) months without full and
proper consultation with the Guild, and not to exceed six (6) months without
agreement by the Guild when no regular Reuters employee has the unique
skills, or could reasonably acquire such skills, needed to perform a function
necessary to support immediate business needs.
(iii) During the specified time period necessary to train regular Reuters employees
to perform new work, when a Reuters service is being phased out for business
(iv) For equipment maintenance otherwise within Guild jurisdiction, during the
specified time period when newly-installed equipment covered under this
Agreement has a manufacturer's standard warranty, but not including any
service contracts purchased by Reuters. Upon expiration of the warranty, such
equipment maintenance within Guild jurisdiction covered under this Agreement
shall remain in Guild jurisdiction.
(v) Provided, however, that subcontracting pursuant to subsections (i), (ii), (iii)
and shall not result in the displacement of any Guild-represented employee or
reduce the jurisdiction of the Guild.
(vi) Except as provided above, if Reuters wishes to subcontract or transfer work in
Guild jurisdiction out of the bargaining unit, it must first submit the proposed
subcontracting or transfer together with a list of all employees who may be
affected by such subcontracting or transfer to the Guild-Reuters Partnership
Committee, which shall consider the matter for a maximum of two (2) months,
unless otherwise agreed by the parties. During the two (2) month consideration
period, Reuters may not engage in the proposed sub-contracting, or transfer the
work. If after the two (2) months, the Partnership Committee has not reached
agreement as to the proposed subcontracting or transfer, either party may
submit the issue as to whether Reuters may engage in the proposed
subcontracting or transfer to a Panel Arbitrator designated to resolve disputes
under this provision under the expedited arbitration procedures established by
the American Arbitration Association. The Panel Arbitrator designated to hear a
particular dispute will be the arbitrator with the first available date from among
the six (6) panel members designated for this purpose. However, no arbitrator
may hear two consecutive subcontracting or transfer disputes between the
parties. Service on the arbitration panel shall not preclude the arbitrator from
being selected under the arbitration provisions otherwise herein provided under
Article XVII, Section 2. The arbitrator shall rule on whether Reuters is
subcontracting or transferring the work for a legitimate business reason.

(a) Subcontracts or transfers under this section may be entered into

within any twelve (12) month period (commencing May 26, 2006)
displacing up to a maximum total of thirty-five (35) employees within
Guild jurisdiction. No unused portion of the thirty- five (35) employee
limit may be carried over to any subsequent twelve (12) month period.
For the twelve (12) month period(s) commencing May 26, 2009, the
thirty- five (35) employee limit shall be raised to fifty (50).
(b) An employee whose job is eliminated through subcontracting or
transfer who is placed, in accordance with all other applicable
provisions of this Article, in an appropriate Guild-represented position
(not including a red-circled position outside the bargaining unit),
which is not a “make-work” position, shall not be considered
displaced; provided that, commencing March 1, 2002, such job
eliminations and resulting transfers shall be considered to constitute
displacement under the applicable limits set forth in subsection a)
above after a maximum of fifteen (15) such occurrences in any twelve
(12) month period.

(vii) Any work under Guild jurisdiction that is subcontracted or transferred and that
is later brought back into Reuters, shall be placed under Guild jurisdiction, and
Guild- represented employees who formerly performed such work shall be
offered such positions.
(viii) In the event of subcontracting or transfer by Reuters as provided herein, Reuters
shall offer to all affected employees, a voluntary buy-out, consisting of at least
the following:

a) applicable severance pay in accordance with Article XIII Section 1

(except as in Section 1(k), above)
b) plus outplacement assistance as may be agreed by Reuters and the
Guild, which includes vocational counseling career/life assessment,
resume preparation, networking, defining market strategy,
interviewing skills, printing of resumes, as appropriate;
c) Employees who accept a voluntary buyout shall be treated for all
purposes as having been laid off, except they shall be deemed to have
waived all recall rights.

(ix) All employees who are displaced due to subcontracting or transfer who are
offered but decline the “voluntary buyout” shall be covered by the provisions of
Section 1 according to their respective level of “employment protection,” and
all other employment security provisions of this Agreement, which shall be
applied to them prior to displacement.
(x) Except as specified, the provisions of this subcontracting and transfer section do
not apply to temporary employees.
(xi) Under no circumstances shall Reuters subcontract or transfer bargaining unit
work or jobs to Reuters New Media International or Reuters Health Inc.

Section 12

“Text” employees who agree to transfer to a job in TV Operations shall continue to accrue seniority for
all purposes under the Agreement, and shall, in the event of a layoff in either television entity, be permitted to
exercise their “bumping” rights with regard to previously held positions. But in no event shall their salary be
diminished. “Television” employees who agree to transfer to a job in Reuters text operations shall continue to
accrue seniority for all purposes under the Agreement, and shall, in the event of a layoff in text, be permitted to
exercise their “bumping” rights with regard to previously held positions. But in no event shall their salary be


Section 1 - Grievance Procedure

All grievances shall be handled in the following manner:

Step 1: An employee who has a grievance should discuss it with his or her immediate supervisor
or department head, as designated by Reuters, together with the Guild Representative, Guild Unit Chairperson,
Grievance Committee Chairperson, or a Grievance Committee member, within sixty (60) days from the date the
employee was aware, or with reasonable diligence should have been aware, that a grievance existed. If the
grievance is not disposed of at this Step 1 meeting, it may be presented by the Guild to Reuter’s Director of
Labor Relations or his or her designee informally for investigation and possible adjustment. Should the informal
discussions not lead to an amicable resolution within forty (40) days from the date the employee made the Guild
aware of facts giving rise to the grievance, it may be presented officially to Reuters in writing at Step 2, either at
the next regularly scheduled monthly grievance meeting following the completion of Step 1, or sooner. A
grievance involving discharge of an employee shall be initiated in writing directly at Step 2, within fourteen
(14) days of written notification to the Guild of the discharge. Whenever possible, or at the employee’s request,
an employee who is discharged shall receive from Reuters immediately, in the presence of an accredited Guild
representative, an oral statement of the cause and reasons for the discharge. The Guild shall receive a written
detailed statement of such cause and reasons within one (1) day of the date of discharge. A grievance asserted
by Reuters or by the Guild on its own behalf shall be initiated directly at Step 2 and shall be presented to the
other party in writing either: A) at the next regularly scheduled monthly grievance meeting following the date
the grieving party was aware, or with reasonable diligence should have been aware, that a grievance existed, or
B) within sixty (60) days following the date the grieving party was aware, or with reasonable diligence should
have been aware, that a grievance existed.

Step 2: Reuters and the Guild shall meet on a regular basis, at least once per month, for the
purpose of discussing outstanding grievances that have not been resolved at Step 1. Reuters agrees to have the
Director of Labor Relations or his or her designee in attendance at such meetings. Following the Step 2 meeting,
Reuters shall give its response in writing within twenty (20) days. In the event that Reuters fails to respond
within twenty (20) days, it shall be deemed a concurrence with the grievance.

Section 2 - Arbitration Procedure

(a) If a grievance arising from the interpretation or application of the terms of this
Agreement (except as to renewal of the Agreement) is not disposed of at Step 1 or Step 2, as described in
Section 1 above, the grievance may be referred to arbitration by the grieving party by serving a written demand
for arbitration upon the other party within sixty (60) days of receipt of the written response to the Step 2
grievance with a copy of the demand to be filed simultaneously with the American Arbitration Association.

(b) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, arbitration hereunder shall be conducted
pursuant to the voluntary labor arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitrator shall be
without authority or jurisdiction to change any of the terms or provisions of the Agreement. If the arbitrator
sustains the grievance in whole or in part, the arbitrator shall have the authority to grant appropriate relief. The
decision of the arbitrator within the limits herein prescribed shall be final and binding upon Reuters, the Guild
and the employees affected, subject to judicial review as provided by law. The cost of such arbitration shall be
borne equally by the parties, except that no party shall be obligated to pay any part of the cost of a stenographic
transcript unless it requests a copy thereof in which case it will pay for its copy.

(c) Upon mutual agreement, Reuters and the Guild may schedule pre-arbitration hearing
meetings in an effort to streamline the hearing and/or settle the matter prior to hearing.

Section 3

(a) The timeframe for presentation and processing of grievances set forth in this Article
may be extended at any point by mutual written agreement of the parties. If it is not, however, it shall serve as a
time-bar on the parties. An employee’s trial period shall not count toward any of the timeframes contained in
this Article.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, a demand for arbitration of a
grievance arising from the discharge of any employee shall be time-barred unless made within one hundred
twenty (120) days of the date of the Guild’s receipt of Reuters Step 2 written response, as described in Section 1

(c) With respect to written grievances submitted to Reuters, claims for damages or other
monetary relief for the period more than one (1) year prior to the date the written grievance was submitted shall
be deemed to have been waived.

(d) With regard to any grievance(s) which an arbitrator finds to be a continuing

violation(s), the timeframe(s) identified above for the presentation and processing of Step 1 or Step 2 grievances
shall not apply. The arbitrator shall have the authority to determine whether a grievance is a continuing
violation. Any claim(s) for damages or other monetary relief under this section for the period more than one (1)
year prior to the date the written grievance was submitted shall be deemed to have been waived.

Section 4

(a) Reuters policy is to allow staff who hold Guild unit office, such as Guild Unit
Chairperson or Grievance Committee Chairperson, necessary time off to carry out their union duties.
Accordingly, Reuters will, upon request, make such arrangements with the provisions that prior notice be given
by such unit officer and that Company services and operation will not be adversely affected. In addition, the
Guild Grievance Committee Chairperson shall be allowed one (1) day of his or her regular workweek off with
pay for the conduct of Guild unit business. (This is in addition to the time off for the Guild Unit Chairperson as
set forth in Side-Letter # 15.) Participation by the Grievance Chair and Unit Chair at the regular monthly
grievance meeting shall also be with pay for the duration of the meeting. The Grievance Committee
Chairperson and the Guild Unit Chairperson shall also be allowed an additional one-half (1/2) day off with pay
each week between them (to be allocated at the discretion of the Unit Chair.) They may also transfer their
respective “time off for Guild business,” or a portion thereof, to each other or to substitutes designated by the
Guild, with advance notification to their supervisors. Such “time off for Guild business,” or a portion thereof,
may also be re-scheduled to a later date by mutual agreement of the employee(s) and the supervisor.

(b) Every reasonable effort will be made to adjust grievances during Company time.

Section 5

Any grievance settlement which has the effect of interpreting or changing the Agreement shall not
constitute a binding precedent as to the Guild or Reuters unless reduced to writing and signed by a Human
Resources Department representative, in the case of Reuters, and the President, Secretary-Treasurer or Local
Representative, in the case of the Guild. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any grievance settlement that has been
made but not reduced to writing and signed by the appropriate officials as provided above, shall nevertheless be
final and binding as to Reuters and the grieving employee(s) with respect to the issue settled, and also may be
offered as evidence (but not as binding precedent) in any future grievances involving the same issue initiated by
other employees or the Guild. In no event shall Reuters cite the failure of an individual employee (or
employees) to notify the Guild of a grievance as setting any precedent under this Agreement.


Section 1

Any employee who has left or leaves the employment of Reuters to enter the Military, National Guard
Service or Peace Corps of the United States government or any state, territory or federal district of the United
States, shall be considered an employee on leave of absence, and on release from such service shall resume his
position or a comparable one with a salary no less than what he would have received if his service with Reuters
had been continuous.

Section 2

Time spent in such service shall be considered service time with Reuters in computing severance pay,
experience rating, length of vacations and all other benefits which depend in whole or in part upon the length of
continuous service with Reuters.

Section 3

An employee leaving for such service shall receive four (4) weeks pay, plus accrued vacation pay unless
he has already had his annual vacation.

Section 4

If an employee, upon his return from such service, is found to be physically incapacitated to the extent
that he is unable to resume his former employment, Reuters shall make all efforts to place him in other
acceptable employment and shall consult with the Guild thereon. If such other employment is not found, the
employee shall receive his severance pay. If an employee dies while in such service, the amount of severance
pay shall be paid to his beneficiary or estate.

Section 5

Application for resumption of employment must be made within ninety (90) days after termination of
such service, plus travel time from separation center to place of employment.

Section 6

An employee promoted to take the place of one entering such service may, upon the resumption of
employment by such employee be returned to his previous position and at a salary no less than what he would
have received if his service in the former classification had been continuous. An employee so promoted, and
while such promotion is temporary, shall continue to accumulate experience credit in the classification from
which he was promoted. In the event of a subsequent permanent repromotion to the same classification, the
employee shall receive full experience credit in such new classification for the period in which he already had
engaged in such new classification.

Section 7

An employee hired as a replacement for one entering such service shall be covered by all provisions of
this Agreement, except reinstatement rights under this military service clause. Such employee, on entering such
service, shall be given accumulated severance pay and prorata vacation pay, and upon his return from such
service shall be placed on the rehiring list provided in Article XVI, Section 6.

Section 8

An employee hired as a replacement for one entering such service shall be given preference over any
new employee in filling vacancies which may arise. If such an employee is displaced by the return of a regular
employee from military service, he shall be placed on the rehiring list provided for in Article XVI, Section 6.

Section 9

An employee hired or promoted as replacement of an employee entering such service shall be given a
written notice to that effect at the time of such employment or promotion, said notice to state which employee
he is replacing, and a copy of such notice shall be sent to the Guild.

Section 10

Leaves of Absence of up to three weeks per year with differential pay shall be granted to employees for
training service with the National Guard, and the Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force or Coast Guard Reserve. All
of the above provisions, excepting Sections 3 and 5, shall apply to all military training service herein.

Section 1

(a) Reuters will grant members of staff leave without pay for good and sufficient cause. If a member
of staff requests this leave for educational and training programs, such programs will be discussed and agreed
between the member of staff concerned and the Company.
(b) Reuters reserves the right to limit the number of staff taking part in such educational and training
programs to a maximum of five persons at any one time within the Company, and would consider additional
requests in the light of current operational commitments.

Section 2

Leaves provided for in this Article shall not constitute breaks in continuity of service in the computation
of severance pay, vacations and other benefits accrued under this Agreement, but leaves under Sections 1 and 3
of this Article may be deducted in computing severance pay. While on Leave of Absence, employee’s life
insurance AD&D and disability benefits shall remain constant.

Section 3

If an employee is elected or appointed to any position in The NewsGuild or AFL-CIO, or local of The
NewsGuild, or any organization with which The NewsGuild is affiliated, such employee, upon his request, shall
be given a leave of absence without pay, and shall be reinstated in the same or comparable position upon the
expiration of such leave. No more than two employees at any one time may be on leave under this Section, but
Reuters would consider additional requests in the light of current operational commitments.

Section 4

Leaves of absence without pay upon request shall be granted to employees elected or appointed
delegates to conventions of The NewsGuild, AFL-CIO or any organization with which The NewsGuild is
affiliated, and to delegates to special meetings called by The NewsGuild, or by any branch thereof, or by an
organization with which The NewsGuild is affiliated. Up to two employees at any one time may be on leave
under this Section, but Reuters would consider additional requests in the light of current operational
Section 5

Parental leave for a period of nine (9) months shall be granted upon request, with pay for at least twelve
(12) weeks plus accrued vacation. No employee shall be required to take a parental leave of absence, nor shall
an employee’s job duties or working conditions be altered without his or her consent, on account of pregnancy,
nor shall there be any penalty for pregnancy. The beginning of the leave shall be at the discretion of the
employee. An employee returning from parental leave shall be reinstated in his or her job at the salary he or she
would have received had his or her employment with Reuters been continuous. He or she also shall be
reinstated in his or her job with full credit towards severance pay accrual and other length of service benefits.
Reuters shall grant an extension of up to six (6) months parental leave if the employee gives good and sufficient
cause and reasonable notice. At the expiration of parental leave, an employee electing not to return to work shall
receive severance pay in accordance with the schedule in Article XIII, Section 2 (b), and shall be placed on a
preferential rehiring list for a period of five (5) years.

Section 6

Compassionate leave of seven consecutive calendar days with pay for all scheduled work days during
this period will be provided to all employees in the event of death in the immediate family. The definition of
immediate family is defined as spouse, domestic partner, parents, brother, sister, grandparents, grandchildren,
parent-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, children or legal dependents residing in the employee’s household.
The Company shall provide one day of compassionate leave with pay for aunts, uncles, brothers-in-law,
sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews.


Section 1

Reuters shall pay all legitimate expense incurred by the employee in the service of Reuters. Such
expenses may be charged to either a Reuters corporate credit card, or a credit card chosen by the employee.
Employees shall receive training as necessary on automated expense filing systems. Expenses must be
submitted within 3 months of having been incurred.

Section 2

Necessary working equipment shall be provided to employees and paid for by Reuters.

Section 3

When an employee is required to travel in the performance of his duty in the United States, Reuters shall
cover reasonable costs incurred for lodging and travel expenses, and shall provide a per diem for meals. The per
diem for meals shall be $50.00 plus the cost of breakfast (verified by a receipt). When an employee, with the
knowledge and approval of Reuters, uses his own automobile on Company business, Reuters will pay the IRS
rate for reimbursement per mile. In the event Reuters increases the per diem or mileage reimbursement rates for
non-Guild employees to levels higher than those stated above, then the rates contained herein shall also be
increased to those higher levels. However, in no event may the rates be lowered.

Section 4

Employees in the bargaining unit shall be eligible to participate in Reuters Commuter Benefit Program,
subject to the terms of the Plan as it now exists and as it may be amended or discontinued in the future, in
Reuters sole discretion, for Reuters employees generally. Reuters will give notice of any proposed
modifications or discontinuance to the Guild and provide an opportunity for discussion with the Guild.


Section 1 - Bulletin Board

Reuters agrees to provide a bulletin board suitably placed for the use of the Guild.

Section 2 - Outside Activity

No employee shall use the name of Reuters or his position with Reuters or any material of Reuters in
any way for personal gain without written permission from Reuters. This applies to all related work in
competition with Reuters.

Section 3 - Struck Work

In the case of a strike at Reuters, employees shall not be required to handle struck work, nor shall they
be required to cross picket lines.

Section 4 – Bylines

An employee’s byline shall not be used over his protest. A byline will fairly reflect the authorship of a
story in accordance with journalistic practice, but will normally be restricted to one name per story.

Section 5 - Subpoena Clause

Reuters, believing that a free press best gathers news without external pressure, and the Guild, believing
that a news employee should be responsible in his work only to his conscience and to his employer, agree that
protection of a news employee’s security is of prime importance to his work. Reuters and the Guild further
agree that:
(a) When any request is made by a federal, state or municipal court, grand jury, agency, department,
commission or legislative body for the production or disclosure of confidential information or confidential news
sources utilized by any reporter, editor, correspondent, or any other person employed by, and directly engaged
in the gathering of news for Reuters, and when such employee has notified Reuters of such request, Reuters will
make interim arrangements for immediate legal guidance and assistance for the employee through Reuters legal

counsel. If necessary, arrangements for providing the employee with longer-term legal representation will be
made, as agreed upon by Reuters and the employee.
(b) An employee so represented in any such proceeding by Reuters legal counsel or by another
representative agreed upon by both parties shall not suffer any loss of pay or other benefits and shall further be
made whole to the extent permitted by law against any fines or damages levied by any final judgment or
decision in the action except to the extent that such employee has taken a course of action contrary to the advice
of his counsel.

Section 6 - Health and Safety at Work

(a) The Company’s policy is to maintain safe and healthy conditions for all staff at work and will
furnish staff with any special protective equipment necessary.

(b) Familiarization in safety procedures will be carried out in each department as required.

(c) Training in safety as necessary will be given as part of any technical training programs provided
for staff.

(d) Reuters and the Guild agree to establish a joint standing committee on health and safety to
review safety arrangements and procedures in the Company.

(e) Reuters agrees to reimburse staff for loss and damage to their personal effects and property
incurred in the execution of their work.

Section 7 - Standing Committee

Reuters and the Guild agree that during the term of this Agreement, a joint standing committee will be
established for the purpose of discussing, agreeing and establishing an adequate reference library for use by
news staff.

Section 8

Upon written request, an employee shall be afforded the opportunity to inspect the contents of his
personnel file in the presence of a human resources representative at a time to be mutually agreed by the Human
Resources Department and the employee. An employee may not make copies of documents contained in his
personnel file but may make summary notes regarding any of its contents.

Section 9

Security cameras (hidden or otherwise) installed or utilized by Reuters shall not be used for the purpose
of monitoring employee productivity or work performance. Absent a triggering event involving issues other
than employee productivity or work performance, Reuters will not review security camera tapes. This language
is not intended to limit the rights of either party with regard to images which may, or may not, be evidence of
employee misconduct.


Section 1 - Duration

Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, this Agreement shall commence at 12:01 am on December
15, 2017, and shall expire at 11:59 pm on December 14, 2020.

There shall be no strikes, or other unauthorized work stoppages, or lockouts during the term of this Agreement.
If, during the term of this Agreement, Guild-represented employees engage in any strike, the Guild, at the request of
Reuters, shall advise all employees engaging in the strike to cease their strike immediately, and that the Guild does
not authorize, ratify or condone the strike.

Section 2 – Renewal

a) Either party must notify the other of a desire to change, modify, or terminate· this Agreement at
least sixty (60) days prior to expiration.
b) The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in effect during such negotiations as
required by applicable law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties hereto have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized agents on
December 15, 2018:


Jonathan Leff Grant Glickson, President

Ed Tobin Dan Grebler, Unit Chair
Karen Hamilton Leslie Adler
Joseph Ax
Tony Barone
Kia Johnson
Brendan McDermid
David Morgan
Susan DeCarava, Local Representative

1. Appendix A of the Agreement was compiled by the parties listing only those excluded
job classifications containing one or more incumbent at the time of compilation.
2. The parties have a disagreement over the meaning of “department” as used in the
Agreement and that this compilation was done without prejudice to their respective positions as to its
3. The omission of any job titles from Appendix A of the collective bargaining
agreements between the parties dated October 13, 1987 and /or January 17, 1992, does not change the
excluded nature of the omitted job titles and/or their work/functions. Reuters may utilize the omitted
job titles in its discretion.

(x denotes in old contract)

Account Admin Manager, ny
Account Administrator, bos/chi/ny/sf x
Account Executive, bos/chi/ny/sf/dc x
Account Manager, bos/chi/cinn/la/mia/ny/phil/sf/sea/stm/dc x
Account Specialist, addison x
Account Team Manager, ny/phil
Acct Team Mgr Open Sys, bos
Admin Financial Assistant, hpg
Admin Supervisor, hpg/ny x
Advisor Software Sys, ny
Analyst, Treasury ny
Applications Developer, ny
Assistant Admin Manager, la x
Assistant Finance Manager, ny/sf x
Assistant Manager, Communications ny
Assistant Manager, Rate Reporting Unit ny
Assistant Marketing Mgr, ny x
Assistant Pictures Editor, dc x
Assistant Project Manager, chi/ny x
Asst Finance & Admin Mgr, chi
Asst Manager, ny x
Benefits Coordinator, ny x
Bureau Chief, bureaus
Business Administrator, bos/chi/la/mia/ny/phil/sf/stm/addison

Business Analyst, hpg/ny x
Business Development Exec, ny
Business Development Mgr, ny
Chief Correspondent, la/ny x
Client Administration Mgr, bos/chi/la/ny
Client Support Executive, addison/atl/bos/chi/cinn/hou/la/mia/minn
Client Support Specialist, dc
Communications Associate, ny
Communications Engineer, bos x
Communications Suppt Engineer, hpg
Company Secretariat Coord, ny
Consultant, Financial Marketing bos
Contract Manager, la/ny x
Contract Specialist, chi x
Controller, Client Administration ny
Corporate Counsel, ny x
Correspondent 1 Per Bureau, bureaus x
Data Center Supervisor, chi/ny/dc x
Database Coordinator, ny x
Datafeeds Specialist, ny x
Dbase Administrator, hpg x
Dbase Operations Coordinator, hpg x
Development Analyst, hpg/ny x
Development Manager, hpg/ny x
Development Tech Specialist, hpg
Dir Bus. Operations Analysis, ny
Dir Client Administration, ny
Dir Development, hpg
Dir Employee Dev RAM, ny
Dir Human Resources - RAM, hpg
Dir Mktg Municipal Svcs, ny
Dir Network Planning, ny
Dir Tech Resources, dc
Director Human Resources, News & Televis dc
Director Network Planning, ny
Director Open Systems, Sales chi
Director Product Mgt, ny
Director Sales, Northeast & Southeast bos
Director Technical, ny
Director, hpg/ny
Director, Business Analysis hpg
Director, Business Planning ny
Director, Compensation & Benefits ny x
Director, Compliance, The Americas ny
Director, CRC chi x
Director, Data Distribution Technology G hpg
Director, Data Management hpg
Director, Energy & Commodities Marketing ny
Director, Enterprise Applications ny
Director, Equities Product Manager ny
Director, Equities Systems ny
Director, Exchange Fee Admin hpg
Director, External Communications ny
Director, Field Service chi/sf
Director, Field Service - East bos
Director, Finance hpg
Director, Finance & Administration bos
Director, Global Account Contracts ny
Director, Global Accounts Strategy ny
Director, Global Acct Sales ny
Director, Human Resources ny x
Director, IDN Data Projects ny
Director, Int'l Audit - Instinet ny
Director, Labor Relations ny
Director, Loan Connector Marketing ny
Director, Money & FX Transactions System ny

Director, Money Products ny
Director, Network Development ny
Director, Network Eng & Implementation hpg
Director, Network Operations hpg
Director, News Marketing ny
Director, North American Sales ny
Director, of Finance Sales & Marketing ny
Director, of Forecasting chi
Director, Open Systems Consulting chi
Director, Open Systems Sales ny
Director, Operations Engineering ny
Director, Operations Projects hpg x
Director, Permissioning Support ny
Director, Product Admin Strategy hpg
Director, Product Development ny
Director, Purchasing chi
Director, RAM CRC hpg
Director, RAM Training oak
Director, Reuters Product Support hpg
Director, RIS Applications hpg
Director, Risk Mgmt Sales ny
Director, Risk Solutions ny
Director, Sales chi x
Director, Sales - California sf
Director, Sales Tax ny
Director, Special Projects ny
Director, Strategic Equities Marketing hpg
Director, Sys Engineering & Implementation hpg
Director, Technical Projects hpg
Director, Transaction Sales ny
Director, US Taxation ny x
Director, User/Supplier Relationships ny
Dispatcher, bos/chi/ny/sf x

Duty News Editor, dc
Editor in Charge, chi/la/ny/sf/dc x
Editor RAM & EVP RAH, dc
Editor, Americas Desk dc
Electronic Publications Mgr, ny
Engineering Group Mgr, ny
EVP, & Chief Financial Officer ny
EVP, & National Sales Director ny
EVP, Global Accounts ny
EVP, Human Resources ny
EVP, Legal ny
EVP, Marketing Services ny
EVP, Marketing Services, Trading ny
EVP, Technical Operations ny
Facilities Supervisor, chi
Finance & Admin Manager, chi/ny x
Finance Manager, hpg/ny/dc x
Finance Manager, Risk Mngmnt Sys & IMS ny
Financial Accountant, hpg/ny x
Financial Analyst, bos/hpg/ny/sf x
Financial Editor, ny
Financial Systems Admin. , ny
Global Accts Analyst, ny
Graduate Trainee ny
Graduate Trainee, Summer ny
Group Leader, hpg
HR Admin Assistant, dc
HR Administrator, dc
HRIS Manager, ny x
Human Resources Assistant, ny x
Human Resources Coord, chi/ny x
Human Resources Manager, hpg/ny
Human Resources Specialist, ny

Image Specialist, dc
Implementation Manager, hpg x
Implementation Support Engr, hpg x
Index Mgr Fixed Income, ny x
Info. Graphic Specl, dc
Information Resource Mgr, chi x
LAN Administrator, ny
LAN Manager, la
LAN System Administrator, hpg/ny/dc x
LAN Technical Manager, chi/sf x
LEAD Administrator, ny
Lead HR Specialist, ny
Logistics Coordinator IV, ny
Logistics Coordinator, chi x
Logistics Manager, chi/ny
Manager Admin Systems, Editorial ny
Manager Client T & D, ny
Manager Contracts Admin, ny x
Manager Plan & Analysis, ny
Manager Sales Admin, ny
Manager Tech Operations, dc
Manager, hpg/chi/ny
Manager, Accounts Payable hpg
Manager, Audits ny
Manager, Building Facilities hpg
Manager, Client Site Integration ny
Manager, Communications ny
Manager, Control/West Data Ctr Ops chi
Manager, Corporate Events ny
Manager, Data Center Admin ny
Manager, Data Functionality/Analytics chi
Manager, Distribution Systems reston
Manager, Employee Benefits ny

Manager, Exchange Fee Admin ny
Manager, Field Service - New York ny
Manager, Financial Processes ny
Manager, Financial Reporting ny
Manager, FX Credit & Cust Support ny
Manager, Installation & Service chi/hou
Manager, Internal Audit ny
Manager, Investor Relations ny
Manager, IT Audit ny
Manager, LATAM Transactions Products ny
Manager, Media Relations ny
Manager, Open Systems ny
Manager, Open Systems Engineering chi
Manager, Operations Projects hpg
Manager, Resolution Mgmt Team hpg
Manager, Reuters Exhibition Suppt hpg
Manager, Sales Events & Special Projects ny
Manager, Systems Operations hpg
Manager, Technical Account Services ny
Manager, Technical Support hpg
Manager, Technical Training ny
Manager, Technical/Transactions chi
Manager, Technology Support chi
Manager, Tradeshows & Marketing Events ny
Manager, Training chi
Manager, Training Business Admin ny
Manager, Vendor Management ny
Managing Director, Client Solutions ny
Managing Editor, ny
Market Data Support Spec, chi/hpg x
Marketing Assistant, ny x
Marketing Associate, ny
Marketing Executive, Investment Pricing ny

Marketing Manager, ny
Mgr Application Development, hpg x
Mgr Bond Information Group, ny
Mgr Capacity Planning RAM, hpg
Mgr Client Admin, ny
Mgr Data Center Admin & Support, chi
Mgr Distribution Data Ctr, hpg
Mgr Exchange Data, hpg x
Mgr Field Service, ny
Mgr Financial Reporting, el segundo x
Mgr Human Resources, chi/ny x
Mgr Internal Systems (Res) NY, ny
Mgr Network Security RAM, hpg
Mgr Network Services, hpg x
Mgr Payroll, hpg x
Mgr Quality Assurance, hpg
Mgr Rate Reporting Unit, ny x
Mgr Relationship Exchange, ny x
Mgr System Implementation, hpg x
Mgr Third Party Admin, hpg x
Mgr Travel & Building Svcs, ny
Mgr Treasury Operations, ny
Municipal Market Analyst, ny
Network Commun Engineer, dc x
Network Engineer, hpg/ny/dc
Network Planning Engineer, hpg/ny x
Network Support Engineer , hpg
News Editor, ny/dc x
News Editor, Deputy ny
News Editor, RAM, dc x
Office Manager, ny/sf x
Office Services Manager News & TV, dc
Open Systems Analyst, hpg

Open Systems Consultant, addison/chi/detroit/ny x
Open Systems Engineer, hpg/ny x
Open Systems Specialist, ny
Operation Administrator, hpg
Operations Manager, hpg/dc x
Operations Supervisor, hpg/dc x
Operations Technical Specialist, hpg
Pictures Editor, dc x
Planning Engineer, bos/chi/ny/sf
Planning Engineer, Capacity hpg
Plnng Engineer, Open Sys, hou
President, Reuters Information ny
President, Reuters Trading Systems ny
President, Risk Management Division ny
Product Manager Equities, ny x
Product Manager, hpg/ny x
Product Manager, DealWeb ny
Product Manager, Display Applications ny
Product Manager, Fin'l News Marketing, R ny
Product Manager, Imp. chi
Product Manager, Money & PP32 ny
Product Manager, Open Systems ny
Product Manager, Reuters Plus ny
Product Mgr Fixed Income, ny
Programmer Analyst, hpg\ny x
Programmer Analyst, Data Dist Tech GP ny
Project Assistant, ny
Project Associate, hpg/ny
Project Associate, Business Analysis hpg
Project Coordinator, chi/ny
Project Leader, hpg/ny x
Project Leader, EDA hpg
Project Manager IMS, hpg x

Project Manager Software Implem, hpg
Project Manager, hpg/ny/bos/chi/la/ny x
Project Manager, Business Analysis hpg/ny
Project Manager, Chronics hpg
Project Manager, Datafeeds ny
Project Manager, Fin'l Systems Implement ny
Project Manager, Global Accounts ny x
Project Manager, Global Administration hpg
Project Manager, MCI ny
Project Manager, Millenium ny
Project Manager, Networks hpg
Project Manager, SDC ny
Project Manager, STS ny
Project Manager, Technical Department ny
Project Manager, Technical Operations hpg
Project Manager, Third Party Development ny
Project Manager, Training Development ny
Project Mgr; Data Center Rationalization ny
Quotron Adm Prjt Splist, ny
Regional Editor, dc
RF Engineer, dc
Risk Analyst, ny
Risk Mgmt Specialist, bos/ny
Risk Mgmt Tech Specialist, ny
Sales Executive, stm x
Sales Manager, Chicago chi x
Sales Manager, Houston addison/chi/detroit/ny x
Sales Manager, Securities & Transaction ny
Sales Representative, ny
Sales Specialist, chi/detroit/hou/ny/sf x
Sales Specialist, Equities la
Sales Specialist, FX Applications ny
Sales Specialist, IMS ny/chi

Sales Specialist, IMS, Houston hou
Sales Speclst, Equities, bos/ny/sf
Sales Speclst, Fixed Income, chi/mia/ny
Security Manager, hpg/ny x
Senior Compensation Analyst, ny
Senior Legal Counsel, ny
Senior Manager, Comms-Millenium ny
Senior Manager, Customer Advocacy, Custo chi
Shift Manager, hpg
Shift Manager, Evening Operations hpg
Shift Manager, IDN hpg
Shift Manager, Network Maintenance hpg
Software Engineer, ny
Software Specialist, ny
Specialist, College Recruiting ny
Specialist, F/X bos
Specialist, LAN Support chi
Specialist, Multimedia dc
Specialist, SDC Tech Ops & Quality Offic ny
Sr Account Administrator, bos/ny/dc x
Sr Account Mgr, addison/chi/detroit/ny
Sr Accountant News & TV, dc
Sr Assembly Technician IV, ny x
Sr Benefits Specialist, ny
Sr Bus Development Exec, ny
Sr Business Administrator, bos/ny
Sr Business Analyst, hpg x
Sr CRC Administrator, hpg
Sr Field Serv Dispatcher, ny x
Sr Field Service Rep IV, ny x
Sr Financial Accountant, hpg x
Sr Financial Acct, bos x
Sr Financial Analyst, hpg/bos/chi/ny/sf x

Sr Fixed Asset Accountant, hpg
Sr Implement Sppt Eng, hpg
Sr LAN Administrator, hpg x
Sr Market Analyst, ny
Sr Mkt Data Sppt Spclist, chi/hpg x
Sr Mkt Data Support Spec, chi/hpg x
Sr Mkt Data Support Specialist, chi/hpg x
Sr Municipal Market Analyst, ny
Sr Producer, burbank/ny x
Sr Programmer Analyst, hpg/ny x
Sr Programmer Analyst, Arts Dev. ny
Sr Programmer, hpg
Sr Project Manager, Millenium Group ny
Sr Proposal Engineer, ny x
Sr Sales Specialist, chi
Sr Systems Consultant, Risk Management U ny
Sr Systems Engineer, hpg/atl/bos/chi/charlotte/hatorey/hou/kc/la/
mia/minn/ny/phil/pitts/sf/seattle/st louis/dc
Sr Systems Engineer, Houston hou
Sr Systems Programmer, hpg x
Sr Systems Support Eng, addison/chi/hpg x
Sr Technician, hpg
Sr Training Specialist, ny x
Sr Vice President, Business Mgr, West RA chi
Sr Vice President, Customer Service ny
Sr Vice President, Mktg, ny
Sr. Executive Secretary, ny
Sr. Network Engineer, dc
Sr. Product Engineer , hpg
Staff Accountant, dc
Summer Trainee hpg/ny
Supervisor, chi
Supervisor, Account Administration ny

Supervisor, Analytics chi
Supervisor, CAR Support Unit chi
Supervisor, Client Training ny
Supervisor, CRC, Open Systems chi
Supervisor, Data Center addison/sf
Supervisor, Data Control Desk hpg
Supervisor, Network Maintenance hpg
Supervisor, News/Transaction Operations hpg
Supervisor, Quality Control hpg
Supervisor, Tech Svcs & Trans GP chi
Support Mgr Core Suite, hpg
Support Mgr Systems, hpg x
Support Specialist, Foreign Exchange ny
Support Tech Specialist, hpg
Supv Market Data Support, hpg
Supv Network Communications, hpg x
Supv Open Systems, hpg
SVP Marketing, ny
SVP Reuters TV - RAM, dc
SVP, & Business Mgr, East bos
SVP, & Chief Operating Officer ny
SVP, and Business Manager West sf
SVP, Business Information & Admin Strate ny
SVP, Client Administration ny
SVP, Field Operations ny
SVP, Latam Technical ny
SVP, Millennium Group ny
SVP, Real Estate Services ny
SVP, Sales Training ny
System Support Engineer, chi
System Support Engr Network Ops, la
Systems Analyst, oak/chi x

Systems Consultant, oak/minn/ny x
Systems Engineer, addison/bos/chi/clev/denver/hou/la/
Systems Engineer, Level 3 chi/ny
Systems Engineer, Level 4 ny
Systems Implemenation MGR, hpg
Systems Programmer, hpg x
Systems Support Engineer, addison/chi/cinn/hpg/la/sf x
Systems Support Specialist, hpg x
Systems Support Technician, la/ny
Tax Analyst, ny
Tax Manager, ny x
Technical Account Mgr, chi/ny
Technical Leader, ny
Technical Manager, mia/ny/dc x
Technical Project Mgr, ny
Technical Service Coord, ny x
Technical Specialist, hpg/chi/ny x
Technical Support Engineer, chi x
Technical Writer, hpg/ny
Telephone Coordinator, hpg x
Trainee ny/dc
Trainer, ny
Training Administrator , ny/oak x
Training Editor, ny
Training Specialist, ny/oak x
Training Supervisor, chi
UNIX Systems Administrator, hpg/ny x
Vice President, & Business Mgr, Open Sys ny
Vice President, & Controller GSO ny
Vice President, & Deputy General Counsel ny
Vice President, & Manager Materials Mgmt chi
Vice President, & Sales Director-Special ny

Vice President, Bus. Planning & Process ny
Vice President, Business Process ny
Vice President, Client Operations ny
Vice President, Corporate Finance ny
Vice President, Development ny
Vice President, Distribution Data Center ny
Vice President, Equities Products phil
Vice President, Field Service Support ny
Vice President, Finance dc
Vice President, Finance & Administration ny
Vice President, Finance, Trading Systems ny
Vice President, Financial Enterprise Sys ny
Vice President, Fixed Income Products ny
Vice President, HR Operations for the Am ny
Vice President, LAN/WAN Management hpg
Vice President, Marketing stm x
Vice President, Marketing Communications ny
Vice President, Marketing Services ny
Vice President, Media Relations ny
Vice President, Millenium Field Support ny
Vice President, NYC Field Operations ny
Vice President, NYC Sales ny
Vice President, Purchasing ny
Vice President, Risk Mgmt Solutions ny
Vice President, Strategic Accts-New York ny
Vice President, Support Risk Management ny
Vice President, Tech Implementation Grou ny
Vice President, US Taxation ny
VP Finance & Admin, Information Division ny
VP Global Accts, ny x
VP Hauppauge Technical Ctr, hpg x
VP Investor Relations - RAH, ny
VP Sales & Marketing, dc x

VP Technical Development, ny
VP Technical Operations RAM, hpg/ny
Web Technical Specialist, hpg
Writer Technical Senior, ny


Bonham,Nicola C Administrative New Alexander C EVP Marketing Services

Assistant, York Hungate
Sosa,Josefina Secretary New Laura Trumbull Vice President, Development
Administrative, York
Grimaldi,Ann Marie Administrative New David H Turner Commercial Director
Assistant, York
Lavin,Sharon E Administrative New David J Distel EVP & CFO
Assistant, York
Hauge,Gretchen J Administrative New David L Meitz SVP Field Operations
Assistant, York
Albano,Susan Executive New Devin N Wenig EVP Marketing
Assistant, York Services/Business
Eng,Ruth E Secretary, New Devin N Wenig EVP Marketing
York Services/Business
Martinez,Barbra I Administrative New Gabriel Bousbib SVP & Chiefl Operating
Assistant, York Officer
Davila,Elizabeth G Administrative New Gerald L Walden SVP Client Administration
Assistant, York
Heim,Barbara J Administrative New Glenn J Elliott SVP Real Estate Services
Assistant, York
Barrett,Corey D Administrative New Glynn A Evans SVP Business Information &
Assistant, York Admin
Martin,Colleen T Executive New Graham John President Reuters Trading
Secretary, York Albutt Systems
Cecala,Aurelia M Administrative New Jeffrey Maron Director Strategic Projects
Assistant, York
Behrens,Denise A Administrative New Jeremy Paul Director Internal Audit
Assistant, York Metcalfe
Petrie,Jennifer M Secretary, Legal New John Reid-Dodick EVP Legal
Rickenbach,Karen Secretary, New John Reid-Dodick EVP Legal
D York
Palmer,Dorothy M Administrative Boston Kenneth J Byrne SVP & Business Mgr, East
Floyd,Ramona D Administrative New Michael K VP & Sales Director -
Assistant, York Naughton Specialist Sales
Nedds,Patricia Administrative New Nancy A VP Investor Relations - RAM
Assistant, York Bobrowitz
Meade,Mary G Admin Assistant, Hauppau Philip G Kearney VP Hauppauge Technical
ge Center
Dudt,Bethel R Administrative Washingt Ralph Andrew SVP - Reuters TV - RAM
Assistant, on Nicholson
Francois- Administrative New Richard K Farrell VP Strategic Accounts - New
Grimaldi,Frances Assistant, York York
Phillips,Veera A Administrative Washingt Robert J Keyes VP Sales & Marketing
Assistant, on
Stroy,Denise A Admin Assistant, New Rudolph Agostino VP Tech Inplementation
York Group
Puerto,Iris V Executive New Sarah Janet Dunn EVP Global Accounts
Assistant, York
Proctor,Selita Administrative Washingt Stephen Anthony Editor RAM & EVP RAH
Assistant, on Jukes
Anguiano,Sandra Administrative Chicago Stephen T Pickett SVP Business Mgr, West
Assistant, RAM
Welch,Jane K Executive New Thomas H Glocer President Reuters Information
Secretary, York

Human Resources

Field Service
Legal Department


The following positions are included in the bargaining unit:

Duty News Organizer
Master Control Room Operators/TOC
Videotape Editors
Camera Persons
Graphic Artists
Operations Coordinators
Studio Directors
Maintenance Engineers
Technical Directors
All Producers (Including Sports and Newswriters)
Reporter/Producer (including Senior Reporter/Producer)
Assignment Editor
Audio Engineer
Visual Engineer
Junior Producer
TV Production Assistant
Senior TV Production Assistant
Satellite Coordinator (if this job is re-instituted at Reuters)
Satellite Engineer (if this job is re-instituted at Reuters)

The following positions are excluded from the bargaining unit:

Managing Editor
Bureau Chief/Coordinator (as long as statutory supervisors)
Duty News Editor (as long as statutory supervisors)
News Editor
Production Manager
Engineering Manager
Operations Manager
Satellite Traffic Manager
Director of Program Development
Director of Sales
N.Y. Operations Manager
Executive Producer – RFTV
Senior Producer – RFTV
Outside Salesperson – RTV
Editor - News Specials – RTV
Location Specialists
Operations Producer (Supervisory Producer)
Administrative Assistant
LAN Administrator - (Without prejudice or precedent and subject to the resolution of the Guild’s grievance
regarding LAN Administrators.)

Duty News Editor and Bureau Chief incumbents may bump down to a Producer or Junior Producer,
based on their skill level, on a one-time basis at no loss of compensation, if they do not wish to maintain the
position of Duty News Editor or Bureau Chief performing supervisory functions. By doing so they waive their
right to recall back to the supervisory position.

Reuters America LLC. Performance Management Program:

• Employees will participate in the Corporate performance management process including:

o Annual setting of objectives in agreement with manager

o Mid year performance review
o Annual performance review and discussion

• The primary purpose of this process is to provide employees with clarity around what is expected of
them, measure their performance against those objectives and serve as a tool to coach and develop the

• Employee’s annual salary increases will be based on their active participation in this process and their
overall performance as measured by it.

• Employee’s annual performance will be graded on a 5 point scale measured against successful
performance. The scale is as set forth below. For details regarding the criterion assessed to determine
an employee’s grade see Thomson Reuters Online Performance Management (OPM) at

o 1: far exceeded;
o 2: exceeded;
o 3: achieved;
o 4: partially met;
o 5: did not meet.

• Employees who receive “did not meet” will be notified of the steps needed to improve their

• To ensure open and productive feedback in the process neither manager nor employee comments
entered into the system will be admissible in grievance and disciplinary proceeding unless the
grievance is related to the performance rating process.

Side letter #1

Reuters America LLC

3 Times Square
New York, NY 10036

Newspaper Guild of New York July 8, 2011

1501 Broadway Suite 708
New York, NY 10036


In connection with the Collective Bargaining Agreement made between Reuters America LLC and the
Guild on this date (the "Agreement"), the parties further agree as follows:

The Guild will provide two members to the Pension Advisory Group (PAG) to provide meaningful input
into the design and administrative matters in relation to the Reuters Guild 401k/Pension Plan. To ensure that the
input of Guild-appointed members on the PAG is meaningful, the Thomson Reuters Investment and Funding
Committee (Committee) shall make no changes affecting the Guild plan without first taking the following steps:
(1) the Committee shall give the PAG at least 45 days advance notice of the proposed change date and at least 30
days advance notice of the date the Committee will discuss on the change, thereby giving the PAG an opportunity
to render its opinion on the subject; (2) for any change proposed by the PAG or the Committee that affects the
design and administrative matters of the Guild plan, including but not limited to changes to the lineup of funds or
of the investment manager, PAG members shall receive the same materials and third party consultation available
to the Committee. The PAG shall have 15 days from the date of its receipt of the materials and third party
consultation to provide the Committee with its opinions concerning the proposed changes, and the Committee
shall make no such changes until the expiration of that 15 day period. Opinions rendered by the PAG and any
additional written materials from Guild-appointed PAG members shall be transmitted to all members of the
Committee no less than 7 days before the date the Committee will decide on the proposed change.

Very truly yours,

Reuters America

Accepted and Agreed


Side letter #2
1700 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

Newspaper Guild of New York May 12, 2000

1501 Broadway, Suite 708
New York, NY 10036


In connection with the Collective Bargaining Agreement made between Reuters America Inc. and the
Guild on this date (the "Agreement"), the parties further agree that Reuters shall continue to offer bonus plans to
Guild- represented employees of the same or similar types (including those of an ongoing nature, but not those
transitory in nature) in accordance with the current practice, and under the following guidelines:

1. Bonuses paid to employees shall be over and above base pay and merit pay and shall not diminish the size
of wage or merit pay increases.
2. Failure to achieve objectives for a bonus shall not be grounds for disciplinary action and shall have no
adverse impact on employees.
3. Bonus plans shall be structured with the purpose of furthering business objectives, encouraging teamwork,
and improving morale among employees.
4. The amount of a bonus plan available to employees under the terms of the bonus plans covered under this
Agreement shall be determined by Reuters. The Guild shall be notified of the amount available and the
amounts paid. Bonuses shall be distributed to no fewer than 50% of the bargaining unit members on the
basis of objective criteria, and must be agreed between the employee and his or her manager.
5. Any employee may elect not to take part in a bonus plan. Such an election must be made in writing within
fifteen (15) days of the announcement of the bonus plan.
Very truly yours,
Reuters America Inc.

Glen Russo
Accepted and Agreed
By: _____________________
William O’Meara

Side letter #3

Reuters America, Inc.

1700 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

Newspaper Guild of New York May 12, 2000

1501 Broadway, Suite 708
New York, NY 10036

In connection with the Collective Bargaining Agreement made between Reuters America, Inc. and the
Guild on this date (the "Agreement"), the parties further agree that the following have been subcontracted on
or before January 1, 1994, and that Reuters may continue to engage in such subcontracting notwithstanding
any other restrictions on subcontracting in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

1) Bona Fide Stringers (independent contract reporters, and photographers, and reporter/producer, and
2) Temporary replacement secretaries and receptionists working at Reuters for less than one month;
3) System 55 (Tandem Editorial System) maintenance (Long Island);
4) Communications Equipment Service Contract: (Equipment replacement by manufacturer, and high
level technical support for problems which Reuters employees cannot solve);
5) Copy Center at 360 Motor Parkway (on a non-precedential basis);
6) Inventory Control Assistants and Data Base Coordinators at Franklin Park warehouse, Business
7) DEC mainframe systems maintenance (Long Island).

Very truly yours,

Reuters America Inc.

Glen Russo
Accepted and Agreed

William O’Meara

Side letter #4

Reuters America, Inc.

1700 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

Newspaper Guild of New York May 12, 2000

1501 Broadway, Suite 708
New York, NY 10036


In connection with the Collective Bargaining Agreement made between Reuters America, Inc. and
the Guild on this date (the "Agreement"), the parties further agree on the following:
1. Reuters will work in partnership with the Guild with the aim of developing job descriptions
within four (4) months from date of ratification for the following positions:
o Computer Operator/Controller
o Senior Quality Controllers
o Operations Specialist

2. Network Systems Controllers who perform the duties of Senior Network Systems Controllers,
or who work on “solo shifts” without supervision, shall be paid at the Senior Network Systems
Controller rate in accordance with Article VIII, Section 6.

3. Upon accumulation of 200 shifts as a Senior Network Systems Controller (including work on
solo shifts) as defined in Article VIII Section 6(c), Network Systems Controllers shall be
reclassified as Senior Network Systems Controllers.
4. Employees classified as Senior Quality Controllers or Senior Network Systems Controllers will
be reclassified as Operations Specialists (Group 10B) three years after reaching the “3 year”
rate in the prior classification. Progression from the Group 8, “3 year” rate to the Group 10B,
“to start” rate on the Senior Controller’s third anniversary date after reaching the “3 year” rate
shall be automatic unless stopped by Reuters. The decision to not allow the Senior Controller
to advance to the 10B “to start” rate, shall be made on the basis of work related factors,
including but not limited to, performance, experience, qualifications, skill and ability to work
independently without direction. Should the Guild grieve this decision, the grievance will be
heard by a Senior Technical Director or Manager. The Guild may not arbitrate this decision the
first time it occurs, except for an allegation of discrimination under Article IV, Section 1 (a) or
Article XVI, Section 3 of the Agreement. Should a Senior Controller not be advanced to the
10B “to start” rate on a subsequent anniversary date, that decision may be arbitrated. The
arbitrator shall not have authority to overturn management’s decision unless the arbitrator finds
that it is not a good faith judgment by management. The parties further agree that Rick Garcia,
currently a Group 8 Senior Network Controller shall be moved to Group 10B on his tenth
anniversary of becoming a Group 8.

Very truly yours,

Reuters America Inc.

By: _______________
Glen Russo

Accepted and Agreed


William O’Meara

Side letter #5

Reuters America, Inc.

1700 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

Newspaper Guild of New York May 12, 2000

1501 Broadway, Suite 708
New York, NY 10036


In connection with the Collective Bargaining Agreement made between Reuters America, Inc.
and the Guild on this date (the "Agreement"), the parties further agree on the following:

The Company’s Alternative Work Arrangement Guidelines shall apply to Guild-represented

employees. The Guild waives no rights with respect thereto.

Very truly yours,

Reuters America Inc.

Glen Russo

Accepted and Agreed


William O’Meara

Side letter #6
1700 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

Newspaper Guild of New York May 12, 2000

1501 Broadway, Suite 708
New York, NY 10036

In connection with the collective bargaining agreement made between Reuters America Inc.
and the Guild on this date (the “Agreement”), the parties further agree that the job titles listed on
Exhibit C annexed hereto were identified in the collective bargaining agreement made as of November
20, 1980 as within the bargaining unit represented by the Guild. They have been deleted from the
Agreement because these job titles are obsolete or have been superseded. The deletion of these job
titles from the Agreement is without prejudice to the Guild’s position as to the scope of the bargaining
unit represented by the Guild.

Very truly yours,


Glen Russo

Accepted and Agreed


William O’Meara

Exhibit C

Editorial Office Assistant

NCR Operator
Teletype Operator
Assistant to Sales Coordinator
Junior Reporter
Customer Service Supervisor
Operations Supervisor
Market Research Assistant
Sales Coordinator
News Supervisor

Side letter #7


1700 Broadway New York, NY 10019

Newspaper Guild of New York May 12, 2000

1501 Broadway Suite 708 New York, NY 10036

In connection with the collective bargaining agreement made between Reuters America Inc. and
the Guild on this date (the “Agreement”), the parties further agree that when one or more additional
bargaining unit employees are assigned to an office designated a one correspondent office, the
additional bargaining unit position(s) shall be covered by the collective bargaining agreement.

Reuters may continue to designate the initial correspondent position as excluded from the bargaining
unit, provided that should such additional bargaining unit employees be assigned to editorial, the initial
correspondent will perform supervisory functions over such additional editorial employees, in addition
to reporting.

Should an editorial supervisor be introduced into such an office subsequent to the ratification date of
this Agreement, the excluded correspondent shall become covered by the collective bargaining

Very truly yours,

By: ____________________
Glen Russo
Accepted and Agreed

William O’Meara

Side letter #8


1700 Broadway New York, NY 10019

Newspaper Guild of New York May 12, 2000

1501 Broadway Suite
708 New York, NY

In connection with the collective bargaining agreement made between Reuters
America Inc. and the Guild on this date (the “Agreement”), the parties further agree that the Guild
will not consider as a violation of the Agreement the performance by the Pictures Editor and Bureau
Chiefs in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington of bargaining unit work up to a
maximum of 35 hours per week for each such Bureau Chief or the Pictures Editor.
Reuters undertakes that it shall designate no more than one person per city as a Bureau
Chief for purposes of this Side Letter.
The introduction of this Side Letter shall not result in the layoff of a Group 0 or a
Group 10J. Following the introduction of this Side Letter, the Guild may challenge the layoff of a
Group 0 or a Group 10J on the basis of a claimed violation(s) of this Side Letter or on the basis of
the amount of increase of bargaining unit work performed by these Bureau Chiefs or the Pictures
The Filing Editor shall not be held responsible for the focus, emphasis or matters of
judgment of or relating to stories written or rewritten by the Bureau Chiefs covered by this Side
Very truly yours,

Accepted and Agreed Glen Russo
William O’Meara

Side letter #9
1700 Broadway New York, NY 10019

Newspaper Guild of New York May 12, 2000

1501 Broadway, Suite 708
New York, NY 10036


In connection with the collective bargaining agreement made between Reuters America Inc.
and the Guild on this date (the “Agreement”), the parties further agree as follows:

1. “adjust grievances” as used in Article XVII, Section 4 (b) is defined as time spent with
representatives of the Company discussing the potential for mutually agreeable
resolution of grievances. Such discussions may be formal (i.e., grievance meeting) or
informal in nature.
2. In addition to the time spent adjusting grievances pursuant to #1 above and any unpaid
time pursuant to Article XVII, Section 4 (a), the unit chairperson shall be allowed paid
time off during the chairperson’s regular working hours to conduct union duties
relating directly to the bargaining unit as follows:
a. One work day per week as defined in Article IX, Section 2. The day of the
week utilized for this purpose will be mutually agreed between the Guild and
b. Only in the event that any such day coincides with the scheduled vacation,
scheduled assignments or scheduled time off due to sickness of the
chairperson, shall the Guild designate a replacement. When a replacement is
designated, arrangements will be mutually agreed between the Guild and the
Company regarding the scheduling of the one work day as defined in Article
IX, Section 2 during that week.
3. Except as provided, or referred to, in this Side Letter, no other Guild business shall be
conducted by the unit chairperson during Company paid time. However, the unit
chairperson may become involved in emergency situations (i.e., a discharge or a
significant and imminent safety issue) relating directly to the bargaining unit during
Company paid time provided that prior approval has been obtained from the unit
chairperson’s immediate supervision. Approval will not be unreasonably withheld.
4. In accordance with, and in furtherance of, the intent of this Side Letter, the Guild will
ensure that bargaining unit employees are notified of the details contained in this Side
Letter and the Company shall provide a dedicated phone number with voice mail for
the unit chairperson.
5. Reuters shall also allow time off from work for the unit chairperson and the grievance
chairperson as provided in Article XVII, Section 4.

Very truly yours,

By: __________________
Glen Russo
Accepted and Agreed

William O’Meara

Side letter #10


1700 Broadway New York, NY 10019

May 12, 2000

Newspaper Guild of New York

1501 Broadway, Suite 708
New York, NY 10036


In connection with the collective bargaining agreement made between Reuters America Inc. and the
Guild on this date (the “Agreement”), the following example is agreed to clarify the administration
of Article XI, Section 7. If an employee is sick or disabled ten (10) days in the last six (6) months of
1990 and eleven (11) days during the first six (6) months of 1991, the employee shall receive
prorated vacation during 1991 based upon a reduction due to this twenty-one (21) day total.
Very truly yours,

Accepted and Agreed Glen Russo

William O’Meara

Side letter #11


1700 Broadway New York, NY 10019

Newspaper Guild of New York July 8, 2011

133 West 44th Street
New York, NY 10036

In connection with the collective bargaining agreement made between Reuters America Inc.
and the Guild on this date (the “Agreement”), the parties further agree as follows:

Notwithstanding anything in Article I, Section 4 (e) to the contrary, the Guild will not, through “the
Release Date of the Agreement” (as defined below), attempt to organize, file a certification petition
seeking representational status for, or seek recognition from Reuters for employees at relay/data centers
outside of New York or Hauppauge, individually or collectively, except that after February 28, 1994 if
another union has filed a representation petition with the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”)
for a unit appropriate on its face supported by the requisite showing of interest, the Guild may then
seek to organize employees in the unit petitioned for and may intervene in such NLRB proceeding
upon making the requisite showing of interest. In such representation proceeding, the Guild shall be
free to urge that the unit petitioned for is not appropriate and if the board ultimately determines that
another unit is appropriate and the petitioner has made the requisite showing of interest for that unit,
the Guild may then seek to organize the unit determined to be appropriate by the NLRB. “The release
date of the Agreement” shall be defined as the date a successor collective bargaining agreement is
ratified, the date a strike is called, or the date “legal impasse” under the National Labor Relations Act
is reached.
Very truly yours,
Accepted and Agreed Glen Russo
William O’Meara

Side letter #12

Reuters America LLC

3 Times Square
New York, NY 10036

July 8, 2011
Newspaper Guild of New York
1501 Broadway, Suite 708
New York, NY 10036

To Whom It May Concern:

In connection with the collective bargaining agreement made between Reuters America LLC and the
Guild on this date (the “Agreement”), the parties further agree as follows:

The Company makes every effort to provide an ergonomically correct work environment. Some
examples of promoting and using good ergonomic work habits include determining the proper:
• height and adjustment of seating at a desk or work station;
• height and adjustment of work surfaces or appropriate placement of keyboards;
• placement of monitors

The Company shall provide an Ergonomics Program for its employees. This program is designed to
minimize occupational musculoskeletal disorders (conditions that involve the nerves, tendons,
muscles, and supporting structures of the body) and comply with applicable regulations. The elements
of this program are as follows:
• Periodic communication of the program and establishment of mechanisms for the prompt
reporting of, and response to, Ergonomic Symptoms and workstation deficiencies.
• Upon request of a medical provider a Job Hazard Analyst will complete an inspection of
an employee workstation.
• Correction of deficiencies to be handled in an efficient and prompt manner by the
• The Company encourages employees to seek medical treatment for musculoskeletal
disorders, and will work with the recommendations of a doctor to provide any equipment
(chairs, keyboard trays, etc.) that may be required.
• Employees may review the following link for an overview of ergonomics, and an
example of an ergonomically correct workstation.
• Additional Ergonomic training materials are available via The Thomson Reuters
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) website available via the Point.

In addition, the following shall be provided:

a) Ergonomic training will be made available for all employees.
b) Tri-annual refresher training for existing employees or upon a significant
development which in the opinion of the Reuters-Guild joint RSI Committee
warrants a training update.
c) Glare shields, wrist rests, foot rests and/or desk shelves upon request of the
d) Purchase of chairs and tables will be made with due consideration of sound
ergonomic principles. Chairs and tables purchased will be adjustable in nature.
The Guild and Reuters shall each appoint a subcommittee of the Joint RSI
Committee, with appropriate representatives, to advise on office furniture.
e) The existing RSI handbook, including its guidelines on rest breaks, shall continue
for the life of the Agreement. Employees will be allowed the opportunity to take
reasonable and appropriate breaks and/or computer pauses, provided that such
breaks and/or pauses do not unreasonably impact or interfere with the operation,
which is Reuters current practice, and which shall continue for the life of the

In certain circumstances an employee may believe they have a disability that may require an
accommodation to perform the essential functions of their position. Reuters is committed to
reasonably accommodating qualified individuals with disabilities in order to enable them to perform
the essential functions of their position. Reuters will work with the employee and his or her physician
to identify any such reasonable accommodations.
Very truly yours,
Reuters America LLC
By: __________________
Glen Russo
Accepted and Agreed

William O’Meara

Side letter #13

Reuters America LLC.

3 Times Square New
York, N.Y. 10036

July 8, 2011
Newspaper Guild of New
York 1501 Broadway –
Suite 708 New York, NY

To Whom it May Concern:

• In connection with the collective bargaining agreement made between
Reuters America LLC and the Guild on this date (the “Agreement”), the parties further agree as
• Reuters shall continue, for the life of this Agreement, all health care plans
currently available to Guild-represented employees, with the following modifications:

Medical: Annual deductible shall increase to $300 Individual; $600 Family. In network
copays shall increase to $25. In network routine, preventive lab work shall
increase to be covered at 100%. In-hospital delivery and newborn nursery
services shall be covered at 90% after deductible has been met. For inpatient
stays (semi-private hospital rooms, mental health and substance abuse), in
network services shall be covered at $100 per confinement copay then shall
be covered at 90%. Schedule A summarizes the major components of the
Dental: Guild members shall be eligible to choose between three plans: PPO, PPO
plus and DMO. Schedule A summarizes the major components of the three

Prescription Drug Coverage: The Annual Rx out-of-pocket maximum is $2600 for

individuals and $5200 for family coverage. Retail formulary brand scripts
shall be 30% employee paid subject to $75 maximum employee cost per script

for a 30-day supply. Retail nonformulary brand scripts shall be 50% employee
paid subject to $150 maximum employee cost per script for a 30-day supply.
Mail order formulary brand scripts shall be 25% employee paid subject to
$100 maximum employee cost per script for a 90-day supply. Mail order
nonformulary brand scripts shall be 30% employee paid subject to $150
maximum employee cost per script for a 90-day supply. Out of Network
scripts shall be 50% covered after separate $50 Rx deductible.

Payroll contributions: The following charts set forth employee bi-weekly


Very truly yours,

Reuters America LLC

Glen D. Russo

Bi-weekly contribution for Full Time Employees
Medical Annual salary 2018 2019 * 2020 *
$44.26 TBD TBD
Employee Only < $40,000
Employee + 1 < $40,000 $88.24 TBD TBD
Family < $40,000 $132.23 TBD TBD

Employee Only $40,000 - $56.05 TBD TBD

Employee + 1 $40,000 - $111.78 TBD TBD
Family $40,000 - $167.51 TBD TBD

Employee Only $87,500 and up $79.65 TBD TBD

Employee + 1 $87,500 and up $159.83 TBD TBD
Family $87,500 and up $238.01 TBD TBD
Dental Plan

Employee Only DMO $3.07 TBD TBD

Employee + 1 DMO $6.15 TBD TBD
Family DMO $9.23 TBD TBD

Employee Only PPO $3.48 TBD TBD

Employee + 1 PPO $6.96 TBD TBD
Family PPO $10.45 TBD TBD

Employee Only PPO Plus $4.98 TBD TBD

Employee + 1 PPO Plus $9.95 TBD TBD
Family PPO Plus $14.92 TBD TBD
Vision Plan

Employee Only VSP $.52 TBD TBD

Employee + 1 VSP $1.04 TBD TBD
Family VSP $1.56 TBD TBD

* Employee premiums will be 22% of the premium.

Schedule A to Side letter #13

Medical Plan Aetna Point of Service

In Network Out of Network
Eligibility Immediate upon hire
Annual Deductible $300 Individual; $600 Family $300 Individual; $600 Family
Coinsurance 90% after deductible 70% R&C after deductible
$1,800 Individual, $2600 prescriptions; $5,300 Individual; $10,600 Family;
$3,600 Family, $5200 prescriptions; excludes deductibles, copays, and amounts
Out‐of‐Pocket Maximums excludes deductibles, and copays** above R&C**
Physician Office Visit $25 copay 70% R&C after deductible

In‐Patient Surgery 90% after deductible 70% R&C after deductible

Out Patient Surgery (ambulatory 90% after deductible 70% R&C after deductible
In‐hospital delivery and 90% after deductible 70% R&C after deductible
newborn nursery services
Preventive Care 100% 70% R&C after deductible
Prescription Drugs Retail (up to Generic: $10 50% covered deductible after
30 day supply) Formulary Brand: 30% employee paid separate $50 deductible
($75 maximum employee cost per script)
Non Formulary Brand: 50% employee
paid ($150 maximum employee cost per
Mail Order (90 day supply) Generic: $20
Formulary Brand: 25% employee paid
($100 maximum employee cost per script) N/A
Non Formulary Brand: 30% employee
paid ($150 maximum employee cost per
Emergency Room Visits / 100% after $40 copay (no deductible); if 70% R&C after deductible
Urgent Care Facility an employee is taken to an out of network
hospital, for example, because it is the
closest one in an emergency it is treated as
an in‐network service; if an employee is
admitted to the hospital and required to
stay overnight, the employee only pays the
$100 confinement copay (and not the $40
emergency room
Ambulance 90% after deductible 90% after deductible
** Effective Jan. 1, 2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) rules require that all member cost share
accumulate towards the out-of-pocket maximum. Prior to 2014, the original $1,500/$3,000 in-
network limit excluded the annual deductible. Beginning in 2014, in accordance with the ACA, the
out-of-pocket maximum limits were adjusted to account for including the deductible. The benefit
amount did not change, this was only an adjustment to reflect that the out-of-pocket limits now
included deductibles.

Schedule A to Side letter #13
Dental Plan Aetna PPO
In Network Out of Network
Annual Deductible $100 individual $100 individual

Diagnostic and Preventive 100% (deductible does not 100% R&C (deductible does not
Care Basic Restorative Care apply) 50% after deductible apply) 50% R&C after deductible
Major Restorative Care 25% after deductible 25% R&C after deductible
$1,000 (In Network and Out of $1,000 (In Network and Out of
Out‐of‐Pocket Maximums Network combined) Network combined)
Orthodontics Not Covered Not Covered

Aetna PPO Plus

Annual Deductible $50 individual $50 individual

Diagnostic and Preventive 100% (deductible does not 100% R&C (deductible does not
Care Basic Restorative Care apply) 80% after deductible apply) 80% R&C after deductible
Major Restorative Care 50% after deductible 50% R&C after deductible
$2,000 (In Network and Out of $2,000 (In Network and Out of
Out‐of‐Pocket Maximums Network Network
combined) combined)
50% after separate $50 deductible. 50% after separate $50 deductible.
Separate $2,000 lifetime Orthodontic Separate $2,000 lifetime Orthodontic
Orthodontics maximum maximum

Aetna DMO
Annual Deductible None

Diagnostic and Preventive 100%

Basic Restorative Care 100%
Major Restorative Care 80%
Out‐of‐Pocket Maximums None
Orthodontics 50% coinsurance

Side letter #14
1700 Broadway New York, NY 10019

Newspaper Guild of New York May 12, 2000

1501 Broadway Suite 708
New York, NY 10036

In connection with the collective bargaining agreement made between Reuters America Inc. and
the Guild on this date (the “Agreement”), the parties further agree that the Reuters Code of Conduct (the
“Code”) shall apply to bargaining unit employees, with the following modifications:

1. Where the Code and the Agreement are inconsistent, the Agreement shall prevail. This includes
the “Outside Activity” provision of the Agreement contained in Article XXI, Section 2, which
shall supersede the Code.
2. Manipulating visual images beyond the requirements of normal image enhancement is in
contravention of the Code and under the Code may be punishable by dismissal. But it will be
for an arbitrator to determine whether such conduct, or any other conduct in question, warrants
dismissal (or any other discipline) in accordance with the “just and sufficient cause” provision
contained in Article XVI, Section 1 of the Agreement.
3. The definition of “family” as used in the “Information Reporting by Editorial Functions”
section of the Code shall be the employee’s spouse, children, domestic partner or other legal
dependents, provided they reside in the same household as the employee.
4. No employee shall be disciplined for failing to sign an acknowledgement of receipt of the

Nothing in this letter is intended to restrict the Guild’s rights to apply the grievance and arbitration
procedures under Article XVII of the Agreement. Reuters retains its rights to operate and manage all aspects of
its business as set forth in Article I, Section 3 of the Agreement.
Very truly yours,
Glen Russo
Accepted and Agreed
William J. O’Meara
Side letter #15

Reuters America, Inc.

1700 Broadway New York, NY 10019

May 12, 2000

Mr. William O’Meara

Newspaper Guild of New York
1501 Broadway – Suite 708
New York, NY 10036

Dear Bill:

I want to confirm that it is, and has been, Reuters policy to communicate with employees as
questions arise as to the accuracy of their published work, and to do this, whenever possible, prior to
the issuance of corrections or “kills.”

Very truly yours,

Reuters America Inc.


Glen Russo

Accepted and Agreed:


William J. O’Meara

Side letter #16
Reuters America, Inc.
1700 Broadway
NYC NY 10019

May 12, 2000

Mr. William O’Meara

Newspaper Guild of New York
1501 Broadway – Suite 708
NYC, NY 10036

RE: Personal Accident Insurance – War Zone coverage

Dear Bill:

This will confirm our agreement as follows:

Guild-represented U.S.-based full-time employees assigned to war zones outside of the U.S.
(and who are non-combatants) are entitled to be paid no less than the same level of death and/or
disablement benefits as are paid generally to their counterparts working for Reuters in other parts of
the world. Here is a summary of the current benefit levels and principal provisions of the policy:


The policy gives cover against death, loss of eye or limb and permanent total disablement,
arising in each case from an accidental cause. Benefits are four times annual salary for a single
employee, and seven times annual salary for a married employee, plus half a year’s salary in respect
of each dependent child of the employee, up to a maximum of four children.

For the purpose of this policy, dependent children are defined as children up to and including
age 18 or over 18’s who are pursuing full time education. A widow, or widower or divorced person
is regarded as single but benefits are paid in respect of children of such persons.

For permanent total disablement, the cover is 10 times annual salary irrespective of marital

The cover applies 24 hours a day, except that staff are not covered for an accident occurring
while staff were engaged in the following activities, unless acting on Reuters business at the time:

(a) flying or taking part in other aerial activities except while:

(i) traveling in an aircraft as a passenger and not as aircrew, and
(ii) hang-gliding or free fall parachuting

(b) taking part in racing of any kind other than:

(i) on foot; or
(ii) while yachting on inland or territorial waters
(c) taking part in winter sports other than:

curling; or
skating; or
non-competitive skiing

(d) taking part in Naval, Military or Airforce Service operations.

It is the company’s normal practice to make payments under this insurance policy to employees
or their dependents, but it must be pointed out that the following statement outlines the legal position:
“The insurance benefit shall belong to Reuters absolutely, which may at its discretion make a
gratuitous payment to the employee or such of the dependents of a deceased employee as it may
select.” The question of giving employees a right to this benefit has been considered by the
Company’s tax advisers, who have advised that any such right would mean these insurance benefits
would attract tax. Reuters cannot, however, commit to how any particular payment would be treated
under U.S. tax laws.

If the company is compelled by legislation to provide separate accident cover for its staff in any
country outside the UK, any benefit payable under that separate policy will be set against the benefit
from the policy outlined in this note.

Payments under this Personal Accident Policy will be offset by any payments due (if any) under
Reuters’ U.S.-based life insurance and/or U.S.-based accidental death and dismemberment policy.

As you know, the insurance contract which provides these benefits is held by our parent
corporation, which may increase the benefit levels, at its sole discretion, in the future. In the event
that policy terminates for any reason, or the level of benefits is reduced, then Reuters America, Inc.
will provide benefits equivalent to the level in effect prior to the termination or reduction, for the life
of this Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Very truly yours,


Glen Russo
Accepted and Agreed

William J. O’Meara
Side letter #17

Reuters America Inc.

3 Times Square New York, NY 10036

November 19, 2002

Newspaper Guild of New York

1501 Broadway, Suite 708
New York, NY 10036


In connection with the collective bargaining agreement made between Reuters America Inc.
and the Guild on May 12, 2000 (the “Agreement”), the parties further agree as follows:

The Guild agrees that the Reuters Electronic Communications Code (“ECC”) as modified by
this side letter, shall apply to Guild-represented employees under the following terms and

1. Enforcement of the Code shall be subject to all terms and conditions of the Agreement.

2. Reuters shall use reasonable standards of common sense in applying the Code.

3. Reuters shall provide to the Guild a single e-mail address to send communications
simultaneously to all Guild-represented employees in the bargaining unit. In order to
accomplish this, Reuters shall assemble and maintain an up-to-date internal distribution list
accessible exclusively from the Guild’s external e-mail account via the e-mail address referred
to above. Emails sent by the Guild to Reuters employees shall comply with the Guild’s own
policy, in that communications shall avoid racist, sexist or other potentially offensive
references, including in the form of jokes. Such emails also shall not include pornographic or
obscene materials; hate speech or solicitations for employment by entities other than the Guild
or Reuters. In addition, Reuters will notify the Guild of any changes in Guild-represented
employees’ email addresses within one week after a change, and will periodically provide an
updated, complete e-mail address list upon request of the Guild.

4. The Guild may use Reuters internal e-mail system for legitimate business purposes, which
shall include communications with the Guild and Reuters representatives and employees,
updating the personal information of a represented employee, scheduling meetings or handling
grievances and related inquiries. Grievances may be communicated to Reuters representatives
via e-mail but will be deemed to be officially filed when a hard copy is received. Guild-
represented employees shall not be subject to discipline for providing to the Guild copies of
company announcements or memoranda distributed to a represented employee or employees.
Nothing contained herein shall limit the Guild’s ability to communicate via e-mail with
represented employees via the World Wide Web or Internet on the same basis as any other
external organization.

5. The following interpretations to the Code shall apply in its implementation in the United

a) The unsolicited receipt of an electronic message or file, regardless of its content, shall
not be considered a violation of the Code.

b) Paragraph 5 (ii): “If you receive any such communications, they should either be
deleted or referred to your immediate line manager.”

c) Paragraph 8 (v): “It is usually misconduct and, dependent on the circumstances, may
constitute a dismissible offense to deliberately attempt unauthorized access to or use
of any system, network or information owned by Reuters or its clients or any other
party with which Reuters has a business relationship.”

d) Paragraph 8 (vii): “You must not knowingly install create, produce or proliferate any
deliberately disruptive virus, logic bomb, ‘Trojan Horse’, or other device.”

e) Paragraph 8 (xi): “Mistakes can occur in the addressing of messages. If you receive
and/or read a message that was not intended for you, you should immediately inform
the sender and thereafter make no use of the information and must not repeat or send
it to others.”

f) Paragraph 8 (xii): “Where you work from outside the office or from home, you are
responsible for taking reasonable measures to keep Reuters equipment and anything
stored on it secure, including taking all appropriate back-up, password, or other
protection measures.”

g) Paragraph 9: “Employees should not initiate or forward ‘chain’ letters. If a chain letter
is received it should be deleted or referred or forwarded to your immediate line

h) No employee shall be disciplined in connection with Paragraph 10 of the Code unless
that employee refuses a request by management to remove the unauthorized games,
screensavers, or other software not essential for the performance of the employee’s
job. The foregoing limits on Reuters ability to discipline shall not apply in the event
of an inappropriate or unauthorized downloaded game, screensaver or other software
that blatantly violates Company policy, including but not limited to Reuters Equal
Employment Opportunity policy.

i) In connection with Paragraph 15 (ii), neither your personnel file itself nor anything in
it will be passed to third parties except to the Guild or if you explicitly agree or the law
compels it. If Reuters believes it has a legal obligation to provide an employee’s
personnel file to a third party, it will provide the employee with 15 working days’
notice, or as much advance notice as possible, before providing the files to the third
party. In any case, Reuters will notify the employee by telephone, email, or overnight
mail within 24 hours of receiving the third-party request for an employee’s personnel
file. This notice requirement shall not apply to the Guild.

j) Paragraph 16 (ii) (c): “Carry out any activity that may be detrimental to Reuters
interests or unlawful (Intentionally accessing any Guild Website shall not be deemed
to be activity within the meaning of this subparagraph).”;

k) To the extent the ECC refers to other Reuters policies – those policies mentioned in
Paragraphs 3, 8(i), 8(xiii), 11, 13, 15(v), 18 (ii) – subsequent to the date of this side
letter, Reuters shall provide the Guild with advance notice and an opportunity to
bargain over any subsequent modification(s) of, replacement of and/or establishment
of any policies, with respect to the Code, that impact terms and conditions of
employment of Guild- represented employees, pursuant to the National Labor
Relations Act or the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

l) Paragraph 20: “You should be familiar with the procedure, which should be
established for your work location for recovery of important material in the event of a
fire or other disaster and should follow procedures for maintenance of backup copies
of files and software. Employees shall receive adequate training for such recovery

6. The Code applies only to use of Reuters EC Facilities, and does not apply to covered
employees’ use of personal or non-personal equipment (hardware, software or email), which
Reuters has no ownership or leasehold interest in.

7. Guild-represented employees will not be asked to sign the Code.

Very truly yours,

Jay Holtmeier Vice President

Principal Legal Counsel for Litigation

Accepted and Agreed:

Newspaper Guild of New

Stephen Zavatski

Side letter #18
1100 Broadway New York, NY 10019
May 10, 2000
Newspaper Guild of New York
1501 Broadway - Suite 708



Reuters Editorial hires interns in order to provide career opportunities for new journalists.

Except as provided in this letter of agreement, the terms and conditions of employment for
Interns shall be the same as those for temporary employees as set forth in Article I, Section 4 of the Collective
Bargaining Agreement.

Interns generally shall be assigned to journalistic duties of lesser importance to the Company
where they can practice and develop their professional skills in a more closely supervised environment. They
shall not eliminate or displace regular employees or be used as vacation replacements. It is intended that they
not be assigned on a regular basis to duties that otherwise would have been assigned to regular employees.
Should Interns be assigned on occasion, to duties of a higher nature, they shall receive the appropriate temporary
higher pay as provided in Article VIII, Section 6 of the CBA.

The minimum starting salaries for Interns shall be as follows:

• If no prior full-time news media experience - the start rate of Group 3
• If at least six months of prior professional news media experience - the 6-month level
of Group 4A
Should the successful completion of an internship result in an offer of employment as a News Apprentice,
service as an Intern shall be counted as service as a News Apprentice for all purposes under the collective
bargaining agreement and shall be deducted from any initial probationary period.

The Company shall consult with the Guild regarding the number of Interns to be hired, the
timings of such hiring and the duration of their assignments.

The Guild will be given an opportunity to provide a designated representative to briefly address
the interns as part of their orientation.
Very truly yours,
Glen Russo
Accepted and Agreed
By: William O’Meara

Side letter #19

Reuters America Inc.

3 Times Square
New York, NY 10036

July 8, 2011


Re: Health insurance coverage for employees while on parental leave of absence

This letter memorializes the Parties’ understanding regarding health insurance (i.e., hospital,
medical, dental and vision) coverage for Guild-represented employees while on a maternity leave of
absence pursuant to Article XIX, Section 5 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) executed
by Reuters America Inc. (RAM) and the Newspaper Guild of New York on May 12, 2000.

RAM will continue to provide health insurance coverage (as provided in Article XII, Section 4
of the CBA) to those employees, who elect to receive health insurance benefits through RAM, while
on a parental leave of absence (both paid and unpaid) pursuant to Article XIX, Section 5 of the CBA.
For the initial period of nine (9) months health benefits will be subsidized by the Company at the same
rate - as if the employee had been continuously employed without leave of absence. In the event that
an extension of up to six (6) months is granted
by the Company, health benefits will continue without a Company subsidy.

In the event the employee does not return to work following a parental leave of absence and
wishes to continue receiving such health insurance coverage, the employee will be required to pay for
the cost of health insurance through COBRA upon expiration of the parental leave.

Very truly yours,

William O’Meara
Newspaper Guild of New York
Agreed and Accepted:

Reuters America

Side letter #20
3 Times Square New York, NY 10036
July 8, 2011

Newspaper Guild of New York

1501 Broadway – Suite 708
New York, NY 10036

In connection with the collective bargaining agreement made between Reuters America Inc.
and the Guild on this date (the “Agreement”), the parties further agree as follows:
Pursuant to Section 10 of the April 29, 2011 Memorandum Of Agreement, the Partnership
Committee shall, as soon as is practicable, meet to take up the issue of cross training, and, in doing
so, shall be guided by the following principles:
a) Employees who are asked to perform new duties shall be provided by Reuters with
adequate training for such new duties. By way of example, if Reuters asks an employee
who has, heretofore, worked as a print journalist, to take photographs at events she is
assigned to cover, it shall provide him/her with adequate training on how to take
b) When an employee is asked to perform more than one function at an event, Reuters shall
make clear to the employee the priority order of those tasks. By way of example, if an
employee is being asked to cover a news conference and take photographs at that news
conference, that employee shall be told which duty – covering the news conference or
taking photographs – is her higher priority at the press conference. In this regard, the
parties also recognize that the employee’s primary duty may affect the ability to carry
out lower priority duties. By way of example, an employee who is making notes of an
interview is not able to simultaneously take a photograph.
c) An employee shall not be disciplined for poor or inadequate performance of new duties
unless and until he/she has been provided with adequate training for such new duties.

Very truly yours,

By: ___________________
Glen Russo
Accepted and Agreed
William O’Meara

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