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Encuentro sincrónico: intercambios,

opiniones y debates.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)

Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información

Frank Bustamante Barreto

8 de Diciembre de 2019
Debate preparation template

First speaker guide

Topic Keeping all your data in the cloud - is that smart?

Speakers’ names Frank Bustamante

Speaker’s position Affirmative

Greeting and Introduction
Total security becomes the most sought after feature when talking about new
technologies. The network provides users with endless possibilities, but it is not a
technology free of malicious entities, it is more, there are and many. Even the most
innovative and in principle reliable systems can be violated

Every day more companies are convinced of the advantages of saving their data in the
cloud. These companies have clear benefits in terms of agility, scalability and cost savings.

Outline your team's case:

a) Your points:
➔ it is safe to save data in the cloud
➔ what vulnerabilities exist
➔ Is it more likely to suffer attacks on locally saved data or in the cloud?
b) Second speaker's points:
Our second speaker will be talking about....

Your First Point

Total security becomes the most sought after feature when talking about new
technologies. The network provides users with endless possibilities, but it is not a
technology free of malicious entities, it is more, there are and many. Even the most
innovative and in principle reliable systems can be violated

Every day more companies are convinced of the advantages of saving their data in the
cloud. These companies have clear benefits in terms of agility, scalability and cost savings.

However, security remains a concern that shows no signs of diminishing. According to a

Crowd Research Partners survey, nine out of ten cybersecurity professionals say they are
concerned about cloud security. The three main individualized challenges are protection
against data loss and leakage, threats to data privacy and breaches of confidentiality.

Your Second Point

Cyber attacks become more frequent and sophisticated and exploit computer
vulnerabilities that we are unable to detect or predict.
Cyber espionage is a rising trend, and it can mean the loss or disclosure of critical
information about our industrial secrets or our customers.
We must not forget the physical incidents and natural disasters, which can affect both our
offices and the information stored in the devices located there.
Finally, it is important to take into account the human factor, since often, staff little aware
of security precautions are the gateway to malware that can affect the entire organization

Your Third Point

Evidence shows that not saving our data in the cloud is very risky. Every day, both
external and internal threats increase, and the consequences of suffering an attack or a
massive loss of data can lead our company to bankruptcy.
Despite the concerns that the Cloud arouses, saving in the cloud is still safer than not. A
recent Alert Logic study shows that companies that store their data in their physical
facilities experienced 51% more security incidents than those that rely on the public

This is easily understandable, if we consider that large Cloud providers have much more
resources to devote to security than a small business. In addition, they have every interest
in offering safe services to their customers. These providers:

They have better human, technical and economic resources to face threats. In addition to
being able to invest in the best security solutions, they can provide professionals and
experts inaccessible to small businesses.
They can ensure more physical security for their data centers, implementing advanced
access control measures, incident recovery systems and much more careful management
of their assets.
They provide more confidentiality, by implementing data encryption and other
unauthorized access control measures.
They ensure better control of data access thanks to security protocols implemented in the
APIs or through encrypted channels.
They guarantee a high level of availability thanks to the redundancy of their systems,
which ensures protection against physical failures of specific components.

Closing statement
Garantizar un mayor cumplimiento normativo, tener mayores recursos para poder estar al
tanto de los cambios legislativos como la introducción del nuevo Reglamento Europeo de
Protección de Datos.
Disponer de sistemas de seguridad más altos, realizar auditorías, controles y
certificaciones de seguridad constantemente.

Second speaker guide

Speaker’s position (Affirmative/Negative)
Expressing disagreement with first speaker’s arguments

I disagree on …. because ….

Why do you disagree with first speaker’s points?

Briefly State the Points You Will Make

Today I will be talking to you about:

Your First Point
State your argument:
My first point is...

What's is the information that supports your argument?

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

Your Second Point

State your argument:
My second point is...

What's the information that supports your argument?

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

Your Third Point

State your argument:
My third point is...

What's the information that supports your argument?

Give examples, fact, figures etc.:

Closing statement
Chairman, opposition and members of the audience, in conclusion...

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