What Is The Meaning of

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1. What is the meaning of “the Buddha”?

a. The one b. the enlightened one c. the wise one d. none of the above
2. During the birth of Siddharta Gautama he was predicted to become a ____.
a. A soldier b. a pastor c. a teacher d. none of these
3. The belief in one god is called ______.
a. Monotheism b. polytheism c. Religion d. Church
4. Hinduism and Buddhism both developed in this area.
a. Middle east b. Europe c. india d. Italy
5. Which of the following religion follow the Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths?
a. Buddhism b. Hinduism c. Islam d. Christianity
6. Which of the following is not part of the Christian holy text?
a. The Holy Bible b. new testament c. old testaments d. qu`ran
7. Reincarnation is _____.
a. Coming back after death b. never dying c. not being able to live d. inability to breath
8. A follower of Islam is called a ____.
a. Brahman b. missionary c. muslim d. Hindi
9. The founder of Islam.
a. Siddharta Gautama b. Abraham c. Jesus d. Muhammad
10. The main difference Buddhism and many of other major religions is its belief in.
a. Salvation through ones effort b. life after death
c. renunciation of the material world d. one supreme god
11. One practices of Buddhism is to.
a. Follow the five pillars of faith including travel to atleast once to mecca, b. be baptized as a baby
c. meditate and say mantras from one of the holy book d. take communion from priest
12. What is Karma?
a. The soul of Hinduism b. meditation that leads to enlightenment
c. a measurement of how good or bad a person has been d. the sacred text of Buddhism
13. This religion believes that the main god and creator Brahman takes the form of three deities.
a. Judaism b. Hinduism c. Islam d. Buddhism
14. When Buddhism began?
a. 5th century b. 6th century c. 7th century d. 8th century
15. What is the meaning of “the Buddha”?
b. The one b. the enlightened one c. the wise one d. none of the above
16. During the birth of Siddharta Gautama he was predicted to become a ____.
b. A soldier b. a pastor c. a teacher d. none of these
17. Who is the founder of Daoism?
a. Confucius b. Siddharta Gautama c. Lao-tsu d. none of these
18. The ultimate source of all being in Daoism.
a. Lao b. Dao c. Kao d. none of these
19. A follower of Daoism is called_____.
a. Daoist b. Confucian c. Buddhist d. all of these
20. What is Shinto?
a. Native religion in Japan b. religion in china c. religion in korea d. none of these
21. What is the meaning of kami-no-michi?
a. Way of the sacred b. way of light c. way of love d. way of the kami
22. The ancient Chinese believed in tianming or;
a. Baptised b. mandate of heaven c. mandate of love d. mandate of peace
23. A follower of Confucianism is called ____.
a. Confucius b. daoist c. Confucian d. Confucianism
24. Confucius married at age of ____.
a. 18 b. 19 c. 20 d. 21
25. Where is Confucius born?
a. State of Lo b. state of Lao c. state of Li d. state of Lu
26. The first form of Shinto.
a. domestic Shinto b. sectarian Shinto c. state Shinto d. none of these
27. Where does Shinto came from?
a. Philippines b. China c. Japan d. Korea
28. Where does Shinto came from?
b. Philippines b. China c. Japan d. Korea
29. What is the clergy in Buddhism called?
a. Saviour b. priest c. monks d. rabbis
30. This religion is the oldest religion of the five major world religions.
a. Hinduism b. Buddhism c. Judaism d. Islam

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