Story The Fox in The Ice

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The Fox in the Ice

There was once a vain fox who lived in a very cold country. It was
winter and the whole area was frozen. One morning, the fox was thirsty. He
decided to leave his fox hole in search of a drink. He looked around him and
thought, ‘There must be water where it is not frozen.

He walked to a lake where a big part of it was frozen. Then he sat on

the edge of the frozen part and began to drink some water. When he was
ready to leave, he found that his lovely bushy white tail was frozen and stuck
to the ice. ‘It’s too risky to pull it out. I may lose my lovely white fur at the
tip,’ thought the fox. ‘I’ll wait till the ice melts. Anyway the hunters won’t be
out yet.’

The fox waited patiently until he heard some voices. He was worried.
He knew that the hunters were coming. To his horror, he could not move as
his whole tail was stuck in the ice. The fox saw a wolf nearby. He asked him
for help. The wolf bit off the fox’s tail to free him. Then the fox ran back to its

The fox lost all of his beautiful tail just because he did not want to lose
a little white fur at the tip.

Moral: It is better to give up something small than to end up losing


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