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Universidad de Playa Ancha

Ciencias de la Educación


Marjorie Boutaud

Elizabeth Carvajal

Marlys Vargas

Denisse Payacán

Paula López


As future teachers is really important for us, to have all the knowledge we can in order to be
able to help our students to learn in most appropriate way.

The Marco Para la Buena Enseñanza is centered in the main points that we have to know
before going into a classroom to teach. It teaches us to teach our students. It also gives us
some tips to know better our colleagues and the educative community, which is difficult in
our country, because in many schools, the teachers are always emphasizing the bad points of
the students, instead of the good points.

The Marco Para la Buena Enseñanza is divided into four parts; The preparation for the
teaching; To create an appropriate environment to learn; How to teach to all of our students;
and the Professional Responsibilities.

In this paper we analyze the last part of the R       



We, as teachers should be strongly compromised with our students learning and necessities,
and to achieve and satisfy their learning, we need to train ourselves as much as we can, in
order to teach them appropriately, guaranteeing a good quality education for all of them.

The teaching practice should be conscious and we also need to be aware of all the
components that could help us to teach better. The communication with the educative
community, with the students, with their parents, with our colleagues, is extremely
necessary. We need to share our experiences with our partners to learn together and to look
for new answers to improve our teaching practice.

These are some of the responsibilities we have as teachers, and this V  is also divided
into Ô  

Ø The teacher reflects systematically about the teaching practice.

Ø The teacher has to construed professional and team work with their colleagues.

Ø  The teacher assumes the responsibility about the students¶ orientation.

Ø  The teacher has to propitiate the parents¶ collaboration and respect.

Ø The teacher manages actualized information about his profession, the

educativesystem and current policies about the subject.

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As an important part of our teaching practice, we have to collect evidence about our students
learning through handouts and the evaluation processes, which give us the chance to know
our students learning level.

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We have to analyze critically the strong and weak points of our teaching practice in relation
with our students learning effects. It will give us the chance to reformulate and improve
them to make them more effective and pertinent.

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Through our teaching practice evaluation we can look and identify our needs of learning
more about a certain theme, about our own methods, about our own teaching practice. So we
can learn about new methods in order to improve our teaching practice.

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Ø The teacher has to promote the interaction and conversation about pedagogical and
didactics subject with his colleagues.

The teacher need a time to reflex and realize interchange of opinion about his own system

Ø The teacher has to participate and help actively his colleagues and school in different
activities as teacher's projects or school's projects.

The teacher has to participate all the time in school activities, he has to give ideas
corresponding to his own personal experience as a teacher and his own professional


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Ø þ  V

 The teacher identify the strengths of the students and he offers them tools
to develop these skills

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º The teacher get information about the students considering their behavior
as in class as with their classmates and also get information abut the skills that can be
observes. The teacher shares his report with his colleagues and his headmaster.

Ø þ  



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 The teacher makes activities to help at the students to develop their skills
and face their problems to overcome them.


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Ø The Teacher¶s responsibility includes give orientation and support to the students; he
worries about their social and emotional development.

Ø The teacher collects information beyond learning, considering the interaction and
relationship between students, their strengths and weaknesses. With this information
the teacher develops strategies in accordance with his students¶ needs



Ø þ   



The teacher informs the parents about the objectives, content and learning that are
expected to achieve his students and on strategies developed in his class to achieve it.

Ø þ   


The teacher informs and given the parents records of achievements, learning and
student development in understandably, orderly, and suggests specific strategies to
help support the teaching / learning of their children.

Ø þ   



The teacher encourages families to participate in the activities undertaken with

students and provides them strategies to support student learning and recovered to
pick up their knowledge, experience and other resources.

Ø The teacher recognizes the importance of involving parents in improving the learning
of their students.

Ø Parents are a key support in developing their students' attitudes toward learning and
school or high school.

Ø The teacher helps to keep all parents about the learning processes, progress and
problems of their children. Through these systematic communication processes the
teacher creates mutual partnerships with families. It also creates opportunities for
parents to be involved in the establishment's activities, contributing their knowledge,
experiences and desire for collaboration. The responsibilities in this area will be
different according to the teacher's role, differentiating between those who are head
teachers, junior teachers or subject teachers.

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This domain is very important, because education is part of a

context that is constantly changing in the policies, how to teach, student behavior, etc.

For these reasons it is very important for the teacherº

Ø To learn about national education policies related to

curriculum, educational management and the teaching profession

º Teacher demonstrates to know the national curriculum, strategies and
tools of management education, alternatives of development of teaching profession
and regulations of administrative running and legal of the education system.

Ø To know the policies and goals of the establishment, as well as its rules
operation and coexistence.

º Learn and participate, when is possible, in developing educational
projects of the establishment of internal rules and regulations
evaluation, among others.

Ø To analyze critically reality of his/her according to these policies

º Teacher assesses the coherence between the educational project of the
establishment, implementation, objectives and goals of national policies.


The teacher must be a person able to lead and effectively meet the needs of their students
both in the classroom and beyond.

It is a responsibility that involves the emotional and intellectual development of the student.

The teacher should provide confidence and allow students to discover and improve their

It is also important that the family work with their children to promote balanced and
completely the growth of students.

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