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College of Engineering and Architecture

Architecture - Departmental Examination

Name: Date:
Section/Subject: Time:

I. Instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Avoid Erasures, or else your paper will be invalid.

1. Human Comfort as determined by the ability of the body to dissipate the heat and moisture it produces by
metabolic action.
a. Thermal heat c. Comfort zone
b. Thermal comfort d. Nature’s comfort
2. The transfer of heat from the warmer to the cooler particles of a medium or of two bodies in direct contact,
occurring without perceptible displacement of the particles themselves.
a. Conduction c. Radiation
b. Convection d. Evaporation and Condensation
3. The transfer of energy through space by electromagnetic waves. This travels through air and the rate of transfer of
energy is independent of the temperature of the air.
a. Conduction c. Radiation
b. Convection d. Evaporation and Condensation
4. The process of ventilating a space by natural movement of air rather than by mechanical means.
a. Cross ventilation c. Natural movement of air
b. Cross air d. Natural ventilation
5. The circulation of fresh air through open windows, doors or other openings on opposite sides of a room.
a. Cross ventilation c. Natural movement of air
b. Cross air d. Natural ventilation
6. The transfer of heat by the circulatory motion of the heated parts of a liquid or gas owing to a variation in density
and the action of gravity.
a. Conduction c. Radiation
b. Convection d. Evaporation and Condensation
7. The perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular
a. Coriolis Force c. Air
b. Breeze d. Wind
8. It is a region of the Earth surrounding the Equator. It is limited in latitude by the Tropic of Cancer in northern
hemisphere at 23.5° N and the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere at 23.5° S.
a. Equator c. Tropics
b. Polar Regions d. ITCZ
9. The capacity of the body to absorb radiant heat.
a. Emissivity c. Conductance
b. Resistance d. Thermal comfort
10. The land warms more rapidly than the water. Upward expansion of the air column over land will cause a seaward
movement of air loft, a wind from the sea directed toward land develops. This land bound wind is called the ___.

a. Land Breeze c. Wind Breeze

b. Sea Breeze d. all of the above
11. Refers to the amount of water in the air. This is measured using hygrometer and can be in the form of Wet Bulb
Temperature (WBT) in Fahrenheit or Celsius or in percent (%).
a. Specific humidity c. Relative Humidity
b. Vapor Pressure d. Absolute Humidity
12. Defined as a region with certain temperature, dryness, wind, light, etc. An integration in time of the atmospheric
environment of a certain geographical location.
a. Weather c. Equator
b. Climate d. Polar Regions
13. Weather and climatic forces are products of ______.
a. solar radiation c. climate change
b. solar energy d. air movements
14. As the air of the sun hit the earth’s surface, the _____receives more radiation than would the polar regions.
a. north pole c. inter tropical convergence zone
b. south pole d. equator
15. The rotation of the earth deflects the air from its direct paths. This phenomenon is called the ____.
a. Inter Tropical Convergence Zone c. Coriolis Force
b. Westerlies, Easterlies d. Equatorial Doldrums

II. Instruction: Draw the Diagram and Discuss the following:

1. Land and Sea Breeze (4pts. x 2 = 8 pts.)
2. General Circulation of the Wind (4 pts.)

III. Answer the following:

1. What causes the Earth’s Climate to Change? (3pts. x 3 = 9 pts.)
2. What is ITCZ and how it affects weather and Climate? (3pts.)

IV. Enumerate:
1. Five Climatic Factors (5pts.)
2. Four General Types of Climate (4pts.)
3. Forms of Insulation, give at least two (2pts.)

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