27 Rosemarie Ong 1CPH

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# 27 Rosemarie Ong


Benjamin Franklin once said, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I learn.”From the previous meetings, it was shown that good
communication should always be clear, concise and connected.Similar, to what Franklin
said that you need to communication to further develop our skills in line with the
communication models. In the fishbowl technique, it was portrayed that the Laswell’s
model was applied wherein the five questions were answered, who, says what, channel,
to whom and with what effect. Despite our efforts to transmit messages efficiently, we
lack the ability to connect.In this modern world, technology aims to build a bridge towards
to connect with the community yet it chains us to its digital reality. It makes us edit out
flaws which in return we lose sight of who we really are. Our Generation Z has been
fixated to reach the skies without ever touching the ground. We have become competitive
in wanting to be on top and never liking the process. However, we have become
opportunists that promotes the English language being universal but unique in each
country. Though people label themselves by the color of our skin even if we have
multicultural heritages.We need to diminish these pessimistic mindsets to not regret the
things we didn’t do.

Creativity was sparked in the presentations we have performed which enhanced

our skills in collaboration. The videos given have enlightened me to improve my insights
and knowledge although it could have been synthesized. Are the the standards set by
the society is all but a spindle of lies? That we are united because of our more modernized
era but we have lost connection. I have understood it is important to learn the process
and to work hard in getting to where you want in life. We are all diverse in language and
culture. Also, to discern the face of reality, we must remember that red is the color of our
blood. We are bind through a string that gives us ability to shut down or connect with

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