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Faculty : Faculty of Architecture, Planning,Surveying

Program : Bachelor of Science (Architecture)
Program Code : AP243
Course : Technology Entreprenuership
Course Code : ENT600
Semester : 8
Group Name :
Group Members : 1. Mohd Ezamil bin Mazlan
2. Muhd Adzmi bin Zawawi
3. Muhd Fawwaz bin Nor Rashid
4. Adhwarul Alif bin Muhd Shahar
5. Ammar Aiman bin Ahmad Hisham

Submitted to
Submission Date




4.1 Definition

4.2 Classification of NPD

4.3 New Product Development Process

4.3.1 Research & Development

• Idea generation
• Idea Screening
• Market Survey
• Consumer Trend Canvas (CTC)

4.3.2 Product Design/Features

4.3.3 Concept Testing

4.3.4 Build Prototype (2D or 3D)

4.3.5 Test Marketing




pg. 2


The following is a proposal for an innovation of a food industry product based on a
traditional Malaysian dish called Keropok Lekor. Our goal is to reinvented the product based
on new perspective and information on the current client market.

The project involves development of the keropok lekor into a new product called Pok-
Kor. The POK-KOR is a new type of keropok lekor that is filled with cheesy paste and other
sorts of flavours such as sweet and sour, black pepper and also budu. A supplier will be
contacted, preferably at Terengganu, home to authentic keropok lekor dishes. The keropok
lekor will be processed into POK-KOR based on a production line created. When the new
product is completed, it will be sold at various kiosk bearing our logo and colours. This process
is further described below

Testing of the product will be done continuously and in stages. A prototype will be
developed to be the basis of the product. We will have different food testers to taste the
prototype and improve the prototype based on the comments and critic of the food testers.
The next stage is to test the product on the current market. The aim is to penetrate the current
market by having consumers taste the prototype and give their feedback to improve the
product. The final stage is to produce a finished product based on the comments and the
feedback given.

This product has the ability to penetrate the traditional and modern consumer food
market because of the innovative characteristics of the product itself. It is a loved traditional
dish by everyone and contains modern flavours which will reignite consumer interests towards
the product.

pg. 3

Keropok lekor is a type of traditional fish cracker snack that has been in Malaysia since the
early days, originating from Terengganu. It is made from crushed fish and sago flour,
seasoned with salt and sugar. It comes in greyish colour and smells prominently after frying,
which turns it into a more brownish colour. The word lekor is said to be derived from a
Terengganu Malay word meaning “to roll”

The process starts with the grinding and rolling the fish into a paste, mixing it with sago flour
and then deep-frying it. It comes in three main forms: lekor (long and chewy), losong (steamed)
and keping (thin and crispy).

There are two types of keropok lekor which are the keropok lekor goreng and keropok lekor
keeping – the former is shaped like sausages with a chewy texture whereas the latter is cut
into slices prior to frying, giving its crispier texture.

The snack is eaten with special homemade chili blends that are particular to Terengganu and
sold there. It locally sold by street vendors throughout Malaysia, making it a locally loved
product by everyone.

The aim of our project is to develop a new type of keropok lekor, an innovation based on
modern and current standards. The target consumer markets are the teenager markets, which
is the main force in buying bite sized food products, based on their on-the-go life and the
Malaysian culture of lepaking.

pg. 4


In the development of this product, various types of machine are used to increase the yield
and production speed of the product. The first machine is named the fish crushing and mixing
machine. It functions as a mixer of the ingredients of the keropok lekor itself and is able to
continuously mix and produce the dough of the ingredients to be shaped.

Figure 3.1: The Fish Crushing and Mixer Machine

The second machine is named keropok lekor shaping machine. The machine is able to
produce more keropok lekor with improved quality especially in terms of weight, size and
length. The machine was able to process 15kg of lekor dough in about 10 minutes of

Figure 3.2: The Keropok Lekor Shaping Machine

The third machine is the keropok lekor vacuum machine. It is capable of packing the finished
product of POK-KOR into vacuum packages to be distributed evenly into kiosks. The fast
process of the machine contributes to the logistic distribution of the product that continuously
produces packages, without meeting shortages of manufacturing.

Figure 3.3: The Vacuum Packaging Machine

pg. 5



As time advances, people’s needs tend to change. Their daily activities heavily affect this
situation due the currently modern era that we are living in. Life gets busier and hectic due to
work and other activities, and people prefers to spend the rest of their free time resting, rather
than engaging on some other ‘active’ activities. Moreover, in this time of the internet, where
almost everyone has the access on just the tips of their fingers, social media is becoming a
very powerful tool. People could gain most of the latest news, information and knowledge from
the internet in just a short period of time.

With these in mind, new products which are able to satisfy both of these criteria will have a
huge potential on staying on top of the market. Furthermore, people would always try to seek
for newer, and better, products due to their uniqueness. Older products which are not well-
developed may also easily be replaced because of the ever-changing demands of consumers.
In order to tackle the market, understanding the market first is crucial. The process involves
many aspects such as observing current customer needs and wants, learning the nature of
market and valuing the competitive environment.

pg. 6


There are currently 6 types of classifications of the new product development:

A. New-to-the-world products
These products design an entirely new market.

B. New product lines

These products help a company to enter an established market for the first time.

C. Additions to existing product lines

These products are an addition for an established company’s product lines to help
enhancing its market.

D. Improvements and revisions of existing products

These products are improvements of existing products.

E. Repositioning
These products are able to be changed to new markets.

F. Cost reductions
These products are developed to offer similar performance to an existing product, at a
much lower cost.

Based on these classifications, we understand that our products are at category B; which is
the new product lines. We designed new products for our company to target an established

pg. 7


4.3.1 Research & Development

The POK KOR brand introduce a variation of the iconic street food of Terengganu State,
Keropok Lekor. Following the trend of innovation of local street food from the typically known
‘Dip & Chew’ eating style to fusions of Keropok Lekor itself with other flavors of food, allowing
for a flexibility and raw flavoring into the product.

Figure 4.3.1(a): State of Terengganu, Figure 4.3.1(a): Pok Kor product design logo

Product Overview

POK KOR refers to the term Keropok Lekor itself, with its latter proverbial adjectives shorten
into simpler pronounciation that is catchy and intriguing. By definition, POK KOR is a naturally-
made Keropok Lekor which is injected with extra flavoring creating new variation of food
delicacy. POK KOR aims to serve as another iconic street food that is of high quality and at
affordable price. This can be met with the traditionally-made Keropok Lekor infused with
another organically-made flavoring into the core of the Keropok Lekor. In turn, the combination
of naturally preserved ingredients would create a product of high-flavored taste and also of
consumer friendliness.

Figure 4.3.1(c): Packaging of POK-KOR

pg. 8

Idea Generation

Keropok Lekor is traditionally originated from the Eastern Peninsular of Malaysia as a popular
street food that is easy to get and eat. It is generally made from fish meat blended into a
variation of frankfurter-like food that is molded into different shapes and sizes. Being not only
popular among the eastern community, Keropok Lekor is also well known nationally in
Malaysia that it is dubbed one of or equal stature like that of famously known Nasi Lemak.

Idea Screening
Keropok Lekor is chosen as a product to be innovated because the famous finger food is
currently trending on the market right now. The product can be also easily innovated without
hassle and extensive research and development. The keropok lekor is also easily prepared
and comes in bite sized shapes. This will reduce impact on production line and manufacturing
as the cost will be cheap. It is also very consumer friendly, from young to old, everyone can
eat it.

Benefits of Keropok Lekor

Keropok Lekor can be a snack that are high in protein because of the fish. The main benefit
of eating fish as opposed to meat is that fish is far healthier. Fish is very easy to digest. Not
only that, but fish does not contain saturated fats, as all meat products and by-products such
as butter, cheese and milk do.

Market Survey

We have decided that out main target market is teenagers and adult. There are several
reasons what we target on this groups, it is because most of teenagers and adult are busy in
their daily life, and also most of them want something that is easy to grab and also not too
heavy for their food intake. POK KOR that provided by our us is at low price so that they
affordable to purchase it as their on the go snack.

pg. 9

Consumer Trend Canvas (CTC) is used to Identify innovation potential idea


Figure 4.3.1(d): Consumer Trend Canvas

pg. 10

4.3.2 Product Design/Features

The POK KOR brand aims to integrate the traditional outlook of the original product with a
blending of new and fresh representation of the product innovation to attract traditional and
new audience into having interest with the product. This strategical approach can be divided
into several steps namely; branding, and the presentation of the product.

POK KOR refers to the term Keropok Lekor itself, with its latter proverbial adjectives shorten
into simpler pronounciation that is catchy and intriguing. The name selection of POK KOR as
a presentable branding of the product was based of the shorten pronunciation of Keropok
Lekor into the brief and simple representation of the product itself. This in turn may help to
normalize the consumers or potential buyers to familiarize with term POK KOR and adapt it
into their normal day-to-day vocabulary. In lament terms, the POK KOR brand projects to be
a popular catchphrase in the future.

The next step in creating the POK KOR brand is the creation of the logo. As a start-
up, a brand’s logo should serve as recognition device of the product to be sold. Baring that in
mind, the logo of POK KOR other than representing the name, should also incorporates some
kind of a brief visual imagination of the product, and sometimes associated with a catchy
‘catchphrase’ or ‘tagline’ to keep up with the current trends of social media viralization. A few
of the mock-ups for the logo branding is as in Figure 4.3.2(a).

Figure 4.3.2(a): Idea generation for the logo

Source: Author

pg. 11

The choosing of colors to best represent the brand is then based of the physical colors
of the Keropok Lekor, cheesy core, and the ever-popular chili sauce as the base guideline to
identify which color is best to represent the product. With the selection being done, the colors
were adjusted to match that of the more popular brands in the food industry business such as
The McDonalds, KFC, and many more.

Figure 4.3.2(b): Popular brands in the food industry


The comparative study was conducted to find the best suited colors for the product at
the same time being perfectly aligned into the food industry as a start-up project and in hopes,
to become a famously known brand of its own. The process took several brief design stages
to allow for proper allocations of the product representation especially in packaging, given that
the product is of food in nature. After the selection of colors is finalized, a color pallet is formed
as a design guideline for the product representation, as in the Figure 4.3.2(c).

pg. 12

Figure 4.3.2(c): Color pallet for design guidelines

Source: Author

The final step of the logo creation is the production of several design alternatives to
brainstorm the general gist to represent the brand POK KOR. The generation of the logo is
done by presenting a few logo mock-ups which is considered best to become the face of the
product. The basic modul of the logo is the combination of the brand’s name, visual imagery,
and a catchy tagline. A few selected mock-ups are featured in the Figure 4.3.2(d).

Figure 4.3.2(d): Mock-up of logos

Source: Author

pg. 13

Finally, after the merging of best-suited logo with the selection of colors, a final
visualized logo is created and chosen to best represent the POK KOR brand. The base shape
and nature of the logo is customizable according to the variation of the flavoring colors,
allowing for room for improvisation and design flexibility. Such representation is presented in
Figure 4.3.2(e).

Figure 4.3.2(e): Final logo

Source: Author

Presentation of the product

The presentation of a product is equally important as any other aspects of a product

development especially when the selling point of the product is being a trendy representation
of a social status, of sorts. In the scope of food industry, the things that is considered as vital
are the serving portions, and culinary features or packaging.

Traditionally, Keropok Lekor is served for take-away purposes. According to the size
of the demand, the fish frankfurters are packaged in a bag (typically made of plastic) with a
separately packaged dipping sauce. The normal serving for a traditional Keropok Lekor is
about 4-5 frankfurters packed in a bag for a single serving (estimated priced at RM1/serving).
For the occasional time where Keropok Lepor is desired as a meal, it is normally served on a
plate with a separated serving of the dipping sauce (for quality purposes).

pg. 14

Figure 4.3.2(f): Keropok lekor on plate (left) & packaged keropok lekor (right)

As part of the product innovations, branded packaging gives the Keropok Lekor an
extinguishing value that separate it from traditional street-food style of the frankfurter
representation. A few key points in the representation of the product is highlighted as follows:

1. A recycleable packaging allows for an environmental-friendly product.

2. Simple serving method that allows for flexibility of usage (eating condition) signifies as
3. An adequate portion of servings trendy enough to attract customers but affordable to
maintain product-user-stream.
4. Good packaging design as self-marketing strategy without the external help of product
promotion agendas (advertisement, etc.).
5. Cleanliness in managing the presentation of the product as means of quality control.

That being said, a few modifications to the method of representing the product is
suggested into development. Packaging for a serving of two or more is focused upon, given
the nature of Keropok Lekor being eaten in a group of 2 or more people. This situation allows
for opportunity of POK KOR to become a conversation-starter or a group-meal, in turn
nurturing the product growth expectancy as a nationally/globally known brand.

Firstly, in figuring out the packaging style of a food, a simple method is needed so that
the procedure to get and eat the Keropok Lekor becomes easy (at the stage of getting the
food, eating the food, and disposal of waste) and flexible. This is why POK KOR aims to
promote a new Keropok Lekor that can be eaten anywhere, anytime, with the inclusion of ease
of disposal of waste which is very suggestable in the packaging sector of any industry.

pg. 15

Figure 4.3.2(g): Variations of food packaging available to be used in product presentation


The variations of the product is then infused branding by adding the signature colors
determined before in the selection of the brand representation. The completion of the product
packaging heavily relies on its marketability and the productivity efficiency. The efficiency can
be tested through the analysis of the general concept through its marketability, strength,
possible weakness, future opportunities, and constraints that block the product growth in the
commercial food market.

pg. 16

4.3.3 Concept Testing

The concept testing phase is the stage where key selling points are used not only to promote
the product into the consumer level, but also the possibilities of franchising the idea into
multiple branches of food production and commercialization.


The general knowledge in attracting audience’s interest into the product is in the means of
promoting the product to its full potential throughout all available mediums. The goal is to allow
exposure of the product into the consumerism first. The general trend is that a unique concept
is presented in a small audience of consumer, several product testing is conducted to get
feedback from the audience to identify any possible mistakes or weaknesses. Then, if the
product concept is good enough, the spreading of the idea begins and that is how a product
is promoted, and so on.

In terms of the performance of the product, the key factor affecting the outcome is the
food’s tastiness and the cleanliness. With the inclusion of end-user of the product aimed to be
majority of muslim users, the consideration for making the Keropok Lekor to be halal should
also be taken seriously. With that in considerations, the study of strength, weakness,
opportunity, and threat (SWOT) is suitable as means of studying the concept workability.


1. POK KOR is a naturally produced product that maintains its healthy features.
- The production of POK KOR’s product is monitored with the sense of cleanliness
and to maintain its method of cooking.
2. POK KOR innovations introduce different and unique additions of flavors that
enhanced the deliciously raw flavor of the fish from Keropok Lekor making it a unique
- POK KOR introduced the variations of flavors in combination with the Keropok
Lekor’s flavor (cheese, sweet and sour cream, black pepper sauce, etc.)
3. POK KOR products ensure the reliability involving the ease of use and its marketability.
- POK KOR products are easy to be eaten (no extra cutleries involved)
- It can be considered as fast food (in terms of services)
- Target users can easily identify interest in the food.
4. POK KOR’s marketability is flexible to multiple levels of target audience of age.
- POK KOR ensure the product to be of halal food
- POK KOR ensure in terms of cleanliness and presentable products

pg. 17

1. POK KOR available flavors may or may not subject interest in all types of audience
- Not all of the consumer would like the flavors introduced by POK KOR
2. As POK KOR’s products are cooked product, the long-lasting factor may not be as
convincing to the consumer
- POK KOR product needs the serving condition of being hot and fresh for it to be at
its full potential
3. POK KOR product is not higly customable according to taste
- Not all available flavors is suitable with the taste of Keropok Lekor
1. POK KOR as a whole, is very franchiseable
- The ease of production and exposure to consumers allows the product to be
marketed at level of franchising.
- Franchising of the product encourage the growth of local food industry on a national
and global level
2. Innovations of POK KOR products may attract more consumers
- Inventions of new flavors and variations (i.e.; frozen food, keropok lekor fusion,
etc.) of POK KOR product has the possibilities to generate more revenues and
1. Possibilities of plagiarism of the product idea could harm POK KOR’s growth
- The ease of access and methods of the POK KOR’s production can proved to be
easily copied and used by others/competitors
2. Quality of the product could be harmed if not properly monitored
- Proper monitoring of the product making process is to conducted to maintain POK
KOR overall efficiency and quality

Overall analysis of the product allows for the growth of POK KOR as a brand and as a product.
The utilization of available and possible strengths needs to be on a holistic level to maximize
its potential. In terms of weaknesses, thorough quality management and control are
encouraged so that any mistakes or error can be amended as soon as possible. To allow
opportunities to present itself, the recognition of the product as a justifiable brand is the first to
be prioritized in the strategic department. Means of advertising and product testing is highly
advisable. In the business of entrepreneurship, potential threats sometimes cannot be
avoided. The alternative measure is to be creative and find a way to be distinguishable. Other
factors such as plagiarism of the product can be reduced by maintaining a unique taste that
highlight the product as its own brand and cannot fabricated otherwise.

pg. 18

4.3.4 Build Prototype

The POK KOR brand aims to integrate the traditional outlook of the original product with a
blending of new and fresh representation of the product innovation to attract traditional. The
intention is to mix the food fusion from one type of food to another type. This prototype is
basically showing how the POK KOR food are made and what are the main ingredient that
been used to make the food innovations is valid.

Figure 4.3.4(a): Two type of prototype of serving

The figure above shows how the end product prototype of this POK KOR brand. The food
innovation of this product offers two style of serving method for people to enjoy. The first style
is where the cheese is stuffed inside the keropok lekor. The second product is where the
original keropok lekor is added with sauce on it for serving. This shows the food innovation
can gives the same product but in different variety of serving and size of the keropok lekor.

Production Process

Figure 4.3.4(b): Raw fish keropok lekor

The figure above shows the raw premade keropok lekor that the originally from Terengganu.
The packaging came in ready to fry and serve. It needs to defrosted for at least 10 min before
start the next stage. The POK KOR main ingredient is fish which been process and shape it
into long shape.

pg. 19

Figure 4.3.4(c): Slicing Raw Keropok Lekor

In figure above, in this stage of slicing the keropok lekor is required to make a certain regular
size and to make room for the cheese to stuffed in. Raw keropok is very delicate and easy to
rupture. it must be carefully handled it or it will degrade the taste of the keropok lekor

Figure 4.3.4(d): cheese stuffed in the keropok lekor

There are many types of cheese that can be stuffed in into the keropok lekor. For example,
mozzarella cheese, cheddar cheese, and parmesan cheese. In the figure above, the cheese
is equally cut and stuffed in into the keropok lekor before frying it.

pg. 20

Figure 4.3.4(e): Frying Keropok lekor

In this stage, the deep fry the keropok lekor is essential. Before start to fry, the oil must be
heated for 4-5 minute. And the temperature needs to be between 177’c and 191’c.
Deep frying food is defined as a process where food is completely submerged in hot oil. Fry
it until it crisp and not to over fry it.

Figure 4.3.4(f): Melted cheese inside

The figure above shows the cheese that stuffed in is melted and ready to serve. Make sure
the cheese is not burst out the keropok lekor as it will wreck the presentation of the food.

pg. 21

Figure 4.3.4(g): Serving food

The figure above shows the end product with the packaging of POK KOR. The keropok lekor
will be served with or without the cheese and extra souce. The POK KOR packaging is durable
to hold the hot and fresh keropok lekor. After the extra topping, the keropok lekor is ready to
be served and eat.

pg. 22

4.3.5 Test Marketing

Before the product start to sale, The POK KOR team start to test market the product
in UITM Faculty of Architecture Planning and Surveying Test marketing offers the
marketing team two important benefits. First, it provides an opportunity to test a product
under typical market conditions in order to obtain a measure of its sales performance.
Second, it provides an opportunity, while the product is on limited sale, for management
to identify and correct any weaknesses in either the product or its marketing plan.

Figure 4.3.5(a): Customer feedback

The test market is mainly focusing on the satisfaction of the customer. As the quality of
POK KOR and the taste. The review will give their feedback or suggestion on the taste,
the amount of keropok lekor, the cheese and the whole POK KOR team. The time that
we conduct to test market is at lunch hour between 1 – 2pm. Most of the feedback is
positive and also need to be improve on the keropok lekor.

pg. 23


Based on the Consumer Trend Canvas and our appropriate product development, we
can conclude that our product is ready to penetrate the teenager consumer market that
is available right now.

With the positive feedback from the test marketing conducted in our faculty, we are
confident that the taste of our new product, POK-KOR will be better than conventional
keropok lekor.

The key in attracting teenager and youth consumer is the product packaging itself. With
extensive research and prototype production of packing, and after testing the product
packing on certain test markets, we are certain that it will attract youth and teenager
consumers in buying the product itself.

All in all, we as students of Technology Entrepreneurship, learnt as much as we can

during the duration of our research and new product development project. It trained us to
be forward looking, innovation and generate our thinking cap to be able to producer
ideas and prototypes that can generate possible income in the future.

pg. 24


1. Picture 3.1: The Fish Crushing and Mixer Machine

2. Picture 3.2: The Keropok Lekor Shaping Machine
3. Figure 3.3: The Vacuum Packaging Machine
4. Figure 4.3.1(a): State of Terengganu
5. Figure 4.3.1(a): Pok Kor product design logo\
6. Figure 4.3.1(c): Packaging of POK-KOR
7. Figure 4.3.1(d): Consumer Trend Canvas
8. Figure 4.3.2(a): Idea generation for the logo
9. Figure 4.3.2(b): Popular brands in the food industry
10. Figure 4.3.2(c): Color pallet for design guidelines
11. Figure 4.3.2(d): Mock-up of logos
12. Figure 4.3.2(e): Final logo
13. Figure 4.3.2(f): Keropok lekor on plate (left) & packaged keropok lekor (right)
14. Figure 4.3.2(g): Variations of food packaging available to be used in product presentation
15. Figure 4.3.4(a): Two type of prototype of serving
16. Figure 4.3.4(b): Raw fish keropok lekor
17. Figure 4.3.4(c): Slicing Raw Keropok Lekor
18. Figure 4.3.4(d): cheese stuffed in the keropok lekor
19. Figure 4.3.4(e): Frying Keropok lekor
20. Figure 4.3.4(f): Melted cheese inside
21. Figure 4.3.4(g): Serving food
22. Figure 4.3.5(a): Customer feedback

pg. 25

1. "Keropok Lekor". JKKN. 2016
2. "Keropok Lekor". Tourism Terengganu. Archived from the original on 6 March 2014
3. "Lekor". Archived from the original on 16 August 2014.
4. Markus, (2019). Tips For Designing Food Logos For Your Business,

5. Google Images, (Unspecified Years).

6. Freepik, website. (2019). Food Packaging Templates.


pg. 26

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