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Pressure and Leak Testing

of Compressed Air Systems

Best Practice Guideline 103

Insist on BCAS - Be Compliant And Safe

Pressure and Leak Testing
of Compressed Air Systems
The objective of this best practice guideline is to identify industry
best practice when performing leak and pressure testing of
compressed air systems.
Whereas all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that the information
provided is correct, the Society accepts no responsibility for any consequential
damage. The user of this best practice guide is encouraged to take all necessary
steps including risk assessment procedures, to ensure that as far as practicable
the tests identified are performed safely.

This best practice guideline was produced with the assistance of BCAS members
and the Society is grateful to those who contributed.

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Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 4
2.0 Scope.............................................................................................................................. 4
3.0 Contractual Considerations...................................................................................... 5
3.1 Choosing the Right Supplier and Assessing Competence................................. 5
3.2 Agreeing an Acceptable Leakage Rate................................................................. 5
3.3 Agreeing the Conditions for the Pressure (Integrity) Test................................. 6
3.3.1 Test Pressure Valve................................................................................................. 6
3.3.2 Pressure Test Factors.............................................................................................. 7
4.0 Leak and Pressure Testing of New Installations.................................................. 7
4.1 Leakage Test............................................................................................................ 8
4.2 Pressure (Integrity) Test......................................................................................... 9
4.3 Follow Up Check..................................................................................................... 9
5.0 Pressure Testing of Modifications to Existing Networks................................. 10
5.1 Extensions to an Existing System....................................................................... 10
5.2 Single Line Drops.................................................................................................. 10
6.0 Jointing Techniques................................................................................................... 11
6.1 Push-fit Joints........................................................................................................ 11
6.2 Screwed Joints....................................................................................................... 11
6.3 Welded Joints........................................................................................................ 11
6.4 ‘Press-fit’ Joints...................................................................................................... 12
6.5 Hydraulic Friction Joints....................................................................................... 12
6.6 Flanged Joints........................................................................................................ 12
6.7 Rigid Plastic Joints................................................................................................. 12
Annex A. Measurement of Leakage ............................................................................ 14
Annex A.1. Method 1 – Pressure Decay Test............................................................ 14
Annex A.2. Other Standards....................................................................................... 15
Annex A.3. Method 2 Direct Measurement of Pressure Decay.............................. 16
Annex A.3.1. The Equipment...................................................................................... 16
Annex A.3.2. The Method............................................................................................ 17
Annex B............................................................................................................................... 18
Annex B.1. Bibliography.............................................................................................. 18
Annex B.2. Legislation.................................................................................................. 18
Annex B.3. Standards................................................................................................... 18 | 3
1.0 Introduction
The testing of compressed air pipe systems is essential for two reasons:

a. To establish the system leak rate – for energy efficiency and reliability purposes

b. To check or verify the integrity of the pipe/fitting joints – to ensure safety of


This leads to two distinct tests a) the leakage test and b) the pressure (integrity)
test. They have different objectives but are often confused. The confusion may arise
from that fact that the two tests are carried out one after the other, during the same
commissioning visit to site.

2.0 Scope
This guide concerns the pressure testing of piping and its associated components.
The scope does not extend to air receivers.

The content covers the most commonly encountered commissioning situations,

where it is necessary to establish the compressed air system’s safety (integrity)
and efficiency (leakage). Pipe installation can be classified as follows:

• New site compressed air pipe networks – installation and commissioning.

• Extensions to an existing network.
• Simple modifications, such as the addition of single drops.

This guide should be used in conjunction with the BCAS Installation Guide.

All testing described in this guide refers to the pneumatic testing method only,
i.e. the system is pressurised with air or gas. Hydraulic/hydrostatic testing
(i.e. pressurising the system with water) is no longer a recommended test method.
Significant problems arise in removing the water after the test, and there are potential
safety aspects of any residual water left in the system being ejected under force when
compressed air is reintroduced. Contact BCAS if details of the hydraulic method
are required.

4 | Insist on BCAS - Be Compliant And Safe

3.0 Contractual Considerations

3.1 Choosing the Right Supplier and Assessing Competence

It is important that the client selects a supplier that can demonstrate competence
through experience and evidenced training in pipe installation and jointing,
e.g. Construction Related Occupation (CRO) SKILLcards - Compressed Air Installer
and Compressed Air Commissioning Engineer. See Annex B for more details.

The client should also check that the supplier:

• Is conversant with the safety issues surrounding compressed air.

• Will carry out the work in a safe manner.
• Holds the appropriate insurance.

In the same way that air receivers are a source of stored energy, so is pipework.
The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 Approved Code of Practice states that
the owner/user of the system must ensure that those doing the installation have the
required training, skills and experience.

3.2 Agreeing an Acceptable Leakage Rate

The supplier and client should agree an acceptable leakage rate at the contract stage
prior to installation since the concept of ‘zero leakage’ is unacceptable unless related
to a time factor and the accuracy of the test method. The completed piping system
should be tested first for leakage in the presence of the user. There are situations
where new piping connected to an existing system of different materials cannot
achieve zero leakage.

If there are one or two extremely small inaudible leaks in a large system
(new or extended), the cost to locate and repair them, will significantly outweigh
the annual cost of the leaks. If a client requires a guaranteed leak-free system,
as would be necessary for distributing a hazardous gas such as acetylene, then the
recommendation would be to specify that all joints are welded professionally for
health and safety reasons.

Plant room or packaged compressor or bespoke compressor/ancillary combination

should not normally form part of the pressure test. | 5
3.3 Agreeing the Conditions for the Pressure (Integrity) Test
The pressure at which the integrity test is conducted and its duration should be
agreed at the contract stage such that the test can be costed correctly.

3.3.1 Test Pressure Value

The test pressure values used are generally related to a reference pressure value.
The pressure reference value shall be selected from one of the following;

• The design pressure,

• The actual operating pressure
• ‘PS’ which is identified as the ‘maximum allowable pressure.’

The term ‘PS’ has been in use since the introduction of the Pressure Equipment
Directive. Most compressed air equipment subject to the Pressure Equipment
Directive (PED) will show the ‘PS’ value on the equipment.

When agreeing the test conditions, the test pressure chosen should be related to one
of these reference pressure values. The test pressure value used has traditionally
been 1.5 times the design pressure of the system. However, this does not take into
account the actual operating pressure nor the age of the system being tested.

For general industrial activities with pressures up to 40 bar 1.5 is an acceptable factor.
If required, then the test pressure values stated in the Pressure Equipment Directive
may be chosen as either 1.25 or 1.43 times ‘PS’.

For applications where the operating pressure of the system is in excess of 40 bar or
that a test pressure cannot be achieved using a factor of 1.5 then a lower test pressure
value may be agreed. Across different industries acceptable test pressure values
range from actual system pressure, i.e. 1:1, or a small increase to 10% above system

The duration is also variable, and the longer the duration required the higher the cost
of conducting the test. See Section 4.2.

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3.3.2 Pressure Test Factors
A summary of the relevant pressure test factors that may be chosen include the

a) 1.1
b) 1.25
c) 1.43
d) 1.5
e) Any other factor agreed between the supplier and customer

The value chosen is then multiplied by the reference pressure value identified from
3.3.1 to determine the actual test pressure value

4.0 Leak and Pressure Testing of New Installations

Prior to any work being undertaken, a risk assessment method statement should be
drawn up regarding safety of personnel. See text box below.


Carry out a risk assessment procedure on the system to establish which areas
would be dangerous to personnel should there be a major leak or system failure.
Appropriate precautions shall be taken resulting from the risk assessment to include,
where appropriate, the evacuation of those areas during the test. Where it is not
possible to implement some or all of the safety procedures as identified by the risk
assessment then the testing should be undertaken outside of working hours.

The leakage and integrity tests are usually carried out sequentially and should be
undertaken in the presence of /witnessed by the client.

A pneumatic test of a compressed air system for leakage should be the first step.
The following procedure should be strictly adhered to and carried out at pressures
not exceeding 6 bar:

a. Isolate all items not to be included.

b. Ensure all open ends of pipes are blanked off securely.

c. Any valve intended to isolate part of the compressed air pipe system should be
in the open position. Ball valves are recommended since they allow immediate
isolation of the ring main system from the compressor. | 7
4.1 Leakage Test
The purpose of the leakage test is to establish the performance of the system from an
energy efficiency perspective.

a. Walk around pipework to assess for damage or tampering.

b. Using a compressor or medium suitable for this purpose (the system compressor
may be suitable if it is installed and functional), pressure should be applied at a
maximum incremental rate of 1 bar per minute.

Note: If the system being tested is oil free then the use of a test compressor
could introduce contamination. In this case it is recommended to use an inert gas
(nitrogen or argon) from a suitably regulated bottle.

c. During this pressurisation investigate any signs of possible failure, e.g. obvious
audible leaks, movements in the piping and fittings or noises from the piping and
fittings not consistent with the functional operation of valves, which may form part
of the system under test.

d. The system should be pressurised to 6 bar, irrespective of any higher pressure

that the system may have been designed to operate at. For systems designed to
operate at less than 6 bar then this initial test pressure shall be reduced to 80% of
the continuously rated working pressure.

e. The pressure shall be maintained for 15 minutes to allow the system to stabilise.
Then the pressure shall be sustained for a period long enough to allow for an
examination to discover any leaks.

f. Check for leaks using the pressure decay method and locate leaks using a leak
detection agent or an ultrasonic leak detector. Monitor the system pressure using
a calibrated pressure gauge which will also indicate leakage.

g. If a leak is discovered the system should be de-pressurised immediately and the

leak repaired.

h. Repeats stages b. to g. until it has been established that the agreed leakage rate
has not been exceeded.

The staged testing of the piping system in this way reduces the probability of
potentially difficult dismantling procedures to rectify a subsequent fault.

8 | Insist on BCAS - Be Compliant And Safe

4.2 Pressure (Integrity) Test
The purpose of the integrity test is to ensure that the system is safe. Its purpose is not
to pressurise the components to the limit of their performance. Such testing has been
carried out by the manufacturer before the pipe and connecting fittings were released
for sale on to the market.

This test usually follows on from the leakage test in Section 4.1.

a. Continue raising the pressure incrementally until the agreed test pressure value
is reached, which should not exceed the reference pressure value agreed in
section 3.3.

b. The test pressure should be held for long enough to examine all of the joints and
where relevant surfaces for leakage or plastic deformation. It is recommended to
hold the test pressure for a minimum of 15 minutes or any longer period agreed
and/or necessary to establish the integrity of the system.

c. Where the test pressure was above the normal working pressure then reduce the
test pressure until the normal working pressure is reached, taking care to ensure
that the air is being discharged safely. Hold the working pressure for at least one
hour and monitor for signs of leakage.

d. Make a final check for leaks and repair as required.

e. After pressure testing to confirm the integrity of the pipe system, connect all
equipment included in the operational system. The joints made to all operational
equipment should be tested for leakage using a leak detection agent or an
ultrasonic leak detector.

f. Issue a dated test certificate witnessed and signed by the client or the client’s
representative to the effect that they have witnessed the pressure test and
accepted the leakage results.

Refer to the BCAS Pipe Joint Guide for details on threading and assembly of pipe joints
for compressed air using metallic tubes and fittings where the pressure tight joints are
made on threads. | 9
4.3 Follow Up Check
After the first 48-96 hours of operation, all joints should be visually/audibly checked to
ensure that none have loosened due to settling of the components.

5.0 Pressure Testing of Modifications to Existing Networks

In many instances it is not a completely new system installation but an extension or
modification to an existing system.

In this case there are still safety considerations to be observed as follows:

1. For extensions 2. For single line drops

5.1 Extensions to an Existing System

If the extension to the system represents less than 10% of the existing system’s length,
it can be considered an extension. If it is more than 10% of the existing system’s
length, then it should be treated as a new system subject to the leakage and pressure
requirements and procedures described in Section 4.0.

Important note: only the new part of the system is pressure tested. The existing
system should not be pressure tested, and should be isolated before pressure
testing commences.

Subjecting an old system to a pressure test of up to 1.5 times operating pressure

could over-stress it and lead to its premature failure.

5.2 Single Line Drops

For minor extensions, the most common being down drops added from the main,
then there is no requirement for a pressure test above system test. In this situation,
it is leakage at system pressure which will be the indicator of any areas of weakness
and therefore the leakage test acts as the integrity test.

Conduct the leakage test per Section 4.1, steps a – f , ensuring that the client signs as
witnessing the test and agreeing to the results.

In the situation where a new system has been installed and a few months later,
additional single line drops are added separately the latter qualify as single line drops
with no requirement for pressure tests on the whole system to be repeated.

10 | Insist on BCAS - Be Compliant And Safe

6.0 Jointing Techniques
Depending on the type of joint made the reaction to a pressure test of the integrity of
the joint will vary. For example, if a glued joint has not been made correctly then on
test the joint is likely to blow apart immediately. The same applies to a push-fit which
has a screwed collar and also the type which uses clamps where the clamps have not
been tightened. Even the type of pipe joint that uses a groove system in the pipe can
come apart if the clamp has not been tightened. Screwed joints tend to leak rather
than blow apart.

All jointing shall be carried out employing the process described by the manufacturer
of the system or the relevant British Standard.

6.1 Push-fit Joints

This type of joint is made by mating a soft seal in some form of housing against either
the inner or outer surface of the piping system. Box section modular aluminium pipes
are connected to each other and fittings employing a double ‘O’ ring seal and dovetail
clamping and jointing system.

6.2 Screwed Joints

Where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads – the BCAS publication Pipe
Joint Guide identifies the thread types used for this type of jointing technique and
the practices to adopt to ensure a satisfactory air-tight joint. If screwed joints are not
made on a sufficient number of mating threads then there is a danger of the joint
failing during the pressure test. To reduce the possibility of failure the test procedure
has provided for a gradual increase in pressure and the detection of leaks during this
phase will assist in predicting whether any danger will exist.

6.3 Welded Joints

The integrity of this type of joint rests solely with the quality of the welded joint.
Therefore, a qualified and certificated welder in accordance with BS EN ISO 9606
should perform the welding procedure in accordance with BS EN ISO 15607,
BS EN ISO 15609 and BS EN ISO 15614. Pipes transformed, shaped and welded
on-site will be subject to the requirements of the Pressure Equipment Regulations
S.I. 1999 No. 2001. | 11
6.4 ‘Press-fit’ Joints
This is a mechanical pressed joint using an O-ring to make it fluid tight. The joint can
be made by either hand force crimping tools or powered hand tools. It should be
noted that the joint cannot be disassembled without destroying the connection and
the need to remake the joint completely with new fittings. Therefore, where flexibility
is required, other systems may be more suitable.

6.5 Hydraulic Friction Joints

These are popular for pressures above 20 bar and extend into regions of 450 bar. The
use of these fittings to make a joint with a pipe should follow the joint manufacturer’s
instructions in every detail. Some joints of this type require only hand adjustment in
the initial tightening process followed by as little as a quarter turn with a spanner.
This technique brings into play both the mechanical location and the soft pressure
seals. The final effective seal and mechanical integrity is achieved once the pressure is

6.6 Flanged Joints

This type of joint relies upon a sealing material being clamped adequately between
faces whose surface is suitably prepared to prevent leakage. The flanges are secured
to the pipes by threaded or welded joints and the flanges are bolted together with
a sealing gasket between them. The potential for leakage is greater than a simple
threaded or welded joint. It is essential that the flanges are at a true right-angle to
the axis of the pipe and that the bolts are tightened in the correct sequence. Only
suitably qualified personnel should be employed to make flanged joints. See also the
comments above on welded joints.

6.7 Rigid Plastic Joints

The integrity of this type of joint, usually fusion bonded, also rests solely on the
quality of the jointing procedure. Suitably qualified and certificated personnel should
therefore carry out the joining.

12 | Insist on BCAS - Be Compliant And Safe

Note: The Pressure Equipment Regulations (S.I. 1999 No. 2001) in Schedule 2 Clause
3.1.2 states: “Permanent joining of components must be carried out by suitably
qualified personnel according to suitable operating procedures. For equipment
in Categories II, III and IV of the Pressure Equipment Regulations personnel and
procedures must be approved by a competent third party such as a Notified Body.”

While the Pressure Equipment Regulations (Regulation 4 (2)) excludes equipment

assembled on-site and under the responsibility of the user, it is recommended that
permanent pipe joints meet the requirement of this regulation. | 13
Annex A. Measurement of Leakage
If it is required to measure the actual leakage rate, two methods are available.

Annex A.1. Method 1 – Pressure Decay Test

This requires knowledge of the system volume and an accurate pressure gauge of
100mm diameter class 0.6 to BS EN 837-1 and a means to measure the time. The test
pressure gauge may be selected by utilising the following suggested example; a gauge
reading 10 bar maximum scale for a 7 bar system pressure. The system volume can be
calculated by using Table 1.

Table 1 - Approximate volume of BS EN ISO 0255:2004 (superseding BS EN 1387)

medium piping.

Nominal Bore Thread Designation Approximate Volume of Piping

ON mm BS 21 & ISO 7-1 per 10m Length Litres

8 ¼ 0.5
10 ⅜ 0.8
15 ½ 1.8
20 ¾ 3
25 1 5
32 1¼ 8
40 1½ 13
50 2 20
65 2½ 33
80 3 50
100 4 78
125 5 123
150 6 177

14 | Insist on BCAS - Be Compliant And Safe

The leakage rate (Q) can be calculated from the following formula:

Q = V * ∆P Where:

T Q = Leakage rate in litres/sec

V = Volume in litres
∆P = Measured pressure drop in bar
T = Measured time for the pressure drop in seconds

Annex A.2. Other Standards

For piping to standards other than ISO 65 and when the DN is quoted is the outside
diameter of the pipe, the volume of a 10m length of pipe can be calculated from:

V = D2 Where:
V = volume of 10m length of pipe
D = the manufacturer’s stated internal bore in mm. | 15
Annex A.3. Method 2 Direct Measurement of Pressure Decay

Annex A.3.1. The Equipment

If it is not possible to establish the system volume or a more accurate assessment
of leakage is required then the following method may be employed. This method
measures actual leakage flow and requires the following equipment:

1. Main compressor used to pressurise the system (this may be the system’s own
compressor or a portable compressor, or other suitable medium brought in
especially for the purpose).

2. Test compressor of less than 2kW.

3. Pressure gauge as specified in Method 1.

4. In-line flow meter of maximum reading 5 L/S.

5. Flow control valve.

6. Two-port ball valve.

7. Non-return valve.

8. Length of tubing, DN8 or larger for connection to test point in system (should be
straight tubing and not coiled type).

The equipment should be arranged as shown in figure 1 opposite.

16 | Insist on BCAS - Be Compliant And Safe

Figure 1 – Test Compressor Arrangement


5 4 2

The items in Figure 1 shown inside the chain dot line will form a portable and
complete test unit.

Annex A.3.2. The Method

a. Connect the test compressor and its ancillaries to the system (Chain/dot box).

b. Pressurise the system via compressor 1 as specified in Clause 2.1c.

c. Set compressor 2 to provide a pressure as specified in Clause 2.1c.

d. Close ball valve (6) with flow control valve (5) initially in the fully open position.

e. If the supply from the test compressor (2) is insufficient to supply the leakage from
the system under test then the pressure gauge reading (3) will fall. If the supply
from the test compressor exceeds the leakage then the pressure gauge reading (3)
will rise.

f. Adjust the flow control valve (5) until the pressure gauge reading remains steady
for at least 5 minutes. Read the flow-meter (4) and record this value as the
leakage flow.

g. Locate and cure the leak points and repeat the tests until the recorded flow is
equal to or less than the agreed maximum leakage. | 17
Annex B.

Annex B.1. Bibliography

BCAS Publications

Installation Guide
Compressed Air Condensate Guide
Pipe Joint Guide

H&SE Publications

Guidance Note GS4 - Safety Requirements for Pressure Testing


Construction Related Occupation (CRO) SKILLcards - Compressed Air Installer and

Compressed Air Commissioning Engineer.

The Pressure Equipment Regulations (S.I. 1999 No. 2001) may be viewed on the UK
Government website,

Annex B.2. Legislation

The Pressure Equipment Regulations (S.I. 1999 No. 2001)

Annex B.3. Standards

BS EN ISO 9606: Qualification test of welders: Fusion welding, steels.
(Superseding BS EN 287)

BS EN ISO 10255: Non Alloy steel tubes for welding and threading.
(Superseding BS EN 1387)

BS EN ISO 15607: General rules for fusion welding.

(Superseding BS EN 288)

18 | Insist on BCAS - Be Compliant And Safe

BS EN ISO 15609: Welding procedures specification for arc welding.
(Superseding BS EN 288)

BS EN ISO 15614: Welding procedure tests for the arc welding of steels.
(Superseding BS EN 288)

BS EN 837-1: Pressure Gauges. Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauges. | 19
Insist on BCAS - Be Compliant And Safe

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