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Appx to 7 (TN) BN NCC, Madurai Pro.Memo.No.

22/2019 dt 13 Aug 2019


DEMISED ON 22.04.2019

(a) Subscription from Jan 1998 to Apr 2010 (148 Instls) : Rs.2960/-
(b) Interest upto Apr 2010 as per the table : Rs.2061/-
(c) Principal from May 2010 : Rs.5021/-
(d) Calculation of Interest upto Apr 2019 as follows:-

Period Rate of Total

Principal No of Interest
S.No Interest Amount
From To (Rs.) Months (Rs.)
(%) (Rs.)
1 07.01.1998 30.04.2010 2960 As per Table 2061 5021
2 01.05.2010 31.07.2010 5021 8.0 3 100 5121
3 01.08.2010 31.07.2011 5121 8.0 12 410 5531
4 01.08.2011 30.11.2011 5531 8.0 4 147
5 01.12.2011 31.03.2012 5531 8.6 4 159
6 01.04.2012 31.07.2012 5531 8.8 4 162 5999
7 01.08.2012 31.03.2013 5999 8.8 8 352
8 01.04.2013 31.07.2013 5999 8.7 4 174 6525
9 01.08.2013 31.07.2014 6525 8.7 12 568 7093
10 01.08.2014 31.07.2015 7093 8.7 12 617 7710
11 01.08.2015 31.03.2016 7710 8.7 8 447
12 01.04.2016 31.07.2016 7710 8.1 4 208 8365
13 01.08.2016 30.09.2016 8365 8.1 2 113
14 01.10.2016 31.03.2017 8365 8.0 6 335
15 01.04.2017 30.06.2017 8365 7.9 3 165
16 01.07.2017 31.07.2017 8365 7.8 1 54 9032
17 01.08.2017 31.12.2017 9032 7.8 5 294
18 01.01.2018 30.07.2018 9032 7.6 7 400 9726
19 01.08.2018 30.09.2018 9726 7.6 2 123
20 01.10.2018 30.04.2019 9726 8.0 7 454 10303
Total 2960 7343 10303

Category Head of account Rs.
Subscription 8031 00 102 AB 0009 2960
Interest 8031 00 102 AC 0007 7343
Grand Total 10303

(Jeet Bahadur)
Lt Col
DEMISED ON 22.04.2019

(a) Subscription from Jan 1998 to Apr 2010 (148 Instls) : Rs.2960/-
(b) Interest upto Apr 2010 as per the table : Rs.2061/-
(c) Principal from May 2010 : Rs.5021/-
(d) Calculation of Interest upto Apr 2019 as follows:-

Period Rate of Total

Principal No of Interest
S.No Interest Amount
(Rs.) Months
Offg Officer(Rs.)
7 (TN) BN NCC, Madurai
Annexure I

1 Serial No :1

2 Name and Designation : P.Parvathivinayagam, SA

3 Office in Which employed : 7 (TN) BN NCC, Madurai

4 Date of Birth : 05.07.1970

5 Date of entry into service : 07.01.1998 (FN)

6 Date from which his service

have been regularised : 07.01.1998 (FN)

7 Date from which the Govt. : Jan 1998

Servant opted from this scheme

8 Date of Retirement (Demise) : 22.04.2019 (Date of Death)

9 Total period of recovery covered : Jan 1998 - Apr 2010 - 148 insts.
the individual during his service

10 Total no. of instalments and : 148 Instalments @ Rs.20/-

amount recovered in his service
(a) Subsciption (01/1998 - 04/2010) : 2960
(b) Interest up to 04/2019 : 7343
(c) Govt's Contribution : Not Applicable

11 Total amount eligible : 10303

12 Incase of death, Name & relationship : R.Girijha, Adopted Daughter

of the nominee to whom paid. Joint Account is given for ECS
because of minor.
(Refer Legal Heir Certificate)

13 Sanction Order No. &Date : Proc.No.23/2019 dt 13.08.2019

(Jeet Bahadur)
Lt Col
Offg Officer Commanding
7 (TN) BN NCC, Madurai
Annexure I & II
1 Serial No : 1

2 Name of the deceases employee : P.Parvathivinayagam

3 Sex : Male

4 Designation & Department : Store Attendant & NCC

5 Name and Address of the office : 7 (TN) BN NCC, Madurai

535, Kalai Nagar 2nd Main Road,
Kosakulam, Madurai - 625017

6 Date of Birth : 05.07.1970

7 Date of entry into service : 07.01.1998 (FN)

8 Date of Death : 22.04.2019

9 Cause of death : Natural Death

10 Date from which the Govt. : Jan 1998 - Apr 2019

Servant opted from this scheme

11 Total period of recovery covered : Rs.20/- from Jan 1998

the individual during his service Rs.30/- from Feb 2006
Rs.60/- from Feb 2016

12 Period of exordinatory leave duty which : NIL

contribution to the fund was not made

13 Date of last recovery : Apr 2019 (DOE - Aug 2019)

14 Name & relationship of the nominee : R.Girijha, Adopted Daughter

to whom paid. Joint Account is given for ECS
because of minor.
(Refer Legal Heir Certificate)

15 Sanction Order No. &Date : Proc.No.23/2019 dt 13.08.2019

(Jeet Bahadur
Lt Col
Offg Officer Commanding
7 (TN) BN NCC, Madurai
1 Serial No : 1

2 Name of the deceases employee : P.Parvathivinayagam

3 Sex : Male

4 Designation & Department : Store Attendant & NCC

5 Name and Address of the office : 7 (TN) BN NCC, Madurai

535, Kalai Nagar 2nd Main Road,
Kosakulam, Madurai - 625017

6 Date of Birth : 05.07.1970

7 Date of entry into service : 07.01.1998 (FN)

8 Date of Death : 22.04.2019

9 Cause of death : Natural Death

10 Date from which the Govt. : Jan 1998 - Apr 2019

Servant opted from this scheme

11 Name & relationship of the nominee : R.Girijha, Adopted Daughter

to whom paid. (Joint Account is given for ECS
because of minor)

(Jeet Bahadur
Lt Col
Offg Officer Commanding
7 (TN) BN NCC, Madurai

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