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A. Background

Based on observations, the coffee business is currently very lively. Especially for young people.

after the survey I immediately concluded that this business is very promising.

The Kedai Raga Coffee business is a business that provides snacks and warm or cold drinks in

general, but we also provide superior products, we have high-quality coffee that is made at friendly

prices so people from the top down can buy it.

B. Formulation of The Problem

1. How can prospective buyers easily find information about the existence of a Raga Coffee?
2. How to give a special impression from the buyer for the service and taste in the Raga Coffee?
3. How can the Buyer always remember the existence of Kedai Coffee, perhaps with a unique brand,
certain brand characteristics, advertisements etc.?

C. Purpose

To develop creativity, knowledge and abilities from our knowledge and create jobs and based on
business needs to meet the needs of the community in everyday life.

“Kedai Kopi Raga” | Cleanliness is a part Iman 1.1


A. Name and Philosophy

starting from high school friends and just want to try to make a hangout, then we pursue until it
becomes a promising business. This business was founded by Lutfi, Rexstra and Arifin. The business
that we developed is called "RAGA COFFEE" which was built on July 1, 2017 which is engaged in the
culinary trading business. In our opinion, in the Kalimantan region, especially in Kotawaringin Barat,
this trading business is still lacking. Raga Coffee is a business that provides snacks and warm or cold
drinks like in general, but we also provide superior products namely high quality coffee that is made
with friendly prices so that people from the top down can buy it.

B. Vision and Mission

a. Vision
Being a coffee shop that is able to compete in a healthy manner and has high competitiveness .
b. Mission

Providing services that are oriented to customer satisfaction. Serving quality food and drinks at
affordable prices.

C. Logo and Motto

“Kedai Kopi Raga” | Cleanliness is a part Iman 1

a. Logo

b. Motto

“CLEANLINESS is a part of IMAN”.

D. Organizational Structur

“Kedai Kopi Raga” | Cleanliness is a part Iman 2


Chef Barista

Asst. staff
Asst. Chef
Barista Cashier

Waiters Waiters Waiters

E. Products and Prices


“Kedai Kopi Raga” | Cleanliness is a part Iman 3

F. Location dan Operational time
a. Location
St. Iskandar no. 92, Madurejo Village, Arut Selatan District. The location is located in the
Pancasila Roundabout area, Kotawaringin Barat, Central Kalimantan, where visitors are always
crowded from various circles, and the location is one of the strategic hangouts.

b. Operational time

Raga coffee is open from 3 pm until 12 pm (West Indonesia Time), where all parties can visit us
during their free time.

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G. Target Customers, Promotions and Strategies
a. Target Customers

This business orientation has target customers with specified specifications that have great
potential, namely:
1. First target, is the target of young people and tourist customers
2. Secondary target, is a local resident who wants to find a coffee, a casual hangout with a partner,
friends or family.


Young people & tourist


b. Promotions and Strategies

The strategy and how to promote that is to conceptualize what you want to decorate? Because for
young people, millennia nuances need to be applied to create a dynamic and friendly impression. For
promotion through social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, WA and Instagram are also very
helpful. The first thing to do is how to make people want to enter your coffee shop. Make sure there is
parking available for your customers so that shop visitors feel safe with their vehicles.
After finding a buyer, make them feel comfortable. friendly and simple business opportunities
like hangouts in most traditional coffee shops, maybe you can choose from this. Not everyone is

“Kedai Kopi Raga” | Cleanliness is a part Iman 5

familiar with coffee shops. Many of the people are already familiar with the small coffee shops that
there are many around us. Making a coffee shop looks simple but beautiful and more modern.
Maintain the taste of dishes and provide satisfying service. The main key that you can use to
capture many consumers is to provide total service to your customers. When the taste of the dishes
served captivates the hearts of consumers, and the services provided make the customers feel
comfortable, then it is certain that consumers will not hesitate to return to our coffee shop. Take
advantage of social networking to attract as many customers as possible. Free promotional strategies
that are currently busy used by businesses are Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. we can use this social
network to expand market opportunities that you can aim at. Examples such as creating a personal
account for your cafe or culinary connoisseurs group on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, to inform all
activities and food menu offered by our shop.

Our dearest customers can get closer with us though :

1. Facebook account : RAGAKOPI
2. Instagram : RAGAKOPI
3. Twitter : Raga_Kopi

H. Profit, Physical Evidence and Testimonials

a. Profit, Physical Evidence

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2017 2018 2018

“Kedai Kopi Raga” | Cleanliness is a part Iman 7

b. Testimonials

Bartender : Hello. What can I get for you?

Guest : I want something cold and fresh. Do you have any specials on?

Bartender : Sure, we have passion fruit cocktail mix with dragon fruit. Have you tried
dragon fruit before?

Guest : Hmm, i just want something light but fresh, how about beer? Do you have any
package on that?

Bartender : Yes, for beer we have a pitcher of local beer brand with a bowl of chicken
wings for 60k.

Guest : Waow that’s great. I have my friend with me, so we can share. Can i have one

Bartender : Sure. Do you want to sit indoor or outdoor?

“Kedai Kopi Raga” | Cleanliness is a part Iman 8

Guest : Inside is better because we want to play game while listen to music. .

Bartender : Sure. Our waitress will take your order to your table. Anything else?

Guest : Nah! That’s probably it at the moment. How much do I have to pay?

Bartender : 70k include the tax.

Guest : Here is 100k. Keep the change.

Bartender : Thank you.


A. Future of Business

With the creation of a company engaged in trade, especially food and beverages with a strategic
location and a more relaxed feel, we are confident that this business will experience significant
progress along with the needs of young people and the community to hang out.

B. Market Segmentation

Raga Coffee is aiming at all circles but rather refers to the middle class downwards such as the
Youth and the Community with affordable prices and not difficult but also does not rule out product
quality as the main goal of our shop

“Kedai Kopi Raga” | Cleanliness is a part Iman 9

C. SWOT Analysis

a) Strengths
 Affordable prices
Is one of our company's strategies, namely sales at affordable prices, a price that can be achieved
by all groups. If usually school children only get a limited allowance from their parents, then if they
want to just hang out then our Coffee Shop is the right place because it serves drinks and snacks at a
cheap price, which only ranges from Rp. 10,000 to Rp. 25,000 only.

 Good quality and guaranteed

In addition to affordable prices, we certainly provide guaranteed quality, the source of our raw
materials is obtained from producers of coffee and beverages that are guaranteed both health and
product cleanliness.

 There are various types of the best coffee and a variety of drinks and foods.
At our Coffee Shop you will get what you want, we provide a variety of coffee and tea and

 Has characteristics that are not owned by other shops

So, in addition to customers can enjoy a cup of coffee, as described above, besides we provide
music facilities as entertainment

 Complete facilities
Our Coffee Shop can park your vehicle safely, all over, a mosque for Muslims who want to
perform prayer services,

 A clean and comfortable place

“Kedai Kopi Raga” | Cleanliness is a part Iman 10

"Hygiene is part of faith". That is our motto in maintaining the cleanliness of our Coffee Shop,
we guarantee cleanliness in every corner, servicing table cleanliness quickly so as not to disturb
customers who are enjoying their coffee and food.

 Satisfying service
Your satisfaction is our priority, we uphold "Service with Love" so we in terms of providing
products must be clean, neat, fast and precise.

 Strategic location
We have chosen our place of business around the area of the mosque which is one of the tourist
destinations is very strategic, easy to find, busy with community activities.

b) Weakness
We must always select what we will use for the quality of our products, now it is very difficult to
get quality raw materials because many people today are more concerned with their own interests by
deceiving others to get the maximum profit.

c) Opportunities
There are many communities, especially young people who are consumptive about coffee.
The high level of consumption of various types of coffee at this time encourages us to open a Coffee
shop that is able to provide services that are not only feasible but the best.

d) Threats
The obstacle that can make this Coffee Shop not is that there will be many cafes that will be
established with competitive prices, food and beverage menus. The decline in consumer interest in
coffee shops is also a serious problem, in this day and age there are various kinds of innovations in the
field of food and beverages, including the emergence of fast food and beverages and food and
beverages in delicious packaging at affordable prices. That of course can threaten the existence of
coffee shops like ours. And there are many other obstacles that might hamper the growth and success of
Kedai Coffee.
“Kedai Kopi Raga” | Cleanliness is a part Iman 11
In addition to the factor of the drink itself, weather and season factors are also quite difficult
problems. During the rainy season, coffee interest will increase. Whereas during the summer or the dry
season, of course the type of hot coffee drinks will decrease even though the cold coffee and tea drinks
Here are other threats:
 New people who appear superior
 Increase in the price of raw materials because it is limited
 There are competitors who are more familiar with the community


A. Conclusion
The Indonesian nation is experiencing peaks in the Kedai Coffee business. Because everyone
needs rest and food, so if it is made a very profitable business.
After finding a buyer, make them feel comfortable. Coffee shop business opportunities that are friendly
and seem simple like a hangout in most traditional coffee shops, might be chosen in this case. Not
everyone is familiar with cafes. Many of the people are already familiar with the small coffee shops
that there are many around us. So Making a cafe look simple but modern and beautiful can attract
people's interest.

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B. Suggest
This paper contains something that discusses how whether doing business is a positive side for all
readers. We realize as writers that nothing is perfect in this world, so maybe if this paper is far from
perfect, we, as the authors, apologize if there are words that are wrong.

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