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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan


Name:______________________________________ Date:_______ Score:_________

Direction: Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
___1. What is Newton’s First Law of Motion?
a. Law of Inertia c. Law of Momentum
b. Law of Acceleration d. Law of Interaction
___2. When can you say that the force applied is unbalanced?
a. If there is a change in position c. If there is a change in speed
b. If there is a change in momentum d. If there is a change in direction
___3. Law of Inertia states that, “A body at rest will remain at rest or move at a constant velocity unless ______.”
a. Acted upon by balanced force c. acted upon by unbalanced force
b. Acted upon by weak force d. acted upon by strong force
___4. Who postulated the Three Laws of Motion?
a. Sir Esaac Newton b. Sir Isaak Newton c. Sir Isaac Newton d. Sir Essaac Newton
___5. Law of Interaction states that, “For every action, there is __________”.
a. Unequal and same reaction c. an equal and opposite reaction
b. Unequal and opposite reaction d. an equal and the same reaction
___6. The force that causes a ball to fall to the ground is __________.
a. Gravity b. lubricant c. friction d. motion
___7. _____ is defined as the rate at which work is done.
a. Joule b. Speed c. Energy d. Power
___8. How much power is required to do 180 J of work in 2.4 s?
a. 178 W b. 7.5 W c. 75 W d. 430 W
___9. A boy pushes on a parked car with a force of 200N. The car does not move. How much work does the boy do?
a. 200N b. 200J c. 0 N d. None of the above
___10. What is the unit of work?
a. W b. m/s c. J d. kg x m/s
___11. Which of the following processes requires the most work?
a. A person holds a 1kg weight stationary with outstretched arms. c. A 10 kg weight rest on a table
b. a person lifts a 10 kg weight 1m off the floor d. A person lifts a 1 kg weight 1 m off the floor
___12. What is the unit of Power?
a. Watts b. horsepower c. Joules per second d. all the choices are correct
___13. In which of the situations is NO working being done?
a. Holding box overhead c. carrying box up a flight of stairs
b. Pushing a box across the floor d. lifting a box from the ground to a table top
___14. _____ is the measure of the ability to do work.
a. Photosynthesis b. respiration c. energy d. power
___15. As the ball falls toward the ground, _____ energy is converted to _____ energy.
a. Kinetic-potential c. kinetic-heat
b. Mechanical-chemical d. potential-kinetic
___16. The Law of Conservation of Energy states that, energy
a. Is always equal and opposite c. cannot be created or destroyed
b. Is created from motion d. can only be converted into heat
___17. What is Kinetic Energy?
a. Energy an object creates c. energy available to a stationary object
b. Energy an object has due to its motion d. energy stored within an object
___18. Potential energy is
a. Energy an object has due to its position c. All of the above
b. Energy stored in an object d. dependent upon position, shape/size/mass etc.
___19. The gravitational force acting on earth has an acceleration equal to __.
a. 9.8 m/s b. 9.8 m/s2 c. 9.8 kg. m/s2 d. 9.8 kg/s2
___20. What is the formula for work?
a. Force x Distance c. Force/Distance
b. Distance/Force d. Distance – Force
___21. If you exert a force of 800N and the object moves 10 meters how much work did you do?
a. 8000 J b. 80 J c. 80,000 J d. 8 J
___22. What is the formula for Kinetic Energy?
a. ½ Mass x Velocity squared c. Velocity / Mass x 1/2
b. Mass x velocity x 2 d. ½ Velocity / Mass
___23. In order to do work, energy is
a. Transferred or converted c. lost
b. Used up d. transferred
___24. What is Energy, and how does it relate to work?
a. Energy is the ability to do work or make work, and without it work is not done.
b. Energy causes a change, and work is needed for energy to happen
c. Energy is the ability to do work or cause a change, and work is transfer of energy
d. None of the above
___25. What is the unit of measurement of energy?
a. Watts b. Joules c. Newton d. Meters
___26. A car is travelling with a velocity of 40 m/s and has a mass of 112o kg. What is the KE of the car?
a. 22, 400 J b. 44, 800 J c. 896,000 J d. 1, 792,000 J
___27. What is a tool used to measure temperature?
a. Scale b. Thermometer c. Conductor d. Insulator
___28. What is the energy from the sun called?
a. Sun Energy b. Sun Burn c. Thermal Energy d. Solar Energy
___29. What material does not allow heat to pass through it easily?
a. Insulator b. Insulation c. Conductor d. Friction
___30. Cooking is an example of which type of energy?
a. Thermometer b. Solar Energy c. Insulator d. Conduction
___31. Being warmed by fire is an example of which type of energy?
a. Radiation b. Convection c. Conduction d. Friction
___32. What are the 3 kinds of conductors?
a. Styrofoam, glass, plastic c. Glass, wood, liquid
b. Metal, glass, ceramic d. Wood, plastic, paper
___33. Which is a form of energy that can move from a hot place to a cooler place, or the transfer of energy from one body to
a. Celsius b. Fahrenheit c. Freezing point d. Heat
___34. If Mario burns his hand grabbing a hot cup of coffee, what type of thermal energy transfer has taken place?
a. Radiation b. Convection b. Conduction d. Equilibrium
___35. Bacon cooking in frying pan is a form of __________.
a. Conduction b. Convection c. Evaporation d. Radiation
___36. A wet shirt is put on a clothesline to dry on a sunny day. The shirt dries because water molecules
a. Gain heat energy and condense c. lose heat energy and condense
b. Gain heat energy and evaporate d. lose heat energy and evaporate
___37. Temperature in Celsius at which water boils.
a. 0 b. 212 c. 100 d. 32
___38. This picture most likely shows molecules in a :
a. Solid b. liquid c. Gas d. plasma

___39. The normal body temperature of the human body is __.

a. 30 0 C b. 35 0 C c. 37 0 C d. 37.5 0 C
___40. When a solid, liquid, or a gas changes from one physical state to another, the change is called:
a. Melting b. Deposition c. A phase Change d. Sublimation
___41. The change of state directly from solid to gas is called
a. Evaporation b. sublimation c. Condensation d. Freezing
___42. On a hot sunny day, ice cream will transform from a solid to liquid. What phase change did the ice cream experience?
a. Freezing b. Melting c. Condensation d. Boiling
___43. The simple device that opens and close an electrical unit is called :
a. Volt b. Discharge c. Switch d. Ampere
___44. The unit of measuring electrical current is called:
a. Electrode b. Volt c. Discharge d. Ampere
___45. It pushes the electron to flow in a circuit.
a. Current b. Resistance c. Voltage d. Electricity
___46. The symbol for electric current.
a. E b. I c. V d. R
___47. The unit of resistor is __.
a. Ampere b. Ohms c. Watts d. Voltz
___48. A kind of circuit which loads are connected to form a single pathway for electric charges to pass.
a. Logic Circuit b. Parallel Circuit c. Series Circuit d. All of the choices
___49. Battery, wire and bulb are parts of a
a. Circuit b. chamber c. transformer d. pole
___50. Which one is NOT a good conductor of electricity?
a. Copper b. silver c. Metal d. Plastic

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Science Teacher Head Teacher III Principal II

Parents Signature: _______________________

City of Ilagan, Isabela

Table of Specification
In Science 8


Number %

1. Newton’s Three Laws of Motion 15 30 1-6 6

2. Identify situations in which 10 20 10, 8,9,21 4

work is done and which no
work is done

3. Describe how work is related to 13 26 7,12,14, 23 11,13, 9

power and energy 20,25 24
4. Differentiate Potential and 12 24 19,22 17,18 15,16 6
Kinetic Energy
5. Differentiate between Heat and 27,28,29, 26,30,31, 18
Temperature 33,37 32,34,35,
39,40,41 36,38
6. Infer the relationship between 43-50 8
Current and charge
50 100% 30 15 5 50

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Subject teacher Head Teacher I Principal II

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