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FAST Aviation Academy, Inc.

, Bacolod City, Philippines

(The investiture takes place after the final blessing and before the singing of the
recessional hymn)


Please be seated . . .
Before we finally proceed to the 5th Commencement Exercises Ceremony, we will
now witness the Order of Investiture.

The Order of Investiture is a formal ceremony at which honors are formally

conferred on the recipients. At this point, the Batch 2019 shall be invested with the
sash that represents the emblem of honorary order of being a graduate of Aircraft
Maintenance Technology or Aviation Maintenance Specialist-Avionics. It is the
symbol of professionalism and of a new character to remind and motivate the
honoree of his/her responsibility to the self, family, local, national, and global
community, and most especially to God.

Graduating students, please stand . . .

May I request the parents/guardians who shall invest the sash to proceed and
stand beside your respective sons and daughters. There must only be one
parent/guardian per student. Thank you.

(parents shall stand with the honorees during the Order)

School Director:

Let us begin the ceremony with a prayer.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. . .

My dear brothers and sisters, let us praise God our Father, who has made us
children by adoption. To God be the Glory now and forever. Amen . . .
(READING OF THE WORD OF GOD) [Proverbs 4:1-7]

Brothers and sisters, listen to the words of the book of Proverbs:

Hear, O children, a father’s instruction, be attentive, that you may gain

understanding. Yes, excellent advice I give you; my teaching do not forsake.
When I was my father’s child, frail yet the darling of my mother, he taught me,
and said to me: “Let your heart hold fast your words: keep my commands, that
you may live! Get wisdom, get understanding! Do not forget or turn aside from
the words I utter. Forsake her not, and she will safeguard you; the beginning of
wisdom is: get wisdom; at the cost of all you have, get understanding.”

The word of the Lord. //Thanks be to God. //

Students, do you accept the sash that symbolizes professionalism and

Honorees: Yes, I do.

SD: Do you pledge to be role models to others?

Honorees: Yes, I do.

SD: Do you uphold the dignity and work as reflected in the Aviation Maintenance

Honorees: Yes, I do. So Help Me God.

SD: May the Lord Jesus, who loved those who strive for wisdom and
understanding, bless us and keep us in his love, now and forever. Amen

SD: Dear parents, you may now invest the sash to your children.

(SD) Concluding prayer: Lord God, your spirit of Wisdom fills the earth and teaches
us your ways. Look upon these students. Let them enjoy their success and take
delight in new discoveries. Help them persevere in their chosen career and give
them the desire to learn more things well, as they strive to share their knowledge
with gentle patience and endeavor always to bring the truth to eager minds.
Grant that these future mechanics and electricians may follow Jesus Christ, the
way, the truth, and the life forever and ever, Amen!
Oath of Alumni

I, (name of graduate), pledge that as an alumnus/ alumna of FAST Aviation

Academy Incorporated-Bacolod City, I shall strive hard to live up the standard
of excellence of my Alma Mater, to elevate the mind and strengthen character
to be always on the side of the law, freedom and justice for the service of God,
country, and mankind. So help me God.

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