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Profession related to Sun Vedic Astrology

The Sun denotes employment in the State Service, admin, management. It indicates people having much
authority and power.

The Sun denotes government officials, kings and administrators. One may be in a government service, or
in the service of a noble man or king. The Sun indicates one’s father.

When the Sun is connected with the 10th house. One may have income through his father. Or he may use
his father’s property as capital and thereby prosper. This can be so when the influence of the lords 9 or 5
falls on the Sun.

The Sun indicates medicines, and medical profession too. If it is a significator of profession, by being
connected with the 10th house, and other significantors (like Mars) also denote the same, one may take
to medical profession. Influence of Mars, Ketu etc. would indicate professions connected to arms.
Influence of Jupiter, as lord of 9th house would point out to chanting of hymns and the profession of a
priest. Or he may be employed in a mutt or a religious institution. The reason for this is, that the Sun is a
satvic planet.

Influence of the 12th house is also to be considered here. For the twelfth house is said to have close
connection with temples because the Sun indicates timber. When it is connected with the lord of the 4th
house, one may be supplier of timber for house construction.

Or he may be a furniture merchant as the fourth house signifies such matters. Satyacharya says in his
work that the Sun rules over business in grass or straw, medical profession, embassy, trade in pearl and
gold. ‘ Western astrologers attribute the following professions to the Sun.

All positions of trust and authority, prominent positions in government, commanders, bankers,
noblemen, kings, emperors, goldsmiths etc. The Sun indicates medicine, medical profession, trading in
wool, grass, corn, gold, pearls, and the profession of a messenger.

The Sun indicates profession of father also. If it is connected with Mars, or Ketu, the profession may be
related to arms, electricity, radio etc. Note: Each profession is signified by one or more planets. It is also
signified by one or more houses. Thus the two indications (i.e., of the planets and the houses) have to be
blended together. Consideration should be done w.r.t. Lagna and Chandra lagna. In the present section,
the significance of the planets is being given. It should be properly synthesized with the indications of
houses and after careful judgment, final conclusion should be arrived at

Professions releated to Moon Vedic Astrology

The Moon is a watery planet. The native may deal in corals, pearls, liquids, milk etc. He may earn through
agriculture, water, garments, cows, sugar and other articles ruled by the Moon. The person may be
employed in shipping, Navy and water supply departments also.

Flowers, food, corals, silver, conch, garments, ornaments, females, ghee, oil etc, are ruled by the Moon.
When it is connected with Venus, the person may be engaged in perfumes, milk products, scents etc. The
Moon is a feminine planet. It indicates earning through women also. This includes the cinema line where
actors have to move with women. This is particularly so, when it has connections with other female
planets like Venus. Combinations with Mercury also has the same effect.

Cooks, nurses, launderers are also ruled by the Moon. The Moon gives softness and adaptability of
temperament. It makes one disposed to travel and fond of changes. When the Moon is a significator of
profession and on this the influence of Rahu is present, one may be dealing in poisonous liquids, liquor
em, for Rahu represents poison.

Jataka Parijata says that one may be a musician playing on instruments, or one may be an agriculturist.
One may be a cloth merchant, or he may be in the service of a queen. The Moon is a watery planet. It
rules over all kinds of liquids, fresh water, milk and things produced from water. The Moon is called‘ a
queen. It is also connected with administration next only to the Sun. If, on this, there is the influence of
Jupiter, or the Sun, one is very likely to be in administration.

Since the Moon is also a significator for flowers and perfumes, connection with Venus would point out to
preparation of scents and perfumes, or business connected with these. The Moon represents rice and
other food stuffs. Connected with the lord of the 2nd house, one may be earning through selling rice and
food stuffs, for the second house rules over food.

Since the Moon shows food stuffs, connection with Jupiter and the lord of the second house, one may be
in the preparation of sweets. (This is because of the influence of Jupiter). Satyacharya says that the Moon
rules over agriculture, things produced in water, women, and interest on money. The Moon rules over
public commodities such as groceries, drinks etc. It denotes such occupations where one meets the
general public.

The Moon denotes changes and travels also. If afflicted, and connected with the 10th house, it may denote
change in business, occupation and employment. The Moon represents one’s mother and mind. If strong
and favourably situated, one will be devoted to one’s mother and there will be gains through mother. Its
metal is silver. It rules the sign of Cancer.

Professions Related to Mercury Vedic Astrology

Mercury represents learning, writing, arts, sculpture, medical profession, expertise, ministership,
message, wit, cleverness, duality, fame, astrology, wisdom, chanting Vedas, priesthood, birds, fame,
literature, poetry, scriptures etc.

Mercury indicates mathematicians, traveling agents, poets, advocates, printers, publishers, orators,
ambassadors, clerks, astrologers, travellers, secretaries, interpreters etc. In Mythology, Mercury is
regarded as the god of eloquence and commerce. Mercury strong and favorably placed, makes one an
orator. Mercury is a quick moving planet.

He thus represents speed. It is also called as the winged messenger. Therefore, it represents traveling,
carrying messages, letters, mailing etc. Mercury is the planet of wisdom. Favorably posited it makes a
person very intelligent, wise and studious. Mercury is changeful. It denotes changes, and lack of
concentration. It makes a person unsteady and fond of changes. Mercury represents plurality. It is
dualistic. It gives inter- est in many subjects.

Thus its nature varies as the quality of the planet with which it is conjoined. Thus it does not act
independently but in a subordinate position. e Mercury renders its subjects active, versatile and
disposed to business and commerce. It makes one well-in- formed and eager in the pursuit of knowledge.

Literary men, accountants, school teachers, secretaries, book-sellers, clerks, postmen, messengers,
engineers, radio, wireless, telegraph, post, letters, typing, press, paper, cotton, representative, secretary,
agent, clerk, astrologer, trade of foreign goods, import-export, thread, mercury, tin, accounts, auditing,
able lawyer, expert, commissioners, ambassadors etc, are all ruled by Mercury.
Mercury represents Mathematics. It indicates lecturing too. As Mars also is connected with Mathematics,
when these are combined or connected one may be a Mathematics lecturer, Mercury denotes Astrology
too. Mercury in angles confers ability in Astrology, Combination of Sun and Mercury can denote
Astrological Profession. Connection of Mercury with 4th, 10th, and 9th houses also can indicate this
profession. Satyacharya says that Sculpture, astrology, recitation and composition of poetry, research
work, dealing in cloths, and catching birds and animals are also ruled by Mercury.

Career related to Venus Planet Vedic Astrology

Venus rules over diamonds, genie, jewels, ornaments, marriage, friends, garlands, young women,
cowdung, learning, cohabitation, and silver. Jataka Parijata adds trading in cows, jaggery, milk and curds.
Venus is the Karaka for music.

Strong Venus as a significator of profession, produces musician, when the appropriate houses are active.
Influence of other planets like Mercury etc., would denote playing on musical instruments. Venus denotes
painters, singers and artists of all kinds. Benefic influence of Mercury is required, as Mercury gives the
necessary intellectual ability.

Venus is called ‘Kavi’ or Poet. Influence over the 2nd house and Moon can give poetical ability. Venus
indicates cows. So one may be trading in cows, milk, curd etc. Zenus is the karaka for vehicles. (vahana
karaka). It can give employment connected with vehicles, transport, railway, bus, air travel and shipping.
One may be driver or a pilot when there is influence of. any sign and planets in addition. Venus is the
karaka for all fine arts, such as painting, music dance, etc.

Venus denotes employment: in dress making ornaments, perfumery and flowers, Venus is a karaka for
cooking. It indicates cooks, butlers, maid-servants sweet-makers, confectioners and male-servants. Sale of
jaggery, food items, milk, curds etc. are also ruled by Venus. Venus indicates conveyances, vehicles of all
sorts, bus, lorries, railway, planes, music, paints, petrol, colour, singers, cinema, drama, silk, perfumes,
agriculture, silver, White things, diamond, diseases of women, assessment, careful judgement by’
weighing pros and cons, panchayat, jury, women’s school, Xray, glas, draughtsmen, etc.

Venus is a karaka for dress. So it rules clothiers, embroiders, silk mercers, makers of gloves, bonnets and
women’s dress. When Venus is connected with the second and the fifth house and is a significator of
profession one may become a musician. If Mercury is connected he may take to instrumental music.
Venus is a karaka for beauty and enjoyments. Thus it can represent cosmetics, perfumes, scents and
professions connected with these. It is a significator of trade and commerce like Mercury.

Venus is a feminine planet. Thus it indicates earning through the association of women. Professions like
film industry, cinema, acting, directing are closely connected with Venus. Venus is a watery planet. So, if it
is connected with the Moon or water signs, one’s profession may be connected with water and liquids such
as sale of sharbats, drinks, soda water, paints, navy, water supply etc. Venus connected with the Moon can
indicate fruits. I Satyacharya says that Venus rules over gold, precious stones, vehicles, women, cheating,
curd, ghee, cow and perfumery.

Professions related to Mars Vedic Astrology

Mars rules over brothers, courage, police department, theft, burglary, sin, crime, injury, etc. It indicates
warriors, military operations, blood, gold, copper, surgeons, gases, dentists, engineers, butchers, engines,
iron and steel, chemists, dentists, druggists etc. ‘ People dealing in iron and steel or working in the
kitchen are also ruled by Mars.
Sun and Mars may denote employment in Military hospitals. Mars is a fiery planet. When it is connected
with other fiery planets or in fiery signs, the person concerned may be engaged in professions connected
with fire. The electrical, jobs in bakeries and factories are also governed by Mars.

Mars is the son of the earth. It is closely associated with land and house. Thus, it can give income through
landed property, houses and buildings. Mars denotes courage and is connected with stripes and violence.
So it denotes police and military. One may be an officer in police or military departments.

If the evil effect of Mars falls on mind, lagna, fourth house or their lords and there is severe affliction, and
Mars is connected with the house of profession too, one earns through theft and robbery. If the house of
income is also connected, the person is more likely to take after such professions.

This may happen also when there is adverse aspects between Mercury and Mars. . Mars denotes
courage, valour, prowess, and heroism. It is very active. A person becomes very able and authoritative
under its influence. He commands and rules over others and extracts work from them. Mars denotes
logic and sciences based on logic. When it is strongly placed in good houses it gives ability in logic, and
sciences based on logic.

If Mars is not afflicted and if it gets aspects from benefics, it makes one confident, heroic, strong and
courageous. It gives organizing ability. But if Mars is afflicted, one will he rash and quarrelsome. He may
become aggressive and violent.

Mars and Mercury can denote mechanical engineering. Mars and Sun can denote military hospitals.
(Reason: Mars for military, Sun for medicines and hospitals). Manufacture of engines, automobiles, and
tools is also ruled by Mars. Mars is a significator of landed properties, and buildings also.

Construction of houses and buildings is governed by Mars. Satyacharya says that buildings made of
bricks, masonry, oral discussions, argumentation, disputations, bold ventures; fire, administration of
government, and murderous deeds are ruled by Mars.

Career related to Jupiter Planet Vedic Astrology

Jupiter rules over law and justice. It produces, lawyers and advocates, when connected with the house of
profession and if other factors agree. It produces preceptors and those well-versed in religious lore,
Vedas and Sastras.

When Jupiter is well-placed and receives good aspects and extends its influence over the ascendant or
the ascendant lord the person gets much wealth through assets, interest, rent banking etc. _ Jupiter
produces noble, magnanimous people who are reliable and truthful. They are honest in their dealings.
They are helpful to others. They are of an optimistic nature. They are ambitious and hopeful. They are
charitable and kind. They are rather orthodox and stick to tradition.

Jupiter indicates advocates, professors, priests, judges, ministers, administrators, divines, bankers, those
working in revenue departments, palaces, law-courts, treasury, wealth, court, temples, religion, place of
justice, treasures, banks, writers, mathematics, economics, religious lore, sastras, preaching, religious
education, donation, choultry, physician, grammarian, turmeric, gold, valuable things etc. Some western
authors say that Jupiter indicates cloth merchants, woolen merchants and provision dealers also.

Jupiter is the karakas for law. Judges and lawyers are signified by Jupiter. Jupiter is a karaka for
religion. It can denote bishops, priests, and cardinals. Jupiter is for knowledge, It denotes professors,
philosophers preceptors, gurus etc. It can denote great thinkers, saints, and who are devoted to the
pursuit of knowledge.

Jupiter is called Guru. It denotes teachers, professors and preachers of all kinds. In determining the
profession, we have to see the houses in which it is situated, the house it rules and the aspects it receives,
Jupiter rules morals, One will be upright and truthful in his dealings. If it is strong and influences lagna
or lord of lagna favorably it makes one generous and kind and therefore rules philanthropists.

It rules over the power of reasoning, clear thinking, law and sciences. Westerners say that it rules over
financial deal- ing, shipping business and foreign affairs. Satyacharya says that Jupiter rules over
teaching, chanting of hyms and Vedas, practicing puranas, performing puja as a priest and religious

Career related to Saturn Planet Vedic Astrology

Saturn indicates lead, iron, grains, dead things (hides and skins), lazy people, servants, lowly people, poor
men, renunciation etc. Saturn denotes miners, merchants of coal and other com- modities ruled by it,
plumbers, watchmen, etc. Saturn indicates hard labour.

Saturn denotes stone. If its influence falls on lagna, lord of lagna etc. one may be engaged in making
roads, supply of stone. Saturn is a karaka for agriculture. For example, if it rules the‘ fourth house and is
s significator of profession, one may earn through agriculture. Saturn is a significator of lands and
estates. When it rules the fourth house or is a yogakaraka it gives landed property or business connected
with the same. Saturn is an adhomukha planet.

So it denotes all matters kept hidden and in secret, such as mine ores, petrol, oil, coal, iron etc. When
Saturn rules the fourth house and is a significator of profession, one may earn through these things.
Saturn denotes leather and hides. For example, when it rules the 3rd or 8th house, and is a significator of
profession, one may earn through leather goods and shoes.

Saturn denotes job in P.W.D. too. Some of the occupations by Saturn are those of agriculturists, farmers,
miner, mason, sweeper, sexton, tanner, estate agent, dyer, plumber, cobbler, scavenger, potter, coal
merchants, dealing in commodities a scribed to Saturn, jailers, watchmen, those who work at night, those
who work underground etc.

If Saturn as a significator of profession rules the 3rd or 4th house, one may be employed in railways. If
Saturn rules the 7th house, influenced by Venus, and is a significator of profession, one may be a
sculptor. Satyacharya says that Saturn rules over splitting of wood, cutting of stones, carrying fuel,
dealing in hides and skins, tanning, jugglery, magistracy, village-headman’s post and witchcraft are ruled
by Saturn.

According to others Saturn indicates service, positions of responsibility, things within the earth, ores, oil,
wells, coal, tin, lead, blue things, iron factory, social service, poor homes, pension, bone, orthopaedice,
chronic ailments and hospitals for their treatment and so on. Vaidyanatha Dikshita says in Jataka
Parijata that Saturn indicates all types of low and despisable professions. One may be a worker on stone
or wood. Killing animals, carrying heavy loads, cheating other people, lighting etc, are professions
indicated by Saturn.

Career related to Rahu Vedic Astrology

Rahu and Kethu ar shadowy planets. Their nature depends very much upon planets associated and
aspecting them. They also represent the lords of the signs in which they are placed. Rahu is called
Dragon’s Head. Mathamatically, Rahu and Kethu are the points of intersection of the paths of the Sun
and the Moon.

Rahu is referred to as the ascending node while Kethu is spoken of as the descending node. Westerners
consider Rahu as a benefic but Kethu as a malefic. Much depends on the house and sign in which Rahu
is placed. Rahu is good in the 10th house. Rahu is said to resemble Saturn in certain respects.

Imprisonment, drowning, diseases, are denoted by R-ahu. Kethu can also cause imprisonment. Rahu
denotes hunting, low jobs, service, degraded acts, exile, theft, magic, sorcery, humorous acts, inventions,
litigations, science, aerial navigation, psychology, metaphysical studies, violence, accidents etc. also.

Rahu is a cruel planet, so it represents cruel acts and cruel nature. Like Saturn it indicates laziness and
slow performance of duties. It is considered to be strong in the tenth house. It is closely connected with
inventions, politics, science, magic, and bad habits like drinking, gambling, treachery, etc.

Some say that it has connection with machinery photography printing etc. Rahu represents one’s
paternal grand father. Rahu denotes black gram. Both the nodes represent people of low caste, evil
people, but castes and wicked people. Snake catchers, ram, wolf, poisonous insects are also ruled by the

Satyacharya says that Rahu rules over professions attributed to Saturn. Some great Astrologers say that
the professions are indi- cated by the Navamsha in which Rahu is placed or the planets associated or
aspecting Rahu. Rahu indicates one’s paternal grand father, and money from him. He indicates ,
poisonous drugs, sorcery, witchcraft mountains, caves, buffaloes, jails, etc.

Career related to Ketu Vedic Astrology

Kethu is also known as the descending node and as Dragon’s tail. Kethu resembles Mars in many
respects. Kethu is regarded as Jnanakaraka producer of wisdom.

It thus represents religious knowledge, spiritual studies, spiritual initiation and even knowledge leading
to final emancipation or moksha. Kethu is an evil planet. Kethu can represent fraudulent means,
treachery and deception. It can represent sinful acts and professions.

It can denote strifes and intrigues, as it resembles Mars. Kethu denotes occult scicencss, philusphy also.
Pride, reli- gious show, bad tendencies secret quarrels and tale bearing are also attributed to Kethu.
Kethu denotes tamoguna. It is a very cruel planet. Badly posited, it makes one ill-mannered and sinful.
Kethu represents plotting, intriguing and quarrels. Kethu shows one’s maternal grand father. Kethu
denotes horse-gram.

Satyacharya says that Kethu rules over the professions ruled over by the Mars. The effects are to be
guessed by the lord of the Navamasa, or the planets associated or aspecting Kethu. To rise properly in life
and to follow the proper profession for which one has come in this world a few factors demand special

Initially Ist house should be normal or strong enough, the Sun should be well placed and have adequate
strength to keep the human engine in order to follow the right path. Secondly the 10th house should be
fairly strong so that one may not waste his time in trying different professions.

Thirdly house of gains should be strong enough so that one may be able to enjoy the fruits of one’s
efforts. Fourthly to keep one’s mind and discriminating faculty intact the Moon and Mercury should be
Well placed‘ Lastly to have God’s grace Jupiter should be strong enough.

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