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Long Nguyen longnguyen@mit.

(408) 768 - 4697

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2015 - 2019
BS, Computer Science & Engineering GPA: 4.7/5.0
∗ Fall 2018
> 6.828 / Operating Systems (Graduate)∗ > 6.824 / Distributed Systems (Graduate) > 6.046 / Advanced Algorithms
> 6.034 / Artificial Intelligence∗ > 6.830 / Database Systems (Graduate) > 6.005 / Software Construction
> 6.02 / Digital Communication Systems∗ > 6.033 / Computer Systems > 6.004 / Computer Architecture

Platform9 Systems – Software Engineering Intern Summer 2018 / Sunnyvale, CA
> Architected and implemented a fully-documented REST API and CLI service for managing customer soft-
ware upgrades.
> Designed a distributed scheduler for handling planned customer upgrades.
> Used Docker and Kubernetes to deploy the above services with Amazon ECR.
> Configured a full build pipeline through TeamCity.
Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute – Research Intern Summer 2017 / Daejeon, South Korea
> Trained a neural network with NLP techniques to 80%+ accuracy in 9-class sentiment analysis.
> Used other ML techniques and statistical analysis to generate movements in physical robotics. Used

MIT Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department – Teaching Assistant Spring 2018 / Cambridge, MA
> Training students in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science fundamental, effective oral communica-
tion skills in the context of technical content, pitches, and group proposals; 6.UAT – Oral Communication
(required for all EECS majors).
MIT Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department – Lab Assistant Fall 2017 / Cambridge, MA
> Held office hours, mocked up problem sets, and instructed students in the introductory Python classes.

Congressional Records & Mathematics Summer 2017
> Case study with machine learning on two public datasets from UC Irvine. Used Python.
> Trained a neural network to 53% accuracy on a large, high-dimensional dataset, with over 90% accuracy on
the other dataset.
Personal Website Spring 2017
> Responsive website for photography portfolio. Used HTML/CSS/Javascript.
> Using nginx for reverse proxying (hosted on MIT domains).
Email Lists | 6.005 Final Project Spring 2017
> Capstone project in group of 3; implemented a web interface to define/customize email lists.

Languages/Programming Tools
> SKILLED: Python, Java, LATEX, Git > TeamCity
> PRIOR EXPERIENCE WITH: JavaScript, R, C# > Kubernetes

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