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#1) What is Android?

Answer: Android is an open source operating system and is mainly popular for
Smartphones and Tablets.
This operating system is Linux Kernel based. Using Android operating system, the
developer develops the functions or programs which can perform basic as well as the
advanced type of operations on the Smartphone.

Q #2) What is Android SDK?

Answer: To develop a mobile application, Android developers require some tools and this
requirement is satisfied by “Android SDK” which is a set of tools that are used for
developing or writing apps.
It has a Graphical User Interface which emulates the Android environment. This emulator
acts as an actual mobile device on which the developers write their code and then
debug/test the same code to check if anything is wrong.

Q #3) What are the different versions of Android OS that you remember?
Answer: Given below are the various versions of Android.
Version Name

Android 8.0 Oreo

Android 7.0 – 7.1.2 Nougat

Android 6 – 6.0.1 Marshmallow

Android 5 – 5.1.1 Lollipop

Android 4.4 – 4.4.4 KitKat

Android 4.1 – 4.3 Jelly Bean

Android 4.0-4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich

Q #4) What is the difference between Mobile Application Testing and Mobile Testing?
Answer: Mobile app testing is the testing of applications on a device which mainly focuses
on functions and features of the application.
And Mobile Testing is the testing of the actual mobile device and focuses on the mobile
features like Call, SMS, Contacts, Media Player, inbuilt browsers etc.

Q #5) Name the languages supported for Android development.

Answer: Java is the widely used language for Android development.
It also supports C/C++ and when used with Android SDK, it improves the performance
speed too.

Q #6) What are the advantages of Android Operating System?

Answer: It is an open-source and platform independent. It supports various technologies
like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc
Q #7) Explain Android Architecture briefly.
Answer: Android architecture is in the form of software stack components.
The below diagram describes the different layers in the Android architecture.
 Linux Kernel: Linux Kernel is placed at the bottom of the software stack and is the
foundation of the Android architecture. Using Linux kernel, Android provides a
connection between the other layers of the software. It helps to develop drivers like
the keypad, display, audio for device manufacture etc.
 Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL): HAL provides an interface between device
drivers and API framework. It consists of library modules which are specific to the
hardware component.
 Android Runtime: Linux kernel provides multi-tasking execution environment so
that multiple processes can execute each process runs on its own instance of
Android Runtime (ART). Android has core runtime libraries like Dalvik VM specific
libraries, Java Interoperability Libraries, Android Libraries and C/C++ libraries.
 Application Framework (Java API Framework): The entire android functionalities
are available through the API. It consists of multiple services like Activity Manager,
Resource Manager, Notification Manager, etc., which form the environment in which
the android application runs.
 Applications: The Android application is a top layer and all types of in-built
applications such as SMS, Browsers, Contact, etc are included in this top layer. It
also includes third party applications which are installed by the user such as Games,
Q #8) Define and explain Android Framework.
Answer: Android framework is a set of API’s using which the Android developers write code
for the mobile apps. It contains the methods and classes to write the programming code.
Android framework includes a different set of tools to create image pane, text field, buttons,
etc. It also includes “Activities” with which the user interacts and “Services”, which are the
programs that run in the background. It is a package of different components like Intents,
Broadcast Receivers, Content Providers, etc.

Q #9) Which components are necessary for a New Android project?

Answer: Whenever a new Android project is created, the below components are
 manifest: It contains xml file.
 build/: It contains build output.
 src/: It contains the code and resource files.
 res/: It contains bitmap images, UI Strings and XML Layout i.e. all non-code
 assets/: It contains a file which should be compiled into a .apk file.
The below image shows the Project View once an Android project is created:
Q #10) Provide the important core components of Android.

Answer: The core components of Android operating systems are:

 Activity
 Intents
 Services
 Content Provider
 Fragment
Q #11) Explain briefly – what is meant by Activities?
Answer: Activities are the part of the mobile app which the user can see and interact with.
For Example, if you open an SMS app which has multiple activities like create new SMS,
add a contact from the address book, write the content in the SMS body, send SMS to the
selected contact, etc.
Activity keeps a track of the following:
 Keeps track of what a user is currently looking for in an app.
 Keeps a track of previously used processes, so that the user can switch between
ongoing process and previous process.
 It helps to kill the processes so that the user can return to their previous state
An activity is implemented as a subclass of Activity class as shown below:
Public class MyActivity extends Activity

Q # 12) What is meant by Services?

Answer: Service is an Android component which runs in the background and acts
independently. It does not provide any user interface.
Though the services are running behind the scene, a user can continue their work on
different apps. Most of the time, the users are not aware of the services which are running
in the background. These services allow the system to kill the process without interrupting
the user’s ongoing work.

A service is implemented as a subclass of Service class:

Public class MainService extends Service

Q #13) Explain Activity Lifecycle briefly.

Answer: When a user interacts with the app and moves here and there, out of the app,
returns to the app, etc. During all this process “Activity” instances also move in the different
stages in their lifecycle.
There are seven different states like – onCreate(), onStart(), onRestart(),
onResume(), onPause(), onStop(), and onDestroy(). These are termed as a ‘callback’.
Android system invokes these callbacks to know that the state has been changed.

The below-given diagram describes the Activity Lifecycle:

When a user is working on an app, then there are many activities involved in it like Open,
Close, Save, Delete, Send, etc.

Based on the user action these activities are partially disconnected from the UI but these
activities always reside in the memory so that when the user calls back the same activity,
the user will be in the same state where he has left off.

Q #14) What is an Intent?

Answer: Android has an Intent class when the user has to navigate from one Activity to
another. Intent displays notifications from the device to the user and then the user can
respond to the notification if required.
Given below are the two types:
 Implicit Intents
 Explicit Intents
Q #15) Explain Implicit and Explicit Intents.
Answer: Implicit Intent calls the system components while explicit Intents invoke the Activity
Q #16) What is the importance of setting up permission in app development?
Answer: Once the permissions are set for the app development, then the data and code
are restricted to the authorized users only.
If the code is kept without any restriction or if it is accessible to anyone then there are
chances of compromise of code which results in defect leakage.

Q #17) What is .apk extension in Android?

Answer: It is a default file format that is used by Android Operating System. Application
Package Kit (APK) is used for installation of mobile apps. The .apk contains resource file,
certificate, manifest file and other code.
APK files are archive files in the zip format with .apk extension.

Q #18) What is the database used for Android platform?

Answer: SQLite is the database that is used for Android platform. It is an open-source,
serverless database.
Q #19) What is ANR in Android?
Answer: ANR stands for Application Not Responding. It is a notification or pop-up displayed
by the Android platform whenever the application is performing too many functions at a time
and if it is suddenly not responding for a long time to the user action.
Q #20) Which are the dialog boxes supported by Android platform?
Answer: Android supports four types of dialog boxes:
 AlertDialog: It has a maximum of 3 buttons and sometimes AlertDialog includes
check boxes and Radio buttons to select the element.
 ProgressDialog: It displays the progress bar or wheels.
 TimePickerDialog: Using this dialog box, a user selects the Time.
 DatePickerDialog: Using this dialog box, a user selects the Date
Q #21) What is ADB?
Answer: Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a command line tool which performs shell
ADB is used for direct communication between the emulator ports. It gives the direct control
of the communication between the emulator instances to the developer.

Q #22) What is ActivityCreator?

Answer: ActivityCreator is a batch file and shell script which was used to create a new
Android project. It is now replaced by “Create New Project” in Android SDK.
Q #23) What is Orientation?
Answer: Orientation is the key feature in Smartphones nowadays. It has the ability to rotate
the screen between Horizontal or Vertical mode.
Android supports two types of screen Orientations as mentioned below:
 Portrait: When your device is vertically aligned.
 Landscape: When your device is horizontally aligned.
setOrientation() is a method using which you can set a screen alignments. HORIZONTAL
and VERTICAL are two values which can be set in the setOrientation() method. Whenever
there is a change in the display orientation i.e. from Horizontal to Vertical or vice versa then
onCreate() method of the Activity gets fired.

Basically, when the orientation of the Android mobile device gets changed then the current
activity gets destroyed and then the same activity is recreated in the new display
orientation. Android developers define the orientation in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

Q #24) What is AIDL?

Answer: In the Android platform, there are remote methods which facilitate the use of
methods from one program to another. To create and implement the remote methods the
first step is to define communication interface in AIDL.
AIDL stands for Android Interface Definition Language. It facilitates the communication
between the client and service. It also communicates the information through inter-process

For communication between processes, the data is broken down into chunks which are
easily understandable by the Android platform.

Q #25) What are the data types supported by AIDL?

Answer: Data Types supported by AIDL are as follows:
 String
 List
 Map
 charSequence
 Java data types such as INT, Long, Char, Boolean etc
Q #26) Explain AndroidManifest.xml file and why do you need this?
Answer: Every application must have AndroidManifest.xml file in the root directory. It
contains the information about your app and provides the same to the Android system.
The information includes the package name, Android components such as Activity,
Services, Broadcast Receivers, Content Providers, etc. Every Android system must have
this information before running any app code.

AndroidManifest.xml file performs the following tasks:

 It provides a name to the Java package and this name is a unique identifier for the
 It describes the various components of the application which include Activity,
Services, Content Providers, etc. Also, it defines the classes which implement these
 It is responsible to protect the application and it declares the permission for
accessing the protected part of the app.
 It also declares the Android API which is going to be used by the application.
 It contains the library file details which are used and linked to the application.
Q #27) What all devices have you worked on?
Answer: There are many mobile devices available in the market with different operating
Specifically, I have worked on Android, Windows, Symbian, iPhone, etc

Q #28) Which tools are used for debugging on the Android platform?
Answer: To understand the cause of the failure or cause of any issue, debugging is
important. On the Android platform Android Monitor.bat utility is used while on iOS
platform, iPhone Configuration utility is used for debugging purposes.
There are different tools for debugging which include – Android DDMS, Android Debug
Bridge, iOS simulator, Debugging from Eclipse with ADT, Remote debugging on Android
with Chrome etc.

Q #29) Which scenario can test only on real devices but not on emulator?
Answer: Emulators are used for performing similar kind of testing which is performed on
the real devices. Basically, emulators are used as a replacement for real devices as
sometimes real devices are not available for testing, use of real mobile devices for testing
purpose is costlier at times.
But there are few scenarios which cannot be tested using emulator, these can be tested
only using real devices. These scenarios are interrupted scenarios i.e. message, phone call
interruption while using the app, low battery, Bluetooth, memory card mount and unmount

Q #30) Name the mobile automation tools that are available in the market.
Answer: There are quite a few mobile automation testing tools that are available in the
market but these are used only if the project requires it and if the application supports the
These tools are paid as well as free tools, hence analysis needs to be done within the
project team and then the appropriate mobile automation tool needs to be selected. Silk
Mobile, SeeTest, Ranorex are the paid mobile automation tool while Appium, KIF,
Robotium, Calabash are few free tools.

Q #31) How do you troubleshoot android application which is crashing frequently?

Answer: Given below are the few steps that we need to follow while troubleshooting
the crashing issue:
 Free up memory space: There is only a limited space available on the mobile
devices for mobile apps. To avoid crashing issue or memory related issue, you need
to first check the memory space.
 Clear app data usage: You can clear the app data using the Application Manager
under “Settings”. This will clear the cache memory and allow some free space to
install another app or it will boost up your current app.
 Memory Management: Some apps run perfectly on one type of mobile device but
the same app may not work on another type of device as for such devices the
processing power, memory management, and CPU speed is different. For any app
to run properly on any type of mobile device, you should manage the memory on the
 Compatibility issue: It is always not possible to test mobile app on all mobile
devices, browsers, operating systems etc. So you need test your mobile app on as
many mobile devices as you can in order to avoid any compatibility issue.
Q #32) How do you find memory leaks in the mobile app on Android platform?
Answer: Android Studio is using Android Device Manager (ADM), this ADM is used to
detect the memory leaks in the Android platform.
When you open ADM in the Android Studio then on the left-hand side of the ADM, you will
find your device or emulator in which a heap sign will be displayed. When you are running
any mobile app then you will see the heap size, memory analysis and other statistics
displayed on it.

Q #33) What is DDMS?

Answer: Android Studio has debugging tools known as DDMS i.e. Dalvik Debug Monitor
It has wide debugging features which include:
 Port forwarding services.
 Screen capture on the device.
 Thread and Heap information.
 Incoming call and SMS spoofing.
 Logcat
 Radio state information.
 Location data spoofing.
DDMS is integrated with the Android studio. To launch the DDMS, you need to open
Android Device Monitor (ADM) first and then click on the DDMS menu button. Once DDMS
is launched, then on the left-hand side the list of connected devices are displayed along
with the processes which are running on each device.

With the help of DDMS, you can debug both on real devices and emulators.

Q #34) What are the different data storage options available on the Android platform?
Answer: Android platform provides a wide range of data storage options. These options
must be used based on the need such as data is secure and used with the permission only
or can be accessed publicly.
Below is the list of data storage options on the Android platform:
 SharedPreference: It stores data in XML files. It is the simplest way to store private
data in the key-value pair.
 SQLite: It stores structure data in the private database.
 Internal Storage: It stores data in the device file system and any other app cannot
read this data.
 External Storage: Data is stored in the file system but it is accessible to all apps in
the device
Q #35) Explain Sensors in Android.
Answer: Android-enabled devices have built-in Sensors which measures Orientation,
Motion and other conditions.
These sensors provide data with high accuracy, which will help to monitor positioning and
movement of the device. Some of the sensors are hardware based and few are software
There are three categories of sensors as mentioned below:
 Motion Sensors: These sensors measure the rotational & acceleration forces and it
includes gravity sensors, rotational vector sensor, accelerometers, etc.
 Environmental Sensors: It measures air temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.
 Position Sensors: It measures the physical position of the device and includes
orientation sensors and magnetometers.
There are four types of Java Classes as shown below:
 Sensor Manager
 Sensor
 SensorEvent
 SensorEventListener

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