SPM Captain Nobody Notes - Cikgu Diyana

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1. It is the last Friday in October, everybody in Appleton is excited for the derby of an American football
game between the Ferocious Ferrets of Fillmore High School and the Chargers of Merrimac High
School – also known as the Big Game.
2. Newton Newman (Newt) has a big brother, Chris Newman (Chris), who is a local football star, who
plays for the Ferocious Ferrets after an electrifying debut two years back.
3. Newt is preparing breakfast for his family when he comes across an article of his brother in the Sports
section of the local newspaper.
4. At first, Newt is eager to show the article to Dad but he is held down when the phone rings.
5. On the other hand, Mom is also busy receiving a call from their neighbour.
6. Newt gets frustrated as both of his parents have not touched their breakfast.
7. To make himself feel useful, Newt goes upstairs to wake his brother up.
8. Annoyed with Newt’s bellow, Chris throws a pillow at him but ends up hitting the floor hard.


1. Appleton Elementary is packed with different kinds of kids and actions.

2. At times, he tries to be friendly and greets his classmates but often, they just stare back fiercely and
ignore him.
3. Before the classes start, Newt finds a quiet place for him to settle down.
4. He takes out one of his Secret Superhero Sketchbooks and starts playing with his imagination.
5. Newt has never shown his sketching of the superhero characters to anyone else except to his two
best friends, Cecil and JJ, who have utmost admiration towards Newt’s creativity.
6. Cecil alerts them of the coming Halloween and suggests that they celebrate it as usual.
7. Talking about celebrating Halloween, the three of them are bored with their own costumes as they
have been wearing the same outfits for years.
8. Eventually, Cecil suggests that each of them needs to come out with an outstanding Halloween
costume based on their ‘inner other’ that will catch everybody’s attention.


1. During social studies class, Newt is still searching for an idea for his Halloween costume.
2. He imagines himself as Zeus, the god of lightning according to the Greek myth, but soon realises that
he does not fit in the descriptions shown by his subject teacher.
3. Not giving up, he raises his hand asking Mrs. Young what the American pioneers wore when they
built the country.
4. Although Newt is ridiculed by his classmate, the answer given by his teacher is more than enough
for him to rule out the possibility of having such costume for Halloween.
5. The school ends early so the students and locals can watch the Big Game Pep Parade on the street.
6. Newton is ecstatic to attend his brother’s last game of the season.
7. On the other hand, Cecil and JJ are more incline to their Halloween costumes.
8. That has put Newt back in dilemma as he is having hard time thinking about his own Halloween
9. Newt falls asleep while figuring out the design of his costume only to wake up after he has a terrible
10. It is time for the Big Game as his parents are getting ready for it and with heavy heart, Newt has to
put aside his coming Halloween celebration and shift his focus on the final game.


1. Newt stops thinking about Halloween when he recalls the moment Chris mentions Reggie Ratner, an
opponent from Merrimac High, who has always been holding grudges against his brother.
2. To make it worst, during the Big Game, the crowd play sentiment on both Chris and Reggie.
3. Newt, who is now away from his bleacher, is shown his way out after he fails to present his seat ticket
to the person in charge.
4. When the final quarter starts, both teams are level and unfortunately, Newt is forced to watch the
game from outside the wire fence surrounding Fillmore Field.
5. He can see that the Home team, especially his brother, is playing their hearts out until the game
reaches its last 45 seconds – the Away team is leading by two points.
6. Without giving up, the Big Game is getting more intense during the last seven seconds.
7. The Ferrets show high determination and Chris manages to get a last minute touchdown.
8. There are mixed feelings on the ground as the opponents bow down to their defeat and the home
crowd is jubilant with the winning streak.


1. Chris is unconscious as the result of the winning touchdown.

2. The whole ground is in complete silence when Chris is being attended and brought to the hospital.
3. Chris’ test results come out and fortunately he is not suffering from any broken parts, he is just in
4. Back in his room, Newt still cannot forget what happened during the winning touchdown as he
describes it as the thunderous crash.
5. He tries to revert his concentration to Halloween as the Big Game incident keeps rewinding in his
6. The next day, Newt answers various callers trying to get some news about Chris.
7. Cecil and JJ drop by at Newt’s house to give a few things to cheer him up.
8. The local community is talking about the touchdown incident and starts calling it the Big Tackle.
9. Cecil also tells Newt that some of the Ferrets get some revenge on Reggie, the Chargers’ defensive
back who is accused of causing Chris to get into his coma.
10. As the Newt recalls the Big Tackle, JJ tries to divert his attention by asking about their Halloween
11. Speechless, Newt tries to avoid Halloween by saying that he has lots of chores to settle.
12. Both Cecil and JJ are not convinced and they decide to meet the next day at 6.00 p.m. for Halloween.


1. Newt is frantically searching for idea as he is running out of time to come out with his Halloween
costume and falls asleep soon after.
2. By noon, Newt is still clueless about his costume and he decides not to celebrate Halloween.
3. He then falls asleep when sketching his latest fantasy superhero character.
4. Mom is already home when Newt wakes up.
5. After peeping at Mom holding his brother’s sweatshirt, Newt asks if there is anything he can do to
cheer her up.
6. But Newt is told that he could do nothing for the moment.
7. Taken aback by Mom’s words, he decides to prove that he is useful in such stressful situation.
8. Just before he can cheer Mom up by wearing his brother’s football jersey, she has already left home
for the hospital.
9. In the meantime, Cecil and JJ arrive at Newt’s doorstep.
10. Newt clumsily opens the door only to find that he is in awe of his two friends.
11. Cecil disguises himself as the famous musician, Mozart whereas JJ is dressed up as Splendida, a
fictional character from her favourite book.
12. Lastly, the big and important question pops out, ‘What is Newton Newman going to be for Halloween?’


1. Newt is out of words when is asked to explain about his outfit as he is wearing his brother’s pieces of
2. JJ asks Newt if there is something wrong with his brother.
3. Newt replies that his brother is doing fine.
4. He does not want to let his best friends down so he insists that both of them should continue
celebrating Halloween without him.
5. Newt finally confesses that he does not have a costume for himself and he immediately explains
everything that he did in search for a suitable costume before Cecil and JJ can respond to the
6. After a long silence, Cecil and JJ decide to transform Newt’s outfit on the spot.
7. Both of them alter the pieces of clothing that Newt is wearing and eventually they manage to produce
an outstanding costume.
8. They reach the ultimate transformation when JJ cuts two small holes on the sweatband that Newt is
wearing o his forehead and change it into a mask.
9. Newt himself feels rejuvenated after looking at himself in the mirror.
10. The three of them feel ecstatic as they finally manage to celebrate the Halloween together.

1. When they arrive at the first stop, the lady and her husband living in the house are rejoiced when
they look at Cecil, JJ and Newt.
2. The lady has perfectly guessed Cecil’s and JJ’s Halloween costumes.
3. Then, the couple turns their attention to Newt, who is still searching for an identity of his own as he
has not named his alter ego yet.
4. The lady’s husband notices C.N. on the middle of Newt’s forehead and he directly asks them about
those initials.
5. Surprised by the question, Newton is tongue-tied at first while both Cecil and JJ are quick enough to
throw some hints when they see Newton first reaction after being asked by the man.
6. Eventually, Newt manages to overcome his own fear and he reveals himself as Captain Nobody,


1. After they leave the first house, Cecil and JJ really like the idea of ‘Captain Nobody’
2. JJ gets a bit emotional as she can see that Newt seems to forget about his brother’s critical condition
after being enthusiastic of becoming Captain Nobody.
3. This time around, it is Newt who breaks the awkward moment and urges his two best friends to focus
on celebrating Halloween.
4. On that night, people show great interest into the three of them.
5. The attention that they get has been joyful especially for Newton.
6. He feels more confident being Captain Nobody than being Newton Newman.
7. Cecil and JJ are also aware of Newt’s change of attitude when they are counting their trick-or-treat
collection under the street lights.
8. When Newt arrives at his house, his mother has already hit the sack.
9. He is a little bit disappointed because he wants to show his Halloween costume to her.
10. Just before he falls asleep, Newt reassures himself by saying that he is not supposed to be anybody,
he is Captain Nobody.


1. Newt, who has always been positive about his brother, cannot stop ruling out the worst outcome of
his brother’s condition and he feels uneasy about it.
2. Then, he quickly realises that he needs to get ready for school.
3. He tries to look for his school outfit and after he fails to find an appropriate one, he goes to school
with the Captain Nobody’s costume.
4. There are mixed reactions from his classmates; some make fun of him wearing the outfit but Cecil
and JJ show support for his wild wardrobe choice.
5. Mrs. Young successfully manages the situation in the class from going haywire as all eyes are set
on Captain Nobody and a few kids start mocking him.
6. In the Principal’s office, a discussion is going on between Principal Toomey and Mrs. Young while
Captain Nobody waits outside.
7. On a serious note, Mrs. Young jumps into a conclusion that Newt is having a hard time coping with
his brother’s latest condition and she reports that Newt insists of being called Captain Nobody.
8. After that, a more heated discussion is going on after the school counsellor and nurse join in and later
on, the principal tells Newt that Captain Nobody is welcomed in the school.
9. During lunch break, Cecil and JJ insist of becoming Captain Nobody’s sidekicks and tell Newt to
continue becoming Captain Nobody because people start to notice them ever since.


1. Newt runs home after he realises that his parents still do not know about Captain Nobody and he does
not want to get weird reaction from them.
2. As he is running, Cecil summons for Captain Nobody and thinking he is joking, Newt just ignores it.
3. Although feeling reluctant, Newt decides to respond to the call and meet Cecil at the corner of
Wareen and Kander Streets.
4. Cecil leads their way, together with a wagon, passing by Dumpsters and garbage cans until they stop
at one point.
5. There is a big bass drum which has been thrown away, sitting on the Dumpster that catches Cecil’s
6. Feeling determined to own the drum, Cecil is feeling hopeful that Captain Nobody will lend his
hands to get it down from the top of the Dumpster.
7. Newt is afraid of heights. So, he suggests Cecil to be the one who should climb the Dumpster.
8. After Cecil makes it clear that the job is meant for the fearless Captain Nobody, Newt changes his
9. Captain Nobody climbs on and carefully passes the drum to his sidekick, Cecil who is waiting with
open arms on the ground.
10. As Captain Nobody is about to settle down, he screams his lungs out when a hand suddenly comes
out from the pile of cardboard boxes and grabs him by his ankle.


1. Surprised by the incident, Cecil shouts at the old man who is holding Captain Nobody’s ankle and the
old man quickly releases his hand off.
2. Captain Nobody recognises the familiar face of the old man, Mr. Clay, who used to be a locksmith,
because his mother has used some of his services when she was in trouble.
3. Cecil is still skeptical about Mr. Clay and tries to warn Captain Nobody that the old man might be
dangerous to them.
4. Captain Nobody claims that the old man is not harmful to them, it is just that he is suffering from a
diseases, Alzheimer.
5. Mr. Clay drops his plastic medicine bottle into Captain Nobody’s hand which immediately explains the
old man’s situation.
6. After introducing himself as Captain Nobody, he and Cecil walk Mr. Clay home.
7. Captain Nobody knows where the old man lives as he always parks his cherry red van in front of his
8. Mrs. Clay is relieved when she sees her husband standing at the front door of their house.
9. Mr. Clay explains that he is rescued by Captain Nobody.


1. Newt heads home and gets excited when he sees his father’s car in the driveway.
2. In the kitchen, Dad meets Captain Nobody for the first time.
3. A moment after that, Dad starts to apologise to Newt because he has received several calls from the
4. After the meeting in the Principal’s office, the people from school think that Captain Nobody appears
in school because he is so upset about his brother’s condition.
5. Newt tries his very best to reason with Dad about being Captain Nobody outside the house.
6. Dad feels relieved after Newt manages to assure him that he is still being himself and his alter ago is
just some sort of confidence booster.
7. Dad even takes a photo of Captain Nobody and sends it to Mom.
8. Suddenly, the walkie-talkie squeals in the middle of their conversation.
9. Cecil makes contact just to ask a silly favour from Captain Nobody and Newt, who is in disbelief, starts
to make a weird sound through the walkie-talkie as if the device is running out of battery.
10. As Newt is about to sleep, Dad tells him that Mom is having a good laugh about Captain Nobody and
she starts showing the image to everybody in the hospital.
11. Dad explains about the current situation and hospital procedures that they need to follow and he
assures Newt will be the first one to visit if the situation improves.


1. The next morning, nobody is making fun at Newt disguising as Captain Nobody and even Mrs. Young
addresses him accordingly.
2. Later on, after Cecil explains to JJ how to operate her walkie-talkie, the three of them decide to test
their new mode of alternative communication.
3. As Newt is about to respond on the walkie-talkie, a football hit at the back of his head.
4. It comes from the students in the seventh grade and one particular kid named Ricky Ratner
approaches Newt in a non-friendly manner.
5. Ricky, who happens to be Reggie’s cousin, wants Newt to make everyone know that Reggie is not
the culprit of the Big Tackle that leads to Chris’s critical condition.
6. Things are about to get uglier during the heated conversation between Ricky and Newt when suddenly
all of the fourth graders stand up for Newt, Cecil and JJ.
7. Before the crowd disperses, the confrontation ends with a threat from Ricky for Newt.
8. Cecil makes a point that the vibes coming from Captain Nobody make everyone in the fourth grade
becomes more courageous.
9. After what had happened, Newt has to carefully sneak out from the school.
10. He is shocked the moment JJ calls for Captain Nobody’s help through the walkie-talkie.
11. Captain Nobody dashes to the Sullivan’s Jewellery Store after their conversation ends with JJ
screaming at the other end of the line.


1. Captain Nobody is almost out of breath when he arrives at the curb in front of Sullivan’s Jewellery
2. JJ cannot get herself over with the spelling and grammar mistakes found on the cardboard signs in
the jewellery store.
3. She has tried talking to the Sullivan but she is ignored by the couple.
4. JJ insists that Captain Nobody can make a difference if he goes in and talk to the owners.
5. Feeling obliged to the duty of a superhero, Captain Nobody steps into the store where he can clearly
see Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan at the far end with their only customer.
6. Afraid that he is interrupting their business, Captain Nobody wants to leave the store but the couple
insists that they will be hearing anything from him.
7. Captain Nobody cannot believe his eyes as he stares at the customer’s sweatshirt because he is
holding a gun inside of the pocket.
8. The situation becomes more chaotic when Mr. Sullivan manages to sound the alarm in the store.
9. Before the robber flees the scene, he threatens Captain Nobody not to report the incident to the
authority or something bad will happen to him.
10. After being warned, Captain Nobody immediately walks out the store and wants to leave the scene.
11. JJ tries to convince Captain Nobody to talk to the police about the robbery.
12. Both of them run away when Captain Nobody explains about the threat he has received from the


1. Newt reaches home late after the robbery.

2. Although terrified with the incident, he is able to sense something is not going well after hearing
Mom’s response.
3. The conversation is halted when the phone rings for Mom.
4. Newt helps himself in the kitchen and watches the television.
5. To his surprise, the news is reporting on the robbery in the Sullivan’s Jewellery Store.
6. He is quite annoyed with the news report as Captain Nobody is referred as ‘the little guy’, ‘a midget’
and even as ‘a leprechaun’.
7. JJ phones Newt to talk about the news report and he reminds JJ not to spread a word about the
8. That night, Newt is having dinner with Mom and both of them seem to have secrets that they do not
wish to reveal to one another.
9. Before he goes to bed, he reflects all the bad and good incidents that Captain Nobody has gone
10. He dreams about his brother again, but this time Chris addresses him as ‘Captain’ and Newt feels
proud to be acknowledged by his brother.
11. The next morning, he comes to a huge relief after hearing the first news because the robber has been
12. The second news, however, is not that promising. He finds a crumpled paper in the trash bin.
13. He is now aware that Chris will be in more serious trouble if he does not wake up after 6 days.
14. He realises that his parents are heavily distracted because of the bad news and he is determined to
make the situation becomes better.

1. Darryl and Colby are on a special tour to show supports to Chris Newman after the Big Tackle incident
by bringing along the team ambassador, Ferocious the Ferret.
2. A lucky student will get the chance to bring Ferocious home for one day.
3. Newt gets to babysit the animal and he is unhappy about it since he has a plan to visit his brother
after school.
4. As the three of them are walking home, Ricky Ratner and six of his friends are blocking their way.
5. Unlike before, this time around, Ricky is angrier as his cousin, Reggie, is still being hassled by Chris’s
6. Ricky notices the ferret and he signals his friends to scramble the animal’s cage.
7. Suddenly, the cage door opens and Ferocious jumps out and gets away.
8. Captain Nobody, Cecil and JJ chase the animal off until they reach the highway.
9. Captain Nobody needs to come at the rescue for once again and this time, he dodges the incoming
traffic light just to get Ferocious back.
10. Being overwhelmed by the dangerous situation, Captain Nobody waves frantically, hoping for the
vehicles to stop.
11. As soon as the traffic stops, just about in the nick of time, a small aeroplane carrying passengers
makes an emergency landing on the highway!
12. Everybody who is at the scene cannot believe their own eyes and when the word seems to stop for a
moment, Ferocious sits on Captain Nobody’s ankle and he scoops the ferret up safely.


1. After Ferocious the Ferret has been caught, they leave the place as they need to gather their things
that they have left by the roadside.
2. At Newt’s house, the news about the aeroplane landing has become a sensation.
3. Every person who is interviewed in the news gives their thoughts about the incident, also mentioning
what Captain Nobody has done in stopping the busy traffic.
4. The reporter concludes that it is undecided either Captain Nobody is good or evil.
5. Cecil and JJ insist that they should go back to the highway and explain about the whole situation.
6. Captain Nobody, on the other hand, feels that he should revert himself by becoming Newton Newman
after what he has been through.
7. By the time Cecil and JJ leave the house, it is already too late for Newt to visit his brother.
8. Around dinner time, Dad calls to inform that he is going to stay over at the hospital with Mom.
9. Newt also informs that his days as Captain Nobody are already over.
10. That night, he dreams about the highway incident which then suddenly the Big Tackle incident starts
to rewind.
11. At the end of the dream, Newt learns that it is Darryl Peeps who had clashed his helmet against his


1. The next morning starts off with Newt having breakfast with Mom.
2. Newt mentions that he knows about Chris only has 6 days to wake up and he surprises Mom by
announcing that he is going to visit Chris later on that day.
3. Although he pledges that he will not be wearing the costume again, he stuffs the outfit into his
backpack and heads for school.
4. He realises that he feels so lonely and ignored after returning to school as Newton Newman.
5. When Newt is heading for his lunch break, he notices a lot of teachers rushing into the faculty lounge
and gather around the television.
6. There is news on the television reporting about Reggie Ratner wants to jump off the Appleton water
tower after feeling depressed since the Big Tackle incident.
7. Newt is in dilemma as he claims that he is the only one who knows the truth about the Big Tackle

1. As JJ trying to lift Captain Nobody to get a good trip on the second rung of the ladder, a policeman
approaches them.
2. Cecil feels dutiful as Captain Nobody’s sidekick and he tries to shift the officer’s attention and it
3. Although the water tower supportive structures, including the ladder, are not as strong as it used to
be, Captain Nobody manages to slither his way to reach Reggie Ratner despites the other challenges
that he had to face.
4. On top of the tower, they both talk to each other about the Big Game and the series of event that has
been happening after the incident.
5. Captain Nobody learns that Reggie climbs the tower to vandalise the water tank.
6. The truth is actually Reggie’s left foot is stuck and he needs Captain Nobody to untie his shoelace of
which Captain Nobody manages to help Reggie and it is broadcasted through the news channels in
the country.
7. Then, when they reach at a critical point, Reggie becomes unconvinced since Captain Nobody needs
to climb the ladder down first.
8. As Captain Nobody is counting every step down, he is surprised to see Reggie is also getting his
hands on the ladder.
9. Trying to find his balance with his feet dangling on the air, Captain Nobody loses his grip and falls


1. Captain Nobody feels time is passing by rapidly and everything seems to fall into pieces at the same
2. Fortunately, a huge, inflated rubber mattress catches him from hitting the hard ground.
3. Captain Nobody is about to celebrate his safe touch on the ground when he suddenly sees a massive
figure falling to his landing spot.
4. Captain Nobody swoons himself as the result of the impact by the huge Reggie Ratner.


1. Newt does not realise that he is in the hospital until Mom explains that he suffers from a broken ankle
and ribs.
2. From his bed, he sees Cecil on the television responding to the media on behalf of Captain Nobody.
3. Mom and Dad begins to tell what had really happened after Captain Nobody passes out and they
cannot stop worrying about him since the live broadcast appears on the television.
4. Suddenly, Reggie shows up and visits Newt with a lot of reporters waiting eagerly behind the sliding
door of the recovery room.
5. Watching at his parents feeling a bit bitter towards Reggie, Newt begins to reveal that it was actually
Darryl Peeps who knocks Chris out during the Big Tackle.
6. From the recovery room, Newt is transferred into the same room where his brother has been
lying motionlessly.
7. Although finally he has the chance to meet his brother in the hospital, he feels useless as he cannot
help his brother to wake up. He wishes to tell his brother about Captain Nobody.
8. While he is thinking to himself and rewinding the memory that he has in the morning of the Big Game,
Newt lets out a scream, ‘HIT THE SHOWERS!’ without realising it.
9. The nurses rush in and as he is about to explain to them, Chris throws a pillow at his head, just like
what he will do at home.
10. Chris is finally awake!

1. It seems the happiest celebration in the hospital the moment Chris wakes up from his coma.
2. Newt, too, is getting the attention that he has never experienced before.
3. He wants to be the first to talk to Chris but the shot given by the nurse earlier makes him fall into his
4. Newt wakes up in the next morning and finds himself at his own house.
5. Cecil and JJ are also in the house and they start talking about the media coverage that they get after
the water tower incident.
6. On the other hand, Chris is nowhere to be seen in the house as he is attending a local television
morning show.
7. The hostess and Chris talk excitedly about what had happened and at the end of the show, Chris
shocks everyone who is watching.
8. Chris insists that the victory parade should be led by the real hero, Captain Nobody, instead of the
winner of the Big Game.
9. That night, although Newt cannot get rid of the pain, he refuses to take the painkiller because he
wants to wait for Chris instead of falling asleep.
10. When Chris arrives home, they set their eyes for good since the Big Game incident
and miraculously, Newt can feel the pain fading away.


1. The parade is one of the memorable moments for Appleton because for the first time, the Fillmore
High School band is joined by Merrimac’s marching band.
2. Darryl Peeps is not blamed for the Big Tackle and even Reggie gets backs his peaceful life.
3. To reward their special contributions to the society, Newt, Cecil and JJ receive a token of
appreciation from the Sullivan couple, the pilot and passengers of the small aeroplane and MR. Clay
the locksmith respectively.
4. When they reach home, the normal routines get back on track, with Mom asking Newt where she
has misplaced most of her belongings and Dad gets himself busy with his phone and beeper.
5. But, it is not the same story for Newton Newman since all the exposure that he has after becoming
Captain Nobody.
6. Newt is now as popular as his brother, Chris, and event at one point, Chris tells Newt about a weird
incident during the parade.
7. A little old lady from outside town claims that she did know that Newton Newman has an older brother
and that has made Newt laugh heartily.
8. The ending comes to a point when Chris jokingly says that there is a monster under Newt’s bed just
before he switches off the light.


 Newt loved his family members although sometimes he did not get the attention he deserved

 Newt, together with Mom and Dad, would attend and give support in every game that Chris was

 Mom and Dad were willing waiting for Chris to wake up from his coma

 Chris loved his brother as they would share jokes when they met each other

 Cecil and JJ stood behind Newt no matter what happened. They helped each other, even in the
event of creating Captain Nobody's costume

 Chris and his teammates showed high level of determination to win the Big Game although their
opponents were leading at crucial part of the game

 Newt was determined to stop the traffic on the highways despite the dangerous situation he was
facing so that he could get Ferocious the Ferret back into its cage

 Cecil was determined to get the big bass drum that was thrown away even he had to seek the help
of Captain Nobody

 JJ showed her determination to correct other people's mistakes by stepping into Sullivan's store and
talked to the owners

 Newt would remind Mom about important events and help his mother to find her misplaced

 Captain Nobody helped Mr. Clay to find his way back home after getting lost at the Dumpster

 Captain Nobody talked to the Sullivan couple after JJ asked for his favour and it turn out he saved
the sore owners' lives from an armed robbery

 Although the creation of Captain Nobody was unintentional, Newt gained much confidence and
courage when he was in the costume

 Mrs. Young , the class teacher, showed great concern for Newt and brought up the matter to the
principal, who was later joined by the school counsellor and nurse

 Newt reasoned out with his concerned Dad, who came home and talked to him, after the school had
informed Dad about Captain Nobody

 When Newt was finally recognized and got the attention he deserved from the local community
including his family, he reverted to becoming Newton Newman once again

 Although he was just 10-year-old kid, Newt was full of optimism

 After knowing that Chris only had 6 days to wake up, he was still confident that one day his brother
would recover from coma

 Cecil felt that they going to have a joyful Halloween celebration after coming out with the idea of
creating their own costumes


 Becomes a hero after becoming Captain Nobody

 Creative - creates several superhero characters in his sketchbook

 Not given as much attention as his brother gets

 Starts to become courageous after becoming Captain Nobody since one Halloween Night

 Newt's older brother who is also an American football star and plays for Fillmore High School

 A loving brother as he teaches Newt to ice-skate

 A highly determined sportsperson

 He forgives Darryl for knocking his helmet during the Big Tackle

 He is also playful - he like teases his brother, Newt


 Newt's best friend who admires Newt's talent for sketching

 He is obsessed with drum - summons Captain Nobody just to get a big bass drum off a Dumpster

 Creative - Helps JJ to transform Newt into Captain Nobody

 Cecil is talkative as he always has something to talk about


 Also Newt's best friend who is also the tallest and smartest

 Cannot stand on grammatical mistakes - summons Captain Nobody just to ask him to correct the
cardboard signs in the Sullivan's Jewellery Store

 Supportive as she helps Captain Nobody to get his hands on the ladder at the water tower



 Newt's parents who are always busy with their works

 Responsible parents as they take turns to look after Chris at the hospital

 They apologize to Newt as he is not given enough attention as compared to his brother

 The defensive back of the Charges who is blamed for the Big Tackle incident

 Stubborn - he does not listen to Captain Nobody's advice when they are on the water tower and as
a result, he lands on Captain Nobody and breaks his ankle and ribs

 Befriends Newt because they share the secret of his intention to vandalize the water tower

 The locksmith who is suffering from Alzheimer's

 He gets lost and is out of medicine and is helped by Captain Nobody to find his way back home

 He cuts the special gold key with purple ribbon in a velvet box for Captain Nobody as a token of

 Newt's class teacher who is very patient at handling elementary school kids, especially during the
case Newt gets teased for asking too many questions and wearing Captain Nobody’s outfit

 Caring as she brings the issue of Captain Nobody to the Principal’s office

1. We must not lose hope when we're facing life challenges

2. We must be ready to forgive and be forgiven by others

3. We must always help those who are in need

4. We must always learn from our life experiences and be better in the future

5. We must have self-confidence in our lives

6. We must not be influenced by rumours and gossips

7. We must respect, support and protect our beloved ones

8. We must not give up easily in our lives

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