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ENGLISH FILE Intermediate Plus Workbook with key Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden with Jane Hudson OXFORD Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden with Jane Hudson ENGLISH FILE Intermediate Plus Workbook with key BP” 2/1i\ SR OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents 4A Why did they call you that? 43 A Givingitaway 7B Tuecolours 48. B Going out and stayingin 10 PRACTICALENGLISH Abad stort 49 | PRACTICALENGLISH is ita clue? ALA Pack and gol 50 A Looking after yourself 14 B Opening up or closing down? 53 B Therestishistory 17 A Thegeneration gap 58 A Can'tremember, can't forget 20 B mthepicture 59 B Wedding dramas 23 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Allkinds of problems 52. | PRACTICALENGLISH Finding Henry | 24 A That’srubbish! 63 A. America and the world 27 B Degrees and careers 65 B Examtime 33. B Thecountry nother countries 35 | PRAGTICALENGLISH Time tote the police 37 A Doityourselt 49 B Atyourservice >Y [EIT ichecker ISD, go to the iTutor disc inthe back oF your Student's Book, Load the disc in your computer. Aud: wen yous this symbol, Choose the File. Then select the audio track from lesson Aor . You can transfer audio toa mobile device, eg. your iPod, fom the MOBILE LEARNING'folder on the disc File test: At the end of every File, thereis atest. Todo the test, select ‘TEST’ from the FILE’ menu. Dictation: At the end of every File, there is a dictation exorcise. ‘Todo the dictation, select ‘DICTATIONS' from the FILE" menu. is also more practice available on the English File website: www.oup.comvelt/englishfle No copying or file sharing ‘This digital resource is protected by international copyright laws. You must not modify, adapt, copy, store, transfor or circulate the contents ofthis resource under any other branding oras part of any other product. You may not print out material for any commercial purpose or resale. I call everyone ‘Darling’ because | can’t remember their names. Zsa Zsa Gabor, American actress 1 A=Why did they call you that? 1 READING & VOCABULARY a Read the text once. Whatare the three main {ves for why people want to reasons the arti change their name b_ Read the text again and mark the sentences T (truc) or F (false) 1 More people chang the past. 1 their names today than 2. Ekon John changed his name because it ‘wasn't very masculine, 3. Elle Macpherson changed her name because twas very fashionable 4 Some ordinary people change their names to the name of acelebrity 5 Thename‘Amy Winehouse’ is more popular than the name ‘Wayne Rooney’ 6 Shaun McCormack is happy with his new name Not everybody changes their name in search of fame, 8 Wafah Dufour changed her name because she separated from her husband, 9 A deed poll isan official document that says you have changed your name. 10. British people have to pay a lot of money to change their names. DON'T LIKE YOUR NAME? THEN CHANGE IT! These days, mare and mare peopl: Lest year in the UK, around 58,000 So why do peopl fe changing their names. ple decided that they wanted a different ake this choice, and how easy is it to do 50? Celebrities change their names because they need to efBAta rs needed tc have a masculine name, which is why Marion Robert Ma new image for themselves. In the past, male a chose to call himself John Wayne. Singers look for @ name that heir fans will remember, which explains why Reginald Kennett Owight decided to become Elton John. In the world of fashion, Eleanor Nancy Gow did nat become successful until she changed her name to comething more stylish: Elle Macpherson, However, its not only the famous who S8aRI change their name. jodey, ordinary people do it too, and some of them do it FOUR. hey often find inspiration in their favourite singers or sporting heroes. In the past few years, 30 men have changed their names to Michael Jackson, 15 mare to Wayne Rooney, and five women have become Amy Winehouse. But you have to fel 86H for Liverpool | | | | fan Shaun McCormack who changed his name to Fernando Torres six months befare the Spanish foctballer maved toa differen Other people have mo’ thei In many cases, they want ta have more privacy, so they ch name that will not staf GU. John Smith is the most popular of on it. Women ge the! cape the past. ot unwanted connection. After the events of 11 September 2 US-born model W took her mother's mii because she did not want to be associated with her uncle. His name | serious reasons for chang) these names, and recently, over 300 who separate fram their husbands often want fo ¢ ildren's surnames to their own. Others want to ple has fah Out rreme was Osama bin Laden {BB changing your name? In the UK, it ally obliged to use the name on their birth certificate. However. if you want to change your name | fon your bank account er on official documents, you need proof sibte person, suc doctor, a public announcement in local newspaper, or an official So how de you g he proof can be a letter from a resp: documant callad a dead pall. Deed pelle are available free of ‘charge on the internet, although some people prefer to pay a Solicitor to help them with the papers. The fixation with e 1nd there will probably be mare Wayne Roaneys by this time next yaar. But whichever celebrity is popular atthe time, t ame will never be a match forthe latest group af John Smiths, aging one’s name shows no sign of slowing dow Match the highlighted words and expressions in the text to the definitions below 1 change the general impression of yourself chat eto other people create 9 new image start trying to do something 3 information that shows thar something is true 4 try todo something 5 be easily seen or noticed 6 alawyer who prepares legal documents the official document that states the date and place where you were born 9 feel sadness or pity for someone 10 2 woman's family name before she gets marrie¢ 2 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds a Write the namesin the chart Eve James Joe Adele Alex Bil Chris Emily 2 3 4 Adel e aK W\ Ww Listen and check. Then listen again ar the names GRAMMAR pronouns Right (/) or wrong (X)? Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases. 1 My wife and lare having a baby call her Eloise girl, We're gi 2. 'dlike you to meet my new boyfriend, Her nainie’s Tom. Hisname’s To) Do you know where my keys are? Fea" Find their 4 I'm staying at my sister’s house when I'm in the UK. Talways stay with her oing to Emma and lan’s wedding. They invited ours. 6 Can I borrow your book, please? Lean'efind the mine We go everywhere by public transport. (The bus stops Fight outside our house 8. Tvegot two nieces. Hernamesare Sarah and Laur: 9. My car hasn't got any petrol. Lets take your (0. Ie'smy dad's irehday tomorsow. Emnusta’t forget to call him Order the words to make sentences. 1 has / present | bought j His | him Ja girlfrie 1 surprise friend has bought hima 3 friend J eonight / me is / A dinner / cooking | for 4 is/ weekend / the ing /us apartment / Our | to / is dress | making / Becky's a her | party / mum { for 6 to/sell fcar {to | I'm {my | neighbour { old { going [a lot writes | letters /of | jends / My | to | dad j old {his 8 baw | gave [of | the [chocolates |W. € Complete the dialogues. Change the word order inthe answer and use pronouns for the direct and indirect objects. 1 A Who cooks your geandtather his lanch? B_ Myaune cooks for him. Who sent Sophie those Flowers? B Herhusband 3A. Whois reading the children the story? B_ Their grandmother 4 A. Who lent your brother the money? B My parents Who found you your flat? B Acolleague 6 A. Who brought you and your brothers and sisters those presents? B Ourgrandparents 7 A Whois going to buy your girlfriend a car? B Her father 8 A Whashon B. My best friend ed yeu the email? 4 LISTENING ‘ a Match the logos with the company’s description. GIZMODO eens social networking site design and technalagy blog GUEVDD Listen to a radio programme where a guest isgiv y. Answer the questions with the company names ig advice on how to name a compa Which company’s name? 1 isthe right length 2 joa word you can't find in the dictionary 3 hasa story behind it Listen again and complete the sentences. Use one word in each space. 1 Good company names often have syllables, 2. To choose a name, you first have to ideas 3 Then you should wait for atleasea 4 The best names are the nam 5 Another idea is 0 anew word. 6 You can also change the ofaword in the dictionary 7 Acaterpillar isa small 8 Somebody thought chat the new tractor ike a caterpillar. 9 The name ‘Caterpillar’ shows that you can find anywhere. Listen again with the audio script on p.69 and try to guess the meaning of any words you don’t know. Then check in your dictionary USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn the words and phrases. fullname ful ne nickname 'arknenm be named after bi ‘neimd xftay initials /¢ny{lz | brand name brand nei old-fashioned —/ozld ‘fwefond celebrity o'lebrot suit (verb) _/su2t for instance Man needs colour to live. It's just as necessary an element as fire or water. Femand Léger, French painter, sculptor, and film maker 1 VOCABULARY adjective suffixes 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress | a Make adjectives from the nouns and verbs in the list a Underline the stress on the words. Then write them in and complete the sentences, the correct column in the table. ambition boss cheer create glamour active adidicltive agigresisive delsirable sess poner rely self social enivijous inlexipenlsive irirelsponlsible reibelliious le _stylish unlatitracitive unisuclcessiful 1 Jackisextremely ambitious. He'd like be the company directo. : Stress0on stress on Stress on 2 My colleagues really She's always telling firsteyllable | secondeyllale _thirdsyllable 3 Dave's girlfriend is very She doesn’t let ‘ hima talk co other girls 4 My sisterisalways She ooks happy sl | 5 Jane’shusband is really Heonly eve i fe ere GY Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the adjectives. 6 Myhes friend is very She's always there when Ineed her, 7 Mikeis really Heenjoysbeingwichother 3 GRAMMAR adjectives people a Right or wrong (X)? Correct the incorrect phrases. 8 My brother's wife is very She looks like Right) 8 (*) ae se 9 He'savery businessman. He has a lot of 2 Ilike theliaepurplebest, — the purple hatbest__ [X] influence over other people 3. Your glases are Gre sah ite o 10. Annais really She's made some wonderful sculptures. 4 She bought two differents jackets in the sale b_ Complete the text with the adjective form of the words : in brackets, In some cases, you may need toadd a 5 Silverton’ SESPEIRG gold. negative prefix (n-) a wellasa suffix to the word 6 My best friend is the more zeliable person I know Inthe past, very few people ate at the restaurant ul on the corner of my road because it was dark and 1 dirty (dirt) inside. It was also very (noise) because the owner liked loud music. n the end, it closed down because it was 3 (profit). Last year, the restaurant changed hands and Your hair is move dark than mine 8. My aunt wears clothes very colour 9. ‘These are the most comfortable jeans I've ever bought. oboooaoaad now itis* (ecognize). The new owner has : parted the wale velo colt eck deaneraha 10. Yellow is popitlarer than red this season. much more® (space). He has bought new tables and chairs, which are more ® (comfort) than the old ones, and he has also changed the menu. The old menu was full of” (health) fast food like burgers and chips, but now they serve & (impress) three-course ‘meals. We often go there for Sunday lunch, because the food is quite ® (afford) b Complete the dialogue with one or ones where Which is your coar? B Thered one A. Which biscuits shall Ig B. The chocol They are my favourite Shall [use ‘own or white bread for the B Brown here isn'tany white left 4A Where's your car? B_ Over there. e's the green 5 A Doyou prefer Chinese or Indian food? B Indian, love really spicy food 6 A. Which earrings do you like best? B The gold They look great. © Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form of the adjectives. In some cases, more than one answer may be possible 1 Michell person in our office. (quiet) than my husband by our daughter's new haircut. (shocked) 3. My friend’s new boyfriend is the Tknow. (stapid) person 4 The person whois about the birth is the baby’s grandmother. (thrilled) 5 My sisteris than me, (clever) 6 tm in class this year than [was last year. (bored) Pvenever been than when I bought my first flat. (stressed) Complete the sentences with much or abit + the ive form of an adjective from the list. assertive good polite short spacious His girlfriend is _muich more assertive than heis. She really says what she chinks, 21'm Um 1.80m, 3 My children are than my brother, He's 182m and aaa ny siseen's Hers never even say ‘please’ or ‘thank you 4 Pm feeling than yesterday, but [don't think I'll beable to go back to work till n earliest week atthe 5 My new flatis ‘80m, and the old one was 70m: than the old one. [e's 4 READING a Read the textand complete it with the missi A WHAT RESULTS CAN YOU EXPECT? B WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM IT? CUS THERE ANY EVIDENCE THAT IT ‘WORKS? DP WHAT ISAT? WHERE DID IT ORIGINATE? b_ Read the text again and choose a, b, or ¢ weadings. 1 Experts think that colour therapy is good for patients’ minds and bodies. helps people who are undera lor of pressure should only be: 2. Accordin people fe ‘0 Ingrid Collins, colour therapy can make b 3. Dr Max Liischer used colour therapy to treat his a medical problems b_ psychological problems. © family problems. 4 June McLeod thinks that colour therapy should only be used by certain people b can beused by people of all ages. € shouldn't be used by very ill people 5 Ingeneral, colour therapy makes p a more assertive b less aggressive © more ambitious. © Match the highlighted words in the text to the definitions below 1 small electric lamps that you hold in your hand — torches 2. showed 3. working at the same time or speed 4 amecting with somebody to get advice 5 sad, depressed 6 helps something to develop ill people 8 something that is done to make somebody look good or feel ber 9. the smallest units of living matter that can exist ontheir own 10 ong rolls of a kind of paper with writing on them ce UR : HERAPY Colour therapists believe that the seven colours of the rainbow relate to the body's seven main energy centres. So, if you'r feeling blue, a multi-coloured treatment 7 could be just what you need. 1D According tothe experts the different colours in he spectum fect the bodys inner vibration. your vibrations ore nol Syfihonizéd, colour therapy con help to restore the bolonce This wil improve your mood and your physical heath There ore different ypes of colour therapy. Many therapists shine coloured lights onthe body, ond some give their patients coloured siks io wear, Others use different coloured liquids in bots, or sal forehes fo shine coloured ight tthe relevant pressure points on the body, ‘Several studies have been done on the effects of colour. In 1958, ‘on American scientist called Robert Gerard did some research ‘which showed tha he colour red can make us feel anxious, while the colour blue piomotes calm. The rasuls also reveled ‘hat colour can affect appetite, blood pressure, and aggression, Consultant psychologist ingrid Collins believes that colour therapy can affect our energy levels. The atoms inal he Gls ofthe human body consist of partces of energy that are always moving, When colour is applied io the body, the cells receive more ener. Paipjfls Sctlls dating back to 15508C suggest thatthe ‘ancien’ Egyptians used colour fo rea the sick. Colour therapy also appears in Ancien! Chinese tex's. The traaimént becarne more common during the 20th century, when Swiss ‘psychologist Dr Max Lscher developed the Lischer-Co Diagnostic tes. Ouring he est, a person fs asked to rank esght coloursin order of preference. The results are said to show your | ‘worries and ther solutions. 4 ‘According to therapist June McLeod, colour therapy is suilable far everyone, from the young tothe old. he suggests that it can help people suffering from all sors of problems, including stress, nsomnia, and even serlousilinesses, Alera session of colour therapy, people usually feel more positive and more in control of het lives. In addition fo your sirengths, may also show you your weaknesses, so that you can do something about them. According fo the experts, when. people lecve a consilfeion, they have a teeling of freshness and a sense of power that they have never experienced before. LISTENING a Listen to an interior desi advice on which colours to paint each of the rooms ofa house. Which colours doesn’t he mention? beia k blue brown cream green grey orange pink purple _red_yellow Listen again and complete the notes. DINING ROOM Use browns, reds, and oranges ~ they stimulate the Avoid KITCHEN Use colours that match the > ‘Mix strong colours with + Avoid ® LIVING ROOM Consider the size and the ® Use warm colours to make the room look ~it stops people feeling hungry. colours. and green. Use®. ‘to make the room more formal. BEDROOM. Us green, or pink fora relaxing atmosphere. ‘Avoid red and * and stimulating, —too intense BATHROOM Use light blue and fora spa effect. Avoid they make the room Listen again with the eapescript on p.69 and try to guess the m The eaning of any words that you don't know check in your dictionary USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES | he words and phrases. reveal ir bizarre bt analysis. /onaelasis wide range exchange id reid rarely pleasant pl dye your hair subtle ila jon shade(ofacolour) feud SWAT: 71|\ Cal REPORTING LOST LUGGAGE Compl attendant (A). e the dialogue between a passen; Hell im afraid my luggage hasrit* ar Right. Where have you From Mactid. The °F number is EZY3085, Haw many bags are missing? rucksack. P A P A P ‘A. Can you describe it for me? What size ist? P A P A P Oh, its abs ‘m s rucksack, And what was init? Clothes, toiletries, oll my personal "b Cant have your °c number in the UK? ‘Yes, my number is 001 303 298 836, 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the dialogues with the phrases in the box. Allowme isnt letme rmiss you That'sewfat yourday 1 A There wes an accident on the road t That's awful ‘A Then iran out of petrol ust Four miles before the ervice station B It'snot sist? 8 ‘A Ml put my bag in the boot B Noro, take that. A tmafraidit's rather heavy, B Youve carried all the way here. A B A 8 Icant believe you're so far away, Yes, know. It's strange, 2 treally Me, too. 3 READING a Read the textand answer the questions. 1 Which documents does a European national need to center the UK? 2 Can the daughter ofa European national come and live with him or her in the UK? 3. How long ean you stay in the UK ona visitor visa $ Canageneral visitor gee married in the UK? 5 When can a student visitor stay in the UK for longer Abad start Coming to the UK European nationals ‘As an EEA or Swiss national, you have the right of residence in the UK If + you are working here, or + you can support yourself and your family in the UK. Entering the UK When you enter the UK, you must show your passport or national identity card. You should use the separate channel marked "EEA/EU’, where it is available, Your famil IF you have the right to live in the UK, your may join you here, Your family is defined as. + your spouse (husband or wife) or evil partner; + any children or grandchildren of you, your spi or your civil partner who are dependent on you; and + the parents or grandparents of you, your spause, or your civil partner family For more i European citizens. jormation, see Residence documents for Non-European nationals If you come to the UK as a visitor, you are normally allowed to stay here for 2 maximum of six months, f you want to stay here for longer than six months, check in the Visas section to see if you qualify for another type of visa ‘Tourism and visiting friends If you want to visit the UK as a tourist or to stay with friends In the UK, you should apply to come here as a general visitor. There are restrictions on what you can do in the UK in this category. For example, you cannot get married. Visiting to study IF you want to study in the UK for up to six months (or up to 11 months if you will be studying an English language course), and you will not work while you are here, you can come hers as a studant visitor. For further information on visas, go to our Visiting the UK page. b Look atthe highlighted words and expressions What do you think they mean? Check your ideas in Holidays are about experiences and people, and tuning into what you Feel like doing at the moment. Enjoy not having a watch. Evelyn Glennie, aritish musician 2A—Pack and go! "1 VOCABULARY holidays Complete the postcard with the past simple form of suitable verb, a Complete the sentences. 1 Pithave to weara T-shirt in bed because I've forgoccen my pyjamas 2 There area lot of mosquitoes in ouraparement, Let’s b r {can't plug in my charger. I didn't brit 4 Ineed to transfer some photos to my computer. The m « is ul. 5. Please shave hefore we go out. Did you remember 6 Putonsomes before we goto the beach . You don’t wane to burn, ae 7 Do you prefer to wear abikini ora sw on eee a i the beach? i ee 8 Myhair isa mess. Can I borrow ab. 2 i fe 9.1 think you should put on some other shoes. 3 ‘ _ H fl are fine forthe pool, but ‘ = ree not for hiking. a: 10. Ifyou need to borrow some toothpaste, there's some in, myw b 1b Complete the sentences with the correct form of verb + =ing ot on + noun. Use the words below eboattrip comp acruise hike package holidays: i sail sightsee surf _atour you wl Ce! 1 They went _oma boat trip —along the Seine while they were in Paris, Ineed to buy some strong boots. I'm going at the weekend. o they go 3. My parents have got a boat, 4 Have you ever been around the Mediterranean? 5. He kept on falling off the board when he went fr 2 3 a 3 yesterday Sj Dh |S D S 6 Ihate going I don’ like tents 7 Did yougo ‘of che Coliseum | when you were in Rome? flipfops | clothes | cruise | razors | books 8. We bought a guidebook so chat we could go pyjamas | massage | phones bottles on our own, socks | shorts | passport liquids laptops 9 Tdlove sights | towels | sunset | belts | jackets tose lionsin the wild 10 Idon't like going Everything > gare is much too organized the words, Listen and check, Then listen and repeat 3 GRAMMAR present tenses a Gredthe correct form. 1 Be quiet! I ery /Cureryingpeo read, 2. Ben uses | is using sunscreen all year round, 3. His wife always packs | packs always his suitcase for 4 Pay attention! You don't listen | aren't listening to me make-up on the beach, doesn't us 6 My boyfriend never is isnever in a hurry. 7 Samand Richard go are going hiking every weekend. 8 Who our friend nd is talking to [is talkinig to? 9 My brother speaks | isspeaking good French because he has lived in France (0. You go | Do you go to the same place on holiday every b Complete the dialogue with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. A What "are you next weekend? (do) Bie toaconcert. (go) doing A Where? B InGlasgow A That's a long way to go for a concert! How 3 you there? (get) Bit on Friday morning. (fiy) My flight at 14.25. (leav A What time’ the plane in Glasgow? (arrive) B We at 15.15 and then my sister Wand / pick me up) A When is the concert? B On Friday evening. t at 8.30. (tart) We some friends at 7 o'clock because we o be late. (meet / not want] ‘A Well, hope you have a great time. B Thanks, 12 really toit (look forward © Complete the sentences with the present simple ot present continuous form of a verb from the lis. not agree nd have not matter ognize _notsee taste think not want 1 We might go camping, butit depends _on the weathe 3 Josh isn't sure about the summer. He about doing voluntary work. 4 Whose bag is this? 5 to buy anything. I'm just looking. 4 bd 6 Can you call back later? We dinner That isnt right. with you at all 81 why We're on holiday! 9. This soup horrible. 'm not going to 10 She needs a holiday. It where READING Read the text uickly and answer the questions. 1 What was Paul Smith's destination? 2. Did he manage to gee there? Read the ain and choose th 1 Paul Smith is known as “The Twitchhike 1 he ¢weeted about his hitchhiking adventures when he got back. b_ hehas accepted help from Twitter users to travel © healways eweers when he goes hikng in the Jht up his plan while supermarket b_hewas paying for his shopping 3. Thousands of Twitter users knew about Paul's plan because one he knew national newspape ¢ he had the support of a famous person. 4 Paul completed the first part of his journey a bysea bby rail, © by road. 5 After Paul had been travelling fora week, he was. a in Europe b inthe USA. © inNew Zealand 6 When he reached the end of his erip, Paul fle 2 disappointed ehar he couldn't get co Campbell Island. b_ worried about how he was going to ger home © grateful to the people who had helped him. Look at the highlighted words and phrases and try to work out their meaning. Then check the meaning and pronunciation in your dictionary. 5 LISTENING a AEPED Listen to five speakers talking about their experiences at airport security. Match Speakers 1-5 with photos AE. Nomatter what you think of Twitter, it that connecting ‘over 200 milion peop Isa prexty be ERE On the site's greatest fansisexradia | ™ | ; | pal Dj Paul Smith, also known ie | Perel ' | Teter Thanks Titra | suceededin going ona 30-day | wien took him halt way around the work. He ctr ac ich buthe di ely on the kindness af ather people ret in Gateshead, northern iderate customers mace him he time he reached the checkout he himin is local supe store and in in another country, : " |b Listen again and match the speakers to the rapa te Faves) oe i st | [1B Asyou can imagine, he wasn’t at all amused. and waited for response, It came fram a local user [1 € tesa good job I found itand not the security fered himan ove scanner! night ferry tip to Amsterdam He [11D Iwas lucky to have found sucha kind man, After Amsterdam, two Parisian Twitter users pald for Paul to travel by midle-aged German businesswoman Pais to Saarbticken and then ary dector bough to Pats While he was there, i 2 SSAA ict From (OF Honesty, don’ know what Pa do without he! € Listen again with the audio seript on p.69 and try to guess the meaning of any words you don’t know Shortly after that @ car Paul a BEWARE from Franktrt to New Ye Feaving home, Paul had crs iftsandbusr Then check in your dictionary. thin five days of te Atlantic From New York, he was USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases tovald te tngh of necuntyby pe eyo ance | until he re lend atin fering to fy him to the capital, During his final week he raw was to find the captain of aboat that would take him on EE security screener _{1'kjurati‘skriznal nis journey ~a sb-day trp to Campbel sland undisputed /snd'spjurtid Bur this was keenon 'kisn on HEE to Con, ne don't get arde, But he dd upmarket (restaurants) _/ap'marki fateh k ge ftom the airline offering to fly him home. Paul ee as deighted to have travelled so fa, and decided that it was tine ta gd ceie arre hhame. when he got nome, 5 waiting for him wit eee ur fate ane an enormous smile and BIBER. Although Paul cic actully reach fis Travelling oer 18.325 kr hotelier /hov'telia ‘destination, he succeeded wround the werld frugal fru abzolutely free ight athe boteom fet 2 botom/ months on, ne stlin touch th the peopl rim they have decor now the power of Twitter 2B Opening up o} 1 VOCABULARY shops and services a Read the clues, Complete the puzzle to find the hidden kind of shop. What does it sell? ‘filaluln[p]elRlelT [Tle Atype af shop where you pay to wash and dry your clothes in machines is a launderette 2 Avery large shop outside a town that sells a variery of goodsisah 3 Ashop that sells flowers is afl 4 A shop thar sells paper, pens, and pencils isa A shop that sells medicine and toiletries is a ch 6 The place where you go to look when you want to buy a houseis ane a 7 Ashop that sells meatis ab 8 Ashop tharsells bread isab © Ashop tharsells fish isa f 10 A shop chat sells newspapers and magazines isa 11 A shop where jewellery and watches are sold and repaired isaj 12. Ashop that sells fruit and vegetablesis a ee b_ Joina word from A with a word from B to form places, ‘on the high street. Then complete the sentences. ‘A chain craft DIY dry healthfood merket off travel B agent's cleaners fair licence store If won the lottery, 'd start a charity that helped litle family r closing down? hardware shops and fruit shops to open in city centres. Alexei Sayl, Eritish comedian 1 My cousin has a market sta in Covent Garden, selling leather bags Can you pick up my suit from the please? Tanya went co the to buy some vitamins. 4 Did you book your flights online or at the ? We bought a beautiful hand-made wooden bowl at the 6 Zaraisa that you find in many shopping centres all over the world They stopped at the tobuya bottle of wine for dinner. 8 Ourlocal selection hasa very good rdening and carpentry tools. Rewrite the ser replacing the bold word with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the list beoutef closedown look for or lookround openup try on 1 [didn't buy any black trousers because they didn’t have my size in stock I didn’t buy any black crousers because they were out of my sive. 2 I've walked round to see what there is, but] haven't seen anything I want to buy I but [haven't seen anything, Twant Alot of new phone shops are starting to do business in the city centre. Alot of new phone shops in the city centre. 4 Excuse me, where can I put on these jeans to see if they fie? Excuse me, where can these jeans? 5 The restaurant stopped trading after the health inspector's visit The restaurant after the health inspector's visi. 6 Hannah was trying to find a bikini, but she ended ‘up with a swimsuit Hannah bikini, but she ended up wich a swimsuit, 2 READING a. Read the text and complete ie with the missing headings. There is one extra heading you do not need to use. AG D Online shopping B The building E. The shopping experience © Prices F tomer service Pheloeation b_ Read the text again and mark the sentences T (true) or F | aunt's is making a profic despite competition from the the chain, 3 The building was originally built to bea bookshop. + Daunt’sin Marylebone has been completely renovated. 2. The Marylebone High Street branch is the newest store in 5 Thereare only two floors i 6 Inthe beginning, Daunt’sonly sold books about travel Books by French authors will be found in the same section as travel books on France 8 People ofa xes are welcome in the store tials 9. Daunt’s places lot of importance on r 10 Customers can buy books cheaper on the website, © Look atthe highlightéd words and phrasesand try co work out their meaning. Then check the meaning and pronunciation in your dictionary LONDON’S FINEST BOOKSHOP are six stores in the chain, bu che original and most famous of them is the main store in Marylebone High Street. Marylebone is an AfIGGHE area of inner-city London which i very popula with shoppers. Daun’ is a favourite because ofits reputation as ‘che most beautiful bookshop in London’ 2 ‘The shop itself's housed in anol Egle bookshop, which was bul forthe purpose in 1912. The shop fronts fl of because ofits large, historic windows. Inside the store self, Dawns lined with wooden ‘maintains its riginal appearance. The walls r bookhves, which excend ight so che back ofthe ln shop. There is second level pts reached bya wooden and another staircase leads downstairs to the basement. The shop has stained-glass Window and a number of beauiful sleight in the cling which bathe bed books an customers in nara igh. Book stores have suffered a lot on the high street recently, due to the iaSsive growth of online book sellers, such as Amazon. One of the few book stores to survive and, indeed, prosper over the last decade is Daunt Books in London, more commonly known as Daunt’s, Read on to find out the secrets of its success. LE 3 Daune's started life over 20 years ago when the shop was purchased by former banker James Daunc. Ac first che store specialized in travel writin country. Later, the owner decided to expand without changing the organization of the store. Today you can still find eravel and the books were atranged by guides and maps of Moscow in the seccion dedicated to yy Russian authors there, too. There are also sections dedicated to more al places, such as Ethiopia, Tibet, and the polar regions. At the Frone of the shop, thete is a fantastic selection of newly published fiction and non-fiction, and a superb children’s section full of Weitd atid Wonde#hil picture books. 4 The staff ae Daunt' -epatation for being friendly, helpful, and Knowledgeable, which makes it difficule for bookdlovers to stay away. Each customer is greeted when they enter the shop because they have to walk past the desk, The assistants allow visitors to take 1a can also find novels and poetry time looking round, yet they aze always on hand advice when necessary. 5 Unlike its competitors, Daunt’s hasn’e invested heavily in technology, because it hasnt needed to Is websie is basic bur hieming. Ie contains a virtual tour ofthe Marylebone score, which is well worth exploring, and here are also reading lists and ‘books of the week’. Dawns competes on specialism and quality of selection rather than price offering customers a [REREBBERSBIE when they are for a particular book GRAMMAR possessives Reorder the words to make sentences. 1 boyfriend's with {doesn'c her /on {Bech / get / parents Beth doesn't get on with her boyfrie i'sparents 2 saw J car {James cay | new | We John’s / There’s | Karen | frien Debbie's book unessnow girlfriend. ¥ s bikes need cleaning before ofthehon “7 s's door [Th 5 One day, we'd like to have ours own shop j our own shop. 6 Ithought Alice was a friend of yo iend of yours 7 Where's my old shirt | that old shir Complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets With 'sor of 1 Charlotte is wearing her mother'searrings (earrings / her mother) We climbed to the top of the mountain .op | the mountain) 3 It's next week, (wedding anniversary | my parents) 4 has broken down, (car / Linda and Dave) 5 He'snever been in before (office {his boss) > (lid 6 Can you see the my pen) PRONUNCIATION ‘5; linking Right or wrong? Tick (7) if the pronunciation of is right and cross (X) ifit is wrong, Ella's phone hl 2 my friend's daughter Sk 3 their aunt's hous: i 4 Louise’ flat tu 5 my boss's desk 5 6 Rory’slaptop tu 7 myniece’s wedding i 8 Mike's girlfriend i 9 Beth's children ss 10. my nephew's car fe b Listen and check, Then listen and repeat the phrases. 5 LISTENING from a British ew campaign, entativ hewspaper giving a talk about What is the main aim of the campaign? A To promote anew kind of store, 2 To make residents want to shop in their high st D_ Listen again and answer the questions. 1 How many high streets are there in the UK today? About How often do British people use the high stree What is the name of the new campaign? 4 Who do the camp: high ste ners hope will be able to use the tin the future? They hope their will be able vo use it 5. Apart from politicians, who will be involved in the discussions? Which kind of store is new on the high street? The and store is new What kind of people will be interviewed durin, campaign? 8 Which rirle will he hest high street eneeive? Iwill be called of he 9 According to the speaker, who has conflicting The have conflicting opinions. ¢ Listen again with the tapescript on p.7 guess the meaning of any words that you don’t know. Then check in your dictionary. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn the words and phrases | rds and phrase high street Phat strist? personalized struggle (verb) "psison i pottery crafts rt (photo) frame , set up a business workshop P P {A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday, but never remembers her age. 3A—the generation gap 1 GRAMMAR past simple, past continuous, or used to? a Correct the mistakes in the iighighitedl phrases, Tide WeREOUE much when | was a teenager didn’t go out 2 Wetaked my parents out for dinner last night. 3. My brother (ise@/t0 had! a beard, but now he’s shaved it off 4 WeWere'sit in the garden when my grandparents arrived 5 Where you stayed when you went to Greece? 6 Ididn’tsed to eat many vegetables when I was a child. 7 What was you doing when I saw you in town yesterday? 8 [gave up crying to explain when I realized that you didn'elistening 9 You use to play in the street when you were young? 10. My girlfriend stoped eating meat when she wasa student 1b Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs, Use the past simple, past continuous, or used to ‘Sometimes more than one answer may be possible. 1 My parents didn’t own —acar until they gotmarried —. (not own, get married) 21 late this morning, so I time for breakfast. (wake up, not have) 3 When our guest arrived, 1 tothe children and my husband the dinner (read, finish) 4 Emily lasses until she ‘working at the computer all da. (not need, start) 5 Ben the doorbell because he to music with his headphones on. (not hear, listen) 6 Luckily they very fast when they the lamppost. (not drive, hi) 7 in Germany fora year when I student. (live, be) Robert Frost, American poet 8 We in the high streer, but then anew hypermarket near our house. (go shopping, build) 9 Myson his boarding pass while we at the airport for our flight. (lose, wait) our holidays in the same children, (spend, be) 10. Wealways village when we ¢ Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. Use the past simple, past continuous, or used to. Sometimes more than one answer may be possible. only ever 1 met _ (meet) one of my grandparent andthatnasmy dad mater ee ese herevery Sunday ony Granny parents + i (se: afternoon when twas litle, One day (look ter) me because n (visit) a friend in hospital, , (Play) in the garden, aw (cook) lunch, She (call me when the meal wasn. Unionist vite (uni ert (ur) into the (atch) my lite finger oor and pulled off the nal 29 "Bet nthe a lot, but | was more upset because | 1 ae (not think) th a the nail would grow again 0 ain. Hever, ran patiently 12 Bran patient (explain) that would In the morning, 15 while my gran s00n have anew fingernail. After that, |12 look forward to s t 'd to) seeing her every Sunday, PARK SAFELY varking n the UK can De complicated anc if you leave your car in the wrong place, the fines can be quite heavy, so Itis best to find a car park. Most towns naw have Pay and Display parking, which makes life easier for visitors. Check the tariff board ta see how much you have to pay and if there is a maximum parking time. Insert coins for the correct amount and the parking meter will give you a ticket to dsplay in your window Note that in some towns parking charges apply inthe evenings and weekends 4) STAY COOL | The most interesting and Seen roads in Britain are often | the smallest, I's possible to get stuck behind a tractor with a load of hay moving at 24 kph. Even if you are feeling more | contident, be very careful overtaking on these roads. t's safer | | tobe patient and wait until you have a clear, long view of the In California they don’t throw their garbage away - they make itinto TV shows. 4 A=tThat’s rubbish! ican fl droct 1 VOCABULARY rubbish and recycling 2 PRONUNCIATION /1/, /at/, and /ex/ a Complete the text with the words in the list. a Ged the different sound. Bins dustmen landfilste packaging robbish take away take out throw eway waste waste-paper bosket F [2 2 gma am | as tnmy family, we do our best to reeyleas much au | & | el \rubhish_aspossible.Wehavetwo2 inthe ldtchen, one for household * and the other fr ery ae aoa plastic and cans. The children each havea “ % in their room where they can. diet garbage their used paper. We the rubbish as soon ais asthe bins ae ull Outside onthe street, there ae four : larger bins, which ave all different wlouts. The green one wine waster isemptied every evening by the® -utthe acearerea 5 others ae emptied ess frequently. Theresa yellow bin for eeu } recycling plastic and cans, a green one for glass, and a blue T ak el one forpaper.Alorry comesto®__thecontents of these bins about once a ronth. suppose that the things thataren'trecyced are taken toa!) bin away aap ity lfesty’e ate 1b Howare the following products usually sold? . | oo | packaging | polystyrene | plastic 3 jam inaj b GR Listen and check. Then listen and 4 margarine nat rere se 5 mineralwater inab 6 orangejuice ina a 3 READING 8 sofedrinks — inac Read the article once and complete it with the verb from the listand the object where appropriate. A The produce considered 100 ugly to sells often ———_— lefcon theres or in the fields. reapply recycle reheat replay rethink reuse B This is because they no longer invest time and 1 Experts say that you should warm up food again only ‘money in buying food on the high street once. _ reheat food C This amounts to two billion tons of food, 2. Inthe past, mothers washed their baby's nappies and put D The researchers say that the waste costs the ‘them on again because they were made of cloth, ferage household £480 per year. This lipstick lasts for 24 hours, so you don't need to putit E These discounts result in consumers buying far onagain during the day ‘more food chan they actually need. 4 [sie possible co put polystyrene trays through a process so that they can be used again? The referee made a mistake, so they repeated the last five minutes of the match. 6 Danis currently considering his future again because he failed his final exams WHAT A supermarkets ends up inthe bin, o anew report. This amounts twa staggering seven million tons of food per year, worth around €10 billion. The report, entitled Glabal food: waste not, want not, was compiled by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1 That means that mary families will row away up to £24,000 worth of food during their lifetime, despite much oft being perfectly eible. Of the food that is Bind, €1 billion worth is still within its sell-by date end good enough to eat. The author ofthe report, Dr Tim Fox, places some of the blame for the waste fon the consumer culture that exists int UK. He believes that people have lost the sense of the value af food. 2 instead, they prefer to do a weekly shop at one ofthe many huge supermarkets that have opened in the last decade. Today, the ‘average British family spends only 11 per cent ofits Budget on food, the report found. Dr Fox explains that because people lidaVBlU the food they buy, ti do not think twice about throwing it vay. y lt WASTE Y According to Dr Fox, the supermarkets themselves are alsa partly responsi for the waste, This is because they often have SpBeisLOffers, such as Buy One, Gat The products One Free’? are taken home, put away in @ cupboard or in the fridge, and then forgatten about. Many of these iterns are near their sell- by date, and it isn’t unusual for them to [G906ff before they are eaten. The report suggests that ti oltent eaper products that people throw away. Itis not only food from the supermarket that goes te waste. About 30 per cent ofthe fruit and vegetables grovin in the UK never even make it tothe supermarket shelves. This is Read the complete text again. Choose the right answer © 1 Every year, the average British family throws away food worth. a hundreds of pounds. b_ thousands of pounds. billions of pounds. 2. People throw away so much food because. a they don’t earas much as they used to. they go shopping more often than before. they don’t consider food to b important. Discounted products often end up in the bin because: customers buy more of them than they need. > © customers prefer bester quality goods, customers don't really want them, 4 Alot of fruicand vogerables are wasted because consumers don’ like the taste. b_ farmers don't have time to collect all the products. ¢ shops aren'callowed to sell chem. Compared to the UK, other countries throw away a. less food, b the same amount of food. more food. because ofthe strict marketing rules in the country, which require fruit and veg to be a certain shape, size, and weighs Dr Foxestimates that between this agricultural waste and the fresh products thrown away by s, up to three quarters of the fruit and vegetables grown in Britain are never actually eaten, Unfortunately, this colossal waste does nat only occur in the UK. Ihe situation remains the same across the globe, with around half of all food produced 5 That would be more than enough to feed all of the people inthe world who are starving. 5 to waste, Match the highlighted words and phrases in the text to the definitions below 1 thrown away 2 deals that sell goods at a lower price than usual good or safe to eat become too old to eat the form of something 8 plan ofhow to spend money over a period of time give something too little importance 4 GRAMMAR future forms: will / shall and going to are possible 1 Could you take the rubbish out now? I think it’s We're going to fly home on Saturday. ht leaves at 9,00 p.m, L 3 It’s too late ro call them now. I'Itcall [call hem in 4 What shall we do | will wedo with our old sofa? 5 Why don't you gi your riding boots? You're 6 Trust me. won't tel [Pn not telling anyone 7 Sitdown, 'mmaking | Filmake you a cup of tea. 8 My sister is getting married {is going to ge 9) Don'tleave the butter out in this heat. I'll melt I’smelting 10 Thanks for che lovely meal. Will [clear | Shall Iclear the table? b Complete the dialogue with the correct form of will | shall or going to. Sometimes more than one answer is possible, A HiClare. Thar B No problem. When are yougoing to move. (you move) to your new house? s for coming round to help. A Next Saturday. 've got a week to pack everything up. B Right. So, where? (we start}? e today, Wait there car, AA I thought we could do the gai and3 (move) 5 Have you got any boxes? A Yes, they're in the kitchen. Bs (1.go) and get them for you. B Right. Let's start? (you take) that ladder with you? A No,® (Inot have) room for it. !m moving toa flat. (1 give) the ladder to one of my neighb (he come round) on bout those ald chairs, ® (younot, have} room for those, either? A Good paint. What (do) with them? B Why don't you take them to the charity shop? Come on. (Ihelg) you put them in the car. A Becarefi B Don't worry. 2 I They'e heavy. (not drop) them! 5 LISTENING a SGTEED You are going to listen toa radio programme about recycling around the world, Look at the list of countries. Which one do you think is the best at recycling? Which one is the worst? Listen and check your answers. Australia india South Africa Sweden b Listen again and complete the notes. ‘Amount of | Amount | Recycled | waste products Australia|? ___kg_ | athirdof | paper and perperson | thetotal | cardboard, plastic per year bottles, glass, ‘sweden 969% 4 erperson per year clothes, drinks | containers india kg | aquarter | perperson | of the newspapers, peryear total electrical goods | South a cans, paper, | Africa per person glass, plastic Listen again with the audio script on p71 and try Then check in your dictionary ning of any words you don’t know USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn the words and phrases. scave nds! worthless wi frozen fro melt down ‘ second-hand 1 VOCABULARY study and work a Complete the crossword blu b Complete the text. When Mary finished her degree, she started looking ut for Yjob-vacancies.. She found that she had the right equ for many of them, but she had no ex because she had never worked before. One day, she saw an advert for an internship, and so she decided to “a £ itbecause she thought she might learn some useful "sk She quickly wrote out her CV and included the name of her university tutor as.a®r . Then she wrote ave 1 off to the company. A week later, she received an email and sent everything, inviting her toa ‘an interview, The day. after the interview, she ®g___ an offer of three-month placement, but she decided not to accept it, She hadn't realized that she wouldn't get paid if she asan intern! AB=Désrees and careers 1'm going to college. I don’t care if ruins my career. rather be smart than a movie star. Natalie Portman, American/israeli actress Clucs across-> 3 Auniversity stuclent who is studying for their first degree. 5 One department na university, eg. for Arts or Law. 6 Aclass in which a small group of students discuss.a subject with a teacher. 7 Ateacher who is responsible fora small group of students atuniversity 10 A long piece of writing you do as part of a master’s degree. Clues down Y 9 A presentation that takes place on the internet. A talk that is given to a group of students to teach them, about a particular subject. university student who is studying for their second degree. ‘A long piece of writing you do as part ofa PhD. A university teacher of the highest level. The area of land where the main buildings ofa university are 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress he stressed syllable in the words in the list hem in the correct column in the table. Then writ atitend delgree dilsseritaltion postigraldulate praifesslor relfelree re'sidence schollar|ship sejmiinar tultolrial uniderigraldulate valcanicy Stress on frst syllable ‘Stress on |_ second syllable Stresson thied syllable attend bb SGD Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words, 3 READING Read the text once. Match headings 1-3 to paragraphs A-C, I Alittle money es.allong way 2. New carcer after an early disappointment 3. Sharing a talent for othersto learn Read the text again and answer the questions, Write the letter of the paragraph. Which entrepreneur. made a large profit from his / hee first busines: has broken a record? has carried out a successful project together with a family member? 4 was employed by an organization ata ‘was given a present which developed his /her ski? 6 has colleagues in other countries? Match the Highlighted words to the definitions below. 1 the unique name thatidentifies a website 2. aperson who writes about new books, films, et, 3 collected the act of reporting an event projects which you cannot be sure will succeed 6 good at expressing your ideas clearly Young entrepreneurs You don't have to wait until you leave school to mate ai lot of money, as the three young people below have shown. Read on to find out more about them. Adora Svitak str when she was four years old, and she hasn't stopped since. At sk, she received & laptop computer trom her mothe: she quickly amassed hundreds of short stories. When she was seven, Adora published her first book: Fying Fingers Master the Tools of Leaming Through the Joy of Writing. It feature ofies, along with her tips on wiring end typing, She published a second book, Dancing Fingers, with her Ider sister Acrianna four years later. Since then, she has turne: Per witling success into speaking ang teaching Atthe severcl of he age of 12, Adora is cn aificulate public speaker wha has given falks at over 400 schools, She is now plannin other kids like her When Farmed Acidwolla was two! borrowed §10 from his parents fo buy his Wy st Gomainame on the intemet, He buill a successtul website reloted to aviation {and model aircraft, which he later sold for for mote than his in Since then, Farrhad has trled out several different ventures. He is curently the of Rockstah Media, a company devoted lo web Uewslopien, marketing, aevertsing, ane brending, Ine i ‘company is just over a year old bout it has clients and a team of developers, designers, and marketing experts all over the word, i Farrhad is now 16 years old and he plans to continue running Rockstah Media, while he is studying finance at the of Commerce & Economies in India. ce 10 investmen Savannah Britt was ¢ published poet by the oge of eight. When she was nine, she started working for a newspaper called The Kitchen Table News as « reviewer of children’s books, Two years later however, the newspaper closed, and so Savannah found herself unemployed. But that ic slop hes. Sie sluried her own publication whic! 2 called Giripez. She was only 11 at the time, so that made her the youngest magazine publisher in the magazine fectures Coverage of events, Ike concerts and f shows, along with interviews with singers, actors, and celeb Now aged 18. 8 jed her mos developed into an online-only was 0 magi mat at Giriper GRAMMAR first and second conditionals = 5 Right (7) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrong phrases. a a 2. Iflwon'tanswer the phone, 1 Ifhe's late again, emight lose his job. If don't answer 3 If chey paid us more we didn't complain. i} 4 Youll misethe traffic if you J 5 We'll never finish everything ifwewoneworktaeé. [] 6 IF Sally lived in the eity centre, She Gould Walk toher office 7 Max won'taccept the job inless they dan'e grb tohis conditions 8 Hisdoesa postgraduate course if he can't find ajob. [] 9. Iwouldn't live at home iif FWillbE a SHadeHE Oo ). Ifyou didi’ raves parerime job, you'd have more Write first and second conditional sentences. Icould buy my own flatif learned more money 2. My sister has a boyfriend so she doesn't spend enough My sister would spend more time studying f 3 IfBecky gets a scholarship, sh gotoan American unless she gets a scholarship. 4 Mat esn' live ina hall of residence because it's If you don’t have enough experience, they won't offer yourthe jab. You won't get the job unless 6 Ifyou wear the right clothes, the interviewer will be impressed the interviewer will get a bad impression, ‘You miss your lectures because you get up late I you got up earlier, 8 Teachers always nocice when scudents cleat i de ena LISTENING TELM Listen vo radio prog internships. What isthe expert's recommendation? A. Unpaid internships should be banned, B Allthree-month internships should be paid C The length of internships should be reduced D Companies that don’t pay interns should be punished Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Companies currently give jabs to about a ofall incerns, 2. Olga Britren says that som internships because they wouldn't be able to pay their iduates don't apply for expenses. According to Olg: couldnt live in Lond 5% of young people 4 Olga suggests that companies are employing the richest graduates in ‘of the most ones, a states that itis ‘company for a long ime without paying them to employ person 6 Companies that break the law are punished wich a heavy Olga agrees there will be places for interns if companies have to pay them, 8 Olga chinks that young instead of internships: people should do work Listen again with the tapescripton p.72 and try to guess the meaning of any words that you don't know Then check in your dictionary. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn the words and phrases. advert internship in be exploited ont stack shelves (stk ‘Jeb sell (sth) door to door (sel c delivery service idr'uvai sarvis the checkout a fa | find television very educational. Every time someone ‘turns it on, Igo into another room and read a book Groucho Marx, American comedian ED READING Match photos 1~6 with the dates below. Then read the text once and check your answers. 2June 1953 20 July1969__ 4November 2008, an the way television has developed ever the last 90 years, In less than @ century, the system for tranemittng visual images and sound has gone fram being niori-ensterd to Leoni at important Mass media the world over. The first televised moving images were made during the 1920s by Scottish engineer John Logie Baird. But it was after the coronation of Queen Elizabeth Il on 2 June 1953 that television really {66K IT in the UK, Over 20 milion viewers followed the event, which was bFBadéast around the world in 44 languages. Few could afford to have a TV set in those days, so those whe had the money to buy one invited their neighbours ~ which sometimes meant the whole street — to watch the ceremony on their small black and white sereen. Since then, many more historic moments have witnessed on TV. The first moon larly on 20 July 1969 was watched by around 14% of the total world population. ‘Although it was the middle ofthe night in some parts of the world, an estimated $30 milion watched in am Neil Armstrong took hs first step. Mare recently, numerous, people around the glabe saw Barack Obama's 29 April 2011 27 July 201214 speech on 4 November 2008 when he became the first black American President. Sporting events and royal weddings have also had extremely high Fangs lately Neatly «Lillis people all over the worid watched the ‘opening ceremony of the 2012 Londan Olympics on 27 July ofthat year, and nearly two billon are reported to t seen Prince Wiliam marry Kate Middleton on 29 April 20 (Of course these days, the tansmission of HORIRGLE {EEBSIOAY is not limited to television. Today, streaming allows Viewers to watch internet videos and webcasts of ve event in real time, On 14 Octaber 2012, Felx Baumgertner's Fedora breaking skydive from the stratosphere was s by viewers all over the world on their computers, tbl smartphones. The event was streamed as it happened by more than I40 digital companies, as well as being transmit in 50 countries by 40 television networks. TeUuloyy has been advancing at an IFGRESIGRS ra the 1920s. In the UK today, there are 480 different televisior channels. Every year, 27,000 hours of content is produced. Although Logie Baird also developed fightdafinition and 3D pictures in the 1940s, ths is surely something that even the father of television could not have imagined b Read the text again and choose the right answer b 1 The writer thinks TV isa great example of progress. because it can transmit piccures and sounds, b_ because people can watch it all over the world. because it has developed so fast. 2. Before the Queen's coronation, very few people had a television, b_ people weren't interested in the royal family The most popular programme on TV in the last the London Oly b_ Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding. pies. Neil Armstrong's moon walk. 4 More people were able to watch Felix Baumgartner’s skydive because iewas televised in many different countries. b_ iewas very well publicized by social networks. ie was shown live on different media 5 If John Logie Baird were alive today, he would be surprised by a thesize of the television industry b the quality of the images transmitted © theappearance of 3D television, Look at the highlighted words and phrases and try to work out th Then check themeaningand pronunciation in your dictionary. 2 VOCABULARY television a Complete the text with the words in the lst. id. switched over turned up wason tumdown | screen speakers tumed off turned on My friend's brother gave him a 3D TV with a 60-1 irthday. 7 gthatit Ine haul, se Ine decided to n_forhis Vv was 50 ‘ib on te new one, Once he had the TV where he wanted e it andset up the channels with the ¢ it was ready, b but the the volume, he sat dawn to watch a film that sound wasn't very good. He ® but he still couldn't hear the actors very clearly. He had the same problem when he? another hannel. So he decided to go and buy a pair of ‘ toattach to the set He ‘the TV, drove into town, and found what he wanted, But he hada shock when he tried out the new sound system, because he had forgotten to! ‘tne volume. Ine noise was so loud that st made everybody jump! Match the descriptions to the types of programmes below. live sport period drama _quizshow ree ity show _soep I It’s Aby’s birthday, and Tanya is determined to give het soap. When a ‘coo!’ couple moves in next door, Homer tries to be just like them, but Marge and Bart have problems age of stage two of the prestigious cycling race 4 Daily round-up of highlights, revealing how the housemates are getting on, Today, Jamie prepares more quick meals, including ar interesting pork recipe 6 Ona journey taking him from Luxor to Istanbul, Neil Oliver explores the story behind the last Pharaoh of Egypt Another episod in the life ofthe aristocratic Crawley family and theie servants in the post-Edwardian era, 8 ‘Twomore contestants compete against each other to see who will go through to the next round. 9 Tonight’s guests are former Bond girl Britt Ekland and politician John Prescott PRONUNCIATION /wi, vi, and /b/ Listen and complete the sentences, 1 What's the for the The viewers for the 3. Have you ever or Cambodia? 4 Didyou the show 5 The team wona 6 We've been since we set up our new Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the sentences. 4 GRAMMAR present perfect simple a Right (V) or wrong (X)? Cori the highlighted sentences. the mistakes in I J 2. Thereporter [ESRSEEVERERGH her microphone. [2] 3 The documentary SANE EE l 4 They've had che same TV sc ESOS 5 |Ivealreaysten chs lm a 6 Have youeverbe on TV? J] 7 Thaven't watched that programme sinée they changed the presenter a 8. Weknow each other for ages. a 9 ERASER watching live spor a 10. Has the news'st 1 Let's switch ove esa this documentary before. 2 Have you heard the news? The President has just Iwent co sleep on the sofa last night and haven't earned off didn't turn off the TV 4 Don’trell me what happens— I haven't watched | I didn’t 5 That programme ison { has been on since I was a child. dy read |T 6 Idon’t need to see the film because I've already read the book, The children have had the TV on ail day | forall da 8 Th ‘ve only known each other for a month {sit ‘re getting married, © Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in brackets, 1 Isthis your first time in Spain? (been) Have you been to Spain before? 2. My friend bought his speakers a week ago. (had) My friend aweek I gor home two minutes ago. (just) I home. 4 Jodie Foster became an actress when she was achild (Gince) Jodie Foster a child 5. Wemovedhouse in 2005, 2008, and 2012. (times) We 6 didn’t like cartoons in the past and I don’t like them now. never) 1 cartoons. 7 They have been married for ten years. (get) They 8 dont’ wanta coffee, I had one at home. (already) don't want a coffee 5 LISTENING a D Listen to five speakers comparing their use 6F television and the internet. Answer the q 1 Which speak 'sspend more time watching TV? 2. Which speakers spend more time online’ b Listen again and match speakers 1-5 to sentences A-F LA He/she gets [1B He/ she doesn't often watch TV [C1 He] she values TV as time o spend with the family {J D He} She uses social media to chat about TV asily distracted in front of the TV. programmes, [LE He/sheisusualy roo busy to watch TV F. He] Sheis very selective about whieh TV © Listen again with the audio seripc on p72 and ty ess the meaning of any words you don't know. Then check in your dictionary USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn the words and phrases. clease(afilmor'TV series) review cable TV season /sitzn) binge watch flashback ahit fh Honri Rousseau, French painter 5B the country in other countries 1 VOCABULARY the country 2 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds a Order the letters to make words that march the a Gireid the different sound. definitions. : . ; ss 1 anarea ofland that is covered with trees (ODOW) wood 2 ahigh area of land thatis not as high as a mountain | v tu i 3. the low land between two mountains that often has | river flowing through it (LAYVEL) eau Pee 4 pueseedsin the ground to grow (TLNAP) Guu grass field 3 acereal crop which can be made into flour (THAWE) look path, leaf wood valley sheep ready to be picked and eaten (PERI) ane 5 a 6 7 asmall river (MASTER) 8 a plant like a smal, thick tree with many low branches (HUBS) : = 9 collect a crop ona farm (STRAVEH) 10 the partof a fence that can be opened to let people cow stones: through (TEGA) mountain crops 11 ahigh, very steep area of rock, especially next to the ee pond sea(FLICR) — town cockeret 12. anarea of water that is smaller than a lake (NOPD) b AGP Listen and check. Then listen and repeat b- Complete the ext. the words, Cone of the best ways to see the English countryside is. from the air, Green fields. separated by*h__ or3f_______stretch out below youas faras the eye can see. “Cx. are growingin some of them, while in others there are animals peacefully cating the "gr__.Ae the plane nears the ground, you can see black-and-white °e___ standing in groups, and in the spring you can see Teh __with their®1_ Every 60 often, there is a°i_ ‘with a tractor parked outside the door. Usually, there is an enormous 2p__nearby where the grain is stored. Outside, there are sometimes! h__walking. around the farmyard looking for something to eat. ‘There's usuallya#2¢_inahigh place above the female birds looking out for them. a Read the leaflet once and answer the questions. What time does the farm open on Wednesdays? What else can you buy on the farm apart from fresh fruit and v. Packsicle Pick Your Own | FaHigy some fresh fruit and vegetables? At Parkside Farm we grow | a wide variety of delicious summer fruits and high-quality vegetables | for you to come and pick your own. Why not pay us a visit? ables? | 3 READING Prices ‘ This means that ha c Pick Your-Own fruit or they wil be charged this amount when the leave. tis NOT an adelfonal charge to f your produce ause hhave to pay it ifyou pick less than £3 each, Strawhervies: £4.49/ks Raspberries: £6.39 Blackeurrants: £4.79/k Redeurrants: Opening times Crop calendar ; Facilities ae ay ben ed at crane, so aay sage line for dally updates belore setting out age carp. ge uding cisabled) StawberFes |! Blackaman, | Rastbernes ae ay > Find us Redeurrants: | giackberit midjuyio | “Mreyto. | Je Faum isin the London BORBUG of Enel st | mid-October | north of the city centn : 4 the loos noth and tum off at Hadley Road please call our message line on 020 8367 2035 or check our wel b_ Read the text again and complete it with the missing information. A. Plums: mid-July to early September B_ The nearest railway station is Gordon Hill, about L5km away C picnicarea D_ We started growing strawberries for Pick Your Own back in 1979. E_ There is a minimum charge of £3 for each adult or child who enters the Pick Your Own area. F Opening hours are variable on Sundays, © Lookat the highlighted words and phrases and try work out cheir meaning, Then check the meaning ‘fect continuous 4 GRAMMAR present p a Complete the text with the present perfect continuous form of a verb from the list noted’ drink noteat go make play swim try use walk IMy husband and |?_have been tring to lead @ heath: lifestyle recently, We ? Jogging fogatner evary day before we go to work, He to work insteod of ctiving, ond! _ the stalsin my office instoad of {ooking the lt. We * alot of water ‘any snacks. every evening and my husband & tennis twice a week Instead of cooking a big meal when we get home, my Us some lovely salads, {lt of ol the salads, but they sil taste delicious! b_ Write present perfect continuous sentences with for or since. Use contractions where possible 1 I'm looking atter my neighbour's dog. They went on holiday last Saturday. (since) ve been looking after my neighbour'sdog since Last. Satur My brother lives in Paris. He went there two years ago. (for) My brother Emma is my girlfriend, We started going outa year ago. (for) Emmaand 1 4 Rosieiis studying, She started whe (ince) he came home, Rosie 5 They're training for che new season. Their first session, was three weeks ago. (for) They Ie's raining. Itstarted at about 8 o'clock, (since) je 5 LISTENING a §EPEAD Listen to an interview with Susan, a woman who moved to the country from the city ‘Where would she like to live in the future? 1 Susan lives in southern Germany hhe village school has around 90 pupils. 3. Their organic food company buys fruit from othe organic farms. 4 The company sells its products in Germany Susan likes going running through the fields behind her house, 6 She plays inan orchestra 7. She doesn't like going out at night because it's too quiet ‘She would like to live nearer the hospital Listen again with the audio script on p.72and try to guess the meaning of any words that you don’t know Then check in your dictios USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn che words and phrai moveto(aplace/house) theme tune move in (toa place /house) increase productivity nkris prodak move back heck! shortage "> ficin fit mn rationing Priefonin) ime to tell the police 1 MAKING A POLICE REPORT 3 READING Order the words to make questions and . mac the questions with the answers, Missing Persons , 1 help youcen? —_Candhelpyoud 2 was nodce his did anything you evening? | When person is identified as missing, and tian emergency, always dial 999. For all non-emergency cases, contact us on 101, 3 anything there else is? i How can you report someone missing to the Police? | apa Firsthand eporting fom a relative or fiends the most cornmon way that Police are notified of missing person Wewilltae reports of missing persons inany ofthe folloming ways: + Dial 201 to speakto your Local police + Bya visittoa policestation 5 her see you when last did? 6 doknow you her were what plans? + Contact wth a Police OFcer/ Plice Staff away from a police station What happens when you report someone [1] a Yes, my grandmother is missing missing to the Police? Lb Well she's 85 years ol She’ quite short Once a Pole Officer has taken a report from you about the missing person, he/she iter al the information ontoa computerat the police station and and quite thin with grey hair and glasses. circulates the person as missing’ on the Potice National Computer. Eniediat® Oe eee ae ‘ehiguiies are undertake by the Initial Investigating Officer to try to find the home from wor mmissing parson as soon as possible (4 Shedidnt mention anything, 1 the ate rt found then the investigations passedon to a woninated office within the police station who wl now Bal al farther en 5 Yes, the front door was open, which was ~ eae | What can they do (17 £ Yes, she hadn't putthe shopping awa The officer wi isby maa sure that thatan efficient investigation can be conducte, these 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH | + Detatsottriendsorelatves havea the nacessarydatalls so Winclude: | + Placos that ehe missing person s known to frequent Complete the dialogues. + Health or medical conaitions that they may suffer from + Financial account details 1 A Whereis everyone else? Officers wll also need to BERFH the home address with your consent B thaveno_idea 2 A Canyoutell me again what the homeworkis? | What can you do? B Yesbutl__¢ __thistime, because! | Police realize that this is avery traumatic time foryou, but thisis alos time where you can worrt tell you again, ip them by making many enquires yourselé. 3 A_Itexted John and thsi his reply. — B Idorit understand. What does a Read the text. Number the sentences in the correct order mn? 1. You believe that a person is missing ge as yvaca inate tocome A police officer completes a computer report. round? Rm hedareworytma The police encourage you to continue asking questions. ot lee that you phone? The report is uploaded onto the Police National Computer, ee eer 7 my boyfriend, Police officers look for evidence at the missing person’s house Youcont ice the police The missing person is found b_ Look at the highlighted words and expressions. What do you think they mean? Check your ideas in your dictionary IFyou want a thing done well, doit yoursett. ‘Napoleon Bonaparte, 18th century Emperor ofthe French 6A—Do it yourself 1 VOCABULARY DIY and repairs; © Look at the pictures. Whatare th paraphrasing Complete the sentences, doing? a Read the clues. Complete the puzzle to find the hidden object in a she I Ie’sa thing you use to stop people from opening. gate 2 Itsathing you useto climb up, eg. to painta ceiling oe 3 esa thing you use for making holes. 4 They're things made of meta that you ean use t0 attach one piece of wood to another or to putin wall toha pictures on. 5 They're things you can use to cover the bathroom wall. 6 They're things that you use for building walls. 7 I's a thing you use for tightening serews. 8 Ie’sa thing you use for carrying water. 9 I's likea rope but much chinner. 10 It's the ching that you put through a needle when you ‘want mend your clothes. 1 iI > 1 She’ tying her shoelaces ® 2 They some shelves, oie 3 She aholein the wall 4 He the handle on. “| 5 She abutton om a shire 6 They atyre, b Complete the dialogues, 1 A Thelight isn't working. 2 PRONUNCIATION consonant clusters B Don't worry. li change the light bulb BUA teaderkoitaas, a QETERED Listen and write the sentences, B Takeat 1 3A How do you lock this door? 2 B_ You have to pull the h up. 3 ue 4A need to light the candles 4 B_ Thereare some inthe drawer. 5 5 A Ive bought some wrapping paper for Mary's present. 6 B Great! Have we got any s 2 b Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the sentences. 6 A Ineed to-tick this photo on this application form. BOK Here's the gl_ 3 READING 4. Read the article, Do most people have a natural ability for DIY? _b_Readthe article again and complete it with " ae zi } A Theparticpanis weraskedt complete | DIY: WHAT’S YOUR EXCUSE? | sone pc devgned at | How good are you at doing DIY? 1 Recent research has shown that B_A Middlesbrough man was recently DIY ability is i our genes ~ which provides the perfect excuse for those banned by his wife from doing any more ‘of us who struggle to assemble flat-pack furniture or change a tap. repairs to their home. ° The research was inthe form ofa study. which was conducted for © Anastonishing two million ofus Halifax Home Insurance last year. Two thousand UK adults of both sexes, have stopped doing our own home ok par? To be abe todo the fai, the participants needed to improvements over the past couple of know something about shapes and mechanics. While they were putting years, according to market analysts, the puzzles together, the scientists measured their natural DIY ability. ‘Those who tried to do the tasks by tiaLand @rFoF were unable to finish the puzzles, D Ifyouaren’t an expert, itappears that you ie not alone. E This me ns that approximately two in three Britons lack the natural ability to do After analyzing the results, the researchers revealed that only third ofthe participants had completed the tasks properly. =__ Men scored piv. higher in the experiment, which suggests that they really are better ‘programmed! to da essential repairs in the hame. Psychologist Dr Glenn ‘Wilson, who lal the experiment, explained that peopte whe are good at doing DIY have a high level of spatial awareness, This isthe ability to judge the position and size of objects. ‘Although there is not one specific DIY gene; he said, ‘Some people simply do not have the necessary brain Skills to manipulate shapes.’ People with lite or no spatial awareness will always struggle to complete DIY tasks successfully, he said | Lookat the highlighted words and phrases and try to work out their meaning. Then check the meaning and pronunciation in your dictionary ‘Attempting DIY without the necessary skills can have disastrous consequences. Itis estimated that £400 million worth of damage! was caused last year by people wha lak natural Do-It-Yourself ability 4__This was after 36-year-old Barry Witham had made a Sizeablé hole inthe kitchen ceiling while he was trying to mend a light, Other incidents include cutting his leg with a penknife white trying to ita carpet and hurting his hend badly while fixing seme speakers. Barry is obviously one of those enthusiasts who do nat have the spatial awareness necessary for home improvements. The findligé of the Halifax Home Insurance study come just a day aftera report revealed that mare and more of us are losing interest in DIY.5__ Apparently, attitudes are changing and today home owners ‘are more likely to pay someone else to do their repairs rather than do them themselves, This is goad news far insurers, who often have to foot the bill for expensive DIY mistakes. However, its bad news for DIY retailers, whose sales have fallen dramatically recently 4 GRAMMAR obligation, necessity, prohibition, advice the correct form. Tick (7) if both are possible. HOME REPAIRS OU SHOULD N Some home repairs are easy and you “don't have to / needn't V cansultan expert, Sut the hers that you must (ugh not fetry urself. The following youre Wheipyou inking of doing a job, ‘male the right decision whi PLUMRING REPAIRS You don't have to / mustn't calla plumber to do minor repairs, ke changing a tap. You can probably do it yourself. Butyous / ought to get in an expert for more complicated obs. if not, you might flood your house, Complete the second sentence so that it means the sameas the first. Contractions count as one word. 1 Itisn’ea good idea to drill a hole near a water pipe. You _shi Idn't drill a hole near a water pipe 2 Insome countries, i's prohibited to make a noise fer 10.00 p.m after 10.00 p.m. 3 Builders are obliged to wear ahelmet on a building site Builders ona building site 4 Icisn'rnecessary for me to decorate my room because I did it last year 1 my room because I did it last year Ie'sa good idea to keep a torch in your car. You torch in your car, 6 We aren't obliged to pay any bill everything is inchided in the rent, We any bills because everything is included in che rent. In my country, it's compulsory to take used batteries toa recycling point Inmy country, you toa recycling point. 8 Ie’s dangerous to let children play with matches. You with mazches, VER DO YOURSEL ELECTRICAL REPAIRS You Smust / have to switeh off the power before doing any small electrical repairs. You ®should / must bea qualified electrician to make any changes tothe electrical system, so don't even think of doing this yourself ROOFING REPAIRS You ’don't have to / 0 because you might fall off and injure yourself. not to go up on the roof alone, However, ifyou simply want to check something, you should | sdder so GAS APPLIANCE REPAIRS You probabl your gas oven But you "mustn't / don't Gas leaks kill hundre it to always havea helper to hold the battom of itdoesn’t suddenly mave, ‘don't need to / needn't call an expertto move d to install anew water heater cof people every year. 5 LISTENING a GGTEGH Listen to five people talking about DIY disasters. Answer the questions. When the disaster happened, which speakers ny DIY? 2 were in the process of doing DIY? 1 hadn't started doing 3 had just finished doing some DIY? bb Ciamnesgin acd otek speci 3 asenctnici ome DIY. ] iny DIY since the disast J \ Ho | She changed their mind about doing B He/She hasn't de cH D He/She was injure She had to pucthe DIY offto another day. | oy. E He/She managed to find a solution to the DIY disaster F He/She was secretly pleased thac the DIY k USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn the words and phrases drop eck out (verb) plug something in amplify a a 6B=At your service 1 GRAMMAR can, could, and be able to the correct form. Tick (/) ifboth are possible. 1 Myboyfriend can sable ro cook really well, because hisdadsachel. 7 Younced to can KEEAETETD forget your personal My mother could j was able to sew really well when she 4 If it nice this evening, wecan | we'll beable have a barbecue. 5 Sorry, but we haven't could J haven't beet you the rable you wanted. Te 10 give 6 Ityour brother's restaurant was nearer, we could [ would be able o go more often. 7 To work for this company, you must cam j be able 10 speak three languages. 8 We're really sorry we couldn't | weren’t able to come to your party 9. Pvenever could | been able to make paella, but I'd love tolearn, 10. Can you Will you be able to make the lunch tomorrow? 11 They wouldn't give mea refund for the top, but [could | was able to change it for a new one. 12 Thate not can / nor being able to read a menu whea I'm abroad. ‘The best customer service is if the customer doesn't need to call you, doesn't need to talk to you. It just works, Joff Boz0«, founder of b_ Rewrite the Iighlight#d sentences using the correct form of can or be able to, If both forms are possible, write two sentences, 1 WOK ifTeloxe RHE WINAAW? I'm really cold Can Lclose the window? 2. Iisn'e possible forme to.come tothe next class Ibe onholiday. I ean’t come to the next clas. wor’ beable o come to the next class, 3. NiCOKIfTsieliet I's he only free seat 4 Ichasn’ebeen possible for me cowriceto you, I've been very busy, le wasn’ possible for her to finish the meal, There was too much food. 6 They're staying ina self-catering apartment. They \waneto have the possibility of cooking their own meals [nt Sire tha isi’e John, He's on holiday 8 Weare delighted that itis possible for ust come to ‘your party. We are looking forward to it. 9 Tove having the possibility of getting up late in the holidays. l usually start work at 8 o'clock. 10. Weinasiged to booka room witha sea view, It was the last one available. | READING Read the article once and choose the best ttl. 1 Low-cost airlines improve theirservice C] 2. Howto.complain abour service on Flights? [] ifyourelucky! 38 Read the article again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false), 1 Passengers hardly ever complain about flight attendants. Skymark wants passengers to put their sggage away in the lockers themselves. 3 Passengers on Skymark flights should expect flight attendants to be polite. 4¢ shave been told not to listen to customer complaints. Skymark has bk en criticized about its 6 Skymark is not going to m: tothe new rules: ke any changes ‘Skymark says the airline values customer satisfaction more than safety 8 Skymark has a good safety record. 9. The plane to Okinawa was flying to0 low Skymark is hoping to expand in the fueure Match che Highlighi#@d) words in the text to the definitions below. 1 say hello to somebody 2 things that you want to complain about 3 official rules on how to do something 4 causing public discussion and disagreement a group of aircraft that is owned by one person or company 6 causing delay not being punished for doing something bad 8 wenttowardsa place 9. put something awa untilitis needed in a particular place 10 risk harming or destroying something While airlines have a reputal service on board, are usually extremely helpful They él you as you board, they serve you drinks and snacks at ney are always waiting ta say goodbye when yo k. Most people value the professional but friandly attitude jendants, but it appears that there is one airline that does no! providing bad customer your seat, and dis May this year, the Japanese budget airline Skymark introduced cept’ on board its aircraft. The ted among other things that cabin staff would not help passengers EtOW their luggage into overhead lockers. On top ofthis, attendants were nat required to use ‘polite language vwihen talking to customers, Passengers were airline would not accept any complaints on board. to be HoldinglUp a flight would be asked to lea auld take off on time, Dissatisfied passeng Anybody found direct their GfiGVBRIEBS to the National Consumer Affairs Ca or other relat 6, it seems the airline new policy. The head of Japan's is not getting BWayiwith thei Consumer Affairs Agency has made a statement saying that itis improper to direct their complaints to zation, Moreover, the Tokyo § n Government has reported Skymark to the airline authorities. Under rt ofits guidelines gan is pressure, the airline hae agrecd to rav regarding customer complaints, leaet the So why would an airline want to j86paFMize the reputation ofits staff like this? According to Skymark, the main explanation is that the cre: sk is not to attend to passengers but to act, satety personnel, This concern with safety is understandabl: when you look at the airline's recent history. Between the start of the year and early May, Skymar 1d to have bral ety rules 2 nt, a flight to Okinawa approached the island below the legal minimum altitude, and in Fan aircraft Landed at Ibaraki Airport withaut permission. least six times. In ane inc With a fof 29 aircraft, Skymark currently only operates in Japan, However, the airline has a number of Airbus A380s on order The company has recently applied for rights to fly the new pl to Naw York JFK and Landon Heathrow airports. safety record and its BAntFOVEFSIal customer service policy, who knows whether they will be given permission’ 3 VOCABULARY ata restaurant a Complete the sentences. 1 Would youlikea glass of juice? 2 Healwayshasab of cereal for breakfast 3. I'mlooking forac to open the wine. 4 Ler'sask fora oftap water instead of 5 Mllay the table for you. Which shall [use the white one or the blte one? 6 Doyouever make tea ina ordoyou always use mugs 7 Can [have another w al please? I'm changing from white to red 8 Thiskn doesn't cut very well. Could you bring me another one? 9 Could you having soup as a starter 10. Tdon’t like drinking cupands table? We're put sp a 2 oucofa mug. I prefer using b_ Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the list (past simple, past participle, infinitive, or verb + -ing). lear notlay leave ask for nat book carry ur Fecommend send back serve take 1 We had a disastrous meal in Menorca once. Some friends had *_recommended__ the local lobster stewto us and so 1 ofthe best restaurants on the island to try it, Unfortunately, we had? table, sowe couldn't ave dinner there. instead, we sat down at a table wewent to hata family ha just left inthe restaurant next door. The owne the table for us, and then the walter who was # curtable came to 5 ur order. He seemed quite young and a bit inexperienced. When he came back, he was 6 a tray of drinks, But he couldr't put them down because he the table. Afterhe had put the tablecloth clown, he® ome wine for us, We it, butwe didn ket sowe® it and waited for our meal. At last, the waiter appeared with the food we had 2 Luckily, my son was in the toilets atthe time, because the waiter dropped the stew allover his chair as he was putting it on the table. We the bill and let the restaurant without ati, PRONUNCIATION word pairs with and Listen and complete the sentences. 1 Can you pass the please? or lunch, 3. Would you like some with 4 Have you pu oon the sa 5 Would youlike a mug ora for Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the sentences LISTENING You are going to hear a radio programme giving advice about how to complain in a restaurant. Number the advice inthe or (0 What eo doin case you areil D] How to make it even clearer that you arent satisfied (5) Who to contact about the complaint the next day [F) When to make the complaint [How to make the complaint Who to speak to in the restaurant if the complaint isignored 1 The key to making a successful complaint is 2. You should be and when you speak to the waiter. 3 You shouldn't because it might not be his or her fault 4 Ifthe waiter isn't helpful, you should speak 5 Always leavea tip, or che waiter might think contact th Citizen's Advice Bureau to take the matter further 6 7 Contact the restaurant or the health department if USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES ds and phrases, Learn the wor uustomer service stock (noun) 4 Kastomocty ‘83 rail ire cashier /kee'ft hanger counter ko will inappropriat trainee IF God has allowed me to earn so much money, itis because he knows | give itall away. Eoith Pat, French singer FA—Giving it away 1 VOCABULARY cash machines Complete the instructions. | TIPS FOR USING ACASH MACHINE 1 Finda cash machine in a well-lit area. Ifthe machine is out of service, you will have to look far another one. 21 your card into the machine and choose a language. ite your PIN. Make sure no one else can see the number. 4 Selecta transaction. Ifyou want to take out money, press ‘w cash 5 Decide which account you want to use, eg.c account. if you make a mistake, and start again 7R the cash from the machine. 8 Ifyou want to put money into your account, repeat steps | 103 and press ‘make a d | | | |. selecttne amount you want Presse | | | L GRAMMAR phrasal verbs Right (7) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrong phrases. 1 Mygieltvienal picked ietip from the airport when [ came back. 2 Their business was doing badly, so they down closed it X they closed it down 3 I’ve bought ahome cinema system, but I don’t know how to serie ap 4 Yo 5 [love chocolate, but IWegiven itup. I'm trying to ht. 1r music is too loud, Can you fin @OWHIy PEASE? 6 My uncle is a butcher. He's just pened tip anew shop. 7 Pm-eally busy. Can you €allback me later? ‘You won't remember new words unless you wife downthem 9 They've had a baby girl and they've aed her after her grandmother (0. 've bought a new picture. Can you help me prt ap it? b_ Rewrite the ight Change the word order ifne ghifed! phrases with a pronoun, 1 Please can you take oul¢the Fubbish? take tou? Do you mind if Switeh on the lights? 3 don’ yet on with my boy iends m 4 He's going out with my Fiend sister 5 would Sed baGKAESOUp IFT were you 6 Tebeen looking my friend children Can you asefor the bill? 8 Why don’t you tev'on those shorts? 9 John is going ro Hoven With his gilftiend next month. 10 I'm going to throw away all my old magazines. 3 PRONUNCIATION linking SGT Listen and complete the sentences, 1 Ifyou want eo watch the TV. Ir ou like Anna, 3 Ifyou can't remember her name. 4 the children ave still asleep, 5 Ifyou don't know the answer, 6 IFJack comes, D_ Listen again and repeat the sentences. READING There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use. A When you approach an ATM, take the time to look around sual near the machine. for anything um: B Every time you go to take ous money, you should be aware of the people around you. G Try and use the same few cash machines whenever you want to withdraw cash D Check for any scratches, glue, tape, or other signs that someone has altered something. IF your card doesn’t come out of the machine, you should call your bank immediately to cancel it | a Read the article once. Have you or has anyone you | know ever been a victim of one of these scams? l b_ Read the article again and complete it with the missing sentences. atch che highlighted words and phrases in the text to the definitions below I cover something so that it's not visible 2. along narrow opening, into which you can put something saw or noticed making something unable co move or work walking into somebody by accident the busiest periods successfully take control of something that other people are also trying to control take something very quickly people who cheat somebody in order to get money illegally Every year millions of pounds are stolen at UK cash machines. Here are four scams you need to look out for when you withdraw cash at an ATM. | 1 SKIMMER ATTACHMENTS These are devices that record your card details, They are Usually attached over the SIGE ‘where you enter your card ‘The fUBBTEES paint the skimmer the same colour as the cash machine, so that they are dificult to see. The first thing you should do when you approach a cash machine is to chack that there is nothing unusual about the card slot. If you think you've SB8HIEE a skimming device, use your mobile phone ta inform the police or ATM operator immediately | Werning other peopl in the queue is helpful as well 3 CARD TRAPS om covered in glue and inserted into the card slot. Pak 6S for card trap fraudsters are Friday evenings when lots | of people are withdrawing cash and when banks willbe closed for a few days. 2 Card traps work by [FIG your debit card in the machine, 0 that you cannot take it out ‘While you're in the bank reporting what has happened, and remove ho tap together with your card. Tho trap can be something 8s simple as a piece of X-ray fim 2 HIDDEN CAMERAS egy Freudsters sometimes hide cameras near cash machines to BBUF your card details, and ‘most importantly, your PIN. They are usually in places where you would rot normally see them, B such as in panels above the keyboard or in stands holding fake bank le the side of the machine. ?__ Don't be afraid to anything you think might GSRI6BBI a hidden camera. f you have any doubts or concerns then report them to your bank immediately and move on to use another machine. 4 SUSPICIOUS BYSTANDERS This method of stealing your money is not as sophisticat the ones above, but itis stl fairly who distracts you while you are using the cash machi that they can BERGA your card cor cash without you realizing, Common techniques are dropping something at your feet or BilRIpINIRES you in 8 seemingly innocent way. 4 I you see anybody hanging around, you need to be extra careful. Either that, or go and look for another machine. n. It involves a person VOCABULARY phrasal verbs 6 phrasal verb from thelist. : — ~ b ireaicdown come round pwith giveup keepon -mekeup toke on turnup 1 Ourcar stopped workings we were driving the 2 She invented an excuse so that she wouldn't have to 3 They know they're going to lose, s0 they've stopped ng 4 Would you like to visit us for lunch on Saturday? 5. My company is employing cen new members of staff 6 He thinks he's thought ofa solution wo the problem 7 She continued running although she was in pai. 8 My boyfriend always appearsan hour after he say Complete the dialogues with a phrasal verb containing the particle away or back and a verb from thelist. : ive (2) pay put run 1 A Canyoulend me €50? B_Itdepends, When can you_pay _me__hack_? 2A. Ieynnr girlfriend at home? B_No,she until Sunday night 3A Where's my new shirt? BI ie in your cupboard. 4A. What shall we do with these old books? B Why don'twe acchatity shop: How long will your car be in the ga B Il it Can I speak to Grace, please? on Priday B Sorry, she isn’t in. Can you later? A Can borrow your keys? B Yes, but don’ forget to 8 A. What would you do ifa big dog came towards you? B I rm really scared LISTENING You are going to listen toa review of a television programme. nswer the questions. 1 Whatis the name of the programme? Who is Andrew Felton? What do The Josh The Hidden Hor Project, Little Heroes, and less Lid have in common? Listen again and correct the mistakes. 1 The series is a period drama. 2. Andrew earned his money by playing football 3 Andrew lived in a three-bedroom house while he was in Bradford 4. The Joshua Projectis aimed at old people. 5 While he was with Lit some books to child oes, Andrew delivered 6 The Hidden Homeless Ltd produces its own food 7 During the programme Andrew laughed a lot. 8 Acthee ofthe show, Andrew the children’s cancer charity £28,000 0 in with the audio script on p.74and try he meaning of any words you don’t know check in your to gue The USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Leara the words and phrases. afford fod bonus’ chain reaction _/tfein ritzy charity gooddeed (gu 1 READING a Read the article once and answer the questions, 1 Which event attracted the largest audience? 2 In which event did the organizers lose a large amount of money? > 7B=Gbing out and staying in THE BIGGEST MUSIC EVENTS IN HISTORY Music festivals are huge these days — both in size an ‘A good film is when the price of the dinner, the cinema admission, and the babysitter were worth it Alfred Hitchcock, British film director b_ Read the article again. Answer the questions with A,B, C, or D. Which festival 1 was not allowed to be held for a number of years? 2 had the reatest influence 0 we Furure of rock 3. was used by some bands and singers to make a lorormoney? 4 was sponsored by asinger? 5 included singers in the programme who did not play? 6 did not charge an entrance fee? 7 had sixty times more visitors in its thitd year? 8 was the last one iis organizer was involved with? popularity. However, the events attracting the largest crowds occurred when many of us had not even been born. Read on to find out more about four of the biggest concerts of all time. A WOODSTOCK, 1969 ‘The Woodstock Music & Art Fair changed the history of rock and roll for ever. It was the first time such a large crowd of music fans had gathered in one place, Around 400,000 people, mary of them hippies, arived on 15 August at a dary frm in Bethel, New Yorkt0 enjoy these doye of peace ancl music! Th had purchased tickets, ut the temporary fences were cut the day before the festival started, allowing thousands more to enter without paying. Legendary artists lke Jimi Hendrix, Jans Joplin, Santana, and The Who were just a few of the 32 acts that appeared on stage that weekend. Others were prevented from performing, including John Lennon, who was refused an entry visa to the US, ‘and Bob Dylen, who was in hospital with one of his chi B ISLE OF WIGHT, 1970 ‘Although Glastonbury is generally ecognized as the biggest music {estvalin the UK (the Glastonbury Festival in 2013 aracted 135,000, visitors this event was even biggar. The Isle of Wight Festival started in 1968, and it takes place annually on an island off the south coast ‘of England, Around 10,000 people attended the frst festival, which ‘was quite maclast compared to tho crow of 600,000 that tuned up ‘wo years later. Some of them had tickets, but many people watched the event fre from the large hill overlooking the site. Tho main attraction was the impressive line-up: Jimi Hendrix and The Who ‘again, accompanied ths time by Joni Mitchell, The Doors, Chicago, {nd Miles Davis, among others. Unfortunately, the unexpectedly high attendance led to the Isle of Wight Act af 1971, which banned gatherings of more than 5,000 people on the island, However, n 2002 the festival was revived and it has been expanding eversince. C US FESTIVAL, 1983 This event was the second! of two festivals organized by Steve Wozniak, one of the co-founders of Apple Computers. The 1983 festival was held in Devore, California from 28 May to 30 May andi featured exhibitions of cutting-edge technology, os well as musi. All ofthe bignames were there chiding U2 ‘The Clash, The Ramones, and David Bowie. Despite attracting ‘around 670,000 people, who each paid $37.50 fora three-day. pass, Wozniak s estimated to have lost nearly $20 milion from the festivals, This is mainly due to the massive fees charged by main acts: Davie Bowie earned $1 milion for his appearance, and Van Halen received $1.5 milion. In contrast, ‘The Clash refused to play unless the organizers and some of the other bands donated some maney to chai D NEW YEAR'S CONCERT RIO, 1994 Instead of opting for a traditional venve like a football taciu, cofvwhich there are many in Brazil the Scottish artist Rod Stewart dociced to stage this concert on Copacabana Beach. The event wwas hald on 31 December and it was attended by en estimated three and a telus eeple, The reason why so many people went along was thatthe concort was completely fee. The singer W728 a gift to the poor people of Rio de Janeiro and asa way of giving something back ta his multitude of fans, The best moment ofthe concert was when the crowd joined in with the start of the New Year Rod Stewart's 1994 New Year's concertin Rio ‘appears today in the Guinness Book of Records asthe largest free concertin history. superstar to count down the remaining seconds to 2 VOCABULARY live entertainment a Geld the correct answer. 1 Everybody clapped as the basketball players entered herent) stage 2 The audience | crowal were so moved when the play Finished, there was a minute of complete silence al {half ime 4 The players loft the pitch during the inte 4 The spectators | fans went wild when the band came on. 5 Wewere given alot | programmeas we entered the theatre. 6 The first performance | scene ofthe play is set in an old castle ‘The only seats left were upstairs in the stalls circle, b_ Read the definitions and write the words. 1 building where you go and see a play theatre 2 aperson who plays against somebody the place where the tickets for a play are sold » © 4 the number of points that somebody gets ina game 5. the piece of cloth that covers the front of the stage 6 the sound a referee makes that indicates the end of a football match f wh an afternoon performance ofa play 8 an additional playing period at the end ofa match 9. the pieces of paper thar allow you ro attend play or jorting event t 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Underline the stress and then write the words in the chart. ‘arena auldience curltain elvent_initerival rmaltinee oplpoinent periforimence progiramme specitaltors thelatre Strass on first syllable | Stress on second syllable b GGG Listen and check, Then listen and repeat he words. 4 GRAMMAR verb patterns ies Cone 1 My friends enjoy to dance | dance (aio they go clubbing every eked 2. forgot io book book | ooking table, and when we goto the restaurant, twas fl 3. Well veo get ataxi because cast sta staring theca, 4s difficult ro getup leigh getup [ge ng up early after a My a 5 Mysister hates not ta.sce | not see | not seeing her boyfriend during the week, 6 Togo We decided not to cook | not cook | not cooking last night and we ate out instead, Go | Going to concerts can be very expensive. 8 You must ro wear / wear / wearing asuit ffyou want to make a good impression at your interview. 9 Amy is having a party to cel celebrating her birthday. rate celebrate | 1 OT fed up with te wueet | watch { wutehing TV: Lees play cards instea 'b Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb from the list. Use infinitive with to, infinitive without und, be buy enjoy get notsee steal changed ake look after walle an can’t afford ‘abu —a ticker for the Rolling 2 Idon'emind the children tonight so that 3. After they got home, they kepton until 3 o’lock in the morning, 4 Heprotended coulk tous, 5 Don't wairup for me—I might home late 6 Tended up home because I'd missed the last bus 7 Lug film wasn’t rally suitable for them, sted the children because the suppose we ought Longe 9 The man denied iewas found in his fla. my handbag although 10 [didn't expect the play as much as I did © Complete the sentences to mean the same thing, Use the past simple form of the verbs. I He learned to speak Spanish from his girlfriend. (teach) His girlfriend — taught him to speak Spanish, 2 The doctor said that I should rest for a few days, (advise) The doctor fora few days. 3. Sarah’s boss said that she should apply for a promotion. (ll) Sarah's boss promotion, 4 Mike's wife said chat he should decorate the living, room, (ask) Mike's wife the living room, 5. The police officer shoured ‘stop’ at me. (order) The police officer 6 Weasked our neighbours ifthey would like to com round for dinner. (invite) We for dinner, 00 a.m. (allow) 00 a.m. 8 Ihoped that the baby would be a girl. (want) P si 7 My parents said we could stay out till My parents neil 1 agirl LISTENING ar about Jon Jacobs, a man who has made halfa million dollars by selling virtual property. Listen and macch the names to the definitions, GP You are going to hear a radio programme [Ft Europa Univers [7] 2 Never [113 cub Never the person who bought part ofthe space station [+ Plane: catypso Fs John For ] 6 Rockiropia ‘a Kalun Jon Jacobs’ space station in the 1 Jon jacobs spendshisime > thebank ¢ his fim 2, MrJacobs earned $200,000 year fom Cab Newent 2 becaeithad fot of diferent hops b teem people went theron dance 4 The euernt record forthe res sing itu 2 $335,000 © $635,000, 5 Jon Jacobs sold Club Neverdie because he w a develop anew compu b_ sponsor live music events. do something new in the same game. Listen again with the audio script on p.74 and try to yess the meaning of any words that you don’t know. Then check in your dictionary USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES L 1rn the words and phrases, hive (adj) flan avatar va unlike /anvlatk sword so! critic Mri ragon _dreegan role play rool pler rob. rot virtual reality gamer "yeu: 1 TALKING ABOUT HOUSE RULES Complete the dialogue. is there Tenything_ 1hould know before | move in? well, tos. with, it's a no-smoking house hat's not ap I don't smoke. Secondly, we're all vegetarians, so you “ce. 00k meat or leave meat products in the fridge. a, OK. Arything Se 2 B No, butisthere 7a youneed to know? A There's one thing. *co, connect my laptop ‘ta your Wii? B Sure, The password is sweethame, all one °w. it. That's great 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the dialngnes with the phrases in the how Did you gat that Any ness? Thope $0 Nukeep trying _ i's all 1 A What about your interview? Any news? B Ididrt get the job, ‘A. Thot's disappointing, B Ikon, but ‘A. When are you going to tell your dad about failing your exams? B Idontt know, ‘A Doyouthinkhell understand? B _____ Ist dor't know. 3 A. Gastraight on, take the first road on your right and then the secondon your left. 2 Bes, first right and second left 3 READING a Read the article and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Inthe past, fewer people in their thirties and forties rented flats or houses. 2 Sometimes tenants have to pay bills as well as their re Under ajoint tenancy agreement, tenants who don’t pay the rent have to move out. 4 Landlords and tenants often disagree over paying for things ro be mended. Tenants should photograph any broken items at —. — RENTING: ~~ KNOW YOUR RIGHTS _ Students have always lived in rented accommodation, bbut now they are being joined by people in their thirties and forties who cannot afford to buy their own place ‘Arguments are common between the landlord, who owns ‘the flat, and the tenants, who live there, but you can avoid these by 1 3 following tips. ading Don’t ignore the small print | you will have to sign a contract called a tenancy | agreement when you movein to your rented house or flat Before you sign any kind of agreement, you should read | it through first. Check that it includes all the relevant n, especially whether the rent includes bills, ter and electricity. You also need to k ;nether you can leave before the contract finishes and if so, when you should tell the landlord Housemate troubles ‘With a joint tenancy agreement, each person in the house has equal rights to remain there and you can't make anyone fe, One of the most commen problems is money, because fenants share responsibility for the rent. This, means that if one person doesn't pay, the law says that the other tenants have to cover the unpaid rent between them. Unfortunately, it isnt often easy to get the money back rom the person who didn't pa Keep good records It is much easier to solve a figpite if you have proof of payment, s0 you should always put bills in a safe place This is especially important when you eventually come to move out. The question of repairs is often a reason for disagreement between landlords and tenants, so make sure you keep the receipts for any iteras you have replaced. Don't forget to take photos of anything that was broken | ‘when you moved in, sothat you can provethatyouare | not responsible for the damage When it’s time to leave | Most tenants have to pay a deposit when they movein | torented accommodation ta cover any damagethey may | cause. The law says that the landlord should give back your | deposit within ten days ifyou both agreeon the amount. | Disputes often occur over the definition of the word damage’. The landlord cannot keep your deposit because of damage caused by ordinary use, but he can if you burn ahole in something. fh Look at the Bighlighted words and expressians. What do you think they mean? Check your ideas in jour dictionary 1 VOCABULARY looking after yourself 4 Lookat the photos and complete 1 He's doing spinning 2 Hes! * 3 He's doings 4 He's doing pr 5 She'susingar eusing cr 7 They're doing a 8 She'sdoingP. 9 She's ste b_ Unscramble the words to form beaucy treatments, Then complete the advert AQUAMARINE DAY SPA Too many late nights? 1 facial wil mae you (CARLA) Back pain? neot (AGSAMES) Messy nails? ive youa RAICEMUN) Thinking of wearing sandals? wea’ EDUERIPC) Getting ready for summer? . NAGWIX) rf a : 1 your fist day on th fh (KEAE NTA) kon appoint (03823 83947 lalways wanted to be a hairdresser. David Beckham, Gitish football player READING Read the ai tobe. 1 the most health-conscious? 2 the least health-conscious? le once. Which age groups were found A 18-298 C 40-498 B 30-398 D 50-595 Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) I Adults of different ages took partin the Gym Group study. r 2 Over $0% of adults aged 18-29 said they didn’t eat enough healthy food. 3. People in the older groups said that they fele healthiest at che age of 29. 4 Very few of the adults a to do anything to lead a 5 Adults in their fifties smoked more than those in their forties ud 18-29 were prepared althier lifestyle. 6 20% of adults in their thirties said they did exercise four or five timesa week People often start leading a healthier lifestyle when their children tell them to, 8T time to start making your lifestyle healthier isin your early thirties. eb THE MOST HEALTH- CONSCIOUS AGE ‘A study of 2,000 adults in the UK has been able to determine at ‘which age British people are most conscious about their health. urvey was Commissioned by the Gym Group in order tofind the profile of potential customers. The adults in the study ‘were divided into groups according to their age and each person was given a questionnaire. The data was analyzed, and the reeulte ofthe study have just been published, ‘Adults aged 18-29 were found to be the least Ialeh-eonscious ofall the groups, Many of them admitted that they did not get enough exercise, and more than half claimed to not eat enough healthy food. Ofall the groups, they were theleastlikely to cat enough fruit and vegetables. Instead, they preferred takeaway ‘ood, with a quarter having two takeaways a week. Adults in ‘hele thirties, forties, and fifties agreed with this finding, stating that they felt least healthy aged 29, What is more, only x percent of adults in their twenties said they wanted to do something to change their unhealthy lifestyle, However, it was not only the youngest participants in the study that owinedlup to bad habits; adults in thei forties also revealed ‘heir vices. The results showed that they were the smokers followed by those in their fifties. And forty-sometl also shown to be the heaviest drinkers, with the average rear old consuming nine units of alcoho av 40-4 So wihich age group was the healthiest? The study found thatit was people in their thirties. The 30-39 age group was found to exercise most frequently, with one in five visiting alocal gym or sports club four to five times a week. In addition to being fitter than the other groups, adults in their thirties also said that they ‘consumedalbalanced diet. when asked the main reasor for wanting to keepin shape, a quarter of them said it was Decau sting afamily, ‘A spokesperson for the Gym Group said that people seemed to havea wake-up eal about healthy living when they started approaching middle age. She explained that you can get away with not doing as much exercise, having late nights, and eating too sutes you ‘pass your 3oth birthday, people tend to put an weight, and it isn't as easy to spend all night partying, She added that this was the ‘deal age to address your lifestyle and to question your fitness levels and diet ™\ junk food when you are in your twer Match the highlighted words in the text to the definitions below 1 stay physically fie 2. ate the correct amount of ea food type 3. knowing that your health is important 4 something which makes people realize that they have a problem 5. possible in ehe future 6 bad habits the most improbable 8 formally requested (a piece of work) 9 admitted doing something wrong GRAMMAR have something done A Canyou take my suit to thedry cleaners B_ Butyou only cleaned it Kia ircleancd) last A. I know, but [got oll on ie yesterday T'm going to cur my hair | have my hair cut this afternoon, B_ Which hairdresser’s do you go to? Andrew’s in the high street. He's very good. 3A hoo having a ted at he moment B igthe work for you? A We're doing it ourselves. My husband isa plumber B_ You should test your eyes / have ur eyes tested A. You're right. Do you know any good opticians? went the supermarket this morning B_ Did you deliver the shopping | have the shopping dolivered? A Yes. We're going to paint the living room | have the hhey brought it just betore lunch. next week, B_ Areyou going to do it yourself? A. Yes, my husband and [ will do i, We can’t afford to pay someone to do it. These are great photos, B Yes. Let’s make made nme prints { have some prints A Good idea. 'llcopy them ontoa CD and rake itto the photo shop tomorrow. b_ Complete the sentences with the correct form of have something done, 1 1'm staying with my in-laws because I’m having my’ flat redecorated _. (my flat | redecorate) 2. Igotanew passport last week, so [had to professionally. (my photo J take) 3. How often you atthe hairdresser's? (your hair /ye) 4 They before the journey, and they broke down on the way. (their ear | not service) 5 My neighbour has lost her keys, so she needs to ehe locks J change) 6 you : new one? (your TV repair) believe in foreune-teling (my fortune jrll) My boyfriend local garage. (his ear wash) twice a month at the 4 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a GSD Listen and write the sentences. b Listen again and repeat the sentences, 5 VOCABULARY at the hairdresser’ Complete the sentences. P highlights blowdry dyed fringe ponytail straightened trim I Jo'shair gers inher eyes because her fringe _ is too long, 2. My mother-in-law likes to look smart, so she has a 3 Lhave blonde 4 Tehink her hu: sand's had his hair Itused to be almost grey, but now it's dark brown again, My dad combs his hair with a 6 [didn't want my hair eut too much, so only had a 7 She ties her hair back ina tennis, so that it won't get in the way 8 Myhaie’s naturally curly, but [often haveit when I go to the hairdresser’, done every two or three months. when she's playing. LISTENING Listen toa radio programme about five affordable spa holidays. Match the holiday resorts with the countries. 1 Maya'TulumRetreat& Spa] Slovenia 2 Spa kastman Ey South Atrica 3. Lasko Theemal Spa Resort Ly Greece 4 Museum Spa Wellness Hotel 5. Fordoun Hotel & Spa Listen again and complete the table Resort, Main attraction Maya Tulum the Retreat & Spa of the resort pa Eastman therapies invalving differant 2 Lasko Thermal tradition Spa Resort 3 Museum Spa the historical Wellness Hotel 4 Fordoun Hotel @ Spa _| the rooms Listen again with the audio script on p.7S and try Then check in your dictionary. of any words you don't know. ue ] USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES | Learn the words and phrases. well-being fvel’bitin’ handkerchief spa Mhaenktt treatment dip tristan pacup wi aches and pains 0 jerks on ‘pet bearable ("bearst blanker /blegkit sting un) History will be kind to me, because | intend to write it. Winston Churchil former Sritish Prime Minister 8B =the rest is history b 1 VOCABULARY history Read the definitions and write the words. to.use physical strength, guns, weapons, ete. against somebody fight 2 the military forces ofa country that are trained to fight on land person who is in charge of a group of people or a 1 4 asituation when wo or more countries are fighting, each other government ofa country 9. fighting beeween groups of people who live in the same country 10 success in a battle PRONUNCIATION the letters ar (CAB the word where ari premonnced differently 1 dark start @ 2 afterwards avatar standard 3 army towards wardrobe AGUEEGD Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words. 3 GRAMMAR the passive; impersonal you ‘a Complete the second sentence in the passive. Use by only whe 1 ‘They built the castle in the sixteenth century The castle was builtin the sixteenth cent 2 They give guided tours in German, French, and Spanish Guided tours 3. Youcan buy tickets for the play online. Tickets for the play 4 Has pollution affected the ruins? theruins 5 They weren't using the hall, so we could go in. The hall 6 Thate securit ards watching me Thate They have to handle the exhibits with care ‘The exhibits 8 We were relieved that they hadn't cancelled our fi We were relieved that our flight 9. ‘The Mayor is opening the new museum The new museum 10 When will che government hold the next elections? When i b Tick (/) the sentences that contain impersonal y “your, Puta cross (X) ifthe use of you is not impersonal 1 Hurry up! You're going to be late x 2. You aren’tallowed to take photos here v 3. Where can you huy stamps near here? 4 Did you enjoy the tour ofthe cathedral? 5 Reading is good for your vocabulary 6 Have you ever been to Stonehenge? Taxi drivers sometimes take you by the longest route, I saw your girlfriend at che airport yesterday. © You didn't tell me you had a degree in history 10. Soft drinks are bad for your teeth, 4 READING a Lookat the list of key places. Where are they and why are they important in the history of mankind? Read the article and check your answers. 1 Great Eastern Rift Valley low River 5 Los Alamos Three key places in the history of mankind | Choosing the most significant places in history is not an easy task when there are so many | options. The following are A Great Eastern Rift Valley ‘This enormous valley runs through Tanzania and Kenya, and itis where story really begins. It lies signs of Homo s preden 5078 have very haa led believe that a great migration fed around 70,000 years ago, when jens began to mave out of Africa and across the 1 The most important remains have been found at Olduvai gorge in Tanzania that stretches fe 48 km, There is a museum at Olduvai which contains some of the items ‘been found in the area. Severa travel companies include a day-trip to iduvai Gorge on the itinerary of safaris in the Serenge' Park. Visitors are only allowed to walk around the excavation site at certain times of the year, so y thi des ve te B Yellow River Rivers were at human social devel ly vital for Yellow River, or ‘Huang E is called in Chinese, Bayan Har Mountains in western China and flows for nearly 5,500 kilometres to the Bohai Sea in the ast. Itis on the banks of the river, principally in the Wei Valle find the beginning of Han Chines ‘Around 2,200 years ‘ago, tribes and villagers were forced -0 work together in order civilizatio tod ular soba the river. Out of their cooperation the Han dynasty was born, Its birth occurred at roughly the same time as the start of the Roman Empire, and the parallels between the two are re of the hhannels to stop the re it hat lies between run 10-day iver starting but most of these involve mewhere near th top of the list, C Los Alamos Los Alamos is the site of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico, USA, the place where the first atomic bombs a | 12 Weaponis were developed Uy the United Staves’ Manhattan Project, and they were dropps the Japanese cities of Hirashima and Nagasaki in the fitial Stages of the Second World War. At the time, the existence of the laboratory was asecret. The leader of the project | in physicist Rober fessor at the alifornia, Berk After the event, he spent the rest of is life Wondating whether he had right thing. LANL is st tion, co most of josed to the public. However, tourists can visit Use towesitsel which has a population of around 12,000 inhabitants. Good pl to learn about Los Alame Bradbury Science Museum in the town centre and the Lt Historical Societ b Read the article again. Answer the questions. with the letter of the paragraph. In which place. 1 did scientists work together to create something? do visitors have to do alot of travelling? did scientists find the first humans? did.a group of people decide to leave and travel to new places? are visitors not welcome? 6 di oie inyporLant civilization begin atthe same time as another? were there problems because of too much 8 do visitors have to plan their trip carefully? 9 did one man regret hisactions later? © Match the Bighlightéd words in the texe co the definitions below. 1 the parts of something that are left 2. asking yourself 3 people or things that come before others in rime 4 (of river) begins to move > during the last part 6 whenitrainsalotand the out over the land a narrow valley with steep sides that usually has a river run ing through i (of water) moves continuously in one direction 9) arms,e.g. guns, knives, etc 10 not exactly, approximately USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn the words and phrases. soldier sould bullet "bot battlefield If rifle raufl make itback (to base) _merk it ‘beek’ historical ste /hr'storik! saut tomb be crowned 5 LISTENING a SGA You are going to hear five people describing ‘where chey were at the time of five historical events. Match the speakers to the events. There is one event you do not ced to use Speaker 1 A. Assassination of John F, Kennedy Speaker 2 B Moon Landing Speaker 3 C End of Apartheid in South Africa Speaker 4 D Indian Ocean Tsunami Speaker S$ E Fallofthe Berlin Wall F 9/11 Terrorist Attack Listen again and compleve the sentences. After the event, Speaker 1 noticed that a thecar ferries had stopped running, b_ there were a lot of foreign visitors in his town. the shops had closed earlier chan usual. 20 July 1969 isan important date for Speaker 2 because. a his best friend got married. b_ she and her husband wienessed a big storm. © twomemorable ents happened. 3 The event described by Speaker 3 happened. a before his flight departed. b_ while his plane was in the alr after he had landed 4. Speaker 4 found ourabour the eve a during a phone call with her husband. b_ before she left for work, © when she arrived at school 5 Speaker 5 read about the event when... she was cooking lunch at home. b she was travelling to Thailand, she was visiting family. Listen again with the audio script on p.7Sand try to ‘guess the meaning of any words that you don't know. Then check in your dictionary. 1 GRAMMAR ‘reported speech Right (7) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrong phases 1 She told the doctors sheiatE Remember er name. 7 2. He said Hei fot my birthday, and he did! X height for 3 Linzi to her husband She has Hevesi wo Pars 4 ‘The manager told us it Would happen again. 5 You said you mist stay ft lase night, 6 Olga’s son told her he's stidying in his room, I said that I badh’r ever lived abroad. 8 She cold me she was writitig her dissertation this 9. You said you won't be late for dinner 10 They cold me they Weren't going i ell their house after all b_ Complete the sentences using reported speech. 1 They told us, ‘You can stay here until the end of the month. They told us could stay there until the end of the 2 Hetold me, Iwas busy last week.” He told me 3 My parents said, We've booked a flight for next month.’ My parents said 4 She asked him, She asked him Just you go now? 5 Dansaid, ‘Pm working lace tonight.’ Dan said 6 Isaid, I don't like this restaurant. Isaid 7 My gitlfriend said, You didn't call me yesterd My girlfriend said 8 asked my boyfriend, ‘Are you coming tomorrow? asked my boyfriend gS): Seren cing =a) 5)2)p | always have trouble remembering three things: Faces, names, and -Ican't remember what the third thing is. Fred Allen, America can’t forget Zomplete the sentenc using reported speech. 1 ‘Can you give me your phone number, please?’ He asked me 2 ‘Goro bed, Denise told her children 3 ‘Where did you learn to speak English? 10 give him my phone number ‘The interviewer asked me 4 ‘Do you understand eh instructions? The teacher asked us “Don't call me at work.” Lisa asked her boyfriend 6 ‘What cime will you be hom My husband asked me 7 ‘Please make less noise. My neighbour asked us 8 ‘Don't forget your doctor's appointment.” John's wife told him 2 READING a Read the article quickly. Do you use any ofthese techniques? b_ Read the article again and answer the questions with A,B,C, orD. Which technique, I isthe best for remembering lists of words? was invented by one individual? navolves transforming numbers into letters? 4 is the best for remembering things thar happened a long time ago? 5 makes something easier to remember by dividing it into bits? 6 isthe best for remembering PINs? isnamed after a Latin word? 8 is best for remembering phone numbers? 7 ra, e emory techniques Some methods for remembering information date back centuries and are still useful today. In fact, you may have used some of them yourself! The following are four of the most common memory techniques A TEs METHOD OF LOCI This technique for improving your memory was originally Used in angie Rome and Groace. With this method, you use familiar locations, like your own home, in order to remember a list of items, such a8 a things-to-do list IF buy milk! was the first thing on your list, you might iragine coming home fom C THE PYTHAGORAS METHOD Pythagoras is best known as a mathematician, but it seems he was also busy developing a technique to improve memory. Apparently, every night he rocallad what happened during that day te help him camember these ‘events in as much detail as possible. After a while, he could recall more than one day at once, which helped him retain these events for | months or even years. This method is just as applicable today, as your teachers know well. That's why they keep telling you to study for exams weeks in advance "~ well known co you separate something into different parts relevant very old, belonging to a distant period of history imagine something visually B THE CHUNKING TECHNIQUE This method is most often ef eumbers or forthe speling | ef complicated words With | the chunking technique, | youcen EMRE huge | Srrount of information into traller parts or chunks Apparent itis then easier to you reed it. For example, if Someone tells you that their phone numbers 0044 1614960998, and you don't have 2 pen and paper to nate it down, you cen memorize tin Chunk like th:00 14-16-14 96-08-98 nformation when D USING MNEMONICS . People ve Eo 2 teh of thngs: ut they mmemering Your FN, We ae Bee ofepe howe ito torent to BE th nro wth te letersof he olphebet. thot A268, oso on Yeucon then us the letters-Inerde’—torle» fursord serercanntich eel werd begra wih cothof Be ters recmpe theleter representing the PIN 3825 woul be CHEE so your sentence could be Cats Hoe Bg Eyed Match the highlighted words and phrases in the text to the definitions below 6 words, sentences, poems, ete. that help you co remember somethi keep in your memory before a particular time 9. make a connection between things in your mind 3 VOCABULARY & PRONUNCIATION 4 LISTENING word families a Complete the sentences using a word in the same word family as the verb in brackets. 1 My husband has terrible _memory for names, remember) 2 Lused to be awful achistory because it was so hard forme to dates. (remember) 3. The politician's were fascinating - she . had such an interesting life. (remember) LEE, 4 We laid some flowers asthe war inthe ‘main square. (remember) 5 My grandmother isexremely i. D You sre going to heararadio sd the World often doesn't know what day of the week itis, (forget) mme about a competition ca Cqaeea eee oration nthe od you 7 The concert was es the best one of his LF the first competition Ly the venue Oa wer & st world champion ompetitors Listen again and answe 1 When will the next World Championships take place: 2 How many disciplines are there? 3 How long does it take Simon Reinhard to the order of a pack of cards? any numbers did Johannes Mallow ber in 15 minutes? 5 How many times has Dominic O'Brien been world champ 6 How many packs of cards can Dominic remember the order of? 7W 8 What nationality were the founders? 9 How many different countries take part? 10. Whereis ‘competition usually held? © Liste wgain with the audio script on p b Write the answers from ain the chart. to guess the meaning o ny words you don't know. Then check in your dictionary Stress on Stress on Stress on first syllable | secondsyllable | third syllable USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn che words and phrase remind _/stimaind realize © STEWED Listen and check. Then listen and repeat Tongeterm flog txm/ fade fe the words, ue cope (with) classify My father always wanted to be the corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding, and the baby at every christening. lice Roosevelt, doueiter of American ex President Theadore Roasevelt QB=Wedding dramas 1 GRAMMAR uses of the past perfect Be 2 VOCABULARY weddings Complete the crossword, the correct verb form, past simple, or past Las yea, ny bes friend MSREDY ba uke ne to Le the best man at his wedding | agreed, although I2was never | hhad never been a best man before. The week before the wedding, my friend told fad told me what | would have to don the day and “gave had given me strict instructions not to forget the wedding rings. On the morning ofthe wedding, | woke up / had woken up ate because my alarm & didn't go off / hat gone off My Biifriend arrived to pick me up before finshed / hod {ished getting dressed. She *vaited / had waited in the kitchen while put on my surtand then we 2drove / hha driven together to the town hall My fiend asked me if remembered / hod cememered the rings almost 43 00n as he saw/ had seen me. Of couse, in my tush to get ready, | forget / had forgotten about them ‘completely ut | needn'thave worried, because sy Bilfviend "came had come to my rescue. She sav] ‘nad seen the rings on the kitchen table, and she put / ‘had put them safely in her handbag. I don't know who was more relieved, my friend or mel b Complete the third conditional sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs past perfect or would have + infinitive. 1 Wedidn’e We wouldn't have been late _ ifwe'd gone by taxi phy taxi, We wer 2. didn't waie another five minutes. I didn't see you. Fd have seen you if Rick didn't use his satnay, He got lost. IfRick had used his sarnav 4 The bride's mother felrill. She went home The bride's mother wouldn't have gone home if You didn'tlook after your mobile phone. You lose it. You wouldn't have lost your mobile phone i 6 The dress was in the sale. Lily bought it. Lily wouldn't have bought the dress if They didn't invite us to their wedding. We didn't go. We ifthey'd invited w You left che door open. The cat got out Ifyou hadn't left the door open. Clues across> 1 A social oceasion for women only that isheld shortly before a woman's wedding day. 3. Asmall boy who helps or follows a woman at her wedding, 7 Awoman on or justbefore her wedding day 8 A formal talk given toa group of people. 10 People who are invited to.a wedding 11 The couple say ‘Ido’ during this Clues dawn L 2A public building where a marriage can take place: 4 Aswoman or girl who helps the woman who is getting married 5 Aparty to celebrate a wedding 6 Aman on or just before his wedding day. 8 A social occasion for men only that is held fora man just before his wedding day 9. Aman who helps and supports the man who is getting married 3 READING a Read the article once and match photos 1-4 to paragraphs A-D. Weddings around che world Awedding is a very special occasion, and everyone wants theirs to be perfect. But perfection varies from one country to another. Here's a look at some of the wedding traditions celebrated all over the world. Adspan In a contemporary Japanese wedding, onthe day the bride and groom frst goto a beauty salon where the brides often painted ‘white ram head to tos. Then they are both dressed, The bride \wears 9 kimono and a wig and chooses a headdress. When they are ready, the couple proceeds te the religious wedding ceremony. Shinte priest leas the ceremony which sfllowed bya reception. During the reception, the bride changes clothes several times. The three most important parts of the wedding are the drinking of sake, which takes place during the religious ceremony and during the reception, the speeches, and finally, the ceremonial ighting of a candle. Before the religious ceremony, the couple has to sign some slate documents which make them husband and wife. B onys When a young Maasai man takes an interest in girl he goes to praige her and puts a chain around her neck. Some ime he brings honey tothe girl's mother and then he asks the an of is tribe to make beer from some more honey for his future father-in-law. When the future father-in-law has finished inking the beer, the young man states his intention to marry he daughter. Alter that he brings the family gifts. On the day of the wedging, the groom brings the bride's price’ thre black cows and two sheep, The bride's head is shaved and decorated with beautiful beads, and she is Led to her husband's home. On arrival, she is blessed with fresh milk and is given 9 cow of her own. She wears her wedding beads and clothes for three more days, then puts on her usual clothes, and finally, the bride and graom are husband and wife C Hestieo ‘Mexican wedding ceremany traditionally takes place in a church, Family end friends play an important ele in the tradition. A close family member or ried is chosen to carry the iss, which is a traitional, decorated rope that is placed round the couple's necks whi ey soy Ue OWS. Ante person carries 13 coins which symbolize the joint finances of the couple, One womans chosen asthe person who wil always help and advise the bride, Other relatives and friends carry wine glasses for the wedeng toast the recopion, which follows the religious ceramany, the quests tke part inne ‘money dance where they dance with the cousle an pin some ‘money on their clothes. The melj-weds then use tis money to setup their naw ie together D Woreao ln Morocco, the wedding ceremony typically lasts several days A group of older women called negaffa play animpartant role in preparing the bride for her wedding day. First, they give her a purifying bath, and then they dacorate her hands and feet vith floral and geometrical henna designs to bring good luck Black make-up is applied to her eyes and she is dressed in ner richly decorated wedding dress and heavy jewellery. On he wedding day, plenty of deicious food is prepered and men and women sit separately, chating and eating snacks while they wat for dinnor to arrive. Guests can only start eating their dinner after the bride and groam have visited their table to break the bread. Before the bride becomes the mistress of her ‘new home, she has to walk arcund her new house three times. bb Read the article again and choose the right answer 5 LISTENING In Japan, a couple ae offically married 2 AGRE Listen to five speakers talking about a wher cohen iisniensieatediaa memorable events at a foreign wedding, Tick (7) the before che religious ceremony speakers who enjoyed the weddings and puta cross (X) after the reception ifthey didn'tenjoy them 2 Onthe day of a Maasai bride's wedding, aker3 C] speakers C) aker 4 F] Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or speaker 1 [ si Speake a she givesa present b she leaves her parents’ house © she drinks a special drink 3 InMexico,all the guests F (false) i peyioe chewieadlae, 1 Speaker I was upsee when she was advised to give presents to the bride and take het garland off 2. Speaker 2 nearly missed his own wedding © participate in che wedding. 3 Speaker being tak 4 Ina Moroccan wedding, the bride. eee a wearsa flowery wedding dress. 4 Speaker 4 watched his cousin give gifts co all he b- doesn't put he sup on. wedding guests. © serves dinner to the guests with the groom, oe 5 Speaker Sis glad that she gave away her dress, © Match the highlighted words in the text to the Aeraitiaas paee ¢ Listen again with the audio script on p.76 and ery to guess the meaning of any words that you don’t know 1 create or start doing something Then check in your dictionary. covering made of real or false hair that you wear on, nur head USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES 3 a group of people from the same background and upbringing who usually livein a small area and are festardhc wpedawnd phinaies led by a chief beengaged _/bi in'gerdy 4 decorated with pictures of flowers id eat dat 5 acouple who have recently gor married — : 6 formal and serious promises to do something Ladikie dlobigttes take risks te ay something nice to someone to express your reach (ri thief (pl thieves) inf! Wizvz! 8 removing harmful or dirty substances 4 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a GGT Listen and complete the sentences. 1 When the bride arrived, she realized that her bouquet. 2 You said that the invitation. 31f about the roadworks, they would have taken the train, 4 Wewould have arrived on time if lost 5 Assoonas he saw her, he knew that something wrong b Listen again and repeat the sentences, - Finding Henry 1 GIVING DIRECTIONS IN A 3 READING BUILDING Comple a Read the tips and answer the questions. e the dialogue 1 Ifsomeone asks you for directions, what will they find useful on paper? Son Mum, where ate you? sae Mather min your father's room in hospite Where are you? Son Outside the main entrance, Which What other information about their destination should you Which word should you only use in the context of direction? way _feDads room? 4 Whatinformation should you give chem if they have to sty Mother OK,’w____up the ramp tothe main onthe same road for along time? joors. Go thr___ tha soars and 5 What wo things shouldnt you do when giving directions in thengo ‘str ahead aca? Son Itsays'catetena: Are you sures sthe || Mother Yes rinse. Gofp__thw cafeteria How to give directions a and? igh ‘Son ‘OK. Now Fm in a tong corridor. ‘Start by giving the destina make sure the person Mother “Thats right. Now econ wiles i dain. A postal cxcres i the eases way o fn a location, streight along the carder, then go nal the person get lost en toUe, hey could ute othe: resource Son timinanotner corde {8 moy be faster, but they can also Mother That's right. Now, head the end of the c | bemore cifficut Ife person is los! or hasnt got a w . | think ofthe simplest route, Sho for and you of diection tal them the easiest way to 9 sh see some numbers on the buildings or the names of sheps to incicate where the person «doors. Your father i in Room 212. " + * needs to turn of the main road, Son OK... Wait a moment... Here itis - 212. HiDad! How are you feeling? Use the word ght only in eforance to ning direction. Try to ‘offer te ight 3! This lanquage can be confusing fora per which direction to turn, Su the stairs and turn left find their wey, | lett ight otter the ki ving to remer 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH bila Complete the dialogues with phrase from (200 fo some trae om how ng tel Josey snout | the box. rome: tite you nutes. Khe june going to be out 15 quite long, fell therm how for they have to go, for exemp five kilomet Goodness knows —Tpstwishyou were Iinost adits goat tohave you beck I you are guiding someone while they ofe civing. give dl Beare ore lainey wit wale here, at in@clear, col voice, Indicate where t Cl ieee sNoUgH to give him or he fond, plan, eee f | and seely cary out ris or her next move. Do nat shout. Shouting directions may cause the elves la react quickly, without eginning ta wander if yau would ever y ee - ime to do so satay 2A Do not point and say thinas lke, ‘there iti’ oF ‘go thet wav: The B Its lovely to be here. iver cannot pay attention o their driving ond look at which way ya ty0L get bt on the wey? ;ou are pointing at the seme time, Instead. soy things ike, It is on aa i ould ihe eft, about 100 metas dawn the road, oF Turn left atthe nex! have happened if we hadn't had sat 4 A Imiss you so much! allthetime. B Me, too, b_ Look at the highlighted words and expressions. What do you think they mean? Check your ideas in your dictionary. 10A America and the world There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is ight in America, 1 GRAMMAR be, have, and do: auxiliary and main verbs Look ar the use af the he, have, and dain the sentences. Mark the sentences MY (main verb) or AV (auxiliary verb) 1 New York City was briefly the US capital from 1789 101790. MY 2 George Washington was made US President there. AV 3 Today, chere are hundreds of things to do in New York City The city has over 4,000 street food stalls. More than 250 feature films are shot in New York annually ‘The New York subway doesn’t close at night. Some of the subway musicians have played at Carnegie Hall English isn’ the only language that my family spea home. have | ara nearly 30 years old, We couldn't go out. leis was raining My gisliviend is like {doesn like football, so we never watch iton TV Do you do | Did you do your homework before you went oot lastnight? Dit you | Have you heard the news? Sarah and Martin are geting married! Clare isn't often j doesnt often late. She usually arrives can’t give youa lift, My ear is being [is been repaired. You'te back! Had you { Did you havea good holiday? Have you | Had you read the book before you saw the film? Bil Clinton, American ex-President © Complet have, or do, the dialogues with the correct form of be, 1 A Who is America named after? BI haw. alryolutely no idea! 2a you cold? B Yes.1 bring a jacket 3A your boyfriend havea car? B No.He never learned to drive. 4.4 What you doing on the internet last night? B_ Chatting with some friends. They coming to stay next month, SA your car already been repaired when you went to pick it up? B No,it still in the garage 6A you having party this weekend? R Yes, yon want to. came? 7A you had your eyes tested recently? B Nout! sceing the optician next week, 8 A Why ‘your flight cancelled? B_ Because of bad weather. They purme ‘on another flight for tomorrow. oA ‘anyone seen my phone charger? B Yes,it in my room, sorry 0A you call me lastnight? B No,it me. 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress {0} Listen and write the sentences. | 3 READING a Read the article once. Which of the four people would you vote for? Four great Americans Who would you put on a list of the greatest Americans of all time? Below is a selection of four people you might want to choose. A The first President of the United States, George Washington, {grew up on @ tobacco ferm. He loved the countryside, and he imagined a quiet lfe for himself living at his wealthy family's estate, working on the land. However, he joinad the army in 1752 and rose through the ranks quickly to become a successful ‘and respected Camrander in Chief. To date he has been the only President of the United States elected UnBhiMmausly to the office, He served twa terms as President before retinng to his beloved home, Mount Vernon, where he was at his happiest ways preferred spending time on his estate to political life. Although he was a siaveholder, when he died he set his 123 slaves free, B The Sioux chief, Sitting Bull, is best known for leading the Native American struggle against white European SeterS. Ho led his people to a majar victory over tne settlers at the Battle of Bighom in 1876. After their victory, however, Sitting Bull had tn lnad his group across the bordor to Canada, where thoy ruggled to survive. Eventually, hunger and desperation forced them to return to the US. After spending two years in prisor Sitting Bull joined a Wild West show and became a popular performer. But the government feared another rebelion so an order was sent for his arrest in 1890. Tragically, he was killed in the fight thet broke out during his arrest. € Louis Armstrong was bam into a very poor family in New Orleans, As @ young boy he tellin love with the music made by musicians in the neighbourhood, ‘and started learning He made his name in the 1920s in Chicago and New Orleans with his improvised style of music. He pleyed 8 key role in developing one of the 20th cantury’s most important new music styles —jezz. He is well known for his distinctive deep singing voice and great Skill as an improviser. Although he was rather small in stature, his influence on generations of musicians made him a hugs figure. 1 trumpet when he was 11 D The African-American civil rights activist, Rosa Parks, is often caled ‘the frst lady ofthe civ rights”. On 1 na, she refused (0 GINBIUB her seat to a white passenger o7 @ local bus. Thie cimple rofusel BAKE the Montgomery Qus Boycott which, after 381 days, forced! the city to abandon the law requiring segregation on public buses. She continued to be ‘an activist and danated most of her income to civil rights ‘causes. She lived to see the government pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which abolished schools and the workplace. b According to the article, who. did not spend all his / her life in the USA? 2 lived the life of a country gentleman? 3. made people scop using public transport as a protest? 4 spent some time in pris 5. succeeded in spite of a very underprivileged background? 6 was not very interested in politics? 7 was not very tall? 8 witnessed a change in the law that he f she had by © Lookat the highlighted words and phrases and try to work out their meaning. Then check the meaning and pronunciation in your dictionary. 4 VOCABULARY British and American English Complete the dialogues with the American equivalent of the British Jish words in the list biseuit carpark chips cinema fim holiday bile rubbish secondary school. toilet 1 A Tmhungry B Here, ha 2A Where did you leave your car? B Inthe next to the mall 3A. How oldis your sister? B She's 16. She's still at 4A Whereis the ? B_Irsdown the corridor on the left 5A Isyour boyfriend at work? B_ No, he’son 6 A. What shall we do this evenin B_ We could see the new James Bond iF ye Tike 7 A Inced to make a call B_ Youcanuse my 8 A Imuch prefer seeing films in B_ Do you? I prefer watching chem at home, 9 A Doyou B_ No, I'd rather have a salad. nt with your hamburger? 10 A Where are you going B I'meaking ourthe b_ Write the British equivalent of the American English words in bold, I Hehashisown apartment. — fla 2 Canwe have the cheek, please? 4. Iwantto get some new sneakers. 4 You can save water if you turn off the faucet when jou're cleaning your teeth 5 The worst thing about flying is having to stand in line at the airport: Cyclists shouldn't ride on the sidewalk. Lee's get the subway, i's much quicker than the bus, 8 Wh 9 We're fillup. e's the elevator? sunning out of gas, W 10. A Doyou want some candy? B No, thanks. I'm ona diet. 5 LISTENING (UELED Listen to a radio programme about the top five tourist attractions in San Francisco. Use a word or words from A and a word from B to write the names of the attractions. isher Lombard Transamerica B Bridge Island Pyramid Street Wharf 1 _ Golden Gate Bridge 4 b_ Listen again and answer the questions 1 How long did ie take to build the bridge? 2 Whatkind 3. What can yo 4 Wharkind of ani 5 Whatis anot 6 ff weather is typical in San Francisco Bay? ypically eat in the fish als can you see there? ame for Alcatraz? Whar did there use to be on Ale How many bends are there on the most famous part of the st 8 Whatis the speed limit? 9. Whereis the tallest building in San Francisco? 10 How high is ie © Listen again with the audio seript on p.77 and try to guess the meaning of any words you don’t know en check in your dietionai USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES carn the words and phrases. accent fekson nod /n (pay sha) compliment fortnight fo am weird turkey would ra LOB £xan time 1 VOCABULARY exams Match the verbs to the defini cheat_cram fall pass sit take achieve the necessary standard in an exam pass actin an unfair way to get an advantage doanexam or not be successful in an exam learn alot ina short time before an exam 2 PRONUNCIATION revision of sounds a Write the words in the correct columns according to the pronunciation of the letter a, cendete cram eramner fal wiglator Tarte oral pupers pass taka 1 2 3 7 eI we a b WIEN Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words © Match the words with the same vowel sounds. cheat choice could guess multiple option revise university written 1D € problem — option 6 test > 2 Gy aream [ A | subject 3 BD took 8 UL! schoot 4 @ fon 9. style 5 BR, word 10 DT enjoy dQ AGED Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words. There is no end to education. itis not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. ‘The whole of life, rom the moment you are born to the moment you di id Krishnamurti, nian is a process of learning. ilosophical and spietual writer READING Read the article once and match the headings with the paragraphs. There is one extra heading you do not need to use. A Revising for more than one exam, B Alone or with friends? C Dealing D Onthe morning ofthe exam with unwanted distractions E Making the most of your revision time F Once the exam starts Read the article again and choose the right answer 1 Thearticle recommends that students who are revising should work, a inten minute periods, D_ in up. 40-minute periods, © witha break every hour, Ifyou are taking exams in several different subjects. 2. concentrate on only one subject each evenin bb always start by revising che subject you like least check your answers to the exams you have already taken The article says that feeling nervous on the morning of the exam. a canbea good thing b- doesn't matter if your friends are too. © only happens w for an exam. people are late 4 When you turn over the exam paper, the article says you should a make notes next to each question. b start with che questions you know ast about The article suggests that ideal exam a there are enough invigilacors, b candidates can concentrate fully. © adoctor ison hand to deal with any problems. LAST-MINUTE EXAM TIPS Exams have a habit of reeping|up on us and there never seems to be enough time to cover everything. So what can you do to make sure that you perform as well as possible on the day of the exam? It is never too late to learn, so read on! x ova) th good intentions to il, ok th Fh minute break and then stor of 40-minute ir mind wanders, on he time between exams wisely and keep your revision on, 2 oftcid h De na ige the exams thal you have ju dl Thee is nathing 21 ir them now, bu! there is lot you can de be taken, That is our periormance inthe oF \ fonts should i » 96) nue remember that y lifting ond may cont the night befor the fips here which work for you © Match che highlighted! idioms in che text to the definitions below 1 notpleasantin a way that can make you feel negative 1 lose control of your thoughts and they move to other ideas keep you al 3d ready'to deal with problems 4 writing something qui 5 begin to un cand and deal with something difficult 6 moving slowly n er without being seen or heard 4 GRAMMAR eevision of verb forms a Ge 2 Thow ve rend since hoo 4 Hequied Thetacheris soto pape 6 Tneedarubbe.'vemade/maiea mistake 9 rm going to | Mend you my notes i yout 10 Mancoul'tg ou because espe] hellspet al bis B Compete the daogues. Use the correct form of the 1 A How ldarethose houses? S —Thoywer- iin he 1960s. (bid A. Why do you miss he sea B Because! nthe coast (ive) B Nol home now (9 (not clean) : A. Why does ou hl lok fren? B Because! a dferen colour, (9) 6 A. Why didnt Jack dive to work this morning? B Because inj ifwedd (lose B Because lasted died 0A Why ieshe crying B_ Because her boyfriend said her. (not love) A Why didn’t you speak to Millie? BI her, of course I would have spoken to her. (know) dn’ recognize her, twas LISTENING a ©} You are going to hear ar bout the international PISA tests. Which th countries get the highest marks in these tests? 1b Listen again and complete the notes, PISA (Programme F International Student ) Organized by: the Purpose: to evaluate the of each country Year when first tests were hold: « Tests held: every® Age of students: Subjects tested: 1 ence, at Length of test: Factors contributing to good results: Asia: high high standard of teaching .cus on understanding Finland: high standard of ts id left behind ‘community ¢ Listen again with the audio script on p. guess the any words that you don’t know Then check in your dictionary USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn the words and phrases. dreaded hoot WA | Listening aA) Pre enter Helloand weleometo the ' success and failure. Our business expe: Jalia iin the tudo with uo today and togive ussome tipson naming company. Good morning, Julia Julia Hello. Pre to someone who is looking for a name fortheir company? enter What advice would you give Julia First ofall, you want your customers to be able to remember the name. This means tharithas to be quite short. Two syllables seems to be about right think of eBay, Twitter, and Nike, and you'll se what [ mean, Pre a Julia. Well there's for findiny enter ‘That makes sense, Whacelse need to take your time overt First have a brainstorming session, and he ideas that come into your head, Then, takea week or soto thinkabout the names on the be surprised by the nes that you remember! And this is the point, really. Fa name stays in your remember it, 00. Presenter Arethereany kinds of words thar make good company name? Julia Not really. The name can be absolutely anything. You can even invent your own word, ifyou like. Try joining ivvo words together to forma complete incorrectly ~anything to make your company sound different. Gizmodo isa good example ofthis ~ the word isn'tin Jictionary the founders just made itup Presenter Have ll company names come from brainstorming sessions? Julia No, notaeall. Some com their names by chance. Som ies got 1 heard something which gave them the idea fora nam Presenter Can you giveusan example? Julia Yes, ofcourse. Um, have you heard of a company called Caterpillar? Presenter Yes, have, Julia You know how a caterpillar moves, don't you? Presenter Whatdo you mean? Julia They havealor move slowly, sort of pulling the uupand down, Well, this Hole Tractor Company. Buc one day, the founder, Benjamin Hole, heard someone talking about the company’s new tractor. The person suid that the vehiele pillar. Mr Hole like this image so much thathe chai moved ikestca ed the company name to Caterpillar, The lesson here is that inspiration can come atany time, o you have ro keep your eyesand ears open Presenter Whatan interesting story! Julia, thank you so much for joining us. Julia My pleasure 1B) Presenter Hi,my name's Paul Coombs sach ofthe room: oF your house's stare with the dining room. choose warm colours like .o they increase a person's appetite ars.on the other side of the spectrum, like befor example, have the opposite effect ancl stop people from feeling hungry. That's why blue isa poor colour choice for a dining room Moving onto the kitchen now, the colour you paint this room depends on the colour of your kitchen cupboards you probably won't wane to change the ‘ones you've gor because they're quite sein the Kitchen are brown, peach, and yellow colours like brick red or dark een can also look nice when they are used with more neutral colours. Colours I wouldn't recommend fora kitchen are lighter shades of green and blve, for the As ford 1, you have totake the sizeof the room and the lighting into accounthere, and you also have to think ofthe effect you want to colours will make room seem larger, whereas darker colours will makeiie feel more comfortable, more cosy. Warm colours like beige, creat ‘or some shades of yellow ean make room lookinviting, while cooler colour touch of formali Now let’stakesa look at the bedroom, You really want to choose relax colours fora bedroom - colours like pale blue, green, or pink usually work well colours are oo stimulating Fora restful room like this, so you should real use th And colours you use depend on what effect nally, the bathroom. fou wane ro create. Light colours and natural shades such as light blue and relaxing spa feeling. In the bathroom, you need to avoid dark colours because i ‘will just make the room seem smaller preferences in ne forget to take your own colous consideration when you're deciding which colours touse you're the one who will have to use the room once i's painted. But fyou take my adviee, you're sure to be pleased with the result. Good luck with your 2a) Speaker I Thishappenedal st son, Mati igo when my youn: was about five, We had been visiting friends in England and they had given hima plastic knife asa present, When we got toairport security, the knife showed up on the screen, and a customs official took itout of our bag, While ‘was talking to the customs official and explaining about son shout: Hands up!" Irurned around and saw him pointing his plastic water pistol at the customs offical Speaker 2. Recently, went o visit ‘friend in Spain, When I got to che airport to fly home, [realized that Vd eft my phoneat her house. Ineeded to contact her urgently so that she could ‘othoairport, but h absolutely no idea of her aurmber. Then L remembered thar she had sent it to me in a message on Facebook. lexp problem co one of the men at security and he let me use his smartphone to access the site and find the number When I found it, lealled my friend and she brought my phone co the airport. Speaker 3 [live abroad and I miss certain things from home, especially houmous isa Midlle Eastern dish which isa kind of thick paste you can paton bread. In England, you can buy itin a jar from a supermarket. Anyway, on my lascerip home to London, Thad bought some houmous to take home with me Unfortunately the security screener saw the jarin my bag and told me that houmous countsas@ liquid, She said thae couldn't rake itwith me and then Speaker 4 [¢ was summer, and my children were quite young a the time he day hefore our flight, we had been tothe beach. We had spent most of the day on the rocks with anetanda bucket catching crabs. We put the crabs back before we left the beach and then we wenthome. The next d bag was extremely wet. When T opened it I discowened that she bad put one of he crabs in an old coffee jar filled with water. Apparently, she wanted to show Speaker $ You won! he airport onc security gate, I suddenly remembered her friends back home, eve what Idid ‘hen we got to the that had a small bostle of mineral wate inmy backpack, so I took it out to throw iaway in the containers they ha Unfortunately, had my wallet with my passport and my boardi same hand, so when I threw the bottle in, everything el ellin, coo, [was alized what Uhad done, but fortunately my hysterical when I girlfriend was the container and fet around until she found my wallet 2B) Journalist Hello everyone and thank rou for turning up here today. Let me shopping inthe high street of your own of village? The answer is probably not very oftesn’ But if Tasked yon iyo wanted your high street to survive, i's ui likely chat you wo thisis the problem facing ldsay yes’ And estimated 5,000 high streets today: we wane chem tobe there, but we hardly everuse them, Sadly, they won'esurvive oon this mixture of kind thoughts and Which is why we are starting anew campaign, We've called it Reinventing the High Sorect, and that is exactly what wwe aim to do, We want to make sure that cour historic shopping communities wil exist in the furure so that our children's children will be able to use them. We hoped identify che char at our eampaign will help high scree olifein the 2st century In the weeks and months ahead, we will bring rogeth rd representatives from local and national government ro discuss the problem. We want ro draw up aa act plan to inject new life into the countr high sreets. We will highlight ideas hat some areas have already adapred which have made chem more popular One example isthe click-and-collect store, where consumers goto collect the proxlucts they have ordered online. This kind of store provides-a much the same rime attracts people tothe store, and soit is good for both sides. We willalso invite well-known faces shopping destinations wieh us. Along lise of celebrities has already agreed tobe interviewed. And we would also like you, che readers, to nominate the h theanswer to survival These will be Jnstreets that you feel have found shopping communities where there isa balance between large and small stores, and where both constimes Jnother’s needs. Atthe end ofthe year, a panel of experts will igh Street ofthe Year, which chorea H will seve as.a model For all ofthe others inthe countey Most of ll through our-campaign, ‘weaim to unite the two conflicting ‘opinions that residents have about their high streets. Somehow, itmust be possible both to want your high street tobe there and ro want to use it. Onl ‘when these two desires are brow togethers one will our high streets be safe in the furure Presenter And now fortelevision. A w called Forever Youn premiered on’TV Land last night. Like along —nothing new you may chink. Bu n cis particular show thereare two different groups: juniors and seniors. The juniors are three men and two women, the same mixof men and women, have passed cheie 70th birthdays, The ide istosce ifthe ewo groups can bridge In the first episode lastnight, we met the participants, The seniors, Arthur the first to arrive a the house. The knew chat they were going to be ina the juniors— that’s Andree, Angelin: Christian, Mike, and Sam. They had been told that they were going to star in 1 fun new TY series, s0 you a imagine their reaction when they came face-to face with the seniors. When both groups 10 share realized that they were goi he same house, they were shocked! ‘Once the participants had calmed down, was time forthe first ask. The producers gave each group $500 to buy everything the whole house would need for the next week, At the superna the differ thi generations soon became apparent While the seniors were discussing which cleaning products to ba s were busy filling their crlley juni with junk food, OF course, both oups ‘were horrified when they saw what the other had bought. Inthe next task, called “Bridging the ap’ the seniors team had to answer quiz questions about pop culture, whil the juniors were asked ab history. 78-year-old Arehur managed to identily the Jonas Brothers froma photo but 24-year-old Sam gor no points for saying thatthe American ‘Civil War happened after the Second World War. Despite roups manage to bridge the generation Righe nowy, seems that neither group wants to make contact with the ‘ther, bur will that change during the show? The only way to find out isco watch the second episode of Fore Young next Wednesday. lknow that I'm 38) Jack Jane, do you have asked to choose a photo ext year’s Photo Exhibition in “apa for the poster of he village hall in March, 'm struggling tochoose the bestone, can you help? Jane Sure, would be happy to. Is th exhibition? theme for the ph Jack Yes,x their best travel and holiday pictures, sking people to send so I'm trying to find something for the poster to inspire people. What l wancto it.and dis to choose one photo,enla then put the text on top ofthe phore with the details of che exhibition. Jane OK, solet’s see what you have here Jack Well, ma the list co these three photos. Jane Wow, they all ook very professional, like this one wih tourists inthe fo ound looking at the scener Jack Yes, it's one of my favourite travellingin Asia. Alot of peopl up there just before sunset; it's the best jew in Taipei. You can see the whole city below withall the modern rower blocks and skyscrapers, bur they all ook tiny next to this incredibly all building, [think i's the third tallest buildingin the world! Jane ‘These men on the left-hand side of the picture reall don'e they? They make you realize now enormous the rower is, But what | really lik he setting sun is shining on the rock — givingica loved Jack Yeah, Iquite like the e brown rock against the pout this picture isthe way picture ven tree and green rower. But I'm not sure twill ook chat good ifyou enlarg Kk and [think you won't be able to itto poster-size: these rocks will Jane OK, how about this one, chen? It Tooks like ie was also taken at sunset Those hills in the distance look so wild and mysterious, and [love the way the ssn rellectson the water Jack I quite like this one, too. The ducks siting on the boats drinking and cleaning themselves~ they make me smile every time [look at this photo. shink people will realy lik because i's very p atthe same time the ducks make ifn. Jane OK, so this one isa possibility. How about the third photo? Everybody likes pictures of children playing, and this one just makes you want to jump on the Fountain and run around with the kids Jack Lay re, i'sa very happy picture fhyou can't see the faces of the children, you can ell they are enjoying themselves. | also like the brightbackground against rhe dark look hinkiewould ground. Do you Jane really like chis phote ut you said the theme of the exhibition s eravelling and holidays, so [think you want to show something a bie more {exotic than a fountain on the poster. Jack You're right. Po also worried that -00 big when yo poster Jane OK, so i's the three men in the boat with the ducks, then Jack Yes, it looks like che best choive Thanks for your help, jane Jane No problem, ld poster when its finished. ai) Preaznter Woe back. Now wee feangiotakealook at rcceling wound ines So Ab where shal we Abby Ler's start with one ofthe ‘countries that produces the most waste inthe workl: Australia, According tothe OECD Factbook, that's the Organisation for Economic Co. ‘operation and Development, every Australian creates about 600 kg of waste teach year, which is nearly as much as the USA. The good news is thar recycling {nn Australia has grown in popularity in recent years and now abouta third ‘of the wasteis recycled. Now, nearly all household recycle or ruse paper and plastic bags. In fac, Australia is the number one recycler of old newspapers ~ ‘every year, more than two billion copies are recycled Presenter That certainly is good news! What have you got next for us? Abby We're going to Scandinavia next, to Sweden, In Sweden, recycling isa sway of life. Everything from electrical fs recycled and Sweden isthe leader in recycling plastic bottles and aluminium 7. Alehough the country in 2009, produces quite a lot of waste theamount was about 480 person per year only 4% of that ends up in landfill sites, The rests used ina special programme called the Waste- to-energy Programme, Waste is burnt ‘and en of thousands of homes. [n fact, recently Sweden ran out of waste for the scheme and ithad to be imported from abroad Presenter What about countries that Abby The main problem with recycling in many countries ofthe world is that there is no official garbage collection. That means that the State does nothing about recycling, either, Take India, for example. Local newspapers report that each person on average only produces halfa kilo of waste per year, but with a population of well over a thousand million, chats stilla lot of rubbish! Presenter Soin countries like India, nothing is recycled? Abby intndi tually, lots of things bbavie often ina very unofficial way. People call on houses to buy old Jothes, out-of-date newspapers, and broken electrical goods cheaply. Then they sell hese items ae ahi ro companies who make sone, Lifferent out of them. In che end, about quarter of the waste is recycled Presenter Abby, tellus about another country Ii Abby Well, South Af same kind of problem, although most households do have access toa garbay collection, The problem is there aren many places to take recyclables, and atthe momentall of he waste ends pata landfill site In 201], a waste management report said that the average South African currently produces about (0.7 kg of wasce per yearand only about 3.3% of thisis recycled. This is mostly ‘done by people who collece cans, paper, tlass, and plastic From dustbins and recently introduced a new law to try to improve the situation, The aim ofthe new Waste Actisthacall households separate their rubbish within the next four years. Presenter Let'shope te works! Abby thankyou for joining ws. Abby You're very welcome 48)) Presenter Helloan amme. Now, you may have noticed welcome to the ifyou wancto getajob. Around a fifth ‘of young people are being taken on by Now, se fai that ca employing, often very well-qualified, young people without paying them? Today, we have Olga with us. Olga, you worked asan intern, and now, Pm pleased to say, you are in full-term employment Olga Well juestion ofliving expenses. Most White's you idlike to stare with th internships last for about three months Many graduates can’t afford to live away from home for such a lon without earning any money. Internships in London are completely out of reach for most of the UK's you that reports a huge 78% ofall 18-10 344-year-olds have said ‘hae they could not afford to livein the capital if they were offered an unpaid nternship. That leaves companie: n London with only 22% of allthe country’s graduates to choose fromif they don’toffera salary. So by offering unpaid internships, these companies are limiting the choice of people they ‘ean take on. Ifthe internship was paid, then the company could choose the most talented applicants, instead of only employing those candidates who have {enough money to ps Presenter What other reasons do you Olga. Well, employing an unpaid intern for along period of time is tually illegal. You see, the company is breaking the Minimum Wage Act of 1998, This, law states char all workers must receive wage. So far, all ofthe i taken ferns who have paying them have won their ease. And So, yousee, inthe long rn, it might ‘unpaid inteen than to give them salary Presenter But won't companies ake on fewer interns if they have to pay for them? Olga Thac certainly isa possibilty, David, but think thae chere is another alternative, In my opinion, ‘we should go back to the traditional work experience placements of the past. Th placements lasted only ‘wo weeks and they were much more suitable for graduates who coulda’ afford to work free fora long period of week placements instead of three-month time. Ifcompanies offered tw unpaid internships, they wouldn't be in danger of breaking the law and they Presenter Thank you, Olga. Now; let's hear from Terence Littlewood. Terence Terence Well, takea number of Olge’s points, but 5A) Speaker 1 studying. Bursome evenings [ike to watch TV to relax. 'm not so keen om so Justally watch cable networks like Discovery Channel. My favourit progeamme is How i's mad Tikea kind of shore documentary about how the acrories, Like most people my age make everyday objects in james or to chat with my friends, | suppose I spend about 2 hours a week watching TV and [5 hours online Speaker 2. I guess I'm going off television, interesting these days, There's somuch more happening on the web with people talkin, thacare goingon. Social media is being up second, 2417, s0 that you feel that you are actually part ofthe world around you. Whenever the TV ison, itonly has sion, and my eyes are always looking over to my phone reach, would estimate that | probably spend twice as mul ays chan I dowatehing TV ly. [just find that it isn'e as Speaker 3_ My wifeand |only switeh he television on when we know there's a programme chat we want co watch, We both like some ofthe Tike good fil from that, our tasees are quite different ike to watch the football when it's fon, but my wife is ata interested, She pre don't appeal eo me, We only ever use the internet for emails orto talk ur daughter in Canada once a week. Although we don't warch that much TV we spend even less time online Speaker 4 Yeah,lv TV real shows, and I've always got my ‘smartphone on, so that I can commer fon them with my friends as we watch The X-Fac ors the best —i'sakind of people come on stage to show what they Fansley During the acts, my friends and together! I spend a lor of time online to0, but nor as much as [doin the telly maf Speaker S_ I'm really into music, bu not the kind of mainstream music you Find on music channels on the TY. The only place you can listen tothe bands that [likes on the internet. When Pim at home, you're mach more likely to find me in my study'in front of my computer than watching TV. There are som videos online, not only music videos, butalso news stories, too, [ean’tstand watching the news on TY because .nd repetitive. You get a much different 5B) Interviewer Susan, can youtellus something about where you live? Susan Yes, Germany called Molzen, I's about it'sa litle village in north 90 kin south of Hamburg, right in che middle of the countryside. There's school, with about 80 pupils, and there's a sports ground and a park. Inthe middle ofthe village, ehete sabi with lots ofcows and th running through the farm. We used tc have a village shop, buritclosed down Interviewer Where did you live before? Susan Iused rolive in Manchester —1 went to university the Interviewer Whardo: Molzen? sudo herein Susan Irunano with my husband he's German, We met while Iwas at university, and we ame here because his family hasan anic farm near here. Our company buys grain from organie farmers all over north Germany, We turn the grain into flour and then we make baking mixes from the flour. We sell the baking mixes to organic food shops in nearly every uaropean country.1'm the sales and marketing manager, and [have tog diferent cities to visit the customers, That's the part of my job Ilike most reall Interviewer Whar do youlike about living where you do? Susan [like going rani right outside my back door. Ir's easier todrive inthe country, too, because there areno traffic lights, and thete iso’ much teafficon the roads, Lalso Tike wimaming in the he except the village du swim inthe lake at sunset, 00, as long as there time, [pla go around the other villages playing many mosquitoes. ln my free festivals, and there's always someone | know Interviewer Isthereanything you dort’ like about living n che country? Susan Yes, although Idon’e mind driving, I sometimes hate che fact that] have todrive everywhere because there are no buses or trams. The nearest train station isnearly 8 km away. lesalso quite seary outside at night, because itis really darkand there are no street lamps. Interviewer Doyou think that you'll ever go back a the city? Susan Yes, hope so, dontlike being so ar away from the city. Ifwe lived nearer ould goto concerts more often. I have toride on a train for 45 minutes or driv for an boutr if want to go shopping in Hambu airport f00,50 I could travel more often, ‘like to live closer toan Vélike to-go back to living ina city when Leetize. Atche moment, i's nice to have big house in che country, but think 6A) Speaker 1 This happened ro me while of my First ladder, heard the phone ring ise, While Iwas up the sol came down the ladder to answer it. Heft the paintbrushes and the paint pot on the outside window ledge so that [could carry on later. Unfortanately, while T was on the phone, ag the ladder, causing ito knock the paint ell all over my neighbour's brand new car which he'd parked outside his front door. I spent the restof the weekend cleaning his ear! Speaker 2 My mother bought usa picture when we moved into our new bur my husband didn’t like ir muck so we didn't put cup at first. We waited antil che day before her firstvisitro hang iton the wall. When my mother arrived sshe commented on how nice the picture looked. Then she sat down in the chair underneath itto have acup of tea. Two later he piccure fell off the wall and landed on her head. She was sitting here with the frame around her neck, Luckily, she saw the funny’side of Speaker 3 Wewere thinking about have a look with my son, Suddenly, he took step forward and started falling through the floor. Luckily, managed to pull him out ly. We went straight down to inspect the rooms before he wene through comple below, but we coulda’t see any damage complain abouta large hole in the outthat the attic belongs to both of our when my son fell. That was the end of ‘out plans for the atte! Speaker 4 laying the new floor of my living room, his happened when La Before I started, I measured the room carefully and cut all ofthe pieces o ‘wood to the right length. Then I put down the first line of wood, which fitted beautifully asmall new floor and the wall n the next line, noticed space between the end of the The space grew as laid the rest of the wood across the room and by the time I had reached Never mind, you can’t actually see the p because my sofa ison top of Speaker S The radiator in our downstairs toilet was leaki sol decided to ry and fix ic mysel emptied all ofthe wacer out ofthe radiator—or atleast I thought had and then [started to take ic off the wal Unfortunately, as I did so, ajet of hor black water shot up neo the airand made hole inthe ceiling. I dropped the radiator, an outof the room, and slammed the door behind me. By the time [had earned off the water supply tothe house, our downstairs rile was unrecognizable, Since then, we've always gota professional in to doany jobs around the house 6B) Presenter Hello and welcome to the programme. Now, complaining ina estatsrantean be quite difficult, and very few people know how to do ie well Today, I've ot a restaurant critic in tho studio with me, He’s going to give us some tips on what you should do if you Owen Hell ter What's the key to makin, sucessful complaint, Owe Owen The mostimportant thingistoact immediately. Ifyou aren't happy wih That way will ave: the restaura rance todo something about it, and you won't spoil the meal for everybody else Presenter How should we goabout making the complaint? ‘Owen Callthe lain what is wron iter over quietly and Express ely ask him oc her co solve the problem. les calmly exp your disappointment and then pol important not to blame the waiter ashe ‘or she may nor be directly responsible forthe problem. Ifa dish isn't cooked to sour satisfaction, it is more likely tobe the chef's fault than the waiters Presenter So, what should wedo ifthe waiter doesn't solve the problem? ‘Owen That's when you need to rake the complaint to someone in a higher position. Ask politely to speak to che ‘manager. Explain the prob lr her and say why you are not satisfied Presenter Arethereany other ways of ‘Owen Yes, you always have the tip to pl ith. Giving asmall tip isa powerful ‘way of showing your dissatisfaction. Of course, you can always decide not toleavea tip atall, but if you do that hink that you ten, Remember to separate a problem wich the waiter from a problem urant. Ifthe Food wasn't very good, but the waiter d with the resta lewith your complaint as well ashe or she could then you should stillleave atip, Presenter What aboutonce we've left the restaurant? Is there anything we can doz Owen Yes, there is. you're still not satisfied after you have complained eo to goto the authorities, In the UK, you Citizen's Advice Bureau or the Office of Fair Trading, and in the USA, you can try yout local Better Busineoe Bureau Presenter And finaly, w wedoifwe Owen Ifyou you believe it came from your meal, -mmediately. Ifthe restaurant doesn’t take your complaint seriously, you ean -eport your illness tothe local hea department. Presenter Owen, thankyou for that advice ‘Owen My ple Dai) Presenter ...Now, ers move on to clevision. Lase night was probably most emotional episode of Secret naire I've seen this season —and itwasalso the last programme of the seen it, Secret Millionaire isa reality show where unknown millionaires go to poor areas of the UK to find people and. On last night's show, the guest was the young millionaire Andrew Felon, 2 24-year old professional poker player, who hasa fortune of around six million pounds. The producers of the programme managed to persua him to leave his life of luxury to travel to Bradford acity with the highest rate of youth unemployment in th UK. Andrew was given the keysto one-bedroom fla in one ofthe worst areasof the city and cold to go out and find some people to help. To explain why the cameras were accompanying hhim, he pretended to be an unemployed nga documentary about ig opportunities for young people hh first organization Andrew visited achildrenand young people's charity run by Rich, a was The Joshua Projec area where crime is high and jobs are non-existent. While Andrew was.with Foorball The Joshua Project, he refereed match, organized a pool tournament for the kids, and helped run a workshop or cultural differences, The next charity he found was Litle improve the lives of children who have After he Founder, Chris, he helped doliver toys to the children on the cancer ward ofthe lo hospital and he gor to know some of the patients Last but not least, Andrew got in en se Ltd charity run by Gary, who was onc rouch with The fom less himself. Gary got Andrew involved with Hidden Voices, the ‘magazine produced by the of After writing an article for the next tedition, Andrew stood inthe city centre tryingto sell enough magazines Fora cp of coffee and a sandwich, The seat thing about the programme was seeing Andrew learn from his three charities. Being a card player, he isn’t used to showing his felin ast night, the tears Andrew cried were real, He was shocked to se the contrast berween his own life, which revolves, mainly around making money, and the lives ofthe charity workers, who dedicate all their time co helping others, Usually, the juests on Secret aire agree co donate atleast £60,000 oftheir money to charity bur Andrew chan that, He gave away much more jonated £100,000 to the children's cancer charity Little Heroes, £25,000 28,000 to The Hidden Homel Healso: The Joshua Project, and td, wea personal cheque tothe founder, Gary, so that he could take ‘one ofthe children on the holiday of > Secret Millionaire went outon a high note last night, Unforeunacely i wont be back again until sometime nex pe you're looking forward 78) Guide Hello and CCyberworld. As you know, computer One particular gamer called Jon Jacobs hasjust made a forcune by selling one of his vireual properties. Our games expert, Jos is with us in che studio today to tell us about the transaction. Good morning, Jost, Josh Hello Presenter Josh, can you start by telling tus something about Mr Jacobs? Josh Yes, sure, Eem, Jon Jacobs isn hherunsa music and movie business in Hollywood, California, But Mr Jacobs i also an important presence ina virea ‘world called Entropia Universe. Entropia Universe is an online game played by neatly a million people worldwide. Th players use real cash to buy things in the same. Each player has an avatar, and game is New Mr Jacobs, Presenter W sitchen, Josh, thar Mr Jacobs has sold? Josh Well until recently, Mr Jacobs, alias Never ci Neverti fone of the hottest virtual esin Entropia, Club Neverd p around Entropia’ first ph 1 Calypso, cabs bought the for $100,000. He ge house to buy i Presenter What isso special about Club Neverdive Josh Club New ieis no ordinary space visa must-see destination forother players. Ithasa nightclub, stadium, and a mall wlicre uthes players spend real cash on virtual vices. When Mr Jacobs so the property, he was making around $200,000 enough co comfortably support him and his amily Presenter Josh, you said that Mr Jacobs ght the asteroid for $100,000. How much was the space station worth when he soldi? sh He sold Club Ni '$635,000, That means he made profit ‘of over halfa million dollars. Presenter Wow, that'salorof money! Who was the buyer? Josh Actuall $635,000is alot of money, s0 che space here wasr't one buyer, station was sold in parts. The largest portion went ro another avatar in the led John Forma Kalun, He 300 for his pare ofthe space station, which makes the sale the lar Presenter Josh, why did Mr Jacobs decide to sell Club Neverd Josh He needed the money to set up Entropia Univers yehas called Rocktropis. k's project h ompanies, Rocktropiaisa new concept related missions and attend live concerts by bands from the real world, The projertis urteutly said to be making. around $10 per active user per month, bur Mr Jacobs won't say how many play Presenter Ler’ wish Mr jacobs luck in sare using. his new vencure, then, Josh, thank you Josh No problem. 8A) Presenter Yes, well, 've been look some destination spas thar won't break the bank, Let's stare with one hat is ranked top of Trip Advisor's list of resorts: the Maya Tulum Retreat & Spain Mexico. The complex offe many different spa treatments as well as dream classes, tropical food, and a raditional Mayan sauna. Butthe best hing about the resort isits location, Maya'T saribbean coast in the southeast of nis scuated on Mexico's atyou get he best of both worlds: the sea and the rainforest, Private villas on the beach are also available Moving farther north, let's take a look at Spa Eastman in Quebec, Canada. Thisisa at place for experiencing ‘of different temperatures, 1 che body. You start by lying in a hoe Ifyou wantto try our some peat therapy, you can do it here, t00. Let's goto Europe now, to the Lasko ‘Thermal Spa Resort in Slovenia, The resort is just outside the village of Calje,a peaceful place surrounded by ‘mountains and wide rivers~ the scenery tt the reason that the is stunning resorts so popular is that itspecializes in traditional Hindle medicine, which is based on diet, herbal crearment, and breathing exercises. Another attraction isits hot natural springs, Also in Europe, there's wonderful lieleresorton the island of San in Greece. Irs called che Museum Spa Wellness Hotel andis seein che middle ofa garden that contains the two oldest ive crees on the island. The main build was turned intoa museum before being was originally a mansion that converted into a hotel and spa. There's 1 beautifully decorated swimming pool anda barin the rien, and in che spa and mass pedicures, facials Africa might noe bea continent that sour normally associate with spas, but there's an excellent resort in South Africa. The Fordoun Hotel & Spa is located in the Drakensberg mountains Tie hotel has 22 luxurious rooms which allhave balconies looking out onto th gardens, so guestscan enjoy the seener as well as the erearment. The spa offers wide range of services and there isalso {an indoor pool, bar, and lounge. And there you have it. The five mo: atfo 0 find, Please check the websites as the prices can vary depending dable spa packages chat [was abl ‘onthe season, but fyou are Flexible about 88)) Speaker 1 Iwasarschoolin southern There were fe ‘Sweden. ssthat went from my town to different ports in both Easrand West Germany. For a generation the East Germanshad seen them, Suddenly, everything changed. Crowds of East Germans arrived in Sweden, easily identified by their esas they saw the shop windows. They had no Swe burthe local shopkeepers gor together and gave them all vouchers that they could use fora few small pu Speaker 2 After gett ‘utr big day, our wedding ty piled Thunder showers threatened and [was ery nervous. Everyone in the car was listening to the radio in the driver's area in front of the partition. Suddenly, Isa «flash of light outside, had actually seen the rocket go past! tried to tel the ‘others, but they were making too much noise. We're still married, and I don’t have that much trouble remembering the anniversary date July 20th 1969, Speaker 3 I wassitting ona plane waitingom the runway to take off arReagan Airport in Washingeon, wouldn'ebe going any where forthe ime being, Forget about your lnggage and get out ofthe airport as quick as possible, he said. [began to realize something horrible was happening When I got off the plane and saw the Pentagon burning, Ihad no idea what 1 Jo except to keep walking Speaker 4 Wewere based in North Malaya and I was up and about gett ready for my part-time job asa school mathe radio secretary, Suddenly, I hea that someone had been shot. Ittook me a while co realize that che newsreader was talking about the US President. [called my husband straight away, but he didn’t believe me, The Head of my school didnt believe me either when I told him. Je thought | must have misheard and went off to check. Everyone found it ad happened Speaker 5 Iwasin the UK staying with imy sister atthe time, We were difficult to believe what kitchen and my brother-in-law had broughthome a newspaper. I glanced at the headlines, and I saw that hundreds of people had been killed in Thailand As time went on, the number increased, ese to thousands, then to tens of thousands, and finaly to hundreds thousands. Of course, more countries had been affected, too. Ijust could imagine how one incident could cause such massive descruction 9A) Presenter Next weekend, London will host the World Memory Championships, [have to.contfess, I've what can you never heard ofthis, ells about che competition’ Jamie Well, the competition consiaes of ten different events, and in each one he competitors have to show thei ability to remember different things. In fone ofthe events, they have to recall a event, they have to memorize the orde ofa pack of playing cards and then sa om memory the order ofthe cards. This eventistimed, and the man who hholds the speed playing cards record is the German, Simon Reinhard. He remembered the order of the whole pack of 52 cardsin 21.19 seconds. Thisisa Presenter Jamie, tellussomething about the current world champion. Jamie Last year's competition was won by yet another German called Johanne: Mallow. Johannes isin his thieties, and he holds several world records. The last tone he broke was when he memorized 912 numbers in 15 minutes, lo this yeat's World Memory Championships, he's hoping to hold on a his title Presenter Is here anybody else wo should know about? Jamie Yes, the man who won the first World Championships and then went on years. His names Dominic O'Brien, and he's British. Dominic is in his fifties now rid he has developed hisown memory technique. Toxay, he gives lecturesabout ssing memory toitsfulleapacity, and he Isoappears on television, He has written ‘more than 15 books on the subject, and he once had an entry in the Guinness Book of Records for memorizing random sequence of 2,808 playin Before you start trying ro work tout pat’ 4 packs of cards, Presenter When was the first World Championships held, jamie? Jamie The first time the competition was The was back in 1991, It was organized by two British men: Tony Buzan, one ‘of the works experts in memory and and Raymond Keane, the Bricish chess Grand Master and the newspaper: Presenter So, who can competein this Jamie Well, theoretically, anybody can take part. None of the top competitors ‘would claim to have been born with a great memory. Allofthem have learned the necessary techniques to develop theirskills,and they have practised togettothe top of their spore. Today thereare competitors from 30 differ countries all ofthem competing to be the next world champion. Presenter Andis the competition alway’ held in the UK? Jamie Most ofthe time, usually in London, but Oxford has hosted the championship once and so has Manchester. But the competition has also been held abroada few times: twic in Bahrain, twice in China,and once in Malaysi Presenter Well, 'msure'm not going remember all that, bu Jamie, thank: for coming on, 9B) Speaker 1 My dad's fv 0 [ havea lot of relatives living there n Pakistan, When my cousin Farheen got married, weall went over to the wedding. In the evening, I remember being inside amarquee~ one of those large tents sed for social occasions—when one ‘of my aunties came up to meandl put something around my neck. Iewas.a of flowers ime, I didn’ abig circle ofthem. realize that it was this, so said thank you, and wenroff to dance wearing the garland. Almost immediately, one of my cousins came uprtome and said, "You wane to take TWed here. Ttho that n't really wear chose over ‘wanted me to look like one ofthe family instead of making itobvious Speaker 2 my own wedding. V his actually happened at 5 wife is from the im from Country in the north oF Spain, We were United States and Basque net married at a civil ceremony ina courthouse in New York. On the big day, we wereat home when we had a call froma friend waiting .. She said ‘When are you're on in minutes.’ We had to leave fase! My father-in-law drove us to the courthouse, which luckily five minutes from where we lived, but he couldn't park outside. Ithad started torain, and we had to crossa very busy road to get there. The most memorable thing about our wedding is that we were hoth absolutely soaked! Ie was fun, Speaker 3. When Iwas living in South wedding, She was actually from there so [was really looking forward to wedding, Atthe lst minuce, she asked me to be her bridesmaid ~ even better I chought, When we goto the venue, was surprised tosee that there were lov of other wedding parties there. This After th get married on the same day ceremony, it was time for My colleague was carrying bouquet oflbeautiful flower the bouquet for one ofthe photos. She had to theow ito me and Thad ro catch before the photographer could get the perfect picture! Speaker 4 Oncofmy unclesis Greek so when my cousins got married inthe LIK —their weddings always incorporated some of the Gree traditions, Imust have been about six when my white dress which had bits of money toher dress, By the end of the evening, 1 white, because nbank notes. Ian remember her laughing lookin Speaker 5 When Ifirstarrived in Spain 0s, Iwas invited toa very itwas covered in blue and g nd really happy that da inthelace smart wedding. [decided to wear my best dress, which was kind of ethnic indian dress with lors ofittle mirrors and embroidery all over it. Ih been toa Spanish wedding thought my dress would be perfect. When I tothe wedding, all ofthe other swere dressed in ini eeibly For inal ntfs Unfortunately, | was wron, The men were ll in suits and the women were wearing beautiful long gowns. The ‘most embar sing thing was thac the ther guests thought I wasin fancy dress heoff way as soon as I could. [later regretted went iat dress and I gave 10A)) Presenter One of the most popular destinations in the USA is San Francisco, and Pm going cell you a bie aboutits top five tourist atractions, The Golden Gate Bridge. This isa suspension bridge which crosses the trait between San Franciscoand Marin County to the north. letook seven years tobuild and it was completed in 1937, The bridge is painted orange so that it cean be seen in the thick fog that often appears in the bay Next on my list is San Francisco's historical fishing district, known as Fisherman's Wharf, For over a century thisarea was the centre ofthe city's cil Famow: for having the best seafood restaurants, One of che hig the sea ions come out ofthe water ightsis Pier 39, where ‘to rest on the pier, Other artractions include museums, souvenir stores hiscorical buildings, and scenic views cover the bay. (OK, number three isthe Island of ick In the pas, the prison on the island held Alcatraz, also known as The Bi ‘some of the most notoriows criminals of the time, including Al Capone Surrounded by the Freezing wat ff San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz was believed to be inescapable. Today, the {sland isa popular tourist artraction and a historic site, and it's open for tours. Number fours probably the most famous streetin San Francisco. I's called Lombard Street, and t's famous because ofits steep slope and its tight corners. One part of the street contains cight hairpin bends, which were created to make the hill less steep. The speed limic in this section iso kilomecres an hour And finally, the last attraction on my lst isthe tallest building on che San Francisco skyline, and i's called the Transamerica Pyramid. This isa skyscraper in the shape of pyramid hav is located in the heart ofthe Financial district. lewas inished in 1972 aandit's 260 metres high. According to its architect, pyramid isthe best shape fora skyscraper because it lets more air and light inca the streets below could easily give you another ten attractions, but thar isall we have time for. to8 Presenter Now, the results of some very important rests are che out next week, but you may not know anything about them. Im nortalking about O-levels or A-levels, bur the PISA tests, which take place in over 70 countries of the world ew, what does PISA actually stand Andrew PISA letters stand for Programme for International Student Assessment. And these tests are organized hy an international led the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD for short. There are currently 34 members of the OECD, but eae numbers changing all the timeas more countries join, Allofthe member countries sit the PISA tests, bu countries who aren't members can also apply to do them, Presenter OK, so what isthe point of these tests? Andrew Well, the idea is that the results reach country an idea of how well fucation system is working. The OECD started wor Jing on PISA in the mid-1990s and it was officially launched in 1997. The first tests took place in the year 2000, and since then, they have been held every three years Presenter So who were the PISA tests Andrew Students can take the tests when they are around 15 years old, but not every student takes part. The OECD makesa random selection of schools, to abil best schools tharare involved. ra wide range of backgrounds and $s isn’tonly students from the Presenter Whatare the students tested Andrew ‘There are chree different tests reading, maths, and science. Each sulent sits a ewra-houe test tharcovers allehree subjects. The tests consist ‘of both multiple-choice questions and questions which require students townie their own reponse The combination of questions on the test paper is different for each student Up until now, the eests have been pen and-paper, but the OECD isstudying the possibility of nerodueing computer based tess in the Future Presenter Which countries do well in he PISA tests? Andrew Well there are the that regularly come in the top three These are China ~especially the city of Shanghai, Korea, and Finland. Presenter And why do Asian students tend to be better than the rest? Andrew It'sa question of expectation, realy. All students are expected t ooxl marks, and so they do. On the her hand, the standard of teaching is also very high, and teachers are well the focus in schoolsis on understanding. and noc memorizing, so that also helps. Presenter What about Finland? Andrew Finland isan interesting case, because che system has noe always been s0 good. Buesince the school reforms of the 1970s, Finland has become one of the world leaders in education. Schools employ only the best teachers, wh of the work on the principle ehat: students are able to do wel. Ifa child is struggling, itis the responsibility of the school to help that child, so that no one is left behind. These factors mean that thereis a climate of trust beeween the educators and the community, which helps the system work. Presenter Ie sounds like weall have something to leaen from Finland, then, Answer key 1 READING & VOCABULARY 4 scckto 5 sand ont S birth cercticae 2 PRONUNCIATION 2 James, Ka 5 Bill, Chris 6 Mike, Ryan 7 Paula, Sean 8 Joc, Sophie GRAMMAR $ [ean find them They haven't invited us can find mine A riendis cooking dinner for me o 4 Our neighbour is y's mum is mak 7 My dud writes alot of etterstohis old 4 LISTENING 2 Caterpillar, manufaccurer of constrction veh week spelling animal ins 8! moved VOCABULARY 3 posscesive 4 cheerful 5 selfish 6 reliable ociable 8 glamorous 9 powerful unhealthy 8 impressive 9 affordable 2 PRONUNCIATION 2 Seress on first syllable: envious, sensible, stylist nd syllable: addictive belliou inexpensive ive, nsuccecsfil GRAMMAR 4 twodlflrentjackets 6 themost reliable 5 darker than mine 8 very colour coches more shocked 4 READING B © 2 revealed 3. synchronized 4 constletion 5 blue 6 promotes thesick 9 calls 10 Papyrusscrolts 5 LISTENING black and purple Sen. SE YABR tart 1 REPORTING LOST LUGGAGE 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH 1 yourday 2 etme, Allow me 3 READING 21 Anationalidentity card ora passport Yes, she can 4 No, they can’ 5 When they are Sees 1 VOCABULARY 9 Flip-flops 2 hiking 10 onpackage holidays 5 climbed 4 had 5 aid 6 watched 2 PRONUNCIATION 4 belts 5 bottles 3 GRAMMAR 8 isyourgirltiend alking ro 9 speaks, leaves 7 land S ispicking me op 1 are/remectin LL don ewan iki sithelong 6 ‘rehav 4 READING 1 Campbell island, New Zealaod bib LISTENING aiB 2D Somes 1 VOCABULARY 4-2 hypermarket 3 florist! chemis’s bateh 8 baker's 9 Fishmonger’ 10 newsagent's chain store offi Dr "ye looked round pening up closed down, 6 ‘was looking for READING 3 GRAMMAR a 2 Wesaty James's now car yesterday 3 ‘There's abarbecue at Jobn’son Saturday + Karenisa very good friend of mine 3 That's a beautiful paining ofa suns. 3 Theboys’bikes 4 Thedoorofthe house 5 our own shop 6 friend of your © 3. my parents! wedding anniversary 4 Lin 5 his boss's offic 4 PRONUNCIATION i 10 LISTENING C Tomake residents wantto shop in their high street b 1 5,000 2 hardly ever 3 Reinventing High Sercee 4 Children's children 6 Click collect 8 High Stret, Year Sremccommmamaona 1 GRAMMAR ‘ Where did you [ida te to What were you doing you werent listening 0 Did you use ro play 44 didousern need, sarted 5 didn’chear, was listening 6 weren't driving, hit 7 ived, as 8 used ro go shopping, buile 10 sel to spend, were 3 waslookingafter 4 were visiting 5 was playing called 9 caught 1 didoeehink as looking forward to 14 could PRONUNCIATION 11 hoped, missed, washed, watched 2 changed, lived, played, studied, eravelled VOCABULARY READING Mums and teenage girls alove 2F SF BF 3F 6T OF ‘7 ro © 1 aibtings 3 eventual 4 falloue 5 LISTENING shocked 6 Five hundred dollars junk food 8 pop culture 9 histor 10 Wedlnesay Srmmanecene ‘1 READING recalled claimed striking privacy arouse her curiosity 2 VOCABULARY behind 5 lathe centre 6 inthe distance 8 opposite 9 Inthe background 10 in the top left-hand corner 3 PRONUNCIATION Stress on first syllable: ackgvound son second syllable: behind. rapher, photography Stress on third syllables photogenic photographie 4 GRAMMAR a 2 cycled over 6 stood in font of 7 walked past danced round 2 fall down b 3 proudor 4 paid shad 7 worried abou 8 asked for 9 spend on oking forward 4 blamed 5 LISTENING 44 wastaken athe f 8 three men inthe Seeermsie ner 1 RENTING A CAR 2 Whatkind 3 Would + Wwillthere 5 Doosthat ound at wie ducks 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH 1 up 3 READING EA firsetime driverin the UK should rot acarat their holiday destination 3 Intowns youcan deive at Somph 4 Youshoy have along. clear view of the road ahead. Sree 1 VOCABULARY 3 wast 4 packaging 5 waste paper bas 10 landfill sie bb 2 packer 3 jor 4 tab 5 oth © 2 reused them 4 recycle polystyrene trays thinking his Fs 2 PRONUNCIATION garbage 4 recycle READING 21D B e budger 9 underval 4 GRAMMAR 3 (Meall 6 Lwon'ttell Pllmake © Ieltmelt 10 Shall [clear shallwe start 5 FImove Vilgo 6 Iwon'thave Tmgiv 8 He's coming round He's gi 9 Won't youhave 10 shall do 11 Filhelp 5 LISTENING The hest Sweden, The worstis South plastic bags 480 clectrical 0s Niece 1 2 VOCABULARY Across 5 faculty 0. dissertation Down: 1 webinar qualifications 4 apply for vvorked PRONUNCIATION Stression fist syllable; residence scholarship, seminar vacancy Stress on second syllable: d uate, profesor, ctor on third syllable: dissertation, READING 1 domain name massed 4 GRAMMAR 3 wevwouldn’ complain we don't work late Wit lwas j were a tude we 2 she didn’thavea boyfriend 3 Recky won't goto an An + Mate 5 you hivecncughexperiens nether vein hall of residenc Ifyou don't clothes sou wouldn't miss your leceres 8 the eacher will notice 5 LISTENING 2. © Thelength oF internships should be reduced b 1 fith + talent 5 illegal eae READING 2 29th April 2011 3 And Jane 1953, 4 4th November 2008, 2 VOCABULARY ity sh cookery pro PRONUNCIATION 1 weather weekend 2 voted, bese band 4 watch, quiz, Wednesda 5 wlleybal, valuable victory 6 very busy, business GRAMMAR 3 hasjust finished 4 for 20years 6 Hlaveyou ever been 8 We'veknown each other 9 haven't ever liked Te never like has just resigned 3 didn't turnoff 5 hasbeen 6 Mwealready read sd 8 foramonth hers for 8 have) vejust gor has been an actorjactress since 5 have}'ve moved house three rimes 2 has had is 6 hhave/"wenever liked vealready had one 5 LISTENING 1 Speal Scmammanemns 1 VOCABULARY a2 Will 3 valley 4 plant 6 tipe 8 bush 95 harvest 10 gate 1a cite 12 pond sheep) “7 10 barn 11 hens 2 cockerel PRONUNCIATION a 2 valley 4 grom 3 READING a Theta Wednesdays, Visi 28,00 .m.on 4 havebeen 5 have been drinking haven't been eating Paris fortwo year bb 2 hasbeen 3 have been from school | 5 ‘vebeen raining forthe new season for Jaree weeks 5 LISTENING a She like olive in the ci 2 Thevillage school has around 80 pupil 3 Their ongante food company hays grain 6 sin che village band. 7 Shedoesnelike going owt a night ald ike oliveclose toan IERIE the police MAKING A REPORT SOCIAL ENGLISH > listen carefull 3 READING 2 You contact the poli 3 Apolie officer completes computer 4 The reportis uploaded onto the Police National center 5 Police officers ok for evidence at the 6 Thepolice encourage you ssking questions, Srepoeemmess VOCABULARY a1 5 bcke 1 thread Hidden obictina shed: paintbrush 2 ORAMMAR 3 handle 5 havenebeenableto 4 matches oe 5 sellota 7 beable 6 gue av 9 beenableto ‘ J putiogup a dling e 11 was ables re chan 8 Could ithors, pease? 2 PRONUNCIATION d withthe sees 6 They wanttobeabletocooktheirown 3 Heasked if fwasstresed 7 Thareanebe oka 4 Theacteesslikesthesript § Weare delighted that wecancometo 5 They jumped into the stream. your pat. We re delighted hat wear 9 Tlovebeingableta gesp lt inthe holidays READING 10 Wevere able book rom wishasea sNo,onlyathied of people haves aura sis ability fe DIY bin 2 READING 3 +B bat oF 4F $1 4 GRAMMAR oF 1 BF 2 ot 6 most wr ov 3 goldaincs 5 fhe 6 hldingup ough to keep 5 app have to pay 9 7 youre ake sed batteries ine 8 ns echildren pl 3 VOCABULARY LISTENING 2 bowl . 3 corkscrew a 1 Speaker : 5 tublelorn 8 Knife b 2 notbooked 5 clear 5 take 4 PRONUNCIATION saleand pepper 2 fishand chips 3 bread and buter 4 clad vine 5 LISTENING 2 6.4,5,1,2.3 b 3 PRONUNCIATION * y Ritheroer 4 wake themup 5 make up READING 5 bumping int 6 peaktimes Sapere VOCABULARY ee 1 VOCABULARY & withdros 6 cancel 2 GRAMMAR 4 curnit down, pleve 5 Calle back acer 8 youwrite them down 10 helpme patie up bb 2 Doyou mind it switch them on 3 [don'e get on with her 5 would send it back, iF were you 6 eben ooking after them Can you as for it 8 Why don't you try them on ng to move in with her next month 10 Tm going eo theow them awa 6 callback give, back LISTENING a 1 Secret Mi 2 amillionain 3 They reall charity organisation [poker 3 one-beilroom fat children and young people 1 8 100,000 Sremcammanemon READING a1 New Year'se 2 VOCABULARY 3 halftime 5 final whistle 9 tickets PRONUNCIATION Seress on second syllable: event 4 GRAMMAR otto cook 9 10 waeching| by 2 looking af 3 talking 5 be 6 walking not taking 8 togetchanges 1 wen lhe top sed im 5 LISTENING (Bika clue? 1 TALKING ABOUT HOUSE RULES 3 problem 4 ca 5 Thaes 8 Could 2 SOCIALENGLISH 1 rik ying 2 Iteallsuchamest. Thopeso 3 Didyou getthat 3 READING LT Seems ‘1 VOCABULARY 2 lifting weights 3 situps 4 pressups bie 8 Pilates 9 stretching 6 faketan 2 READING 3 ar 5F TE BT 1 keepin shape 2 comsumed balanced dice 4. health-conscions 4 wake-upeall 5 potential 6 vi 7 sve eas tke 8 commissioned 10 forey-somethings GRAMMAR 3 We're fitting anew bathroom have the locks changed 6 Didshaveyour TV repaired have ve Had my Fortine told & hashiscarwashed PRONUNCIATION How ofen do youhareyou ees tet 2 ‘Thay venever ad thes shopping delivered 3. When dil youas have your hae et + Were havingeur Mat pained nexe week 3 Hove having my head massaged VOCABULARY 2 blowdry 3 highlights 3 parting ¢ tim 7 ponytail LISTENING 1 Med t Gree 1 locaton VOCABULARY 5 attack bratele 8 revolitios 10 victory PRONUNCIATION 1 mona 5 parti GRAMMAR 4 Have, boon affected by polation 6 being watched by security guards ave tobe handle opened by the Mayo 4 READING a 1 Iesin Af signs of Homo sapien 5 LISTENING VOCABULARY & PRONUNCIATION 5D » tinfngettabh rf bb tess on firs syllable: memorize tb memorable, memoirs 5 Stress on second syllable: memorial forgetful Seress on third syllable: unforgetable 4 LISTENING GRAMMAR w 1 thee 3 she had never bee y 3 the first work! champion 5 youhadtostay the first competion 6 hewasstudying he competiter b 1 nextweekend bb 2 hehad been busy the previous week + the week before 5 eight 3 they had booked flight forthe ose g month the next month oo 8 British lida’ like 7 Uhadn'tcaled her the previous day his doctor's appointment 2 READING 2 breakdown VOCABULARY brid 3 READING 8 purifying PRONUNCIATION 1 she'd forgoneen 2 youhadn'e 3 they'd kn LISTENING ie Ere nnagieny GIVING DIRECTIONS IN A BUILDING 2 SOCIALENGLISH 5 Iesgreattohave you 5 just wish you were hen 3 READING 4-1 Theaddressoftheie destination GRAMMAR MV PRONUNCIATION ‘on holiday okep ft like friend in New York READING VOCABULARY LISTENING 8 Skmph VOCABULARY 2 cheat PRONUNCIATION ks, pass 4 cal READING iv OB bh 38 sh 2b 4a GRAMMAR 2 Cveknown 3 was shin 7 Is 8 He spoke 10 hed spen youro make 4 hedidat ove 10 ETdknow LISTENING (China, Korea, and Finland 1 Assessment 2 oc on 7 reading 10 trust OXFORD further the Univers’ abetvofencllene in researc, scour, and education by publishing wortdide Oxford i registered tate rat of Oxford University Pest in theUK and in cersin ther counties st plished in 201g No unauthorized photocopying lights reserved No pot of his pubcason may be epredaced. sored he por permison in wing of Oxtord Unversity Pres oras expres ried by lv: by Hence ov ander terms ase wth he apeprat You tnt nat circa this worcin any other form "als stmeconation on any acquirer Links tothitd pty websites ate provided by Oxford ia good fh an for Information any Oxford eictaime ny esponsibility or theaters, This books printed on paper fom certified ae wellmanaged sources we autos ald ohana thoes a Oxf University res oth in ford a around the world) and the design ean who have contributed heir ells and ides to producing this course Girsina Cristina, forall ht suppor an permit reed he illo exacts and adparon fore mena p9 Adapted extract fom “Calaur therapy, The Observer 6 uly 2008, Copight Guardian News {dein id 2008 Reprckced by persion. p10 Earacts rom Rights and Responsibilities” and Vising the UR", wrk homiofice 00K, accessed 2u November 2013 Contains public sector information ese Under the Open Goverment Licence v2.0 p19 dated extut fom “Women FBNALLY appreciate cir mothers tthe ge of22- and nly ser 183 ry by Marts De lacey, Daily Mal online 4 Msy 2013, Reproduced by pemission of Solo Syndication p23 xtc hom “Top {OUK and rela Driving Tp by Ferne Artin. ©2013 ferme Ari ntpjzodk abot) Used with person reserved 28 Aspe extract fom “Top 25 Young Enrepreneur Success Stories by Nichole Tre, hitpfuniorbcom, September 2010, Reproduced byrknd permission of Nk Tr information aken from ht, ksldearigyo cone. 14 Oxide 2013, Reproduced by Sind persion Whitman t Son it, Prkside Farm, ps batt fom the Metropolitan m Missing Persons, ip jeontent me police a. acessed 20 November 20138 Mayor's Ofc or Policing nd Crime 2013 Reproduced the genes", Dally Mail online 31 March 2010, Reproduced by permission of Solo Sycaon. 38 Adapted exact fom "Wie tells accent prone Mi ete qi DIY ater one foo many bugle Mallon Sunday 24 uly 2011 Reproduced by persion of Solo Syndication p41 Adapted extract fom Julian Ryall, ww.telegraph, 7 une 2012. 0Tetegraph Media Group Stet 2012 Reprodced by permision p44 Extract rom 8 ATM Sens YouNecdto Know Abou by Martin, wrrmoney.couk,acesed 1 October 2013. 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