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Behind The Star Signs: Elements and Modalities

The 12 Zodiac signs are divided and divided again. The first division of the Zodiac signs is by element.
There are four elements - Fire, Earth, Air and Water. There are 3 Zodiac signs in each element. The
second division of the Zodiac is by modality. There are three modalities - Cardinal, Fixed and
Mutable. There are 4 Zodiac signs in each modality. Each Zodiac sign is a unique combination of
element and modality. Read on to find out more.

The elements represent four key functions. You need passion and action (Fire) to motivate and inspire
you; practicality (Earth) to keep you grounded, logic and intellect (Air) to provide you with information
and facts, and feelings and emotions (Water) to help you connect.

Fire and Air signs are Yang/Masculine. They are expressive, social and extroverted.
Earth and Water sign are Yin/Feminine. They are private, introspective and reflective.

The element of your Sun sign shows your primary motivating force.

The elements provide an essential starting block to begin decoding the language of Astrology.


Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Taurus, Virgo, Gemini, Libra, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Capricorn Aquarius
Feisty, assertive, bold, Grounded, practical, Talkative, curious, Emotional, sensitive,
hot tempered, stable, reliable, solid, intellectual, chatty, up intuitive, caring,
passionate, inspired, dependable, sensible, in their head, good nurturing, imaginative,
motivated, outgoing, realistic, cautious, talkers, networkers, spiritual, perceptive,
inspiring, impulsive, reserved, conservative information gatherers, creative, artistic
courageous, dramatic idealists, debaters

There are 3 modalities - cardinal, fixed and mutable. They symbolises different sections within each
season. They describe a sign’s "mode of operation". Your mode shows how you go about doing things.
One sign from each element falls into each modality.

Cardinal Signs are signs that actively seek or initiate change. They reflect the start of a new season,
when the natural world starts to express its new focus. They are the signs linked to the equinox and
solstices. Cardinal signs are concerned with survival and are goal orientated. Cardinal signs are Aries,
Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Fixed Signs represent the middle of the seasons, where the natural world maintains the status quo.
This is the height of summer or the depths of winter. A strong dislike of change – and a stubborn streak
- marks the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. They are also reliable and steady.

Mutable signs carry the blueprint for change. Mutable signs prefer the fluidity of a life constantly in
flux. They reflect the end of a season when the natural world lets go and flows into whatever is next.
Mutable signs are open to new ways of being, doing or thinking. They are flexible and meander. The
mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces.

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