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The Zodiac

Symbol Sign Element Modality Yin/ Yang M/F Planet Symbol

A Aries Fire Cardinal Yang Male Mars Q
B Taurus Earth Fixed Yin Female Venus P
C Gemini Air Mutable Yang Male Mercury O
D Cancer Water Cardinal Yin Female Moon M
E Leo Fire Fixed Yang Male Sun N
F Virgo Earth Mutable Yin Female Mercury O
G Libra Air Cardinal Yang Male Venus P
H Scorpio Water Fixed Yin Female Mars Q Pluto V
I Sagittarius Fire Mutable Yang Male Jupiter R
J Capricorn Earth Cardinal Yin Female Saturn S
K Aquarius Air Fixed Yang Male Saturn S Uranus T
L Pisces Water Mutable Yin Female Jupiter R Neptune U
The five original planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, each rule two signs. The lights - the Sun
and Moon - rule one sign each. The modern planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are linked to one sign each
as co-ruler. Elements describe motivations and modalities describe modes of operation.
copyright Kelly Surtees 2008 - 2015

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