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Creddle | Resume
Education and Training
CHAITANYA International School Of Engineering (INSOFE) June 2016 to Nov. 2016

Certi cate Program in Big Data Analytics and Optimization - The program is certi ed for the quality, pedagogy and
DATA SCIENTIST assessment by LTI of Carnegie Mellon University
Data Scientist with 2+ years of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University May 2010 to May 2014
industry experience in
predictive modeling, data Bachelor of Technology (ECE)
processing and data mining
algorithms to solve cross-
domain challenging business
problems. Now eager to apply
and enhance my skills in
alignment with the Hyderabad
organization needs. Apr. 2017 to Current
Data Scientist Developed multiple machine learning models on large data sets for various projects.
Performed data analysis, statistical test,feature engineering, model tuning and selection on daily basis. Worked for
Diwo (Data In, Wisdom Out) which is a unique Cognitive Decision-Making platform that reveal hidden business
opportunities in real time and empower business users to act on them. The insights for all the projects we have
worked are delivered through the diwo platform. Worked on demand forecasting for predicting sales of a customer.
Work along with senior data scientist to analyze the customer requirement and deliver the required solution.
Skills Hyderabad
Nov. 2014 to June 2016
LANGUAGES Coordinate with the counterparts and principle data scientist on the derived solutions and their compatibility with
Python system requirements.
R Genpact
Process Associate
OTHERS Reviewing orders and processing the request in the database.
Machine Learning Communicating with Google Clients directly via email and chat to ful lling their business needs.
Statistical Analysis Ensuring the orders which are booked are also provisioned within the timelines.
Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
Basics of Hadoop components
Data Visualization
Probability/Statistics Amazon fine food review - Sentiment analysis (Hobby project) Aug. 2017 to Sept. 2017
The objective was to analyse Amazon food review from customers, and try to predict whether a review is
positive or negative.
Predicted the reviews with an accuracy of 65% using logistic regression.

Flagstar (Banking Domain) Oct. 2017 to Apr. 2018

The objective of the project was to develop a systematic, data-driven approach to predict which high-value
savings account customers may move their money out of Bank accounts, and provide insights about the same.
Predicted the high-value savings account customers who are about to move their money out of Flagstar, using
XGBoost in Python with an accuracy of 72% and recall of 70%. This helped the marketing team to send the
necessary o ers to retain the identi ed customers.
Key Challenges solved : Performed Feature engineering to identify new attributes which increased the accuracy from
63% to 72%.
Found insights on identifying various groups of customers who are leaving the bank for various reasons. This
helped the marketing team to take di erent actions for di erent set of customers. Involved in client calls for weekly
status updates and query resolution.
Aspire (Banking Domain) June 2018 to Nov. 2018
The objective of the project was to predict whether a person will repay loan or not. Project scope included Credit
card loans, Personal loans, and Auto loans.
Predicted the customers who will repay the loan and who will not repay the loan, using XGBoost and Random Forest
with an accuracy of 77.5%. Both those algorithms were almost giving similar accuracy. This was helpful for the bank
o cials to take the necessary actions on the customers who might not repay the loan. Key Challenges solved : Used
SMOTE technique to balance the data.

LBrands (Retail Domain) Jan. 2019 to June 2019

The objective was to analyse the overall lift of the retail promotion.
Interface : Using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) web service for performing various tasks.
Clustered the products to nd various product categories using K-medoids.
Found insights by validating various hypothesis which happens in retail industry.
Worked on halo e ect.

Genpact · Monthly Award Dec. 2016

● Received Best performer of the month Award. 1/1

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