UNDP Press Statement

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Press Statement

Monday December 9, 2019

Police Fondling Media 7 Worker's Breast: UPDN Condemn and Demand Speedy Investigation

We have noticed with dismay the misconduct of a Ghana Police Service officer who allegedly fondled
the breast of a media practitioner working with Haatso based Television and Radio Channel provider,
Media 7 Broadcasting Group.

United Press for Development Network (UPDN) condemn the attitude and is by this Press Release
respectfully requesting the Inspector General of Police (IGP) James Oppong Bonuah to expedite
investigative processes into this embarrassment and bring the officer to book to save the dwindling
image and confidence of Ghanaians in the so called service with integrity institution.

Our preliminary investigation has revealed that, the said officer (Mr. Oheneba Adu) was under the
influence of some substance (alcohol) before perpetuating such criminal, barbaric and evil act.

We understand the Police patrol team stopped the victim's car and walked to her (she was seated
behind her driver) and firmly held her breast and when she confronted him, he (police officer)
shamelessly answered that he was checking for Breast Cancer. And was ready to advance the sexual
harassment act to her other female media colleague seated by her.

The Officer who sensed danger when the other lady commenced filming the unfortunate act, mounted a
vigorous attack in an attempt to take the mobile phone from her (victim's friend). Upon failing, the
officer verbally assaulted them and threatened to deal with them.

UPDN does not only find the conduct of the law enforcer as gross abuse of power, disregard of human
rights among others but a culture of impunity that has bedevilled us and has become an albatross
around the neck of media persons and the entire nation unfortunately led by the Police.

Failure to set this officer as scapegoat will make nonsense, the directive by the IGP for the sensitization
of police personnel as sex scandals increase in the service. According to the IGP's circular, personnel
found culpable of Sextortion and sexual crimes will be sanctioned.

UPDN is ready to go the full length to ensure that, justice prevail in yet another Police and Media

Defend Press Freedom, Stop Press Attacks.

Kofi Asante Mensah

President UPDN



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