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Do teachers teach enough? Researchers prove that the Philippines is the only country in Southeast
Asia with declining youth literacy rates, that leads to be one of the major problems of Department of
Education and the Commission on Higher Education of the country. The current curriculum is supposed to
have improvements on teaching strategies with the teacher’s topic, integrates information and to
disseminate the knowledge from varied sources in order to produce proficient and productive educators that
meet the students’ expectations to have build a strong foundation of knowledge and wisdom. That is the
ideal, but in reality, there is a lot of teachers who do not fulfil their duty accordingly. The expectations to
have a quality education becomes unjust and improper because of their unethical practices. Is there a real
teaching? or students are just wasting time in schools?
The declining of educational standards in the Philippine education system during the 21st century
based on UNESCO mid-decade assessment report of Southeast Asia Education systems, published on 2008,
has a large impact for the entire country. Many researchers found out that another factor which proves that
the Philippines has poor system of education is that teachers fail to give the proper teaching among students.
However, the Department of Education and Commission on Higher Education struggling to reach the high
education standard by the implementation of the k-12 curriculum that gives students sufficient knowledge,
to enhance their skills and to absorb basic competencies. This action changed the entire education system,
yet does not fully solve the hidden and the serious defect in the Philippines Education system, where in
educators are just filling the mind of their students with so much information, giving them multifarious
activities, keeping them memorizing unexplained lessons and expecting to reflect a high score on their
exams. This is what a Bulimia education is, where no longer learning happens. They force to feed up and
cram information inside a students’ head but then eventually vomit them up on a test paper. This deficiency
on education were reflected in poor performance of Filipino students in international assessment tests, such
as the “Trends on International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)”. There’s no real education at all.
Where is the passion of teacher in teaching? if they are fully committed, why they cannot do their service
The inefficient styles of teaching are a big factor affecting student’s academic performance. The
truth is, there are assigned teachers who do not really teaching. The country cannot have teachers who just
come in the classroom and write words on the blackboard, restating what are already in the book and then
expect learners to absorb all the lessons immediately, when in fact, this cannot even call a formal discussion.
The real education is a sense of drawing out of what is already there in the child’s soul. Educators must
encourage their students to test themselves and then revise instead of revising and then testing themselves.
This learning step helps to build clear thought pathways to retrieve the right information and the lesson
more legibly. By implementing the right techniques in teaching, students would have much more accurate
ideas comes out from their own wide imagination and to express themselves to others. The earlier the
students get started on this, the quicker they will be able to recognize areas that require improvement. Thus,
teachers must lead students to be an ethical and wise people as products of the Philippine education that
can be used as the key for a more progressive and globally competitive citizens of the country. The
government must too, consider these factors of teachers in the learning of the students. When they turn their
attention regarding this issue, a significant action and solution would generate to combat and to stop this
Bulimia Education. The goal of education once stated by William Butler Yeats, “Education is not the filling
of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”


Prepared by:
Alona C. Quidilig
Lauren Kate P. Juan
Lear Aleyssa A. Fabros
Jane Rodlin Marquez

Prepared for:
Mr. Neftali Julius F. Somintac

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