Kralj CV

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Curriculum Vitae

Lovro Kralj
Lovro Kralj
Temporary address: Saletrom ut 7, Budapest, Hungary
Permanent residence: Ulica Marijana Stilinovića 35, Sveta Nedelja, Croatia
Mobile Phone Number: +385 099 827 8197

(from 2015- ) PhD in Comparative History, Central European University
(from 2012-2015) Master of Arts in History and Philosophy, University of Rijeka
(from 2014-2015) Master of Arts in Comparative History, Central European University
(from 2009-2012) Bachelor of Arts in History and Philosophy, University of Rijeka

Language Skills
Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian – Native Speaker (C2)
English – Spoken: C2, Reading level C2
German – Spoken A2, Reading level B2
Italian – Spoken A1, Reading level A2

Teaching Skills
(Spring term 2018/2019) I taught a course “Comparative Genocide Studies in Global Context”
at the University of Pannonia - Panon Egyetem (Koszeg Section).
(Fall term 2018/2019) I taught a course “Fascism and Right-Wing Populism: Ideologies,
Movements and Regimes” at the University of Pannonia – Panon Egyetem (Koszeg Section)
(Fall term 2016) Teaching Assistant, Course: Yugoslavia: Wars, Crimes, Trials (8 ECTS
Credits), Professor: Vladimir Petrović
(Spring term 2014) A Month-long teaching practice in Elementary and High School in the
City of Rijeka

Fellowships and Grants

2019/2020 Saul Kagan Fellowship in Advanced Shoah Study
2019/2020 Junior Fellow at the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies
2019 Visegrad Scholarship at the Open Society Archives
2018/2019 Sharon Abramson Research Grant for the Study of the Holocaust.
2018 Institute for Advanced Studies Koszeg (iASK) awarded me with a three months-
long fellowship for the project titled “Memory Politics as Populist Right-Wing Political
Strategy in Croatia (2010-2017)”
2017 Institute for Advanced Studies Koszeg (iASK) awarded me with a two months-long
fellowship for the project titled “Memory of the Ustasha Atrocities Between Myth and Reality:
Politicization, Securitization and the Production of Knowledge (1985-2017)”
2017 Awarded a Research Grant for a three-month long study in Croatian archives by the
Central European University
2015 Awarded scholarship for PhD program at the Department of History, Central European
University, Budapest
2014 Awarded scholarship for MA studies at the Department of History, Central European
University, Budapest

Curriculum Vitae
Lovro Kralj

• Accepted: “The Unexpected Journey of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion Through the
Balkans: Entanglements, Transfer and Transnational Antisemitism.” in Conspiracy
Theories in/about the Balkans, ed. Nebojša Blanuša. New York: Routledge, 2019.
• Accepted: “The Evolution of Ustasha Mass Violence: Structure and Agency in the
Independent State of Croatia in 1941” in Fascist Warfare 1922-1945: Aggression,
Occupation, Annihilation, ed. Alan Kramer, Javier Rodrigo and Miguel Alonso. Palgrave
Macmillan, 2019.
• In print: “The Rise and Fall of the Independent State of Croatia in the Memoirs and
Testimonies of the Ustasha Members” in Victory or Defeat? Societies Between Warfare
and Post-War Turmoil. Pula: Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile, 2019.
• “Paving the Road to Death: Antisemitism in the Ustasha Movement (1929-1945)” in
Right-Wing Politics and the Rise of Antisemitism in Europe 1935-1941, ed. Frank Bajohr
and Dieter Pohl. Munich: Institut fur Zeitgeschichte, Wallstein, 2019.
• Lovro Kralj and Janine Fubel. Tagungsbericht [Conference Report]: Between Absence
and Affirmation. 23rd Workshop on the History and Memory of National Socialist Camps
and Extermination Sites, 16.03.2019 – 22.03.2019 Thessaloniki, in: H-Soz-Kult,
31.07.2019, <>.
• Lovro Kralj: Rezension zu: Bergholz, Max: Violence as a Generative Force. Identity,
Nationalism, and Memory in a Balkan Community. Ithaka 2016 / Goldstein, Ivo;
Goldstein, Slavko: The Holocaust in Croatia. Pittsburgh 2016, in: H-Soz-Kult,
12.09.2017, <>.
• Review: “The Racial Idea in the Independent State of Croatia: Origins and Theory,” by:
Nevenko Bartulin, in Časopis za povijest Zapadne Hrvatske [Journal for the History of Western
Croatia], No. 10, Department of History in Rijeka, 2015.
• Review: “Povijest kinematografije u NDH,” [History of Cinematography in the Independent
State of Croatia] by: Daniel Rafaelić, in Časopis za povijest Zapadne Hrvatske, No. 8/9.,
Department of History in Rijeka, Rijeka 2014.
• Review: “Prva medievistička znanstvena radionica u Rijeci”, in Časopis za povijest Zapadne
Hrvatske, No. 8/9., Department of History in Rijeka, Rijeka 2014.
• History of the Jewish community in the City of Split, In Klepsidra No. 5/6., Udruga Studenata
Povijesti “Malleus”, Rijeka 2011. UDK 378 93/94 ISSN 1846-4661

Seminars and Conferences

• Second ComFas Convention organized by International Association for Comparative Fascist
Studies titled “Fascism and Violence,” organized by Uppsala University, Sweden which took
place 25-27 September 2019. My presentation was titled: “The Fascist Civil War(s): Conflict
Between the Paramilitarist and Statist Interpretations of Fascism in the Ustasha Movement.”
• 24th Annual Summer Institute on the Holocaust and Jewish Civilization at Northwester
University in Evanston which was organized by Holocaust Educational Foundation and took
place from June 23 – July 5, 2019.
• International Workshop titled “Deportations of the Jewish Population in Territories under Nazi
Control. Comparative Perspectives on the Organisation of the Path to Annihilation,” which was
organized by Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) and took place in Vienna
11-13 June 2019. My presentation was titled: “Croatia’s Little Eichmann? Ivan Tolj and the
Deportations of Jews from Sarajevo, Vinkovci and Osijek.”
• Invited speaker at the conference titled “The Camera as a Witness: Photography and Memory,”
organized by NIOD – Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam,

Curriculum Vitae
Lovro Kralj
Netherlands. My presentation was titled “Re-Imagining Genocide: WWII Mass Atrocities
Photographs as Propaganda Instruments During the Yugoslav Wars.”
• 23rd Workshop on the History and Memory of National Socialist Camps and Extermination Sites
which will be held at Thessaloniki in March 2019. The title of my presentation was “Prisoner’s
Antisemitism in the Ustasha Jasenovac Concentration Camp.”
• International Scientific Conference Conspiracy Theories in/about the Balkan organized by the
University of Zagreb held in Zagreb on the 19th of December 2018. My paper was titled:
“Unexpected Journey of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion Through the Balkans:
Entanglements, Transfer and Transnational Antisemitism.”
• Lessons and Legacies Conference XV titled “The Holocaust: Global Perspectives and National
Narratives” which will take place at the Washington University in St. Louis in November 2018.
My paper was titled: “Paving the Road to Death: Antisemitism and Fascistization in the Ustasha
Movement 1929-1941.”
• In July 2018 I participated at the Summer Institute “Teaching about Anti-Semitism in the
Twenty-First Century” which is to be held at the York University in Toronto, Canada 9-12 July
• In July 2018 I participated at the ASN European Conference: Nationalism in Times of
Uncertainty” which was organized by the University of Graz and lasted from 4-6 July 2018. My
presentation was titled “Four Waves of Memory Politics Related to the History of the Ustasha
Movement (1980-2017): Nationalism, War, EU and Populism.”
• In April 2018 I participated in the first COMFAS (International Association for Comparative
Fascist Studies) Convention titled “Comparative Fascist Studies and the Transnational Turn,”
which was organized at Central European University in Budapest and took place from 27th to
29th of April 2018. The title of my paper was “On the Importance of Antisemitism as the
Building Block of Fascist Ideology: The Case of the Ustasha Movement (1930-1941).”
• In December 2017, I participated in the seminar “The Holocaust by Bullets on the Occupied
Soviet Territories” which was organised by Yahad-In Unum in Budapest at the Holocaust
Memorial Centre.
• In September 2017, I participated in the international EHRI Seminar “Advanced Holocaust
Studies Today: Sources and Approaches” which took place in Lviv, Ukraine.
• In May 2017, I participated on an international conference titled “Victory or Defeat: Societies
between Warfare and Post-War Turmoil” organized by the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. The
title of my paper was “Rise and Fall of the Independent State of Croatia in the Memoirs of the
Ustasha Members.”
• In March 2017, I participated on an international conference titled “Fascist Warfare: A Concept
to Understand Fascism and Total War in the First Half of the Twentieth Century” organised by
Universitat Autonoma de Bercelona. The title of my paper presentation was “The Ustasha
Politics of Mass Violence: From Grassroots Wild Ustashe to State-organized Methods of
• In October 2016, I participated on the V. Congress of Croatian Historians organized by a
Croatian National Board of Historical Sciences. The topic of the Congress was Crisis, Conflicts
and Solidarity in Historical Perspective. I presented a paper titled “The Ustasha Politics of
Ethnic Cleansing: Relationship between state-organized and wild ethnic cleansing in the
Independent State of Croatia during 1941.”
• In November 2013, I was invited as a lecturer to the educational workshop titled “Political ideas
and Public policies”. The education was organised by Department of Philosophy of Faculty of
Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. The lecture I gave to the participants was named:
History of Conservatism.
• In April 2013, I participated in students of history international seminar named “Jadranski

Curriculum Vitae
Lovro Kralj
susreti” which was organised in the city of Zadar. More than 30 students participated on the
seminar and the main topic was “Adriatic – the dominant sea,” the topic of my lecture was: The
importance of City of Pula as a war port of Austria-Hungary
• In March 2012, I participated in a week long international school for “Exchange of experience
and knowledge about memory on Holocaust and War crimes” which was held in Zagreb. The
school was organised by “Documenta - center for confronting the past” and its partner
organisation “Institut für angewandte Geschichte,“ and with the support of “The Task Force
for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and Research.“
• In October 2011, I participated on a seminar titled “History of Revolutions” organised by
Students of History Association “Malleus” at Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences in
Rijeka. The topic of my lecture was: Evolving Memory on Robespierre.
• In May 2011, I participated on ISHA (International Students of History Association) annual
conference officially named: „East and West: Bridging the differences” held in Pula, Croatia.
The conference gathers over 100 students of history from all over Europe. The topic of my
presentation was: History of military and religious orders in the Holy land.
• In April 2011, I participated in students of history international seminar named “Jadranski
susreti” which were organised in city of Split in 2011. The topic I was presenting was titled:
History of the Jewish community in the city of Split.

Organizational/Managerial skills
• In 2014, I was elected a member of organizational board for upcoming students of history
seminar “Jadranski susreti” organized by the Students of History Association “Malleus”. The
seminar hosted 30 students from several different countries. I was one of the chief organizers
and was in charge of the finances.
• From 2013 to 2014 I was re-elected as the Vice-president of the Student Union of the Faculty
of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka.
• In 2013, I was a member of the organisational board for the First Interdisciplinary Congress in
Rijeka. The topic of the congress was sexuality and we have hosted and coordinated over 120
students from all over the region. We have managed to raise about 10.000 euros for the
organisation of the congress.
• From 2012 to 2013 I was elected into the Student Union of the Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences (formal body of 24 students who represent the whole body of 1400 students) at the
University of Rijeka. After the elections, I took the position of Vice-president of Student Union.
• In March 2012, I was the head of the organisation board of “History week” organised by
Students of History Association “Malleus” at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in
Rijeka. “History week” is an event in which for 5 full days we organized multiple workshops,
public lectures, demonstrations (constructing chainmail, swordsmanship), “round table”
discussions etc.
• From 2011 to 2012 I was the president of the Students of History Association “Malleus”.
• From 2010 to 2011 I was the vice-president of the Students of History Association

• In 2018, I was a research assistant for prof. Alfred J. Rieber (Central European University) on
his book project titled “Imperial Encounters in the Adriatic Region.”
• In 2018, I was a research assistant for prof. Chaim Gans’s (Tel Aviv University, Israel) project
on proprietary nationalism. I have analysed the proprietary arguments of the Croatian far-right
towards the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1850-1945.

Curriculum Vitae
Lovro Kralj
• In 2018, I was as a research assistant at the H2020 EU project NEPOSTRANS (Negotiating
post-imperial transitions: from remobilization to nation-state consolidation. A comparative
study of local and regional transitions in post-Habsburg East and Central Europe). My role in
the project was to collect and analyse primary materials related to the transition from the Austro-
Hungarian Empire to the State, and consequent Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.
• In 2017/2018, I was leading the Croatian section for coding and analysing contemporary
populism in Croatia, covering the period from 1990 to 2018, as part of the Central European
University’s “Comparative Populist Project.”
• In 2017/2018, I participate(d) as a research assistant in the historical section of the “Comparative
Populist Project” which is organised by the Central European University. My role in the project
is to analyse the right-wing populism in the interwar and World War II period Croatia.
• Chief organiser and project manager of project “Military History” organized by the Students of
History Association “Malleus” in 2012/2013. Under this project we organized a series of
lectures (by students and by invited professors) about antique, medieval and modern military
history. We have received the requested funding and successfully carried out the project within
our goals.

• Since 2017, member of International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies (COMFAS).
• Since 2017, member of Hrvatski nacionalni odbor za povijesni znanosti [Croatian National
Board for Historical Sciences] (HNOPZ).

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