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The Diagram of the Inner Realm

內經圖 Nei Jing Tu


Within a
single grain
of millet,
an entire
Storehouse of Clay Pill
Rising Yang Palace
Summit of the Highest Peak

Nine Peak Mountain

Thickly Veiled

White-headed LaoZi lets his

eyebrows hang down to earth

Turn inward toward these

Mysteries in order to understand

Outside these Mysteries,

there is no further Mystery.

Fa Zang says: Vessel
Violet eyes purify and clarify the Four Great Oceans.
A downy brightness winds around to reach Mt Meru. Moon Source of
Ci Shi Says: Upper Pass of Numinous Peak
Jade Reality Cavity
The space between the eyebrows constantly releases a downy white light
With the power to extinguish many lifetimes of suffering. the

Blue-eyed Buddha
Places His Trust in Qi Sickness


The water clock sounds the rising tone,

the inner landscape boils
stores the

sound, the Oxherd
boy grasps Bridge
I devote myself to the cultivation of my field. the string Star
Inside there is a sacred sprout, alive since time began. of coins
Its flower is yellow gold, its color is familiar. Characters
The seed is like a jade pearl, the fruit is always round. The Spirit of Conceal
the Lungs is The
Fruition relies upon the earth of the Central Palace, Hua Hao, Mysterious Middle Pass
White Flower, Pass JiaJi
And the irrigation from the Upper Valley Spring. Narrow Ridge
it is called
One day the work is complete, the Great Dao is realized. Xu Cheng,
You wander carefree across the land as an Immortal of Peng-Lai. The Spirit of
Emptiness the Heart is
The Spirit of The Spirit of the Dan Yuan,
the Liver is Gallbladder is Gen
Original Elixir,
Long Yan, Long Yao, Earth
it is called
Smoky Dragon, Radiant Dragon, Shou Ling,
it is called it is called Guarding
Han Ming, Wei Ming, Spirit
Tend the Field
Contained Powerful
Brightness Brightness.


The Spirit of the

The Spirit of the Kidneys is
Spleen is Xuan Ming,
Chang Zai, Mysterious Unseen,
Constant Presence, it is called Yu Ying,
it is called Hun Ting, Nourishing Infant Two
Hun Court Kidney
Gate of

The Weaving Maiden

Spins the Wheel

The Iron Ox plows the earth, sowing seeds for gold.

Stone Chimes sound, the Boy grasps the string of coins.
Within a single grain of millet, an entire lifetime.
The water clock sounds the rising tone, the inner landscape boils. Primary
White-headed LaoZi lets his eyebrows hang down to earth. Tian
Iron Ox plows the earth,
Blue-eyed Buddha places his trust in Heaven. sowing seeds for gold
Turn inward toward these Mysteries in order to understand.
Outside these Mysteries, there is no other mystery.

This diagram has not been accessible before now.

The principles of the Alchemical Path
Are great and vast, fine and subtle.
It is hard to understand,
And as a result it is seldom taught. Yin and Yang, the Mysterious Waterwheel

Continuously ascend and return, ascend and return.

As a disciple at Tall Pine Mountain, Complete the circuit, sweep open the mountain pass, refine the water
I fasted and meditated, Flowing east from the depths of the bottomless pool
Faithfully studying and copying this diagram A response is felt: a sweet spring bubbles up from below,
And rises to the top of Southern Mountain
where it hung upon the wall.

The painting was detailed and precise.

The important junctions and stages
were presented in a clear logical way.
Each of the essential secret openings was revealed.

Extensive study led to Awakening and Understanding.

Lower Pass
Only then did I truly understand that Tailbone Gate
In a single body
The inhalation and exhalation, taking in and letting go,
Are simultaneous and equivalent to Kan Water
Flows in Reverse
The cycles of growth and decay, fullness and emptiness,
Of Heaven and Earth.

If you are able to understand

the Great Dao of the Golden Elixir,
You have already understood so much!

I did not dare to keep this to myself,

So I had it engraved on a woodblock for broader circulation.

Engraved with reverence by SuYun DaoRen

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