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Utilization of Winter Squash (Cucurbita maxima) and Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas)

Waste for Production of Bioplastics

A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of the English Department

Trece Martires City Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for Practical Research II


Glydel O. Beltran

Jhessica Ella H. Elep

Denver S. Espineli

Kryztalynne O. Masicap

Calhil Yuan A. Merano

Angel Allaine E. Pascual

Daniel M. Santiago

MJ F. Tolentino

March 2020


Background of the Study

Plastic is mostly synthetic material that is made from polymer and can be molded

due to its physical, mechanical and chemical properties. It is the third most consumed

material around the world which is convenient to many companies and consumers but

not to the environment. Every year, about 200 million tons of plastics were used in

different industries, particularly in business industry (Acciona, 2018). Polyethylene

Terephthalate. (PETE), Polypropylene (PP), and Polystyrene (PS) are considered to be

the most common type of plastic use for domestic and business purposes but, the trend

nowadays is the bio-based plastic or the bioplastic.

Bioplastic is an invention for the reduction of global plastic waste consequences

including water contamination. It is biodegradable and compostable that came from

renewable biomass which can be obtain in natural polymers mainly from agricultural

products. According to European Bioplastics website (May 7, 2016), the production and

consumption of bioplastics can regenerate and provide unique potential of carbon

neutrality due to its fossilized components from the biomass contributing greatly on the

positive impacts and reduction of pollutants on the environment.Bioplastic offers

innovative ways to improve the quality of recycling by means of facilitating more

effective separate waste collection.It facilitates separate collection of bio-waste and

helps in diverting organic waste from other recycling streams which involve the process

of organicrecycling; ensuring the circular use for bioplastics while producing strong
secondary raw material market and opportunity for renewable energy generation

(Corepla, 2017).

Cellulose and starch from specific plant are applicable for making bioplastics. These

two components of a certain plant can improve the characteristics bioplastic. Lubis

(2018) conducted a study using jackfruit seed’s starch, micro crystalline cellulose from

cocoa pud husk and plasticizer produced bioplastics and tested its capability leading to

a good results. The starch and the cellulose are enhancing the flexibility and durability

of the bioplastics as well as the addition of the plastizer.

The usage of bioplastics is highly recommended and promoted due to its positive

impact to USA. The International Plastic Industry Associations promoted the usage of

bioplastic to the public due to its capability to the reduction of the energy consumption in

plastic-making factories (Krieger, 2017). Bioplastics reduced carbon footprint and non-

biodegradable waste which pollutes the environment; it does not contain health-

damaging additives like phthalates and bisphenol A and does not alter the flavor and

smell of the stored foods (Matas, 2017). In addition, Ochi (2011), studied the

biodegradability of bioplastics made from Manila hemp fiber, and he concluded that the

produced bioplastics can last for 240 days in natural soil.

There are various studies regarding production of bioplastics using fruits and

vegetable. The common and proven raw materials for bioplastics are corn, potatoes,

banana, and other starchy vegetables. However, it seems like the previous researchers

were more focused on the possibility of producing bioplastics from specific raw material

and gave quite little attention to the use of the fruits and vegetables waste. Royte (2010)
had a doubt about the continuous production of bioplastic due to the too much usage of

fresh raw materials of the bioplastic producers in America that cause exhaustion to the

thousands of hectares of cornfields in USA neglecting the increasing rate of

biodegradable waste like food, including the vegetables. Because of this, the

researchers were inspired to conduct a study focusing on the production bioplastics

from vegetable waste, specifically from the winter squash (Cucurbita maxima) and

sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) waste to help and have contribution to the reduction of

vegetable waste.

Statement of the Problem

The study seeks to answer the main question: Is it possible to produce bioplastics

from Winter Squash (Cucurbita maxima) and Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) waste?

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the characteristics of the physical properties of the produced bioplastic in

different treatments in terms of abrasion?

2. What are the characteristics of the physical properties of the produced bioplastic in

different treatments in terms of water absorption ?

3. What are the characteristics of the mechanical properties of the produced bioplastic

in different treatments in terms of compression?

4. What are the characteristics of the mechanical properties of the produced bioplastic

in different treatments in terms of tension ?

5.Is there a significant difference between the physical properties of the produced

bioplastic in different treatments in terms of abrasion?

6.Is there a significant difference between the physical properties of the produced

bioplastic in different treatments in terms of water absorption?

7.Is there a significant difference between the mechanical properties of the produced

bioplastic in different treatments in terms of compression?

8.Is there a significant difference between the mechanical properties of the produced

bioplastic in different treatments in terms of tension?

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to determine the possibility of producing

bioplastics from Winter Squash (Cucurbita maxima) and Sweet Potato (Ipomoea

batatas) waste.

Specifically, this study aims:

1. To distinguish the characteristics of the produced bioplastics from different treatments

in terms of physical properties?

2. To distinguishcharacteristics of the produced bioplastics from different treatmentsin

terms of mechanical properties?

3. To determine if there is significant difference between characteristics of the produced

bioplastics from different treatments in terms of physical properties?

4. To determine if there significant difference between characteristics of the produced

bioplastics from different treatments in terms of mechanical properties?


Ho: It is not possible to produce bioplastics from Winter Squash (Cucurbita maxima)

and Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) waste.

Ho: There is no significant difference between characteristics of the produced

bioplastics from different treatments in terms of physical properties.

Ho: There is no significant difference between characteristics of the produced

bioplastics from different treatments in terms of mechanical properties.

Significance of the Study

This study aims on producing bioplastics from the Winter Squash (Cucurbita

maxima) and Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) waste. The following are the

beneficiaries of the study:

Environment. An audit in the Philippines has shown the country uses a shocking

amount of single-use plastic, including nearly 60 billion sachets a year (Rappler, 2019).

This study can help the plastic waste management and environment by producing eco-

friendly bioplastic out of vegetable waste. Since the material for this study is cheap and

locally available, the product will improve compostability and will reduce trash.

Society. This study can help the society by reducing plastic wastes coming from the

single- use plastic as well as the waste coming from the vegetables.
DENR. The result of the study can be a help on the Department of Energy and Natural

Resources (DENR) due to the possibility that it can be a great contribution to the

enhancement and restoration of the environment.

Future Researchers. The study will serves as guideline or basis for the future

researches or other findings with relationship to bioplastic.

Student Researchers. Student researchers can earn money from the outcome of the

bioplastic from Winter Squash (Cucurbita maxima) and Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas)

waste if ever tested for future test and verification.

Scope and Delimitation

The study intends to produce bioplastics using squash and sweet potato waste

through experimentation, which will be performed by the researchers. The researchers

of the study aim to assess the possibility of producing bioplastic out of selected

vegetable waste. This will be conducted from July 2019 to March 2020 at Trece Martires

City Senior High School. The effectiveness of the outcome of the study will be tested in

DOST-Industrial Technology Development Institute (DOST-ITDI).

The study will not include the testing of biodegradability of the produced

bioplastics due to the possibility that it will consume longer time. The study will also

exclude the testing of chemical properties for the study only focuses on physical and

mechanical properties of the produced bioplastic. Moreover, the study only focuses on
utilization of winter squash and sweet potato waste for production of bioplastics.

Furthermore, the study of the effects of volume of the water and temperature on the

process will not be analyzed for it is one of the controlled variables.

Definition of Terms

Bioplastics - the expected output of the researchers.

Glycerine - the plasticizer for producing bioplastics.

Starch - will be extracted from the winter squash and sweet potato waste which can

strengthen the produced bioplastics.

Vinegar - will serve as acetic acid to make the mixture homogeneous.

Water - a solvent that will be used by the researchers to dissolve starch.

Winter squash and sweet potato waste - researcher's raw material for the production of


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