Midsummer Nights Dream Review

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Jomari M.

Fuentes 2JRN3 December 11, 2019

Movie Review: Midsummer Night’s Dream

The Midsummer Night’s Dream is a play created by one of the greatest playwrights of all
time, William Shakespeare. The movie adaptation was released April of 1999 directed by
Michael Hoffman.
Midsummer Night’s Dream was a comedy about 4 Athenians, 2 men and 2 women.
Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia, and Helena. The plot tells Lysander and Demetrius is head
over heels for hermia but Hermia only has feelings for Lysander, on the other hand Helena
loves Demetrius but obviously He cannot reciprocate her feelings. Lysander and Hermia
planned to run away from the castle because Hermia’s father Egeus wanted her to wed
Demetrius, Egeus a nobleman seeks help from the king of Athens Theseus who is about to
wed Hippolyta. Meanwhile in the forest Oberon and Titania (the king and queen of the
fairies) are having a fight because Titania wants a male changeling (a kidnapped child turning
it into fairy) so Oberon plots a revenge on her spouse and ordered Robin Goodfellow aka
Puck to pick a magical flower that its extract when spilled into someone’s eyes, the first
person it sees shall be his/her love. During that time Lysander and Hermia has just got into
the forest, and the flower had been already delivered into Oberon. On the other hand, Helena
told Demetrius that the two will run away into the forest and quickly followed. Oberon casted
a spell but unfortunately, he casted it into Lysander so he fainted but when he woke up, he the
first person he sees is not Hermia but its Helena. Demetrius had a thing in the past with
Helena so when he saw Lysander flirting with Helena he was annoyed and jealous. Countless
fights have begun, but in the end Oberon quickly fix the confusion to those 4 people and in
the end they become happy.
The subject of the movie was about how can love be changed so quickly even by a mistake, it
was shown that magic can instantly erase the feelings of someone, in today’s time love had
become superficial because some people choose love for the sake of self-interest, that’s why
even a small hardship in their relation could only just lead to a break-up. Also, the movie
shows arranged marriage which up to now is prevalent in the society. Love is the main
concept of the movie so when it comes to love people become irrational and sometimes lead
to fights physically. Since it is a comedy it is somehow funny because the mistake of Oberon
changes the plot instantly, clumsiness in a very bad timing. it also shows anger and
frustration. because Hermia had been left behind by the man he loves and neither of the two
men love her anymore. And the confusion brought by the fairies. The cinematography is
splendid even though it was made in a year where technology is not yet polished enough as it
is today. The setting of the place is very on point the castle, forest, the meadow where they
were found naked. The movie somehow sticks to the genre, comedy because the
cinematography is light the music directions are very light not quite thrilling as expected to
the situation but the movie is made to be fun. The characters played their roles well especially
the fairies their acting seems right for the character of a fairy. Even though the supporting
roles of the men who will conduct a play at the end of the movie, it is really funny how they
act somehow shows a slapstick comedy. But I would wish the movie would let other
emotions in the movie like sadness or something, I mean it is really not shown in the movie.
Jomari M. Fuentes 2JRN3 December 11, 2019

For me I rate the movie 7.5 out of 10 because I'm not really into those kind of movies,
especially old movies with low quality in cinematography but I liked it, even though I already
learned the plot, the movie gave justice to it.
Broken families are very prevalent in this country, even though marriage is glorified in this
country many families are still being broken. For me love should not be superficial, people
are always motivated by self-interest and by that we do not find love because we become
selfish. Love should be shared and always with consent in everything that you do, not like
Lysander who is about to lose his virginity just because he lusted but Hermia had a good
mindset in that kind of situation. Oberon and Titania is an example of a good marriage, they
fought, argued, plot revenge, kidding aside. Even though they misunderstand each othe in the
end forgiveness is still the key.
Unrequited love is shown in the movie but the tables have turned when the mistake happened,
Helena dearly loves Demetrius. So how much it would hurt that you see the one you love
everyday falling in love with another person it is painful to see.

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