Health Education Program

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Health Education Program

II. The Learner

Invited students from the University of the Visayas College of

Nursing were to attend this Health Education Program about
new recommendations for the way CPR is performed.

III. The Setting/Venue

This health teaching program will be held at the University of the

VIsayas Banilad, Mandaue City. A medical institution that supports
health promotion, illness prevention.

IV. The Concept

A Health teaching of the new concept of new recommendations

for the way CPR is performed

For nearly 40 years, CPR guidelines have trained people to follow

these simple A-B-C instructions—tilt the victim's head back to open the
airway, then pinch their nose and do a succession of breaths into their
mouth, and finally perform chest compressions.

But now, the AHA says starting with the C of chest compressions will
help oxygen-rich blood circulate throughout the body sooner, which is
critical for people who have had a heart attack. With this shift, rescuers
and responding emergency personnel should now follow a C-A-B
process—begin with chest compression, then move on to address the
airway and breaths. This change applies to adults, children, and
babies, but does not apply to newborns.

V. Statement of Purpose

To provide the learners with further information about the said

procedure and to disseminate additional information as well.

VI. Statement of Goal After 45 mins - 1 hr hour of imparting

information about the said topic, the learners will be able to get
insight on how new recommendations for the way CPR is performed.
VII.Statement of Objective

After completing the Health Education Program, the learners will be

able to start changing the old concept to new ones. The first was A
B C, which is Airway, Breaths, Compreesions. Now it is C A B, which
stands for Compressions

VIII.Teaching Methods

I decided to use lecture, demonstration as methods of teaching for

my Health Teaching program.

Lecture is a highly structured method by which the teacher verbally

transmits information directly to the group of listeners for the
purpose of instruction. It is oral presentation intended to present
information or teach people about a particular subject. Lectures are
used to convey critical information, history, background, theories
and equations. Usually the lecturer will stand at the front of the
room and recite information relevant to the lecture’s content.
Critics point out that lecturing is often contrasted to active learning.
Lectures delivered by talented speakers can be highly stimulating;
at the very least lectures have survived in academia as a quick,
cheap and efficient way of introducing large numbers of students to
a particular field of study.

Demonstration is a method by which the student is shown by the

teacher how to perform a particular skill. Return demonstration is a
method by which the patient attempts to perform the skill with cues
from the nurse as needed. These two methods require different
abilities by both the teachers and the students. Each is effective in
teaching psychomotor domain skills. Both may also enhance
cognitive and affective learning.

IX. Instructional Methods

Teaching materials are vehicles that help to convey information

which includes both the methods and the materials used in
teaching. This will help the students to stimulate senses and help
the teacher simplify complex messages. Teaching materials are
also helpful in delivering messages creatively and clearly during
Health Education.

May impart variables must be considered which choosing

instructional materials; it involves skill in effectively designing and
planning instruction.

One instructional material I will use in demonstrating is audiovisuals

such as videos. These aids primarily stimulate the visual senses but
can combine the sense of sight with touch and sometimes even
smell and taste.

X. Evaluation

XI. Learner

The learner will be able to:

XII.Demonstrate the new concept in CPR

XIII.Apply the new way in cpr which is C A B.

XIV.Able to apply this at their homes or everywhere.




XVIII.Invocation (3 minutes)

XIX.National anthem (4 minutes)

XX.Discussion (45 minutes)

XXI.Open forum (15-20 minutes)

XXII.Closing remark

XXIII.Giving of certificates


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