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Interview Sheet

Effects of Interpersonal Remarks

Description of the Professional


Engr. Rex E. Paton-og

Maintenance Planning &
Schedule Engineer
Energy Development Corporation

Humble Beginnings:
I came from a poor family and I never
look at it as a sad story, but an inspiration.
I finished college being a working student
and through the help of different
scholarship programs both from
government and non-government
institutions. I, with the help of God,
managed to sustain my allowances
through tutorial. I handled students of
different grade levels though teaching was
far far from my profession. I graduated
and now a license mechanical engineer.

Career Challenges:
My plan was to get an employment with
competitive salary within our City so as
not to be apart from my family and in the
ministry at church. I thought after
graduation and licensure exam,
everything will fall into place. But the
real world was waiting. Job seeking was
more a serious thing. Because of my
eagerness to be employed so I could help
my family, it came to a point that any job
will be fine for me. I gave up my plan of
staying in Ormoc and I was hired in BPO
company and started as a call center
representative in Cebu City. I got good
salary but the environment was not
healthy for me. So I resigned, I went back
home and got another job in Albuera,
Paper Mill which was much better since
more in line with my profession and
much nearby. However, salary was not
that sufficient and my day off did not fall
during weekend which affected my
responsibilities at church. So I
continually pray for the right job which
pays good amount and day offs will fall
on weekends. God is so great, He
answered all my prayers and He put me
where I am today.

I always cling on God's promises in the
Bible, that He will always give a way out
when problems and testing will come.
That He will never leave nor forsake me.
That His plans for me are the best and a
good future. So despite all the hardships,
I faced all those positively. Trusting Him
will never be a waste of time, its an
investment and a compass to the right

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