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Chapter 01


1.0 Introduction
Nowadays people are so much interested in online shopping. Shop on internet becomes an
alternative way for consumers. As it is more comfortable & easier than conventional shopping
which usually imposed with business, anxious, crowded, traffic jam, limited time, parking space
and etc. Internet in Bangladesh is not considered as a new medium tool between the buyers and
the consumers and also retaining customers on e-retail is the most issue that are faced by any e-
retail store. Because of that, the research on the factors affecting customer satisfaction in online
shopping based on our country’s students.

There are many factors contributed to this research. Now we can focus on some factors which
are demographic factors, quality factors, accessibility factors, pricing factors, service time
factors. This research was used a survey method of distributing questionnaires to 100
respondents. Questionnaires will be distributed into university students to measure their factors
to influence in online shopping. Also used online survey and manual method to collect data. The
data that has been collected was analyzed by using Microsoft Excel. Product quality,
accessibility, pricing factors, service time have a significant relationship to customer satisfaction
in online shopping in university students.

Internet usage has raised rapidly over the past several years and it has become a common means
for delivering and trading information, services and goods. The use of the Internet has increased
exponentially over the past years and it has become a mainstream tool in delivering and trading
information, services and goods. Moreover, internet technologies create marketplaces for
consumers to purchase product or services from online Web sites instead of shopping in the
traditional market channels such as department stores. As such, the university students still have
various reservations about purchasing through the Internet, except those who use it as
informative, entertaining and communication tools.

In Bangladesh, in recent time online shopping is not a new concept and customers are familiar
and often more comfortable in online shopping. In the new era of modern science and
technology, peoples' life becoming easier and more convenient than prior life. One of the benc-
hmark of modern science and technology, the internet has been deeply every aspect of people’s
life. The total number of Internet Subscribers has reached 83.141 million at the end of February,

1.1 Objectives
The main purpose of this research is to find out the factors that affect consumer satisfaction in
healthcare services in Bangladesh. Also tries to that explore that relationship of consumers’
loyalty towards healthcare provider. So, this report mainly tries to focus on three things. These

 To examine the length of consumer satisfaction in online shopping

 To identify the factors that affect consumer satisfaction.
 To examine the range of loyalty based on their satisfaction.

1.2 Methodology
Methodology is a process in which information and data are collected for the purpose of making
business decisions. The methodology may include publication research, interviews, surveys and
other research techniques, and could include both present and historical information. To perform
the study the process that would be followed is given below-

1.2.1 Research Design:

A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project.
Among all kinds of research “Quantitative Research” method will be followed. A “Conclusive
Research Design” method will be used to test specific hypotheses and examine relationship
among different factors and consumer satisfaction in online shopping.

1.2.2 Procedure:

For this study 25 questionnaires will be distributed among the consumers of online shopping
like-university students. From these sources primary information will be collected by
questionnaire method. Some secondary data will be collected from different online sites, pages,
articles, journals and previous research papers.

1.2.3 Data Analysis:

For this study the questionnaire will be prepared on the basis of Likert scale of 5 points from
strongly agrees to strongly disagree. To analysis data, Descriptive analysis, Regression analysis
and Factor analysis will be followed.

1.3 Scope of the study

Online shopping is one of the most popular service sector. Consumers who consume this service
are the key of success to the service providers. Although online shopping is developing in our
county rapidly but still people are not satisfied with the service quality, product quality and etc.
This study will help to know about the factors that affect consumers’ satisfaction in online
shopping. Service providers can work on those factors to make the consumer more satisfied and
make them loyal for specific online sites or pages.

1.4 Limitation of the study

While making this report some problems have been faced which can be termed as limitation.
Those limitations are given below:

 Time limitation
The major problem of this project was time limitation. Due to the time limit, the scope and
dimension of the report has been shortened. If more time would be taken to prepare the project
paper then the outcome of this research would be more accurate.

 Limited respondents
As the time was limited so the survey could be done over limited number of respondents. If the
sample size were more, then the findings of the project paper would be more accurate

 Less cooperative respondents

While doing the survey people were less willing to participate in the survey. Most of the time
they gave excuses and tried not to involve in this survey.

Chapter 02
‘Literature Review’

2.0 Literature Review

Research online shopping has provided useful perspectives and developed our understanding of
the behavior of online shoppers (Drennan, Mort and Previte, 2006; Ha, 2006; Cheung, Chan and
Limayem, 2005; Cho and Park, 2001, Liu et al. 2008). Recently, a number of researchers
investigated the factors related to B2C or C2C but until now there is no agreement on how this
affects online customer satisfaction (Schaupp and Bélanger, 2005; Liu, 2008). Digital consumers
must first actively engage in extensive technology use through interacting with the vendors’
websites according to Pavlou (2001). Second, the spatial and temporal separation among
consumers and service providers increase fears of online user due to service quality uncertainty
(Lee 1998). Third, there is a fear that personal information can be easily collected, manipulated,
and used by multiple parties not directly involved in the transaction on hand. Subsequently, these
unique differences increase uncertainty and reduce consumer perception of control over their
online transactions. Since consumers do not have full control over their online transactions, the
notion of perceived behavioral control described in the theory of planned behavior (TPB) (2002;
1988; 1991) has become a critical component of electronic commerce and transactions.
As with most technology-derived systems, retail electronic commerce adoption and use could
also be predicted by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Intentions to use the Internet for
online transactions is considered the major construct of TAM, which theorizes that perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use determine actual intentions and behavior (Davis 1993;
Davis, Bagozzi, and Warshaw 1989). TAM could perhaps adequately determine retail electronic
commerce adoption if consumers were not constrained by the implicit uncertainty of using
internet technologies and had full control over their transactions. This research incorporates
TAM with other necessary variables to predict online transaction behavior, under the guidance of
the TPB
Consumer Perceptions:
An important element of consumer perceptions and their impact on decisions involves the
amount of risk that consumers perceive to be present in the decision to adopt online transactions.
Perceived risk is the function of two factors; the first is the amount of uncertainty present in the
information a consumer has about the medium. Lack of information or knowledge may heighten
the perception of risk for the consumer. The second factor is the extent of the consequences of
adoption of service.

Risk depends on the characteristics of the consumer; the greater the resources the consumer has
at his/her disposal, the more willing and able the consumer is to gather and use information, and
the more experience the consumer has with the product class, the lower the perceived risk
(Foxall, Goldsmith and Brown, 1998, p 52). Therefore, in the case of online shopping, if the
consumer is quite knowledgeable about the internet and technology itself, he/she would be more
comfortable with using the medium.
Research on China’s internet-shopping market is very important and crucially important for
marketers largely because of the hugely expansive market potentials in the region. A survey of
Chinese Internet usage by the government-funded “China Internet Network Information Centre”
(CNNIC) offers a generally unsurprising picture of China's continuing Internet development.
CNNIC figures show that the number of Internet users (those using the Internet for at least one
hour per week) rose by 29 percent over the last six months to 59.1 million. Even at this level, it
marks a slowing trend in the growth rate of 7 percentage points compared with the preceding six
months as July's figure of 45.8 million was nearly 36 percent up at this time last year (33.7
Undoubtedly, China’s Internet shopping market has great potential to increase in the future.
Customers' level of satisfaction is strongly associated with intentions regarding repeated
purchases (Patterson, 1997; Lu, 2005; Liu, 2008). So, customer satisfaction is a very important
factor, which is likely to affect buying behaviour and purchase levels. Therefore, this study
addresses issues around customer satisfaction on Internet shopping with the overarching aim of
providing a synthesis of the factors that influence satisfactory shopping experience on the
Internet among Chinese on-line shoppers. Market Report, China Media Intelligence, (12/8/02).
Although there is a huge population in China having access to the Internet, but CNNIC reported
that only 31.9 percent of the Internet users bought online in 2000, (“Chinese Eye On-Line
Shopping” CIIC 07/18/2001). PRC Ministry of Information Technology statistics indicate that
the number of retail web sites in 2001 totalled 2,046 and reached 2,219 by 2004. Retail web sites
accounted for 49.5 per cent of China's Ecommerce in 2004 with transaction volume of online
shopping estimated at 4.2 billion RMB. By 2005, the transaction turnover of online shopping
amounted to 5.6 billion RMB, a 33 per cent increase (Lui et al. 2008).
According to the bi-annual Statistical Survey Report, the country added another 20.4 million
new users by the end of 2005 and had grown to162 million users in 2006. In total, internet
penetration in China has grown in six years from 1.7% in 2000 to 12.3% in 2006. This represents
a growth in users from 22.5 million in 2000 to 162 million in 2007, a growth rate of 720%.
Broadband usage as of June 2007 stood at 122 million of which 48.5 million were broadband
subscribers, (Internet World Stats, 2008). However, this penetration is remarkably low.

In a report published by China Internet Network Information Centre (CNNIC, 2007) internet
penetration in Beijing as of January 2007, had reached 30% for the first time whilst in the same
period 75.9% of Chinese Internet users (104million people) ‘use Broadband connections that
include xDSL, Cable Modem and leased line’s. Broadband usage in China had overtaken Japan

in 2004 and is now second only to USA. Mobilephone internet usage as of January 2007 stood at
17 million, (CNNIC, 2007). In comparison to the Chinese data internet penetration in North
America has grown 120% (2000 – 2007) reaching a 71% penetration (65% usage) representing
238 million users (Internet World Stats, 2008). For the whole of the Americas the growth rate
has been 189%. China clearly has much potential. When further analyzed a Digital divide is
evident between rural and urban areas. China's internet users are mainly concentrated in the large
cities and eastern coastal provinces - chiefly Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Beijing, Shandong
and Zhejiang, (CNNIC, 2006). A report published by CNNIC, (2007) indicated that rural internet
usage had had reached 37 million.
However, the penetration rate for rural areas stood, as of June 2007, at 5.1% whilst the
equivalent urban penetration rate was 4 times larger at 21.6%. It would appear that lack of access
to computers is the main reason for the discrepancy and is causing a bottleneck for future
growth. The report indicates that most usage in rural areas is for entertainment (online music,
games, movies and TV shows) rural e-consumers do not utilize online purchasing, banking or
any form of trading. This would appear to indicate that any analysis of on-line behavior would be
focused on urban areas which the report indicates as being,’ more advanced’.

According to the Nielsen (2013) Global Online Survey on Internet shopping habits report, more
than 85 percent of the world's online population has used the Internet to make a purchase--
increasing the market for online shopping by 40 percent in the past two years. More than half of
internet users around the world have made at least one purchase online during the past month.
Furthermore, Kearney (2013) Global Retail E-Commerce Index ranks the top 30 countries in
both developing and developed markets for their online market attractiveness. China occupies
first place in the index. The Chinese e-commerce market is expected to grow at an annual rate of
25 percent over the next few years, from $390 billion in 2014 to $718 billion in 2017, according
to a study released by Kearney (2014).
With the rapid growing of online retailing industry which has become globally competitive over
the past ten years, how to attract customers and maintain existing customers to repeated purchase
has become a more significant issue for online retailers than ever before (Johnson et al. 2008).
Company should satisfy customers with their online shopping experience; otherwise they failed
to purchase again (Kim and Stoel, 2004).
Customer satisfaction regarding online shopping attach more Page importance on customers’
thought of the online experience compared with their expectation. Meanwhile, customer
satisfaction is the result of experience in various kinds of purchasing stages: need something,
search information about it, evaluate purchase alternatives, actual purchase decision, and post
purchase behavior (Kotler & Keller, 2006).
The study on customer satisfaction started since the 1960s, foreign scholars began to pay
attention to a new research area of marketing and analyze factors that impact customer
satisfaction in order to supply theory for bringing forward the marketing tactics. Some scholars
studied the relationship between economic benefit and customer satisfaction and found out there

is either a positive or reverse correlation, some other scholars set up a customer satisfaction
model and examine it by empirical method. Currently, numerous related books and papers have
been published, which indicated that in market economy, companies have gradually recognized
that customer satisfaction as an intangible asset, it greatly affects a company's survival and
development. In fact, it can be improved both profits and competitiveness of the company.
In this chapter, relevant journals and articles from secondary sources are comprehensively
reviewed in terms of which factors influence customer satisfaction. The main purpose is to
identify important variable in the past research by comparing and contrasting different authors
views on customer satisfaction. Through literature review, a solid foundation for developing the
theoretical framework and hypothesis will be developed.
Online Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction has been widely conceptualized by many prior researchers. In general. The
most widely accepted conceptualization of the customer satisfaction concept is the expectancy
disconfirmation theory (McQuitty, Finn and Wiley, 2000). Oliver developed this theory and
proposed that customer satisfaction degree is the consequence of the distinction between
expectation and perception. Besides that, studies showed that customer satisfaction may have
direct and indirect impact on business results. Satisfaction (positive disconfirmation) occurs
when product or service is better than expected. On the other hand, a performance worse than
expected results is dissatisfaction (negative disconfirmation).
According to Khristianto, Kertahadi and Suyadi (2012), customer satisfaction is commonly
viewed as a result of comparison between the consumption expectation and experience and
customer satisfaction is achieved when the final deliverable (experience) meets or exceeds a
customer's expectation. Meanwhile, satisfied customers are most likely to have the intention to
repurchase if the service provider reached or exceeded their expectation (Alam & yasin, 2010).
Satisfaction and loyalty are the key elements that determine the success of market concept
implementation ( al. 2012).
As emotional satisfaction has been studied in research on the browsing experience but it is less
evident in studies of electronic commerce (Chiou, 2004). In online shopping activities, customers
must be satisfied with their online shopping experience before obtaining more products and
service online. A lot of researches have been done to determine the antecedents of customer
satisfaction in online shopping activities (Jun, Yang and Kim, 2004; Ballantine, 2005; Cappelli,
Guglielmetti, Mattia, Merli and Renzi, 2011). It can be found that customers’ attitude and belief
regarding security concerns and convenience have significant influence on their purchase
intention toward online shopping (Limayen et al., 2000). Shanker et al. (2003) had argued that
service provided during and following the purchase is is vital to online customers repeated
purchases. Christian and France (2005) had confirmed that there are three factors influencing
customer satisfaction in online shopping.
They are technology factors, including website security, ease of use website design and privacy;
shopping factors, including convenience, trust and delivery in time; and product factors,
including product value and customized product.

In addition, identifying the variables of customer satisfaction is significant as it acts as a
benchmark of the business performance, and it also serves as guidelines for future improvement
(Alam&yasin,2010). Guo et al.,(2012) have identified eight determinants of customers’
satisfaction, which are website design, security, information quality, payment method, e-service
quality, product quality, products variety and delivery services. Besides that, Mustafa (2011)
presents user interface quality, information quality, perceived quality and perceived privacy for
his framework. Luo and Homburg (2007) stated that customer satisfaction has positive influence
on company profitability. According to these research results, customer satisfaction has an
impact on repeated purchase intention which is the expression of customer loyalty.
Based on the research and analysis above, most scholars think that customer satisfaction is the
customers’ feeling about the extent to which they are satisfied that the stated or usually
suggested compulsory needs or expectations have been meet. This paper used documentary
study, questionnaire to analyze customer satisfaction from shopping on B2C website.
Customer Loyalty:
Loyal customers are those who are repeatedly buying with desire and taking activities from one
product service. The high importance placed on online loyalty is because of the competitive
nature of the online market and the ever-increasing number of online retailers.
Anderson and Srinivasan (2003) defined e-loyalty is a customer’s positive attitude and
commitment to online vendors that lead to repeated purchase behavior. Page 15 of 106 Flavian
Guinaliu, and Gurrea (2006) indicated loyal consumers are always willing to purchase from the
same website but not switch to other websites. Tam (2012) also demonstrated that loyal
consumers always word of mouth spread beneficial messages about their service quality and
recommend new consumers to this company. The core of customer loyalty is that consumers are
able to make efforts to persuade consumer into changing product or services and recommend
online shoppers to others.
Earlier studies have provided experienced support for the relationship between customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty in the B2C context (Devarajet al.2002, Tsaiet al.2006). Pavlou
(2003) stated that satisfaction and trust are two important factors to determine patronage
behavior. Anderson, Cha, & Bryant (1996) had measured customer satisfaction and evaluated the
relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. This statement is in line with Kassim and
Ismail's (2009) study, which reveals that service quality and assurance by online retailers greatly
influence customers' trust as well as their level of satisfaction. Thus, this condition would
consequently result in an increase of customers' loyalty.
There are several determinants considered as predictors of satisfaction online retailer as proposed
by previous researchers which are company reputation, website security, website design quality,
service quality and merchandise attribute.
Nowadays, company reputation is the major impact that can influence customer online
satisfaction and loyalty. Company’s reputation refers to the grasping of customers’ impression
toward on the company and how the company plays its role whether directly or indirectly to

customers and how the company is concerned about company’s well-being (Hess, 2008). Due to
the virtual nature of online shopping, the role of reputation seems more important than in
traditional shopping environment. In the virtual online shopping environment, customers can not
check the products directly before they purchase. They can only read the information about the
products on the website and believe the product presentation of vendor. Thus, the reputation of
online retailers has become a significant factor that affects customers’ attitude in online
The online company with good reputation will make customers feel credible and reliable
(Hendrix 1999). The research of Houser and Wooders (2000), Dewan and Hsu (2001), Kalyanam
and Mclntyre (2001), McDonald and Slawson (2002), and Melnik and Aim (2002) have all
indicated that a company’s overall reputation has a positive and important influence on the
customers’ willingness to online shopping.
Helm etal(2010) also analyzed the relationship between corporate reputation and consumer
satisfaction and declared corporate reputation as an antecedent of consumer satisfaction. Besides
that, according to Hess (2008) company reputation is heavily related to customers’ perceptions
on company’s credibility and how much it takes care of consumers’ welfare. Koufaris and
Hampton-Sosa (2004) also mentioned that most of the internet shoppers assume that large
companies normally have a high reputation, sustainable and longer exist in today’s competitive
environment for online retailing industry.
Previous studies also suggested that a company with a good reputation tend to behave
opportunistically to strengthen existing customer relationship and create loyal customers by
continuously maintaining its reputation (Doney and Cannon, 1997; Figueiredo, 2000; Jarvenpaa
et al., 2000). The studies also found that vendors who respond quickly to consumers concerns
will further improve the quality of service (Pennington et al., 2003). Although good reputation of
company is very difficult to gain compared to losing it.
Therefore, it is important to maintain good reputation of company since reputation can change
over the period (Casalo et al., 2007). For the virtual nature of online shopping, customers are
easy to find that they are not satisfied with some products purchased on the internet, so
reputation is very important to the B2C company. If the company want to attract and retain the
customer, they need to constantly improving the product and service quality to make customer
have high satisfaction in order to improve company reputation.
Website Security :
Website security is defined as the ability of the website to protect personal information of
customers from any unauthorized use of information disclosure during the electronic transaction
Guo et al.,(2012). But as there are still many problems in website security, some customers
worries about how personal data will be used, how secure the online site is, and whether or not
the website should be trust. There exist many security problems which severely block the
development of line trade.

Based on Bruskin (1998), 75% of online shoppers thought the security of credit card is an
impedance in online shopping. This shows that the security of electronic payment is the key and
bottleneck in e-commerce. Some researchers claimed the importance of personal privacy and
security problems in online trading. Lim (2003) and Cheung and Lee (2000) also emphasized
that risk is a key factor in determining the customers’ attitude in e-commerce context.
Dolatabadi and Ebrahimi (2010) identified consumers have a strong prior belief about perceived
security of the website, as they expect that their personal information such as private information
or monetary information will not be viewed, stored, used or manipulated by third parties during
the online transaction. Besides that, earlier research (Elliot & Fowell, 2000; Szymanski & Hise,
2000), as consideration of security risk reduce, satisfaction with the service of online vendors is
perceived to increase. Hence , the security of online vendor’s website is positively related to
consumers’ online satisfaction by using Internet (Guo et al 2012 and Liu, et al. 2008).
Cyr (2008) stated that effective website design includes navigation capability or visual appeal of
the website. Website design quality is important for online vendors (Than and Grandon, 2002).
Customer satisfaction is connected with website design quality in e-commerce context (Cho and
Park, 2001). Manes (1997) stated that good website design was contributed to good organization
and easy to search information. Online shopping is considered to be pleasant and satisfactory to
customers when the shopping websites are neat and easier to read and navigate (Pastrick, 1997).
Liu et al.,(2008) found that a website with good design could lead to better customer impression
and recognition and positive attitude toward the website and its goods.
Besides that, Hall & Hanna, (2004) and Vilnai-Yavets & Rafaeli, (2006) found that customers
expected to find attractive design in a service place and they were more satisfied when the
service environment was aesthetic rather than unaesthetic, regardless of the physical setting or
the online setting. In the e-commerce context, the website design is a critical factor affecting
consumer satisfaction towards online experience.
Without tangible cues such as a real store front and product display, website aesthetics such as a
well-organized layout and animated presentations showing the product in action is crucial in
cognitive engagement and inducing positive associations with websites (Coker, 2013). Liang and
Lai (2002) and Li and Zhang (2006) demonstrated that better electronic stores’ characteristic
such as lower price of product, better website design and positive reputation can stimulate
consumers’ shopping behavior in a specific electronic store.
Service Quality:
Santos (2003) demonstrated e-service quality can be defined as “overall customer assessment
and judgments in relation to the excellence and the quality of e-service delivery in the virtual
marketplace”. Guo et al.(2012) explain service quality as the level of assistance for online
retailers in providing an efficient and effective purchasing and delivery of goods and customer
services. Yang (2001) and Grewal (2000) found that service quality is a precondition in online
environment for e-commerce business.” It is showed that service quality has become an
important standard to measure shopping websites and an important part to business performance.

Besides that, the most frequently seen complaints about online transactions include refund and
paying disputes, changing policies, faulty products, and dissatisfied customer service, customers
are of low tolerance (Chen and Chang, 2003). According to an approximate estimate, on average,
customers will only await eight seconds for feedback before system bailing out (Dellaert and
Kahn, 1999). A common reason recommended for online shopping its convenience (Chen and
Chang, 2003). Thus, it will increase the degree of customer satisfaction to improve the
transaction processing capability of website, making sure completed operations of all online
shopping and save the customer’s waiting time.
In addition, Liu et al.,(2008) found that rapid response time, safe and rapid delivery and higher
level of customer service have a positive impact on customer satisfaction in online shopping.
Zeithaml (2002) also stressed that company should lay emphasis on online service containing all
cues and encounters that occurred before, during, and after the transaction. Indeed, if properly
used, Internet can definitely be a almighty tool to increase whole service offered and to provide a
variety of benefits to online customers, such as convenience of purchasing products or services,
instantaneous check of the availability of product or service, easy selection of competitive prices,
and make informed purchase decisions (Griff and Palmer, 1999).
Product attributes:
Szymanski & Hise (2000) defined merchandise attributes as a factor relevant to the offer for
online sale which is not contained in the website design and shopping convenience. To be
specific, merchandise attribute is defined as product variety and product quality which reflect a
reasonable price. So, the characteristics of the merchandise attribute are evaluated as: (1) to
provide a wide range of products (2) to provide exclusive and featured products, and (3) to
provide seasonal products.
Szymanski and Hise (2000) indicate that customers may be attracted by wider range of products,
and satisfaction will be more positive when online vendors provided more and better products.
Although some scholars considered that price sensitivity may actually be lower online than
offline (e.g., Degeratu et al., 2000; Lynch and Ariely, 2000; Shankar et al., 2001), the most
frequently discussed reason for online shopping is price, and many early online sellers used price
as bait to lure customers to their websites (Chen and Chang, 2003). In addition, the Chinese
customers are sensitive to price (Lu, 2005). Jarvenpaa and Todd (1997) claim that due to the
access to Internet and potential to search specialty goods and services, customers expect online
vendors to offer a wider product variety.
In addition, minimizing product costs and maximizing product’s quality are key factors in
electronic commerce success (Keeney, 1999). Customer satisfaction are usually related to two
basic properties, including the consumers’ judgment of product quality (Ostrom&Iacobucci,
1995). It is suggested that products offering value not only have impact on customer’s choice at
the pre-purchase stage but also have effect on their satisfaction, willingness to recommend and
return behavior at the stage of after purchase (Petrick & Backman, 2002). In contrast, if
customers’ expectations are not fulfilled, they will think that the product quality is bad and will
be dissatisfied. (United Nations Industrial Development Organization 2006, 1). Zeithaml and

Bitner (1996) also pointed out that the perceived product quality will positively influence
customer satisfaction. Besides that, commodity price is also a key factor, often understood under
the situation of consumers’ purchase decision (Dodds et al. 1991).
Customer refer to the person who does the buying of the product and satisfaction can refer to the
person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment that results from comparing a product’s
perceived performance or outcome with their expectations. Customer satisfaction refers to the
degree a
customer is happy about the quality of products and services. In order to increase online
shopping in Malaysia, understanding customer online shopping satisfaction and factors affecting
this satisfaction when shopping online should be given priority.
Product Quality :

Product quality refers to the group of features and characteristics of a saleable good which
determine its desirability and which can be controlled by a manufacturer to meet certain basic
requirements. Most businesses that produce goods for sale have a product quality or assurance
department that monitors outgoing products for consumer acceptability. Product quality means to
incorporate features that have a capacity to meet consumer needs (wants) and gives customer
satisfaction by improving products (goods) and making them free of any deficiencies or defects.
Customers are satisfied when the perceived service meets or exceeds their expectations. They are
dissatisfied when they feel the service falls below their expectations. Quality and customer
satisfaction has provided some insights into determining the levels of satisfaction for product
experience. The more quality information provided by the online retailers, the better the
decisions could be done satisfactorily (Ludin & Cheng, 2014). Customer service and a positive
customer experience are critical to sales in the e-commerce marketplace. Product quality is
customers’ overall evaluation of the excellence in the performance of the good orservice (John,
Mowen & Michael, 1997).

Brand :
Brand management in the twenty-first century has become almost synonymous with building and
managing customer relationships (Story & Hess, 2010). A brand is similar to a living being: it
has an identity and personality, name, culture, vision, emotion and intelligence. All these are
conferred by the owner of the brand and needs to be continually looked at to keep the brand
relevant to the target it intends to sell to. According to He, Li and Harris (2012), satisfaction
occurs when the performance of a brand meets the expectations of the purchaser. Brand
satisfaction refers to the evaluation summary of direct consumption experience, based on the
different between prior expectation and the actual performance after receiving the product.
However, brand satisfaction defined as the cumulative satisfaction as overall consumer’s
evaluation based on the consumer’s total purchase and experience with a brand of product or
service. According to Chiu, Huang & Yen (2010), highly satisfied consumers tend to reflect the
brand personality traits by using some symbols related to the brand as an expression of their
attachment to that brand. Similarly, consumers who trust a brand are willing to improve and
sustain an affective bond with the brand that makes them feel warm and enjoyable.

Shopping experience, nowadays, the shopping experience has become the most important
differentiating factor for retail companies. Previous research has shown that when customers are
satisfied with a company or service, there is high possibility that they will share their experience

with other people (Nelson, 2012). For example, in Motorola company, the retailers need to offer
their customers the best possible customer service as well as ensure a smooth transition between
shopping on the Internet and in the store if they want to provide a unique shopping experience
and resulting customer retention to ultimately increase sales. Online shopping experience
moderates the effect of the perceived usefulness of behavioral intentions (Hsieh and Liao, 2011).

Frequency of purchases is positively related to the online shopping, tendency and negatively
related to the likelihood to abort an online transaction. A shopping experience is the cognitions
and feelings the consumer experiences during the use of a product or services. The customer
experience may provide a new means of competition (Robert & Xiangyu, 2011). According to
Alam and Yasin, 2010, satisfied customers are most likely to have the intention to repurchase if
the service provider reached or exceeded their expectation. Thus, the more experienced
consumers are with online shopping and the more satisfied they are with past online
transaction experiences, the higher their purchase amounts and the more likely they are to be
repeated purchasers and the lower likelihood of them aborting an intended online transaction.

Online Shopping It was suggested by authors 3 that consumer trust in Internet shopping is
driven by trustworthiness of Internet merchant, trustworthiness of Internet shopping medium and
contextual factors and that individual trust propensity moderated each of the relationships
between the antecedents of trust and trust. Cheskin/sapient 4 report states that trustworthiness is
driven by seals of approval (logos of security firms), branding, fulfillment, navigation,
presentation and technology. Trust in online environment is based on beliefs in the
trustworthiness of a trustee, which is composed of three distinct dimensions: integrity, ability and
benevolence 5.
Inferior product quality, poor content of the Web site, complex or unintuitive navigation,
technology failure(s), inferior customer service, poor response time and problems in order
fulfillment can lead to loss of trust.
There are several ways in which online trust can be increased. To build online trust, Authors 7
has suggested the following ways: maximize cues that build web site trust, use virtual advisor
technology to gain customer confidence and belief, provide unbiased and complete information,
include information on competitive products and keep promises. To increase trust at higher
levels, authors8 recommends that user driven personalization used by used. Authors 9 suggest
that by quoting policies of customer satisfaction, returns and refunds trust can be enhanced.
Consumers should be provided with the chance of being anonymous while engaging in
information exchanges and online transactions 10 to increase online trust. Author 11 suggests
that companies should reveal past performances patterns, give references from past and current
users, acquire third –party certifications and build it easy to locate, read and implement policies
relating to privacy and security. Trust can be increased by credit card loss assurance; product
warranty and merchandise return policies, availability of escrow service, ability to schedule
human customer service and availability of user friendly interfaces 12. Third party involvement
and privacy statements can improve trust.
Purchasing Fourteen studies discuss online purchasing, which refers to consumers. actions of
placing orders and paying. This is the most substantial step in online shopping activities, with

most empirical research using measures of frequency (or number) of purchases and value of
online purchases as measures of online purchasing; other less commonly used measures are
unplanned purchases 14 and Internet store sales. For example, in Lee and colleagues. (2001)
examination of the relationship between online purchasing behavior, perceived ease of use,
perceived usefulness, perceived risk of the product/service, and perceived risk in the context of
the transaction, the measures used are total amount spent and frequency in last 6 months.
Online purchasing is reported to be strongly associated with the factors of personal
characteristics, vendor/service/product characteristics, website quality, attitudes toward online
shopping, intention to shop online, and decision making consumer Satisfaction Consumer
satisfaction is the focus of the investigation in only three articles. It can be defined as the extent
to which consumers. Perceptions of the online shopping experience confirm their expectations.
Most consumers form expectations of the product, vendor, service, and quality of the website
that they patronize before engaging in online shopping activities. These expectations influence
their attitudes and intentions to shop at a certain Internet store, and consequently their decision-
making processes and purchasing behavior. If expectations are met, customers achieve a high
degree of satisfaction, which influences their online shopping attitudes, intentions, decisions, and
purchasing activity positively.

Chapter 03
‘Theoretical Framework’

3.1 Conceptual Framework
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between four factors (1) Quality Factor,
(2) Service time Factor, (3) Accessibility Factor and (4) Pricing Factor for consumer satisfaction
in healthcare services. These four are the independent variables. The satisfaction of consumer in
healthcare services represents the dependent variable

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Quality Factor

Service time
Factor Consumer satisfaction in
online shopping

Accessibility factor
and Reliability

Pricing factors

3.2 Components of independent variables

Quality factor Service time factor

 Product  Sellers
quality response
 Sustainability  Sellers
of the punctuality
product  Duration to
reach the

Accessibility &
 Availability Pricing factor
 Online  Product price
 Discount
( review ,like )
 sell
 Cost

3.3 Components of dependent variable

Customers satisfaction in online shopping

 Satisfied with the present service of online site or page or groups where
customers purchase their products.
 Customers will continue to purchase same online page or group or site in
 CustomersModel
will recommend the site or page or group to others

3.4 Graphical Model
Product quality

Quality factor
Sustainability of
the product

Sellers response

Sellers punctuality
Service time

Duration to reach
the product

Customers’ satisfaction in
online shopping
/expand transfer
area of the

Accessibility &
Online information Reliability


Product price

Discount Pricing factor

 Discount

 scount

Chapter 04
‘Analysis and Findings’

4.0 Analysis and Findings
In this project work, it mainly uses “Questioners” method to collect the information from the
customers. From 100 consumers this questionnaire is based on the different factors related to the
topic. Factors are using the survey paper are like demographic factor, quality factor, time factor,
accessibility factor, price factor, consumer satisfaction factor. All information collected from
different customers of both male and female genders. After collecting responses from the
customers descriptive analysis has been done for each and every component.
The demographic factors, the independent factors- quality factor, service time, factor,
accessibility factor, pricing factor and the dependent factor- consumer satisfaction in online
shopping all are analysis by descriptive analysis. Through presenting pie chart and frequency
table every single components are individually interpreted. Demographic factors focus on the
respondent’s gender, monthly income, academic status and age that affects their shopping
pattern. Quality factors focus on products quality and sustainability. When the product quality is
good and the sustainability rate is high then consumers are so much happy and motivate to
purchase their product from online site or page. Service time factor focus on seller’s response,
their punctuality and duration of the time to reach the product. It has a great effect on consumers
shopping pattern. If the sellers are serious about their consumers, they can motivate to again
purchase from the site. If duration of reach the product is delay then seller’s responsibility is to
inform his customers with manner that sir/mam we were sorry for delay, it is a technical
problem. Then consumer think they are serious and punctual about their consumers. It creates
reliability and trust.

4.1 Demographic factor
4.1.1 Gender


41% Male

Figure: graph represents the gender factor of the respondents


Frequency Percent Percent

male 41 41 41

female 59 59 100.0

Total 100.0 100.0

The table represents the gender factor of the respondents

The research was conducted among 100 respondents. Among 100 respondents 41 respondents
were male and 59 respondents were female. It means almost 41 % respondents were male and
59% respondents were female. Reason behind this difference could be that female customers are
more interested to purchase online shopping.

4.1.2 Age Group


above 44

Figure: graph represents the age factor of the respondents


Frequenc/y Percent Percent

18-24 years 74./’ 74 74

25-34 years 26 26 100.0

35-44 years
0 0
Above 44 years
0 0

Total 100 100.0

The table represents the gender factor of the respondents

In the research 74 % respondents were between 18 to 24 years old and 26% of respondents were
between 25-34 years old and 0% respondents were 35-44 years old and 0 % were above 44 years
old. Reason behind this result is the main respondents of the research were young people who are
more interested to online shopping.

4.1.3 Academic Status


Bachelor Degree
Master Degree/MBA
Above Master Degree


Figure: graph represents the academic status factor of the respondents

Academic Status

Frequency Percent Percent

Bachelor Degree 74 74 74

Master Degree/
26 26 100.0

Above Masters
00 00

Total 100.0 100.0

The table represents the academic status factor of the respondents

The chart shows the academic status of individual respondent participation in the survey. In this
chart, the highest amounts of respondents studying Bachelor Degree 74% of the total

respondents, 26% respondents studying masters or MBA and 0 % were from above Master

4.1.4 Monthly Income

Monthly Income

25% TK 3,001-TK 4,000
TK 4,001-TK 5,000

26% TK 5,001-TK 6,000

TK 6,001-TK 7,000
More than TK 7,000

Figure: graph represents the monthly income factor of the respondents

Monthly income

Frequency Percent Percent

TK 3K-4K 13 13 13

TK 4K-5K 26 26 39

TK 5K-6K 20 20 59
TK 6K-7K 16 16 75
More than 25 25 100

Total 100.0 100.0

The table represents the monthly income factor of the respondents

In this research among 100 respondents’ 13% respondents have monthly income between TK
3,001-TK 4,000 ,26% respondents have monthly income between TK 4,001-TK 5,000 , 20%
respondents monthly income of between TK 5,001- TK 6,000, 16% respondents have monthly

income TK 6,001- TK 7000 and 25% respondents have monthly income more than TK 7,000. As
this report is conducted over customer satisfaction in online shopping so respondents’ monthly
income is very relevant with this research.

4.1.5 Online shopping preference

Online shopping preference

Strongly Agree
33% 35% Agree
Strongly disagree
5% 15%

Fig: graph represents the online shopping preference factor of the respondents
Online shopping preference

Frequency Percent Percent

Strongly Agree 35 35 35
Agree 15 15 50

Neutral 05 05 55
Disagree 12 12 67
Strongly Disagree 33 33
Total 100.0 100.0

The table represents the online shopping preference factor of the respondents
In this research from 100 respondents 35% strongly agree with online shopping, 15 % were
agree, 5% were neutral, 12% were Disagree and 33% were Strongly disagree with this statement.

Although 35% were support online shopping on the other hand a big no of respondents still now
trust in previous local market shopping.

4.2 Quality factor

4.2.1 Consumers satisfaction based on product quality factor

quality factor

Strongly disagree

76% Strongly Agree

Figure: graph represents consumer satisfaction on product quality

Product quality

Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

Strongly agree 76 76 76
Agree 20 20 96

Neutral 04 04 100.0

Disagree 00 00

Strongly disagree 00 00

Total 100 100.0

The table represents consumer satisfaction on product quality

On the research paper, for the statement “product quality affects your satisfaction” 76% of

respondents were strongly agreed ,20% respondents were agreed, 04% were neutral and 0% were
disagree and 0% were strongly disagree with the statement. Here large portion Strongly Agreed
with the statement. So, it can be said that Product quality effects customer satisfaction.
4.2.2 Consumer satisfaction based on product sustainability

Sustainability of product

Strongly Agree
24% Disagree
Strongly Disagree

Figure: graph represents consumer satisfaction on product sustainability

Product sustainability

Frequency Percent Percent

Strongly Agree 57 57 57

Agree 24 24 81

Neutral 7 7 88

Disagree 8 8 96

Strongly Disagree 4 4 100.0

Total 100.0 100.0

The table represents consumer satisfaction on product sustainability

On the research paper, for the statement “consumer satisfaction on product sustainability” among
100% respondents 57% respondents were strongly agree, 24% respondents were agreed ,7%

respondents were neutral ,8% respondents were disagreed and 4% strongly disagree. So, it can be
said that customers’ satisfaction is more influenced by product sustainability.

4.3 Service time factor

4.3.1 Consumer satisfaction based on Seller’s response

Seller's Response

Strongly Agree
71% Strongly Disagree

Figure: graph represents consumer satisfaction on seller’s response

Seller’s response

Frequency Percent Percent

Strongly Agree 71 71 71

Agree 28 28 99

Neutral 1 1 100

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 100.0 100.0

The table represents consumer satisfaction on seller’s response

On the research paper, for the statement “consumer satisfaction on seller’s response” among
100% respondents 71% respondents were strongly agree with seller’s quick response, 28%
respondents were agreed ,1% respondents were neutral and 0% respondents were disagreed and
0% strongly disagree. So, it can be said that customers’ satisfaction is more influenced by
seller’s quick response and behavior.

4.3.2 Consumer satisfaction based on time duration of reach the product

Time duration

Strongly Agree
60% Disagree
Strongly Disagree

Figure: graph represents consumer satisfaction on time duration of reach the product
Time Duration

Frequency Percent Percent

Strongly Agree 60 60 60

Agree 16 16 76

Neutral 17 17 93

Disagree 04 04 97

Strongly Disagree 03 03 100.0

Total 100.0 100.0

The table represents consumer satisfaction on time duration of reach the product

On the research paper, for the statement “consumer satisfaction on time duration” among 100%
respondents 60% respondents were strongly agree, 16% respondents were agree, 17%
respondents were neutral and 04% respondents were disagree and 03% strongly disagree. So it
can be said that customers’ satisfaction is more influenced by duration of time to reach the

4.4 Accessibility Factor & Reliability

4.4.1 Consumers satisfaction based on availability of the service or
expand their product transfer area

availability of the service or expand their

product transfer area

7% Strongly Agree
2% Agree
13% Neutral
Strongly disagree

Figure: graph represents consumer satisfaction availability of the service or expand their
product transfer area
Availability of the product or expand transfer area

Frequency Percent Percent

Strongly Agree 69 69 69

Agree 13 13 82

Neutral 02 02 84

Disagree 07 07 91

Strongly Disagree 09 09 100.0

Total 100.0 100.0

The table represents consumer satisfaction availability of the product or expand transfer
area of the product
On the research paper, for the statement “availability of the product or expand transfer area of
product affects consumer satisfaction” 69% of respondents were Strongly agree, 13%
respondents were agreed, 02% were neutral, 07% were disagree and 09% were Strongly
Disagree with the statement. So, it can be said that some consumer think that availability of the
product or expand product transfer area is important.

4.4.2 Consumer satisfaction based on online information

Online information

12% Strongly Agree
23% 58% Disagree
Strongly disagree

Figure: graph represents consumer satisfaction based on online information

Online information

Frequency Percent Percent

Strongly Agree 58 58 58

Agree 23 23 81

Neutral 12 12 93

Disagree 02 02 95

Strongly Disagree 05 05 100

Total 100.0 100.0

The table represents consumer satisfaction on online information

On the research paper for the statement “Online information from online pages or sites make you
more satisfied” 58% respondents were strongly agreed ,23% respondents were agreed and 12%
respondents were neutral, 05% were strongly disagree and 02% were disagree about the
statement. Though maximum portion of the consumer’s satisfaction is influenced by the
availability of online information at online site and pages but other portions are also influenced.
Someone thinks that pages owner has increase the like by helping of their friends and relatives.

4.5 Pricing factor

4.5.1 Customer satisfaction based on product price


Strongly Agree

42% Agree
Strongly Disagree


Figure: graph represents consumer satisfaction on price


Frequency Percent Percent

strongly agree 42 42 42

Agree 30 30 72

Neutral 11 11 83

Disagree 12 12 92

Strongly disagree 5 5 100.0

Total 100.0 100.0

The table represents consumer satisfaction on price

Among all respondents 100% respondents 42 % were strongly agreed ,30% respondents were
agreed, 11% were neutral, 12% were disagreed and 05% were strongly disagreed with the
statement “price influence customer satisfaction in online shopping”. Whereas the large portion
of the respondents were strongly agreed about the statement. some consumer think that as it’s an
easy and time saving way and no bargaining problem so sometimes high price is fair. So, it can
be said that price influence customer satisfaction.

4.5.1 Customer satisfaction based on product discount


23% Strongly Agree


5% Neutral
1% 59% Disagree
12% Strongly Disagree

Figure: graph represents consumer satisfaction on discount


Frequency Percent Percent

Strongly agree 59 59 59

Agree 12 12 71

Neutral 01 01 72

Disagree 05 05 77

23 23 100.0

Total 100.0 100.0

The table represents consumer satisfaction on discount

Among all respondents 100% respondents 59% were strongly agreed ,12% respondents were
agreed, 01% were neutral, 05% were disagreed and 23% were strongly disagreed with the
statement “discount influence customer satisfaction in online shopping”. Whereas the large
portion of the respondents were strongly agreed about the statement. On the other-hand some
consumer think that discounted product is not so much good like regular product. So, we can be
said that discount influence customer satisfaction.

4.6 Consumer Satisfaction factor

4.6.1 Satisfied with the present service of online site or page or
groups where customers purchase their products

Present Service


Strongly Agree

43% Agree
57% Disagree
Strongly Disagree

Figure: graph represents consumer satisfaction in present service

Present service
Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent

strongly agree 57 57 57

Agree 43 43 100

Neutral 0 0

Disagree 0 0

Strongly disagree 0 0

Total 100 100.0

The table represents consumer satisfaction in present service

On the research paper finally, a statement was stated that “You are satisfied with the recent
service”. On this statement 57% respondents were strongly agreed, 43% respondents were
agreed, 0% respondents were neutral, 0% respondents were disagreed and 0% respondents were
strongly disagreed. As maximum portion presented that they are satisfied with the present
service. As the present service is good so hope that in future, they will create a new dimension in
online business

4.6.2 Customers will continue to purchase same online page or
group or site in future

Future purchase

21% 22%
Strongly Agree
21% 20%
Strongly Disagree


Figure: graph represents consumer will continue to purchase same online pages or site in

Future Purchase
Frequency Percent Percent

strongly agree 22 22 22

Agree 20 20 42

Neutral 16 16 58

Disagree 21 21 79

Strongly disagree 21 21 100

Total 100 100.0

The table represents consumer will continue to purchase same online pages or site in future

On the research paper statement was stated that “if you are satisfied with the recent service you
will purchase from the same online sites in future”. On this statement 22% respondents were
strongly agreed ,20% respondents were agreed, 16% respondents were neutral, 21% respondents
were disagreed and 21% respondents were strongly disagreed. There were mixed opinion. Some
consumer think that different page or site can give different product. So, purchase only one or
same site or page it’s not like that.

4.6.3 Customers will recommend the site or page or group to others

Recommend to others

12% 0%
Strongly Agree
47% Neutral
Strongly Disagree

Figure: graph represents respondents will recommend to others

Recommend to others
Frequency Percent Percent

Strongly agree 47 47 47

Agree 41 41 88

Neutral 12 12 100

Disagree 0 0

Strongly disagree 0 0

Frequency Percent Percent

Strongly agree 47 47 47

Agree 41 41 88

Neutral 12 12 100

Disagree 0 0

Strongly disagree 0 0

Total 100.0 100.0

The table represents respondents will recommend to others

For the statement “You will recommend the online sites to others” 47% respondents were
strongly agreed, 41% respondents were agreed, 12% respondents were neutral and 0%
respondents were disagreed and strongly disagree with the statement. So here it is presented that
47% respondents said that they will recommend the good online page or site to others where they
purchase their product.

Chapter 05


5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation

At the end of this project work it can be said that consumers’ satisfaction in online shopping
depends on quality factor, service time factor and accessibility factor and price factor. It has been
found that for the “quality factor”, people are more concern on product’s quality and
sustainability of the products. For the “service time factors” consumers’ satisfaction is affected
by seller’s response, sellers punctuality and duration to reach the product (timing)’. If duration of
reach the product is delay then seller’s responsibility is to inform his customers with manner that
sir/mam we are sorry for delay, it is a technical problem. Then consumer think they are serious
about them.

Accessibility is a big factor for online shopping. Sometimes many pages do not deliver their
product outside the Dhaka. So, location is an important factor. On the other hand, online
information is very important as customer have no enough time to seek information from others
sources or limited time to shopping. So how much people like these sites products or how was
the previous reviews about the products quality, price and other things of the pages are the
important matter of online shopping. Cost transparency is another fact. Every consumer has not
the same affordability power to purchase products, so price is a big fact in online shopping. But
good products price is high, it’s another logic for high price. Some consumer think that good
price, good product. If the present service is more or less good then try to develop their week
points so that in future consumer can depends on their site or page.

These factors can play an important role to develop the online shopping. By emphasizing on
these factors along with other relevant factors consumers’ satisfaction can be increased in online
shopping. People can trust these pages and in future the percentage of online shopping will be
increased. Satisfied customers can be recommended to these sites or pages to others. So, it has a
big scope to develop the service quality of online shopping.

Chapter 06


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6.2 Appendix
Factors influencing consumer satisfaction in online shopping

Dear Valued Respondents,

I am a student of Department of Business Administration of East West University. I am conducting a
research required for Project (BUS498) on factors influencing consumer satisfaction in online shopping.
Here 1= strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree. Please be rest assured that your identity will remain
anonymous and your responses to the survey will be held in strict confidence and used for academic
purposes only. Your precious time and valuable response is important. Thank you for your cooperation.

Section A: Respondent’s Demography

Please tick () in the appropriate space below
1.What’s your gender?
I. Female II. Male
2.What’s your age?
I. 18-24 II. 25-34 III. 35-44 IV. above 44
3.What is your current occupation?

I. Student II. Financial industry III. Freelancer IV. Others

4. What is your current monthly income?
I. TK 3,001-TK 4,000 II. TK 4,001- TK 5,000 III. TK 5,001- TK 6,000
IV. TK 6,001- TK 7,000 V. More than TK 7,000
5. Why are you choosing shop online?
I. Very convenience and time saving II. Low price III. Products variety
IV. You can buy the rare products here V. Others
6.What is your degree of education currently?
I. Bachelor Degree II. Master Degree/MBA III. Above Master Degree
4.What is your current occupation?
I. Student II. Financial industry III. Freelancer IV. Others

Section A: Quality Factor
No. Description Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

1 I am generally satisfied with the product quality 1 2 3 4 5

among these online sites or pages.
2 The product sustainability is important when
you shopping online
3 You will tell your friends or return the products if 1 2 3 4 5
you are not satisfied with the sustainability of the
4 Differences between real and expected product’s 1 2 3 4 5
quality affects your satisfaction

Section B: Service Time Factors

No. Description Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

1 Speed of delivery is important to you 1 2 3 4 5

2 I am satisfied with the speed of delivery for online 1 2 3 4 5

3 Sellers response and service quality of sellers is 1 2 3 4 5
4 You will not repurchase the products again and not 1 2 3 4 5
recommended to others to purchase in this site or
page if they delay to deliver the product

Section C: Price Factor

No. Description Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

1 I am generally satisfied with the price among 1 2 3 4 5

these online shops
2 Online discount price affects your shopping 1 2 3 4 5

Section D: Accessibility Factors

No. Description Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
1 Availability of the service or expand their product 1 2 3 4 5
transfer area affects your satisfaction

2 Online information regarding online site or page 1 2 3 4 5
makes you more satisfied and reliable
3 If an online site or page deals with your 1 2 3 4 5
complaints very well it affects your satisfaction
4 Cost transparency at different area makes you 1 2 3 4 5

Section E: Consumer Satisfaction

No. Description Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

1 You are overall satisfied with your experience of 1 2 3 4 5

shopping online.
2 You will buy the products again from the same 1 2 3 4 5
site or page in future if you are satisfied with

3 You will recommend the online sites or pages 1 2 3 4 5

4 Do you think online shopping is better than

previous local market shopping ?


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