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Southern Luzon State University

Dual Training and Livelihood Center

Lucena Campus

VISION STATEMENT: A 21stCentury state university providing a student-centered learning

experience, preparing graduates in their chosen profession, creating and disseminating
knowledge in the service to the communities, the nation, and the world

MISSION STATEMENT: The University is committed to prepare its students for a rapidly
changing world by providing a quality education. It shall also increase the knowledge base
through research; convert new intellectual property into economic development; and provide
expertise and innovative solutions to business, governments, and others who seek assistance.


GO – God-loving
S – Service-oriented
L – Leadership by Example
S – Sustained Passion of Excellence
U – Undiminished Commitment to Peace and Environment Advocacy.


Lucena Campus Objectives:

1.To provide students the opportunities to become mature and responsible persons with the
values embodied in the college’s mission statement as evident in their innovative and active
response psychologically, spiritually and develop environmentally sound and market-driven
technologists at par with international standards.
2. To instill relevant and responsive academic programs and professional trainings that will
enhance graduates for national development.
3. To prepare and train the students for appropriate competency standards by providing
relevant programs, competent faculty, modern facilities, expand linkages for productivity
enhancement and community empowerment.
4. To develop students as leaders, practitioners and to become globally competitive individuals

Program Educational Objectives

(General Education- Natural Science. CMO no. 59.s.1996) 1 2 3 4

1 Increase the student’s scientific literacy and their capacity to

√ √ √ √
approach scientific materials intelligence.

2 Convey the student’s general understanding of science as a way of

√ √ √ √
looking at the world.

Course Code/Course Title Date Date Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Effective Revised
GEC 08-Science, Prof. Celio P. Seco Engr. Ma. Rossana De DR. FREDIRECK T. VILLA
Technology and Society August None Subject Teacher Veluz Campus Director
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2019 Dean Engineering

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 1

1. Course Code: GEC08

2. Course Title: Science, Technology and Society
3. Pre-Requisite: None
4. Co-Requisite: None
5. Credit/Class Schedule: 3 units: 3 lecture hours per week
6. Course Description:

The course deals with interactions between science and technology and social,
cultural, political, and economic contexts that shape and are shaped by them. (CMO No.
20, series of 2013)

This interdisciplinary course engages students to confront the realities brought

about by science and technology in society. Such realities pervade the personal, the
public, and the global aspects of our living and are integral to human development.
Scientific knowledge and technological development happen in the context of society
with all its socio-political, cultural, economic, and philosophical underpinnings at play.
This course seeks to instill reflective knowledge in the students that they are able to live
the good life and display ethical decision making in the face of scientific and
technological advancement.

This course includes mandatory topics on climate change and environmental

7. Program Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

Program Outcomes Educational
(Natural Sciences) Objectives
1 2
a An ability to apply knowledge of natural sciences appropriate to the / /
field of practice.
b An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and / /
interpret data.
c An ability to work effectively in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural / /
d An ability to identify, formulate, and solve a real world / /
Situation problems.
e Recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility. / /
f An ability to express ideas effectively in verbal and non-verbal / /
g An understanding of the effects of science and technology in a / /
comprehensive context.
h An ability to engage in life-long learning and an understanding of the / /
need to keep abreast of the current developments in the specific field of

Course Code/Course Title Date Date Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Effective Revised
GEC 08-Science, Prof. Celio P. Seco Engr. Ma. Rossana De DR. FREDIRECK T. VILLA
Technology and Society August None Subject Teacher Veluz Campus Director
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2019 Dean Engineering

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 1
8. Course Objectives and Relationship to Program Outcomes:

Program Outcomes
Course Objectives
a b C d e f g h
1 To familiarize oneself with the university’s VMGO / / / / / / / /
2 To inculcate among students the value of seven (7) / / / / / / / /
Environmental Principles (EP’s).
2 Discuss the interactions between S&T and society / / / / / / / /
throughout history.
3 Discuss how scientific and technological / / / / / / / /
developments affect society and the
4 Identify the paradigm shifts in history / / / / / / / /
5 Articulate ways by which society is transformed by / / / / / / / /
science and technology.
6 Discuss the role of Science and Technology in / / / / / / /
Philippine nation building.
7 Evaluate government policies pertaining to science / / / / / / / /
and technology in terms of their contributions to
nation building.
8 Identify actual science andtechnology policies of the / / / / / / / /
government and appraise their impact on the
development of the Filipino nation.
9 Analyze the human condition in order to deeply / / / / / / / /
reflect and express philosophical ramifications that
are meaningful to the student as a part of society.
10 Critique human flourishing vis-àvis the progress of / / / / / / / /
science and technology so that the student can define
for himself/herself the meaning of good life.
11 Examine shared concerns that make up the good life / / / / / / / /
in order to come up with innovative, creative
solutions to contemporary issues guided by ethical
12 Examine human rights in order to uphold such rights / / / / / / / /
in technological ethical dilemmas.
13 Evaluate contemporary human experience in order to / / / / / / / /
strengthen and enlighten the human person
functioning in society.
14 Find and examine local government policies that / / / / / / / /
protect the wellbeing of the person in the face of
new technologies.
15 Link learned concepts to the development of the / / / / / / / /
information age and its impact on society.
16 Illustrate how the social media and the information / / / / / / / /
age have impacted our lives.
17 Determine the interrelatedness of society, / / / / / / / /
environment, and health.
18 Discuss the ethics and implications of GMOs and / / / / / / / /
potential future impacts.
19 Discuss the major impacts (both potential and realize / / / / / / / /
of nanotechnology on society.

20 Analyze the issue through the conceptual STS lenses / / / / / / / /

Course Code/Course Title Date Date Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Effective Revised
GEC 08-Science, Prof. Celio P. Seco Engr. Ma. Rossana De DR. FREDIRECK T. VILLA
Technology and Society August None Subject Teacher Veluz Campus Director
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2019 Dean Engineering

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 1
21 Critique the issue on its costs and benefits to / / / / / / / /
22 Describe gene therapy and its various forms. / / / / / / / /
23 Assess the issue’s potential benefits and detriments / / / / / / / /
to global health.
24 Identify the causes of climate change. / / / / / / / /
25 Assess the various impacts of climate change / / / / / / / /
including economic, geopolitical, biological,
26 Apply STS concepts to the issue of climate change. / / / / / / / /

9. Course Outline and Timeframe:

A. Orientation
 Dark Green School VMGO
 Seven Environmental Principles
 Classroom Policies & Grading System
 Introduction of the Subject
B. Historical antecedents in which social considerations changed the course of
science and technology
 In the World:
2 a. Ancient Times
b. Middle Age
c. Modern Ages
 In the Philippines
C. Some intellectuals and their revolutionary ideas
 Copernican
 Darwinian
 Freudian

3 D. Development of Science in
 Meso-American
 Asian
 Middle East
 African

E. Science and Technology and nation building

 Brief historical background of STS in the Philippines
 The Philippine Government S & T Agenda
 The Philippine government policies on STS
 Major development programs and personalities in STS in the Philippines

F. Science Education in the Philippines

 Concept of science education
 Science education in basic and tertiary education
 Science schools in the Philippines

G. Indigenous Science and Technology in the Philippines

 Indigenous knowledge System
 Indigenous science
H. The Human Person flourishing in terms of science and technology
 Science, Technology and human flourishing

Course Code/Course Title Date Date Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Effective Revised
GEC 08-Science, Prof. Celio P. Seco Engr. Ma. Rossana De DR. FREDIRECK T. VILLA
Technology and Society August None Subject Teacher Veluz Campus Director
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2019 Dean Engineering

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 1
 Science as methods and results
 Verification theory
 Falsification theory
 Science as a social endeavor
 Science and results
 Science as education
 How much is too much?

I. Technology as a way of revealing

 The human condition before common era
 The human condition in the common era
 The essence of technology
 Backtracking in human condition
J. The Good Life
 Aristotle and how we all aspire for a good life
 Happiness as the goal of a good life
 Materialism
 Hedonism
 Stoicism
 Theism
 Humanism
K. When technology and humanity cross
 Television sets, mobile phones, computers and humanity
 Roles played by technological advancements
10-11  Ethical dilemma faced by technological advancements
 Robotics and humanity
 Roles played by robotics
 Ethical dilemma/s faced by robotics
L. The Information Age
 History
 Computer
 The world wide web
 Applications of computers in science and research
 How to check the reliability of web sources
M. Biodiversity and the healthy society
 Biodiversity and ecosystem
 Changes in biodiversity
 Threats to biodiversity
 Consequence of biodiversity loss
 Nutritional impact of biodiversity
 Health, biology, and biodiversity
 Environment-related illness
N. Genetically Modified Organisms: Science, Health and Politics
 GMO in food and agricultural industries
 GMO in non-food crops and microorganisms
 Benefits of GMOs
 Potential risks of GMOs
 Potential environmental risks caused by GMOs
 Potential human health risks caused by GMOs
 Biosafety on GMOs
 GMOs in Philippine context

Course Code/Course Title Date Date Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Effective Revised
GEC 08-Science, Prof. Celio P. Seco Engr. Ma. Rossana De DR. FREDIRECK T. VILLA
Technology and Society August None Subject Teacher Veluz Campus Director
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2019 Dean Engineering

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 1
O. The Nano world
 Size of nanoscale
 How to view nanomaterials?
 NanoManufacturing
16  Distinct features of nanoscale
 Government funding for nanotechnology in different countries
 Benefits and concerns of using nanotechnology
 Social and ethical considerations in conducting research on
P. Gene therapy, Culminating Activity
 Basic process
 Two type of gene therapy
 Stem cell gene therapy
 The bioethics of gene therapy
Q. Climate Change
 Causes of climate change
 Effects of climate change on society

R. Environmental Awareness


10. Reference

Serafica, Janice Patricia J., Pawilene, Greg T., Caslib Jr., Bernardo N., Alata, Eden Joy P.
Science and Technology and Society, 1st ed. 84-86 P. Florentino St. , Sta Mesa Heights,
Quezon City. Rex Printing Company, Inc.

11. Suggested Reading and Other Materials:

Anderson, Philip W. “More is Different—One More Time,” in More is Different: Fifty

Years of Condensed Matter Physics, ed. N. Phuan Ong and Ravin N. Bhatt, Princeton
University Press, 2001.

Balakrishnan, Janaki and B V Sreekantan, eds. Nature’s Longest Threads: New Frontiers
in the Mathematics and Physics of Information in Biology, World Scientific, 2014.

Caoli, Olivia. “A History of Science and Technology of the Philippines,” in Analysis of

Conditions for National Scientific and Technological Self-Reliance: The Philippine
Situation, Quezon City: University of the Philippines, 1986.

Dayrit, Fabian. “Sustainable Development: An Evolving Paradigm for the 21st Century,”
in Stellar Origins, Human Ways: Readings in Science, Technology, and Society, ed. Ma.
Assunta Cuyegkeng, Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2011.

Ecker, David J. Germ Catcher, Scientific American, 2014.

Floridi, Luciano. The FourthRevolution: How the Infosphere is Reshaping Human
Reality, Oxford University Press, 2014.

Feynman, Richard. “The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: What Is and What should be
the role of scientific culture in modern society” in The Best Short Works of Richard
Feynman, pp. 97–115, Perseus Books,1999.

Course Code/Course Title Date Date Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Effective Revised
GEC 08-Science, Prof. Celio P. Seco Engr. Ma. Rossana De DR. FREDIRECK T. VILLA
Technology and Society August None Subject Teacher Veluz Campus Director
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2019 Dean Engineering

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 1
Gripaldo, Rolando. “The Concepts of the Public Good: A View from the Filipino
Philosopher” in The Making of a Filipino Philosopher and Other Essays, pp. 82-100,
National Bookstore, 2009.

Heidegger, Martin. The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays,

HarperCollins, 1982.

Hickel, Jason. “Forget ‘developing’ poor countries, it’s time to ‘de-develop’ rich
countries,” The Guardian, Online:
Lehrer, Jonah. How We Decide, Mariner Books, 2010.

Maboloc, Christopher Ryan. “Eudaimonia and Human Flourishing” in Ethics and Human
Dignity, 15-23, Rex Bookstore, 2010.

McNamara, Daniel J. in “A Return to the Beginning,” in Stellar Origins, Human Ways:

Readings in Science, Technology, and Society, ed. Ma. Assunta Cuyegkeng, Quezon
City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2011.

Rodriguez, Socorro M. “Philippine Science and Technology: Economic, Political and

Social Events Shaping Their Development,” 1996

Von Baeyer, Hans Christian, Information: The New Language of Science, Harvard
University Press, 2005.

12. Course Requirements:

a. Major Examinations
b. Quizzes
c. Group Project Presentation, Case Study, Book Report

13. Grading System:

Students must at least obtain 60% passing score or better in order to pass the
course. Course work is weighed as follows:

Lecture Weight
Major Examinations 30%
Quizzes 20%
Performance 50%
Total 100%

14. Classroom Policies:

 Grave misconduct and/ or cheating during examinations

 Unexcused absences of more than 20% of required number of meetings per term
 A failing academic standing and failure to take the final exam.

15. Consultation Hours:

Course Code/Course Title Date Date Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Effective Revised
GEC 08-Science, Prof. Celio P. Seco Engr. Ma. Rossana De DR. FREDIRECK T. VILLA
Technology and Society August None Subject Teacher Veluz Campus Director
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2019 Dean Engineering

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 1
16. Course Outcomes and Relationship to Course Objectives/ Program Outcomes:

Course Outcomes
Course Objectives and Program Outcomes
A student completing this course should at the
minimum be able to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 a b c d e f g h

Course Code/Course Title Date Date Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Effective Revised
GEC 08-Science, Prof. Celio P. Seco Engr. Ma. Rossana De DR. FREDIRECK T. VILLA
Technology and Society August None Subject Teacher Veluz Campus Director
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2019 Dean Engineering

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 1
1 Introduce the SLSU VMGO’s; Dark Green / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
2 Articulate the impacts of science and technology / / / / / / / / / / / / /
on society, specifically Philippine society
3 Explain how science and technology affect / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
society and the environment and its role in

4 Analyze the human condition in order to deeply / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

reflect and express philosophical ramifications
that are meaningful to the student as a part of
5 Define and demonstrate the impact of social / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
media on the students’ life and Philippine
society in general
6 Imbibe the importance of science and / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
technology in the preservation of the
environment and the development of the
Filipino nation
7 Critique human flourishing vis-à-vis the / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
progress of science and technology such that the
student may be able to define for himself/herself
the meaning of the good life
8 Foster the value of a healthy lifestyle toward the / / / / / / / / / / / / /
holistic and sustainable development of society
and the environment
9 Creatively present the importance and / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
contributions of science and technology to
10 Examine shared concerns that make up the good / / / / / / / / / / / / /
life in order to come up with innovative and
creative solutions to contemporary issues guided
by ethical standards
11 Illustrate how the social media and information / / / / / / / / / / / / /
age impact their lives and their understanding of
climate change

Course Code/Course Title Date Date Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Effective Revised
GEC 08-Science, Prof. Celio P. Seco Engr. Ma. Rossana De DR. FREDIRECK T. VILLA
Technology and Society August None Subject Teacher Veluz Campus Director
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2019 Dean Engineering

AA-INS-1.02F2, Rev. 1

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