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Good Morning to you all,

To our principal, to the School directress, Teachers, Parents, and fellow

students, Thank you, for you all are a big part of this unforgettable journey.
Today, we just acknowledged the hard work of our teachers, parents and
Sto. Nino de Eucharistia Academy is the school that showed me the importance
of the second language, made me a better student, and it is the school where I
built happy or even sad memories, all of them are memorable. Others grew
together with their friends here and some built the best friendships in less than 9
months. Some of us may have been studying here since we were young and some
have just been here this school year, yet we were all taught good values and that
is something we owe to our school and parents. We had all made mistakes and
they were there to let us see that it was just a valuable lesson. We should all be
thankful for we had the chance to meet people we never thought would be in our
Lastly, I would like to thank God, for giving us this opportunity to live our lives
while Heguides us through it. Like John Kennedy once said, “We must find time
to stop and thank the people who made a difference in our life.” Once again, from
the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone that completed my adventure.

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