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Checking of the following: W: Ma’am would you like to try ____________ to

- Condition of tables and chair compliment to your dish?
- Sanitary Items G: (Yes/No)
- Clean and sanitized table appointments How about _____________?
- Flower arrangements G: (Yes/No)
- Filling Condiments W: Thank you Ma’am/Sir may I repeat your order,
- Condition of Menu Card You ordered __________________________
- Knowledge for the menu of the day. Is that correct Ma’am/Sir?
G: Yes.
WELCOMING THE GUEST W: Thank You Ma’am/Sir May I take the menu card?
Waiter: Good morning Ma’am and Sir, G: Yes Sure!
Welcome to Romantico Resto.
Do you have any reservation? WINE SERVING (on the left side of the guest)
Guest: None. W: Excuse me Ma’am/Sir would you like some
W: May I suggest a table for you Ma’am and Sir? drinks? Here is our wine list for your selection.
G: Yes please! May I take your order Maám/Sir?
W: Table for how many Ma’am/Sir? G: Yes I’d like to have _________________.
G: For 4. W: May I repeat your order Maám/Sir you ordered
W: Smoking or Non-Smoking ___________ would that be all?
G: Non-Smoking. G: Yes.
W: This way please (stretch your arms to the guest) W: Would you like to serve your drinks after the
Will this place be alright with you Ma’am/Sir? main course?
G: Yes. Thank You. G: I will give you a signal.
W: Excuse me Ma’am/Sir you food will be serve for
SEATING THE GUEST 10-15 mins. Would that be alright will you?
W: Please have a seat G: Yes.

UNFOLDING THE NAPKIN (right side of the guest) SERVING THE FOOD (on the right side of the guest)
W: Excuse me Maám/Sir, may I unfold the napkin W: Excuse me Maám/Sir here is your __________
for you? G: Thank you.
G: Yes.
CLEARING THE TABLE (on the left side)
SERVING WATER (right side of the guest) W: Excuse me Maám/Sir may I clear the table for
W: Would you like to have a glass of water you.
Ma’am/Sir? G: Yes please.
G: Yes please.
W: Excuse me Ma’am/ Sir. PRESENTING THE WINE
W: Excuse me Maám/Sir may I present to you your
PRESENTING THE MENU CARD order of ___________with a very good vintage
W: Excuse me Ma’am/Sir here is our menu card for year of ___ years with an alcohol content of
your selection. ____ alcohol per volume. It has _______ ml with a
W: Excuse me Ma’am/Sir would you like to have very good fragrant of __________________.
your bread now? W: Should I open it Maám/Sir?
G: Yes.
W: Excuse me Ma’am/Sir I’ll be back to serve your OPENING THE BOTTLE OF WINE USING CORK
bread. W: Here is the cork for your confirmation.
Would you like to try the wine now Sir/Maám?
SERVING APPETIZER (on the left side of the guest) G: Yes.
W: Enjoy your meal Maám/Sir.
W: Excuse me Ma’am/Sir here is your Spring Rolls Please call me if you need any assistance.
for your appetizer.
G: Thank you.
W: Excuse me Ma’am/Sir do need anything else? PRESENTING THE BILL
G: No. I’m alright (the guest will give a hand signal)
W: I’ll be Back to get your order. W: Excuse me Ma’am/Sir, how would you like to
pay your bill? Would it be cash or credit card?
ORDER TAKING (right side of the guest) Here is your bill.
W: Excuse me Ma’am/Sir may I take your order (Step a backward)
now? G: I will pay by cash. Here.
Our today’s menu is _________________ and W: I receive ___________ I’ll be back for your
our soup for the day is ______________. change. Excuse me Maám/Sir here is your change.
G: Yes Thank you Maám/Sir hope you enjoy your
________________________________________. staying with us. We look forward for your next visit.

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