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Grammar 1B

Name: ______________ Teacher: _______________ Date: ____________ Score: ___/55=___%

I. Underline the correct word for each naming word. (10 pts.)

1. spoon (he, she, it) 6. Teddy (he, she, it)

2. sister (he, she, it) 7. fish (he, she, it)
3. ant (he, she, it) 8. bell (he, she, it)
4. Rose (he, she, it) 9. father (he, she, it)
5. Joseph (he, she, it) 10. Anna (he, she, it)

II. Write I , You, We or They on the blanks. (10 pts.)

1. My name is Cherry. __________ am a fat girl.

2. Jack and Jill are friends. __________ are very good friends.
3. Your name is Jennifer. __________ are a pretty girl.
4. The teachers are in the library. __________ are having a meeting.
5. Mother and I are baking. __________ are baking my birthday cake.
6. My bestfriend and her sister went out. __________ went to SM.
7. My favorite color is pink. __________ have a pink dress.
8. Jenny and Carol came here together. __________ will go back to
Korea together, too.
9. Father and Mother are kind. __________ help me with my
10. My classmates and I are playmates. __________ always play

III. Write has or have on the blanks. (5 pts.)

1. Helen and Anne __________ big baskets.

2. Allan __________ a long rope.
3. The baby __________ a rattle.
4. The girls __________ many ribbons.
5. The students ___________ their dictionaries.

IV. Fill in the blanks with my, your, his, her, our, their or its. (10 pts.)

1. Lily and Mae are very good cooks. __________ pastries are the
2. Danny’s old car is white. __________ new car is blue.
3. We visited Dan yesterday. He is __________ Korean friend.
4. I have old bags at home. I don’t use __________ old bags very
5. Where are __________ parents going? Will they bring you with
6. Is this Anna’s ruler? I saw it on top of __________ desk.
7. Karen showed me __________ expensive watch. She bought it last
8. We should always keep __________ promises.
9. The puppy feels cold. Put it back in __________ basket.
10. The pencil has a cover. __________ cover is very pretty.

V. Circle the describing word in the sentence. (10 pts.)

1. The girls are pretty. 6. I have a beautiful pen.

2. The lazy dog sleeps all day. 7. That table is hard.

3. Liza is wearing a long skirt. 8. Always wear clean clothes.

4. That small hut is on the hill. 9. I want to be a tall boy.

5. The students are noisy. 10. We are all happy to play.

VI. Match the words that have the same meaning. Write the letter of
your answer on the blank. (5 pts.)

_____ 1. sad a. tidy

_____ 2. small b. glad
_____ 3. happy c. tiny
_____ 4. pretty d. lonely
_____ 5. clean e. beautiful

VII. Match the words that have different meanings. Write the letter of
your answer on the blank. (5 pts.)

_____ 1. fat a. ugly

_____ 2. pretty b. lonely
_____ 3. long c. dirty
_____ 4. clean d. thin
_____ 5. happy e. short

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